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Community [March 2025 ComEvent] Isekh High - Group 1: After Hours


Chaos Incarnate
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. Group
  2. Nation Building
  3. Off-site
Group 1
Eeriel Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
Aiko Skyswimsky Skyswimsky
Lona Morgan Revi Revi
Ophánia Ayr Faynorae Faynorae
Echoette SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Marcus Banecroft Maverick Six Maverick Six
Stormbreaker Cutiefly Cutiefly
Miiya Aether Irihi Irihi
Luca Blazeheart DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57
Jethro Noiren Rev IX Rev IX
Nighty night to the rest of the world! At least, a certain except few had found themselves present at Isekh High long after its' lessons should be over and its' gate closed. The lights are off, every hall and classroom dead silent and empty where usual foot-traffic and liveliness of students and staff alike should possess. A silent, somewhat creepy eeriness of the liminal space. Though, it possessed as such a massive and expansive free space to do anything, uninterrupted by the likes of the outside world or others going about their business.

Whether those here got permission to be here for some sort of use of the school's facilities while everyone else was gone, some sort of club or work that gave them permission to be here, or even had snuck in without any permission at all, the empty building of Isekh High was a blank canvas and playground to anyone who had managed themselves the blessing of being able to be here without such supervision.

Although, there was always common school rumors. Hauntings, ghosts, creepy monsters that inhabited the school if you did certain things, went certain places, or were here way past when you were supposed to. Beware any creepy noises, or strange things you might notice, and make sure you clean up afterwards. You don't want staff catching on to you messing about or doing what you shouldn't, and getting in trouble.

Miss Lona Morgan - Chemistry Teacher

There were plenty of things Lona could have been doing on a weekend. Kicking back with a good book, enjoying a night out at some quiet bar with some yakisoba takeout on the way back to her modest apartment, or - more realistically - grading a stack of exams with a bottle of saké and her cat, Garrick, for company.

Instead, she was here.

At the school.

At night.

She adjusted her grip on the small flashlight she had swiped from the chemistry lab. The school at night had a presence, one of those liminal, hollow feelings where the silence wasn't quite right. A place meant to be filled with life, now emptied, its echoes lingering in the walls like ghosts of routine and memory. Not that she believed in ghosts. ...Not that she didn't either.

Lona had a very good reason for being here after hours. The chemical lab inventory needed updating, and as the only person remotely competent enough to keep students from accidentally recreating the more disastrous elements of a crime scene in her lab, the task had naturally fallen to her. Usually, she would have gotten it done during regular hours. Still, there just hadn't been time between tutoring, extra prep for exams, lesson planning, and playing referee in the ongoing saga of high school drama.

So here she was, but the silence had stretched too long, and her mind had started weaving stories into the stillness. She turned the flashlight down the hallway, the beam cutting through the dim.

"Why does it feel like a bad horror movie setup?"

The logical answer was that she was overthinking it. The less rational part of her - the one that had grown up hearing old urban legends - couldn't help but entertain the idea that something about the school felt different at night. Rumours about hauntings, monsters, weird things that only appeared when the halls were empty... It was nonsense. Obviously.

Lona didn't see anyone yet, but she could feel it - those small tells in the air, the way sound carried strangely in the halls, the faintest sensation of someone else's presence lingering beyond her vision. She exhaled sharply through her nose, get ahold of yourself, and gripped the flashlight a little tighter. If this was some group of students using the after-hours access to mess around where they shouldn't, she was going to be sooo unimpressed. At best, it was kids sneaking around. At worst? She'd have to add breaking and entering to her list of school headaches.

"Alright," she muttered to herself. "Let's see who's lurking where they shouldn't be."


< Human > | < Mundane >


The Brain Swap Bento Box.
The Tuesday Curse.
The Mystery of the Talking Deer.
The Midnight-Mind-Thief.
The Cursed Usagi Headband.

The school had many weird, and unresolved, rumors. Yet it was those very same mysteries that attracted even greater minds. And while the completely humanoid Aiko wasn't the brightest tool in the shed, she acquired access to quite a lot of group chats. Like a Dark Knight lurking silently in the night, it was one particular group chat that piqued the occult-loving girl's interest.

