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Fandom Manhatten Hero High School AU

Rachel looked to billy and gave him a slight wave "Nice to meet you, billy" She nodded to Hawkeye ready for the tour of the school
Clint open the door leading them over near the elevator beside the office:"this elevator leads to the dorm rooms, now before we do that i must show you the other classes"
He leads them over to the first room on the left:"this is english...over to the right is algebra. The second room on left is chemistry. room on right is escapism, past that is physics on right and the nurse office here on the left"
He shows them as he walks then stops over by nurse office
Lily still laying in the nurse bed drawing in sketchbook, has bandages around her body
Letho Letho Victoria Park Victoria Park
To be honest, Billy was quite happy to have Rachel around for this tour of the school. She seemed more open and social than him, at least from what he could tell so far, so he hoped she would be the one asking questions... Or answering them. While he wouldn't really mind doing that on his own, he simply preferred to stay quiet. At least that way he was sure he wouldn't say anything wrong.

Of course that didn't mean he wasn't paying attention to what was going on. Quite the opposite, actually. He did his best to focus on what was being said and shown to them, even if at times something stole his attention. Like someone passing them in the hallway, for example. Or that pale light coming from the principal office... Huh. Hawkeye had said something about the principal not being here right now, but maybe some other member of the staff needed to work in there. Or perhaps the light was coming through the window from the outside. That would make a lot of sense. He didn't have time to take a better look anyway, as they were already moving.

The elevator, then classrooms - and escapism? Really? Somehow he didn't think it was about distractions and running away from problems, though he could probably use some help with that - and finally the nurse's office. Hopefully, he wouldn't be spending any time in there... Anymore. That would be a pleasant change.

It only took him a second or two to notice another girl, this one covered in bandages. That... Didn't look very promising, not at all. Maybe it just seemed bad, but underneath it all she was mostly okay? If not, then... He probably should have thought this whole thing through better than he actually had. Though his choices had been quite limited at that time...

"Hi?" He tilted his head a bit to the side, still looking at the girl. Maybe he shouldn't disturb her, but it would also be rude not to say anything to her, right?

@Miasmith17 Victoria Park Victoria Park
Peter 1048 rips the claws and Kicks him with his free leg, as he punches Otto once again and kicks him in the face with both legs.
["Hi?" He tilted his head a bit to the side, still looking at the girl. Maybe he shouldn't disturb her, but it would also be rude not to say anything to her, right?]
Lily stay quiet as she draws, drawing a bedroom with a creature that has claws scraping the half open closet door watching the person in the bed.
She didnt hear it due to him and the others being outside the nurse office
Crystal mentally spoke:'i wish we could just run already i wanna run and feel the wind in the forest'
Letho Letho Victoria Park Victoria Park
A.J. followed his roommate downstairs to the dance room. He looked around, one eyebrow raised. The school had thrown out all the stops. He was wondering how there had been time to decorate the place when everybody was in class or teaching a class. They'd probabaly had a speedster do it.

He took a spot on the next wall next to Scott. Now that he was at the dance, he really didn't know what to do with himself. He recognised some of the people, the most noticeable being Elliott with his scar and dyed hair. But if you weren't dancing or eating, there was little else to do. "This seems kinda overhyped to be honest."

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_
["Hi?" He tilted his head a bit to the side, still looking at the girl. Maybe he shouldn't disturb her, but it would also be rude not to say anything to her, right?]
Lily stay quiet as she draws, drawing a bedroom with a creature that has claws scraping the half open closet door watching the person in the bed.
She didnt hear it due to him and the others being outside the nurse office
Crystal mentally spoke:'i wish we could just run already i wanna run and feel the wind in the forest'
Letho Letho Victoria Park Victoria Park
Rachel looked at the girl in the room, she must have gotten hurt pretty bad to be wrapped in so many bandages. Letting out a light sigh Rachel turned away from the girl and looked at the classrooms as Clint told her and Billy the subjects
... Right. So that didn't exactly go as planned... But at least he had tried to talk to that girl. That was what really mattered. Probably. Deciding not to worry about it too much, Billy dropped his eyes for a moment, before forcing himself to once again focus on Hawkeye. The tour most likely wasn't done yet, and they were taking his time... Kind of wasting it, actually, stopping like that without a good reason. Sure, he had said that it was okay, but Billy still didn't want to bother him for too long.

