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sorrow made you

from the bottom of the dark, dark sea
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Please wait for further instructions before posting. Currently setting up.


The Autumn air hit San Circa like a gentle wave washing along soft sandy beaches. For the passed six months since the two Hell's Gates had been found by few members of the Dark Chapter, the city had been relatively quiet. Daemon activity had gone back to it's per usual, and nothing seemed too out or the ordinary. The occasional mysteries did pop up, but nothing that seemed to spark suspicion that daemons were at the bottom of it. Lessons continued regularly, often led by Father Martin. Lady Gloria Amaryllis has seemingly taken up a few apprentices under her wing, but who knows how long they would be able to endure her intense physical and mental training. The library seemed busier than normal, with new frequent occupants. Some of the higher hidden away rooms within the Cathedral had been transformed into a kind of workshop with several tables and benches for the new influx of alchemist Domare and for the massive amount of inventions that fancied Mister Saito Gensai's imagination.

However, none of the events that had happened six months ago were forgotten. Abel Lazuli would forever be reminded of the incident as he struggled to walk. Skye would also, finding not even two days later his good friend, Sebastian, was surprisingly transferred elsewhere. Amaryllis would feel her suspicions of Father Martin Albrecht grow since his mysterious departure and return only four months ago from the current date. No one had forgotten. Even more, there have been some that became obsessed over the idea, and driven mad by the idleness of the situation.

Chapter 1: What's Mine Is Yours

Just outside the city of San Circa, a figure sat on the hill, looking down to the city, watching the last of the activity before the sun went down and the citizen curfew went up. Soon the bells would ring, signaling for everyone to go back home for the evening and wait out the night. The figure closed his eyes and let out a cool sigh. He seemed distraught, the way he wrapped his arms around his knees.

Another figure came onto the scene, standing beside the tree that the other sat under. "Have you been waiting long?" He asked the male sitting on the ground. "Sorry, I got you something to compensate."

The sitting male didn't look up at the other. He already knew whose black leather boots and black jeans those were. "Whatever it is, I don't want it." He said flatly, not moving from his position. "Unless you have my things, then don't bother."

"Don't be like that, my friend!" The second male exclaimed and reached down to secure himself while he sat down. He had a box in his other hand. Opening it up, he revealed some pastries. "They're called Danishes. I don't think they know what a Dane is, but the name held it's place over time. Why don't you try one?"

"I don't want it."

"Come on, don't be like that!"

"You told me that you had everything under control. You said that you were searching for them. Now why is it several months later, I have set to see a single one? Are you lying to me, friend?" Slowly the first man moved, eyes with dark rings under them narrowed on the other dark haired man. He couldn't see the other's eyes behind the blue-stained sunglasses.

"You worry too much! Patience is a virtue, you know."


"In due time, you'll have your things. But don't worry. I've got some good news for you. I know where they are~"

The first male blinked in confusion. "You do? And you have yet to retrieve them?"

"Annnnd here comes the bad news. The humans have them."

Again the male's eyes narrowed like daggers. "Do not jest--"

"Don't rush to conclusions! The humans do have them, but... I thought it would be interesting to see how long they would last. You know very well what will happen to them." A sinister grin stretched across the second male's face, He tipped down his blue-tinted sunglasses to look at the other male. "It's only a matter of time they'll fall back into your hands. So for now, let's just sit back and watch."

"I hate you."

"I love you too, Virgie."

"Don't call me that."

With a huff, the second male extended his hand outward and gripped the grass to help pull himself up to stand. He began to pat himself down, brushing away any stray grass that may have stuck to him. "I have a friend to catch up with before their story unfolds. But let's make a bet, shall we?"

"You know bets have no effect on me."

"You're no fun at all!"

"What are the terms?"

"Hooooh? Curiosity getting the better of you? The terms are, we watch them. We watch to see who may be able to hold out the longest, and who may crack first. The former may be granted special treatment, while the latter... well, we could just toss into the fodder to present to the Presidents."

"What's the catch?" The first man asked, raising a brow.

"Do not interfere with them. They must succeed and fail on their own." The sly grin began to fall upon the man's face again.

"We both know you won't follow your own rule. One wo bends truths."

"Just because I abide by a rule doesn't mean that I can't find a way to creatively bypass it."

"You are such a fool."

Please wait to post until further notice. Mission objectives will come next.
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Hello hello, all! Congratulations! You've made it to the opening of the thread! Now before I cut to the chase, let me explain what this post is about. Just like I mentioned in the previous message, I will be giving people missions and goals to achieve by the end of each event. Events will be called Chapters (like chapters in a book). I'm not going to give exact details, because that's for you guys to fill in. I'm giving you guys liberties to do things, and it'll lead into triggering events and information. So just have fun with it and don't rush.

Now, I had you all pick numbers. Here's the reason why: each number is connected with an event that will happen to your character. This is loosely your starting point. Feel free to talk to others and plot with them on how to proceed with what I provide you. The results follow as such:

Abel, Eden, Ange, Saverio and Nozomi will all find a black and purple marble. It is the size of a large marble, but nothing seems too off about it... except for the fact that when they hold it in their hand, it starts to feel more previous. For some reason, it becomes more desirable to them. Think something akin to The One Ring from the Hobbit/Lord of the Ring series (My preeeeeciooooous!). For some reason, they feel the need to keep it hidden from everyone else, and to keep it for themselves. Your goal for this chapter is to find the marble and start developing that feeling of wanting to keep it close.

Roksanna, Orlando and Sisceal get to have an easy evening. They are assigned to stay back at the church. It is up to you guys to decide what they ultimately do, but it is a good time to segue into gaining information. Remember, there are many NPCs at the church in which they can interact with. They are allowed to leave the church if need be, but otherwise try to keep them around the cathedral.

Larkin, Parthenia, Alois, Iris, Skye, Nubes and Lara are the lucky ones! They get to go out on a daemon hunt! Now, this is an average daemon hunt-- so no greater daemons seem to be in the area. They're low level, allowing a chance to show off skills as well as teach the newbies how to hunt efficiently. Live dummies, if you will. Don't worry, these are small fry daemons all throughout the city. Just so you know, there's none around the cathedral. They're all along the city streets. There should be no civilians outside, so the streets are all yours. Exploring places and keeping count of how many daemon you cut down may be beneficial.

Those that find the marbles are welcome to join either groups for interaction. The marbles are not all in the same spot. Rather, they're all throughout the city. So far, there's only 5, and only the five stated can find them.

