Marauders in Mirstone

Rena kept pace with Scarlet, meekly following her. She was completely out of her element - marines landing and they would be, no doubt, coming to arrest all the pirates on the island. Rena had heard of them going to more extreme measures and the words "Buster Call' were not unfamiliar to her; so she was at least glad that the island was still an island.

Scarlet was talking to someone she hadn't met yet. Cletus - she had no idea what type of a person , but her first impressions were that he was a man that had seen too much of the world and didn't like it. He was older too, which was a first - for a while she was surrounded by kids and it alarmed her to think that the great age of pirates would be kids killing each other. His eyes met hers and she gave an awkward smile. This wasn't like her - she was much more confident than this. On Theria she was loud, outspoken and demanded nothing but the bestso to play the naive role was challenging. She was trying her best to get people to unnderestimate her and stay the hell off the radar - the only problem with that is to be fully convincing in your role you have to become the person you are trying to be; and that can, at times mess with your head.

She averted his eyes and kept walking by Scarlet.

"Well, I think honestly that I'm safe. Just so you know, I am going to be a journalist on your ship - and if the marines ask - that's what I'm going to tell them. This will help us in the long run if we stick to this arrangement; I think it would be useful to have a person that doesn't have a bounty on their head and with the wherewithal to gain connections on our travels, in case we need to use diplomacy and tact instead of raw violence." Rena said, a little bit of her true personality showing through though she attempted to recover by quietly adding, "you know....if you think that'd be a good idea."

In all truthfulness though, she had no idea how they were going to get out of this. Disguises? Finding a place to hide on the island? Taking the chance and making a break for it? None of those options sounded like they would work. She looked at Scarlet and wondered what was going through her mind....

@DaughterofAthena @shadowdude505
Ferra McKlinnen and the Havrick Brothers

Sellick and Damian were leading and organizing the careful combing of the docks and a bit of the town when a young Marine ran up to them. "Sir, Captain Sellick sir. You need to hear this." He held out a den den mushi to the Captain. Sellick took it with a nod and the young man saluted and stood ready to respond to Sellick's orders. Sellick played the message from who he immediately recognized to be the rogue Captain "Feral" McKlinnen. She seemed quite inclined to meet with them in particular if she was using a moniker she had presumably only used with them. What did she have in store for them he wondered.

"Brother, isn't that the woman from the bar? It seems she wants to help us somehow. What should we do?" Damian was stroking the grip of his sword, a gesture usually reserved for intense concentration.

Sellick though on it a moment. "We do not know if she really desire to help us, or if it's a trap to kill us and strike another blow at the Marines. The rumors going around about her are not exactly pleasant after all. Although my trust is not fully given to rumors either. I say we go see what she wants and try to maintain civility, but we bring forces with us in case she plans to pull something on us. Also, if she has harmed our soldiers in any serious degree we kill her."

"Marine, send the order for fifty or so men to follow the Commander and I to the Corriander Lumber Warehouse."

The Marine saluted and with a "yes sir" ran off to do as he was told. Sellick turned to fully face Damian, head tilted back to look him in the face. "Brother, it appears we may face a foe likely at least equivelant to myself in power if not stronger. Are you prepared to face such a foe?"

Damian's face took on a steely resolve. "Of course brother. Should she not be working in good faith I will hold nothing back. Evil must be purged for the good of all!"

Sellick stared silently for a moment at him before nodding once slowly. "Alright, then let us go." Turning completely about Sellick began stalking off to the general direction of the warehouse. Damian, and in short order the other Marines, followed close behind.

Ferra hadn't done much other than aid the Marines she was with in shoring up a few side doors, using the lumber inside to block them off and ensure that the building was secure. If they had felt her a threat before, much of that had changed, and she could hear them whispering questions and doubts of the veracity of some of the claims that had been made of her.

There was an interesting list there too, of course. Tales of her eating her foes, or being able to turn into some ferocious and monstrous beast that likewise to the previous claim would consume her foes. Other claims that she stalked and murdered Marines or hated all life. Many of the claims were just the fool ramblings of drunkards or those that wanted her head on a pike.

None of it was true.

The truth was that she saw the sickening underbelly of the Marines. The side that abused its power and tried to capitalise on the abuse of the ones they were meant to protect. She would see an end to it if she had her way with things, just as she intended to see an end to the slave trade.

Finishing up a final barricade, she walked into the centre of the Marines she was with and spoke up.

"Firstly, are all entrances save for the main one sealed? Secondly, was anyone injured during our fight? I may not be the worlds best medic, I may not even be the best medic in the room, but if anyone's taken any wounds, get them seen to. An injured Marine may not view themselves as too badly hurt, but it's important to take care of all gears in a clock, yes?"

There was a couple mentions of scrapes, one Marine that'd been skimmed by a bullet, but nothing major. Nodding firmly, she told them to rest, recuperate and clean their gear, eat or drink and over all rest before moving off towards the entrance, intent on guarding it. The truth was, she never wanted to leave the Marines. It was the closest thing to family that she had experienced in years, and nothing had hurt her in a long time than when the crew awarded to her and her superior had turned out to be harbouring their own arm in the slave trade.

Looking back at the score of Marines laughing and telling tales of the fight they'd just survived brought a smile to her face, even as she heard the approaching footsteps from outside the building. Turning to face the door, Ferra rested a hand on the hilt of her sabre calmly on the off chance that it was not Marines outside.

As they approached the warehouse Sellick began giving everyone their orders. He stopped about forty feet from the building and faced the gathered soldiers, a solid seventy five men and women who had volunteered for this particular mission. "All right. I want at least three of you to every window or exit around the warehouse. Have your guns ready, aimed, and fingers near the trigger. Should she flee the buidling from anywhere but the entrance we go in you are to shoot every bullet you have at her. Do not however give chase should she flee beyond that. Remember that capturing her here is not our main goal. No matter how slippery she is, the Rear Admiral can take her blind folded so we need not worry too much. Go."

The troops all saluted and set to their duties, meanwhile Sellick turned to Damian. He found him to be settling his helmet properly on his head and hefting his shield off his back. "Good, good. Let us see what she has in store." Sellick settled into a relatively relaxed looking stance with his hands folded behind his back as he walked through what appeared to be the only unbarricaded entrance. He announced their arrival as he did.

"Ferra McKlinnen. I am Captain Havrick and my brother Damian is here with me. We are coming in under the understanding things will be civil. Attack only if you truly seek a fight with us all." He stopped a few feet through the front door, looking around as he did. His eyes settled on several seemingly unhurt Marines, who upon seeing him immediately stood at attention and saluted. As he walked a couple more feet forward and glanced around his eyes stopped on the form of the woman from the bar. "Good morning. You seemed intent on calling us here."

"Proving a point Captain Havrick. Damian, good to see you again," Ferra noted casually reaching behind her and pulling a flask from where she tucked it into her waistband after removing her coat and proceeding to toss it towards the large man, "And yes, I commend you on coming prepared, but it was a lot of effort for naught. You see Captain, I intend no harm. Instead I hope to use the presence of the Marines here for my own personal gain... of sorts."

Walking around and giving a look at some of the faint shadows she saw on the other side of the windows, Ferra couldn't help but feel a touch of pride at how well a properly maintained unit performed when under good command. It also gave her reassurance that the Captain wasn't a fool. Meandering over to where the score she'd worked with stood, she gestured to them.

"You have good men here, Captain. Men that aided me in the dismanteling of a sister pair of pirate crews that specialised in taking slaves of children. I'm sure you can recall why I may take offense to that. And Damian, if you haven't caught on yet, I am not Captain Ferra Buchelidge, may the name burn in the depths of hell, I am the 'Feral' Ferra McKlinnen, scourge of the Marines, devourer of the dead or whatever other ridiculous names thay've conjured for me." she remarked with a hint of humour in her voice as she clapped the Marine she'd first butt heads with on the shoulder.

"The truth is that I seek to put down trouble and those who would harm innocents even if those that seek to harm innocents are Marines as well. This movement has offered a prime chance to do some good here, though I know some of the more rubbish 'doctrines' of the Marines. Captain Havrick, there are two craft, belonging to the crew we just executed, that will be filled with 'slaves'. If you would see them returned to their true homes, rather than to those that would claim to own them as the Marines expect you to, I would find aim to share information in the form of notes that I've been taking on some of the more unsavoury pirate crews that have been polluting this island as of late."

Sellick hummed in thought over her words. They were worthy of consideration to some degree, especially if any of these unsavory crews were to somehow escape the blockade. But first....

Sellick turned to the other gathered marines, many who had been intently listening to Ferra's speech and were now looking at Sellick curious. "Men, any of you who are injured report to the medical team near the ships. Those still in combat ready condition return immediately to your duties." The men who had moments before been curious or aloof all snapped to attention and in a manner of thirty seconds or so the only people left in the warehouse were Ferra and the Havrick Brothers.

"Now. Seeing as there are no ears to hear these going ons I find myself interested in what you have to offer. While I can't openly escort these ex slaves should they be branded, I can make sure no one under my command moves against their flight home. Nor that they spread any word that they were here in the first place. At my current level of authority this is the most I can possibly offer you in exchange for your information. Is it sufficient?"

It wasn't exactly what Ferra wanted, but if she got a hold of Keep, he would likely be willing to take in the children briefly and help them find routes home. Well, for a sum, but the monetary needs didn't worry her. Money wasn't the issue here, after all.

"It is sufficent, far more so than any other alternative," Ferra conceded, turning her back on the pair and letting a hazy look take precedence on her visage, "Children should never be placed in chains, Captain. It is the most unspeakable of acts, and a most heinous cruelty to rob a child of a future in such a way, would you not agree?"

Shaking the look from her face, Ferra's accountence returned to that of subtle determination and authority as she turnecd to face the brothers yet again.

"I've placed my notes on the crate just to the left of the door. I intended you to find them one way or another, and couldn't be certain that you wouldn't have come in her guns blazing with intent to kill me. Whether I had to run or die, I would want to see the crews taken down. That all out in the open, is there anything you would wish of me, perhaps for my aid in the fight until my current employer has need of me? Or would you simply like for me to toddle off and pretend I was never here?"

Sellick nodded his head towards the mentioned location and Damian walked over to retrieve the papers. Meanwhile Sellick kept an eye on Ferra. "I would not disagree that such a thing is unspeakable. Although I can not say that I have seen the act of child slavery first hand as of yet. But children being robbed of their innocence and future, such a thing is familiar." Sellick thought back to Damian and his own childhood and found ample example.

"As for you, we shall go out first to make sure those standing watch do not shoot you as you leave. If asked we never met under these circumstances. These papers were obtained via a local streetear for what I considered a fair price." He turned slowly, looking over his shoulder as he walked back to the entrance. "Should we meet again I hope they are on less serious circumstances, rather than as enemies. Come brother, let us go."

They exited the front entrance and had those outside stand down as promised. Sellick looked to Damian, who was about to take a swig from the gift flask before Sellick swiped it from him. "Brother, how many times must you remember that we do not drink unidentified gifts. Must i remind you of the fiasco in North Blue?" Damian seemed to sulk, which looked rather silly on such a overwhelmingly large and armored man. "Yes brother."

Sellick turned to the nearest marine and sent him and those nearby off to gather the others and returne to sweeping the docks and town. Sellick flipped through the papers Damian had retrieved with mute interest. "Yes. This should come in handy for sure." He looked back to the entrance and pondered what things might have been like had Ferra stayed in the Marines. Not a superior he would have minded all that much he must admit. Which was a rare thought from him indeed.

As the brother walked out of the warehouse, Ferra took up a spot just inside the door, close enough so that she could listen in on what they spoke of on the off chance the Captain was a good liar and was intending trouble for her, and also so that she could see what was going on outside and know when she was good to walk out.

Having a good guess, as the Marine the Captain sent off went running away, that her time would soon be short for Mirstone, Ferra took her chance and walked out at a good clip of her own, nodding to the Captain and Commander as she walked by.

"Just remember that both sides have their heroes and monsters Captain. Also, rum, house favourite. Finally, thank you for being so amicable. I would imagine killing you both and getting away through the throng of Marines would have been quite a delay on my plans for the day."

As she made her way past the pair, there was a hint of a smile and humour hidden away as she spoke her final words before slipping into a nearby alleyway. She knew a dock worker who she could send to fetch the children and take them to Keep, and once that was done she could return to her ship.

After she took her leave Damian tried to convince Sellick to allow him to drink the alcohol to which he repeatedly disagreed. Finally he simply down half a gulp of the drink and said that should he not be dead in the next 24 hours he could have it. It was rather flavorful quite honestly, and Sellick normally detested alcohol. He would have to keep a medic on standby in case it was poisoned, but had his doubts it was. After all was said and done he and Damian went back to leading the marines in their search. However this time they had a handy list of people to look out for.

@Pequeno Burraidh
Stacy Beauregard

In the moment that she found herself, Stacy had been fully and completely content with waiting for Wasabi to resurface. Unfortunately, that feeling was completely demolished when Captain Kenji Kita showed up again. She had seriously been hoping that her life would never lead her into a situation involving him again. He had this odd way of doing things over and over again that she couldn’t help but find to be unbearably stupid things to do.

Instantly, she started retorting in her mind as he talked.
‘We hate you because for some reason or another, you’ve found yourself leading a group of people and your current actions of random stupidity show that you’re not capable of actually leading them…’ She knew better than to be blatantly rude enough to say that out loud, but she couldn’t keep the thought from entering her head. However, that was not the only thought in her head. His statement that the marines were coming in set off flashing lights in the back of her mind, memories of what had happened the last time a marine had found their way to her. While she was using the pirate population of the island as cover, that wouldn’t really hold up if they were all fleeing. If it meant avoiding capture, Stacy was fairly certain going with him for the time being wouldn’t be a completely terrible idea even if it meant enduring his crew.

The fact that he simply ran away when he was done saying his piece, though, was another irritant thrown onto the fire. If he didn’t know her answer, how would he know to wait for her when he made his way back to his ship? It was just stupid. She rolled her eyes at Syrin as she tried not to let her present frustration trickle into her features.

“Surely someone with stories like yours can’t be on the best of terms with the marines,” Stacy implied. “While I don’t have any interest in getting caught by them either, seeing my friend gobbled up by them would almost be worse, especially when there’s a way out.” In her words, Stacy hoped to subtly imply that she hoped he would join her in going to Kenji’s ship. However, Stacy had no intentions to push it into an argument if that was what it seemed it would take.

