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Mansions and Shacks

" That wonderful." Veil smiled. " I had your breakfast ready for you, would like to take it to the study to keep reading your novel? Just told tell my father. " He said smiling at her and holding her book out. " Hope you don't mind, but I took it upon myself to read this last night." He said, walking with her down the hall.

His black hair was pushed back with a couple of strands of his hair over his left eye. Telling anyone he must of had a shower just a bit ago. Noticing her dress she picked out, he soft of blushed. Nothing to see though. " You look lovely this morning." He said, hoping to get her to smile from his kind words
Jade flushed a bit and smiled shyly, "You look nice too, Veil" she said as she looked into his eyes. She wanted to read first not wanting to make him to go through some much trouble. "I will start reading first in the morning". She said with her still calm expression. She just noticed he took a shower. If she would have came any sooner, she would've totally flushed and covered eyes like a kid. "Let's go" she added.
" Alright. " He said, laughing a bit.

The fire had died, and the down stares was a bit cold due to no heat being made from the fire. " Allow me to start the fire up. " He said, as she sat on the couch. Veil got so long from the other side of the room wear he kept them. He placed them carefully and then lit them with a fire starter.

" Sorry for the coldness, would you like something you cover yourself as the fire is heating up? " He asked looking down at her with sorrow in his eyes. " I just want to be a good host to you is all. " He added.
Jade nodded with her hands together in a clasp. She was looking at her dress that was a simple pink. She was watching his movement then she likes back at her hands. She was cold and was a bit lightheaded but, fine.
Veil got her a blanket and covering her up. " I'll have Mark get your Breakfast for you. " Veil said, walking out of the room.

A few moment later there was loud sound, of something breaking. " You stupid child!" An angry voice said. " Why is a human here!? Huh? I told you no one is allowed in this house. No one!"

Veil father had returned way to soon. Now him and his father were, most his father were yelling at one another. " Father she knows nothing about us!!" Veil said, getting on his fight. Not afraid to fight back. " She my guest and someone who means something to me!!" He added. Getting hit again.
Jade said thank you for the blanket and almost suddenly she heard shouting and breaking things. She ran into the kitchen and saw Veil and his father. Her eyes became wide with fear and suprise of the whole incident. "I-I.......?" She said confused at them.
" You! Girl! " Veil father said, walking to her as if he might harm her.

" No!" Veil shouted. He let his inter Vampire out, showing his fangs and lighting up his eye, then flash stepping in fount of his father. " You wont lay a hand on my guest!" Veil said, very angry. Then punch his father and snapping his neck. Knowing he would heal and was just knocked out for now.

Veil stood there, not looking at Jade. Tears filled his eye, no sound though. " I just wanted a friend father.. All I wanted.. But look at what you done. " He said, trying to control his anger.

Then turning to Jade. He didn;t say anything but rather he walked passed her and to his room. Shutting the world out.

Mark walked up to Jade. Calmly looked at her. " Ms. Jade, are you going to be alright? Do you need me to drive you somewhere else? An don't worry.. Im not like them." Mark said, closing his eye for a moment with a sigh.
Jade's eyes were wide open, She was speech less then words came out of her mouth. "U-um, What's happening, is He gonna be okay. I'm just fine myself" she said as she was pale and just shocked. Jade didn't know about his strength or about his father going to hurt her. She just knew he was a vampire.
Mark picked up Veil father, ready to carry him to his room. " Go see for yourself.. " Mark advised. " He might need someone to talk to, you know?"

Mark walked out of the room, leaving Jade to think.

Up in Veil room, he was torn. He was so angry at his self and his that he was throwing things around and screaming. Tears running down his face as he did so. Finally, after making a huge mess, Veil fell to the floor, closing his eye as he cried.

(Yes, he is a very dramatic boy xD )
Jade felt bad about not caring about him. She was shocked but she had enough common sense to tell her he was damaged. He was a vampire but they had feelings to know what loneliness felt and how it damaged you. She knew from experience. She ran out to him raising him up and hugging him. "I know your pain, I can't just stand there" she said as she hugged him tightly. She had just fell in love with him and she never noticed it. Maybe she will notice it when her heart starts beating.

(I can see he is x3)
(Hope that okay xD I just like adding in a little funnest to him so it doesnt get to depressing lolz)

Veil felt her hug. He didn't move for a long moment. " How can you?.. " He asked, in doubtful disbelief. He looked at her. He tried not to yell but it might have came out a little wrong. " How! How can you understand anything about having everything taken from you if you never had anything to start with!" Veil eye wided, as he heard his self. " I'm sorry.. I didn't mean it like that.." He said looking at the floor.
Jade stepped away from him at his comment. He had never stole anything from her so, what did he mean by that? She stood up as she held out her hand to help him stand up, "I hope you never feel lone in my company" She declared.
Veil stood there for a moment. He knew he hurt her some if not a lot. An even though, he was dying for blood, he walked closer to her. Giving her a hug back. " Really am sorry.. For everything.." He said, holding her for just a moment.