Franklin has been missing  for a few months. Only two months ago did he return. To everyone that knows him, they have found he is completely different than how he used to be. Or at least... kind of. Franklin has the chance to interact with fellow people hanging out at the church, but ultimately, he needs to venture off on his own where no one will follow him. He will have a surprise waiting for him.

You may now post. 8D


[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Ange Vatiline[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Location: Alchemy 'lounge' > Church entryway [/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Mood: Moth-eaten[/COLOR]





The creaking of a wooden door closing the next room over, caused a pair of glass beakers to quiver, knocking softly against one another on the long wooden table. A pair of auburn brown eyes, boxed in by a set of crude metal framed glasses, shifted over to watch the lit burner beside the beakers. A cylinder of glass, filled with a sample of water from the well, was introduced to the flame but only long enough to bring the small bit of water to a boil. Carefully, Ange walked it over to the far end of the table.

 There sat a pile of, what appeared to be, a random pile of dirt. It was in fact, a pile of carefully calculated ingredients; copper, nickel, niobium, vanadium, chromium, calcium, zinc. Dumping the water into the mix, followed by a few drops of sulfur, he was ready to start. Peeling off the set of gloves, Ange pulled out a coin with the image of a raven etched upon the face of one side. Picking up a sheet of aged paper, he spoke the words scribbled upon it. Standing over the pile of elements, rubbing his thumb and forefinger over the two faced coin.

"Les portes du ciel sont ouvertes;
Les portes de la terre sont ouvertes;
La route de la mer est ouvert;
La route des fleuves est ouvert;
Mon esprit a été entendu par tous les dieux et les génies;
Mon esprit a été entendu par l’ésprit du ciel;
Mon esprit a été entendu par l’ésprit de la terre;
Mon esprit a été entendu par l’ésprit de la mer;
Mon esprit a été entendu par l’ésprit des fleuves."

Setting down the sheet of paper, he reached a hand over the pile. Tingling and warmth danced over the palm of his exposed hand. The sensation built, to the point of growing painful. The pile of ingredients began to morph, fusing together, as a ball of light engulfed it. The heat continued to rise, like holding one's hand over an open flame. With a grunt of pain, Ange drew his hand back, flexing it to quickly dissipate the discomfort.

 The light dancing around the object continued on for only a few seconds more, before it faded away, leaving a steaming rectangle of metal, where the pile of ingredients had sat moments before. Ange took a moment to inspect his hand, only finding it burned to the equivalent of a sun burn. Pulling back on his gloves and pocketing the coin, he was quick to inspect his work. Even with the thick leather of his gloves, he could feel heat radiating off the freshly forged object; like that of a pie just pulled from the oven. Inspecting the hinge of the box, he appeared rather pleased with his handy work. Measuring only seven by four inches, it was a bit smaller than he had envisioned it but the thickness of the metal was also greater than he had anticipated.

The first attempt successful, he was eager to repeat the cast but this time aim to craft a spear or a weapon that could be tested in the field. Something, to be used in combat. Moving to the shelves, he shifted a few small bottles, no copper in sight. Moving to his own box of goods, he opened it and found nothing but specks of copper in the bottle labeled for such. Looking to the clock, he saw it was just after curfew meaning there would be no copper this night.

Disappointment brought him back down to reality and along with it, his empty stomach. Seeing a bowl of grits that was likely hours past its prime, Ange scooped it up and moved over to a still clean section of the cluttered table. Pulling out a journal wrapped in worn black leather from a deep pocket, he plucked a quill from a waiting bottle of black ink. Flipping through to a still clean sheet of paper, he took a bite of his meal. Being it his personal journal, he shared openly about what was on his mind as he ate.  

It has now been, two months since my reassignment to San Circa. The changing of the seasons has finally started. I fear I am growing fat and lazy, as the weeks of nothingness keeps on.  While I grasp the implications surrounding the two gates being present in this city, I still find little need for my presence here. My research has carried on uninterrupted, more or less. Though, I can't help but feel I was sent here as some form punishment. Despite the Dark Chapter's interest in taking the benefits from my work, they seem rather concerned with putting unspoken limitations upon it. Still, I stay steadfast on in my mission. I keep hoping I will find something useful in the library here; but thus far my hours of searching have produced nothing of use.

 Alchemy, seeking out the secrets that nature holds. Examining and experimenting, in hopes of unlocking the answers to our questions. Some look upon my work as unholy. Seeking to bend the laws of nature to my will. I do not see it that way. Is it not strengthening my connection to God? Perhaps, I am simply a damned man playing in the filth of the dark magic, a dog of war,  for those still able to fight the holy fight.

Still, man has fallen before. We are so easily corrupted. The Vatican is men doing God's bidding, after all. Who are they to judge the means? It begs to reason, any of us can be pulled astray. Maybe we are all already lost, stumbling in the darkness.  Only time will tell.

In the mean time, I have more copper to acquire. Who needs a blacksmith, when you have an Alchemist?

Closing up the journal, it was quickly tucked back into a deep pocket, inside his coat. The jacket itself was well worn, being the same one he acquired when first joining the Dark Chapter. It fit him well, so he saw little need for an upgrade. Plus, it kept the warmth in, which was a plus on chilled fall nights.

Looking to the clock, he sighed and climbed to his feet. It was about that time, that patrols would be heading out. He was not scheduled to go out but Ange had a burning desire to stretch his legs. It beat another night lost in the chapters of books in the library. Taking a few moments to restock his kit, the best he could, Ange shoveled a few sticks of chalk into a small velvet bag, locked up the kit and headed out. Descending the flight of stairs two at a time, he came down into the Cathedral, heading for the main doorway. Then he planted himself right next to the doorway, kit hanging from a strap slung over his shoulder. Here he was certain to run across someone leaving for night rounds.
Saverio Pascarella

~Tempesta Regimen~

Saverio had grown restless in the past six months; no real challenge from the daemons makes for dull nightly watches. Even though Saverio at first dreaded the thought of a promotion to Regiman, he at least thought it would prove to give him a new outing for his skills. However, it has only proven to make him another beacon for younger members that need to train. Not that Saverio saw that as a necessarily bad thing, just not what he wanted to spend his time on. It has just been far too boring for this Tempesta, whose keep eyes and quick reflexes got him this far.