Shrugging at his hope that she had a better plan, she could only shake her head.
“Unfortunately, I don’t have any better plans beyond fighting, but I’m going to guess that’s a bad idea.”

Hearing another man walk through, her attention turned to him briefly as her head nodded in his direction. He seemed to be seeking crew as well.
“Unless you wanted to seek out another ship that might be willing to carry us. Seems Kenji isn’t the only one trying to round up stragglers.”

@Exanis @BlacklegSanji @Peaceswore
Syrin Insinu

Syrins sighs and crosses his arms, absently noting the man that left the inn. "I'll be completely honest with you. I'd much prefer to fight the Marines than run from them. I'd likely be able to hide in the chaos of the aftermath, and when they're gone, I could leave the island at my leisure." He frowns and gets up. "That, of course, would be if it wasn't as bad as I think it's going to be. So I guess we're going to at least hitch a ride on one of the ships. I refuse to get on with the idiot, so that leaves the mystery man. I'll see what I can find out from the bartender."

Moving over to the bar, Syrin takes a seat and motions over the bartender. "A shot of the strongest liquor you have." As he says so, he places more than the needed Beli on the counter. Nodding in thanks, he took the shot and downed it in one go, closing his eyes and savoring the flavor. "Tell me, what did that man want when he came in?" The bartender shuffles over and takes the shot glass to clean it. "Lad was lookin' for a navigator for his ship. Not any navigator, 'pparently he wants a real hardass. Said to send 'em to the ship, somethin' called the Lucky Nova. Said it was a real beaut of a ship, but for all I know he's just flappin' his gums. Why?" Syrin simply shakes his head, and places a few more Beli on the counter silently. "If you see the man that came with us last night, tell him to go to that ship."

Standing up without seeing if the bartender would reply, he made his way back to Stacy and began absently playing with his dagger. "Well, I've got us a way off this island. Looks like that man just left needs a navigator for his ship. Luckily for all of us, I happen to be one. I don't know the kind of man he is, but as long as it isn't Kenji, I can deal with it. I told the bartender to direct Wasabi after us if he happens to show up." Glancing around to make sure he had everything of his, he hummed to himself and began making his way to the door. "We should head out now, we may be able to catch that man before he gets to his ship and introduce ourselves. I'd rather not get attacked and accidentally kill one of his crew members because they didn't know that a navigator may or may not be dropping by."

@DaughterofAthena @Peaceswore @CelticHero37

Abigail Livingston


NPC Notes

Location: With Kiyoko

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Abigail seemed to curl up into a little ball - although not quite literally - when Kyoko asked her about the “people” after the notebook she held. Her whole body tried to shrink itself down to a tiny sort of existence in the hope that nothing would be able to touch her beyond that. Abigail didn’t know if the hope would succeed, but there had to be some point to hope’s existence and she was clinging to that with all of her little might.

Slowly, though, Abby found herself nodding at Kiyoko’s words. She felt her friend’s hands on her shoulders and she blinked twice before looking straight into Kiyoko’s eyes.
“I’m s-sorry,” the young girl found herself apologizing for her near breakdown. Her eyes watered just slightly but one of her hands wiped that away and then the threat of tears didn’t return beyond that moment. In truth, Abigail knew that without Kiyoko, that breakdown would’ve been the end of her.

“We c-can’t go to the port because the ship is there… Shade’s ship,” Abigail explained hesitantly while holding up the small notebook she was still clinging to. “I was a p-prisoner on his ship and I ran away so he… he sent her after me. She’s scary.” Perhaps Abigail put too much effort into trying to answer the questions to actually notice that Kiyoko’s use of the term “agents” had been highly inaccurate although if she had been paying attention, Abigail would’ve certainly found it funny.

“If… if he finds me he’s gonna be really mad because I messed up his plans. I wasn’t supposed to run away…” If one thing came across in the entirety of her conversation, it was the simple fact that this “Shade” guy terrified her half to death. “And if Yumi finds me… she’ll…” An entire quiver ran through Abigail’s spine at that thought but she seemed to be unable to complete her sentence.


Stacy Beauregard

Stacy remained standing upon the exact same spot as Syrin walked up to the bartender, her eyes turning slightly envious as he got a shot for himself although she knew that her and morning alcohol went together absolutely terribly. She couldn’t help but think a little liquid comfort would be helpful right about now. That was beyond the point, though.

She had to admit to herself she was more than a little surprised when Syrin seemed willing to agree to joining a ship with some random stranger, but in her desire to get off the island as relatively easily as possible, she decided that it wasn’t something she wanted to argue with. Even though there were few people she trusted, Stacy was pretty sure she was willing to say that Syrin was one of them. And that meant that his plan was one she could work with.

“Sounds like a plan,” she replied swiftly, happier with this one than she had been with his first proposition.

A subtle nod completed her reply as she followed after Syrin, taking a quick pace although she wasn’t running. Running would just make her stand out to any marines as someone who seemed to fear them. If she’d learned anything in the time she’d spent running, it was that looking like you were running made you a greater target. The brisk walk she took was more than enough to content her.

@Peaceswore @Exanis

James Clark and Commander Evelyn Torack


NPC Notes

Location: Combing the docks

Age: 24

Gender: Male


NPC Notes

Location: Combing the docks

Age: 27

Gender: Female

A small party of marines followed the female commander as she swept her way through the docks while keeping her eyes open for any higher level targets as they moved. Stopping alongside a merchant vessel, Evelyn sought out the Captain and gave them specific instructions as to how to approach the waiting blockade in such a way that they would simply be allowed to pass right through. The rest of her team waited for her as she did. As she headed back, moving along through her assigned area, a voice called out and gave her pause.

“Mission complete, Commander!” a young man walked up to her, his hand in salute as he stood stock still.

“At ease,” Evelyn replied almost instantly. Being saluted in the middle of a combat situation had never suited her well and she tried to make that readily apparent. “Name and rank, Marine.” There were too many people for her to keep track of and she couldn’t honestly expect to remember everyone based on face alone.

“Warrant Officer James Clark, Ma’am,” he replied swiftly. “I was placed on the island to draw attention to the arriving attack and,” he glanced around while attempting nonchalance, “it looks like everyone knows you’re here.”

Evelyn could only nod.
“Good work, Warrant Officer. Report to Lieutenant Linwade’s party. I’m sure they could use an extra pair of hands.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” James offered one final salute to which Evelyn rolled her eyes before he turned and headed inland, trying to catch up to the man who’d already gotten a head start.

Sighing as he vanished from her view, Commander Torack returned her attention to the small group of marines that had been assigned to her lead.
“Alright, Marines! Let’s continue. Keep your eyes peeled and stay on high alert!” After a brief but loud chorus of agreements with her statement, the little crowd followed her as they continued sweeping their way across the docks. However, their movements would not manage to remain straightforward for too much longer as Evelyn’s attention was stolen away by an explosion of no small degree. Knowing that it had not been one of Robin’s, she headed straight towards it.

“Stay on alert, Marines!”

@QuirkyAngel @Jekyll @Peaceswore
Arlen Hakhassi



Arlen shut his eyes, just barely managing to hold his breath as he hit the water and disappeared bellow. Five seconds later, the silver haired teenager broke through the surface, taking a large gasps of air.

“What’d you do that for!?” Arlen demanded as he waded in the sea. Green eyes darted to the merchant ship. The stern of the ship was on fire, several pieces of wood broken, but it was still moving. Still headed towards the unfortunate, hopefully passenger-less, ship docked at the harbor. Arlen shook his head. It was now impossible to stop the inevitable crash from their side.

“Aquarius! That guy’s as suicidal as you are.” Arlen said to Kaito who landed. If he hadn’t been knocked off board, he would have dropped the anchor to stop the ship. Then he would’ve wrestled the annoying punk for control of the vessel and demanded that the loony explain himself.

What did he mean when he said sending the ship at them was suicidal?

How did he save Kaito?

There were only three ‘marine' boats to blow up…or were there?

Groaning, motioned for Kaito to follow him as he swam towards his canoe which he’d left drifting in sea. Fortunately, it didn’t drift too far. The three marine marine vessels had docked. And, if his suspicions were right, there were more ships out there. He needed to return to Nerissa’s side. Climbing on his canoe, Arlen held his hand to Kaito.

“C’mon. We’re returning to the Charbydis.”

Perhaps swimming and remaining hidden underwater was a better option, but Arlen didn’t want to lose the canoe. He’d much rather fight marines. If he was lucky, they'd be too distracted by the merchant vessel to notice the canoe.




Nerissa Orta

Nerissa watched from the Charbydis as the marine vessels docked and the World Government enforcers began to disperse on the island. Around the same time, Captain Scarlet returned to the ship. She listened while Cletus explained the plan to Scarlet, frowning when she heard that Jasper had planned on fighting.

“Aquarius will not approve,” The priestess said warningly. Fortunately, as Scarlet said, the plans of fighting was pointless now that the marines had landed. Scarlet’s friend, the new person she brought with her, inputted her thoughts. Nerissa smiled. It was nice to hear that the new person aboard the Charbydis was one that preferred diplomacy and tact.

“I think you’d play a better hostage than I would,” Nerissa said to Scarlet’s friend, giving her the ropes. Truthfully, the bounty on Nerissa’s head made her a poor hostage. If any of the marines had an inkling of who she was then the plan would be ruined. Arlen had be right in that regard. Even with disguises, she might sill be recognized. The reporter was clearly the better person to play the hostage. Nerissa's desire to try out acting would have to be put to a halt. She sighed. “My faith isn’t one that’s approved by the World Government. I'll only bring this ship trouble if I'm caught...”


Startled, Nerissa glanced over to where a vessel with a smoking stern crashed into another one. The impact ignited an explosion that lit both ships on fire. Nerissa stared at the large flames for a moment before her clear blue gaze flickered to the sky. The beginnings of a storm was brewing. Nodding to herself, the priestess of Aquarius strolled below deck.

“I’ll check on Arlen.”







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Scarlet Johanna Indigrid and Jasper Pharos

Jasper stood a scant two feet behind and to the right of Scarlet, a tad irate he was somehow unnoticed despite being right there. He flinched a touch when Scarlet yelled for him from so close up. "Lady Scarlet, I am right here. There is no need to yell. Also, not to be rude, but this is not the first time you have failed to notice me so close to you. Perhaps you should have Dr. Skorrig check your eyes. You may need glasses, or optionally contacts. One would not want you to be injured over not being able to see your surroundings."

"Oh! Hi Jasper!" Scarlet smiled at him, turning around completely so that she was facing him. She blinked twice at his mention of her possibly needing glasses or contact lenses. Slowly but surely, she started shaking her head. "And I have tried wearing glasses... they always got tangled in my hair." Her face curled into a slightly disgusted grimace at the mention of it. As for contacts, the thought of putting something in her eyes simply wasn't appealing but she figured her expression was enough.

"I am sure we can find some work around for that Lady Scarlet. It may be difficult to find a work around, but it is better than someone with ill intentions getting as close as I have unnoticed and hurting or killing you. While I do try my best, and wish I could be, I can not be around to protect you all the time. I simply ask you consider the possibility of finding a way to make sure you can see your enemies before they reach you." He pushed up his glasses from where they had slid down whilst running. "Also if worn right they can be quite fashionable if I do say so myself."

Looking up at Jasper's glasses as he said they could be fashionable, the look on her face simply said "No", but she didn't outright say that. Instead she replied, "On you, maybe." It was obvious that she didn't think they would be the same way on herself.

"Anyway, Cletus was asking about a plan. Do we still have a plan? I don't think that attacking a ship works when there's no one on it anymore, does it?"

Jasper bit his tongue on further conversation about her issue with sight. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the Marines who had made port while they ran to the Charybdis. The old plan was out, that much was sure. As much as he hated going back on his word or failing an ally, it seemed likely they would not get to collaborate with Ferra and that crew so easily. What to do indeed.

"I would say staging any direct attack is now out of the question at this point. While I am sure many of us are strong enough to take at least several Marines alone, their numbers and organization would overwhelm us rather quickly. Perhaps if we disguised ourselves as a merchant ship we could get past the blockade without combat. Do you think such a thing possible? Also, are all of our members now aboard?"

Scarlet's eyes trickled towards Nerissa who seemed to be against fighting. She imagined that the priestess would approve of attempting a disguise rather than attempting to fight. Scarlet as well had no real desire to fight the marines aside from some minor curiosity as to what it would be like.

"We only have one flag," she mentioned briefly. She didn't imagine it would be too much of a problem but it seemed sufficient to mention. Then she turned and looked around to see who was all present.

To his second question, she shook her head. "We're missing Arlen and Kaito."

Jasper sighed softly. How did he know something would keep them from leaving so soon and so easily. "Where might Mister Arlen and Mister Kaito be at the moment? Are they easily retrieved?"

Scarlet sighed a bit dramatically. "I don't know. I just got back too, ya know!?" She gave Jasper one of the oddest and silliest smiles it seemed she could possibly muster although she wasn't quite sure why.

"I guess we need to find them first, right?" She paused for a moment, almost as though awaiting approval, but then she shook her head and corrected herself. "We need to find them first. Yes!" She was the captain and she needed to make decisions.

Jasper nodded. "Indeed, Lady Scarlet." He turned to Miss Nerissa, remembering she and Mister Arlen were sort of a pair. "Miss Nerissa, would you perhaps know where our two missing members are? If so perhaps I could escort you to them so we can leave here with all haste." He raised an eyebrow in curiosity as he awaited her answer.

Collab With: @AllHailDago
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Cletus T. Bass

"Sounds like you two should add hearing aids to the list," Cletus grumbled with a hint of sarcasm. He took a drag on his stub of a cigarette and pointed to the merchant ship sailing not too far from the docks. "Kaito's out there on a sailing ship that he's rigged to explode and Arlen's saving his ass before things get dicier than they already are," he replied even though Jasper had asked Nerissa. "And why the hell do we keep comin' back to the flag plan? I'm sure most of us don't want to become wanted criminals right away, but we're not goin' to get anywhere if we keep thinkin' in circles. We should be preparin' for a fight in case the marines force our hand (not like they aren't tryin' already...)"

Boom! Cletus tightly bit down on his cigarette as the merchant ship exploded. In his mind he didn't think the marines could have missed it. Preparing for the worst, Cletus was about ready to declare Arlen and Kaito dead until he saw Arlen's canoe. "Crazy youngins..." he muttered. He readied his rifle just in case Arlen and Kaito could use some cover fire. "I bet you weren't expectin' a trail by fire when you decided to join the crew," he said to Rena. "Welcome to the Red Ribbon Pirates, missy."

