Mail Men


Mail Men





(1-2 paragraphs about early life and how & why they joined Backstreet Couriers)








(3 good traits, 3 bad traits)




(not compulsory)

(not compulsory)

(just other stuff that wouldn't fit anywhere else, like tattoo, scars, habits; not compulsory)

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Name: Lenny Giles

Age: 43

Gender: Male



Bio: Lenny Giles was born in Miami. He had a younger brother and a father, but no mother, as she had left years ago. His father was part of a gang, which Lenny didn't really like. So at age 15 he ran away, off to find better opportunities.

Unfortunately Lenny never finished school, and as such could never hold onto a decent job. So instead he found himself drawn back into the criminal world he had tried to escape. He decided to start up his own company, that being Backstreet Couriers. It started out as a small business intended to help what few friends he had move stuff around, but as Lenny became increasingly desperate for money he started to take anything from anyone. This gave quite the reputation in the underworld, meaning business soon began to pick up. Now Backstreet Couriers are the go-to couriers for all crooks with valuables they need moved.


+ Good at business

- Greedy

+ Polite

- Suspicious

+ Cautious

- Naive


Primary- Sawn off Ithaca 37 Secondary- Ruger SP101

Melee- Switchblade

Other- Pad of paper and a pen

Miscellaneous: Has a scar on his left shin, smokes.

Theo Rin







Theo was born into a middle-class home to a loving couple. His uncle was in the Yakuza and though he kept it a certain distance from his family it ended up getting him killed when Theo was seven. Two years later his parents were killed in a car crash.

Theo was moved from home to home and some were worse then others. At thirteen he ran away and began living on the streets. He was quick to pick up the skills needed to survive and stayed on the streets until he was seventeen. Then at the urging of a little girl he knew on the streets that died he realized he couldn't live on the streets forever. Knowing he never finished school he knew the only place he could only find a less then legal job. So he began searching the criminal world. He took jobs no one else wanted and used the money to take not so legal medical . Then his skills got around. At 20 he met Lenny and began working for him.


+ Loyal

- Stubborn

+ smart

- quiet

+ observant

- has little morals


Primary- Beretta 96A1

Secomdary- Desert eagle

Melee- switchblade

Other- A small pack of medical supplies

Miscellaneous: Express post.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/maxresdefault.jpg.4df0e4cf755f841d19e1892e82b1dff6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49016" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/maxresdefault.jpg.4df0e4cf755f841d19e1892e82b1dff6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name: Johnny Quills

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Appearance: Johnny is six feet tall and has the physique of a heroin addict. His casual wear consists of an army fatigue jacket, torn jeans, old running shoes (if he can remember to put them on), a tee shirt, and lots of grease.

Bio: A native of the Tenderloin area of San Francisco Johnny had a pretty rough upbringing. Conceived in a moment of drug addled passion between a homeless busker and a washed up roller derby champion Johnny never really got a chance to have the classic "nuclear family" experience. After his birth his mother threw herself in front of a greyhound bus and his semi lucid father was left to take care of the eerily silent infant. Needless to say he was neglected and occasionally forgotten about by the wandering minstrel that was his father and he ended up getting pretty much raised by the kinder prostitutes in the area. At the age of eighteen he decided to move out of the box he called home and find a job. And so began his illustrious career working under Mister Giles.


+ Sometimes funny

- Paranoid

+ Not squeamish

- Twitchy

+ Sort of creative

- Suffers from mild psychosis


Primary- Colt 1911 (not loaded)

Secondary- Snub nose 38

Melee- Doorknob stuffed into a tube sock

Other- A pocket calculator

Miscellaneous: Johnny has a peanut allergy and is addicted to oxycontin

Express post<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c22187b91_johnnyquills.jpg.6d1fb6938c899e0d64abd7babcdbb5b9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48895" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c22187b91_johnnyquills.jpg.6d1fb6938c899e0d64abd7babcdbb5b9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Leon Butler

Age: 35


Leon is an average looking man and in peak physical condition for a man of his age, being almost in his 40s. He has past experiences with facial hair but recently he shaved it all off so he looks somewhat different than he did a few weeks ago. His hair is cut somewhat short but he leaves it a little long so he does not have extremely short hair. He has gray eyes that complement his brown, almost black, hair color. His physique is athletically skinny with a bit of a toned look and he is taller than most with a height of 6' 2". He mostly wears clothing than suits his activities. When he is sitting at home on his couch, he goes for a casual look with comfortable jeans on and a light jacket around a t-shirt, not bothering to fix his hair. When he is at work, for the courier service, he chooses something light and streamline like a athletic jacket, light and thin jeans, and tennis shoes, making sure he can get to point A to B at the appropriate speed and time.

