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Walking down a long hallway, Markus Alistair ran a hand along his brow, wiping off another trail of swear making its way down his face. It had been a whole month since his arrival on Bastion, and he had yet to become situated with the planets environment. His physicians were convinced he was just imagining it, but Markus was certain it was due to spending years in space. Passing a set of windows, Markus let his gaze drift from his destination. 

High in the cloud cover, slightly obscured, was the Titan. One of the few Star Destroyers Markus still controlled, it sat in orbit above the fortress city in the distance, and even from this distance, Markus could swear he saw the small forms of the engineering squads and Droid menials constructing the numerous enhancements to the defenses. Markus had found the fortress on the planets surface to hold enough guns to destroy a small Imperial Fleet already, Markus wanted this increased further.

Turning the corner of the hallway, Markus was faced with four stormtroopers, each with red paint sprrad seemingly at random across their white armor. Nodding to them, the troopers turned and opened the door they stood guard over, showing Markus a vast chamber, filled with dozens of consoles. Technicians in pure red uniforms moved around the room, doing numerous tasks, as Markus entered the room, proceeding to a chair set in the middle of the room. Crossing his legs, Markus extended his hand, a steaming cup if pure blue liquid placed in his hand. Taking a long sip from it, Markus let out a brief sigh, before turning to see a literal mountain of data pads next to him.

Picking up the first, he began his day.
In Orbit around Telos

Triton sits on his throne on Old Celeste station as he reflects on his past. He sees a kingdom of four planets with a military and a small fleet of hijacked Imperial ships, donated Rebel ships, and a few bought ships. Overall, he couldn't ask for more.

But that's when a messanger came rushing in.

"Your Grace!" the man came bursting into the chamber "We have great news, the Emperor is dead as well as Lord Vader!". Triton was shocked by this news. The Emperor and Vader, dead? The two most feared men in all of the galaxy just died overnight. A smile formed on Triton's face as he said "Good, we finally have our vengeance for our people after the Empire bombarded us,". He then got up and continued, saying "Put me into contact with the Rebels, I want to talk to them,". He walked off the throne and left the throne room while thinking "Mother, farther, this was for you,". He arrived in the main bridge and waited for a response from rebel forces while the station orbited Telos

(Any rebel may accept this transmission)
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Amelia smiled at Vincent as she stroked him gently with a cloth in her hand. T-85 X-wing was as precious to her as anything in the world, her fellow pilots would tease that have never seen a speck of dust on her wing or else she would freak. She whispered as she cleaned, almost like she was in her own  little world until BB-9 rolled into the premise.  He started to speak to her with his numerous beeps.  "What? Why me? I'm not on the council." she said. After more persuasive talk Amelia sighed. "Alright but only because you gave some convincing points." she started to smirk as she started to adjust her appearance.  She had met his highness numerous times but never in an informal manner.  She nodded at the Droid prior to it summoning the transmission. "This is commander Amelia Vogel of the Phantom squadron,  how may I serve you your grace?" She said still standing at attention. 

Asura was currently relaxing in a room he rented in Iziz, he was taking a break after he rooted out and disposed of an imperial remnant group that had been on Onderon for almost 2 years since they took down the outpost on this planet. He checked his alerts on a datapad searching through polite request for his aide from cells and Sector Forces in nearby systems. A lot of activity must be going on because now the news of the Emperors and Vaders death should be widespread. Asura however felt he needed to target more important issues to help the new Republic.He switched over to news about major factions that have recently risen up.

He saw that the Mandalorians have a new Mandalore, that means something has happened to Fenn Shysa. Asura didn't feel any remorse or guilt about it he said his goodbyes back when his mother died. But the news was still worth looking into. Making an ally of the Mandalorians would be a big plus for the New Republic. He also noticed that another faction a small empire was mentioned in his feed as the New Republic had supplied them with a few ships because the person themselves had taken resources from the Empire. He also saw news about a splinter faction from the Empire who were actually treating its people good. He planned to visit them all, just needed to decide where to start.

Shock. Puzzlement. Disbelief. These are just some of the mental states that Nestor went through upon hearing the big news, news of Palpatine and Vader dying aboard the second Death Star. This was a bitter pill to swallow, both because he knew that the Empire will now explode in xy factions and because he truly liked and respected the Emperor. Sighing, he took a datapad and started jolting down the official statement of the ISB following these newest and unfortunate circumstances. Luckily, writing statements was something Nestor was unusually good at, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Order had to be upheld, and the Imperial planets had to be kept in line, that much was apparent for him. Rebels may think they have won, but Nestor knew that he was not the only Imperial ready to fight until the end to keep the Empire alive, in any shape or form. Statement had to be resolute, clear and most importantly, give no creed to what just transpired. Everyone must realize that the Empire is not just Palpatine and Vader, that it is much more.