Starting as a simple group dedicated to uncover the hidden truth behind the school's enigmatic vice president, the unknown admin shared plenty of theories and a trickle of evidence of the Vice President being an awful person. Yet never more... until today.

'Operation Rabbit Hole', was the current name of the group, and with it came instructions on finding irrefutable evidence of the Vice President's terrible schemes. Step One was simple. Get to Yume's Desk and find the key for a door in the basement that the white-hair seemed to possess! Of course, what was also of importance was the use of protective headgear. A biker helmet padded with tinfoil inside.

Thus, Aiko found herself in an eerie and empty classroom, rummaging through the desk of the school's Vice President: Yume...

[School Diva]

The Daughters of Eve – A Thousand Stars
The warm-light from within the Musical♡Theatre Club Room contrasted starkly with the dark and gloomy, empty hallways of the schoolbuilding. The light shone through the windows into the hallway, making it very clear that the room was in use. Ophánia was only scared of one thing and it definitely wasn't the dark. Her skin, hair and eyes all shimmered and gave off a pale glow during the night, which was a reason why Ophánia preferred the night to the day. However, the room's light was necessary for the operations of the clubroom tonight. The 60s music playing on Ophánia's CD-player drowned out the ambience of the wind, sudden hawking of birds and any other creepy noise which could make one's heart stop—it was one of the many assorted songs her dad burnt onto the CD.

Although to anyone outside of the clubroom; hearing the old, old music echoing from around the corner of a dark hallway would be rather unnerving. Who else would be playing a song they had never once heard of besides a vengeful ghost who died 50 years ago because of some tragic reason.

Well anyway, Ophánia had been sitting there, pushing the next button until she found a song she had not heard in a while. She wanted to listen to something before getting to work; but then, her phone buzzed on her desk. Picking it up, she checked the cover screen; a message, one from the student council president, Hikari. Ophánia smiled as she read it, and quickly flipped her phone open and started tapping away her reply.

Ophenia-senpai! ✨ Do you want to go karaoke later? I’m thinking of dragging Noelle with me! 🎤💖
ttww, of course! (♡°▽°♡)
will fly over when me & ekoet finish painting the props 4 the play~~ ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ
Ekoet can come 2? It will be SO fun~!! \(☆▽☆)/
※ttww = thats the wind's wings (Sylph slang, equivalent to the bee's knees)​

Ophánia flipped her phone closed once she was done typing the message. Why on earth was the [School's Diva], [Idol Trainee] and [Leader of Musical♡Theatre Club] staying behind so late today? Well, it was obvious. To finish the props, costumes and settings for the stageplay of course! They were just about done, so Ophánia wanted to make sure to get them at least half-way done by the end of the day (or well night)—95% would mean only 5% of work left, meaning with everyone there to help tomorrow, they'd be done in a breeze! She had gotten permission from Miss Redhalia after all.

However, notwithstanding her thespian talents, immense singing prowess and incredible technique in dance—Ophánia had little to not talent in the arts. Which was why she needed a lot of help from one of their newest members, Echoette, who was comparatively better than Ophánia in all regard when it came to arts and crafts. Ophánia put down her phone and looked at the silk dress hanging from the clothing rack. It was the main character's dress in the second act where she's turned into a human and Ophánia's task was easy—all she had to do was glue rhinestones here and there on the dress like small little polka dots that would make it glitter in the spotlights.

But Ophánia had searched to and fro all over her yellow desk and the b-7000 tube was no where to be found. She smiled looking at her mess of a desk, littered with her signature puffball pen and heart-shaped notepad; cream-blush; lip-gloss and lip-tint; makeup brushes; her fluffy pencil-bag; vials of glitter; pretty letter-writing paper and the jar of rhinestones she was supposed to glue on the desk—if only the glue was on the desk in the first place. Where was the glue? It wasn't under the desk nor was it stuck to the ceiling. Ophánia checked the shelves and all she found was spools of ribbons and streamers and garlands. No sight of the glue. Glue was incredibly important in bedazzling stage-costumes—after all, sometimes sequins and beadwork didn't have the same razzle-dazzle as rhinestones did.