@DaughterofAthena @AllHailDago @vergil @QuirkyAngel @Charybdis crew onboard.
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Sora Z. Lachance

As he ran toward the docks the little critter on his shoulder had to hang on for dear life or fear of being thrown off. As he ran he knew he should have gone to more inns to see if he could find any decent navigator. However time was not on his side right now and he needed to hurry incase anything happened to his ship. Though he thought something worse than a damn canon ball going through the hull no he hasn't and won't forget what that damn brat did was unlikely to say the least. After all the ship was a Lucky one, hence the name.

As he ran a smile made his way on his face, unable to contain his thrill. "Aren't you excited Albi? Today... Today is the day I am becoming an official pirate captain! And today...We are going to start our journey with our new crew! Hahaha! I can't wait to see how this goes down! The crew we got is beyond intresting! A panda! A half fish woman! A fiery cook! A crazy man and who knows who else will join before we leave!" Albi let out a loud squeak mainly telling Sora to slow down though she was just as excited as he was.

As he ran Sora came to a very sudden halt when he heard an explosion. Blinking several times he saw the smoke rise in the air and when it did he let out a sigh of relief. "Too far from my ship. Was worried they blew it up or something." Continuing on his bath another loud explosion erupted in the air. Now looking at that smoke Sora stopped running. And looked at the direction a bit. "Oh. Hell. No." He said knowing full well that the smoke was now coming in the direction of his ship. Not liking how long it was taking him to get to the port he climbed up the roof and started running and jumping from roof to roof in hopes of getting there quicker. "I swear if someone shot another cannon ball at her!!" Sprinting full force he suddenly jumped off a building that was relatively high. Making sure he did a roll to cushion the landing he was at the docks and his eyes instantly landed where his ship was. A sigh of relief left him when saw that his ship was still in one piece.

Though the ship next to his was far from being in the same shape.

"Thank the heavens." He muttered under his breath as he ran down the dock. Due to not having a bounty and his name not being known in these waters he wasn't worried about being attacked by marines. For all they knew he was just your average teenage boy who was very curious about the ships at the dock. Once he got to his ship he looked at her and let out a low whistle. "Niiice, I didn't think the workers would do this good of a job." He said with a grin as he admired the ship a bit and the fine craftsmen ship. Though he didn't focus too much as he soon looked at the ship behind him from the corner of his eyes.

He was lightly surprised to see that another ship was mixed in the debris that made him curios to say the least. Was it an accident that the ship blew? Though it did make him wonder how a small crash made such a powerful explosion that a good portion of the dock was destroyed. Not only was the dock destroyed. But another ship turned out to be very unfortunate as debris from the two ships had landed on it and now the rather big galleon was set ablaze. Burning faster than a bonfire during a festival.

When Sora saw this his relief was even greater as he smiled at how his ship avoided the possibility of being burned. "I knew she would live up to her name!" He said with a light laugh as he now climbed up the ship. "Hey who's on board right now? I need a rollcall so we can figure out whats next. Ah Cait you got all the water we needed right? Um... Who's the small girl? Also Elijah right??" He asked as he now stood on the deck looking at the three he first noticed there.

@shadowdude505 @Mitchs98 @Refaulted on the Lucky Nova


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/izaya-orihara-1izaya-orihara-37380732-480-640.jpg.8b5b431ae24226743dd1fa5fabd4b0ea.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148932" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/izaya-orihara-1izaya-orihara-37380732-480-640.jpg.8b5b431ae24226743dd1fa5fabd4b0ea.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
For Ryuu this was all just so amusing. He had to wonder if the person in front of him did any basic planning? He watched as the guy grabbed his friend and jumped off, and in doing so made Ryuu chuckle as he leaned against the steering wheel. "Now to go boom right?" He whispered under his breath. Seconds after he said that the shot rang out and the barrel was ignited setting off the explosion. Having been ready for this Ryuu had used Shave and was now up in the air away from potential danger. "Tsk, I guess this lot didn't have a back up plan? Or is this it? If so, they need to take classes." He said with a smirk as he kept kicking the air so he wouldn't fall into the water. The smoke from the ship hid his entire body very well though he did have trouble breathing himself.

'Hmm Where to get the best seat in the house? To watch what is going to happen next?' He wondered as he kicked the air hard going high in the air. Not that he was he looked around and his amusement soared when the two fellows got on a canoe. "They lived huh? Well my legs are getting tired I'm sure that boat can hold more~" With that last comment to himself he stopped kicking the air and let himself fall. When he was inches from the water he did another kick and with prospering aiming landed right on the end of the canoe just as the second explosion from the ship went through the air. With his sudden added weight the front of the canoe went out of the water for a bit before going back and sailing along.

Ryuu wasted no time to get comfortable. Sitting behind the one in the back he placed the back of his head behind the others head and had his hands crossed over his chest. A yawn left him as he laid there with good balance so he wouldn't fall off. Also due to his position Cletus could see him but not risk a shot without wounding one of his fellow crewmates. "Lovely weather wouldn't you agree?" He asked with a smirk obviously toying with them. "Also be careful what move you make. I'm st-" Just before he finished his sentence his arms suddenly uncrossed and he grabbed a switch blade from his coat and tossed it with quite a bit of power behind it. So much so that the drift wood it landed on cracked down the center. Seconds after it landed on the drift wood however, a small fly flew off of it and away from the scene. "Damn missed again."

Letting a sigh escape him he looked at the two from the corner of his eyes. "As I was saying~ Careful what you do~ I'm debating if I should be hostile to a you or not. One hand lovely explosions you created very entertaining to watch. But on the other hand... You were fully ready to blow me up as well~" He hummed, his arms crossed once again as he looked up at the sky. He looked completely relaxed and showed zero signs of him being even slightly worried. "I know you are probably stunned but I'm curious, why did you do something so foolishly and suicidal? Were you trying to play hero? Or.... Do you just want to die?"

@QuirkyAngel @Jekyll @shadowdude505



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The suggestion of Rena being a hostage was an interesting one and she looked at the ropes with a smirk. "I'm not used to being the one tied up." she said with a chuckle, "totally kidding by the way, but if we are going to pretend to be a merchant ship, which I totally like, I don't think having a hostage is the way forward."

She paced the deck a little and thought about the plan.

"We need to plan for if we get boarded and inspected. I doubt, during a raid like this the marines will trust any ships sailing away. I wonder if we could get an actual merchant captain to do it, as he would have the savvy? Chances are slim so we have to think like marines looking for pirates."

Her pen clicked a couple of times as she plotted further. She started mumbling to herself - loud enough so anyone interested could hear.

"Marines come aboard. Likely to be men and we have a few females on this ship. Weaken their state of reasoning with suggestive clothes." Rena undid her blouse a little and adjusted her bra so her, godammit-I-wish-they were-a-little-bigger-so-my-job-would-be-easier, chest looked more inviting, "If it turns out to be female marines then it'll work against us, but we'll have to play the odds."

"First question - where are you going? A major island around here would be Briterica. Second question; if you are a merchant ship - why don't you have any stock? That's a good question. If we could find some useful items then, that'd make our ploy more believable. Failing that, we ran out because pirates robbed us and where were you a couple of hours ago?! Indignation over marines not doing their job would be good and ties in nicely with what's going on. Also would explain why we don't have papers - Briterica has a merchants guild there and we are applying to get a new one and we have 5 days to show proof of our merchants license. Only Merchants know this info - thankfully I researched this for a story a few years back."

"Yes!" she said more audibly, flicking her dark hair back, "I think it could work with the right preparation. What do you think Captain?" Rena asked and looked at the mast, "we may need to steal a merchant ship's flag though. I saw one 7 ships down. Hopefully other pirates don't have the same idea."

@DaughterofAthena @AllHailDago @shadowdude505 @QuirkyAngel

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Syrin Insinu



At this brisk pace, Syrin assumed that they'd reach the docks fairly soon, but that itself brought on it's on slew of problems. First of all, he did have a bounty to his name so that meant the Marines were, more likely than not, capable of spotting him considering his fairly distinct appearance. Glancing down at the shoes that gave him his namesake, he simply sighed lowly and prayed that they'd just run into a few incompetent grunts and not anyone of power or intelligence beyond that of a wet paper bag. Though he did suppose that even a wet paper bag had it's moments at times, and he'd have to be careful nonetheless. That didn't make him any happier, or any less worried. Glancing over at Stacy, who kept up with him at a similar brisk walking pace, he frowned in contemplation. Drifting closer to her side, he started talking in a low tone while keeping his gaze towards the docks. "The closer we get to the docks, the more likely we are to encountering a marine. And, eventually, there might be a marine who recognizes me. In the case of the first, pretend my name is Daniel, and that I'm hungover and that you're helping me back to our merchant ship. I've traveled on enough of them to know the protocols, so as long as we play it right, we can get past any dimwitted grunt."





He fakes a stumble and uses Stacy to right himself, while using that little act to take in their surroundings. Seeing nothing too alarming as of now, he continues. "In the case of the second, I suggest that you react as if I told you I was a merchant, once again by the name of Daniel, act hurt and scared, then run away to either the Luck Nova, or Kenji, depending on which you think gives you a better chance at escape. Best case scenario, I get away too with a higher bounty, and then I can pick up my journey on another island. Worst case scenario, I'm captured, tortured, imprisoned, or killed." He says the last part nonchalantly, as if it was simply the weather he was speaking of. Slowly drifting away from her, he gives one last warning. "I think I see the docks coming up, so be ready for anything." Slouching forward, he began doing quite a good impression of someone hungover, yet panicked and trying to get to their boat, his dagger hidden in his sleeve and his eyes roaming the coming dock for any threat. He could swear he could see a flamboyant, yet fairly elegant, looking boat in the near distance and assumed that was their final goal. He just hoped that things didn't take a turn for the worst now of all times.

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<strong><span style="font-size:20px;"><span style="color:rgb(218,165,32);">Arlen Hakhassi</span></span></strong>


<p style="text-align:center;">



Thump. Arlen’s green eyes flickered over to where the unwelcomed passenger landed on his small floating vessel. His eyebrow arched. The sky? Did the loony just drop from the sky? Arlen glanced up briefly before returning his attention to the talkative man with the annoying way of speaking. Arlen wouldn’t normally pay much mind to something so trivial, but he was in an irritable mood. His clothes were wet. He was tired after staying up late arguing with Nerissa. And, to top it all off, he was hungry. Didn’t even get a bite of breakfast before the marines decided to show up and ruin his day.





Sighing, Arlen reached for the oar and began rowing back to shore. He would’ve tossed the wooden shaft at the knife throwing punk and told him to row if he wanted a free ride, but thought better of it. Leaving that man at the steering wheel, any sort of steering wheel, wasn’t a good idea. Arlen snorted. <span style="color:#DAA520;">“Says the one who crashed a potentially exploding vessel into another ship.”</span>





As far as he was concerned, both of the men he was with were crazy. Arlen grunted, as he rowed. Three fully grown men. Arlen was the Leviathan, but he wasn’t a bodybuilder. He wasn't physically weak by any means, but physical strength wasn't his forte either. <span style="color:#DAA520;">“I don’t think any of us care whether you get blown up or not. Good job surviving, by the way. I’d call you Aquarius blessed, but I don’t really believe in that sort of stuff.”</span>





The priestess would scold him if she heard him say that. His mother would kill him. Fortunately, neither were with him at the moment. It wasn’t as if he didn’t believe Aquarius existed. What other way was there to explain what Nerissa could do? He simply didn’t believe that Aquarius blessed anyone, but his priestess. At the very least, it wasn’t Aquarius that brought Arlen his fortune. He’d done that with his own two hands. Aquarius hadn’t helped him or his family when they needed it. Arlen glanced at Kaito hoping the gunner wouldn’t do something stupid like start a fight with the humming man. As annoying as he found the punk to be, too much moving around would capsize the small canoe. And shooting risked creating unnecessary holes in their tiny boat. The marines wouldn’t start shooting them as soon as they neared port would they? Arlen groaned. Hopefully not. None of them looked especially pirate-y.





<span style="color:#DAA520;">“Look man.”</span> Arlen glared at the guy with the annoying singsong way of speaking.<span style="color:#DAA520;"> "You’re clearly not a friend. So why don’t you stop bullshitting us and tell us who you are.”</span>

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Wasabi and James Clark

Wasabi followed Stacy and Syrin into the tavern area of the inn and found a place to sit. Not long after, he excused himself to use a washroom. After all, he had been at sea for about a week straight in Sen, his humble cormorant boat. The washroom was a much appreciated pleasantry after that trip.

Closing the door behind him, Wasabi let out a sigh and slid the rice hat off his head - minding the sharp edge he had installed around it. He ruffled his white hair a bit before splashing water from the basin onto his face. A mirror on the wall reflected part of Wasabi’s face back at him, however he never stared directly back as he felt uneasy about looking into mirrors.

However, the mirror was soon shoved to the back of his mind as a loud explosion shook the washroom walls. There was a momentary pause before the people outside rose up in a clamor. Whatever had happened obviously wasn’t expected. Slinging the rice hat back onto his head, Wasabi headed back to the main tavern area to find that his two friends had gone along with most of the other patrons. Looking over to the innkeeper, he asked, “What have I missed? That wasn’t some customary occurrence I’m not privy to, is it?”

The innkeeper promptly shook his head. “No it was not,” he stated firmly. “Your friends seemed to think it was the marines and they were heading towards some ship called the Lucky Nova. Best hurry along. They didn’t seem like they intended to wait for anyone once they got there.”

“Hmm, I best be on my way then,” responded Wasabi with a satisfied smile. The marines were exactly the ones he wanted to run into. The fact that they had come to this cutthroat town and he had seemed to make friends with crew of a ship called the Lucky Nova - which was quite obviously some sort of pirate vessel - was more than he could have asked for. It seemed his plan might work out after all. Wasabi did not delay to leave the inn and search the bay for the Lucky Nova. Even if they had cast off, they couldn’t be out of reach of Sen, his little cormorant vessel.

As Wasabi headed out of the inn with a particular destination in mind, another individual was heading in the direction of the inn although this one had no destination in mind and he was finding it quite troubling. As much as James had avoided asking questions of his commander to make it seem like he knew where he was going, James really didn’t have the first clue. The one thing that kept running through his mind - the one part of the plan that he knew for certain - was that he had to keep his eye out for high value targets.

