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Fandom Manhatten Hero High School AU

Alone in his room, just the way he wanted it for now, Billy wasn't sure what to do with himself. Unpacking was probably a good idea; he had already started the process before, but then decided to find the office first and... Yeah, he really should get back to it.

So he did. He would have more time to arrange everything better later, but just putting things in the right general areas seemed fine for now. Besides, while his parents... Well, his mother had always insisted on keeping the room as tidy as possible, he actually preferred a bit of chaos. It helped him remember where everything was. Not that he would leave clothes on the floor or something, but - for example - having a mess on the desk was all right in his book.

Also, there were priorities. Like... Connecting his laptop and phone to the Wi-Fi network here. He could survive without many things in life, but Internet access was a must. He had friends there. Or at least associates. And message boards. He needed to stay active online - almost as much as he needed air. Which, admittedly, was a pretty dramatic thing to say or even think, but hey, he was a teenager, he had every right to be dramatic. And the Internet had helped him a lot.

Billy was mostly done, and sitting on his bed with his phone out, when he heard the door open. His eyes immediately darted from the screen to the person currently entering the room... And for a moment he felt frozen, a deer caught in the headlights of a moving car, before he forced himself to send - apparently - his new roommate a quick smile. Be cool, he reminded himself. And nice. And maybe, possibly, don't show him how socially awkward you are... At least not yet.

Not that it wouldn't be glaringly obvious, but still.

Thankfully, the boy busied himself with unpacking his own stuff - and Billy was okay with that. Despite his mild curiosity, he did his best not to look at him too much... Even at the open display of his... Talent. Still, he couldn't say it didn't seem useful. Probably more so than his own. Unless he could learn how to charge electrical devices without destroying them in the process... All right, that would be pretty great. But was it even possible?

That vision had him lost in thoughts for a while, so he got quite startled when his roommate suddenly asked him a question - and it took him a second or two to come back to here and now. He blinked once, twice, glancing at the boy... Before quickly realizing that giving him an answer would generally be considered a good idea.

"Oh, sorry. Billy. Billy Kaplan. Well, William, technically, but you know. Not even my parents call me that, not unless mom gets angry enough. So... What is yours?" He had to remind himself to stop talking. It happened to him quite often when he got nervous or anxious; he was aware of it - and tried to fight it - but... It was just his reaction to stress. He couldn't get rid of it completely.

There was also another matter that bothered him... Well, no. Perhaps that wasn't the right word. It mostly surprised him and... And maybe made him feel a little bit curious. After all, now wasn't the beginning of the school year, so getting a roommate who - seemingly - was new as well... That was strange. Then again, Billy himself had been forced to transfer by his circumstances. In a place like this... It was most likely rather common. And he probably shouldn't ask about that.

"Cool powers," he said instead in a casual tone of voice.

FactionParadox FactionParadox
Days had dragged by from the moment Tim had crawled through Jason’s window in search of help, days filled with constant anxiety he had barely managed to channel into research. Of course it had only taken him a week to locate the next person, he hadn’t slept for the majority of it, Tim was almost immune to the effects of coffee by the time he finally crashed.

Jason’s taunting had truly added to the load of stress he was carrying, it was as though the elder Robin needed Tim to know he was completely buried in debt. Thankfully there was at least no way to prove what had happened, Jason had seen to that much, Tim’s own meticulous care ensuring nothing slipped.
The training they had both faced at least allowed them to work somewhat effectively together, though the violence between them would keep a constant wave of uncertainty pulsing through Tim. Handing his trust over so desperately had been one of the hardest decisions he’d made in his short life.

Now those decisions were coming back to haunt him, gently, as Jason tormented him from across the room in the most disgusting way possible and Tim felt trapped. He knew feeding into the comments were exactly what Jason wanted from him, he’d fallen for it again and was left glaring at Jason for a few minutes before turning back to his work.
School and crime fighting were taking an interesting combined toll on him, more so than usual, perhaps due to the nature of his latest work.

Avoiding Jason had been somewhat easier when the eldest was avoiding him in return, now that his focus had returned there was little Tim could do.The taunting had carried on with Jason saying something outright disgusting to him, Tim was in utter shock for a few moments before returning to his work in a flurry.
Unwilling to reward Jason’s behavior with anymore attention, though knowing regardless of his reaction it would be a win for Jason.