She breathed a sigh and finally decided maybe bothering Echoette was a good idea, although she didn't want to bother the fawn—it was rude to bother people when they were busy, a las, she called out; "E-cho-ette~♫" She emphasized each syllable, "Do you mayhaps have the b-7000?" She asked cheerfully, speaking as she would usually speak with any other person.

Interactions – Echoette ( SilverFeathers SilverFeathers ); Anyone near the clubroom enough to hear the music.
Mentions – Redhalia ( Develius Develius ); Hikari ( Moonberry Moonberry )​


Commissioned Art by Feerocomics. Art is credited here.

Real Name: Arashi Sato
36 (at the time of death in previous world)
6 (currently)
15 (physically)
42 (chronologically)
Height: 6"3
Titles: Human, Draconian
Human -
Normal human, plain and featureless. A blank slate full of potential.
Draconian - Humans with dragon heritage descended from the dragonborn. The bloodline is heavily diluted, leaving their appearance mostly human, but it grants them superior physical abilities, superhuman healing, magical aptitude, and, more rarely, partial draconic transformation.

Skill Related:
Pro Hero -
Character is a former pro hero in their pre-isekai'd life. They protected innocents and kept the peace.
Strength | C Grade
Precision | H Grade
Intelligence | D Grade
Vitality | C Grade
Speed | D Grade
Abilities Active:
N/A - will be spoilered if ability
Abilities Used: Passives:
Regeneration | F Grade | 6 Posts
Resilient [Fatigue, Pain, Fear] | D Grade | She still feels them but won't suffer from these three effects.
Resistance [Physical] | F Grade | Stormbreaker is resistant to slashing, bludgeoning and piercing damage.
Color: #824ca3 | Link to Sheet

  • Magic Catalyst [Organ] | D Grade | 42 Points
    • Fire today, who knows tomorrow? Good thing it’s fireproof. Probably.
  • Armored Dragon's Armor | D Grade | 21 Points
    • Perfect for any vigilante trying to look menacing and mysterious on a budget. Although the paint on it isn't the best. Caution: may come with the side effect of looking dark and brooding.
  • Natural Weapon [Body] | E Grade | 28 Points
    • Knock, knock! Who’s there? Justice!​
  • Hero's Claymore | E Grade | 14 Points
    • It’s a sword. Big, heavy, and... not much else to say. If you need to slice through a bunch of stuff, this'll do the job. Though it’s not very good at making small talk.​
  • Dragon Scale [Natural Heavy Armor] | D Grade | 42 Points​
    • Natural scaled dragon armor. It's heavy.​

Nobody expected the Draconian to lurk around the classrooms at night time. Given how she was supposed to do detention and how she skipped that to go do other shit. She found herself back in the school, however in her vigilante outfit. Nobody could see through that, however, given how nobody could see her face from her helmet. Her black and purple armor definitely stood out from everyone else. Nobody would know who she was because of this, or so she hoped. So she snuck in through the window of the chemistry classroom, making sure to not make much noise whatsoever. What she didn't expect was Miss Morgan walking down the hall with a flashlight. The draconian made sure to sneak up behind her, although silent.

When the draconian was close, she made herself known. Not like the teacher would know it was her, from the muffled and distorted voice that came through her helmet, plus she intentionally made her voice deeper. Not to mention she looked fairly intimidating now.

"Going somewhere?" She spoke. "I do suggest you start running. Would make this much more fun, don't you think~." She said in such a serious tone of voice.

Irihi Irihi Revi Revi

Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: ???
Titles: Human (Mundane), Hospitaller, Eastern Empire Military E, Abomination Fighter, Rico's Roughneck, Peacekeeper, Expert Spearman
Language Key: Common | [Terran] |

The Library

Hours ago had been loud with sounds of thunder, teleporting, super speed, balls and singing. His blood rang hot with the fierce competition against worthy adversaries. However time was short, and things in the game were left unresolved. Strangely enough, the man had a notable amount of endurance which humans were known for and yet, it appeared that he had focused it elsewhere. Unlike where he was, this place was quiet.