However, the boring did leave room for many bakery trips. So much so that Saverio was considered not just a regular, but The Regular of most of the bakeries of San Cira. Truly the only thing that kept Saverio from gaining weight was his vigorous training. That feeling of making each of his tools of trade into a figurative part of his body. Upgrading to a stronger bow for more "Ompf" and farther range. Though that meant even more training to get use to that bow. To the dismay of the locals, Saverio didn't slack behind on his mobility exercises at all. Resulting in several scared civilians thinking that there were daemons running around on their roofs. Though Saverio had a gut feeling things were about to speed up again. Or that could be one too many sweets. Who knows?

As per usual, Saverio had taken a nap before the nightly patrol. Upon awakening he left his quarters and went to the Church kitchen to grab the last of the sweets. While doing so he remembered that a few times in the past six months that he had the feeling of being watched; and even fewer times had someone taken the last sweet before him. Scandalous! Who else would time it perfect to get the last cupcake or sweet-roll? A sneak theif, at least that's what Saverio thought. Upon entering the kitchen Saverio made a B-line to the plate with the last sweet-roll of the day and snatched it up before returning to his room.

Munching the sweet-roll away, Saverio swapped out of his exercise and training clothing. Taking an extra moment, Saverio stuffed what was left of the sweet-roll in his mouth before cleaning off his hands. Unbeknown to him, he had forgot to fully close his door. However, that isn't important. Soon the Tempesta was fully clothed and ready for the night in his Dark Chapter overcoat concealing his revolvers, throwing knifes, and other daemon party gifts. Lastly, Saverio pulled his quiver full of arrows and bow over his chest for easy movement. With one final check Saverio nodded to himself without knowing what was in tale for him tonight.

So with sweet-roll in belly, Saverio headed out from the Church. With a deep breath and scan of the area, he went south. Why south? It seemed the least quiet/still to him. Plus the southern part of San Cira is where he terrorized went the least with his parkour training. So he could bear to be more familiar with that part of town.

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Abel Lazuli

Abel was busy writing down notes in one of his notebooks, as he flipped between different page in a Runic tome. He was finding great and useful information, but it wasn’t the information he was looking for.  He rubbed his tired eyes “alright, I think it is time for a break.”  That is when from the corner of his room he hears rumbling. Abel knew that it was his cats making the noise and rumbling in his room. He wheeled himself to the corner of the room and saw serene and chaos play fighting. He spoke in a very soft coo voice, “What are you two doing?” they stopped what they were dong and let out meows. They looked up at Abel and jump up onto his lap.

He starts to speak to them in his usual soft, smooth, warm voice “Guys, still haven’t found the right magic to help with the project Skye and I have been working on.” As of late, Abel had two things he was desperately trying to find answers for. The first thing is finding the right type of magic that will help him be able to walk again and the other was any information about the demon that took his leg. He looked at the 2 stacks of books on his desk and let out a tired sigh. “I think I need to step away from studying for a while.”  He wheeled himself over to grab a satchel to carry his equipment in. Abel then made his exit out of his room. The two cats jump off his lap and began to trail behind him.  

Considering how late it was Abel knew the patrol team would be moving out soon. That was something Abel did miss, ever since he lost his leg, he hasn’t been in the field and doesn’t even know if he is even on a team anymore. He slowly feels himself fading more into the background of the dark Chapter, more than usual.  Abel looked back at Chaos and serene “what do you guy think? Should we take a night walk?” Abel knew if any of the nurses found out he was out in the city during night, he would get a very harsh scolding.  For now, he just wanted to see who was out and about in the church.  That’s when he saw Ange. Abel wheeled himself over to the man and greeted him politely.  “Hello Mr. Vatilline, how are you doing tonight?”

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“Out, out! Last thing anyone needs here is you disturbing the peace.” An elderly nurse scolded harshly as she kicked Sisceal out of the infirmary.  The man had been a thorn in her side one to many times of late and finally managed to get on her last nerve by distracting several other nurses.

“No need to be so harsh, I was only saying hello to some of my favorite patients, making sure there’s no trouble.” He winked to the beautiful young doll watching through the corner of her eye. Her cheeks flushed red as a giggle escaped and she turned to blow him a kiss.

“Don’t you have anything better to do?” The woman snapped. Shutting the door even further to block his view of the room entirely.

“Weeeeell I did, but…” After a moment of pause he wisely chose to bite his tongue on the matter before being in the infirmary became a necessity. “No assignments for me at the moment or late night training sessions planned yet, not really any plans to go out into town either. I’m a completely free man at the moment.” He rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet, trying to get a peek behind her if possible.

“Then go be a free man elsewhere. You’re not allowed back here unless you’re either dying or seriously injured, understand?” Her icy glare sent shivers down his spine. He'd rather face the fiercest of beasts before this woman's wrath.

 Sisceal barely got a chance to inhale for his apology before the door was slammed on his face. So much for that endeavor, now he was going to actually have to do something with himself. Defeated sigh echoing off the cold stone walls he chose to head towards the library. If no simpleminded fun was to be had tonight then best make himself more useful and brush up on the most recently recorded findings on the daemon and umbra. Perhaps simply find a good book to get lost in for the night. Certainly better than lazing around like usual on nights like these and growing too soft. Particularly for someone of his age...God he was getting so old. Letting out another sigh he took a swig from his favorite little flask and quickened his pace.


Skye had had a busy few months, and it didn't seem like that would come to change for a long while. Switching fields wasn't easy, not even if you were good at said field before, and he refused to let his physical state fall while his Exorcismo skills rose. Combined with his expected (but hard fought-for) promotion to Regimen and the quest for Abel's ability to walk he'd certainly gotten himself into a lot of work. Still, as was a well-known trait of the man, he didn't seem any less kind nor happy for that matter... but maybe just a little bit more tired. A few people at least had found him asleep somewhere unusual as of late, especially the library.

The same library he'd been in just an hour ago before he had gone to the barracks to get into his gear. He'd been there well before the rest of his team and Gideon, knowing that with his hand it took a little longer; he refused to have a subordinate strap him in. It wouldn't exactly be a promising sign if their second Regimen couldn't even get his own armour on. Today however his hand seemed to have had quite enough, and no matter how much he tried to get the tingles out he couldn't.

