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Fandom Manhatten Hero High School AU

Alex looked at his paper. Dorm room with someone called Mahogany. Okay then. He went up to where his room apparently was and entered it. It looked okay with a conviently sized window perfect for sneaking out. Like this room said Frenzy. Sneaking out from Alex’s shoulder. Slithering about and inspecting the room. We should claim this sleeping space said Frenzy. Surrounding the bed it wanted them to take. “We’ll see don’t want to get on their wrong foot” said Alex. Frenzy’s tongue snaked out. We can....convince them to what we want said Frenzy. “Just, no” said Alex.
Alex looked at his paper. Dorm room with someone called Mahogany. Okay then. He went up to where his room apparently was and entered it. It looked okay with a conviently sized window perfect for sneaking out. Like this room said Frenzy. Sneaking out from Alex’s shoulder. Slithering about and inspecting the room. We should claim this sleeping space said Frenzy. Surrounding the bed it wanted them to take. “We’ll see don’t want to get on their wrong foot” said Alex. Frenzy’s tongue snaked out. We can....convince them to what we want said Frenzy. “Just, no” said Alex.
(Which room. Any room but 2 on the third or first floor? The first floor is classes but has one dorm room, second has club classes and sports, third is dorms. The final hidden floor which is floor 4.1 is under the first floor only accessable with a passcode for a elevator and is where specific heros can train.)
(Which room. Any room but 2 on the third or first floor? The first floor is classes but has one dorm room, second has club classes and sports, third is dorms. The final hidden floor which is floor 4.1 is under the first floor only accessable with a passcode for a elevator and is where specific heros can train.)
(I don’t know. I’m not really sure where the rooms are I just kind of acted like he was going to the room assigned to him. And specific heroes where do I join that club)
(I don’t know. I’m not really sure where the rooms are I just kind of acted like he was going to the room assigned to him. And specific heroes where do I join that club)
You have to protect the school to earn it. The teachers like mr baton and others will determine if you should be chosen.
You have to protect the school to earn it. The teachers like mr baton and others will determine if you should be chosen.
(Hmmmm okay. Didnt realize they’d have to protect the school from things guess it makes sense gives me some opportunity to go with Alex’s character arc. Alright then)
Loki nodded.
"My real father wasn't bad, per say. It is simply a complicated arrangement."
He walked inside and pulled out his pen once more to twirl it in his fingers. He looked around the room he would be sharing with Lily.

(Hmmmm okay. Didnt realize they’d have to protect the school from things guess it makes sense gives me some opportunity to go with Alex’s character arc. Alright then)
Loki placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"My father was a cold-hearted man."
He wasn't lying-- not really. He offered her a kind smile and moved to look around their dorm.

Lily:"im sorry to hear that" she sit on the bottom bed
Loki shrugged and pulled out the chair to sit in front of her. He tossed his pen in the air and caught it with the other hand.
"Father treats me well. He treats me as the third child from his mind, but well. I am his only adopted and not of his blood. But I have a nice home and siblings."

Lily:"im glad you see the good side of it"
Matt set lily two bags near her bed
Loki nodded and tossed his pen again.
"Are you adept at catching?"
He inquired a moment before tossing his pen at her without waiting for a response.

Lily notice he toss his pen at her, she shouldnt use her archery training or her wolf abilities. the pen hit her
Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6
Loki chuckled softly and bent down to pick up the pen.
"Guess not. I could teach you. I have quick a few skills."

It dares threaten us said Frenzy. Back in, now. Commanded Alex. The symbiote’s tongue flicked out and it begrudgingly returned to Alex’s mind. Alex cocked his head at what he assumed was his roommate. “Well, you’re pretty good at sneaking around” said Alex. Crossing his arms and leaning against a wall.
PlusUltra PlusUltra
Lily:"that would be great"
Meanwhile outside the school a black van shows up, five men in white suits step out with net guns and blaster guns.
Matt using his heighten senses:"lily something is wrong"
Angelina notices the men while using secruity cameras, turning on inter com:"everyone to their dorm rooms now, do not leave"
Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6
Loki looked up at the ceiling then went to the window. He gripped his pen tightly as he looked down at the men.
"Can't leave the dorm."
He muttered to himself and then grinned widely. An illusion of himself materialized into thin air before the men. He appeared in armor with a staff in hand, similarly decorated to his pen.
"Good morning, Gentlemen. What brings you here on such a lovely day?"
Loki turned to Lily and shushed her gently. They were closer to the men so if she made too much noise they might find them.

Lily suprised and notice matt was gone
Matt had left the dorm room and was standing in the dorm hallway, he open his case and changed into his suit which was just a black ski mask over his head, black sweater shirt and black pants (he hasnt made his new suit yet)
Five men in white suits shoot electrical net gun and blaster beam guns
Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6 PlusUltra PlusUltra Yahhah Yahhah
(Im gonna be offline later this afternoon )
Loki was focused on his duplicate and the men. His duplicate waved his hand and a golden helm with horns appeared just as they shot at him. Each went right through him.
"That wasn't very nice. I asked you a simple question and you attack me? I'm hurt. Really, I am."
He slipped the helm on and raised his staff, prepared to fight. The real Loki turned and saw Lily's father changing. He turned to Lily.
"Sorry, Sweetheart, but I just need you to stay here for a moment."
He disappeared from the room, taking his duplicate's place.

Lily is shocked she look at matt:"be safe"
Daredevil nod and head outside
Five men in white:"we dont care we have orders, give us lily master and we will leave in peace"
Daredevil:"sorry but she isnt here today" he lied a bit and notice loki lied as well
Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6
Loki smirked and looked over at Lily's father. He looked back at the men.
"You dare ask me to hand over an innocent girl to you brutish mortals? I have standards. And lucky for you they involve me coming out on top."
Loki disappeared and reappeared a moment later with Lily in his arms. He had one arm across her chest and the other covering her mouth. Her eyes were wide and fearful.
"Sorry, Pops, but I value myself before others. And you mortals are far beneath me. I will give you Lily and you will walk away. If you fail your end of the bargain I will kill you all."
Lily looked over at her father, but her eyes matched Loki's to a tee.

“Well they’re good. At messing everything up” said Alex. He looked at his roommate and gave her a backwards wave. As he entered the hall he muttered one word. “Frenzy”. His symbiote surrounded him going from the small teenager to a large toothy beast. Can we started Frenzy Maybe, part of, one said Alex. Compromising with the alien. Frenzy gave a toothy malicious smile. The monster rushed through the halls breaking through a window on the bottom floor. It looked at the men as its long serpentine tongue snaked out and did a lap around its mouth. HUNGRY Roared the symbiote.
@Miasmith17, Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6 , PlusUltra PlusUltra
Daredevil realizes that it is a trick because he hears lily heartbeat still at the dorm room
Lily frown she knew there was chance that it wouldnt work, maybe she should help
Galaxia:'i dont know if we should last time we did we were almost captured' she thought to lily
Five men in white back up seeing the monster
Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6 Yahhah Yahhah
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Loki looked to where they were looking and found a beast. The fake Lily looked as well.
"By the Norns."
He sighed and pressed the staff against Lily's neck. She struggled for air.
"Your time is limited! Do! We! Have! A! Deal!?"
His face screwed up in rage, hoping Lily's father would play along and hate him. He tightened his grip on the staff, causing Lily to move with it.

Yahhah Yahhah @Miasmith17

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