Sitting atop a wooden chair that seemed almost ill suited to his metal covered form, Marcus was in the school's library. One could see a single light that shone upon his homework. Stacks of books sat at his side. While the others had gone off to the entertainment district, Marcus found that he had a great need to study. While he couldn't claim to be the smartest, he would receive good grades through nothing more than sheer force of will and odd comfort in being alone as he labored away at a task. Though some books of history and philosophy, interested him greatly and came more naturally. Other subjects required more mental bruteforcing.

Through sheer time and will however, he got through.


The last book was closed. Written papers were stuffed neatly into folders. And the pen was put down. He was finished. And soon his mind would be emptied of calculus and english -- leaving it to wander elsewhere.

I can hardly remember the time a Fae has ever approached me. What a strange girl that was? And her song. I can't claim to have been touched from any such music in my homeland....

He never really had the time to follow up. There was an interest he'd had in storytelling assuredly. Yet never could he claim that it had been stronger. Was it inspiration? Or something else?

Idly, he'd place his books away exactly where he'd found them -- his movements filling the library with sounds of metal against metal. Eventually he returned and grabbed his bookbag. His hard earned homework was placed there as he also retrieved both his Spear and Gladius styled sword. The spear was carried with a sheath around it's blade and around his hip was his sword. And finally on his back was his bookbag.

The Hallway

He was ready to leave, though he'd heard that others still yet remained. Part of him wondered if Ophenia was still here. Maybe he'd take her up on her offer. Decisions decisions.


He walked the halls, his movements anything but quiet as his approached was signaled to practically anyone there. Despite this however, the man-at-arms could be quite perceptive [Perception F] and was difficult to ambush [Resilient: Surprise].

Ever alert, something had caught his eye.

Skyswimsky Skyswimsky


"You there." His voice boomed across the classroom. A familiar figure stood at the door in the form of a student wearing full plate armor. She'd seen him earlier. Bronze-colored armor, a blood-red plume attached to the back of it, and a bestial visage that hid the humanity of the man within. The only thing given to her to relate to would be the eyes beneath. He stood with arms crossed as he entered the classroom and approached the suspicious figure -- keeping a stand-off of several feet. His voice announcing his presence and armor clattering near constantly.


"I've not seen you around here before." He said.

"I'd have recognized a fellow helmet wearer! Finally. One who expresses their cultural garb unashamed just as I." There was an odd jollyness in his voice, as he motioned to himself. Despite having seen her before, it seemed that he didn't know who she was due to said helmet.

"Tell me, what are you doing here....? Are you lost....?" He looked about the classroom and her hands, trying to get a read on the situation and come to a conclusion as to what was occurring. She appeared to be rummaging through something....
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Something Sinister
Mentions: M Metty Revi Revi

Isekhigh is not a new school, it has--in one form or another--existed for more than a century. Thousands upon thousands of students and staff have labored within the walls of the school. The buildings and grounds have undergone renovations and updates. Though the paint might change, though rooms might be sealed or wings torn down and rebuilt, the spirits of the place endure. As with anywhere people congregate, there are countless histories of triumphs, romance, failures, and heartbreaks great and small.

There is also a history of death. More than one life has ended in violence on these hallowed grounds, some by their own hand, and some allegedly by their own hand. Isekhigh has its share of ghosts, and the living still pass down their histories.

Like the rumor of The Black Teacher, Kuroi-sensei; Miss Ayumi Kuroda. Most students only knew a few rumors about The Black Teacher. It was said that she roamed the school’s nighttime hallways in the annex built where the old wing had been demolished, looking for other troubled souls to drag to hell. For a while it had been popular for groups of bullies to pick out friendless, isolated students and confine them in dark places, calling for Kuroi-sensei to come haunt them until they took their own lives.