" I dont care what my father say.. You going to stay here.. Right?" He asked releasing her after a hug. Veil noticed how the sun was shining through the window, he step away from it. " Do you mind closing the window?" He said, standing in a shaded corner.
"Yeah, I will stay, what ever makes you happy" Jade said as she shyly smiled again. She shook her head as she closed the window and stood close to him then sat down after a minute. He was in a dark corner with her but she was curious of what he would do with her, though.

(Sorry for replying late)
( It cool, im just watching an Anime :b lolz )

Veil looked at her. Wondering what she was wanting. He was a bit taller so he had to look down at her. " Umm.. Is there something you need or want, Jade?" He asked a bit nervous.

Before she could answer, he looked over at his Record player. "Tell you what.." He said, calmly as he walked over to the record player, picking an Album. " Would you like to have so fun?" He looked over his shoulder, with a harmless smile.

He put on an old piano song. Then using a flash step, took Jade by the hand. " Dance with me? I see nothing else to do." He said with a smile.
"Sure" Jade replied as she stood up and dusted her dress. Jade started dancing with him. He was taller than her so she looked up at him with shimmering blue eyes. She could dance okay, not being too bad at it though. He was smiling at her as they danced to the piano song that she liked the sound of.

(What anime are you watching?)
( Kaze No Stigma :3)

As they dance, Veil felt happiness. He hoped she was to, to check an see. He drip her back, looking into her eye's. Bringing her back up her spun her, easily, out then back in, taking her hand yet again. " When my father wakes, he's not going to be happy.. So I want you to at least remember having a good time with me." He said, in a bitter sweet voice. " Cause you have warmed my heart in such a little time. Wish you could stay a little longer. " Veil added, trying not to seem to sad, for her sake.
Jade blushed at his comment, She realized that she was sweet and kind to him for the time she was here. She wanted to stay longer with him, for his kind adittude and demeanor about him. She wouldn't want to leave but if she had to, she wouldn't.

(Cool ( :P ))
Finishing the dance, Veil bowed and kissed her hand. " I forgot to do this at the beginning. Silly me. " He said, acting kitty-ish.

Standing back up, he hear a door slam open. "BOY! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!" His father yelled out.

Veil looked at her, with a smile. " Stay here, no matter what happens, okay?" He asked before walking to meet his father.
Jade answered, "Ok". She stayed at her place like she was instructed to by Veil, not wanting him to be angry. She heard his father shouting at him. She was Human but she trusted Veil on not being cruel to her. She wanted to help him but stayed put no mater what.

(I'm going to sleep, Night @Dawson Cross)
(Good night i'll reply with what happens next in the morning)

After a long, loud fight with his father. Veil came back in. Out of breath and bleeding a bit from being thrown around. " Don't worry.. I'm alright." He said, lending on the door way. " He was just return my favor of knocking him out earlier. An you can.." Veil eyes rounded up and he fainted, falling to the floor.

Mark came by, shaking his head. " Tsk Tsk Tsk, you and your Father are both child Young Master." He said, picking him up and lying him down on the bed. " Jade, would you as so kind to watch over this trouble maker?" Mark the Butler asked. " Oh, and it took everything the boy had, clearly but he was able to get his father to say you can stay but never speak of this place to anyone. Less people know of the truth the better." Mark said, soon turning to the door to leave.
Jade gasped when Veil passed out on the floor then realized the butler was there already. She agreed to to watch over him and to never tell anyone about this place. Jade was silent for the time given then she was going to talk to Veil out of boredom. His father seemed strict but, she didn't mind.
Veil slept for a while. Dreaming and tossing in his sleep. When he woke, he saw Jade there. He let out a small moan of pain. " Hay Jade, you alright?" He asked trying to smile
"Yes, I'm fine, what about you?" Jade asked him. She was worried about him because he passed out. She was wondering how he got beat so bad by his Father but then ignored because they were vampires. She felt his head to make sure he wasn't sick or had a fever. She put her hand on his head, waiting for his temperature on his head to reach her hand.
Veil eyes wided a bit at her holding his hand. He didn't say anything for a long moment. Just watching her, take care of him. Something her never really had. " I'm fine, but a couple broken bone, within an hour i'll heal up fairly. I probably need to feed though.." He said, looking out the window. The sun was sit up and he'd ran out of blood bags but never got the change to get more. 'Damnit." his thoughts told him.

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