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Realistic or Modern Making It | Characters



❛ it's only love, nobody dies ❜
Character Sheets

**REALISTIC pictures only please!**

Role in Band:

Face Claim:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Body Modifications:

Likes: [3+]
Dislikes: [3+]
Fears: [2+]
Quirks: [2+]
Theme Song: (optional)

Personality: [1-2 paragraphs or bullet points]
Bio: [1-2 paragraphs]


I Don't Care
Fall Out Boy

  • Name: Charlotte Dana Hughes

    Nicknames: Harley; Charlie

    Gender: Female

    Age: 24

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Height: 5'1

    Weight: 110lbs.

    Hair: blonde but she dyes them all kinds of colors

    Eyes: blue with a hint of green

    Mods: left ear - right ear - chest dermal - belly button - arm - side - thighs

    Role: drummer

    Face Claim: Avril Lavigne





Never enough

Code by Stardust Galaxy
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Name: Josie Guettes
Nickname: Jo
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bicurious
Role in Band: Manager


Face Claim: Josephine Langford
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown/Blonde ombré
Height: 5’3”
Body Modifications:

Likes: Reading, music, being in charge, and coffee.
Dislikes: The idea of being on stage, sour candies, negativity, and drama.
Fears: Being on stage and losing someone close to her.
Quirks: When she’s thinking she twirls a strand of hair around her finger and when she’s nervous she curls and flexes her fingers.
Theme Song:
Personality: Josie has always been a leader, even on the school playground she would boss people around and tell them what to do so when she graduated she started to attend school for business and marketing to one day own her own company. She didn’t know what, but she wanted to be in the lead. She is hyper focused so when she’s tasked to do something she won’t let herself get distracted until it’s done. She’s very caring and understanding, so when it comes to people she loves and cares about she tends to put them before herself, which can sometimes be a toxic trait and sometimes a blessing in disguise.
The dark side of Josie’s personality comes in through the form of Anxiety which developed when she was younger when the incident happened. One could often tell when her anxiety is high when she digs her finger nails into the palms of her hands as a way to cope. But most of the time she can keep it under control.
[Trigger: Suicide] Bio: Josie was born into a seemingly normal family, her dad being a manager at a shoe store and her mom owning a book store. Often times she would spend her days in her moms store, just reading all the time. Elementary was a blur for Josie, having only her few close friends and not being liked by everyone else. The first week of high school is when the incident happened. All she remembered was the ambulance taking her dad away and the blood in the bathroom. Since then the fear of losing people she loved kicked in.
The rest of high school consisted of Josie being somewhat of an outsider, focusing on school and work until she graduated and started a new life in college. Slowly, she started to come out of that cage she put herself in and opening herself up to new ideas and possibilities with the idea to make more friends and do more things.

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Name: Alice Emerson

Nickname: Allie/Al

Age: 21

Birthday: March 16th

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Panromantic Demisexual

Role In Band: Keyboardist

Face Claim: Joey King

Eye Color: Dark Blue

Hair Color: Bleach Blonde (Naturally Dark Brown)

Height: 04"10

Body Modifications: Pierced Ears, Pierced Eyebrow


+Sewing Together Plushies, And Making Her Own Clothes
+Playing Violin And Piano
+Anything Sweet (She will white literally marry you if you buy her an entire cheesecake.)
+Chinese Food
+Overly Confusing Soap Operas
+Causal Dates (She likes the ambience that comes with being somewhere between romantic and platonic. It's nice. It makes her feel nice. Don't ask why, she doesn't know.)


-Hates anything to do with dancing, (Everyone has a blackmail video of her trying to learn the waltz. Everyone.)
-Sour food, or anything with to much salt, she's likely to just straight up avoid them though.
-Her father.
-Her older brothers.
-Techno, good luck trying to get her play it.
-The. Nyan. Cat. Song. (May it burn.)
-Pretty much anyone who asks her about playing meme based songs. However briefly.


X A slight fear of unwanted physical contact. It contributes to her being on the Ace Spectrum. She's... Not good with it when it comes out of nowhere, or if it's from strangers. She freaks out a bit when it happens.
X Alice cannot, for the life of her, seeming to muster up any courage, much less minute she contact, when it comes to her father. The man legitimately terrifies her.
X Existentally, she's more than a bit afraid to spend the rest of her life alone, unloved, and unwanted.
X Choking on her own feces. (Don't ask, internet surfing has led to some rather... Odd fears, over the years.)


Tends to bite her lip when practicing piano and cooking, helps her focus.

Yanks on her hair in frustration or when annoyed.

Tends kicks her left leg back and forth when lying, while folding her arms and tilting her head.

Tends to click her tongue when unamused.

She snorts when she laughs.

Family: Fredrick Emerson (Father)
Irena Reynolds (Mother)
Eric Emerson (Older Brother)
Reginald Emerson (Older Brother)
Laura Emerson (Older Sister)
Alexander Emerson (Older Brother)

Theme Song: Feel Alive - Quietdrive

Personality: Alice, for the most part, is a relatively timid and rather skittish young woman with a hidden bravery that few recognize.

