Make sure to lock the door at night.. (Sign Ups)

Yes it has to be a guy. If you read the informational, AGP wants five men, five women. If you read the first post, you'd see there are already five females signed up and accepted.
Name: Garret Nagel

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Personality: Garret is not the most agreeable. He is competent and, to a point, reasonable, but irritable. He sits alone, usually, and snaps at those who come too near; if someone wants to talk to him, they'd need to be very tolerant.

Bio: Garret was raised by a stereotypical cranky grandfather in the southern US, who had never really gotten out of the 60s. He was rough with the child, and probably set him up for a neglected social life in the future. His parents were dead or had vanished. Grandpa really didn't care, and discouraged any inquiries from Garret.

Law had eventually forced him to send Garret to school, but late, and he was taught surrounded by children a year or two younger than him. He really was bright enough to be replaced into the correct grade, but he really didn't care.

He spent more time out of the house than in, alternating between the town streets and the forest. He lived in too quiet of an area to get into too much trouble, but was escorted home by local law enforcers a few times.

Garret had been considering staying in the abandoned building overnight, just to aggravate his grandfather (it hadn't been the first time), and came across the murder. His grandpa was perfectly willing to allow witness protection to spirit him away, grumbling about teens who had no respect for their elders. He had taken a knife with him to his destination.

Appearance: Garret is sturdily built, heavier than average but more muscle than fat. His hair is black and always ragged, and his light hazel eyes clash with his personality. He keeps himself clean but doesn't care about appearance. His skin is tanned dark.

Room: He has a sturdy desk alongside his bed, and his window is always open. He hardly ever stays in there anyways, and left much of the room as it was when he arrived.

Room number: 6

Other: Nada.

I absolutely deplore the detestable tenth rule with all my soul and full-heartedly hopes it goes and dies in a pit, after which I would attend its funeral and dance on its grave while obscenely insulting its family, friends, pet goldfish and lawn mower.

Just kidding. Rule ten's great.
Ok we're all filled up. We'll start when I post.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Lol I so forgot to mention to make a fake name to use in town, just add it to your Application. Sorry!
I'm going to make two more characters for me. There are going to be two guards. The reason I made these guards is because I meet need them in the fututre.

Character Application:

Tony Evans

Fake Name: Doesn't need one

Gender: Male

Age: 25 years old

Personality: Cool headed, even in the most tight problems. Is real friendly, but becomes serious when it invovles work. Can get hot headed at times.

Bio: Was always in trouble in school. Durning his last few years, Tony wanted to change his ways. So he decided to be invovlved in the law. Right after his completion of police acadamy Tony was employed at the NYPD department. About a year later he was offered a spot on U.S. Marshalls, he took the job right away. Durning a couple months of training he meet William, a old high school buddy.


Room Number:
12 (Motel)



Character Application:

William Berkwell

Fake Name: Doesn't need one

Gender: Male

Age: 23 years old

Personality: Very outgoing, nervous when starting a new job, but is determined to do a good job. Is somewhat sarcastic at times.

Bio: Ever since he was little, he wanted to work in the law. He worked out a lot durning his high school days, and study hard. HE decided to go to a police acadamy, he did even better there. After he completed police academy William was offered a spot on U.S. Marshalls. He could care less on where we worked, so long he was helping someone. Durning training a he meet his old buddy from high school.


Room Number:
12 (Motel)

[MENTION=1488]xJobozx[/MENTION] Sorry it took me awhile to respond, I've been sick. Anyways, there's two spots open. A female and male, and rooms three and nine.
Name: Allison Holler

Fake Name: Liza Amarstan

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Personality: Really energetic and fun, she has a lot of confidence but she's still really shy around strangers. She tends to say stupid things without meaning it

Bio: She ran away from home. She had lived a very rich lifestyle so it was easy for her to afford a ticket to the US when she grew tired of her parent's intolerance. She did great until one day she went broke and her house was foreclosed. With no where to live she went looking for an abandoned building to sleep in

Appearance:View attachment 3296

Room Number: 9

Room: View attachment 3297

Other: Openly gay

I love rule #10
[MENTION=2184]Nethwan[/MENTION] Usually I'm not one to worry about the character applications, but you need to put a bit more in the personality section before I can approve you, two words aren't going to cut it. And you need to delete one of the copies you posted.
Name: Garrett Wolfe

Fake Name: Dante Redgrave



Personality:Garrett is kind,funny,sarcastic.flirtatious,and serious when need be.

Bio: Garrett was in the abandoned warehouse because that's where he would normally go to get some piece and quiets and that's where he would go to draw and write since that was his job.Garrett is a writer and an artist he is amazing with a pencil he could make anything he wanted with just a piece of paper and a pencil.He was alone for most of his life and his parents died when he was about twelve so he had to work his way through school and art school before he got to this only to be changed when he seen that murder it took a toll on him but he eventually got over it and now he was heading to a home with people he didn't know what could possibly go wrong.

Apperance: Garrett is tall about six foot six and he has a muscular build but he is not bulky and his face and everything looks exactly like the picture.


Room Number: 9



Other:Garrett is openly bi-sexual and likes guys a bit more but if you are a girl and are interesting you might catch his eye.
Name: James Sixx

Fake Name: Andrew Colin

Gender: male

18 5'8

Personality: meet me

we were at the building dew to some stolen equipment that we needed back, it was Matt & i we took a bobby pen (it was 1:23Am) no one was awake in the building, we unlocked the door and silently crept in. we crept until we came to his room, we opened the door silently a loud creek erupted from the door hinges and the man got up quickly. he grabbed a loaded 25 Rugar and switched on the light, we had ski masks on and were dressed in all black. he grinned satisfied at the sent assassins, he walked up slowly and pressed the shot gun to Matt's chest "good thing i caught you guys. he slowly walked backwards, then Matt made a fatal move, he reached for his back pocket to grab a note that Dustin had told us to leave for him, the man pulled the trigger and Matt flew and hit the wall, blood splattered onto the white walls, and onto my ski mask, i took this advantage and dove behind a desk, i flipped it over and i heard the man laugh. i grabbed my pistol and pointed it through a small crack in the desk the man must not have seen, i aimed for his head and closed my eyes as i pulled the trigger, i had silencer on but that didnt prevent the man from wailing in pain before he dropped the the ground dead. i stood up, grabbed the equipment and ran. i quite the job and they said they would soon send assassins after me. i have been on the run for 3 months now, and have had 21 near death experiences. but i made it here. lets home i can survive one or two more.

Apperance: View attachment 4783

Room Number: 10

Room: i hope its alright that i use this picture :) i could fine any good ones :)


Name: Faith Woods

Fake Name: Scarlett Farmer

Gender: Female


Room: Five

Personality: Faith has always been a rebel. Everyone that knows her never doubts her smartass mindset. She believes that people should stand on their own two feet. When it comes to friends she has mostly guy friends. The thing about her is that she is a very alluring person. She knows how to get under someone's skin easily or make them want her just as easy.

Bio: She lost her mom when she was in her teens because of her abusive father. He is in jail because o murdering her mother, which he made her watch every part of it. The night that she was at the abandoned building she was just passing through to go get a couple of drinks.

Apperance: Faith is five foot eight with a tattoo on her lower back of a symbol that stands for independence.



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