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Fandom Manchester Academy for Soulmates (Closed)

006520C2-4D8B-4723-976E-A86862F7A356.jpegName: Autumn Prescott
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 5’3
Body type/shape/desc idk: Athletic, slender
Clothing style: T-shirt and jeans usually, but sometimes a nice blouse or dress, but her hair is always in a pony tail or braid
- Observant: Not only can she read people a little easier than others, but she can often very quickly see small details in different things; whether it be art or just in general
- Confident: She’s never cocky about it or rude, but she’s very confident in herself and her opinions. She’ll admit when she’s wrong and apologize
- Focused: She’s always been able to focus on whatever she needs to, sometimes a little too much.
- Impulsive: It’s more in the way she acts, as it’s often the first thing that comes to her mind she’ll do almost right away, she very rarely will think it through-unless she’s focusing
- Indecisive: She’ll often debate over different options for a long time without ever actually coming up with a solution or idea
- Slightly absentminded: When she focuses too much, she often forgets about other things that are going on
Ever since she was a little girl, her entire family has been hunting. She was 8 years old when she went hunting for the first time and immediately fell in love with it. Because of her great eye for detail, she’s always able to see the quick movement of whatever animal she’s hunting-which is usually deer but she sometimes goes duck hunting also. Around that time is when she also found a passion for art; she mostly does photography, but she also likes to work with oil pastels. She decided to go to Manchester academy on a whim, wanting to experience something new.
Xavier.jpgName: Xavier Falcone
Age: 18
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Seer?: Nope
Personality: Xavier is a fairly direct individual, hating to beat around the bush as that’s time wasted when someone could be instead getting things done. He is fairly protective and heavily responsible despite the “Image” that he’s established. He’s often lackadaisical and easy-going with life, until it comes to his siblings or helping someone else. Then he’s a gung-ho go getter. Xavier isn’t a fan of thinking before acting. Often trusting his instinct over a coherent plan that will guide him to success. It’s how he got to being an adult by the age of sixteen.

Positive Traits: Honest, Dedicated, Protective, Caring
Negative Traits: Reckless, Impulsive, Rough around the edges, stubborn
Xavier hasn’t had the easiest life growing up. He spent his life as the oldest of four. The age gap between them being four and the twins at three respectively. He grew having to raise his kid siblings as his parents spent most of their time working or sleeping. He’d cook, clean and manage the homestead while his parents were the bread winners. One may even have called him a young “stay-at-home dad” if not for the fact that he went to school still.

High school became a problem for Xavier. He not only had to take care of his siblings at home, but had to deal with the people picking on his siblings about how they really didn’t have money or parents. It infuriated Xavier to the point that he adopted the “bad boy” person to deter the bullies from messing with his siblings. Even going so far as to completely change his style of clothes and get tattoos from a friend of the family.

Along with this, things became more expensive and so Xavier secretly started working nights at the dockyards while his younger sister, one of the twins, started picking up the housework to help him. He felt bad for her, but she wouldn’t budge from the situation. So he conceded on the condition that if her grades ever started to slip up, she’d hand over the chores and focus. He may not have had a future, but she sure as hell was going to have one. This deal went on for years until very recently where his siblings decided to put in an application to Manchester Academy so that he might find his soulmate and get
Plot ideas:




Ivy has medium length blond hair that stops just above her shoulders. While a majority of her hair is naturally straight, it ends up becoming a curly mess towards the end of her hair. If she is feeling particularly she will leave it alone, but generally tries to get it to match the rest of her hair. Her eyes are a bright blue and she has moderately light skin tone, although she isn’t pale thanks to how much time she spends outdoors.


Body type/shape/desc:
While her figure isn’t exactly the perfect hourglass shape that general beauty standards want young women like herself to have, she isn’t upset with it. Instead she has a rather toned and fit body from the many years of hard work she has done. Mixed in with her own hobbies she has a bulkier than average frame that comes along with the build up of muscle

Clothing style:
General Ivy likes to wear clothing that is easy to move and work in. This often ends up in her wearing a variety of different loose fitting jeans, shorts, over even overalls. While overalls or more of things she wears for work rather than her normal day to day life, she will still wear them sometimes just for fun. Her preferred choice of color for clothing is usually darker colors, with her favorite color being forest green.