"Damn this cold..." At least it was a well known problem: whenever it got frigid the muscles in his wrist would occasionally tense up in such a manner bloodflow to the rest of his hand was strained. Combined with having trouble bending his wrist this meant he could practically write off his hand on days like those. Sometimes rubbing heating balm on it helped, but that was a 50-50 thing at most and only temporary until it got cold again. All in all it meant that at that exact point in time he couldn't even tie his shoelaces, much less the few loose straps of leather left on his armour that had to be entwined. So now he was just left waiting on whomever was first to come through that door, and he knew practically for sure it wasn't going to be Gideon. 

@T A K E N O B U @Anyone else who wants to
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Iris Sescelsia

location: in front of the Church

[SIZE= 16px]mood: Excited[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]tags: @Manic Muse[/SIZE]

San Circa has returned to her original state, after all the ruckus created by the sudden finding of two Hells Gate months ago. Relatively quiet and relatively safe, nothing big in particular has happened and Iris wished that it would stay that way.  Today, tonight, she is tasked with an important task... Patrolling! Daemon hunting! Purifying and eliminating them before they could do harm! She could use some break from all the paperwork, it's always nice to be active out in the field. She knew that she's not the only one assigned for tonight's patrol duty, but she doesn't exactly know who... Anyone is fine! As long as she had someone to work with. Teamwork is always great... Especially when you are one who specialized in support and defense. It doesn't mean that Iris doesn't know offensive skills, of course. It's just... It's always nice to be able to help and cover for someone.

She glanced at the wall clock and quickly finished her afternoon snack, cleans it up and head to her room to grab her crosier and thigh pack. She stopped by the supply room to grab a few bottle of holy water since she's out of it. And soon she found herself walking out of the Church entrance and look around, trying to see whether there is someone who also heading out for patrol. A shaggy-haired man easily caught her attention, just standing next to the doorway. He's new here, isn't he? The man who just recently reassigned here... His name is... Angel? Ange? Iris' not so sure, but she still approached the man.

"Hello!" She greeted with a cheerful introduction, accompanied with a warm smile. "By chance, are you also assigned for tonight's patrol?"
Alois cleaned off the slight sheen of sweat on brow with a handkerchief, a loud clank of his blade slamming back into his sheath signaling the end of his training session for the day. He let out a sigh as he fixed his collar and patting off his long coat, looking over at the clock adorned on the northern wall of the hexagonal hall, knowing that he needed to hurry up if he were to make it on time. His form was lacking today, having missed a few blade strokes during the steps, but he was satisfied with the new technique he had been practicing. It was something he picked up from a lazy-eyed captain. Like that man was, the movement was simple and unassuming, but deadly nonetheless. Ever since their encounter when he arrived to San Circa from the capitol, he couldn't escape those two Regimens and their crazed plans. Though, really, it was that trigger-happy woman who had been pulling the strings and Alois and Gideon was dragged along like puppets.

"Wretched man. Couldn't even be bothered to stop napping for a few minutes to help me..." he muttered, pushing the door open, "If I'm to teach myself... what's the point of even arranging lessons?"

He made it through the cathedral with a single-minded approach, heading to the grand doorway and ignoring anything else that might present itself around him. Things have been stable these past few months anyway, what was the point of wasting energy on awareness here? Soft humming of the clergy preparing rituals for the last glimpses daylight filled the hallways the closer he came to the front of the vast ornate structure. He only stopped briefly to pay respect at a distance to the altar at the center of the ceremonial room where the nightly mass was being held, kneeling on one leg and whispering a light prayer to God to watch over them on the patrols being sent out tonight. He didn't exactly believe as firmly to the religion as others, but he cannot deny the strength of faith. He blessed the fact that he hasn't had an emotional 'rapture' so far since his arrival, thanking his tested willpower for lasting so long. 

When Alois arrived, he didn't even make an effort to speak with anyone, standing against the other end of the hall and folding his arms. Not that there were many to speak with anyways. It would look like he was early despite extending his training today, seeing only two others there. But one of them wasn't on the list he glanced earlier. A relatively new face to the Cathedral. Looked like Iris was already greeting him. He was glad, it saved him the awkwardness of obviously trying to avoid being social.

He lowered the hood and leaned back, intending to savor the silence. 
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Ange Vatiline

Location: Inside Cathedral Entrance

Mentioned: @RyuShura @Tobi Naefaerne



Ange's strategic position was not making much of an impression, at least that was the message he received. A guy with shaggier hair than his own went rushing past, right out the doors. With a grunt of disapproval, Ange pushed off the wall he had been leaning against, giving shrug of his shoulders at clanking of the heavy doors swinging shut. Hearing a distinctive set of wheels roll up from behind, Ange looked back to see a face well known around San Circa. Sadly, Abel had become a cautionary tale for all those that arrived for assignment after him. A living testament to the dangers, of daemons and the Hell's Gates.

 “Hello Mr. Vatilline, how are you doing tonight?”

"Oh, hey Brother Lazuli. Boredom is getting the best of me. I -," he stopped the statement short, looking down to where Abel's leg should have been. A twinge of guilt smacked him as he gave a chuckle and shoved his hands into his coat pockets. "I figured I would hang out here and see if I could find someone to pester. If I spend another hour in the library, I fear I may go mad. How about you? How you holding up? Have they found a solution to get you up?"

Frowning a bit, he suddenly wondered if Abel was touchy on the subject. Many people seemed to be, when it came to injuries of that nature. Ange's scar was normally the first thing people noticed about him. Which meant, there was little need to hide or side step the subject, when it came to his own imperfection. Luckily, the awkwardness did not last long.

A cheerful voice filled the air, "Hello! By chance, are you also assigned for tonight's patrol?"

"Sister Sescelisa?  I hope I got that right. I can be bad with names. I was not scheduled but still was hoping for some fresh air."

Ange shifted his bag from one shoulder to the other before taking a step back, as to include her in the conversational space. Focused on those in front of him, Ange had not noticed someone slip in, while they talked. Considering the silent arrival did not chime in on the conversation, Ange did not bother to concern himself with it.
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Nozomi Sorren

Since the discovery of the Hell Gate, for the most part things had seemed to calm down. Nozomi had keep the incident in the back of her mind, never letting it slip from her thoughts and memory. She never knew when the day where that information would be relevant, so even if there wasn't anything to do about it at the time, she made sure to keep herself ready just in case. That meant making sure to keep up on any research about umbra and daemon-related activities, as well as continuing to polish her own Ensis skills. She was promoted to a Sacerdos for a reason, not that the prestige of the title meant all that much to her aside from tell her that she was actually of some use to the Dark Chapter. That was all she cared about, and that was why she kept the Hell Gate in mind.