Even leading up to the dance had been filled with Jason deciding to drag in a new level of torment, Tim had barely kept his reaction stifled. If the dance hadn’t been mandatory he would have skipped the event altogether, lingering behind Jason to get himself changed and ready for the event.
A grey suit in place of the black one he’d initially chosen, Tim habitually kept to the walls once he entered the dance. It was surprising to see another student up on stage singing instead of the standard DJ but Tim wasn’t complaining.

‘She’s pretty good’ He thought to himself, though his attention soon returning to scanning for familiar faces in the crowd. A week of self-imposed exile had left him without any social interaction really, it would be nice to track down literally any of his friends in the crowd and chase normalcy.
Time away from Jason was what he needed in order to maintain some sense of stability after such a turbulent few days together.

Part of Tim began wondering just how long he would be forced to attend, certain the overall point of the event was to force students together. A few people might form new connections but Tim wasn’t sure if there was anyone he could connect with now, still weighed down by his underlying guilt.

Tim finally settled himself at one of the tables littering the sides, pulling out his phone and in a somewhat antisocial manner, settling to riding out the dance.

Lotheralaix Lotheralaix @anyoneelse
Tim finally settled himself at one of the tables littering the sides, pulling out his phone and in a somewhat antisocial manner, settling to riding out the dance.

Spots continued to sing, she wasnt any of the students, the magic of her outfit disguised her true idenitity
Anya walk back into dance noticing tim and walk over sitting across from him wth a frown:"hey......"

TheSaint TheSaint
Strange walked into the room and up to the nurse. "So what have we found... anything yet?" He hopped they'd be able to figure this thing out soon so he could start getting that girl back on her feet like he promised he hated breaking promises.
Kurt was just standing off to the side but he knew he couldn't just stay here forever he took a breath and walked out into the middle of the dance floor and started dancing throwing in some break dancing too. With his increased agility he was a good dancer it helped with throwing in some really crazy moves. Dancing was one of his favorite things to do.
Strange walked into the room and up to the nurse. "So what have we found... anything yet?" He hopped they'd be able to figure this thing out soon so he could start getting that girl back on her feet like he promised he hated breaking promises.
nurse looked at stephan:"we still havent found him yet....we might need a temporary alternative until we find him"
Zachjoker Zachjoker
Tony Stark

"I am Ironman"

Tony Stark the life of the party, or at least he was the life of the party. But for today not in the least. He was rather busy, no not making suits or building robots in his lab. No, nothing like that but rather he was coming up with lesson plans for his Egineering class. Better to get it out of the way while the misfits were all at the dance. Besides he could use the time to think things through. The man sits at his desk, the door to his classroom locked tight. He definitely didn't want to be bothered. After all, it was a bit of a tough week for him. And he'd rather focus on getting his work done so he could party after. Well at least he hoped he could , would be a real shame if he couldn't. After all what was work without a little fun?

Grabbing his coffee off his desk he takes a heavy sip befrore leaning back in his chair with a sigh. He could feel the comings of a headache and shuffles through his desk drawers looking for an aspirin. His head was killing him, and he really wished that he could just take a break for now. That wold be well deserved wouldn't it? He spins around in his chair for a moment looking up at the ceiling before yawning. Damn he was tired. He would nap, but the sound of music coming down the hall would be enough to keep him up. Speaking of sounds, there was some loud noises coming from the Principal's office. That made Tony jolt in his seat, nearly falling off the chair and on his ass. Damn it. What was it this time? Despite, all his better judgement telling him not to check on it, he did so anyways. Which was stupid on his part but who could blame him?