Positive Traits:
-Inventive: Ivy has always loved making new things, whether they make sense to anyone or not. These new inventions could range from anything such as a new recipe for soup, to the little “super duper mega fast “ engine she had made for her rc truck when she was five. While more often than not these inventions tend to go badly, she has yet to stop trying to make something new.
-Optimistic: Failure is a part of life and Ivy knows that all too well. You can never move past anything if you look at the negatives, so she tries to always look at the positives. Did she accidently switch the sugar with salt? Well now she knows how to make her food taste better next time. Did she accidentally break the headlight of her father’s truck when she slipped while holding a wrench, now she knows too hold the wrench tighter next time. There is always a lesson to learn from everything so looking at the positives will help keep her moving forward
-Energetic: To go along with her inventive and optimistic personality she is very energetic, bouncing off the walls like someone loaded up on coffee and sugar is her normal state
-Self-Confidant: Ivy is very confident in herself and fully believes that she will get what she wants by being herself. Being anything but herself will actually hinder her own dreams.

Negative Traits:
-Quick tempered: Although she is a rather optimistic person, Ivy is rather quick to anger. Often her failures are met with a string of swears and curses that could make a sailor blush before she calms down and looks back to the positives of the outcome. This dynamic of happy to angry back to happy back to angry is a quick and almost seamless shift that happens quite often
-Workaholic: When Ivy gets started on a new project she loses sight of almost everything else that isn’t in line with that project. Food, Hydration, studies, and pretty much everything else is put on hold so she can obsessively finish her current project before she has to start her next one.
-Messy: Tinkering and working on machines is a messy job, so keeping her space clean is difficult for her. In shared spaces with others she good at keeping things clean out of respect, but her own space usually looks like a whirlwind tore through it.
-Rambunctious: Much like a whirlwind Ivy ishard to control. When she has her mind set on something she was to spring on it and get it done, then move to the next thing, and the next thing. She does not have much of a slow gear, which is something that her parents have tried to get her to learn is to slow down and enjoy the present.

Ivy is a military brat, with both her parents serving in the military which is where they met. While her mother served as a normal rank and file soldier who was trying to work her way up the ladder for a good and stable career, her father was a dwarf serving as a volunteer engineer. While Ivy never actually learned the details of how they got together, they did marry and have five kids. The first three were boys, with her being the fourth and the last one being a younger sister. This meant that growing up Ivy spent much of her time around her brothers who in turn spent a lot of time learning from their father.

At the young age of three Ivy started to demonstrate her love of making new things, even though she wasn’t great at it. Those countless times that her family had to move as their parents were transferred from base to base were filled with the young Ivy sitting in the moving truck, a sketch book in hand drawing away as she tried to come up with the best thing her little mind could come up with. Creating things gave her a piece of mind and comfort when things got hectic or sad so she would keep working away.