The sight of the gate weighed heavy on her mind. Who would have thought that there would be one (and later on, she'd hear of the discovery of a second one) gate to Hell right in San Circa? If they weren't able to contain it, all the people in the city might not be able to defend themselves, and that wasn't something that Nozomi, as a Dark Chapter member, would allow to happen. It was her job to take care of any daemon threat and ensure that the Chapter could do it's job. Personally, she would have liked to destroy it that night, but Gideon had stopped her, and despite the fact that she outranked him, for some reason he always seemed to have an effect on her where she'd just listen and obey. It was like some kind of spell, one that she didn't know that she was under.


Speaking of Gideon, it was a complete surprise to have met him that night. It had been years since they had seen each other. Before she was even an indocto, he was the one that was taking care of her while her parents were off on official Chapter business, and his own skills were a big part of why she had chosen to become and Ensis. Because of this, he was the only person to see the Nozomi behind the emotionless walls she always had up. Not even her parents had seen that side of her, but they were understanding of her situation. So it really was a shock to her system to see him again. Old feelings that hadn't been around since they had last parted had come to the surface again, completely shaking all the walls she had up. Because, as she knew, he was the only one who could get behind them, and without trying at that.


On this day, Nozomi had been traversing the areas that the Hell gates had been seen in, not finding anything new that she could tell. She had modified her rounds to make sure that she passed by these areas on purpose, just for the sole purpose of keeping an eye on anything... new. She was sure she'd hear any reports of activity from the Chapter, but she liked to keep an eye on things herself as well. Plus, having a little extra security wouldn't hurt, really. But, like every day so far, there was nothing, and this meant that she needed to head back to the barracks, to either do more reading or to do some practicing. She had been feeling kind of rusty the last few days, so she felt the need to polish herself back up again. So, to the barracks she was headed, turning on her heel to head toward her destination. 

The walk took a good fifteen to twenty minutes from street to cathedral, as Gideon and herself had actually run quite a ways when he had led them both to the gate that the Father had found. It didn't seem like she had followed Gideon for that long, but they were in a hurry and everything was a blur, especially since her emotions were still slightly out of whack from having met him again. And plus, she wasn't in any particular hurry to go back to the barracks anyways. She didn't currently have any missions she needed to go on, besides the normal rounds that everyone had to do, but hers had just ended and she had the rest of the evening to herself. Because of this, Nozomi felt that a nice brisk walk would do instead.

The cathedral above the barracks was buzzing with activity, with Dark Chapter members of all ranks going about their business. Night was falling so those who had their rounds tonight were preparing to do so. Others were content with their studies or research, some discussing current events with others. She even passed by a man content with slouching near the doorway, doing nothing but thinking. Perhaps he, like herself, was not scheduled for rounds tonight and was still deciding what to do with his time. He seemed not the type for sleep at the moment. Ah well, it was of no concern of hers. What was, was reaching the barracks to discard everything but the clothes underneath her Chapter cloak and her spear, and prepare herself for a training session. 


Another few minutes and Nozomi had reached the barracks. Navigating her way around the cathedral and it's many floors and rooms and hallways used to be confusing, but Nozomi was as familiar with the layout as she was with holding her spear, or sensing umbra. The door was slightly cracked open, and upon going through it she was greeting with the sight of Skye attempting and failing to put on his armor. The sight caught her attention, and she brought her gaze toward the struggling exorcismo. She had heard recently that he had switched fields, a thought which surprised her. Personally, she could never imagine being anything but an Ensis. "Do you need help?" she asked, stepping toward him a bit. It looked like he could use the help, because the way he was going at it, he was never going to get anywhere. Her gaze on him held little emotion, but it was not unkind, nor was the tone of her voice. Nozomi was, after all, never one to decline an opportunity to help a fellow Chapter member.


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 Gideon Ward


A couple whirls resounded from a needle-thin blade as Gideon expertly spun it this way and that, rolling his wrist and then tossing the blade up by the hilt and catching it with the hand that had been tucked behind his back. He extended his arm and pointed the tip of the blade at the poor indocto that had asked for some pointers. Earlier that day when the sun way still fresh, Gideon had been asked to teach a course in Ensis 101. Despite not being the best at explaining at times, he was a relatively good mentor in a roundabout way.

"Get my point?" He asked, lazy grin meeting his equally lazy face. He gave a small chuckle before twirling his sword around and sliding it back into it's sheath. "Be more relaxed. You're far too stiff. And just like a brick wall..." He extended his hand to the lad to help him up. "you'll fall easily."

The bells began to ring, signifying the end of the day and the beginning of curfew. Gideon glanced up at the tall cathedral bell tower, watching as birds, small to the eye, flew away into the distance. "Ahhh, that time again? I swear it feels like it's only been a few hours!" The indocto shook his head at Gideon. Even he knew of the Regimen's routines.

"That's because you fell asleep under a tree for most of the day after lessons."

"No way! Was I asleep that long?" A silly frown covered Gideon's face as he pointed at himself, warranting the indocto to nod in response. "Oh man... Father Martin is going to be upset about that." He rubbed the back of his head, releasing a small chuckle. "Well, it's about time to head inside. The teams should be preparing to dispatch." With that, Gideon ushered the new recruit inside the cathedral. Surely Martin or Amaryllis would have him do something useful. If they weren't getting on-field experience, they were practicing how to make massive amounts of equipment. Or cooking. The kitchen always seemed to be short a few sets of hands, but had more when it was time to eat. Taking a deep breath, Gideon started to follow the lad up the steps of the front doors when a faint chime met his ears. It was soft, like a gentle breeze. Beautifully enchanting in sound. Serene and pleasant. Gideon's reaction, however, betrayed this. Eyes widened and he turned to look behind him. Honeyed eyes scanned around the encroaching darkness. A hand instinctively went to touch the guard of his blade. He lingered for a few seconds longer before he eased out of his caution and turned ahead again. His ears must have been playing tricks on him. He let out a breath and allowed his smile to return to his face.

Upon entering the cathedral, he was met with more faces than he anticipated. Vatiline had been greeted by Sister Iris and Brother Abel. A hooded figure stood at the other side, and the Regimen could only assume it was one of few antisocial grumps around his stature. Skye, Nozomi and Parthenia hadn't arrived yet. There were still the other newer faces to be seen as well. Passing by Ange, Abel and Iris, Gideon gave them a smile and a salute. He made a B-line toward the hooded figure. Crossing his arms, he leaned against the same wall beside the figure. "Don't tell me you're being a grumpy goose now."