She's also surprisingly snarky despite her timidness. And has a rather morbid sense of humor.

She also has a deep seeded fear that anyone, and everyone, only ever just puts up with her and her quirks, not embrace them.

Biography: Alice Emerson is the second daughter, and fifth child, of Fredrick Emerson and Irena Reynolds, two toxic people with an equally toxic relationship.

She grew up on the fringes, never really wanted, and never really acknowledged unless it came to her parents public image.

And the times they did acknowledge her outside of that, it was always to berate and bring her down.

It didn't help that her older brothers treated her more like a particularly amusing cousin than anything, or that her older sister ignored her whenever she could.

This led to her developing a rather timid, and reclusive, personality.

Doing whatever she could to stay in her room, and away from her family, she took up music, it helped her escape and pretend things weren't quite as bad as they they were, and eventually she fell in love with the piano on her own time.
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  • basics

    Name: Natasha Kuznetsov

    Nickname: Tasha, T

    Age: 24

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Role in Band: Singer

♡design by latte, coded by uxie♡
(let me know if anything needs changing, or its not accepted)

Theme Song/Voice claim
Hair - dark brown
Eyes - brown with blue
Mods - Wrist tattoo (Covering up, and getting covered up)


Abigail - girlfriend


full name
Alex Kirkwall





October 30
new notification

Voicemail From Abi

new notification

4 Missed calls from: Abi

new notification

Mark: you left your card

new notification

love of my life: I got tickets


♯ - creative
♯ - dedicated
♯ - tolerant
♮ - unrealistic
♮ - defensive liar
♮ - show off

♯ - dive bars
♯ - writing music and lyrics
♯ - live music

♮ - being asked to share cigarettes
♮ - failing to attain goals
♮ - sharing secrets
♮ - nights in
♮ - opening up

♮ - flying
♮ - disappointing himself

♮ - chewing pens
♮ - often loses things


TW: self harm, weight

Having grown up in an extensively musical household had done wonders for his creativity. The art form of any kind was encouraged, with his parents purchasing his first instrument at 8 years old. Though he never found love in the piano, he did find joy in the guitar. He was encouraged to actively practice throughout his school life. During this time, he found a passion for writing music; although nothing was shared until the young man met equally minded friends that he allowed himself the space to share his work.

Alex's parents were both essentially workaholics, and definitely placed too much pressure on their children. Two boys - Alex and his perfect older brother, Mark. The latter of the two took to pursuing a hobby for dance - predominantly ballet. Something he was extraordinary about. It was such a pursuit that pushed Mark to new heights, achieving each of their parents' wonderfully set goals. It left Alex a little starved for affection. He wasn't academically perfect, or the classical virtuoso they truly deserved. By his teenage years, Alex was average at school and beginning to choose his social life over the exams that loomed over him. As such, the pressure grew more intense. Just like any child, he began to retaliate. From drinking and smoking, to arguing and acting out just for the attention from his parents.

Pretty soon, Alex was nothing but a shame - at least in his own interpretation of the situation. So developed a need to achieve the lofty standards he was imagining, despite the love his parents did have for him. At first it was better grades, so he tried to study, staying up late get his head around topics he hadn't paid attention to. Then it was tackling his one talent and perfecting it. So he stayed up even later, plucking strings until they blistered. It was only after discovering he could sing that he began to push himself there too, despite his strong accented voice and inability to truly mesmerize vocally.

In all of Alex's self set trials, he developed a victim complex. With each failed attempt, he punished himself. The mental gymnastics he put himself through caused him only to dislike his brother even more. Why wasn't he like Mark? A question he would ask himself frequently. The more he compared himself, the more he copied. His brother, being five years older, had gotten himself accepted into company and began pushing himself further. With the elder making successes at every move, Alex found himself comparing their entire selves; eventually including his physical build. Coupled with the light nights, Alex began to struggle as his mental health deteriorated. The harder he pushed, the worse things got and soon he added self harm to the list of issues he needed to handle.

He should have been thankful of early intervention, and whilst he outright refused therapy, Alex and his family worked to set him straight - although given enough stress, Alex finds it difficult not to relapse into old habits. Soon, he was able to put his time and energy solely into music, no longer comparing himself to his perfect brother, as often as he used to.


Alex has had only one truly serious relationship; a woman known as Abi. The duo had started to date when Alex had been nineteen and had stayed strong for four long years. Even to the point that they were comfortably living together. Until things started to go ary. Alex's own secrecy hadn't helped and Abi's complete distrust despite her partner's faithful status, caused no end of arguments. Spats that left the house, spilled out into the street, into practice, the pub. The duo spent more time screaming at one another than they did enjoying company. It was considered a wonderful move when the duo finally split.

© pasta
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The Anthem
Good Charlotte

  • Name: Leonard Anthony Warren

    Nicknames: Leo

    Gender: Male

    Age: 25

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Height: 5'6

    Weight: 141lbs.

    Hair: naturally brown but dyed black

    Eyes: hazel brown

    Mods: his body is covered by tattoos - collage

    Role: bassist

    Face Claim: Frank Iero





Screw you, Stephen...