After couple of minutes, the statement was complete, and Nestor called in one of his adjutants over the hologram. "How may I be of help, Director?" The young man, in his late 20s at most, was curious. He was Nestor's aide for the last three years and he had a good knowledge of the job and was competent above all.

"Make sure ISB's offical statement is out into the public and known of by all the sectors. I will send it to you right away. And send a few men to check in with the Imperial Intelligence and see their view on this situation." Nestor was curious to see how the Intelligence breathes at the moment, for he never liked them. Waste of resources and manpower in his opinion.

"As you wish, Director." The adjutant closed the hologram and went off to his duties, leaving Nestor to his own thoughts.
In Orbit around Telos

When it turned out to be Amalia on the other line, Triton smiled. He always respected the women and wouldn't have mind if she joined his fleet as an officer. Triton cleared his throat and said "Yes, I wish to open negotiations with the New Republic about using the Hyadian Way,". This Hyadian Way was one of the most used hyperspace lanes in the galaxy that led from the Outer Rim to the Core World of Corusaunt with Telos right in the middle of it. Previously, Triton had only allowed civilian freighters to use the Hyadian Way but with the two top men of the Empire dead, Triton felt it was time to throw his lot fully in with the Rebellion. "Further discussion on a treaty may be had once a Rebel official has arrived on Telos," Triton then said waiting from a response from the commander

@Robyn Banks

[SIZE=12pt]Travers Crofton sat in his unadorned office in one of Corusant’s many residential buildings contemplating the new position he found himself in. Both Lord Vader and the Emperor was dead, killed by the rebels in the second Death Star, news that was almost inconceivable to Travers. The very thought that the Emperor and his heir could be even inconvenienced much less killed by the rebel scum was approaching treason. However, by all accounts this was true, all the sources Imperial Intelligence had pointed to the same conclusion, both Vader and the Emperor had been slain by “Luke” the rebel alliance’s golden boy. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The death of the Emperor created a power vacuum in the Empire, traditionally such situations are bloody affairs. Even worse, the only confirmed heir that the Emperor established before his death, was Lord Vader who had also perished. It was only a matter of time before the various Moffs and generals began to vie for power and control of the Empire. And it was Travers responsibility to ensure that Imperial Intelligence backed the right one. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]While Imperial Intelligence is a powerful institution, Travers did not fool himself into thinking that he could possibly make a bid for power himself. Intelligence simply did not have the right type of resources, it had no army to call upon and only a small number of dedicated battleships. What Intelligence did possess was a large network of spies, informants, and assassins across the galaxy, making it a valuable ally for an enterprising imperial faction making a bid for power. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The question for Travers now was to decide which faction or factions to back. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Set up a meeting with each general and Moff with a solid power base, and say a representative from Imperial Intelligence will be sent to discuss a potential alliance, however, do not include my actual title.” [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Travers spoke to his comm device while getting up and walking to the door of his office. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Of course, would you need me to arrange transport to the ISB sir, they contacted us regarding our view on the news of the Emperors.... death?” [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Responded Nrera'iset'isi or Fixer 2, a Chiss agent and also Travers second in command and handler when in the field. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Yes, send me their leader's files as well, Nestor was it?” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He would need to review the file on the way to the meetings, after all, while knowledge was not as impressive a power as the Force was, it could be just as devastating in the right hands.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]@NetherTacos [/SIZE]
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Aboard "The Dresden" orbiting corellia


 Draxan walks silently into the communications room aboard the ship. He nods as the nearest worker turns to him and bows and then turns back to his work, Draxan was used to the polite mannerisms of the workers and people around him. He couldn't say he liked it that much since he considered himself just another person. He walked up to the main com system and looked at one of the attendants who also bowed,"What may I do for you Master Vazda?"he asked politely. 

Draxan nodded and looked at the console in front of him,"Patch me into Lord Tritons main communications system please."he asked back with the smallest tone of command in his voice.