He ran right past Wasabi before the hat clicked in his mind and James paused and then turned. “Criminal Watanabe, guilty of tyranny on the island of Shima, I - Warrant Officer James Clark - now place you under arrest!” Although he tried to speak with the utmost confidence in his voice, James was obviously hesitant and unsure of himself. Deep breaths in and out confirmed his nervousness. ‘You can do this. You can do this.’ He repeated it to himself over and over again in his head as his previous mission was nearly completely forgotten.

Wasabi paused, but did not turn around as a marine shot past him. Listening to the marine’s feet, he knew exactly when he had been recognized and that the marine was ill-prepared for such an encounter. Wasabi cringed as the officer referred to him as ‘Criminal Watanabe’. Casting a shadowy glare over his shoulder, Wasabi said, “How many times must I explain this? Either it’s Criminal Wasabi, or Criminal Watanabe Wasabi, or even Criminal Wasabi Watanabe is better than just ‘Criminal Watanabe’. By saying that, you’re insinuating that my entire family is criminal, which they most certainly are not. You do not just go around calling people by their last name. It’s just... weird,” Wasabi turned around to face the marine before continuing. “Now, I can tell the last thing you need right now is some guy causing you trouble when you’re just trying to do your job. I understand and have no intention of resisting. However, there are a few personal items that I have left on my boat that I’d like to retrieve first. Once I grab that, then you can lead the way, how does that sound?”

James’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion throughout the whole of Wasabi’s talking. None of it made any sense to him. At first, he was almost inclined to believe he’d made a mistake because it seemed that this man’s name was not actually Watanabe, but then it was again and James was even more confused. All he knew for certain was that this man’s hat matched the hat on the wanted poster and that was all the confirmation James thought he needed.

However, Wasabi’s proposal caught his attention and his concentration again. “Sure…?” he said as he was still trying to make sense of things. Then everything seemed to click and he promptly started shaking his head. “No. You’re just trying to trick me. Marines do not bargain with criminals. You are under arrest and you are under arrest NOW!” Still, the hesitation remained in James’s voice making it apparent that he’d never been in a situation like this before. The warrant officer did add more to his threat, though. Reaching to a holster on his belt, James pulled out a single pistol and aimed it at his target. “On the ground… now.”

“If my intention was to trick you, I wouldn’t have said a word,” began Wasabi before the officer pulled out a pistol. Wasabi’s eyes narrowed beneath the shadow of his rice hat. Then his voice came forth in a more serious monotone than before, “If you knew who I was, then you’d know it’d be best for everyone that you put that toy away before somebody really gets hurt.”

Wasabi’s new tone sent a brief shiver through James’s spine, but he did not move at all.

“I know that you’re guilty of creating weapons. I know that you’re a threat to the marines and the world government. I know that if I arrest you, I’m upholding the law and doing my job and if I put my gun away, I’m failing to do so.” James said each sentence slowly and with utter certainty.

“What you do not know, and what the marines seem to be turning a blind eye to is this: These weapons I’m guilty of creating are agrarian instruments… farming tools. The threat I posed was teaching my village how to use them. I was only trying to do my job, and when the marines came, I never held a gun. Yet even then, they could never put theirs away. You say the marines are in danger, yet you ran past me unharmed. I have shown no hostility, made no attempt to flee, and am standing here conversing in a rather peaceful manner. The only one endangering us with weapons here is you,” responded Wasabi, unmoving.

James heard Wasabi’s words and they made sense. Slowly, he began to grasp at something that he had never dared to think of before, but almost as quickly, James shook his head almost violently as though to clear the thought away from his mind. “No. You’re just trying to trick me again,” he stated. “I’m not going to fall for it and come back empty handed again. For once, I’m actually going to get the job done.”

Without a moment’s hesitation, James made a decisive movement. Aiming his gun for Wasabi’s left thigh, James pulled the trigger of his weapon and a loud echo followed the bullet out of the barrel.

Wasabi could sense the officer’s increasing turmoil and tracked the barrel of the pistol closely. An untrained eye would not stand a chance, but for someone like Wasabi, this was a simple problem. First, the officer’s eyes would give away the intended target, followed closely behind by an adjustment of the gun angle and a redistribution of weight into a solid stance. A quick breath and then the shooter’s eyes would dilate for a split second, that was when Wasabi had to act.

The concept was simple, but the timing had to be perfect. A moment too soon and the officer would detect the motion and likely frantically adjust while they were firing, putting many people in danger. A moment too late and he would obviously be shot.

Wasabi shifted his own weight opposite the side the barrel was pointing and held for the cue. Right before the bullet was shot, Wasabi threw his left elbow back, spinning on his right foot and lunging toward the marine. The shot missed by a narrow margin, but Wasabi had not. The giant loomed over the marine now with the barrel of the gun in his hand. Wasabi glared at the marine in front of him, saying nothing for the moment.

James wasn’t quite sure what to do and that showed in the panic on his face. The shadow Wasabi’s body was casting was entirely massive and made the marine look entirely small by comparison. He was small by comparison anyway, but this situation only made it worse. However, after a moment, James’s expression hardened and he pulled back hard on the pistol he held, trying to yank it free of Wasabi’s hold on its barrel.

Wasabi didn’t budge despite the attempts of the marine to free the gun. After a moment, Wasabi stated, “Right now, the only thing threatening people is you, but if it’s a threat to the world government that you really seek, then keep barkin’ up this tree, kid. Because that’s exactly what you’ll get. Are you sure you’re ready for that?”

James looked straight up and into Wasabi’s eyes, an odd determination glistening within them. “If I’m going to become an admiral someday, I have to be ready for that,” he proclaimed without a doubt in his tone. The problem was, he wasn’t ready for it and he knew it. He wasn’t ready to be fighting pirates and he wasn’t ready to take on this island as he’d thought he had been. In truth, James had already encountered two wanted men, yet he was the least equipped to actually take them down.

“Admiral, huh?” asked Wasabi, “Don’t get ahead of yourself, kid. You’re a Warrant Officer, and a pretty bad shot at that. You likely won’t amount to much. Statistics would suggest you’ll probably get killed on your first big mission. When I leave, I doubt I’ll ever see you again. However, if you don’t get killed and manage to sharpen your skills, then we may have something to talk about. So come find me when you’ll actually stand a chance.”

Wasabi gave the officer a light shove and turned to disappear into the crowd. However, he stopped for a moment to add one last comment, “Oh, and kid… if you desire to make admiral, you must know this. Sometimes, to protect good people, you have to be bad.”

The light shove caught James off guard and the marine actually fell backwards and landed on the ground afterwards although his hand remained firmly grasped around his weapon throughout it all. There was a second where he could’ve tried another shot. James didn’t take it, though. He would smack himself on the head for it later, but even James knew he was not ready.

With that, Wasabi disappeared into the frenzied crowd and refocused his attention to finding the Lucky Nova. After locating the ship, he headed for Sen, the little cormorant fishing vessel, as he had no intention of leaving it behind.

@DaughterofAthena @Exanis
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“That’s what I’m about to find out,” Nerissa replied simply to Jasper, a second before disappearing below deck. When in doubt, the solution for her was to ask Aquarius—the God of the Sea. She had faith that Arlen wasn’t dead. It was faith alone that kept her moving forward. Without it, she’d crumble. After all, it’d been her that sent Arlen to help Kaito.

5 minutes later

“S-suggestive clothing?”

Nerissa’s eyes widened slightly as she emerged from below deck, a cup of tea in hand. She hadn’t heard the entirety of the reporter’s plans. However, she got the gist of it. Overall, Nerissa was pleased that it seemed to involve some acting and no fighting. Whether she acted as a hostage, merchant, or even a marine, none of that mattered to Nerissa. She simply wanted a chance to do what she couldn’t do while living as a priestess in Mirage Island. But, in all honesty, she was fine with any plan so long as it didn’t go against Aquarius’s will and got them started in their search for One Piece.

Nerissa tucked an aqua lock behind her ear. She’d returned with her appearance back to normal—the wig removed and the water gem back her forehead. Without the jewel signifying her status, Nerissa was no longer the Priestess of Water. She was simply Nerissa, a normal girl sailing with friends. The thought made her feel both liberated and vulnerable. Liberated was nice, but she didn’t like the vulnerable feeling. Shaking her head, Nerissa pointed to a small canoe, barely visible in the distance that was—slowly—making its way to shore.

“Arlen and Kaito are over there,” Nerissa said. Though, it was clear Cletus had already spotted them from the rifle he was readying. “There’s another with them.”

Aquarius had shown her the blockade. It seemed the marines wouldn’t let any pirates escape the island. And in order to find One Piece, they had to leave. Disguises. Going over the barricade. Going under the barricade. There were a lot of options that didn’t necessarily involve fighting. And, even if it did, Aquarius didn’t forbid self defense. He simply disfavored those who initiated conflict.

Nerissa walked to the rails of the ship, leaned over slightly, cupped a her left hand over her mouth and called to friend with in a way that only their kind could hear. One of the creatures of the sea. The ones who lived and breathed Aquarius. Nerissa didn’t know their name, nor who she was calling for. She simply called for help.

A second later, a big, interesting-looking blue fish with a large jaw and emerged from below the surface.


Nerissa waved. “Do you see that canoe, Friend? There’s a boy with silver hair on it. Could you deliver a message to him for me?”

The fish nodded and opened it’s gaping mouth, revealing its jagged teeth, and allowing Nerissa to drop a folded paper inside. Afterwards the fish disappeared back into the water. Still holding on to the cup of tea in her right hand, Nerissa sat herself on a barrel as she returned her attention to the Red Ribbon Pirates.

“Arlen should be able to take care of himself,” Nerissa said. Though it was good to see that Scarlet was worried about Arlen and Kaito. They’d known each other little more than a day yet the female pirate captain refused to leave any crewmate behind. Nerissa smiled. A kind person. Nerissa was glad she’d decided to travel with Scarlet.“Kaito’s not incompetent either. Trust your new crewmates. If they are meant to become Red Ribbon Pirates, they’ll return to this ship unharmed.”

She could see it in the brunette. The qualities of a benevolent queen. However, she seemed to lack the ability to make level-headed judgments, like some of the chieftans Nerissa had seen. The priestess took a sip of her tea and hummed a hymn she’d learned. Either way, Scarlet was her friend. And Nerissa intended to help her friend achieve her goals.

“If you want to be Queen of the Pirates you should just move forward with faith. So long as you give them a place to return to, the people who decide to follow you will take care of the rest.”





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Sétanta and Seth

BOOM! The ground shook with the trembling power of the magnificent explosion. Not that Seth could feel any of it. He was up in the air, doing one of those freakin' awesome slow-motion jumps with the white-hot explosion in the background. Fans loved that kind of stuff. He looked to his left where another person was also graciously flying through the air. It was his master, or rather sensei, Xiao, who had taught him all his Panda Kong Fu moves and had become a respected friend after a while. He turned his head to the left and saw another great companion: his best friend Keya. He was grateful that she had staid with him for the whole trip. It had been very dangerous, they had to save her from evil men's hands countless times. They had defeated all evil and now they were finally here. They made an elegant somersault as they landed on the top of the stairs. In front of them was a serene temple. They walked inside. The door opened in an enclosed garden. At the end they saw a big and wise head. Seth and his companions knelt down on their knees. "Greetings, oh Great Ermine of the East. We have traveled far to meet you. I am the chosen one, Sét-" A cough of the old, wise, giant ermine silenced him. It was disrespectful to continue when the great ermine made a sound. "I already knew who you were a long time ago." It said in a deep, godly voice. "Welcome in my Garden of Wisdom, I take it you are here to claim the secret of the best prank ever?" Seth nodded. The Ermine continued: "Once it had been written down on paper, but the book disappeared. The secret has been past down for generations and generations. I am the last living of my line. The Secret of the Best Prank Ever is-" BOOM!

Seth shot up. Ready to defend the Great Ermine in a battle with the greatest evil.
Pok! He hit his head against a wooden beam. He couldn't remember how that got there. It was quite dark, but not completely. Seth was very confused. What the heck had happened? Did the enemy have a secret teleporter or something? As his eyes adjusted to the dark Seth realized what had happened. He was sitting upright in a hammock in a boat cabin. He laughed to himself. It had all been a dream. How silly of him. He smile turned into a sad face. Such a shame. It had been really amazing. He had actually thought he had found a friend in this Keya-person, but of course dwarfs didn't exist. Neither did giant talking Pandas. Ermines actually did exist. Seth was pretty sure he had never seen one in real life before. Still dazed Seth wondered how far they were from reaching Mirstone. He would probably be thrown out as soon as they got there. Once again Seth had managed to infuriate his captain. Weird that they hadn't woken him up with angry yelling or a bucket of water. Instead they went for an explosion this time. An explosion? Say what again! He was immediately on alert and listened. He heard muffled sounds of fighting in the distance. Sword clatter, gun shots, explosions. Thankfully it sounded like it was still far away. Seth hurried above deck. He opened the hatch and was met with bright morning sunlight. A few silhouettes were talking. Something about a rollcall or something. "Sétanta Igramo'El, at your service!" He stood stiff with his hand in salute and face in an impish grin.

Then he took a moment to take a good look at the people on deck. He turned to each of them with a flabbergasted look on his face.
"Keya! Panda-sensei!" He shouted happily. He almost wanted to hug the big Panda as his eye got more awesomeness. "Captain Ermine! Fish lady! Awesome guy I haven't met yet!" He paused "... Oh ... and Sora, almost didn't notice you in all this greatness. Good to see you too, I guess." He grinned widely and relaxed a bit. His eyes became clear before he spouted a fountain of questions. "Wait ... Does this mean it wasn't a dream after all? Is this the real life? Or just my own mind? Where is the Great Ermine we need to defend him? Or was that still a dream, but were other parts real? Maybe I am still asleep. A dream in a dream in a dream in a dream. If so, did I just got further in the dream or did I surface more? Or maybe I'm in a coma and you're all representations of my personality? That would be seriously fucked up. Or- Stop confusing me! I am not confusing you! Yes, you are! No you are confusing yourself. You know what? I don't care! you can say whatever you want ..." It must have been weird for the others, watching as Seth was arguing with himself. The fight was fast and furious. It heated up a bit before it suddenly stopped. "OK. I simply don't care whether this is real or not. It is freaking awesome and I am going to enjoy every second of it. So ... I am guessing this is our ship?" He didn't wait for an answer. "I think it would be best if I go hide somewhere so you can't see my shame ... Not that I am ashamed of course. Shame is for the weak, but ... eh ... yeah. If you are looking for me I will be in the crows nest." With those weird last words,he did an awkward step backward. He turned towards the main mast and almost stumbled as he ran over to the big beam and started climbing it.

