
The game had begun.
Moo was on Marcus, she was on Kota, and the armored man had the ball. The game began with a leap; the hospitaller leaping straight over the captain's head towards the net. One would've thought that he was attempting a half-court dunk, but he passed the ball as soon as he reached the arc of his jump. It slammed into the floor, rebounded into the fox's hands, and Demeter's eyes locked onto it, immediately. She kept pace with Kota, ready to intercept his shot mid-arc with her [Wilt & Bloom] technique.
So much so that she didn't even notice the newcomer racing onto the court.
The new girl leapt up outta nowhere and smacked the ball off-course. That... that definitely seemed like a foul or some violation of the rules, but she decided to leave it to the enemy team- or whoever decided that they wanted to ref the game- to call it. The new girl gave her an opportunity and she was about to take it. Without a sound, Demeter vanished from her current position and reappeared in new path of the ball with no blur of green left between. The others could decide for themselves whether they thought that was a burst of absurd speed or preternatural movement. The ball came to a stop in her hands with a loud smack before her sneakers crashed back down onto the court. It met the floor once as Demeter locked eyes with the coach and reaffirmed everyone else's positions.
The moment it returned to her hands, in a blur of motion, she'd pass it off to Moo.
(Rolled a 5 in discord)