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Fandom Manhatten Hero High School AU

A.J. made no attempt to move his hand from Scott's back. A slight smile curved at the corners of his mouth. "So I will get to see him in a suit, I bet he looks damn good" was his initial thought, followed "pull yourself together A.J. and stop imagining him in a tux. You don't even know if he likes guys for hells sake! I said stop imagining him in a tux"

Somehow he managed to stop imagining Scott in a suit and concentrate on more important matters. "it won't be that bad. Tell you what if it's really that awful I'll blow something up to liven it up." he grinned, before realising that class was about to start. "c'mon, we'd better not be late" he added, getting and taking his stuff, and in the process removing his hand from Scott's shoulder.

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ (Scott)
Kurt watched as the boy walked in and sat down next to him in the classroom. He was still nervous so he didn't say anything he just sat there with his hood up. You could kinda see his eyes glowing in the shadow of his hood. _gallifrog_ _gallifrog_
Elliott was aware of the faint glow of the eyes of the boy next to him. It didn't phase him in the slightest. His own eyes glowed when he used his powers or magic, plus being alien, this wasn't the strangest thing he'd seen from a person. He decided to try and talk to the guy. "I'm Elliott, in case you were wondering" His accent was part wrong side of the tracks British and part something else.

Zachjoker Zachjoker (Kurt)
A.J's offer made him grin. His roommates explosive powers were highly entertaining and he had no doubt that given the opportunity the Irish boy would do exactly what he said he would. "okay, you've got yourself a deal A.J." returning A.J's grin witn one of his own. And the thought of A.J. doing that just for Scott made him even happier.

Looking at his watch, he realised that A.J. was right, the lunch had flown by and class was about to start. He missed the feeling of A.J's hand as soon as it was removed, an occurence which would have seemed ridculous to him last week, but made complete sense to him now. "Damn, you've fallen for this one hard." Canto commented, as unhelpfully blunt as usual. "so?" Scott questioned internally back as he picked up his stuff and began the walk to class. "I'm just saying, please don't put me through that whole lovesick pining thing. Just get it over with already." Scott didn't reply, trying to ignore his other half.

He and A.J. arrived in the class just before the bell.

Concord Concord (A.J.)
(And everybody else in physics)
Ravana bit her lip as she entered physics class. It seemed as though most everyone else already arrived and claimed their seats. Her disagreement with her aunt most have gone longer than she expected. She gazed around the classroom and frowned. She still felt so new to everything, even other people with powers. She hadn't quite been sheltered, but she had been 'protected' from people who were both, like her and unlike her. Ravana walked toward the middle row, to an available seat before taking it. Most people in her public school called her a 'loner', but that wasn't by her choice. Everyone else simply decided they didn't like her, and thus avoided her. She lifted her hands and tightened her pony before leaning back in the seat. Hopefully her discomfort would go unnoticed.​
Kurt kept looking forward. "I'm Kurt." He said. He had a German accent that sometimes made him a little hard to understand. Kurt watched as a girl entered the class his eyes followed her as she took a seat in the middle of the room. _gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Alvaris Alvaris
Ravana pulled at the hem of her dark shirt, she was still trying to calm down from earlier, but nerves plus anger were a deadly combo. Heat radiated from her as she twiddled her thumbs. As long as she didn't blow anything up, everything would be fine. It was a more true than false statement, but it did nothing for her nerves. She was curious about what everyone else could do. She hadn't been around many people with other abilities, which is what she preferred to label it. She found 'mutant' insulting, as if she was some sort of monster to be feared. Ravana scanned the people in front of her before subtly glancing around the room. When her eyes rested on a man, she paused for only a moment before focusing her attention to the front of the room.

Who was he? Were his eyes glowing or was that her imagination? She bit her lip, she wanted to look again, but the last thing she wanted was someone thinking she was staring.

Zachjoker Zachjoker
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The two boys- the Japenese one and the spiky haired Irish lad entered. They were followed by a girl who he hadn't seen before, another new student he guessed. She looked around the room, her eyes landing the longest on the guy next to him. He'd begun to realise that compared to the features with the rest of the people in Xavier, having a large facial scar wasn't that big a deal.

So the guys name was Kurt, and based off his accent, came from a German speaking country. Accents were something he paid a lot of attention to. When he had first arrived on Earth his Attilani accent had been extremly prominent, but after years of practice, it was mostly replaced by his rough British accent. He did lapse back into both his old accent and his old language when really annoyed.

"you're new, I take it?"
Zachjoker Zachjoker (Kurt) Alvaris Alvaris (Ravenna)
Kurt kept facing forward. "Yes I just arrived this afternoon." At this point more and more people were walking into the class with every new person Kurt was getting a little more nervous worst came to worst he'd just teleport out. He kept having at the girl in the middle of the room she was kinda cute.
_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Alvaris Alvaris
"If you'd arrived later, you would have missed the dance" was Elliott's comment, before he started to take out his things for class. If Kurt was interested enough to talk to him Elliott would talk back, but if he wasn't the chatty kind Elliott could respect that and read his book or something
Zachjoker Zachjoker (Kurt)
Alvaris Alvaris (Ravenna)
Ravana's ears burned as she listened to the conversation of the two guys nearby. A dance? She recalled hearing something about that earlier. Her aunt was thrilled when she learned that this school was just like a 'normal' one. Both men had accents, she loved accents. Ravana occasionally sounded like a Minnesotan, but it was more common for her to drag her O's when she was tired. Some of the students around her pulled out notebooks and pens. She should probably do the same. Ravana reached for her notebook and pen from the backpack beside her, using it as an excuse to look at the two gentleman behind her. Mr.Glowing eyes intrigued her. Crap. She was taking too long. She snapped her attention to her bag as she pulled out her book and pen before placing them on the desk. Her stomach twisted, hopefully they didn't notice.