@Peaceswore @shadowdude505 @Mitchs98 @Azure Sky @Refaulted
[SIZE=14.6667px]Scarlet turned to Rena, a look of slight concern on her face. “I swear to you,” she explained, “it really wasn’t this chaotic when I left.” It really seemed the only thing she could comment on the current situation that her crew found themselves in. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]There were so many suggestions coming in and once and although Scarlet tried to listen to each and every one of them, in the end, she wasn’t sure how successful she would be at remembering all of them. Something about Cletus’s attitude made him seem aptly opposed to disguising their ship as a merchant ship using a flag. In all reality, Scarlet thought it would be fun to go try and steal a flag quick. She hadn’t found her thief the other day when she’d been looking - not that she was aware of, at least - and she wanted to see if she was any good at it. Pirates were supposed to be good thieves after all. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]However, Rena was right too. They did need to be prepared for marines to come on board. It also seemed that their newest crew member had ready solutions, though. “That sounds like it’ll work,” Scarlet nodded without too much time to think. “We have to get our crew back together first, though, and we need a merchant flag.” There was a new determination in the way that Scarlet spoke now. Her voice made it clear that she was the captain, that she had made her decision, and that she was sticking to it without an inch of budge. Finally, a plan of some sort existed. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Cletus!” Scarlet yelled his name - not because she didn’t see him, but to turn his attention away from the rifle he seemed to be lining up. “You’re coming with me to steal a flag. It’ll be fun!” She chuckled at the thought. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Jasper, you’re in charge here!” The next part of her plan unfolded. She trusted Jasper to take actions to prevent the chaos that they now had to deal with and was unsure of who else would be able to ensure everything was ready to leave. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Nerissa,” this was the one name she didn’t yell out as she gave out orders, “please make sure that Kaito and Arlen get their butts back on the ship. I don’t want to leave without them.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Scarlet knew that there were people she had not addressed, but she trusted that they would find themselves getting the ship ready to sail while she went on one more small adventure. Waving her arm, she gestured for Cletus to follow her as she stepped off of Charybdis again. However, before she made it too far, Scarlet did one more thing. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Bending down, she picked up a smaller rock and tossed it lightly in her hand. She could see the guy who was distracting Arlen and Kaito and he wasn’t someone Scarlet was particularly fond of in that moment. “HEY!” she shouted, hoping he heard her. “LEAVE MY CREW ALONE!” Winding her arm back, Scarlet threw the small stone straight for the man who everyone seemed to be calling Ryuu. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]@vergil @AllHailDago @Peaceswore @QuirkyAngel @shadowdude505 @Jekyll [/SIZE]
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Cletus T. Bass


Cletus was in the process of lining up a shot on Ryuu with his rifle. He quickly noticed that the young man was too close to his crewmates for a clean shot, or at least a conventional one. Cletus quickly took out the ammo clip in his gun and switched it out with a clip ricochet bullets. Looking down his rifle sights, Cletus began to calculate the angles. He was in the middle of shifting his aim over toward a nearby boat when Scarlet yelled out his name. Cletus had been too deep in his mental zone to expect his captain's sudden shout and flinched; luckily he stopped himself before pulling the trigger.

"It's not a good idea startlin' a gunman, it's an easy way to get someone killed," he grumbled before taking a mental note about his assignment. Scarlet had ordered him to steel a flag, presumably a merchant one. It wasn't his place to argue, not that he wanted to. Scarlet had given her orders and that would put an end to planning about plans. Cletus stored his rifle into the holster on his back and started to follow Scarlet. He tossed his used cigarette aside as she picked up a rock. Cletus watched as his captain threw a rock at the trouble making Ryuu. Cletus' hand lingered near his pistol as he prepared to deal with whatever scene Scarlet had just stirred up.


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Rena Heartwood

Scarlet was quite the leader, her voice carried weight and she was forthright - great stuff. Rena smiled contently. This woman may well be the right example to use when painting pirate in a more positive light. Of course, throwing rocks at people wasn't the best behavior, but she'd take that any day over ruthless killing. She didn't really want to see what the outcome of that was and went off something.

Rena hadn't been assigned a task but with everything going on around them, she felt it prudent to stay on the ship; if they were boarded whilst the others were away she could most definitely make the lie convincing. Besides, she needed time to jot down all the things she had seen and heard into something resembling an article, and she could always stock up on her grenades, though she decided on the former as she didn't want an article on her being a pirate to fall into marine hands when they were trying to be merchants.

She went below deck, to the storage area to see what could be used to make their lie convincing. Not a great deal, to be honest. Some barrels of alcohol (which Rena was not going near) and other odds and ends. Strange things. There was also a person sitting there. Hmm what could she use to....

Rena smiled at the person sitting before her, held up a finger to indicate him to wait a moment, cleared her throat and then let out her shock and surprise in a blood curdling scream.

@DaughterofAthena @Felix
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[SIZE=14.6667px]Stacy was absolutely and utterly shocked at how helpless Syrin seemed to think she was. After having been around him for a bit longer than a day now, she would’ve hoped she’d made more of an impression. Her look showed her apparent and obvious displeasure at his “plan”. Her eyes turned into a glare very similar to the one she’d given Kenji at some point or another. “I guess it sucks to be you today because it ain’t that simple,” she snapped, probably more severely than necessary. “I’m not exactly nonexistent on the marines’ wanted list so I guess we’re just going to have to hope we get lucky.”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]A sigh of exasperation escaped her as she continued walking. “The worst case scenario, whether you like it or not, is that we both get captured, tortured and killed.” She stated it bluntly. It was the truth. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]A scowl forms on Syrin’s face and something suspiciously similar to ‘under my dead body’ was uttered under his breath. Giving her a half-hearted glare out of the corner of his eyes, he slumped forward and sighed miserably. “Knowing my luck, that isn’t too far from what could rightly happen. Damn Marines…” Straightening out, he rolled his shoulders and began absently fiddling with the dagger hidden in his sleeve. “Fine, we’ll do it your way. No convoluted plan, no aliases, none of that. If Lady Luck shines her glorious, glorious light on us, we may just make it to the Lucky Nova without running into any important Marines.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]He pauses and gives her a serious stare. “Though, if I by some chance do tell you to run, I likely mean that you should probably, maybe, kinda sorta really get out of the way. Just a heads up.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Stacy nodded. “And if I tell you to move, chances are there’s a bullet coming your way.” She said it in exactly the same tone his warning had come in the form of. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]A new voice came into the situation. “A bullet coming, eh?” Coming from their left, there was a single man. Blonde hair that looked overly snobby decorated his head and a coat trimmed with fur along the edges was the most notable thing about him. His body seem tilted in an almost crazy manner and if one were to guess based off of the tone of his voice alone, that really wasn’t a too far off thing to say. “I think there’s more than that coming.” A grin spread across his face as the area behind him, the area they had come from, erupted in flames that rapidly expanded through the air. It wasn’t [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]massive[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px], but it was definitely noticeable and a building crumpled behind him. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Syrin tensed up immediately, and allowed the dagger to fall from his sleeve all the way to the ground, chains clinking dangerously as he turned to stare at the newcomer. Glancing briefly at Stacy, he made a vague motion towards the Marine with his free hand. “You see? This is what I mean by terrible luck. Now I have to kill some hotshot marine who has no sense of manners. This is what my life has devolved to.” Focusing on the marine once more, he gives him a piercing glare. “And, pray do tell, who you are exactly? I’d like to send a flower to your family as an apology that one of their own grew to be scum like you.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]As Syrin’s attention turned to the newcomer, so too did Stacy’s attention as well and one of her hands slid down to her hip, drawing a pistol from its holster. She didn’t move further, though. Curiosity stayed her hand. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“No sense of manners? I do believe pirates have no manners and that is why we are here. I may be wrong, though,” the man rambled. “I don’t really care. You’ll go up in flames just like the rest of ‘em. As for sending a flower, no worries there. She already got one and it was b-e-a-utiful!” He exaggerated his final term and seemed to savor it as though recalling a delectable steak. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Name’s Robin, though, if it really matters,” he shrugged. “Actually, you should call me [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Lieutenant[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Robin.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]His eyes trickled down and a chuckle erupted through him. “Might want to watch your step..” Running between Stacy and Syrin was a rope with sparks emitting along its length. It was a fuse.  [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Oh sonnova-” Cutting himself off before he went on a tirade that would do nobody any good, Syrin ran towards Robin, whipping his arm out as to send the dagger at the man. Faintly, he hoped that Stacy would be able to get out of the blast radius, but considering the previous explosion caused by the Marine, he wondered if he himself would be able to get out of the explosion himself. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Stacy’s eyes, rather than going from the fuse straight back to the man who had likely lit it, instead followed the fuse onward, trying to locate its endpoint and thereby manage to get herself out of the way of the blast that would soon ensue. It ran straight along the streets of the market which had previously been swarming with people although most seemed to have fled. Unbeknownst to her, that was the point. The explosions scared the remaining people away sending them running to their ships. What she did know was that the fuse was short and her entire body seemed to leap in one direction, the one that could possibly get her out of the way.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Another explosion ensued, this one on a smaller scale, and smoke rose up around the whole area. Masked from sight, Stacy was upon the ground where she rolled her shoulder cautiously. Everything seemed to be in place and she’d merely been knocked from her feet. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Meanwhile, Robin was standing a few inches to the left of where he’d been standing before the blast and he was smiling still. The knife had missed due to his movement and as the smoke cleared, he raised an arm to wipe ashes and soot from his face. “Isn’t that a wonderful smell?” he remarked. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Jerking his arm back, Syrin caught the dagger that was dragged back to him and stared blankly at Robin. Sighing he called out to Stacy, hoping beyond hope that she was safe from the explosion. “Hey, you know that thing I said about running when I say so? Yeah, I suggest doing that thing right now.” He eyed the demolitionist warily. “I really, really, really hate this guy already…”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Brushing herself off and getting to her feet, Stacy eyed Syrin cautiously. It was intriguing to her that he seemed to care so much and yet seemed so nonchalant about it anyway and she wasn’t quite sure what to think of it. Before doing anything else, she glanced towards Robin and noted a small sack on his belt - gunpowder. Turning her gaze back to Syrin, she nodded and then added, “You remember what I said to do when I told you to move?” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]She didn’t give him much time. Her hand still wrapped around one of her pistols rose, took quick aim, and fired. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Robin didn’t have much time either. He had seen where her eyes went and his fingers moved deftly to detach the gunpowder sack although he only just managed to put an inch between it and him before the bullet tore through it. The fire from the last explosion caught it quick and sent Robin flying back quite a ways. Stacy watched. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Good luck,” she said to Syrin and then she did as she’d been instructed. She knew she would find him again. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Hearing her statement, he didn’t hesitate to glide out of the way of the possible line of fire. Syrin would be lying if he said he didn’t take a bit of grim satisfaction in watching Robin get blown away, and as he went to attempt to end the man, he smiled wryly and shook his head at the last thing Stacy said. “I don't need it. Thank’s anyway though.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Rolling upon the ground, Robin let out a long groan as he realized just how close that shot had been to ending him right there. While it wasn’t really a problem, he wanted to see his work completed and it had only just begun, really. There was so much more in store and it was fun to watch it all. He laid upon his side as he watched the girl run and the man remain. A chuckle erupted through him. “There’s no escape, you know,” he warned. “Everything blows eventually.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]His eyes remained focused on Syrin. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Syrin simply shrugged in response and tightened the grip on his dagger. “Everyone dies eventually. I’m just… Playing with the lengths. See, today you are going to die, and she is going to live. Real simple when you think about it.” He gave the downed man a small, vicious smile. “And really, you have no idea what’s in store for these pathetic rats if I can’t get off the island.” Without another word, he moved in to deliver the final blow.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Robin threw his arms back behind his head, and then he threw all of his weight forward using his legs and his arms, allowing him to spring back to his feet. Bones cracked as he did so, but he landed and that was all he needed. “You think you’re playing with fuses? Hah!” He seemed a bit too amused. “Mine’s already been cut and the island’s fuse isn’t very long either. Won’t have time to play with rats either, I don’t imagine.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Laughter coursed through him and it continued to sound as he charged at Syrin, both of his hands moving to come together against Syrin’s ears, hoping to squish the wanted man in between the two opposing blows. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Syrin snorted at the man’s amusement. “I’m not one for fuses. I much prefer chains. Truly, more reliable tools have never been found.” His own amusement, however, was short lived as the Marine charged him. Setting his face in a blank mask once more, he rolled back out of Robin’s reach and once more threw his dagger at the man.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Robin’s body tried to turn so that the dagger slipped past him. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Tried… [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]In his muscles slow response to his mind’s request, Robin found his stomach getting grazed with the blade which elicited a grimace from his expression. However, Robin was now aware of the chain that drew the knife back to Syrin every time and he grabbed at the chain as it flew past, yanking at it hard as he tried to pull Syrin in closer. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Explosions are prettier though! I think you should stick around to see one!” As he pulled Syrin in, his fist flew towards the wanted man’s face. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]The moment his chain was grabbed, Syrin nearly had a full body twitch. He had no more time to think as Robin tugged on the chain to bring him forward. Scowling, he went with the motion and found a fist coming at his face. Tilting his head to the side in an attempt to dodge, he withheld a wince as the fist scraped past his cheek quite roughly. Ignoring the pain for now, he sent his knee towards the cut he’d recently made on Robin’s stomach.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Robin’s hand still remained in a grasp around the chain and he ensured that it stayed that way. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Taking the knee caused more pain than he anticipated. Robin’s entire body flew back on impact and since he still held the chain attached to the knife, the recoil on the chain sent the knife flying towards him as well. The blade grazed his cheek as he landed on the ground, heaving heavy breaths through the pain. The knife clattered next to him as he still held the chain, although his hand slid up its length. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“I… I told you… my fuse is already cut,” he gasped out the words. “You think I care about this?” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Hoping his words were some distraction and that his completely exposed body collapsed on the ground was as alluring as he imagined it would be, Robin used that moment to grab the knife in his free hand. Pulling Syrin close again, Robin made to slash at Syrin’s legs - anywhere on them really. “Although, I think you’ll enjoy the show too,” he chuckled out. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Taking the time that he made from sending the Marine flying, Syrin rolled up his jacket sleeve to show lengths upon lengths of chain coiled around his arm. Uncoiling a bit more to give him some leeway in the fight, as well as to ensure that he wouldn’t get dragged around like a dog, he had to stop the snort threatening to escape his throat at Robin’s attempt. Standing his ground, he tugged back harder from where he was, tsking the whole time. “You think you’re the first person I fought who grabbed my chain? Naive. And to answer you.” He tilts his head and moves to kick the knife out of Robin’s hand. “I really don’t give a single damn about you or anything relating to you.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]As Syrin’s foot came in to kick at the blade, Robin turned the knife in his hand aiming it towards the incoming white shoe. It wasn’t his knife so he couldn’t know how sharp it was, but if it was as well taken care of as he hoped, it would slice through the shoe and graze the foot right along with it. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]And well taken care of it was. By the time Syrin realized his folly, it was too late for him to do anything more than attempt to stamp down on the man’s hand, for the little good it would do him. He froze, and stared down at his shoes for a split second, and then the rage burst forth, overpowering the pain he felt. Snarling he went to repeatedly stomp on the offending appendage as verbal acid spilled forth from his mouth. “You really, really have some kinda death wish don’tcha bud? Oh, your fuse is short and all that crap you keep spoutin’ out. Well, who am I to disagree with such an accurate statement. Really, you’re a deadman walking, and I’d be more than obliged to personally slit your throat and parade you to the other marines like a fuckin’ trophy! Or, we could play our own little game of hangman right here. That’s one of my favorites! Or…” His voice lowers. “Maybe I could just turn you into a bloody thrice-damned pulp and be done with you. Really, as long as you suffer, I. Don’t. Care.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Neither do I,” Robin replied. “We’re both going to blow sky high… and you won’t get away fast enough. Not anymore.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]The knife fell from his hand, palm opening at the repeated stomps he was receiving. Robin’s arm was likely broken but all he had eyes for was the blood dripping from Syrin’s foot, knowing that walking would not work well at all. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Moving to step on Robin’s other arm so he couldn’t move it, Syrin knelt down to grasp the knife and hold it to Robin’s throat. “In that case, I’ll see you in hell.” He went to end the Marine with a cut deep enough to slit his throat, but not deep enough to kill him immediately. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Hold on a second!” Another voice jumped in although the voice itself had no source. There was just a sudden bursting stream of smoke that made its path in between Syrin and Robin, blurring any vision at all and when the smoke cleared, Robin’s body had been dragged away with the smoke. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Out of all the possible outcomes that flew about Syrin’s crazed mind, smoke coming in and dragging away his prey was not one of them. This time, he did give a full body twitch. Moments later he let loose an ugly, if not slightly terrifying, rage-filled howl. Pushing himself to his feet he glared at the offending smoke. “Who the hell are you to take away MY kill? Show yourself so I can get my goddamn satisfaction!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Nothing returned, though. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Howling in rage once more, his attitude calmed as he quieted down. Ripping off a long strip of his jacket, he knelt and tied it around his foot, wincing slightly at the pain. Shoving himself to his feet, he turned towards the docks and began ambling his way there, chain’s dragging behind him ominously as the anger that laid beneath the surface struggled to burst forth.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]He would find Robin and the deadman that stole him away, and he’d kill them both slowly and painfully. That he promised himself.[/SIZE]