"Hey, um, I've heard something about a dance happening... Right now? I hope it's not one of those important events that we're not allowed to miss? Or, well, that we're excused, since we've just arrived?" That was a rather significant matter; after all, Billy wouldn't want to get in trouble immediately after moving to a new school. Or rather, ideally, he didn't want to get in trouble ever, but - somehow - he was beginning to think that he wouldn't be that lucky. Maybe it was the sight of those bandages...

That wasn't his only reason for mentioning the dance, though. As far as he was aware, Rachel probably didn't know about it. He could be wrong, but if he wasn't... Then perhaps she'd like to try and join that event? He had no idea, honestly, but why not give her a chance to decide on her own.

Personally, Billy mostly wondered how long the dance would last. He was still kind of hoping to avoid his roommate for a while, and if they were currently having fun with the rest of the school, then maybe he could safely stay alone in their room... After the tour, obviously. Who knew, perhaps he would even be able to go to sleep without meeting them first? He needed all the time he could get to prepare for it mentally.

Then again, he was doing just fine with Rachel right now, and he certainly hadn't had time to get ready for that encounter. They weren't really talking or anything, true, but he didn't feel too uncomfortable either. Of course she wasn't the one he would be sharing his living space with for months, so maybe that explained it...

@Miasmith17 Victoria Park Victoria Park
["Hey, um, I've heard something about a dance happening... Right now? I hope it's not one of those important events that we're not allowed to miss? Or, well, that we're excused, since we've just arrived?"]

Clint look at them about to lead them to the next classes then heard billy question:"you are both excused since you have just arrived...."
Victoria Park Victoria Park Letho Letho
Kurt stood outside the dance and took a deep breath, he was scared he didn't have his cloak on so everyone would see the real him that always made him nervous. He took one more deep breath and pushed the doors open walking inside.
Kurt stood outside the dance and took a deep breath, he was scared he didn't have his cloak on so everyone would see the real him that always made him nervous. He took one more deep breath and pushed the doors open walking inside.
Spots and trickster sing and beat drops:"Loud and clear now five and two-four Freud? Keloid? Lead with the right key Laugh it up then, we’ll laugh and ignore Dance along until you’re dying with the beat"
They spin around dancing, their outfits glitch:"do do do la dah i i ah ah ah do do la ahahah"
Song beat finishes
The virus shuts down the school network firewalls and some devices like albert device

Albert_Drake Albert_Drake Zachjoker Zachjoker Letho Letho Victoria Park Victoria Park Concord Concord _gallifrog_ _gallifrog_
Nightgale starts removing files after seeing the computer screen glitch, now able to look through files with the firewall down
She downloads the files and looks through kaito file while the files start downloading
"My watch is shut down. Something is gonna happen. I gotta go." He starts running. Terry soon follows him.
Albert: "Terry what are you doing here?"
Terry: "Same as you finding the culprit behind the blackout."
Peter 1048 looks at Otto swing away. "Every superior Spider-Man always claims to be superior and are arrogant of the fact. I bet they could try and save the world and ultimately fail at it, giving back the body to their rightful owner."
"My watch is shut down. Something is gonna happen. I gotta go." He starts running. Terry soon follows him.
Albert: "Terry what are you doing here?"
Terry: "Same as you finding the culprit behind the blackout."
Anya watched him suprised but nod:"ok i will be here..."
Nightgale remove some info from kaito file while the files download
Lila spoke through her coms:"be careful i see terry and albert head down the hallway running...they might be searching for you or someone"
nightgale growl to herself and checks the file download, only in the middle...needing more minutes to complete the fast download
Terry: "I'll check this room Albert, you go upstairs."
Albert nods at Terry.
Terry, kicks the door and looks at Nighthgale. "Hey going somewhere?"
(Decided Terry needed more screentime.)
Terry: "I'll check this room Albert, you go upstairs."
Albert nods at Terry.
Terry, kicks the door and looks at Nighthgale. "Hey going somewhere?"
(Decided Terry needed more screentime.)
Nightgale took out Escrima Sticks and look at the screen knowing that it only needed six minutes to let it finish, she look at terry, her eyes lower:"of course i am...leave before i have to hurt you..."
He looks at the computer. "So why are you downloading files then?"
Nightgale:"classified but doesnt it bother you that bruce knows everything about every student...their weaknesses....secrets or who knows that else"
Nurse walked over to strange:"sir is there a way to duplicate her blood cells for now until we find oliver?"
Zachjoker Zachjoker
'To bad she won't get the information.' He uses a batarang to destroy the hard drive. Then he uses another one to destroy the usb. He looks at Nightgale. "Where's your information now?"

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