The worker instantly began typing into the console at an amazing speed. Draxan wanted to assemble a meeting with Triton to see if they could come to an agreement on some things that would help him expand The Orders influence beyond just the few planets of the outer rim and Lwhekk. If agreed he wanted to establish a secret base on one of the worlds he reigned over for the return of protection and a few grey jedi to join his army. After The dark emperor's death and his heir there had been no trouble traveling to the core world planet of which Draxan once called home. He waited patiently while the com link signal was established in hopes that he could manage to strike a deal with the King of the Telosian Dominion if not then he would have to find allies in some other quadrant of space.
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While Triton waited from a response from the woman, an officer said "Your Grace, a man is sending a transmission,". Triton then said "Alright then, patch them through,". The officer complied and soon, Triton saw a man in a hood on the holoproject in a... Jedi robe? "No," Triton thought "This can't be right, the Jedi are scattered to the winds, this can't be one,". Triton then said "This is King Triton Braden of the Telosian Dominion, state the reason why you have contacted me,"

@Pyromancer88 @Robyn Banks
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Aboard "The Dresden" orbiting corellia


Draxan bowed his head first and then looked up at Triton,"Pardon my interruptions Lord Triton I know you are a very busy man. I am contacting you to see if you would be willing to schedule a meeting with me for a certain proposal that I would like to make with you and your empire your majesty."he asked courteously making sure not to disrespect the lord and anger him. He was not expecting the king to agree fast so Draxan prepared himself to try and persuade the lord of the telosian dominion to agree with his terms. At a glance the king looked wise and caring he could tell that the man was not someone to trifle with. He looked over at the man who was on the console and then nodded his head towards the door. He nods back taking a bow and silently ushers everyone out of the room. He then turned back to the screen and waited patiently for the Lord to speak his thoughts.

In Orbit around Telos

Triton did not trust this man. This man wanted something and Triton knew it however, he would be willing to talk. "Alright," he said to the man "but the meeting will be on Telos, I do not trust the meeting taking place anywhere outside of my realm. I will send you a military escort if you wish,"

@Pyromancer88 @Robyn Banks
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Aboard "The Dresden" orbiting corellia


He nods in agreement with a slight smile on his face,"I think that is best for your peace of mind my lord. I will join you on Telos as soon as your escort arrives. I myself will be the only one going and will leave my companions on board. If there is anything else you wish me to do please do so say I am very willing to comply."he new this would happen and already had ordered the other knights and apprentices to stay on board and keep contact with the base in Lwhekk to make sure that they keep up with the training properly. He was considering taking on an apprentice himself but knew it would have to come later on when all of the negotiations where held and The Order had established a proper influence in the Galaxy. He looked at the screen waiting to see if the King had any other request that he had to be held by. He knew that once he landed on Telos he would have to convince the King that The Order was a worthy ally to have.

Meanwhile on Coruscant,

Travers exited the hovercar in front of the ISB building in the center of Coruscant. A large gray building built to impress and strike fear into the hearts of the average citizen. 

"What a waste of resources, a preference of form over substance." Travers thought as he glanced over, before making his way toward the entrance.

Before he could enter, a pair of stormtroopers barred his way.

"State your business or you will be detained for questioning" The Stormtroopers ordered.

"Let your commander know that Imperial Intelligence wishes to speak with him." Travers replied while opening his jacket to display his badge. 

Nestor looked out the window of his luxurious office, observing the buildings and wondering how much it will take until the Rebel scum reach Coruscant. That pitiful band of terrorists must be destroyed, not only to keep the Empire alive but also to avenge Palpatine, Vader, Piett, Jerjerrod, Tarkin and many other fine Imperials who have fallen by the Rebel hand.

"Chief Director Cornelis! Travers Crofter of the Imperial Intelligence is here to speak to you!" Pair of stormtroopers informed Nestor, who nodded with a small smirk. He never liked the Intelligence, but didn't have any ill feelings towards Crofter himself, merely the organization he was leading.

"Tell him that I'm ready to receive him." Stormtroopers nodded and saluted, before heading off to notify Crofter.

Nestor straightened his uniform and went to sit at his desk, waiting for his guest to arrive.

After a few minutes, Travers was led into the depths of the compound before arriving at a rather spacious office with a wonderful view of the skies of Coruscant.

Waiting behind the desk was Nestor Cornelis, the head of the Imperial Security Bureau. Travers had not had any face to face dealings with him before but read through Nestor's file on the way to the ISB.

"Nestor, how are you today?" Travers asked while raising his hand for a handshake. "You wanted to talk about the current situation?" 

 "Not well, Travers, not well at all." Nestor rose up from his seat, shaking Travers's hand, and motioning him to sit.

"I am at a loss. Our mighty Emperor gone...lord Vader gone...I fear for the Empire." He said in a grim tone, sitting down and signaling the servant droid to bring them a drink.