And with that out of the way Tony winds up dashing down the hall, not caring that he looked like shit. It didn't matter why the hell were they fighting? That just went against everything Charles Xavier stood for. After all, the man preferred to solve things through words and talking. Rather than with violence. He shakes his head in disbelief. Seems like wherever he went chaos followed him like the goddamned plague. Which was a damn shame. Why couldn't he live life peacefully? Well he was Tony fucking Stark so of course he couldn't live life peacefully.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Yes I changed Tony to teach Engineering from Algebra, because to me this makes more sense with what Tony does//

Jessica Jones

"Occassionally I give a shit,"

M; n/a​

Funny how these things happen, a hard talking tough P.I. like herself working for a highschool of superpowered heroes. Not exactly something she'd picture herself doing. But yet there she was, doing so anyways. She sighs, as she set up the photo studio. Photography, yes Jessica Jones was teaching photography. Not that she minded as a P.I. photography was the one thing she was good at, besides drinking and investigating. The dark haired woman sighs, with the whole dance going on there wasn't really much for Jessica to do. So instead she was doing some busy work. Granted, it was fairly boring but it was better than nothing. To say the least. Besides, it was either this or chaperone the party. And to be honest, Jessica being who she was, wasn't exactly the biggest party person, shocker there. But she would much rather do boring studio work than be at a party. There wasn't even any alcohol, so where was the fun in that? Soon enough she finishes setting up the studio for her next class, before pulling out a pack of cigarrettes from her desk. Along with a lighter, before looking to go outside for a quick smoke. Why yes Jessica did indeed smoke, a disgusting habit according to Trish. Though to be fair, she didn't exactly give a rat's ass about what Trish or anyone thought. Sure, it was unproffesional for a teacher to be drinking and smoking. Though it's not like she was doing it while on the job they should at least be thankful for that. Could be worse, walking down the hall to go outside for her smoke, she was rather puzzled to find that the door leading to the outside was gated shut . She scowls grumbling under her breath. Looks like she couldn't exactly get her daily bout of smoking now could she? Apparently not. Pity.

"Damn it, can't a woman smoke around here!'

And yes I made Jessica a teacher in photography cause I feel that suits her compared to everything else))​
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[What the hell is going on here?" ]
clint looked at tony:"these two students were fighting in the principal office and now are trying to escape getting detention"

monxmiracle monxmiracle thats fine
Stephen thought for a moment. "it's possible I could always try magic but nothing is without risks." He tried to avoid using magic for medical uses unless absolutely necessary and he guessed this might be one of those times.
Stephen thought for a moment. "it's possible I could always try magic but nothing is without risks." He tried to avoid using magic for medical uses unless absolutely necessary and he guessed this might be one of those times.
Nurse:"we dont have much options......"
Lily look up while drawing sketches of her dark past, hearing them with her wolf hearing:"you need blood bag?"

Zachjoker Zachjoker
He opened his eyes slowly, the light of his lamp shining into them. His eyes dilated from the light seeping through his iris'. He covered his eyes quickly moving his hand to turn it off the light. After turning his light off he rubs his eyes sitting up. He looked around the room and it seemed to be empty. Yawning he got up and put on some shirt and a pair of pants. Looking in the mirror he sorta combed his hair. He also brushed his teeth. He walked out of his room wandering the halls of Xavier.
At otto octo lab secret hideout in the city
Superior spiderman was researching about the other spiderman he fought earlier today

'I must plan a stratagie to defeat him if i ever run into him agian, he is only one of four spidermen in the city. So either i take them out one by one or stop them from interfering when the time is right...' he though
Looking at the time he realizes

'Even though i am in peter body i feel a sudden worry that aunt may might be wondering where i am. I have to make it look like nothing happened to him, besides im sure horizon high tech could help me with finding criminals faster' he smirk at the thought under his mask as he walk over to the balcony closing the balcony entrance door to his lair before jumping off the edge swinging out of the city towards the east suburbs
Peter walked around the halls aimlessly, he heard of the dance that was happening but he wasn't a very.... party person. Then he also heard of Lily being in the nurse's station. He thought he'd pay her a quick visit, maybe something to snack on, so she isn't starving, we all know how hospital food is. With a smile on his face he went to a vending machine and got some bags of chips and some snack bars and 2 drinks with his last few dollars.

Quickly he went to the infirmary with all the snacks he had. Getting there he gulped a second before knocking on the door waiting on someone to answer, if anyone answered
Peter walked around the halls aimlessly, he heard of the dance that was happening but he wasn't a very.... party person. Then he also heard of Lily being in the nurse's station. He thought he'd pay her a quick visit, maybe something to snack on, so she isn't starving, we all know how hospital food is. With a smile on his face he went to a vending machine and got some bags of chips and some snack bars and 2 drinks with his last few dollars.