It wasn't long before a young nun made her way over to Gideon and Alois. She bowed her head to Alois and gave a small curtsy to Gideon as she bowed her head. "Brother Ward, Brother Pascarella has already left to scope out his section." Most likely, she was a scout to help the teams map out their areas.

"We should probably start grouping fast then, before it gets too dark and he's out on his own." A hand reached out to place on Alois' head, rubbing it much like a big brother would do. "Were you assigned a team yet? I heard we've got a few greenhorns this shift. Let's try to not abuse them too much, hm?"

Abel Lazuli 


Abel gave Ange a pleasant smile and a small nod acknowledging his greeting. He quickly remembers the details he has on Ange from memory. Ange has only recently been assigned to San circa. Also from the information Abel has gathered he is a very impressive Domare but his research into alchemy has caused alarm in certain Vatican circles. Still Abel made sure to note the man did seem to have good intentions and was relatively a good person. Abel was not in any position to judge and he didn’t want to judge Ange.

Abel picked up on the pause and eye movement of Ange response to his question. “We are in the same boat, then, brother. I took a break from note taking because of fatigue. I need to clear my head and these trouble makers were getting restless.” Pointing to his two cats behind him. Sister Sescelia joined the conversation at that moment and asked if Ange would be going on patrol. Abel knew that he wouldn’t be asked the same question so he politely and patiently waited for Brother Vatiline to reply.

Once he did, he greets Iris with a warm welcome. “Hello sister Iris, it's good to see you in such high spirits. I’m sure that will help you and your team have a very successful night.” Abel then gave her a big thumb’s up. “I was just telling brother Ange that I also need some fresh air from note-taking. Also I believe Skye commented he was on patrol duty tonight? That means you’ll be out with him tonight.” Abel purposely avoided answering Ange question about research into his leg situation. He didn’t want to admit that he had hit a brick-wall in his studies. Still, he was glad to have some company and someone to talk to tonight.  He needed some social interaction after reading and annotating 7 books from the library. Speaking of which he needs to remember to return the books he was finished with back to the library tomorrow. He fidgeted with the ring on his finger that had the lapis lazuli game stone on it, a gift from his adopted parent after the accident. He wondered if Brother Vatiline would mind accompanying him on a night stroll. if he was with someone then, maybe there will be less of a fuss by the nurses.

 @Manic Muse @too much idea
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Skye'd been right in his feeling apparently, considering that it was Nozomi and not Gideon walking in. He hadn't really met the girl before one on one, but she didn't seem that bad. Looking up and smiling at her in his usual friendly manner, perhaps slightly embarrassed to have been found not being able to put on his own armour, but not as bad as one would expect.

"Ehm, yes actually. You see I've been uh... disarmed..." Shit, I'm becoming like him. Welp, at least he should commit to the joke, holding up his pretty much limp hand and flopping it around a bit for good measures while giving an awfully awkward grin. "Or something of the sort... more like flophanded actually. Anyhow, could you ehm... tie a few strings up for me? It'd be appreciated." Without giving himself the chance to make this already not great thing truly awkward he just pointed out the loose strings and hoped that this wouldn't make future encounters with her any more awkward.

Not much later he'd made his way into the cathedral's main hall. The first thing he noticed was a familiar face taunting an oddly tall one off to the side; having come in through a side door because of where the barracks where, he probably hadn't been seen yet. This meant that he could somehow 'sneak' up beside them, even if metal armour in a large church hall made anything quiet practically impossible.

"Gideon, what did I tell you about touching the underlings against their will?" For a moment he put up an awfully stern face, but despite his name he didn't seem to really be able to hold it up for long, especially not against Gid. Breaking up into a smile he just gave an understanding wink to the kid beside him, who understandably looked pretty darn grumpy by now. If anything he hadn't dealt with the lazyass for years to not pick up on when he was going to bother someone with that awful sense of fun of his. 

@Lumina @T A K E N O B U @RyuShura
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Saverio Pascarella

~Tempesta Regimen~

The crisp autumn air was refreshing after Saverio's pre-patoral nap. It wasn't winter yet, but the autumn air hinted at the season to come. Saverio sighed as his sweet-tooth demanded more but every shop was closing for the night. But that shouldn't even on his list of importance. Finding a daemon to test himself on, now that was important.

So as he planned, Saverio started creeping southward, his goal the edge of San Cira. It didn't take Saverio long to switch to the high ground, taking half a minute to scale to the rooftop. His eyes searching for each imperfection before one of his hands would snake over and grab it greedily. That, coupled with his bodily strength got Saverio to where he desired to be. Now having a perfect view of his surroundings, Saverio continued south for ten minutes, relying upon his strength and dexterity to keep him from falling down to the streets whenever he went from rooftop to rooftop. It would have been far more tiring without the extra training from the past six months. Guess the boredom was good for something after all.

Even so, after getting to a mostly flat roof Saverio stopped for a short breather while he looked around. However, his visual scaning was stopped by the sight of something rather round and shiny. It was dark and Saverio almost over looked it, but his curiosity dictated that he must check it out. But that was the same curiosity that told him to try and peek into every slightly opened door in the cathedral. Lot of good that did him. So a few steps later and bending over, Saverio had a hard round object in his hand. A dark purple marble at that. As he stood up straight, Saverio inspected the marble, there wasn't anything too impressive about it. Sure it was larger than average, but average ones were rarely this dark.

As Saverio went to drop the marble something stopped him. Maybe it would make a good trinket? Show it to his Inductos that he had to train? No. Why? They wouldn't be interested anyways. For now Saverio just pocketed the marble as he waited to see another Dark Chapter member on the ground.

