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Jani wakes up, yawning deeply. He rubs his eyes before taking a look at the clock hung on his wall. "10:30!? I'M LATE ALREADY!", he squeaks as he jumps out of his bed. He quickly changes into black shorts, a graphic tee and his favorite hoodie before dashing out of his room and down his stairs. "I'm heading out, Dad!", he yells as he slips his sandals on and runs out the door. Not long after, he arrives at the small park where his faction's first meeting was meant to take place. He sits down in the grass, waiting for someone else to enter the empty park.
"Woah missile, slow down!" 

Warren shouted after his dog, trying his best to keep up. Warren's dog was running him around town, past the coffee shop he normally goes to and spends money on overpriced coffee. And, as a regular customer, gives his dog a small bowl of just cream that's meant for coffee. 

Past his friends in the small diner nearby. 

He eventually stopped in a small park nearby to stop for a bit. 

Warren sat on a nearby bench and placed his dog on his lap. 

Warren finally had time to relax. 

For once, things were normal. 

Just as it should be. 
Jani's eyes lit up as he spotted Warren seated on the bench. He approached Warren and greeted him. "Hey! You would't happen to be here for the Stand Faction, would you?", Jani asked, hopeful that he wasn't being blown off.
Warren looked up from his phone. 

"Uhh, I don't know what that is. What's the stand faction?" Warren was intrigued. Warren knew he had a stand, but it would be too good to be true to find others like him. Either way, he was intrigued 
"Oh, uh... It was supposed to be some people like me who would kinda stick together." Jani summons his Stand in a way that wouldn't alarm anyone unable to see it. "People who can do this."
"Y-you have one too!" 

Warren summoned his stand too, showing it off beside him. 

"What your's do? Mine let's me do stuff with fire. See?"

warren created a small fire sword, and swong it around a bit. 

"I call him September 21st. What do you call yours?"
"Mine's Iron Maiden. It gains abilities from whatever I'm holding. Like..." Jani picks up a rock and calls Iron Maiden out again. This time, the Stand had a more gravelly texture. "...This. Now, Iron Maiden is way more durable." Jani relays this information with a proud look on his face.
"Huh... That's pretty cool." 

Warren nodded at the man's stand. 

"I'm glad there are others like me. So I guess I'll join you. My name's Warren. Nice to meet you!"
"My name's Jani. Nice to meet you, too. How bizarre is it that the first person who walks in this park is another Stand user, huh?", Jani says as he laughs. "Do you want to wait here and see if anyone else who was supposed to come shows up?"
This was the first time in the last 13 years Johnny had lived that he felt the slightest bit...excited. He put on his sky blue tanktop, walking to the schedueled meeting place of the park. He walked and asked people all around the park who they were, like some sort of weirdo. Finally, he drew near, and Johnny approached the two other boys at the park with bloodshot eyes, and a weird stance as he walked. 
"Yeah, let's wait. I hope we don't have to wait too long. I can't...



Warren laughed at his own stupid joke, and noticed someone approaching them from the corner of his eye. 

"Uhh, hey Jani? You think that guy is coming to join the stand faction?" 

Warren pointed to the guy with bloodshot eyes. 

"I dunno about him, looks kinda creepy to me..." 
He continued forward, his eerie bloodshot eyes staring forward at you both. "Are you the guy?" He asked, in a tired voice, he could easily be a drug addict thinking you were dealers. He then turned to the 14 year old warren, speaking with a voice that didnt joke much. "Who's this kid?"
"Wait, you're Johnny! I knew I wasn't getting stood up!" I turn to Warren. "His Stand is really scary. Not just to others, but to him too. He can't quite control it, so he doesn't get lots of sleep." I explain. "He's not dangerous unless we're his enemies."
"Ahh, I see." 

Warren nodded as he spoke. 

"I'm Warren. I have a stand too. Oh, my dog here is missile. Nice to meet you!" 

Warren smiled at the man and stuck out his hand. 
"Oh." Was what he replied, shaking the boys hand, before reaching into his pocket and inserting eyedrops into his eyes. "Poor thing...Its life flashes along at the speed of light...Anyways, I assume you both have....the power?" 

He asked. He was definitely weird, but from how he spoke it seemed he didn't mean to be. 
"Yeah, I have one too!" 

Warren summoned his stand. The bear produced a sword made out of pure fire from the top of its pompadour. Warren swong it around a bit. 

"The flames don't hurt me. But they hurt other people. It can do other stuff too, but that's the most fun." 

Warren made the sword fade away by balling his hand into a fist. 

"I call him September 21st. What about yours?"
"I...don't wanna talk about it, just know that its called 'What A Beautiful World' or WBW for short." He spoke, obviously uncomfortable. He looked around for a moment or so, before turning. "We need to leave, staying in one place for long gives a higher chance of death." And with that, he was off, walking to a random direction in search for a new place to go. 
Warren was... A bit shaken over what just happened. 

"Uhh... Hey Jani, what did he mean by death? Like... Should we follow him? He seems a bit... Shady... If you catch my drift...."
"He said that he doesn't like to stay in one place, lest some freak accident happen. He's not 100% right in the head, but he's a strong ally." I lean in closer to you. "We'll need them. There's supposedly a rogue Stand user somewhere in this town. There've been reports of a small, goblin-like creature darting around causing havoc." I whisper. 
Johnny continued regardless of who followed, looking left and right before entering a dark alleyway. To most that'd be a huge no, but he went to it like he didn't care. 
"Let's let him be for now. He'll come back. In the meantime, I'm gonna research the Stand incidents." I say, pulling my phone out. "I have a car, so we'll be able to get all around town. Once we beat this guy, we'll put the town under our protection and start to get the rest of the area safe as well before heading out and taking on other Factions." I go through my plan, thought out over months.
Warren peered over Jani's shoulder to look at his phone. 

"Oh... My friends have been talking about that..." 

Warren rubbed his chin in thought. 

"The rumors say he's been spotted by the coffee shop, all the way down north, but they could be wrong. They are rumors after all."
"They could also be right. Let's check it out." I say.

"Johnny! Let's go get started on taking down this Stand!" I call out.
"Already ahead of you." Shouted a voice in the alleyway. Somehow he had heard your conversation, and was now already sprinting to the coffee shop.

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