When Ivy turned eight she was allowed to start helping her father with his own personal hobby, the family truck. Although she never learned why her father had kept his very first truck that he had ever bought. It was certainly old but it had become a family hobby to keep it running and in good condition. While the task was difficult it served as family bonding time. Ivy alone was not satisfied with keeping it running, she wanted to improve it. She wanted the family memorial to be the best it could be, to make it the best in the world.
Attempt after attempt would end in failure as no matter what Ivy tried, she just couldn’t think of way to improve it. Every idea she personally came up with was so unrealistic or just in general was outside of the families own realm of possibility. She would not give up, letting this small project of hers remain as she filled notebook after notebook with ideas, thoughts, and notes. As the years passed the ideas would steadily grow more complex as the little girl grew into middle schooler and finally a full fledged teenager. While her parents found it adorable when she was younger ,the fact that she still held onto this for so long worried them. It was her father who came up with the idea of sending her to manchester. He reasoned only a powerful force could change her mind away from that truck, and if it was love for her family that kept her passion for that truck going, then it would need to be a different kind of love that snapped her away from it.
Plot ideas: (Optional)
  • strength
    bimbo meter
    I've never lost control, no matter how many times I knew you lied
    Biromantic Bisexual
    Half Orc
    While Zunez is definitely attractive compared to many orcs, she wouldn't be considered so among humans. With her lower jaw sticking out, green skin, and strange nose. Other than that, she stands at 5'7, rather small for a half orc. She has the underside of her hair shaved, but the rest comes down around her shoulders. As far as style goes, she just tends to dress in a tomboy fashion.
code by Nano
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Name: KC Curtis
FC: Yotsuba Tamaki
Age: 17
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Seer?: Nope
Height: 6’0”

KC is a really chill, laidback kind of guy. It takes a lot to rile him up, and if he does get angry, he usually just puts his headphones on and walks away. Lives by the motto “Will this matter in five years?” And if it won’t, then he’s not gonna stress over it. He’s generally speaking a pretty happy guy and doesn’t take much to please him. A good slice of pie or cool new song is all it takes to put him in a good mood. On the opposite end of the spectrum, he could have a broken arm or something and still just be like “hey, when you have time, would you mind taking me to the hospital, my arm kinda really hurts. A lot... but no rush.” And not be sarcastic about it at all.

Positive Traits:
Kind | Patient | Generous (he volunteers) | Happy | Chill | Will Stand Up Against Bullies | Easy Going | Tries to be funny (emphasis on tries)

Negative Traits:
A bit of a Push Over | Too Easy Going | Doesn’t voice his opinion sometimes | Always Hungry | Lazy | His deadly sins would be Sloth and Gluttony | Not very concerned with Academics

Snacks | Naps | Music | Volunteering, especially with kids or at animal shelters | Eating | Soccer | Hoodies | All meals (did I mention he’s always hungry?) | Movies | Beanbag Chairs | Cleaning

Alarm Clocks | Schedules | Homework | Running out of Snacks | Hot Weather | Conflict | Cheese (le gasp! This is his one arch nemesis when it comes to food... and it’s everywhere!) | Clutter | Coffee

KC is the middle child of 5, and was raised in suburbia. Well, multiple suburbia’s actually, since his family often moved every couple years. He attended 4 elementary schools, two different middle schools, and Manchester will be his second high school as well. He is used to not getting attached to things and rolling with the punches. He hasn’t had much control over his life, though he’s not upset about that. He is happy to go along with whatever is best for his family, and is pretty good at making friends wherever he goes. He transferred to Manchester because his family moved to the town nearby. This will be the first time he hasn’t lived with them, and he’s both excited and bummed about it. (He’s going to miss home cooked meals... a lot.) Growing up with two brothers and two sisters, KC gets along with guys and girls equally. He likes being a “guys guy” but is sympathetic to the plight of women too. His easy going nature largely stems from being a little overlooked at home, as he rarely gets to offer his opinion on things. His other siblings are more dominant, so KC falls to the background a bit. He does have strong morals and principles though, and if those are challenged he’s not afraid to stand up for what he believes in. He protects others before himself and fights for others before himself. It’s not that he has low self esteem, but he just would rather other people get what they want or need to be happy, since it doesn’t take much to make him content.
Vex.pngName: Vex Nortrel
Age: 19
Height: 6'1" and 6'5" with his ears.
Species: Wolf-shifter
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Seer?: Nope
Positive Traits:
Spontaneous: Vex really is one to go and do things on a whim. Wanna ditch school to get smoothies? He's already hopping the fence and starting to walk. He's one to just follow his heart and do what he enjoys.
Loyal: Another trait he accredits to his canine side is his ride or die mentality. If you are his friend or someone he cares about he will have your back and look out for you no matter what. Even if that actually could get him in trouble.
Affectionate: Vex likes to be affectionate with people. Hugs, playful nudges, rubbing against your leg as a dog, if Vex isn't giving you affection and love in some way, something is wrong or you've pissed him off.
Caring: Right along with his loyalty comes Vex's compassion and care. He often looks out for others, more than himself sometimes. But the boy just likes people being happy. "Everyone deserves to have a smile on their face."