That was how Miss Lona Morgan had first heard of The Black Teacher; from a terrified student she found locked in the broom closet of the chemistry lab after hours. The poor bullied girl had been frightened half to death, sure that Miss Morgan WAS Kuroi-sensei come to collect her soul.

While Lona had put an end to that sort of bullying in her classrooms, her curiosity had been piqued. She’d read about Miss Ayumi Kuroda when she came across her story in an old yellowed copy of the school newspaper, found tucked away under some truly out-of-date textbooks. Written by students, the article was long on speculation and short on facts. All that was really known was that the remains of Miss Kuroda had been found on school grounds in a now-demolished classroom. Though the consensus was that her life had ended in suicide, the circumstances surrounding her death were suspicious.

It was not a reassuring article.

There are undeniable energies in the world, especially in places like Isekhigh--full of life and noise during the day but fading into silence and a void of presences as afternoon turns to night. Some cultures separate these energies into positive and negative. Positive energies are those given off by happy, friendly warm people, places, and things. A black dog wagging its tail is an example of a nexus of positive energy. Certain feelings, thoughts, and things avoid, or can be driven away by positive energies.

Negative energies, on the other hand, attract things, invite them in, open the mind and the heart to them--allow the unseen to become seen, even if the seer would much prefer not.

The empty halls of Isekhigh were brimming with negative energy.

Perhaps that was what Miss Lona Morgan sensed.

Loneliness is negative. It creates a void of spirit, a nesting place for that which lurks. Miss Morgan had stayed late more than once at the school, working into the dim evening hours when the warning caws of the crows--announcing the gathering darkness of night fell silent after the sun fled behind the horizon. Perhaps on one of those late nights of lonely toil, something--pulled by the void around her--had followed her home. Perhaps that which follows did not like the light and warmth of Lona’s apartment. Maybe that was the flickering of the light Lona had perceived behind closed eyelids.

Showering in an empty apartment can sometimes be an exercise in terror, when the mind is left to wander. There’s nothing there--you know there’s not--beyond the drip-speckled glass fogged by steam. See how the blurred lines of the bathroom are undarkened by any foreign presence? It’s perfectly fine, but perhaps I’ll keep my eyes open while I wash my hair, all the same.

And once you start to stare, you dare not look away. That dark blur in the corner; that is the hamper. I know it. I’m alone here.

All alone.

And the time comes to wash your face. You must close your eyes. It’s fine, stop being silly.

No matter how quickly you scrub, no matter how brief the rinse; the mind explodes with terrible threats that must be lurking just beyond the frosted glass.

And the light dims.

The heat of the water does nothing to the thrill that prickles across your skin. It’s just a brown-out, old ****ty wiring in this old ****ty flat. Soap-stung eyes are forced open and--you were right--there’s nothing there.


The wine helps you sleep. It anesthetizes you against that which lurks, keeps the feeling of being watched in your bed from lifting your gaze from the glowing screen as you doomscroll yourself into blessed oblivion.

Don’t look. There’s nothing out there in the darkness. Just keep scrolling until the screen blurs, and your eyes close, and your hand falls to your side, the phone hitting the bedspread with a muffled thud.

Just before the figure in the hallway spoke to her, Lona’s phone vibrated in her pocket.

Extreme battery saver.
21:33, Until 21:45, 2%

Because it had made her forget she’d forgotten the charging cable, again.

There was no it of course. It was all in her head. Kuroi-sensei wasn’t roaming the halls or haunting Miss Morgan. She wasn’t stronger or angrier here, near the chemistry classroom, built upon the spot where her life had ended long ago.


There came the sound of a crash of shattering glass in the chemistry room. Whenever Miss Lona Morgan returned there, she would find every cabinet and drawer flung wide open.

A beaker was broken upon the floor, where it had fallen from a shelf.

Nothing else was disturbed within the open cabinets. None of the chemicals were missing. The test tubes and bunsen burners pipettes and droppers were all in place. Every tool was where it should be.

Except one scalpel.