"Is it true that Luke Skywalker is the assassin? Murdering his own father in cold blood, and then they say we are evil." Nestor shook his head, feeling grief that his old friend ended up being a victim of his impetuous son. But at least he died for the right cause

"My sources have confirmed that Luke Skywalker is the assassin, he not only killed Lord Vader but also our Emperor. Needless to say, his capture or death is Intelligence's highest priority." Replied Travers.

"Now for the more pressing matter, what do you plan to reveal to the masses? The loss of both Lord Vader and the Emperor has the potential to create great unrest, and we can't keep the news under wraps forever." He asked.

"I want to make them know that the Empire will never surrender and crumble, and that the terrorist scum will be squashed. Bounty will be issued against Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo and Lando Calrissian." Nestor worded their names with utter contempt and disgust.

"Have any Moffs or Generals made movements towards establishing a foothold? Lord Vader was a designated heir to the Emperor, and his death opens a power vacuum."

Travers reclines in his seat before replying in a resigned tone.

 "Imperial Intelligence will do what it can to spread the ISB's message and counteract the story the rebels are sure to tell." Travers says. 

"So far there haven't been any overt grabs for power, among our more... excitable colleagues, but it is only a matter of time. I suggest that you stabilize you power base soon." 

"Order must be preserved under all costs, Order and the Empire. It seems to me that I'm amongst the few Imperial officers who values such ideals over my own personal power." Nestor mused, opening a drawer in his desk and taking out a lightsaber, placing it on the table.


"This is the only tool which can achieve and give in this Galaxy. I will not idly sit and watch this glorious cause fail. If these power struggles start destroying the Empire, then I will enter the fray."

"You are force sensitive then?" Travers asked with a bewildered expression, this was not included in his files. 

"I assume you know that concealing one's connection to the force is a capital offense?" Travers jokes with a small smirk after taking the time to compose himself. 

"I was a Jedi once, fought in the Clone Wars. Only the Emperor, lord Vader and Tarkin knew of my Force-sensitivity." Nestor replied, returning the lightsaber into the drawer.

"I sacrificed so much to see this glorious and enlightened idea live. Allowing a bunch of power-hungry, treacherous, pompous and ignorant officers split the Empire is something I have no intention of doing!"

Hmm, a Nestor was a former Jedi, how interesting. Travers thought to himself. 

"Conflict within the Empire is inevitable so long as there are those with ambition, our Emperor managed to keep them in line while he lived by utilizing the talents of Lord Vader. How you plan to keep this "order" you propose?" Travers asked, trying to get Nestor to reveal more of his plans. 

"You shall see, Commander Travers. You shall see..." Nestor put on a small, barely visible smirk, as he had a general idea on what actions to partake.

"It is of paramount importance that this crisis be resolved in shortest possible time. Rebel terrorists mustn't gain any initiative. You know what to do."

Hmm... it seems that Nestor does have a plan then, but it wouldn't do to simply follow his orders blindly, Travers thinks.

"I will take my leave then, this has been.... enlightening, I will contact you if there are any developments." Travers says as he walks towards the office door.

"Oh and Nestor, don't be so certain about the power of that lightsaber. If Lord Vader's death has taught us, it's that force users die like anyone else."  Travers quips as he exits the office.

"That is correct. I am well aware of my mortality, and it hardly concerns me. I fight for an idea, and ideas are immortal." Nestor retorted, his gaze now fixated at the window again.

He knew that he will have to keep an eye on Travers and the entire Imperial Intelligence for that matter. Travers just didn't look like someone who will just stand on the sidelines indifferently.
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"None," he said to the man "I will see you soon, sir,". He then exited the transmission and looked to Amelia and said "My apologies, I was in contact with another man. So, again, if you are you are willing to come to Telos, I am willing to open up discussions about opening the Hyadian Way for Republic military use,". He waited for a response from the woman

@Robyn Banks @Pyromancer88
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Aboard "The Dresden" orbiting corellia


When Triton ended the communication Draxan sighed taking off his hood and exited the communications room nodding at the man who was waiting outside,"Prepare the communications to Lwhekk for a constant signal and tell Aldri to watch the feed twenty four seven reporting to me at the top of every hour. I am going to prepare myself Lord Triton will be sending and escort for me. Notify me as soon as they arrive.",he said and walked away entering his private room the door locking behind him. He walked over  to the desk and laid his hands on the cold scanner that was on the corner. Within a second he heard the tiny hiss and a drawer opened revealing his two lightsabers. If he was going to Telos by himself he would need to protect himself. He then donned black armored robes and a black cloak. He slid his lightsabers into his belt and sighed. He then walked to the middle of the room and sat on the floor beginning to meditate on the force hoping that it would guide him to make the right choices. 