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Nozomi Sorren

[SIZE= 16px]Skye Stern. Nozomi knew of him. After getting a glance at his hand, it made sense why he was having issues. Personally, she'd probably hate herself if she had something like that wrong with her. Though, he seemed to be getting along fine with it, minus some difficulties it seemed. If she remembered correctly from the team assignment list, he was teamed up with Gideon. Geh. Her thoughts kept trailing back to the brown-haired man, to her dismay. It wasn't that big of a deal that they had met after so long, was it? No, of course not. Nozomi sighed as she helped Skye tie up the ends that he couldn't get, trying to not to compare his words to Gideon's. She had to focus on her own stuff at the moment. Training was why she was in the barracks in the first place.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]"There. You're all set." Nozomi stepped back after finishing her work, which really didn't take long at all. Skye hadn't missed all that much, but just enough to where it'd fall off if he didn't get it taken care of. And almost immediately after her work was done he was off running somewhere, her guess being the cathedral. It was almost time for the night rounds after all, and if he was wearing armor then it probably meant that he was preparing to go out. Nozomi turned her head to watch him go, only now noticing he hadn't even thanked her. Not that it mattered, really, but it was just a thought. Well, whatever. Now that Skye was gone, the Sacerdos could get to the reason she was really here - training. With the threat that having multiple Hell gates could possibly mean, she had to make sure that she was on top of her game. Perhaps, today she'd practice solely with her left hand. Being right-handed, she'd be in real trouble if her right hand were injured somehow. So now seemed as good a time to start perfecting fighting ambidextrously. She could do it, obviously, but there was still a distinct difference between her dominant and non-dominant hand. That difference could mean the difference between life and death one day, so Nozomi dropped off her cloak and changed into a lighter set of clothes, going toward the training room and start her practice for the night.[/SIZE]

Mention: @InsanEleven
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Alois made a face at the appearance of Gideon, though it was neither one of disdain nor happiness. And from the looks of it, the man was making his way directly towards him. His head raised slightly as if just acknowledging his superior's presence, his pale lips pursed as though already pouting in anticipation to the loss of his short-lived peace. There was no way he'd admit he actually respected the man for his skill with the blade, his stubborn pride never allowing the lazy-minded man such a satisfaction. He already had the power to boss him around as it was. He didn't move to salute Gideon, remaining unmoving against his spot alongside the wall. He used to adhere to the traditional formalities when he first arrived, but he quickly learned the personalities of the various Regimens his extended time here, he realized sometimes it was simply unnecessary. So long as he kept in mind those who valued such things, he could get away with the others without ceremonial intricacies so long as he stayed out of their way and did what he was told. 

"Well, rise and shine." he muttered, "Look who finally woke up from their nap." 

Alois let out a growl when Gideon began treating him like a little kid, stepping away from the groping hand, "I'm not a dog, so keep your affections to yourself. And even if I was, I'd sooner bite than wag my tail for the likes of you."

His dull red eyes turned towards the nun that suddenly approached the Regimen. From what he gathered from their short exchange, looks like operations were more busy and deliberated today than usual. He had to hide an emerging grin that formed from the thought of a long night's hunt, shifting his face down behind his tall gray collars. These thoughts were disturbed when he felt a presence, turning his gaze towards an armored figure that nearly snuck up on him. He immediately recognized the young blonde man, being as there were not many in the Black Chapter who still wore the olden plate-mail.

His lips formed a sneer upon hearing the comment, "And I agree with Regimen Skye. People might misunderstand and think you're some kind of pervert. Not that they don't already..."
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Iris Sescelsia

location: in front of the Church -> San Circa, heading toward the ruins of old church building.

mood: Whoopsies -> A little bit lonely & grumpy.

tags: @Manic Muse @loyalwolf

"Oh, hello there brother Abel. I am sorry that i didn't notice you before." Iris honestly feels bad about it. It's not like she's ignoring him because of... his current conditions. She changed the topic back to about the nightly patrol. "Ah, that's too bad. I was hoping to be able to find a teammate before I left but seems like luck is not on my side tonight. I had to do everything by myself! If you meet someone who's going out for a patrol, can you tell them that they can find me in the ruins of the old church building, or somewhere around there? You know, that one that got burnt out? Thanks! Enjoy your nighttime, brothers~!"

She grinned and waved at them, before starting her nighttime adventure exploring San Circa and hunting daemons.... All by herself! Yes! Oh, how awful! There's no one to talk to! The streets are empty, every shop is closed and every door is locked. Everyone is no fool after the sun sets the daemons came out from their hideout and no one wanted to be risked being attacked by one. Except for her and the brothers and sisters in Dark Chapter, maybe, but hey they are here as a keeper of peace! Purifying the daemons and stopping them before they could do harm! They are going outside at night with a truly good reason! But no one is usually stupid enough to walk out at night! Yes, some lone wolf did that which most of the time frustrates her. What if something bad happened? What if they badly injured themselves and need immediate healing? Stop acting so cool and let us help you, for God sake!

The grumpy Excorcismo walked in silence through the empty streets, making her way toward the old church that she once called home.

|| At San Circa (Front) With a crew (@T A K E N O B U @InsanEleven @RyuShura) @Manic Muse @loyalwolf(nearby) Feeling antsy --- ||

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It had been some time since Parthenia had come home to San Circa, and Lord had it been quiet. Save for the usual daemons creeping around the streets, and the ever-so-more-often-than-one-would-like instances where new recruits would do something dumb and get themselves hurt, there was a whole lot of nothing. Not even the gates had acted up, which was more a mercy than a punishment. While she enjoyed some peace and ease here and there, the spirited Tempesta could only give tips, help with training, mess with Gideon and wander around the city so many times. She was developing an itch that not even poking at Alois could scratch.

On this particular day, while the sun set and the bell called out to members of both city and chapter, Parthenia was reaching the peak of her antsiness. It could be seen in the deft speed she used to buckle her gear into place, and could be felt with every jerk made to pull cloth into position on her form. [COLOR= rgb(151, 107, 44)]"Okay Pa," she said aloud, her usual sing-song tone replaces with something still cheerful, but edged with determination. "We're going out tonight, and we're gonna rustle us up some action for sanity's sake." Once she was sure everything was in place, she hit the edge of her hat as it lay waiting on a table end, then held her hand open to catch it as it flipped and fell. As she brought it up to fit it onto her head, that broad, boyish grin found its way onto Parthenia's face with quite a bit of vigor. "I'm feelin' like I could take on a whole gang of critters!" [/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(151, 107, 44)]From her quarters in the barracks, Parthenia moseyed her way on up to the main level with a bounce in her stride, taking the steps two at a time. As she saw faces both old and new, she'd give a wave, a greeting, or even an ancient old world gesture called the "finger guns". The closer she got to the front doors the more elaborate they got, and the sight of those within the group waiting there amped her enthusiasm up to twelve. Thrusting her thumbs underneath the waist of her pants, Parthenia's next step turned on a heel, then lead into a few more steps that lead her around in a pattern similar to a square.[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(151, 107, 44)] By the end of it she came to stop next to the trio of men, one foot out and resting on a heel. [/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(151, 107, 44)]"Ev'ning, gents." She pulled one thumb free and used it to push the brim of her hat up, revealing her still present grin to them, and giving a playful wink. "Know of anyone willin' to let me tag along on a patrol tonight? I'm needing a little spice in this apple pie scenario we've been in." [/COLOR]