But maybe that had already been missing before tonight.
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Echoette (#d6c6ff)
With her cervine legs folded neatly beneath her, Echoette was sat in her little corner on the floor, trying not to take up too much space as she worked away. Various bits and bobs surrounded her, including paints, brushes, cutting tools, feathers and other adornments, each organised well into little rows or piles. Most noticeable were the finished props sat in a line close to the wall, each freshly painted and waiting to dry on top of some newspaper. In front of her lay giant pieces of pink fleece, one of which was held in her hand alongside a shaky needle.

Despite the spooky time of day, Echo felt oddly at peace, and thankful. Being able to spend all day with someone she looked up to? It was like a dream come true.

Although a little giddy, fidgety and nervous internally, wanting to do her best to impress Ophánia, it was nice. And she didn't feel forced to hold up a conversation or anything either. The bright lights, blaring music and casual company admist the darkness made it feel like a little safe haven. And um... the longer she could avoid going home, the better.

Textiles was definitely not her specialty, with her face visually scrunched up in concentration as she tried to perfect her stitches. Her hyper focus could honestly be rather scary, with hours often flying by without her knowledge. She had already finished most of her favourite bits of making the props. They weren't quite perfect in her mind, but she knew if she kept looking at that pixel-off misalignment on the flower pot, she would be here all night remaking it. She knew that her brain was weird, finding it easiest and the most fun to visualize things mentally in 3D and map out dimensions that way, including for the clothing she was sewing right now.

She was going to be a big pink sheep in the play, and this would be her costume, so she wanted it as covering as possible. Although... she did feel terrible that she had to use so much material just because of her size. She also only had like two lines and would be more in the background than anything... but that didn't stop the nerves bubbling in her stomach, tempting her to just call in sick right now, two weeks early.

Mentally doing the calculations for the next cut in her head, Echo was violently startled by the sudden sound of her name.

And no, she didn't just prick her finger with the needle. She compelted scraped it across the side of her palm in her clumsiness. Droplets of blood trickled out of the gash immediately. But although the fawn flinched, she didn't make a sound of pain, staring blankly at the wound for a moment before reacting. Afraid of getting blood on something important like an idiot, she quickly tried to wipe the blood, only to smear it further across her fingers. Panicking further, not wanting to leave Ophánia waiting either, she tried to just use her saliva to clean it off, unaware that she had now left blood smeared across the side of her mouth too.

Quickly turning to face her idol, she gave her a little smile before immediately spotting what she was looking for. "Oh u-um... no.... I think it's under your notepad O-Ophi." She awkwardly pointed a slightly bloody finger towards her heart-shaped notepad, vaguely recalling Ophánia placing it on top of something in her search for something else earlier. Because of her stuttering, Echoette tended to shorten people's names if she could. And so far Ophánia hadn't complained, so she hoped her little nickname was okay.
[School Diva]

Ophánia was incredibly greatful to Echoette; all the other club members left only a few hours afterschool, but she decided to stay behind until dark with the sylph. Ophánia could tell what Echoette especially liked doing, what she believed she was good and what she didn't. Despite that, she did her best to do whatever was needed at the time, she was even finishing up her own costume—the same couldn't be said for the rest of the group members. Most people only wanted to do what they knew they can do great, but in reality, Ophánia believed that the process of making something; how you pour all your heart and effort into a piece, was what mattered most. The end product could be destroyed or damaged, but the experiences you shared and the things you learnt stayed with you forever.

Ophánia turned with a smile to Echoette, "Thank you—" She stopped immediately in her twirling turn toward the cervine, an incredible shrill and loud whistle spilling from her lips. It was what a sylph sounded like when they were startled. She dashed to Echoette in a glitz, "Your hand—" Ophánia crouched, leveling herself with Echoette and holding the cervine's hand, "oh my, you are bleed far too much, it hurts so..." The sylph frowned, almost seeming as though she was about to cry with her eyes all wet and glittery. "Even the smallest things can have a profound impact on someone, or the world even—" She lifted her head and smiled at her junior, "Most fortunately, it is nought I cannot handle!"

