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/monthly_2016_08/vlcsnap-00251.png.6f542a6d931cba471b2358ad11a316c8.pngNEW FUTURE ACADEMY

New Future the cleanest state it'll be before the cycle of littering and long-awaited cleaning starts anew.


The surroundings were perfect. The pink roses in full bloom, the grass ever so green, the strange bloom effect, the soft sounds of running water...this was practically the definition of tranquility. Students had already begun moving onto the school grounds, meeting or meeting again with new or old friends. Groups had already begun forming, spending as much time as they could idling or engaging in mindless chatter.


It was 7:45 AM in this current moment. Orientation starts during 8 AM, leaving 15 minutes of free time as students wait. They may either introduce themselves to each other, grab a front-row seat in the gym, or they could simply bask in their surroundings. The choice, was completely up to the students.




(Sorry for the long wait!)


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Fae stood in the centre of the courtyard, staring around at her surroundings in child-like awe. Having spent the majority of her life to date avoiding largely metropolitan areas, the huge man-made structures of the academy were unlike anything she'd ever seen in person. She stood silently for a moment, taking everything in with a cocked head before noticing all of the students walking back and forth around her. She stiffened slightly, straightening her back and attempting to look more 'formal' or even 'human-like'. 

She knew that she had to be at orientation shortly, but decided to bask in her surroundings a little more before heading indoors. The idea of being stuck in a little room still made her feel uncomfortable so she decided to simply lean against a nearby column on the side of the building and watch the world - and some of the other students - pass her by for a short while, dreaming of what this place might offer her and trying to guess the story each student passing her by.
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Today was quite beautiful. Birds singing, flowers in full blossom, the sun sending down moderate rays of light, a gentle breeze strolling through the court yard, and all on the beginning of a new school year. There could be no better way to start the day. Yet here she was, a short girl locked up in her dorm donning on a lab coat with her pen to paper, her hands becoming a blur. An Abra clung to her back much to the affect of a backpack as she drowned the piece of lined paper in a sea of blue words and symbols. Carry the two, find the square root of ninety seven, divide by nine. Complex mathematical equations came tumbling out of pink lips, the pen jotting down her words the instant she spoke them. A five digit number was written on the last line of the page, an expression of slight confusion decorating her face. Looking up and down her previous work she gently gnawed on the back of her pen. Everything seemed to be in order, so what had been the problem? Had she done a miscalculation somewhere? If so, then what had been her mistake? It couldn't have been during the beginning so her mistake must lie somewhere in the middle or end. Haruka should have gotten a six digit number opposed to the five she received as an answer. Ebony eyes ran through the long section of complicated division before scrolling down to the imaginary numbers tidbit. As she tried searching for her error, Abra slept soundly as if lying down on a pillow of feathers. A comical snot bubble grew and decreased in size with each breath until the clock hit seven forty-five. The bubble dispersed immediately although the fox pokemon's eyes remained tightly shut. Placing a cold snout through his trainer's short raven hair and onto her neck, Haruka jumped.

"Ah, that's cold! What are you doing back their Beethoven?" she asked, holding the back of the pen in her mouth while her hand went about rubbing the area in which the Abra touched. He said nothing, instead choosing to use his fingers to communicate. Slowly, he pointed towards the clock that hung loosely on the wall parallel to her desk, a bright red "7:45"  beeping on the screen. It was nearly time for orientation, and she wasn't even ready yet! 

Shooting up from her seat, she walked towards the closet door, an old white colored frame with a few noticeable crack and hideous writing that she assumed came from the room's old residence. Opening it up, there was a line neatly pressed lab coats all in their own dry cleaning bag. A task done by her only a few days before moving back into the dorms, a feet she took pride in. Below it were a set of baggy sweaters, some knitted while other were made of cotton from differing regions. Different in every aspect except for one. They were what current hipsters would deem unfashionable compared to their cut jeans and graphic T's. She had thought about changing her wardrobe, maybe adding a fitted v-neck or something to the mix. But she could never bring herself to do it. The girl just liked sweaters could you fault her for that. Scanning through her limited options she went with a beige cotton turtle neck and a pair of baggy denim jeans. Add a lab coat onto her and there you'd have it, a perfectly shapeless Haruka. Beethoven who sat on her futon swaying back and forth as he followed Haruka's movement. The concept of clothing seemed to be a bit confusing to him. He wore a shirt once just out of curiosity and found it to be very constricting. He had advised his trainer to go nude once to no prevail. Humans were indeed a weird species. Placing on some slip on sandals, she peaked at the clock the numbers changing to "7:47". Good. Orientation didn't begin until eight o'clock, so she should be able to make it back it on time. With that, Beethoven once again returning to his home on her back, the two left, locking the door behind them. 

