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Mansions and Shacks

Jade felt obligated to let him feed off of her but she didn't want it to hurt. "Y-You could feed of off me...if you want" She looked at the ground and blushed as she slipped of her strap of her dress, she waited for a reply though she was a bit sleepy but anything else she was fine.
Veil shook his head. " No.. " He said softly. " I dont have control over myself and I rather not hurt you. I've around probably drove you crazy with this weirdness. So no, I just eat a bloody skate or something.." He added.

Veil got up, kissed her forehead, feeling fearless and happy about it, then looked down at her. " You have done enough. Thank you so much but when it comes to that.. I wont do. " He said, before slowly turning to walking away.
"Ok, I'm actually glad that I didn't have" Jade said, relieved and blushing. She got up and went to her room to go daydream or sleep a bit more after the incidents that happened. After closing the door, She felt the need to lay downas she climbed in the bed as looked at the sky making shapes with her hands. Then she became tired with it, almost bored and went to the living room to go read a book and in a chair were she could stay comforted for the time she was there.
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Few hours later, Veil returns from a hunt in the kitchen. You could say they had alot of extra food. He walked by Jade room, listening in to see if she had fallen asleep. She had, Veil very easy open the door, seeing she wasn't covered up, he sighed. " You silly girl, you'll get a cold." He said hardly above a whisper.

Veil walked over to her side of the bed, pulling the covers up to her shoulders as she slept. " I'm so thankful to have you.." He said, very softly in her ear.

After leaving, he wondered if his words to her made it to her dreams or not. He smiled at the thought. He didn't understand how it was that he got her to stay, even though he fought for her to, he still didn't understand why his father gave up so easily. Normally it would take a long time, before he would allow something but this time. It was different. " What was it about you that got him to say yes, Jade?." He said, standing in the study looking at the book she had been reading.
Jade was asleep and she was dreaming like a baby. She heard a voice but continued dreaming but now with Veil in it. She woke up and saw Veil and she was Half asleep. She said, "H-Hi" she said as she blinked drowsily. Jade then fully awoke, "Did I sleep for too long" she said as she sat up, rubbing her eyes.
Still down in the study, he laid across the couch. Restless with his thoughts. Everything he was going through with his father and little did she know about the hunters. Mark must be very tried by now, see as how that what he been protecting Veil from these passed two days then every time Veil gets close to Jade, his heart beats faster. why is that? What is this feeling he is feeling? " Why.." He spoke out.

Listening to the fire burn, he heard foot steps coming down the stairs, he wondered who foot steps they were.
"Hello, again" Jade uttered as she walked down the hall. She saw Veil laying down and the fire burning. "I'm sorry if I disturbed you, Veil" She said as she walked to where Veil was. "I can't go back to sleep, Mind if I join you?" she said as she turned to him.
Veil looked up, his eye's a bit red. After a moment, he sat up. " Sure Jade. " He said. " How come you cant sleep?" He asked, staring at the fire. The fire had a magic about it that Veil loved. It like no matter how hot it got, and knowing it would burn him, he could still feel it. He couldnt explain it but there was just something about it that he enjoyed.

The old great father clock dinged it charms, telling them it was about 2 in the morning. " So much for day time people, huh?" He laughed softly.
"I don't know why I couldn't sleep" she said blankly. She was just not tired at all. She just sat there like a doll not doing anything besides blinking. Jade heard the clock sound knowing it was 2 am. She said, "Hey, do you have a pool and Christmas lights?" she asked randomly having a idea pop into her head.
She grabbed Veils hand and sat down at the edge of the pool, looking at the reflection of the moon on the water. "The water looks so peaceful y'know" she said softly.

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