This post was collaborated with @Exanis . (The tag is not working and I don't know why.)
Two ships to the right of the Lucky Nova were in complete wreckage, they were burning brightly that it was impossible to think that the flame was under control.  The smoke soared into the sky black smog from the burning ships that were now starting to sink to the bottom of the harbor.   The pure shock on the bystanders faces from the crash was nothing compared to blond male that stood before the slowly sinking ship.   Beside this man were more men, each equipped with a weapon that suited their taste.  

"Our....ship..."  The blond whispered as he tightened his fist in anger. "MEN!!"   

The holler of rage brought his men straight to attention as they looked at him.  All were confused, lost even.    

"WE AREN'T STICKING HERE!  FIND A SHIP!! WE ARE LEAVING ASAP!"  The captain hollered fully enraged as his hand moved to his pistol now holding it in a almost crushing grip.

"Aye Aye!"  With that the men ran off in search of a ship....and much to their delight, there was a fully equipped ship not to far from them. 

Sora looked at his crew for a moment before his eyes landed on Seth.  Who was confusing as ever.  How Sora was planning to get along with the guy was beyond him.  Time will tell and until that time came he had other things to be more concerned about.  So looking away from the other as he climbed up the crows nest he looked at the crew that was standing before him.  "..... *sigh*  Looks like almost everyone is here but Ren.  Damn."  He said as he looked around before looking back out at the sea.   He went quiet for a bit before he came to a conclusion as to what was next, a smirk gracing his lips he looked at the crew.

 "Listen up, we got our supplies and almost everything else that is needed for our journey.   We are going to be leaving as soon as we can.  I might not have a bounty on my head, but I got this feeling we should get going before trouble finds us.   As soon as Ren get's back we will see if we can get by the blockade by simply sailing by pretending to be a merchant ship or maybe a banker...not sure yet.  If anyone here has a bounty, I'd really appreciate it if you spoke up now.  Be really hard to explain to a marine why I have a few people with cash on their heads walk around freely."   After he said this his eyes landed on the small girl not far from him and he blinked several times at the sight of her.  As she wasn't anything he had seen before, not only was she no bigger than a few inches but.......she had a tail and her over all appearance was something else to say the least. 

Sora was about to speak and ask about her but before he could his attention was taken from him.

"Kill everyone on board!  We are taking this ship and heading to sea!!" 

The voice wasn't far from Sora or the crew.  In fact it was coming right next to the Lucky Nova.   Blinking a few times Sora moved over to the edge and the moment he did a sword slashed right at his face missing by a few millimeters.  With a battle cry 10 men including the captain ran toward the ship.  

Sora smirked as he backed up his hands in his pocket as he looked at the approaching enemies.  Looking behind him he looked at his crew.  "Lets have some fun while we wait for Ren~ I'm really curious to see what you guys are made of."  He said in a happy tone despite the fact the ship was being attacked.

These men were all pirates, each having scars on their faces and arms .  Not one was missing an angry scowl on their face.  Seven of these unruly men carried cutlasses ready to slash at any opponent that dared fight back.  One of the men was carrying a rifle, with a bayonet attacked at the end.  Another was carrying two daggers, this one was by far the shortest of the group at the height of only a measly 4"5, but the spirt in him was great.  And lastly the captain of the crew who wielded dual pistols stood out among the rest.  His clothes were far richer then his crew mates, a bright classy purple shirt was on him and on his back was a black trench coat.  His arms weren't in the sleeves and it simply looked like a cape, his golden hair almost went over his eyes but he wasn't going to let that get in his way.  Taking his gun he aimed a shot at Albi (his initial target was Sora but the man had moved so the bullet was now heading right for the mink), while the rest of his men charged at the exposed crew members.  All were ready to see some blood!!

@shadowdude505@Refaulted@Mitchs98@Felix@Exanis@DaughterofAthena@BlacklegSanji  @Azure SkyTIME TO FIGHT!

"But I love to chat with new people~  Why do you want to cut our talk short?  If I told you who I was....welp I would have to kill you here and now.  And since you are my ride, well I really don't want to do that.  See this is me bei-"  Before he finished his sentence he was cut off when he heard some shouting from the dock.  Turning his head to look at the woman yelling he was caught off guard when a stone suddenly slammed right into his forehead.    Blinking a few times as the stone hit his leg before sliding off into the water he stayed quiet as he stood up.  "Ah..... It looks someone wants to play with me~."  He said with a smirk as he touched his forehead feeling a bit of blood drip down.  "And all I wanted was a small chat."  Now standing up and kindly keeping his balance so the boat wouldn't tip over, he looked right at Scarlet and smiled, a dangerous smile.  "Lets see kinda hard to make her out~  Guess I'll have a closer look~"  With this hum he let out a sigh.  "Still so rude of her, if she wanted a chat she could have given me a shout...  But to throw a stone at me, while I'm having a casual conversation? ... I'm hurt." He muttered as he went into his coat and pulled out a book. 

His eyes now looking at the two in the boat he smiled at them with the same dangerous smile.  "I've decided.... You are my enemy.  Do have fun."  He said as he ripped a page out of his book.  Once he did he looked away from them.  "Geppo."  Jumping high into the air the paper fluttered down and landed on the canoe.  With a poof. purple smoke came from the sheet of paper...and just as soon the smoke appeared there was a lot of giggling coming from it.  The next thing the two knew, four tiny goblins no bigger than eight inches were standing where the paper had landed (which was in the same spot Ryuu had been standing at one point).  The moment these creatures could see where they were going, they attacked.  Two went right for the canoe and were starting to tear it appart with their sharp teeth, while one giggling like a maniac ran over to Arlen and bit his wrist rather hard.  Not enough to break it....yet.    While the last one hopped off of Arlen's head and landed right on Kaito's head and bit hard into his forehead.    

'Ryuu' Chuckled and soaring through the air soon landed right in front of Scarlet.  "To hurt you or not missy.  that is the question~ .  Now that I see you up close your looks ring a bell but I can't remember where from~  You are a ballsy chick aren't you?  I mean to toss a stone and cause this?  You are begging for trouble~" He said as he pointed at the dried blood on his forehead.

"Halt!  You! Mist!   We got a report from a curious fellow of ours!  You are planning to steal a flag with your buddy here!?  We need to have a chat! Mist on a fall evening!!"  Markus one of the twins shouted right at Celtus, his head on the handle of his sword but he had yet to draw. 

Derek stood by Markus side with a stake of papers in his hand.  Looking at them and at the two before him he was trying to see if any of them had bounties of if they were wasting their time.  After a bit he stopped on one sheet and looked right at Scarlet for a bit. " lo-"

"Now answer!  Why do you need to steal a flag from a merchant!?"  Markus shouted cutting his brother off while he watched both Cletus and Scarlet. 


@Jekyll@QuirkyAngel @shadowdude505@DaughterofAthena 
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Cait Merlin


A huge smile appeared on Cait's face as Seth ran through his comical monologue. She was happy that he was alright. Though it took all her mental power to keep herself from laughing just so that he wouldn't get the wrong idea. Cait turned her attention back to her captain as he spoke. "That would be Keya. She's a dwarf and looking for a crew. I realize I'm not the Captain, but I sorta implied that you'd be cool with her joining," she replied before hearing the commotion caused by the nearby pirates.

Even if Sora hadn't given out the order to fight, it looked like one was going to break out anyway. "And since you asked, I don't have a bounty, but I bet these numbskulls do." Cait said as she took her guitar case off of her back and placed it on the Lucky Nova's deck. "You've seen a little of what I can do, Captain. I guess now's the time that I prove to ya that these fins aren't just for show." Cait walked over to the railing and slashed the air in front of her with one of her arms, this was quickly followed by a crescent shaped energy wave coming off the fin on her wrist; the energy wave headed toward the group of enemy pirates. "Air Slash!"

Now a fight was defiantly going to break out. Hopefully Ren would return soon. She had seemed disappointed about the lack of action when Cait had sent a sonic scream right into some jerk's ear.

@Peaceswore @Felix @Refaulted @DaughterofAthena @Mitchs98 @Exanis @BlacklegSanji @Azure Sky
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Nerissa Orta

[SIZE=12.5pt]“Aye, Aye, Captain,[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]” [/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]Nerissa replied, her eyes twinkling as she stood. "I'll be in my room, Mr. Jasper. Call if you need me."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]Dusting her skirt, the Priestess of Water nodded at each of the Red Ribbons present before making her way below deck with her teacup. Her movements were calm, unhurried, as she walked along the wooden surface of the barracks, counting the doors until she found the one that lead to the sleeping quarter assigned to her. Pushing it open, the blue-haired lady could see four bunk beds—two on each side of the cabin. The cabin was clearly meant to accommodate four people. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]However, seeing as the Red Ribbons only had a handful of crew-members, Nerissa had managed to procure the spacious room for herself—at least until the Red Ribbon Pirates grew large enough that she would have to share with roommates. Besides a dresser at the end of each bunk pair and a desk nestled against the wall, beneath a fairly large porthole, the cabin was quite barren. She wondered if she should redecorate—add a splash of color to plainness.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]“Later,[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]” [/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]Nerissa promised herself. For now, she had a task to accomplish. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]Nerissa planted her bottom on of the lower beds, the one she[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]d used last night, and lifted her tea cup so that her clear blue eyes gazed into the orange liquid. Truthfully, there wasn[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]t much Nerissa could do for Arlen and Kaito. She didn[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]t have to. As she told Scarlet, Arlen and Kaito were perfectly capable of returning on their own. The best she could do was keep an eye on them via water scrying.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]“Lord Aquarius, I beseech thee,[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]”[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]Nerissa closed her eyes, the gem on her forehead radiating crimson. [/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]“Let me into your body so that I may see through your all-encompassing gaze.[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]She[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]d grown used to it—the feeling of being connected to Aquarius. It was warm. Soothing. Addicting even. The first time she[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]d used it, it completely drained her stamina with one try. However, her training as the Priestess of Water improved her abilities to use the jewel precious to her homeland. Still, it wasn[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]t enough. She wanted to become closer to Aquarius. More. The powers of Aquarius were vast, like the limitless ocean. She[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]d only scratched the surface.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]Nerissa let out a breath and opened her eyes, peered at the reflection. Aquarius would show her everything she needed to see. [/SIZE]

@DaughterofAthena, @shadowdude505, @AllHailDago, @vergil, @Pequeno Burraidh (?)