Quickly he went to the infirmary with all the snacks he had. Getting there he gulped a second before knocking on the door waiting on someone to answer, if anyone answered
Nurse walked over opening the door after placing a very cold rag on lily forehead, she looked at peter:"yes?"

Lily was laying in nurse bed drawing and starting to cough, wearing a cold washrag on her forehead

Responsible_spider Responsible_spider
Peter held the bag of snacks looking at the nurse with his blank and innceont face. " I uh, brought some uh, stuff for Lily.." he said his voice getting quieter as the sentence went on.
Peter held the bag of snacks looking at the nurse with his blank and innceont face. " I uh, brought some uh, stuff for Lily.." he said his voice getting quieter as the sentence went on.
Nurse smile lightly:"thats very nice of you, the only visit she has had today is a student that brought her homework. You can come in..."
She open the door more

Flash thompson was sleeping in a nurse bed in the far left corner, injured

Lily nurse bed was in middle of room agianst wall near the nurse desk and equipment
She look up from drawing seeing peter
Responsible_spider Responsible_spider
He smiled waving at her slightly walking towards her with a bag before he sat it beside her. "I brought these, for uhh..." he looked around, his awkwardness seeping through. Looking back at Lily he forced his smile being very embarrasse. "I got these for you, because back before the incident, I used to be in the nurse's office and hospital thanks to bullies and such and the food isn't Aunt May's Wheat Cakes.." he chuckled at his own joke, but it was true.
He smiled waving at her slightly walking towards her with a bag before he sat it beside her. "I brought these, for uhh..." he looked around, his awkwardness seeping through. Looking back at Lily he forced his smile being very embarrasse. "I got these for you, because back before the incident, I used to be in the nurse's office and hospital thanks to bullies and such and the food isn't Aunt May's Wheat Cakes.." he chuckled at his own joke, but it was true.
Lily felt bit suprised and feeling shy:"t-thank you peter...no one has done anything nice for me brfore" she look over at the bag he brought

Responsible_spider Responsible_spider
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He smiled brightly before he started to mess with his something in his pockets, it wasn't nothing just he was nervous and that's how he tried to call himself down. "Well I know how it also feels to be outcasted and it doesn't feel good. And I'm here if you ever feel that way. We have gifts and they feel like burdens like curses placed on us, but they aren't. We have them and we can do alot of good not just for other but for ourselves." He said with a smile looking at her before looking around again like a nervous tick he has.
He smiled brightly before he started to mess with his something in his pockets, it wasn't nothing just he was nervous and that's how he tried to call himself down. "Well I know how it also feels to be outcasted and it doesn't feel good. And I'm here if you ever feel that way. We have gifts and they feel like burdens like curses placed on us, but they aren't. We have them and we can do alot of good not just for other but for ourselves." He said with a smile looking at her before looking around again like a nervous tick he has.
Lily notice him messing with his pockets but didnt ask about it
Crystal mentally spoke:'he seems nervous around you'
She listen to him, frown for a moment when he mentioned outcast, his smile made her heart beat bit slower:"to be honest it always felt like a curse...i been outcasted alot in life at many schools i had a one or two friends at them but i couldnt stay at any because of the trouble i brought with me. Now i feel like stabbing someone"

Responsible_spider Responsible_spider
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He heard her reply and if he was honest there was a few times were he was going down a dark oath but he had friends and they taught him about the value of life and how this is a gift. " I'm the reason my uncle died.... I'm the reason why my Tony died.. I'm the reason for so many bad things, and for a while I thought it was because of my powers. But it was because of my irresponsibility and my own weakness that they died. They feel like your powers are there making your life worse and some times they make your life hard, but all of life is hard." He said as he pulled out a pair of glasses that Stark gave him and held them out to her. "I'm not the smartest, or The strongest. But I always do the right thing by the people i care for. Mr.Stark gave these to me and they are quite useless in this world but I carry them with me to remind me that these struggles and hardships are worth it for the love and our friends and companions. Do you want to hold them for a bit? Just so they can remind you of that these things aren't curses but gifts to make this world a better place." He said with a small smile holding the glasses out to her.

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