Bio: Leon grew up in rainy Seattle, Washington. He spent most of his life staring out his bedroom window looking at the post office across his street, he watched the men leave and return after a day's work, then he would see some interesting things at the back of the post office. Some of the mail men would be approached by a shady looking figure and handed them a sealed package, that's when one post man accepted to package and got into his truck fast and when to deliver it... He never came back. Leon researched about secret transportation services, "black market" courier services, and that's what that was. The post man delivered something dangerous and died in the process. Leon became nearly obsessed with the idea of taboo courier services.

After he graduated college, where he barely learned anything and had no idea what to do with his life, he went to find the backstreet couriers. He traveled along the West Coast and Sunbelt, after his long travels, he found the city of fog... San Francisco. When visiting an alleyway bar, he heard whispers of the Backstreet Couriers, a service of transporting illegal goods, drugs, firearms, anything. He butted in and wanted to learn more. Turns out the guy was one of the couriers, and saw the potential in him. Leon learned a few tricks of getting from Point A to B in the fastest way possible, a new idea called parkour, and that was vital for his induction into the courier service.


+ Determined

- Distant from most people, doesn't like to talk to people he doesn't know

+ Respectful of others and their work

- Not the best at conversations, sometimes he is awkward with his lines

+ Organized with his life and job

- Somewhat OCD with his life and job.


Primary- Beretta M9

Secondary- Collapsible stainless steel knife

Melee- A secondary knife that he keeps hidden

Other- A small leather-bound journal and pen for journal entries of his life
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Name: Riva (Her birth name is Rika Hamada)

Age: 29

Gender: Female



Work hard, play hard, and earn hard--those were the words that Riva kept hearing from her parents when she entered high school. Even though she grew up in a middle class family without many problems, she started to feel that life is and will be mundane.

It was when she graduated from university that she realized how distressing this world was. Money was important. Money was very important. Without money, she couldn't survive. But whatever amount of effort she placed into her work gave her returns that was diminished to a petty sum that was just enough for her to live. "Just enough" was not good enough for Riva.

A friend of a friend of a friend of countless other friends one day told her about a "dodgy business that sells the service of eerie transportation".

"That's a strange thing to say," Riva said. "Elaborate."

It was then, at the age of 26 that Riva joined the Backstreet Couriers. Her parents found out that she was doing some dangerous business but did not know with what organization. They demanded that she stop from doing it but her disagreement made them disown her. She wasn't sure back then on how much she would get doing this job but upon working (all she really did was make an appearance at the store one day and demanded to undergo and interview as an potential employee), she realized that this career was much better than the other jobs she's ever had.


+ Is an energetic opportunist

- Is also impulsive

+ Has friendly confidence

- Butts into everyone's business

+ Inquisitive

- Will flee when things turn sour or bad.


Primary- Ruger LC9

Secondary- Collapsible handknife

Melee- Taser

Other- Candies and gum

Miscellaneous: Actually wants a child of her own but she is naturally unable to carry a baby.

Express Post
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Name: Abe (Abraham) Shin

Age: 26

Gender: Male




At the age of 16, Abe returned home from a prestigious school to find both of his parents dead on the floor of his living room. The murderer, a robber, was in the middle of cleaning up the mess, and upon seeing Abe, he attacked. After moments of running, struggling, and defending, the house became quiet. The only feeling that Abe felt was the blood of his parents' murderer on his hands. Abe had killed the robber.

Abe was tried at court for murder, and the case went on for two years. During those two years, Abe spent his time recuperating from the shock of the his parents' death in juvenile detention. He turned to reading and studying to forget reality, and when that didn't work, he fought. Eventually, the case was ruled as a justifiable homicide because it was done in self-defense, and Abe was released. Abe eventually went back to school to finish high school.

At the age of 20, Abe attended a business school, but eventually dropped out after two years due to financial issues.

At the age of 22, he roamed the city of San Francisco, doing odd jobs and even shady activities to earn a living. Eventually, he began doing part-time work for a postal office, delivering mail. And then he met someone from Backstreet Couriers and that's how he started his career as a mailman.



- Cunning

+ Protective of those he cares about

- Doesn't trust others easily

+ Intelligent

- Hates losing; a bit childish


Primary- Collapsible stun baton

Secondary- Liliput pistol

Melee- Butterfly knife

Other- A small notebook and a pen; lollipops

Miscellaneous: He pretends to smoke, but really can't. He has a habit of having a lollipop in his mouth when working.

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