Arlen Hakhassi

[SIZE=12.5pt]“Ow![/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]”[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]Arlen winced as the unknown creature[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]s fangs bore into his wrist. He[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]d been too distracted by Mr. Flying, Knife-throwing, Book-magician to avoid the little monster that suddenly jumped at him through the smoke. Still, the slight pain wasn[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]t enough to make Arlen drop his oar. Or react violently. As if the canoe wasn[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]t being rocked enough.[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]“Geez, what the hell?[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]”[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]Long, nimble fingers from his other hand wrapped around the creature[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]s scrawny neck and pulled it off from him with only a little difficulty. Arlen held the struggling monster away from him, staring at it curiously. [/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]“What are you supposed to be?[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]The only response he got was aggressive snarling as the creature tried to scratch at him with its short arms. Or was that giggling? Hard to tell with the little monstrosities. Drawing the oar out of the water, Arlen twirled the paddled shaft above him in a single hand, grimacing in distaste as he eyed the two creatures gnawing at his canoe. Kaito could probably handle the creature attacking him on his own.  [/SIZE]If Arlen didn[SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]t react fast, their boat would sink. It was already leaking. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=12.5pt]The oar slammed into the gut of one of the two biting his canoe with enough force to send it flying off his tiny vessel and into the water. That drew the attention of the other one. Getting on his feet, Arlen smirked down the ugly creature who looked back up. [/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]“Wanna play?[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]More giggling. Then the creature lunged at him, it[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]s claw bared.  Arlen[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]s eyes flickered momentarily to where the unnamed enemy was with a ribbon wearing woman. He couldn[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]t see her face, but the red ribbon identified her as Captain Scarlet.[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt] At the same time, Arlen tilted his head to avoid the claws, took a single step forward, twisted his body, and swung the oar in like a tennis racquet all in a single motion. The action sent the creature flying at Mr. Flying, Knife-wielding, Book magician's direction. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]“Your master is that way. Go play with him.[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]”[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt] [/SIZE]  

[SIZE=12.5pt] [/SIZE]Arlen didn[SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]t bother to look to see if the little creature reached the enemy. It didn[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]t really matter. What mattered was that his canoe. Having traveled the seas in the canoe with Nerissa, it wouldn[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]t be the first time his little vessel encountered damage. The first thing he would have to do is plug the holes. Then he[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]d have to remove excess water from the boat. After plugging the holes with rags, obtained from ripping his red jacket, and using copious amounts of duct tape, the now half naked teen sat down and sighed. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]Flimsy patchwork. It would last[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]…[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]for a little while.  [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]Frowning, Arlen glanced at the little giggling creature still in his unwavering grip. He contemplated squeezing the life out it. Or tossing into the water to sink or swim with its friend. But, if he did that, then he wouldn[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]t be able to figure out the name of his loony, self-proclaimed enemy.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]“Heh. If I tell you who I am I have to kill you~[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]”[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt] Arlen rolled his eyes as he mimicked the monster maker's worked, laughing lightly like sharing a joke with Kaito. [/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]“What do you think that[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]s supposed to mean?[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]It sounded like something a spy would say. Arlen couldn[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]t think of very many enemies he[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]d made since leaving Mirage Island. He was friendly guy. The only ones who[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]d be after his head are the marines. And bounty hunters. And anyone he[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]d picked a fight with[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]On second thought, he had a lot of enemies. Did one more make a difference? Either way, they had to hurry to land. Otherwise, they might be swimming the rest of the way. That in mind, Arlen managed wrapped the little monstrosity in duck tape, covering its mouth so he wouldn[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]t have to hear the giggling, stuck it at the edge of the canoe, and rowed on—at a much faster pace than before. They were stopped by a large blue fish, only a little smaller than the canoe circled the boat. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]Arlen groaned. Seriously?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]When the marine creature opened its jaw, showing its sharp teeth, Arlen reached for his scimitar, prepared to turn the fish into sushi. The only thing stopping him was that the fish didn[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]t move in for the kill. Nor did Arlen sense any malevolent intent.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]A double glance at fish showed a folded paper in its mouth. Only then did he remembered Nerissa could speak to sea life. The Priestess of Water. The chosen daughter of Aquarius. Arlen swallowed before sticking his hand its mouth and reaching for the paper. If he was wrong, he could very well lose a limb.  [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]“There, that's right. Don[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]t bite. I[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]m sure I taste horrible,[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]Pulling the paper from the fish[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]s jaw, Arlen sighed in relief, read it quickly, then dropped the note into the sea.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]“Thanks for delivering that,[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]”[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt] Arlen said. He pointed at the creature stuck to the edge of his canoe. [/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]“Want a snack reward?[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]The fish looked towards the little monster wrapped in duck tape for half a second before swiftly disappearing back into the ocean with a haughty flick of its fin. Clearly a picky eater. Arlen shook his head and returned to rowing the canoe. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]“The crew is planning to escape the blockade of marine ships by pretending to be a merchant ship,[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]”[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]Arlen informed his crew-mate. [/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]“They want us back quickly so we can depart.[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]Then again, he[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]d just seen Mr. Flying, Knife throwing, Book magician, head in Captain Scarlet[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]s direction. That man was not normal and not good news. Arlen also thought he[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]d seen marines with Scarlet. The plan might have gone awry. Given that the marine vessels have docked and the raid had begun, it would be no surprise that there were marines scouring the docks. They were fortunate not to be shot out of the water. Of course, a pair of men riding a canoe that looked somewhat damaged, probably wasn[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]t particularly threatening. The ones in trouble would be the well-known criminals.  [/SIZE]  

[SIZE=12.5pt]“We[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]ll want to avoid the flaming ships. That explosion probably drew a lot of the navy[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]s attention.[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]”[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt] Arlen eyed Kaito warily. [/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]“Look, I get that you don[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]t like the marines. I don[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]t like them much either.[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]None of his people did.  [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]“But killing them all is impossible. It[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]s better to save your energy and hatred for the one that actually matters.[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]”[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]  [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]Whether Kaito chose to fight the marines or not, Arlen didn[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]t think it was really his place to interfere. He could understand it—the anger against people who[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]d done him and his family harm. Arlen was also a fighter. To him, fighting their way through the blockade was the simplest and most effective solution. Yet he understood the difference between fighting for survival and fighting for revenge. One gave life. The other gave nothing.  [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]As the canoe neared the Charbydis, he could make out [/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]the gruff gunner, Cletus, as well. That was when Arlen[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]s flimsy patchwork gave out. [/SIZE]

@Peaceswore, @Jekyll


Nerissa Orta

[SIZE=12.5pt]Nerissa stared at the face reflected in her tea-cup, one she recognized from the pirate[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]s meeting. Ryuu. Her first opinion of him was that he was a reasonable pirate unlike Roy Volantis. Likeable in the same way Captain Geraldo was. However, her assessment changed as she watched his interaction with her companions. He had abilities she[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]d never seen before. And he used them against her allies.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]The presence of the marines was causing chaos among the thieves of the sea. Pirates fought one another to escape. Swords clashing, guns firing, explosions, panicked civilians and dock workers. Nerissa wondered which the marines would prioritize, the protection of civilians or the capture of pirates. She clasped her hands in prayer.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]“Lord Aquarius, I pray you forgive these travelers of the sea for their misdeeds in your domain. Purify the greedy hearts of mortals with your benevolence and bestow upon them the tranquility of the sea.[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]Arlen and Kaito weren[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]t far from the Charbydis. She knew Arlen was a good swimmer at least. Not as good as her, but not bad. Captain Scarlet was the one in trouble—threatened by Ryuu then being ousted by marines for planned thievery. Could the pirate captain even bluff? Nerissa stood up and grabbed a curly black wig, intent on helping her friend[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]…[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]as well as determine the identity of the curious fellow who[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]’[/SIZE][SIZE=12.5pt]d reported the planned misdemeanor.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]It made no sense. Who could have overheard their discussion on the Charbydis? [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]However, just as she left her room she heard a blood curling scream. Curious and worried, the blue haired lady decided to make her way to the storage area instead. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.5pt]@vergil, @Felix, @Pequeno Burraidh (?)[/SIZE]               
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[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Commander Evelyn Torack[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Her party of marines stumbled upon the remains of an explosion with no apparent cause a little too late to actually learn anything useful from the situation itself. It was both disappointing and troubling because one thing the commander could discern was that it hadn’t been one of Robin’s explosions. The simple thought that someone beyond that insane lieutenant was running around with things that could explode was a terrifying one. A sigh escaped her lips before she allowed her eyes to trail out over the water and see if she might find any further clues. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]It was in that moment that her eyes stumbled upon a few of her fellow marines. Evelyn’s eyes rolled as she caught sight of a man she had been hoping not to encounter as she briefly wondered what name he was using this time. She opted not to call out to him, though, after seeing that he seemed to have the situation under control. That didn’t mean that he wouldn’t see her, though, and if he did, Evelyn was greatly saddened by it. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Knowing that he could handle himself despite the growing number of pirates around him, Evelyn turned back to the troops that were following her and shouted out,[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“It seems the situation is under control here. Let’s head inward now and see if we can start getting the last of the stragglers running towards the ships!” [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]There was a resounding agreement before she started running inward on the island, eyes still peeled for high level targets. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Stacy Beauregard[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]She was still struggling to comprehend the fact that she had just run from a fight. Never in her life had she done that before and she certainly hadn’t anticipated that the running would start now. However, she could also say that she had never encountered someone who seemed to want her to run for her own safety rather than for them to look like some strong knight seeking to protect her. Syrin’s strength had certainly showed through and he’d let her get in a blow that she hoped would aid him in the end. Stacy had to count those things for something even if it was minescule. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Given how swarming the island was slowly becoming, Stacy knew she had to move quickly or she risked getting spotted and pursued. Keeping her head low, she hoped that no one recognized her or, if they did, that they couldn’t quite place where the knew her from. Unfortunately, it didn’t work. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Over there! I’ve seen her picture before! She’s a wanted criminal!”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] For some reason or another, the marine who noticed her decided to scream so loud even Stacy could hear his voice which really wasn’t the smartest thing in the world to do. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Shifting her weight on her feet, Stacy was running. A general sense of direction would get her to the docks and from there, she would search for a ship she knew because there was no better option. If she got stuck with Captain Kenji Kita, well… it was better than being imprisoned for defending herself from assault. She would rather die than endure that. Each stride was longer than the last as she could feel them getting closer to her on the run. It was as though there were so many of them in the small group that had spotted her that it was almost impossible for there not to be one that could outrun her. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Of course, given her luck, Kenji’s ship was the first one she saw. Silently she cursed her need to get onto something and as she leapt onto the deck of the ship, she shouted out,[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Nnn…” [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]she knew his name started with an “n”, but beyond that, Stacy slowly realized she’d forgotten his name. It was a problem. She decided on something else. [/SIZE] [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Ninja Cook!”[/SIZE] [SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Given what she’d seen of him so far, she was hopeful that that name would get his attention. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“There’s people for you to stab!”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Having not looked behind her yet, Stacy wasn’t quite sure if the marines were actually pursuing her onto the ship or not. [/SIZE]

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Scarlet Johanna Indigrid and Cletus T. Bass

Scarlet burst into laughter the moment she saw that her rock actually hit him dead in the forehead. Normally she wasn't that good of a thrower and she had to admit even she found it amusing that the one time she hadn't intended to actually cause harm also happened to be the one time that she did. Glancing at Cletus and not quite seeing that her target was flying straight towards them - sort of - she pointed and continued chuckling. "I hit him! I ACTUALLY hit him!" She seemed both excited and amused at the same time. 

"You hit him alright...," Cletus grumbled as Ryuu moon-jumped over, "But now you've got his attention..." 

"Huh?" Scarlet narrowed her eyes, her laughter fading away as Cletus's words turned her attention back to the man who she'd thrown a rock at and it was then that she saw him. 

A smirk spread on her face as she heard his words and Scarlet retorted swiftly, "You were begging for trouble by stalling my crew!" She had had reason to throw the rock when she had and she was actually quite sure it was a fairly good reason. Sometimes she didn't have one, but this time, she did. 

Cletus cursed under his breath as Ryuu monologued about weather he'd harm Scarlet or not. Either this guy was crazy or sadistic, but most likely both. The fingers on Cletus' gun hand twitched as it lingered near his pistol. He was just about to quick draw it when the Marine twins showed up.

To make matters even more complicated, they seemed to know about the merchant flag heist and one of the twins was looking at papers, most likely bounty records. In the back of his mind, Cletus knew it was a bad idea to try to bluff them, but it was worth a shot at least.

"I believe you have us confused with someone else. I'm a shipwright and she's my assistant. I heard that some merchant's ship needed some quick patchwork done. With all this pirate activity, I'm sure you understand why."

Scarlet's eyes were watching the situation unfold. She seemed amused at first by the arrival of the twins, but she withheld her comments as Cletus started speaking, her attention turning to her crewmate as her eyes widened in legitimate shock. "Really!? There's a merchant ship that needs work done!? Do you think they'd let us borrow a flag!?" She was evidently astounded by his revelation and it would ultimately serve to destroy any cover that Cletus was trying to establish for them. 

"She's also a chronic pick I always have to keep an eye on her," Cletus quickly added, trying to salvage what Scarlet said in his favor. Though at this point, he didn't think that the Marines would buy that. Cletus' gut told him that trouble was just around the corner, weather that trouble would come in the form of the Marines or Ryuu was still to be seen. It was time for a backup plan. Cletus lowered his left hand to rest beside his hip and began to tap it like he was being impatient, but in reality he was really trying to camouflage the act of reaching for one of his flashbangs.

"I am not! I'm not good at being sneaky and you have to be sneaky to pick-pocket someone! I wish, though," she smiled as she commented. 

Finally, though, her attention returned to the twins standing in front of them and she was still smiling at them. "You guys wear matching outfits! That's so cute, you know!" It truly did delight her. "You're in our way, though. We don't have a lot of time and Jasper would not want us to take too long." At least, Scarlet didn't think he would. 

Scarlet simply started walking again, trying to make her way past them without any further comment.

Collab with: @DaughterofAthena

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Zargo Marshton, Melissa Amunet, Marcus Gavarenton,Xiao Bamboo, and Cait Merlin


Marcus made his way down the stone street, pulling his carton of cigarettes out of the pocket inside his coat. He pulled out a cigarette, and flipped it between his fingers before placing it in his mouth, pulling his lighter out of the pocket on his pants. Bringing it up to his lips, he flicked the trigger a few times before it sparked, igniting his cigarette, and he took a long drag on it as he scanned the street around him. 


He had heard that a ship had been blown up this morning, so a lot of people around him were on edge. He had heard the explosion as well, as he had pulled an all-nighter to finish one of his new mixtures. The sudden sound had almost made him drop the substance, ruining hours of his hard work. Luckily, he was used to sudden interruptions like that, so he had responded quickly enough to it before it crashed into the floor. 


Sighing, Marcus looked towards the direction of the docks, seeing another plume of smoke rising up. Another ship had been attacked, by the looks of it. Mirstone was dwindling downhill fast, and Marcus didn't like it. He had been on the island for almost a decade,  and he had seen big fights happen between pirates, but he had never seen two ships blow up in such a short time range. Whatever was happening, it must not be good, which meant Marcus would have to watch his back in case something happened. He reached into his coat, feeling for the vials that were neatly arranged in tiny pockets along the inside of his white coat, as well as his needles. While he didn't carry his sword on him, he at least was armed. 