Code by Stardust Galaxy
(I can't find that green line, ignore it)


Theme Song
Hair - naturally, yellow blonde, presently two toned black and white
Eyes - mixed green blue
Mods - Gauges (example size but black), Lip piercing



full name
Violet Ann Sandovel





April 1
scroll ▼
new notification

Voicemail From Unknowni

new notification

21 Missed calls from: Unknown

new notification

Unknown: Answer the phone bitch

new notification

love of my life: [deleted]


♮ - charismatic
♮ - decisive
♮ - self confident
♮ - persuasive
♮ - playful
♮ - shallow
♮ - flirtatious

♯ - cocktails
♯ - experimenting with looks
♯ - fashion
♯ - attention
♯ - Spicy food
♯ - gossip

♮ - judgement
♮ - lectures
♮ - boredom
♮ - nights in
♮ - craft beer

♮ - the consequences of her actions
♮ - dementia
♮ - being insignficant

♮ - idling scrolling social media in conversation
♮ - never actually putting her phone down


Give someone an inch and they'll take a mile.
Give Violet a taste of stardom and she'll spend her life chasing it once again. It was one dramatic and artsy selfie that went semi viral that sparked an addiction to the spotlight. If people were talking about her, that's what mattered, even if it meant the more scandalous option. As such, Vi went from confident goofball to confident vixen. A new guy on her arm as often as the season changed, anything for relevance.

It wasn't all sugar, satin sheets, and bright skies. Each bad choice did nothing to help reinforce her relationship with her family. Grounding worked for a time, until she found her voice. No longer standing back, she was more than happy to argue back, giving as good as she got. Instead of discipline it was endless shouting matches, until either party marched into another room - or out the door. Violet won't admit that her actions likely played a key role in her parents' split. Two Christmas Days after all. Eventually it got to the point that her Mum stopped trying, leaving her daughter to live the "wonderful" life she'd crafted for herself, regardless of her grades and potential future impact.

As for music, it had only been in her life during her early years. She had spent years sat behind the piano, happily learning pop songs in her spare time. She wasn't classically trained but was comfortable sight reading. Her interest faded during her High School years, given her choice for an exciting social life. It wasn't until the band came into conversation that her long forgotten skill came back into her life; her fingers moving mostly through muscle memory than talent.



© pasta






  • basics

    Name: Thomas Aaron Beck

    Nickname: Tommy

    Age: 25

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Role in Band: Manager/Make-Up/Lights/Etc. Guy

♡design by latte, coded by uxie♡
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Name: Everly Burris
Nickname: Ev
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Role in Band: Bassist

Face Claim: Jesper
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Height: 5’ 6”
Body Modifications: Industrial Piercing
Likes: Loud noises, being early, leader-like people, baking
Dislikes: Closed spaces, treasure hunting, being close to someone emotionally, talking
Fears: Frogs, the number 13, dolls, wild animals
Quirks: Believes in merpeople, believes in ghosts, gets annoyed when things are too tidy

Personality: After playing bass, strength is Everly’s key focus and goal in life. He works out four or five times a week, whilst he plays bass every day. He rarely shows deep emotions on the outside, never cries when others are around, and, as such, has difficulty forming close bonds. However, he will always try to help others when they need assistance and is a caring person. Whenever he is meeting someone for the first time, Ev typically discusses his interest in strength, rather than his musical abilities.
Everly is also rather a gentleman, and is always polite, honest, and kind towards women – although he does not want them to get the wrong idea. If possible, he will try to give himself more work to do, if it means that others are not stressed or overworked. Luckily for him, Ev is not the type to freak out due to exhaustion from having lots of work to do and tries to benefit others from his gift as much as possible. However, due to this, he may be less grateful immediately after someone has done something kind for him, as he feels like they had too much to do.
Biography: Everly grew up in a small town in Australia called Broken Hill. There, he lived with his parents and no siblings. In Broken Hill, they were referred to as middle class. His father worked as a baker at one of the town’s bakeries, and his mother worked as a calligrapher for a design business. Throughout his childhood, he went to school, and completed at the end of Year 12. Ev and his family were happy, and that was all that mattered.
In Year 7, when Everly began high school, one of his closest friends, Hendrix, began writing a novel in one of his notebooks. It became his heart and soul, and he was totally invested in it. Until, one day, when Hendrix was sick from school, Ev and his other friends broke into his locker and stole the notebook. As the day progressed, Everly’s friends planned more and more disastrous ways to upset Hendrix, before deciding Ev had to destroy. And, through pressure and manipulation, he did so. When Hendrix returned to school, their friendship was ruined. From then on, Everly preferred to blend into his surroundings, not make any problems with anyone, and leave the talking to others.
Throughout his life, Everly has had several inconsequential romantic relationships and is currently single. This may be due to the fact that he has difficulty forming close bonds, as he finds it difficult to express his emotions. One of Ev’s main drawbacks is the fact that he is overly concerned about the future and worries about how his actions will affect the bigger picture. However, it affects him more and less at other times, so he is sure that others would have bigger problems than he, and, as such, tries to hide any fact that he may be stressing.

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