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The sinniest of pies and Pais
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Jade Glassriver










Jade is fairly what others find "weird" ((She is channeling her inner Luna Lovegood :P )). She believes anything is possible and spends a lot of time daydreaming. She is very loyal and sweet and will do anything for her friends.




Sweet Foods



Sour Foods

Being Told She Cant Do Something.


She grew up with her Piskey clan in a large cave system they called "The Queif". This is where she lived until she was 12. She learnt about different races and the Geography of the world, but wanted more. She wanted to experience the world herself.

It was around this time that her powers became apparent. One day she froze time, and accidentally damaged someone. When time is completely frozen, she cannot hurt another person. She can when time is slowed down or speeded up though. This opened a black hole in time. She then fell into a few years into the future, and all of the inhabitants of The Queif were gone. So, she travelled and explored the world for a few years, before attending the academy.


Time Control - She can manipulate time in various ways such as:

-Seeing the Future

-Slowing Down or Speeding Up Time

-Stopping Time

-Can See a Persons Past

She is a Piskey - She has wings, which when fluttered create light.

(She is not very good at this yet, she needs a lot of practise.)​
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Name: Marissa Desantis

Gender: Female

Race: Half imp/Half human

Age: 15

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cc0e5023f_K.full.325496.jpg.44ed9177c3e978f10044b98bbc1ab131.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145889" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cc0e5023f_K.full.325496.jpg.44ed9177c3e978f10044b98bbc1ab131.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Ignore the traditional clothing and the weapon) Usually wears comfortable clothes, such as T-shirts, jeans etc.

Personality: Explosive, loud, mischievous, unpredictable, carefree, often doesn't realise the seriousness of a situation, anger management issues

Likes: Napping, sour and spicy food, funny people, practical people

Dislikes: Drama queens, cheesy dialogue, drama in general, having to hurry, not understanding things

Bio: Was raised by her human mother and never met her father. She always caused trouble, leading to her hanging out with the wrong people. After a failed rape attempt she almost killed the culprit with a chair. After that event, Marissa learnt to not trust people, but act like she does. She went home one last time, said goodbye to her mother and enrolled in the academy, hoping to master her ability, which she barely managed to hide during childhood.

Abilities: Shapeshifting (can transform into animals), altough she can only fully control her puppy form at the moment of enrollment.



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Leonhart "Leo" Asheford




Half Demon




Leo is the kind of guy that would rather read a book than go to a party. Aside from his introverted tendencies, however, Leo is very kindhearted and caring toward the people he does meet, but if your annoying or disruptive, he might just seem like a grouchy loner. When the people Leo cares about are threatened or endangered however, Leo can become pretty brutal.














*Cramped Spaces


Leo doesn't have any cool abilities like telekinesis or anything, all he has is his heightened physical strength and his counter abilities. Those counter abilities allow him to counter any magic attack and send it back at two times stronger. There some other variants of his Full Counter ability as well.


Leo grew up with a caring mother for the first 7 years of his life until she started drinking due to her getting laid off of her job. Within months Leo's mom became a heavy drinker and ended up just sitting around the house using Leo as a "slave". One day, when his mom told him to buy her some more liquor, Leo snapped and talked back. His mom went on one of her drunk rampages and ended up slashing Leo's back with a broken bottle, leaving a scar across his back. After that incident Leo was taken by Child Protection Services and given a nice home adoptive family where he got to go to a prestigious middle school and ended up graduating top of the class. The Summer before Leo's freshman year of high school, Leo got into a fight with some delinquents from his neighborhood. It wasn't anything to be worried about at first, until two of the three teenagers still standing drew knives from their pockets. This action caused Leo to worry for his life allowing him to awaken his hidden strength. Beating the rest of the delinquents, Leo went home and had his parents explain to him everything they knew, including the counter ability he would have inherited from his demon father. With everything out in open, Leo's adopted parents then continued about Maji Academy and about how Leo's real mom wrote a note, before becoming an alcoholic, about her hopes that Leo could go to that school and become a Maji. Leo accepted the news, but waited until he turned 17 to enroll for Maji Academy.​
Name: America "Mer" Xavier

Age: 17


Personality: Lonely. Unusual. Odd. Those three words describe this character perfectly. She thrives of weirdom. She cares about mood and dark feelings. America is a not-so bubbly person, discriminated, caring and affection teenage girl. However, she doesn't get that treatment to her from others.

Likes: books, a dark genre or feeling genre of music, writing, playing guitar, fighting against Noone in particular for training and letting out anger. Loves comics and sci-fi. Hot food and dancing.

Dislikes: being judged. Cruel and unusual punishment. Violence to an innocent. Arguments. Haters. Bubbly, charming people that get all of the love.

Ability: Hidden in her purse or satchel, a book is always by her side. A Magic Tongue. Whatever she reads aloud or writes will come true. However, the books are effecting her thoughts and need to control it before damaging people and their property once more.

And murdering an innocent. Again.


Her parents abandoned her at her eight grade graduation after figuring out that her speech was about politics. And what usually happened when she read things aloud, bad things begin to happen.

Her own writing teacher would trash her papers and fail her grade just because of personal judgement. America was bullied, taunted and picked on by everyone and sad to say, she hardly had a friend to stick around her with the first week.

If that wasn't bad.

Try finding out that your first name had a bad reputation in a Magic Tongue. A species where they could read or write or think and things would happen! And she thought her first name was Scarlet. So not only does the species hate her, but everyone around her does!

What else?

She accidentally killed someone!

So by going to court, America was sent to the famous academy of helpless people such as herself. And her parents?

Pretty much made her an orphan by giving up the strange, pathetic, odd teenage girl who was about to graduate from high school in one year!


She doesn't talk about her past unless she trusts someone that would listen and will not judge.

Is shy.

Mostly silent.

Super curious.


Beau Jackson

Full Name: William Beau Rodrick Jackson

Nicknames: Beau, Kitty, Jackson

Age: 17

Gender: Cis Male

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Species: Neko

Category Preference: Wisdom

Rank Preference: B or higher


Face Claim: Gerard Way

Height: 5'3''

Weight: 102lbs

Body figure: Petite, Skinny

Hair: Naturally Black, Dyed Red

Eyes: Honey Brown but wears Red Contacts

Clothes: >Here<

Distinctive Features: Red Cat Ears and Tail


Personality Type (16Personalities): ISJF (The Defender)

Vices: Liar, Jealously, Pride, Self-importance, Secretly Unloved

Virtues: Loyal, Knowledgeable, Self-confidence, Humour, Assertive

Likes: Music, Marvel, DC, Ice Cream, The Night

Dislikes: Stupidity, Needles, Early Mornings,

Abilities: >Feline Physiology<



Missy Grayson (bio mother, deceased, neko)

Ryan Fitzgereld (bio father, deceased, human)

Kaylee Frost (adoption mother, 38, vampire)

Dustin Jackson (adoption father, 39, vampire)

Becca Jackson (adoption sister, 19, vampire)


After his biological parents died in a car crash when he was 5, he was moved to an orphanage for the next 7 years until he was adopted by a family. He didn't know they were vampires until too late. They used him as a servant and he was used until Becca graduated and they didn't want him anymore. They sent him to Maji Academy and left him with the money he would need and a bad ass car. He changed his persona and style so he would seem strong when he was more brains than brawn.




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