Zargo and Melissa walked purposefully down the cobblestone streets of Mirstone. Though any who looked upon them would likley note their dejected expressions. Especially Zargo's. He had actually started to bleed from where he was biting his lips with his left fang. Two, two doctors that pirates had kidnapped on their way out to sea. Two doctors they had failed to protect from pirate scum. Sure, Melissa pointed out that the blockade would likely save them when they captured the crew, but even she appeared dejected about having failed two separate times. 


This was not what he had in mind for his first big mission in the Marines. Not only was he failing to impress Melissa, but she was also feeling down from the failure. They had to do something to get back into their stride. Zargo was deep in thought when Melissa elbowed him in the side. He glanced up at her, only for her to nod her head in the direction down the street. When he looked he broke out into a toothy grin. A man in a lab coat was casually walking and smoking. Anyone on this island wearing a lab coat HAD to be a doctor. It just made sense. But it seems he hadn't yet realized what danger he could be in. They had to warn him and offer him protection with the Marines until the mission was over.


"Alright Melissa, we're gonna make sure no one touches this one!" He started to jog in the man's direction. "Make sure to keep up!"


Melissa ran to catch up. "Keep up? Hardly a challenge if you're leading!" Several bubbles floated away as they escaped her lips. 


Marcus took a long drag on his cigarette, then removed it from between his lips and let the smoke escape out of his mouth and nose. He watched the smoke billow away and dissappear, then placed the cigarette back in his mouth. Watching the smoke was always rather calming.


Marcus perked up as he heard feet tapping against the stone behind him. Turning his head over his shoulder to look behind him, his heart sank. Two Marines were running in his direction, which was the last thing he had expected to see. His heart began beating wildly in his chest.


While he had never had a real encounter with Marines, he knew that they were the mortal enemy of pirates. Even though Marcus didn't consider himself a pirate, he wasn't sure if that made much of a difference in their eyes. Nearly every single person on the island was a pirate, so if Marines were here, that only meant bad news. 


Pulling his cigarette out of his mouth, Marcus dropped it on the ground, and with a quick stomp on it that sent tiny embers around his ankle, he turned tail and began running. He was not ready to get caught by Marines and take the punishment. There were people on the island that needed him.


"Hey wait!", Zargo yelled after the man who had begun running from them. Why would he have done that? He couldn't have assumed they were pirates with the clear and obvious Marine attire on. Unless.. perhaps he had assumed they were trying to arrest him. Marines did not always have the most stellar record for peace and kindness unfortunately. But none of that mattered, they had to make sure he was safe. "Wait, we aren't going to hurt you or anything. We just want to offer you safety!" Zargo yelled as he picked up the pace. 


Melissa's face had begun to darken past pink into a rather flushed scarlet color. All this full on running was not to her likeing. She was more suited to bursts of full power combat, not extended endurance like Zargo. Nevertheless she forced herself to keep pace to a degree as she followed Zargo and the smoking man in the direction of the docks. She wished she had the breath to yell at Zargo to slow down a bit. 


Marcus kept glancing over his shoulder, trying to see if he had slipped away from the Marines. But they didn't seem like they would be giving up anytime soon. They were keeping up with him quite well, which annoyed him and slightly amused him at the same time.


At the man's words, Marcus groaned, reaching into his lab coat. "Yeah? 'Safety' my ass! Like I would trust the word of a Marine in a situation like this! You take me for some shit-for-brains?!"


Grabbing two vials from under his coat, Marcus held them in front of him. One was filled with a teal liquid that bubbled in its container. The other was a white sludge that looked like tar, and stuck to the inside of the container. Lifting them both above his head, he threw them onto the ground with enough force to shatter them both and spill the two now mixing liquids all over the street behind him. He began to mutter under his breath. "Reaction: Slip Ooze. Let's see if you can get me past this!" The mixtures blended into a slime, expanding across the street.


Zargo couldn't understand why the current situation was something to distrust a Marine over. After all they were only engaging pirates, which was their job after all. The civilians' safety had been explicitly ordered to be the highest priority. His mot-the Read Admiral had said so prior to the various ships making port. Zargo bit his lip, thinking to himself about the issue. They didn't necessarily need to bring the man to safety, so long as they saw he made it to such at the port. 


However such a thought was cut short when the man threw down two glass vials full of strange liquid. His eyes widened as it expanded swiftly across the length of the street. Zargo began to tense his muscles as he drew close to the edge of the slime, and at the last moment used as much strength as he could to jump over the slimy area. Unfortunately for Zargo the area covered was larger than he thought, and his normally exceptional jumping distance of fifteen feet did not clear the slime. Arguably fortunate was the fact he landed and instead of slipping and falling sank to the street thorugh the slime. 


Which was gross. He could feel the stickiness of his fur and regretted having refused shoes when they were offered. This would be an issue to clean later. However his worries were a tad more immediate, especially with Melissa who had not seen the slime be deployed or noticed it until a tad too late. She slid across it's surface and ran directly into Zargo, both of them going down into the goop. It took them a moment to straighten out and stand back up.


"Why didn't you warn me, furball?!" She yelled at Zargo as she wiped a gross amount of slime off her skin and clothing. 


"I... I didn't... I thought you saw it!" Zargo tried to stammer out a reasonable response but it really was his bad. Great, so much for impressing Melissa on this mission. He glanced down the street to see the man having gained a sizeable lead on them. "No time for this now, catch up to him for now and you can hit me later or something!" With that he took several bounding steps through the remainder of the goo and ran after the man. Melissa followed behind, furiously wiping herself off in the process. 


Marcus pulled out another vial, holding it tightly in his grip. He looked over his shoulder, and saw he had gained quite a lead on his two pursuers. His Slip Ooze had been effective enough for him to have the chance for a getaway. He would have to carry more of the ingredients for it around with him so he could get away whenever he needed to. 


The doctor's victory was short-lived, however, as the animal-man quickly caught up to him with a few bounding leaps. Marcus swore under his breath. He was up against more stubborn people than himself, it seemed. That was proving an issue.


Pulling the cork off of the vial in his hand, he held it out to the side, the opening facing behind him. The near clear gas that was in it before began to flow out, suddenly darkening as it mixed with the oxygen around it. The thick cloud swelled into a hulking mass, rising in height. The smoke then began to slow it's movements, looking as if it was freezing in place. When it was done, a solid black mass stood in the way. Marcus smiled. "Try getting past this...Reaction: Solid Cloud."


Upon the using another vial of some concoction Zargo let out a sigh of exasperation, and Melissa a rather muted angry muttering. A solidified black cloud blocked their way. Zargo immediately attempted to jump and climb over it. Unfortunately his claws did not catch in the stone and he slipped, falling back to the base. Melissa ran past him as he did this.


"You know, this chase is really starting to annoy me!" She drew back a fist as she closed the last few feet to the black stone cloud. "Fishman Karate: Shark Brick Fist!" A small crack of sound resounded up and down the street as Melissa's fist connected with the black stone. The whole thing burst out into cracks until after a moment it simply crumbled into dust and settled where it may. She grabbed Zargo by the neck and tossed him to his feet in front of her. "Let's get going, furball. We aren't failing to get this guy." 


Zargo nodded and turned to run after the rather mysterious man. Zargo never tired of seeing Melissa's feats of strength in action(when they weren't being practiced on him that is). It was truly astonishing to see something so large simply punched into dust. He only wished he could see the look on the man's face right now. Truly he wasn't expecting that. 


Marcus, however, was not so impressed. His Solid Cloud was only meant to slow people down, not to obsturct them for good. Unfortunately, he hadn't found an ingredient that made the Cloud strong enough to withstand a powerful punch. However, the fact that the woman was using Fishman Karate surprised him. He had never seen the art in action, so it was exciting to see that someone could use it. Of course, that just meant he stood less of a chance against them in a head-on fight.


Reaching into his labcoat again, he saw he was running low on vials. He only had a few more combinations before he would have to grab some new ones back at his home. And, well, he didn't have much time to do that right now. He would have to make do with what he had on his person.


The docks soon came into view, and as he ran past the last house before he got to the open area of the docks, he made a quick turn. He ran around boxes and barrels, and the dock workers who were surprised to see the local medic running like a madman. A few tried to catch his attention, but Marcus blew right past them, only looking over his shoulder to make sure he wasn't losing speed. He wasn't sure how much longer he could really keep running before he gave in...


As he looked over his shoudler again, Marcus didn't see the group of thugs that were chatting in front of a small ship. Marcus collided with one, bouncing back from the behemoth he had run into. Falling onto the ground, Marcus was about to jump up to continue his escape when he felt a sword touch his neck. A skinny, shaggy looking man stood over him, a toothless grin on his face. "Well, well. Not going to apologize?"


Marcus scowled. "To unintelligent, drunken monkeys like you? No thanks. Now, if you'll let me go..."


The pirate's lazy smile turned into a snarl, and he drew the sword back over his head, and with a grunt, swung it down towards the doctor's neck. Marcus just sighed as his hand shot up, and he caught the blade of the sword in between his fingertips. A look of surprise replaced the anger on his opponent's face.


Marcus smirked at the man. Taking his other hand, Marcus straightened it so it was open-palm, aligned with his forearm. "Nature Hand." With blinding speed, Marcus drove his hand into the man's fat gut, with enough force to knock him back. "Lashing Snake." Tossing the sword to the side, Marcus jumped up, and prepared to make a dash again.


However, the giant of a man stepped in front of him, holding his fists up like he was ready to fight. Sighing, Marcus knew he would have to knock him out quickly. As the behemoth threw a punch, Marcus ducked under it, and pulled his arms to his sides. "Nature Hand." He clenched his fists, then pointed the index and pinkie fingers of his hands out straight. "Hornet Storm." Marcus shoved his hands forward, striking the man square in the chest. He then proceeded to deliver a quick flurry of strikes, until the man fell back in pain.


The last ruffian had a fearful look on his face, and he reached into his waistband for the pistol located there. Marcus was no fool, and knew he would not be able to outfight a gun at the range he was at. He was about to throw a vial in his sleeve, when an attack from out of nowhere came and hit the man, sending him flying. Marcus was surprised, but only slightly, as he knew he should be running. He looked over to where the Marines were, and saw they had caught up too close for his liking. And, unfortunately, he saw a fight breaking out between pirates in front of him. He turned to face the Marines, holding his hands in front of him, open-palmed, taking a stance as he backed towards the fight.


Up on deck of the Lucky Nova, Cait watched the fight between Marcus and the pirate grunts until her Air Slash attack hit the gunman. She wasn't quite sure what to think about Marcus, but it looked like he wasn't the only newcomer on the scene. Following Marcus' gaze, she noticed the unusual Marines. Cait's mind registered the presence of the mink-man, but her attention was focused on the Fishwoman Marine. Maybe she knew something about her mother.


Cait's train of thought didn't stop to consider warning her crewmates about the two Marines. Instead she impulsively jumped off the Lucky Nova and landed on the dock below. "Hey you, Ms. Marine," Cait called out as she took a couple steps toward Melissa and keeping her dagger-like wrist fins out where the Marines could see them; she stopped before walking into mellee range, at least part of Cait was still aware that she was a pirate. "You wouldn't happen to have seen or know my ma, would ya? Picture an older me with black hair and one-hundred percent Fishwoman; maybe even toting around a guitar. I think she's on Fishman Island."


Zargo and Melissa had momentarily fell behind when the man reached the docks. An area he clearly knew better than they did. Thankfully they caught up to him shortly after a fight with a few pirates. Double thankfully he had succesfully taken them down, which made Melissa question why they had chased him to this point in the first place. Doctor or no the man could take care of himself. However the fellow fishwoman who jumped down from the deck of the ship near them had caught Melissa's attention.


With a quick glance up at the ship she had jumped down from Melissa could tell it was a pirates ship. Her expression clouded in a mere moment, anger clear on her face. "I haven't been to Fishman Island in a few years, and I've never seen anyone who looks like you. Frankly I don't like that I am now. To think a fellow fishwoman would take part in pirating, the thought disgusts me. Back away from the man behind you and stand down, you're under arrest!"


Zargo didn't really know what to make of the woman asking Melissa questions about her mother. Although when he realized the other woman was a pirate he all but expected Melissa's reaction. He drew his scimitar from his back and prepped for battle. There would unlikely be another outcome with Melissa worked up how she was. He highly doubted the other woman would simply surrender after all.


Cait frowned when she heard Melissa's answer, though staying on the possitive side, that didn't mean that her mother wasn't on Fishman Island. "Ten years is long enough without a mother. I don't plan on waiting another two or four to go through Marine training," she replied. "You want Nature Hand over here, well he ain't with my crew. I made a deal with my Captain and I don't intend to break it now. I suppose this is the part where we fight."


Marcus was watching the interactions with annoyance plastered on his face. This other fishwoman had come out of nowhere, and seemed to be more in it for her own personal gain rather than helping the doctor. Well, he couldn't blame her. He knew most pirates were pretty selfish, so it was his own fault for expecting her to be helping him out of the kindness of her heart. But if she was really planning on fighting the two Marines at once, then she was surely going to lose. Marcus had to offer at least some help.


Walking from behind the woman, Marcus stood next to her, though a little ways away. "You really are an idiot, girly. Picking a fight with Marines." He looked over to the other members of her crew fighting off another crew that seemed content with taking the strange ship. Sighing, he couldn't stand by and let someone die so easily. "I guess I should step in. These guys were chasing me down anyways. Might as well let a little steam off." 


Marcus turned his body, holding his hands up with his fingers arched in order to look like claws. "Nature Hand Stance: Lion." Taking a deep breath, Marcus sized the two up. "Guess Doc Mercy needs to get his hands a little dirtier. And all I wanted to do was take a fucking walk today."


By the time Xiao wanted to answer Cait's greeting yet again many things happened at once. Panic, violence, marines, a dwarf. Man, he couldn't get a break. Then his fishwoman crewmate jumped off the ship and started to have a simingly casual conversation with one of the marines, who was a fishwoman as well. Obviously things couldn't end well, especially with that vicious marine with the peculiar fighting moves. "Spectre Bullet", one of two techniques which the panda created after witnessing a marine using Soru many years ago.


As he appeared to multiply and move in various directions at the same time, caused by some sort of after-image effect, he suddenly disappeared from the deck and appeared near Cait. "Alfa Presence." Xiao wanted to know if the marines had a strong will, thus he emitted his peculiar bloodlust which was empowered by his strong will. If they were weak, they'd cower in fear because of the technique, if not, they'd simply feel his pressure.


@Azure Sky @shadowdude505 @Refaulted 
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