The weather was quite lovely. It wasn't too hot nor was it too cold, the sun doing a magnificent job at controlling the temperature. Walking along the concrete path that led through a garden of pink flowers, she took a moment to just take it all in while Beethoven got a few more Z's. Everything was perfect. Delightful even. The scenery was brilliant and lively, but she could feel her mood change as she saw one of those things. A Zangoose gijinka accompanied by a Seviper, the two seemingly at war with one another through the looks on their faces alone. It would be nice if they would just fight each other already. They were monsters to begin with, so it'd just save her the trouble of having to cure inhuman beasts like them. Haruka scowled for a split second before reverting back to her smiling face. It was too early to be angry, especially by something so insignificant. Maybe a walk around the courtyard would brighten her mood a bit. It was inevitable that she saw their kind seeing as it was a school for both humans and monsters alike, but for her own good she would make nice. They'll be gone soon enough anyway. Calming herself, she chewed on the pen she had been using earlier while readjusting the thick rimmed glasses onto her. No need to get mad. They day is just starting. Deal with them.
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The day was a beautiful one, everything and everyone was at certain peace. Well, except for Joy as her expression was a nervous one and she frantically searched around for something or someone. "Where is he? Where is he?" She whispered to herself, her short bob hair bouncing along as she walked at a fast pace, trying not to look to suspicious but was failing miserably. Her sapphire eyes looked left and right until finally she found her someone. "Bobby!" The gijinka exclaimed in a chiper tone, very relived to find her friend.

Bobby had found his way underneath a huge cherry blossom tree, his eyes close and his hand finding a place on his chest. The teenage brunette had fallen asleep a while ago, forgetting the promise he made to his Audino friend before he settled down for his little nap. "I'll meet you at your room before orientation, alright?" Bobby had said but Joy didn't seem like she was feeling any less nervous as the two stood in front of the gate. "Promise?" She has asked him and her human friend responded with a nod along with a huge grin. "Promise!"

"So much for that." Joy mumbled under her breath and cracked a small smile. She couldn't stay made at her best friend, no matter how many times he accidentally blew her off with a nap. The Audino gijinka  still stood and leaned down, hovering over Bobby as well as being too oblivious to keep her skirt down in the back. The interesting comments from both male humans and gijinkas walking by didn't catch Joy's ear for she was too focused on waking her friends up so they wouldn't be late. "Booobbbbbbby! Wake up!" She said whole poking the human boy's face. The adolescent sturred a bit and his face scrunched up from the feel of the constant poking. It wasn't long before he slowly opened his eyes and was greeted by the sight of a pink blur. "Joy?" He mumbled as his hand reached up and rubbed the blurriness away. Adjusting his glasses afterwards, Bobby could see that it was indeed his gijinka friend looking down at him with a bright smile.

"Good morning sunshine." Joy said in a teasing voice and stood upright causing her skirt to fall back into place. Bobby let out a yawn and stretched his arms in the air before pushing himself up, onto his feet. "What time is it?" He asked, his eyes still a little droopy and his voice a tiny bit hoarse from the nap. "7:50 by now." Joy replied with a giggle at his groggy state. Hearing the time made Bobby perk up a bit and look at her with wide eyes. "7:50?! Aw man, sorry for not meeting you." He apologized and gave his friend a small hug. Joy returned it then pulled away, shrugging in response. "It's alright Bobster, I forgive you. Right now, we need to focus on making it to the gym, orientation starts in about ten minutes and we still have no idea where the gym is." Bobby blinked and gave her a nod when realizing she was right. 

The two walked side by side into the building, Bobby with his hands in his pocket and Joy walking with a small skip in her step like usual. They looked around trying to find some kind of map or a person that could possibly point them in the right direction. 

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