Zachjoker Zachjoker _gallifrog_ _gallifrog_
Kurt's heart sank when he said the word dance. "I'm not really much for dances." He said nervously. He didn't really want to go but he knew he would have to he also knew that he couldn't keep himself covered the whole time he was here they would all find out about him sooner or later but he definitely preferred later then now. Kurt took out his books and laid them on his desk it was hard for him to take notes considering he only had three fingers but growing up he had created a special pen that made it a whole lot easier.
_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Alvaris Alvaris
"you're not the only one. I'm willing to bet that there'll be at least five in dark corners wishing they were somewhere else." he replied. He knew he wasn't the only one who didn't want to be at the dance, but it was nice to hear it from somebody, instead of being forced to listen to the usual guff and drivel people spouted about dances. Elliott opened the back page of his refill pad and idly began to sketch a figure standing on a rooftop. his sketch was rough, but it was clear he had a talent
Zachjoker Zachjoker (Kurt) Alvaris Alvaris (Ravana)
Kurt laughed a little. "Honestly i'm just very used to being by myself a lot of people don't want to be around me and judge me by how i look that's why i wear this cloak all the time...If no one knows what i look like they just treat me like everyone else." Saying this brought back a lot of bad memories for him as a kid he couldn't leave his house without some screaming something something or throwing something at him.
_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Alvaris Alvaris
Now that was interesting. What Kurt said struck a chord with him, it sounded far too much like some of his own experiences back on his home planet. "I get that. My species kicked me out and disowned me for being a mage. Then here on earth having this scar didn't help things. Humans and aliens are waaaaaaaaaay to judgemental."

Zachjoker Zachjoker (Kurt) Alvaris Alvaris (Ravena)
Kurt knew he was right but he knew there were a few good people out there like his foster parents. "Well not everyone is some people are afraid of what they don't understand and some just don't wanna learn."
_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Alvaris Alvaris
Nurse seperates red blood and green blood, starts searching on red blood
"True, and it's often those you'd least expect that are the most understanding and tolerant of them all. Like my adoptive father, he doesn't look or act the understanding type, but he really is." John Constantine didn't come across as being understanding of Elliott and his life, but somehow he was. If it wasn't for the Hellbkazer, Elliott would have died years ago.
Zachjoker Zachjoker (Kurt) Alvaris Alvaris (Ravena)
"Sometimes and it's sometimes the one's you least expect that will judge you the most." He had experience with that too, he had a few friends when he was younger but that was when he covered himself when they found out what he really looked like they called him all kinds of things and sometimes depending who they come from words can cut pretty deep.
_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Alvaris Alvaris
Jason didn't notice the younger male at first, fully intent on falling back asleep for the next few hours. If he was going to keep up this ludicrous schedule for any longer he was going to have get as much sleep as humanly possible. His grades were going to start to reflect the poor choices, making him the stereotype of rebellious and stupid. Jason wasn't about to have any of that. He may not be exerting himself to be the top of his class, but he wasn't about to let himself fail. That just wasn't acceptable. His eyes were closed and he'd started to count the beats of his heart, the steady rhythm accompanied by the little murmur was quickly easing him into sleep when he heard the clack of keys.

Jason thought nothing of it due to the long pause that was taken - he was probably going a little crazy. Starting to audibly hallucinate - god he really needed to go to sleep now. But there it was again, clack clack clack clack. His brows furrowed, reasoning that it was just the sound of rain pelting the window. Cracking his left eye open he peered at the window, lo and behold, sunlight. The one time that it wasn't bloody raining.


Clack. Clack. Clack.

If he just closed his eyes he could fall asleep. Just listen to the sound of the keys like he was earlier with his heartbeat. How many times had he fallen asleep before to the sound of Tim working away? They were only a week into being roommates, but they had history. Jason wasn't shy at all to fall asleep whenever they were working in the cave together. Admittedly it was a little nice to have some back ground noise. But right now? It was just starting to piss him off.

Tim was avoiding him.

Granted - Jason was also avoiding the younger male (but Tim didn't know that with how out of touch they'd been) for the better part of the week. It was different however. Why? Tim had come to him for help. Got him out of this very bed right here and pleaded for Jason to clean up his mess. Plead for him to help him track down the rest of the people. Jason was considerate enough to get rid of the body, to keep it a little secret between the two of them, and promised that he would be there every step of the way - and now Tim had the gull to avoid him. That pissed him off.

Clack. Clack. Clack.

"You find the next person you're going to lure to their death, baby bird?" Jason spoke, wanting to keep his voice tight despite the clenched jaw. Hard to sound inviting at all through clenched teeth. A stutter of keys, but no answer.

So he had Tim's attention. Good.

Jason counted the keystrokes to keep the rising temper at bay. He was in such a sour mood, but what put him in a good mood? Tormenting the raven just in his line of sight. Transfer of energy; Tim was fine while Jason was in a horrible mood, pester the boy and Tim would be in a horrible mood while his could only get better. It was basic science. If he could just keep his temper in check he could have a little fun at Tim's expense and get some information.

"Now that we popped your cherry, are you going to enjoy this next one? Be more deliberate in each hit? Are you going to admit to me how much you liked it." Another stutter of keys. Jason was grinning. "You never did give me the details before. How did it feel to watch the life seep out of his eyes - and don't give me that 'I didn't think he was going to die' crap - you and I were both trained too damn well to know when someone is going to kick it or not." Words simply weren't enough. Jason was rolling onto his side so that he could watch the shoulders tense, the subtle squirming that was going on in that chair.

TheSaint TheSaint Tim
Lily still lay in nurse bed working on homework
Nurse checks on teachers dna

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