Negative Traits:
Stoic: Vex doesn't really show his emotions on his face well. Almost always having a dead pan face that goes "eh?" However, his tail is very expressive of his emotions and usually a pretty good indicator of how he's feeling. That and his ears, they're also very expressive of his emotions.
Reckless: Vex doesn't really think about what he's going to do as much as he trusts his instincts. This gets him into trouble from time to time, but ultimately hasn't gotten him into serious danger, yet.
Cocky: Vex is confident in both his looks and in his brains. Which means he sometimes comes off as a pompous prick when he doesn't mean to.
Forgetful: Vex forgets things.....a lot. He forgot his own birthday one year and his mother couldn't believe it. She threw him a party and he was like "it's not my birthday, is it?"

Vex grew up in a very stable home and living arrangement. His father had an 7-3 job and his mom stayed home to raise Vex and his three siblings. They all had a happy life with close friends and pretty much nothing eventful happened. Though, when he got to thirteen the close bond he had with his siblings started to break apart as their interests diverged. Vex wound up hanging out with the "wrong crowd" by most people's standards. Though the truth was they were just a bunch of kids that dressed and acted tough to keep themselves safe. Vex adopted their style, but acted more of a mascot and true muscle for the group. He liked his friends and honestly would've gladly stayed going to school with them if not for his family surprising his acceptance to Manchester Academy on him. He didn't want to refuse something that his family had worked hard for him for so he agreed to attend.
Plot ideas:
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215669C2-3005-4D79-A042-E7B03E4BB5E7.jpegName: Poppy Sinclair
Nickname: Pops or Pippa
Age: 16
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Seer?: Nope

Poppy is like the embodiment of an energy drink. She is a lot to handle and has a habit of putting her foot in her mouth. She means well and generally likes all people, but she says what comes to mind before considering how other people feel and that gets her in trouble. A lot. She just shrugs it off though and knows she’s not for everyone. She is a tomboy, not caring for makeup or pretty clothes. She doesn’t mind getting dirty in the name of fun, but still has good hygiene.

Positive Traits:
Adventurous | Fun Loving | Nonjudgemental | Fearless | Outgoing | Imaginative | Athletic

Negative Traits:
Unfiltered | Doesn’t Think Before She Acts | Procrastinator | Often In Trouble | Can’t Sit Still | Unapologetic | Rash

Laughing | Sweets & Candy | Playing Hooky | Sports | Roller Coasters | Adrenaline Rushes | The Color Yellow | Comedies & Action Movies | Trying New Things | Haunted Houses | Halloween

Green Veggies | Classes | Chores | Authority | Dresses | Getting Hair Cuts | The Color Pink | Prissy People

Poppy has bounced between her parents houses ever since they divorced when she was a baby. They had her in the hopes it would fix their relationship, but that was not the case unfortunately. She hasn’t known any different though, so she’s not bothered much about having two of every holiday. With both her parents working full time though and being an only child, Poppy has had to find ways to fend for herself and keep herself entertained. She is a bit lonely when it comes to her family life, but she has fun with friends instead. She has had a habit of upsetting her friends with things she says or does since she doesn’t have a filter though, so she makes and loses friends frequently. Poppy has a lot of fun in life though and she loves to adventure and push her boundaries. She views soulmates and threads pretty positively, despite her parents divorce, and is looking forward to finding her partner in crime.

Got the small scar on her eye when she was 8 and fell out of a tree, catching a tree branch to her face on the way down. Nearly lost her sight in that eye, but has since recovered. She can cover the scar up with makeup if she wanted, but she doesn’t like wearing makeup.

