- Group
- Dice
- Quests
“I’m here! I’m here!!” Miiya had layered her competition shorts and top underneath before the tutoring session and was pulling off her uniform as she landed and rushed toward the track. Tossing her satchel aside, she took her position among the other runners on the starting blocks. It had been a near thing, but she had just made it in time for the 100-meter dash--her first event. She didn’t have time to check the stands to see if anyone had shown up to cheer her on. She barely had time to size up her competition. They all looked pretty normal; a mix of humans, fae, and beastmen. The latter were usually dominant; many of them were significantly faster than most humans and elves. All runners were required to make the races on two legs when it was a mixed competition like this one, and that sometimes reduced the animalistic humanoids’ edge.
Miiya took particular note of the beastman beside her. She was quite tall and lean with thin twisted horns atop her head. Yesterday the team captain had warned that one of the other schools’ runners was really fast. Miiya wondered if it was gazelle-girl on the blocks beside her.
The starter pistol cracked and--yes--Miiya realized that her guess was correct. Holy frett she’s fast!! The Aerial thought as she pounded down the track, falling well behind the long-legged beastgirl. The Aerial just didn’t have the muscle mass to hit much of a top speed in the sprints, and the races were too short for her extreme cardio ability to come into play. She’d argued with the captain about putting her in ALL the running events, but the club was short on members and the stronger fast kids had been tasked with vaults, jumps, and hurdles--Miiya being too short to clear the high hurdles without using her wings.
Miiya barely managed to come in 4th in the 100M, but she wasn’t all that perturbed. She never won the short sprints, but anything over 200 meters was a different story, as she could sprint full-out for an entire marathon and not even be breathing hard.
Still, Gazelle girl was really fast, and Miiya decided to say so. “Wow! Yew sure can run!” She said with a smile, walking up to her competitor after the first race. “They told me I’d have some competition this time, and they were right!”
“You think you’re in the same league as me?” The girl sniffed haughtily. “Hardly.” she tossed her dun-colored mane. “See you when you finish the next race.” She sneered before trotting off.
“Rude,” Miiya said to herself as she frowned. She normally didn’t mind a little shu-talking from competitors, but today had been a rough one. She really didn’t need more pressure out here on the track.
“Hey! Who dropped their **** on the field?!” The shouts of the team manager didn’t do anything to alleviate the pressure on the birdgirl. “Miiya, Jesus, it’s a home meet; at least use the damn lockers if you’re not gonna show up on time!”
Miiya gritted her teeth and hurried, head down, to collect the gear she’d dropped with a “sorry, sorry.”
Miiya placed second in the 500m sprint, but she came in quite a few seconds behind the taller runner. The rest of the field was left significantly far behind, none of them having the ability sprint flat-out for a half-kilometer. That’s the last time I’m losing to-goddamn-day Miiya thought to herself. She was feeling a little better for the exertion, but all the weight of the day was still pressing down on her. “Hey, thanks for waiting!” Miiya said, a little less amiably than she meant to, as she approached the tall girl again. “That’s the last of the kiddie runs, so next race I’ll return the favor.” Her smile and tone were more pointed than normal, and the gazelle-girl looked nonplussed.
Miiya was feeling angry and fierce. Between events, she gathered with the club members who weren’t warming up for their own events, see how the club was doing. Everyone else was doing well, and it looked like they had a shot at winning enough events to advance to the state semi-finals. “Don’t worry; I’ve got the rest of these in the bag!” Miiya declared to her teammates, with a emphaticness that she substituted for confidence.
Gazelle girl was really fast, and she didn’t show any signs of flagging after 500 meters. Miiya wasn’t wholly sure that the kilometer run would turn out any different. Away from the other teammates, Miiya said as much to the team captain.
“Look, Miiya, we need every win today, okay? So give it everything you’ve got.” The captain encouraged her.[/I][/COLOR]
The 1000m run came up, and Miiya took her position on the track. She was gonna get this one! Miiya stretched and resettled her wings to make sure her circulation was going. A kilometer sprint didn’t really stretch her heart and lungs, she just hoped gazelle-girl would run out of steam so she could catch up. I’ve got this! The start sounded and the runners were off.
Miiya won the 1000m by just a fraction of a second. She trailed the fast, tall girl the entire race, but at the end--unable to sweat to regulate her temperature--the beastgirl had needed to slow down, and Miiya had just managed to pass her. “See? Toldja.” Miiya tossed off as gazelle-girl pulled at her track suit and fanned herself.
The taller girl scowled at the feathered winner. “Enjoy it, birdbrain, that’s your only win today.” she snapped back, angry at herself for not checking her lead. “I could’ve beat you!”
“Butcha didn’t, deerface!” Miiya stuck out her tongue and turned away. I’m sure glad she didn’t look back! Miiya thought to herself as she limped back to her jubilant teammates. She was pretty sure that gazelle-girl had more in the tank, and just a tiny push would have let her win. Miiya had been running flat-out the entire way. She had plenty of cardio capacity left, but her muscles had cramped up from overuse. Miiya could run through the discomfort, but it was a sign that she had no more speed to tap.
Birdgirl and gazellegirl went back to their team areas to stretch and ice down, respectively, before warming up for the 5000m run.[/COLOR][/B]