She cleared her throat with an "Ahem, ahem" but did not warm up her vocals. The music blaring in the background slowly seemed to quiet, in truth, it did not at all quiet. It was the sounds around them had been isolated, so that only the sound of Ophánia's voice could be heard by Echoette.

LMYV (Draft)
She began to sing, without lively and catchy pop music or the sparkling spotlights, without the elaborate flourishes or difficult dance steppes—she just sang. The same kind of idle singing you would on your way home. It was because right now those kinds of things didn't matter, it didn't matter if she sang well or badly. What mattered to Ophánia now, was healing the wounds of someone who was hurt and relieve them of the pain. "It's easy to... push me away, from you... Easy to say you want to be left on your own♫ but somehow I can't help but see... how your eyes shy away... you hands seal the entrance and path to your heart♪" Her voice was laced with magic, anyone with the most basic understanding of mana could feel it in the air, like a light veil particoating them all around and sinking like water into their skin.

The scrape on Echoette's palm closed, as though it were never there. Even the pain derived from it seemed to fade from memory, being replaced with an overwhelming warmth enough to make anyone smile. The only proof of the wound was the lingering blood that stained her skin. Ophánia smiled gently, as the noise of the music playing on her CD player could slowly be heard again. A different song was playing.

Lesley Gore – Misty
The sylph put a finger over her lips, "That was a demo for a song yet to release. You got to listen to a bit of it, but speak not of it to anyone pretty please~?" She said playfully, before noticing the side of Echoette's mouth. "Ah! Stay still—" Ophánia lifted her hand to Echoette's mouth, the pink cotton of Ophánia's cardigan-sleeve brushing against Echoette's skin as she tried wiping the blood off the side of her lips. "Tadah~ If it still hurts, I can sing a bit more until all the pain goes away." Ophánia said, before her phone, once again, vibrated in her cardigan's pocket. She quickly turned away from Echoette and checked the cover screen, smiling as she flipped it open to reply again.

Ophenia-senpai! ✨ Do you want to go karaoke later? I’m thinking of dragging Noelle with me! 🎤💖
ttww, of course! (♡°▽°♡)
will fly over when me & ekoet finish painting the props 4 the play~~ ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ
Ekoet can come 2? It will be SO fun~!! \(☆▽☆)/
Of course! The more the merrier! ✨💖 I can’t wait!
Let’s make it a night to remember! (*≧▽≦)
Ekoet and me willl finish in a bit, c u then!! ♡ ~('▽^人)

Ophánia turned her phone to Echoette to show her the messages—and exposing her bad her spelling of the cervine's name"Miss President invited me to karaoke—it would be my joy if you came along!" Ophánia said with sparkling eyes and she stood up in a twirl, "and that is why we should finish what we can, lock up; you can come over and we can pick out something cute, then my dad can drive us downtown!" Ophánia twirled again, her hands clasped together, "Oh, it would be splendid! All of us together, singing and having fun—I feel ecstatic just thinking it!" The sylph beamed.

Interactions – Echoette ( SilverFeathers SilverFeathers ); Anyone near the clubroom enough to hear the music.
Mentions – Hikari ( Moonberry Moonberry )​

< Human > | < Mundane >


Aiko continued her search through Yume's belongings. Dubious looking candy in all colors of the rainbow, two sets of identical looking cookies, makeup, a manga titled: 'Loud Whispers: Somehow I'm Saving The World Yet Still Eat Lunch Alone Every Day!', Aiko had read that one too! Though it didn't seem to be the final issue... clang until, finally, she hit something metallic. The key?!



Busted. Aiko had been caught, too late to hide beneath a box desk. "A-Ah, you..." The girl responded as she pulled up the key. He did not seem to recognize her, which was both insulting and relieving at once. Yet... he wasn't a teacher, so if she played her card rights. "Helmets truly are a symbol of cultural PASSION and FASHION!" It wasn't even a lie, though now she wished her helmet had cat ears or some neat feature.