Soulmate: Will be Arthur Superfly47 Superfly47
*invisible scrolls! mobile friendly!


  • Name: Felicity Ferguson

    Nickname(s): N/A

    Age: 17

    Species: Human

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Homosexual

    Seer?: No

    Soulmate: Ivy Hardstone

    Plot ideas: None (so far!)

    Other: Thread of Fate

Name: Genesis Meyer
Name: Felicity Ferguson
Nickname(s): N/A
Age: 17
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Seer?: No
Soulmate: Ivy Hardstone
Plot ideas: None (so far!)
Other: Thread of Fate
Height: 5'9"/176cm
Weight: 138lbs./63kg.
Body Type: Ectomorph
Body Shape: Rectangle
Markings: N/A
Body Modifications: one piercing on each earlobe; a butterfly tattoo on her lower back (major secret from her parents)
Felicity tends to wear more indie-esque clothing--cute jeans, a belt, and a giant tucked in t-shirt; shirt dresses; converse; etc. Although she tends to get cold easily, she isn't responsible enough to keep that in mind when getting dressed in the morning, but she would prefer to bring a jacket wherever she goes if she could remember. Her makeup is typically kept natural and the most intricate item is probably some occasional gloss. She also always has at least one book with her, so no matter where she goes, Felicity tends to use totes and other bags big enough to carry them.
Andrew Ferguson
close relationship
most exciting person in the family

Sarah Ferguson
close relationship
still thinks I'm too young to meet my soulmate?

Younger Sister
Loraine Ferguson
1 year younger
close relationship
sometimes I forget that I'm the older one
Ever since she was a child, Felicity has been an excitable and adventurous girl. She's always fascinated with anything and everything, and with a father who was definitely the bestest story teller in the whole world, had the privilege of her imaginative cravings always being fed. She loved to learn and watch and listen about literally everything.

As she grew older, this never withered (although she definitely mellowed out over the years), and Felicity became an avid explorer. She'd walk in random directions, aimlessly, and just watch everything around her--experience life's moments, learn about the strangers and random things around her, and just feel the adventure. When she was old enough to, her favorite hobby became going to bustling towns, hopping on the trolley, and getting off at random stops to explore what there was to offer. Of course, quiet areas were good, too, but she didn't have the funds to constantly drain into random bus and/or train rides--but special occasions would definitely call for it.

Now she's at Manchster Academy for a fun, new experience, all on her own, to navigate something she's never navigated before: a relationship.

*Note: has abnormally sweaty palms.
• ambivert​
• chaotic good​
• an indie bimbo​
Compassion is quite honestly one of Felicity's most prominent traits. She's generous, kind, selfless, and always sincere in everything she does. She tends to have an optimistic outlook on practically everything, especially people, always seeing the good in every person and/or situation, specifically due to her empathetic nature. She is blindly honest, sometimes to her own detriment.​

Open Minded
Felicity is always ready--actually, would prefer--to try new things, experience new experiences, no matter how foreign the concept. She's never been one inclined to stubbornness or someone who was difficult to argue with, instead quick to think of others outside of her own perspective. Change is also welcome because of her love of exploration, and Felicity has always been someone who knew how to appreciate memories that have passed rather than dwell and wish for their preservation in the future. She is always facing--no, running forward.​

Felicity is pretty down to Earth and someone who knows how to preserve a relaxed attitude, even in stressful situations. She's also very patient, both in waiting and in being slow to anger.​

Her soft and tranquil voice may not give this impression, but Felicity is someone who bravely charges forward. She is bold in every decision she makes and is never one to back down, and is pretty thick skinned, as well. It's hard to get her down in the dumps and just as hard to offend her; she doesn't really pay mind to what people think of her.​

