Main RP


One Thousand Club

You see a hotel, currently its empty. You ask people what this is and all they say is "It's just an abandoned building.". But that's not what you see...

Mark leaned on the right pillar. He was waiting for someone to enter his little hotel of his, as he caressed his blue fingernails. "This is gonna be good." he said after he giggled

Mark leaned on the right pillar. He was waiting for someone to enter his little hotel of his, as he caressed his blue fingernails. "This is gonna be good." he said after he giggled

Illusius appeared in the hall with a audible "pang". He looked around, found someone and made his way up to the person. "Why hello there, I must say I am so very pleased to I, you see, am the mage Illusius and gladly will show you what I can do." While talking, he took off his left glove, just to have another glove. He repeated that a total of 7 times during his speech. "Now!" He threw the gloves up and they became confetti, raining down to the ground. "Uh. What a mess." A little hand dustpan and brush appeared and cleaned the mess up, to disappear again. "Oh... I just remembered. I don't know your name yet!"
A young boy walks into the ''abdonet building'' and tries to find a place to seek there.

''I hope noone saw the teleport...'' he says, and thinks that he could build himself a little base here.
A piece of confetti fell onto Mark's hand and he giggled. "My name is Mark Averson. Illusionist and builder. I run this hotel for Monsters, Hybrids and superhumans only. It's disguised as an abandoned building to fool humans. By the way, thank you for cleaning up that, it save me lots of time. It's pretty hard to run a place like this. Would you like to stay Mr. Illusius ? There's no charge."

@Princess Ami
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He hears voices in the building.

''Oh no...i hope this isn't getting owned by someone.'' he says.

Sneacking throuh the shadows, he follows the voices but tries to not been seen.
Mark hears a voice, somewhere. "......Is some here?" Mark looks around. "Hmm." He started to slow walk around. "I'll get back to you, Illusius."

(Excuse me for my inability to make more than 6 sentences)

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A piece of confetti fell onto Mark's hand and he giggled. "My name is Mark Averson. Illusionist and builder. I run this hotel for Monsters, Hybrids and superhumans only. It's disguised as an abandoned building to fool humans. By the way, thank you for cleaning up that, it save me lots of time. It's pretty hard to run a place like this. Would you like to stay Mr. Illusius ? There's no charge."

@Princess Ami

"As long as there are people here to entertain, there is the need for a Illusius." He smiled and lifted his eye patch. It seemed to be a gambling machine behind it, as the eye began to turn and when it stopped, there was a thumbs up symbol inside. It also made the typical 8-bit sound. 
(Its fine, im too not an big fan of writing long textes with much details. Short and clear can be understood by everyone, alias It's fine)

The boy hears footsteps takes his gun out, and isn't sure if Friend or Enemy.

''Who are you?'' He says while he aims at the guy that searched for him. ''Your'e better not an agent, or you will have an problem''.

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"I'm no agent, sir. I'm just a superhuman, like you. He snap his fingers to let him see the illusion. "Welcome to The Leviathan, the hotel for Monsters, Hybrids and Superhumans. Would you like to stay, A person was just about to stay!" Mark said
Marx entered through the front door of the hotel, looking behind himself to ensure he wasn't followed. As he made his way in, he finally turned to look ahead, only to freeze in his tracks as he noticed there were actually several people here already.

"Crap!" He exclaimed, already backing away slowly, hands raised as if he were about to click his fingers at them. Just as he had finally gotten away from all the drama at home, he'd just run into more people who would probably cause trouble for him. He considered dispatching them now as it would only lead to more troubles if they told anyone they'd seen him. Humans were selfish like that, always ruining other's lives even if it were to no benefit of their own. It made Marx anxious that he was one of a probably very low percentage of powered people, meaning it was very unlikely these people before him were friendly.

(Writing more than a few sentences is easy and much more fun for most. So long as you guys proof-check your stuff of course, as I've already seen a few errors, *cough* freeman *cough*, but if short and simple is easier then fine by me.)
(*cough* i kill *cough* freeman *cough* xD, sorry)

''Well then, i whold stay here. But i hope this place dosen't get too full soon.'' he replies.
Serena was resting on a nearby wall, watching the people begin to gather nearby. One of the men scanned the room and his eyes settled upon her... no, that wasn't quite right - his eyes settled upon the piece of art hung on the wall behind her. One of the few true benefits of being dead was that she could remain unseen by anybody who was not another spirit, so long as she chose, and her strength was at a sufficient level.

She remained unseen for a while, surveying the situation and waiting to see how everything planned out. She had gained a mire of trust issues since she died, mainly related to the cause of her death but also since humanity had discovered the existence of the supernatural and had not really welcomed her kind with open arms. She decided when things quietened down she would try and speak to this 'owner' and find out more about the situation here, but for now would remain hidden and learn more from a safe distance.
(Sorry i where thinking of another RP, this will be a placeholder for a while)
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