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Amelia nodded. "I will get that prepared right away sir as soon as u speak to my sup-." She suddenly was interrupted by another incoming hologram. She didn't much of it though since she knew if she said a word,  she would be out of place. 

She was surprised to see it was a jedi. How she loved the Knights way of life but she never expressed it aloud. She gave a small greeting to acknowledge his presence before letting him continue on. She couldn't help but be curious why Lord Triton  would only do the meeting in Telos. Though the empire was a force to be reckon with,  she didn't expect him to be so self cautious. 

She offered a soft smile when he ended the call but that turn to more of a bewildered look when he asked for her presence. "Me,  My Lord? Well in that case I won't disappoint. I'll get there right away with Vincent, I mean my Aircraft. Its a pleasure,  your highness." 

@Broncos @Pyromancer88
Telos: High Security Prison Q4-02 (Not Too Far From The Capital, Thani. Just About 15 Miles Out): Hanger

As she stepped from her ship in the hanger, GW-01 stared at all of the battledroids awaiting her in two parallel lines facing each other, in which GW-01 could go through. She nodded at battledroid at the end. which was in none of the lines and just blocking the exit and he got out of her way. Once she got out of the long line of battledroids, the battledroid at the end of the line stood behind her and followed her out of the hanger and into the halls. He was her bodyguard. She didn't truly trust organic beings to completely protect her so she always had a battledroid. She knew how to fight on her own but she kept a guard just for extra good measures.

"Where are we heading, sir?" The battledroid bodyguard asked as he and GW-01 were walking through the halls.

"The conference room." She simply said.

"Very well, sir."

She and her guard walked silently until they reached the door to the conference room and she motioned the guard to stay put. The door to the room slided open. She opened the door to see organics looking at her. GW-01 inspected each and every one of these people. Most of them were the people in charge when she wasn't at the prison at the time.

"You wished to speak with me." She stated.

"Indeed," One of the men said "As you may or may not know, the Dark Lord of the Sith is dead. There has always been a population of pro-empire in our population and the death of the dark lord seems to have aggravated citizens of Telos. There has been more pro-empire riots in the streets and in orbit than usual. They have been becoming violent and we do not know how to control them. We were thinking you would have a solution."

"You have the Telosian Dominion." GW-01 noted "Why don't you contact them? They are specialized to fight against the empire."

"Excuse me, but they are specialized in going against the empire itself. These are merely citizens." The man said.

"I am not specialized to fight entire groups of people." GW-01 stated sternly "Send a message to the man in charge, Triton Braden."

In the back of the room was a large holocommunicator. It was used to speak to people through long distances and have them be a part of a conference even if they could not make it. GW-01 went up to it and turned it on. She chose to send a message to Triton Braden to search if he was willing to help with the predicament that the prison on Telos was doing.

"Hello Mr. Braden, I am GW-01, representative and warden of High Security Prison Q4-02 on Telos." GW-01 said in her message "I am guessing you know of Darth Vader's recent passing. This has caused some troubles on your home planet. The Empire Enthusiasts have been rioting on the streets and in orbit of the planet recently and this has gone to my attention and I hope it will be going to your attention too. The safety of you home should mean much to you. I do hope you reply to this message when you have time. Thank you."

She finished the message then suddenly turned around and simply stated "It has been sent."

After disconnecting the call with Amelia, Triton couldn't help but smile. She looked, well, flustered after he asked for her to come. He couldn't but laugh at that, he always had a way with women. But soon, another transmission came in. The transmission was from one of the many prisons on Telos and said the people where rioting Triton said "Of course, thank you for informing me,". He disconnected the transmission and said "Send the army to quell the rioting but try not to shoot them if they are protesting peacefully. Also, send a frigate to Corellria for our guest,". The officers nodded and did their orders but Triton thought "Why, after being bombed by the Empire, would there be Imperial sentiment? It doesn't make sense,". He went back to his throne room and waited for his guests

(Open until @Robyn Banks and @Pyromancer88

 In orbit around Telos 


The place was grand. Draxan had not seen something like it before an orbiting empire. He did not get much time to sightsee because of the guards. They personally escorted him all the way to the throne room. Draxan took a deep breath and walked in after the guards who announced that the kings guest had arrived. At first glance he could tell the king was much more intimidating in person. He was tall and lean but you could see the hint of wisdom in his eyes that much others lacked. This gave him a small drop of hope. Maybe just maybe he would be able to establish a part of The Order in this part of the galaxy. After the guard finished introducing him he too a knee and bowed.