"Listen..." Aiko then changed the subject. "Do you believe in Ghosts?" Though purely rhetorical. "What are the most haunted spaces in a school? The bathroom to hope for a meeting with Hanako-San? The eerie arts room and its mannequins at night? The schools corridors after a dare of some onside ritual? Yes, they all are equally exciting, BUT! Today, it shall be neither one or the other. For we, or maybe just I, will venture forth into an environment that is haunting regardless of a buildings story!" With those words, Aiko lifted the key besides her helmet.

Surprisingly, the school did not keep the basement locked, but there were well known rumors of a variety of locked doors below.

"Interested?" She offered.


Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Skyswimsky Skyswimsky
Titles: Human (Mundane), Hospitaller, Eastern Empire Military E, Abomination Fighter, Rico's Roughneck, Peacekeeper, Expert Spearman
Language Key:Common | [Terran] |


The Classroom


"Exactly! You understand. It is a statement, just as anything else. I must say, your helmet looks rather sleek and modern. I am glad this school has allowed me to wear it. However-" Just as he was going to interrogate her more, there was a talk of something which had caused him a moment's silence.

He raised his hand up to expressionlessly helmet, as if to rub his chin.

"Mm. I do believe in ghosts. Some restless souls do not yet make it to the underworld. Some aid. Some hurt. "Eidolon" is a word I've heard for them." He thought back to a dream he had in which he encountered a ghost. It was quite frightening yet he ultimately overcame it with help. As Marcus stood still, there was a small sigh as she said that she was intent on going alone.

"To visit such a place alone would be dangerous. And you seem a little bit stubborn. Almost like a girl I had met earlier who'd run brazenly into our game earlier...." He said thinking. "But I will come with you. I dreamt of putting a spirit to rest. Perhaps I may do so in reality. I would feel guilty leaving you to do so alone." To head into danger unafraid of what would occur to him was practically in his nature. However, it was not the same when others in danger. Yet he wondered of this strange newcomer's capabilities in such a thing.

"I have a feeling there is no convincing. you So, let us be off."
Echoette (#d6c6ff)
Echo winced slightly as the shrill whistle pierced her ears, more from shock than anything, as she watched the sylph dash to her side with pure befuddlement written all over her face. "A-ah, it's nothing... I'm clumsy, this happens all the time... d-don't cry." She tried to comfort in a rambling hurry, discreetly clenching the skin around her palm to try and make the wound seem less bad. But noticing the world suddenly quieting around them, her long ears twitched in confusion, briefly glancing towards the CD player before the first notes hit her ears.

Turning back slowly in disbelief, Echoette froze like a statue, her limbs stiffening completely, and the leftover fleece falling slowly from her other hand to her lap.

A-a personal concert?! F-for her?! Squealing and panicking on the inside, her mind buzzed from the realization, her body only barely reacting belatedly to what was going on. Her cheeks slowly flushed pink, then red, with Echo quietly lowering her head as her face began to involuntarily scrunch up into a weird squiggly smile. Though dazed, her fawn-like ears twitched attentively with every note, carefully recording the memory in her mind.

The warmth that flooded her palm was sweet, though she was barely able to register it. "I-I won't! What an honour... U-um you d-didn't have to waste your mana on me... I could have went out to buy p-plasters or something, but really, t-thank-" She scrambled her words together in her hurry to express her gratitude, before suddenly being cut off by another, arguably even more incredible event taking place.

The sylph's touch lingered on her lips as she sat there, staring back blankly, only remembering to breathe when her kind idol suddenly grew distracted by her phone. Holding her cheek as she blushed beet red, her vacant, silvery eyes grew slightly teary from all the emotional revelations she was currently trying to process.

Unfortunately, her lovely senior wouldn't let her catch a break.

Karaoke?! Come over?! Borrow clothes?! Meet the legendary singer's father?! Echoette was literally going to pass out.

So she did.

It was almost like the soul completely left her body, her taut body deflating like a balloon as her torso suddenly just fell forward by the sylph's feet, fortunately just avoiding a concussion with her head landing on the large pile of pink fleece in front of her. Crumbled on the floor, all that was left of what could be seen from above was her beret and her mess of gradiented purple-yellow hair, splayed out in a messy wave over all her tools and supplies.

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