This trait of hers is pretty ironic, but Felicity loves to learn. Even if she's terrible at retaining things, Felicity knows quite a few absolutely random facts--although most of them she would forget unless given a small hint or reminder beforehand. Her love of learning is really a product of her open minded and exploring nature, always wanting to be introduced to new things and being captivated by it.​
There's really no nice way to say this: Felicity is a complete and utter idiot--in every way you can think of. She forgets things sometimes as soon as she hears them, and is just slow at learning things in general; she has absolutely no social grace nor is she observant enough to catch onto things, making her incredibly dense; and her optimism is always in excess, to the point where she is blindly naïve. Honestly, she often lacks basic common sense. Don't let the thick book she's holding fool you, either--it's a picture book.​

Half a result of her parents being a little too lenient and half a result of her thirst for wonder, Felicity lacks strict discipline. First off, she pays little mind to rules or authority if they get in the way of her doing something she wants. Especially because of her unintelligence, Felicity also is someone who often makes reckless decisions and acts before thinking (if she thinks at all), avoids accountability for "boring" responsibilities, and honestly is too fickle to stick with one thing for too long. This actually makes her pretty indecisive as well.​

Absent Minded
As one could probably tell by now, Felicity often has her head in the clouds. She frequently gets lost in thought, sometimes mid sentence/mid-action, and has more brain farts than your average joe. Because of this, she's also pretty clumsy, despite having relatively good body coordination. She gets distracted really easily and has trouble focusing as well, occasionally.​

Felicity is not one to take the high road. She can get pretty childish when upset, and does not communicate like she's supposed to when experiencing an issue with others.​

Self Sacrificing
This is a bit self explanatory, but Felicity tends to put others before herself a little too much, and without even thinking of it.​
Trying new things
Judgmental people
staring off into space
sometimes a mouth breather
have fun!
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*invisible scrolls! mobile friendly!

  • Name : Kalel Andrews

    Nickname(s): N/A

    Age: 17

    Species: Human

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Seer?: No

    Soulmate: Zunez

    Plot ideas: None (so far!)

    Other: Thread of Fate

Name: Kalel Andrews
Nickname(s): N/A
Age: 17
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Seer?: No
Soulmate: Zunez
Plot ideas: None (so far!)
Other: Thread of Fate
Height: 5'9"/176cm
Weight: 138lbs./63kg.
Body Type: Ectomorph
Body Shape: Rectangle
Markings: N/A
Body Modifications: one piercing on each earlobe; a butterfly tattoo on her lower back (major secret from her parents)
Kalel spends quite a while on fashion. He tends to switch between more feminine sides of alt and trendy clothing, such as cute sweaters, crop tops, blouses, etc., and ripped jeans, skirts, and the like. Being big on jewelry, he has a considerable collection of them and always has an assortment of rings and earrings on. Necklaces vary, but recently he's been in a bit of a choker phase. He almost always has acrylics in (color, shape, and length varies, but recently he's taken to medium length almond nails), and although doesn't need them, has a small collection of (fake) glasses he'll sometimes wear with his outfits. His hair is rarely left loose on its own and is almost always styled, such as in a pineapple, a bun, half up, etc., and he tends to wear light, natural-looking makeup. Occasionally, he may do bold colors on his lips.
Tanisha Andrews
I know she loves me, but we never connect on anything

Sean Andrews
has given up on me, but its mutual so..
makes popularity a trait that seems to attach to him wherever he goes. He rather likes this misconception, too; things were always better when simplified. However, life was never so superficial. Not for anyone, and not for him.

His parents always had high expectations of him, to at least do better than they have, despite their lives really not being all that bad. Both were capable people who each had their own careers and were always working, and for a little boy who struggled to remember how to zip up his own jacket, let alone keep up in school, there seemed to always be some sort of shame he brought to their single-child household.

He never had behavioral issues. Really, as a kid, Kalel hardly even interacted with others--he just wasn't that outgoing or talkative, and made friends easier when people came to him rather than the other way around. Luckily, things quickly worked out for him with that difficulty of his in mind (especially after he got into sports), and it seemed like he was always quick to make natural friendships no matter where he went. He was a sweet one, but somehow, no amount of friends could make up for eating alone at the dinner table or seeing his parents sigh at meetings concerned for his grades.