"Your majesty, I thank you for granting me an audience so that we may speak of great things that may happen at your permission.",he said in the most formal manner.

He would then get up and take off his hood revealing his stormy grey eyes and dark black long hair. He would hope his majesty would not question him too much on The Order because within The Order many secrets are contained and kept well hidden in hopes that neither side of the upcoming war would get their hands on them. He looked at the king with a emotionless face waiting to see what he would say.

"No need to bow," Triton said to the man "Please, rise, and tell me about these things you wish to tell me,". He looked at the man carefully and then said "Also, mind if you tell me why you have a Jedi's robe on you? Most of the Jedi died years ago and few remain so, are you a Jedi or are you yet another vulture who claws at the remains of the Jedi Order because I assure you, you are not getting access to the Telosian Academy unless you are indeed a Jedi,". The Jedi had long ago built an academy on Telos and soon became the home of Master Atris after the Jedi Civil War and was filled with artifacts that Triton had made illegal to take and was punishable by 20 years of hard labor if the area was touched by a person


Grunting, Markus shoved the large wooden plank up higher, as two workers on either side of him quickly moved forward, drilling in holes, followed quickly by pegs to keep the new wall in place. Currently, Markus was in one of the poorer zones on Bastion. When the Empire of old had established their sector capital on Bastion, they took nearly every resource and scrap of food from the rest of the planet to help build their fortress city, and feed the new garrison. Since establishing the True Empire on this world, Markus had taken it upon himself to help rebuild what the Empire had destroyed, personally. He was just finishing up a house that a Rodian family would be staying in, wiping his hands on his dirty work pants as a officer in a dark red uniform approached. Quickly extended a data pad, before walking off.

Reading through it quickly, Markus let a frown cross his face. "So, those little renegades plan on forming an alliance with the King of the Pirates, hu( @Broncos) This will make things interesting." Turning, he waved over one of the red and white stormtroopers standing nearby, before issuing orders. "Prepare the Indominace, Titan, and Fury of Night,. The galaxy needs to remember what the Empire can do."
When the transmission ended she couldn't help but feel a bit of excitement. She have met the king numerous times but never like this. Lieutenant Carson approached her with a smirk on his face. "I expected you to be here commander." she looked back at him with a glimmer in her eyes. "Am I that predictable? Anyways what do you have more me? "

 "Reports are coming in that Darth Vader of the sith and the Emperor has been killed by Luke Skywalker." Amelia didn't seem to be surprised as her grin widened.  "I knew that kid would have potential. I guess this calls for a celebration! Why don't you and the squadron get some drinks,  it's on me." 

"Where will you be? "

"I'll be discussing the opening of the Hyndman Way for military use in Texas with King Triton." 

"Fancy... Well good luck commander." she nodded as she hopped into her aircraft after BB-9 took his place. Thus with a wave of goodbye she was off. 


Orbiting around Telos. 

After an hour flying through the galaxy,  she landed in the appropriate station. Before a servant could move it to another location,  she gave them a warning gaze. "No scratches on my baby." she beckoned BB-9 to follow alongside her. She was frisked for weapons which ways taken into custody before being lead into the throne room with two of the king's guard.  She stepped into the throne room with false confidence as she analyzed her surroundings. She bowed before the king,  sneaking a look at the man beside her. He dressed like a jedi but his stormy Grey eyes gave her a feeling that she couldn't describe. "Your Majesty,  it's a pleasure to see you once more. I apologize if I am interrupting."

@Broncos @Pyromancer88
Draxan nodded in understand to what the King had said. He had no idea that Telos had an academy on its lands. This would make the transfer of masters and apprentices so much easier for The Order. He contemplated for a bit before looking back up at the  King.

"I assure you I am no vulture but yes I am what most would call Jedi. I represent a small  group of individuals that have the wish of keeping balance in the galaxy. I assure we I am as legit as they come. If I must pass certain trials I would gladly d so before we continue this meeting my.....",at that moment a women entered the throne room and kneeled before Triton giving Draxan a quick glance.

Draxan had completely forgotten that she was to also have an audience with the king of Telos. Draxan looked from the woman to the king feeling a small but light flow of emotion through each of them that he could not describe.

 @Broncos @Robyn Banks

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