Man and Robot


New Member







Robot or Human?:

If human, are you good or bad?:


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Ryan Coloura



i am usually shy and watch as stuff happens but now i must stand up for what is right. i am kind but when it comes down to it i will hurt anyone who hurts my friends.


energy drinks, food, flirting, music.

Bad manners, rude people, not open minded people



I lost my parents to rebels who thought we were robots my neighbor saved me then gave himself up as a robot to the rebels. Ever since that day i have sworn to support all robots.




Personality:Sometimes snarky and a little cocky

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Likes: Guns, Guns, and more guns


Robot or Human?: Human

If human, are you good or bad?: Good

Bio:I lost my parents to robots and now hates their guts... or motors or whatever...

Appearance:Blue hair, Blue T-shirt, Blue eyes and Blue jeans
Name: Miku Hatsune

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Spunky, loud, and very confident

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Likes: LEEKS!

Dislikes: Tuna

Robot or Human?: Robot

If human, are you good or bad?: Good

Bio: Created to outshine recently rising pop star Maya, she has lots of the same features as the model Maya, but she has slight tweaks to her programing, making her unique.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-28_19-39-39.jpeg.2cea2dcacfe50193bf06d1dee06d105a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19233" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-28_19-39-39.jpeg.2cea2dcacfe50193bf06d1dee06d105a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: May

Age: 16

Gender: male

Personality: he's a rather calm and laid back person except when he's on stage. He's quiet and charming. And particularly smooth as far as conversations go.

Sexuality: ?

Likes: singing, jazz, coffee shops. Conversing with new people. Readying

Dislikes: being alone so much

Robot or Human?: human

If human, are you good or bad?: if it speaks he treats it with respect. Robot or not

Bio: May grew up on the dark side of New Orleans. He's father had left days after he was born and never returned. Due to his mother being forced to work,he spent a large amount of times on the streets. The aria being rich with culture, he indulged himself in everything jazz and swing. Everyday was an adventure to him. Trumpets, cellos and base became his best friends. After working a part time job at a local restaurant,he had earned himself enough moony to buy himself a base guitar. Oh how he loved plucking the smooth strings,the vibration pulsing through his fingertips,everything faded to a low groan whenever he played. At the age of thirteen he was forced to move into the city. He had always been smarter in school,so it was only natural for him to move to a better school. He said goodbye to his old culture filled life for cold cement and street lights. Having to fend for himself he rented a small apartment on the tougher side of town. He managed this by becoming a waiter at a underground coffee shop. Here he had happened to listen to a variety of music due to the open mic nights the shop often hosted. Nothing really picked his interest till he listened to something he could never forget. Brutal guitar rifts, drums that sounded like they were being smashed with gunshots, a base that shook the entire room,and then...then there was the gut wrenching screaming. They called it "hardcore" something inside of May wanted to be like that. He wanted to scream, he wanted to make that vile yet beautiful sound. The city had changed him for better or worse. He neglected his New Orleans upbringing to become something like a punk. During this all he heard things of the so called robots. He cared not for them really. It was none of his business really. He wouldn't bother them and they won't bother him. He came across a few and honestly they seemed human enough.

Appearance: (first image)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.dfce844d38fd7084a03a05572ba75c4c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19320" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.dfce844d38fd7084a03a05572ba75c4c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: B.E.C.K.S ( or becks)

Age: she looks to be roughly 17

Gender: female

Personality: Becks is a military grown gene product, over time she will grow her own personality after being with others for a long time. She would be categorised as a support unit, this means she has to follow someones orders, and she will follow them directly and without hesitation.

Sexuality: She does not know her own sexuality.

Likes/Dislikes: She will comply a file system in her head once she get to know more people and grows a personality to file things under dislike and like.

Robot or Human?: Becks is a military grown gene product, this basicly means she was grown from a foetus into killing machine, She was grown with a computer planted in her skull,

Appearance: hopefully ill find a suitable picture or drawing. (she's bald but will grow hair over time, cold grey eyes, powerful muscles due to her being grown for combat, she could find the most easiest way of killing you).

Bio: she may regard things as priorities, this is because she has a computer planted inside her brain. this helps her create mission priorities and find out who her main target, her military supervisor who commanded her died in a fight and she escaped searching for new mission priorites. She can several rounds in the chest, even in the skull thanks to being grown in a tube and built for fighting her skull is very thick and hard to penetrate.

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Name: Jason Whitter

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Personality: Jason doesn't really trust anyone, but, he doesn't really care about trusting anyone was it stands. Unless there's something to be gained from someone, he see's no point in giving them his trust. He's naturally suspicious, which has kept him alive, especially during the riots. He feels a lot older then he actually is, and acts as though he's in his 40's or 50's.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Likes: A good drink, in a quiet corner. A good Jazz club on a cold night.

Dislikes: Idiot's with guns.

Robot or Human: Human with cybernetic implants.

If you are human, Good or Bad?: Whatever come's with whoever hire's him, one way or another, No ill will to humans or robots, find's them both capable of evil.

Bio: Jason was a cop before all the drama between robots and humans kicked off. He never cared one way or the other so long as the people around him obeyed the law. Right as the riot's and fights started getting bad, Jason and his partner got called in to handle a dispute between a group of Anti-Robot Activists and a smaller group of Robot's that had been defending themselves. When he and his partner arrived, the whole scene was sparking parts and blood everywhere. Jason's partner had drawn his sidearm immediately, which is why Jason was alive today, and his partner was not. The surviving robots had torn him apart and proceeded to assault Jason. He took a severe beating, having his left arm completely ripped off, and his right mangled beyond use, his left side was mutilated from top to bottom and they had gouged out his right eye before backup came in the form of a larger group of "peaceful" Robots. He recovered over the course of a year, and went back on active duty for a time, during which he witnessed one atrocity after another, so he retired early and started drifting from one town to the next, working as a security guard, or a body guard, or whatever he could find. He hardly needed a gun anymore, strong as his new arms were, even if they did look fleshy still.

Appearance: Jason is 5'10" of toned muscular build that is usually masked by a large coat, both of his arm's are cybernetic replacement's as well as his right eye and his left leg below the hip. Several of his ribs on his left side were also replaced with a reinforced mesh, giving his heart a bulletproof vest from frontal, left side and rear assault. He has slightly curly, light brown hair, that rests on his ears, and a tattoo on his right arm reading, "Just Too Damn Lucky." (I'll eventually maybe figure out a picture for him...)

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