It wasn't that he had any learning disabilities or other reasons for his academic struggles. He just was slow at learning, that's all it was. His parents tried to be loving in their own way, but they could be pretty harsh and too open about their frustrations that he didn't do better in school. With home life being lonely and relationship with his immediate family borderline estranged, Kalel struggled with self acceptance. He didn't like disappointing them, or coming home to an empty house, only to feel shame the moment it was filled.

Eventually, Kalel grew to separate his attachments to his home life, instead putting more value into his friends and others that actually seem to care and accept him. He decided to attend Manchester Academy to have a home that wasn't empty to come to after classes were over, and to meet his soulmate, to have love that would be returned to him.
• extrovert​
• neutral good​
• no this is patrick​
Kalel has always been someone with a big heart. He's quick to give and help others and put their needs before his own, and is quick to do what he can even when he doesn't understand how they're feeling. At the same time, he's very accepting of others and whatever different situations, backgrounds, or faults they may have, and is never one to think lowly of people. He's never thought of himself above anyone no matter his looks, popularity, or physical capabilities.​

Social interaction comes easy for Kalel. He may be slow to pick up on things, but tends to get along with most, and is generally just a likeable guy. He's also naturally friendly and extroverted, so it's a welcome trait of his.​

Maybe it's because wit is something he lacks in extremity, but honesty seems to be the only option for Kalel. It really never occurs to him that he could lie or try to be cunning; it's just instinct to be open and truthful with everyone, even when it's to his detriment. Even in the few moments where he actually tries to fib, he fails miserably. If it's not his lips being honest, it'll be his body language and facial expressions.​

This absolutely does not apply to waiting for anything, but Kalel has admirable patience when it comes to temperament. He's slow to anger and it can be hard to get him to dislike anyone.​

Kalel is a pretty energetic boy who's always ready to have fun. His animation tends to dwindle when he's alone, but just seeing his friends is enough to refresh is liveliness. It's really easy for him to get excited and to please him, too, with him being decently simple-minded. Still, he's not especially talkative--just a little bubbly.​
Kalel is an idiot. He has a terrible memory, is slow at learning things (no matter the subject), and critical thinking has never and will never be in his arsenal of abilities. Even when he tries to sit down and do work, he's extremely quick to be distracted. Despite his charisma, Kalel is also very dense to social cues and tends to take everything at face value, and is just as naïve. He thinks everyone is good and doesn't really consider the possibility of their intentions possibly not being good as well.​

We've already established that Kalel is not one to really think in general, so the fact that he doesn't think before he acts should not come as a surprise. He's quick to jump to conclusions, make decisions, and put himself in worrisome situations.​

Despite being slow to anger, whenever Kalel does end up getting upset, he's very petty about it. Until making up with someone after an argument or if they offend him, he is quick to make petty comments, have childish attitudes with them, and reasonably animated expressions of annoyance when around them.​

Maybe the pettiness was a tip off, but maturity is not something that Kalel falls under. He prioritizes what he wants most of the time and is never one to diffuse a situation, or to think about what would be the best and reasonable option. He's not level headed, either, so his personal feelings will always have an effect on his choices. He's also very undisciplined and terrible with self restraint--for example, when he wants something, Kalel would probably blow all of his money on it if no one was there to stop him. He's also really bad at diets. When he wants to eat junk food, he'd break it instantly.​

Kalel tends to depend on others for most things. He's bad at sucking it up and pushing through things on his own, and always wants a friend (or anyone, really) to be by his side. He tends to ask questions about every single thing even when he knows the answer (just to make sure) and is honestly just cowardly in general. Please don't expect him to kill a bug that got into his room or talk to someone intimidating, he's already getting someone else to do it for him.​
Spa Days
Holding Hands
Pop Music
Being Teased
Dull Colors
Being Alone
calls anything he doesn't like icky
pouts a lot
uses puppy dog eyes a lot
make friends
find soulmate

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