"Then again Allie... you'd be known as the kid Gid diddled... is that really a rumour you want to be subjected to?" Skye wasn't one to take sides that easily, and though he had defended Alois from Gid before, he would gladly do it the other way around to. At the very least he was fair in the amount of quips one'd get? If you looked over the fact that he was an indecisive turncoat. He'd been about to turn the attention away from who diddled who completely however when Parthenia intervened, making his job a lot easier.

"I have no quarrels with a Sacerdos on our side. The less Daemons Allie barehandedly tears apart tonight the less I got to fix him up later." Skye threw a bit of a knowing, but not too pleased glance towards the scar-covered man, some of those scars having gotten there in the short time he'd been in his custody. Occasionally he'd been on the brink of personally wringing him out hoping that the message'd get through, but then again the thought that Alois probably only liked that was a very effective deterrent. "After the rest has found us we'll move out, or Giddy might fall asleep again." Actually, it was a little bit unusual for Skye to be this harsh towards his teammates, even in a joking matter, but lately the study and work did seem to take a toll on him. Even if just slightly, it started to get noticeable, and now his hand was about as useful as having a brick attached to him he couldn't help but alleviate a little bit of nerves through stupid jokes.

@RyuShura @T A K E N O B U @Suzuki Mine

(bit shortish, sorry)
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Lara Rosetto

Attempting to tidy her hair into a neat ((ish)) ponytail one late time, Lara had left her room. There was honestly only so much tidying you could do with hair as curly as hers but luckily, the young girls patience was more less endless. Moving from that, she checked her uniform over, making sure it was tidy also, but more importantly, making sure she had everything with her that made her useful. Her book of prayers and hymns, her knife and other small things, Including a handful of hair ribbons she had shoved into her pockets to make sure her hair really stayed out of her way. Why was she getting all this stuff ready? Well because she was on duty for tonight for a hunt of lesser deamons, not just any hunt though, her first hunt in her newly awarded rank of milites. Of course that wasn't even a big title or damn near close to it even, but it was still an improvement for her. A step in the right direction to greater things. She had worked hard at her studies to get this far and planned to continue on to advance even further in the future. If she were nervous about her first hunt as a militias ((which she was a certain amount)) it certainly wasn't reflecting on her face at the moment. She wore her normal, calm, almost sleepy expression as she first entered the room with the others.

Passing through the cathedral where the others were, she offered a smile to them all on the way past. It was a polite smile, formal almost in how it looked. She knew that these members of the dark chapter were much higher ranks than her and naturally enough, had the uptmost respect for them so her greeting wasn't really a casual one, she didn't fell as though she fitted in enough to give a casual one.

Stepping outside the cathedral, Lara took a deep breath of the crisp, autumn air and smiled lightly. She liked this kind of weather, perfect conditions for a midnight stroll, well, if that's what she was out for in the first place, but it wasn't, she after all, had work to do this evening. She wasn't sure who she was working with for tonight's hunt, for she wasn't informed of who at all. She guessed she'd find out soon enough, starting down the streets of San Circa, her face a calm as the moonlight shining down and reflecting off the surrounding buildings as she hid the fear of failure that was gently plucking the strings of her consciousness. She began looking for both deamons and/or another member of the Dark Chapter on the evening hunt like her.

@anybodyaroundthestreets/cathedral c':

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Along the way to the great library of the Cathedral he picked up on more hustle and bustle than usual nearby. The front of the chapel possibly? Best guess was that those assigned to go out tonight must be gathering there prepping to head out or getting a good talk in beforehand. Weaving through the pews Sisceal took a quick detour to see if he could hop into the conversation a himself. See what everyone was up to and offer some good luck for the night while he had the chance to. There had to be some anxiety or excitement of some sorts with the most recent discovery of the Hell's Gate. Seeing as until further notice the library was more likely than not going to be where he passed out for a good portion of the night as well once he got lost in the archives.

Putting on his brightest of smiles he piped up in a tone as cheery as he approached. "Discussing plans of attack for tonight? Or are ya just standin around enjoying a bit O' casual banter to relax before you go out tonight? Gotta be pretty crazy out there anymore eh, at the very least a ta more nerve wracking." He stopped a short distance away as to not completely barge into their conversation. He was nosy but not rude, for the most part at least.

Ange Vatiline


Location: Inside Cathedral > Church grounds

Mood: Hopeful

@: @loyalwolf

Around: @Nona @T A K E N O B U @ MY tags stopped working...

Ange peered back over Abel's shoulder noticing the two cats that seemed to be stalking the wheelchair bound  young man. Giving a chuckle and a nod, he watched the hand-gun slinging Sister waltz by. Sister Iris was so quick to react, that she turned away and disappeared just, as Ange was raising a finger to butt in, "Well actually... Oh. Be well Sister."

With the woman departing just as quickly as she had come, Ange looked to Abel, then to the cats and gave a bit of a chuckle. "It appears my services are not needed tonight. So much for that. How about a stroll in the church courtyard? If we stay inside the gates, I doubt anyone will protest."

Walking the short distance to the door, Ange pushed it open before motioning for Abel to follow. He paused and shifted his attention to the two felines. "You two, though. No outside for you. Go make yourselves useful and hunt down those pesky mice in the kitchen or something," offering up a finger waggle with his free hand, he watched and waited to ensure they did not slip out with them into the cool night.

Once he was able to make it outside, he instantly was grateful for his coat. Granted, it was only cool now, but he knew how tricky fall weather could be. Deceivingly hot in the later afternoons and quick to drop to icy temperatures once the sun was gone for a few hours. Taking a moment to do up a button, he plunged both hands into his pockets. There his left hand found the coin that he held so dear. Idly running his fingers over the two faced coin, Ange wandered up to keep pace with Abel.

"Gonna be a cold one, tonight. Bet there will be a fine frost by morning. Ya warm enough?"
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