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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fandom Magnolia's Massacre Character Sheets



Baby Dragon
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Ok, so welcome to the CS thread!
So I'm gonna start with the boring bit to get it done and over with, the rules... please read them as ignorance isn't an excuse... I'm sorry!

1. Follow all RPN rules at all time!
2. Don't create characters that are OP, everyone has certain limits. The RP will become very boring if everyone's characters have an unlimited supply of magic energy and can't be hurt by anything.
3. No Godmodding or Bunnying unless given permission by the character's owner.
4. Death is possible in this RP, however, the character's owner must explicitly state that they're ok with their character dying and they must be the ones to post the death of that character.
5. Be nice to each other! In character, you can hate each other as much as you like, but Out of Character you have to be nice to everyone!
6. Try to be literate, I don't expect posts that are 10 paragraphs long all written in perfect English, just try to keep one line responses to a minimum if possible. By the same token, if you feel like your post is short but there's nothing else that you need to add to it, don't force it to be longer, shorter posts are better than posts that are 90% waffle.
8. Please try to stay active. I don’t expect 100 posts a day or anything stupid like that, but just don’t vanish without explanation. If you wish to drop out or need some time away from the RP then please let me know! I can then figure out the best course of action regarding your character(s) to make sure that your absence doesn’t stop the RP from progressing and to keep your character safe should you return and want to use them again.
9. Characters can have more than one magic type, however, they can't have an unlimited amount of magic types and there must be a magic type that they're stronger with than the rest. We can't have a wizard who knows 10 different magic types and can use them all to the standard of a wizard saint as that would be unfair.
10. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to let me know!

Ok, that that's the boring part, now here's the CS Template!
Feel free to modify the CS template as you see fit as long as all the important information is there!

Appearance: (Images or Descriptions are allowed)
Guild: (Fairy Tail? Blue Pegasus? Maybe you're guildless? - If you wish to be a dark wizard who is a part of the attack against magnolia then instead of a legitimate guild's name, put down 'ShadowHart' as your answer for Guild.
Guild Mark: (Where is your Guild Mark/Tattoo and what colour is it? If you want, you can include this in appearance)
Magic: (What magic type does your character use? You may be as detailed as you like and include things such as; favourite spells/techniques, strengths/weaknesses and so on if you wish. If you're a holder type wizard (e.g. celestial or Requip), you can explain what keys/gear you have available to you here.)
Other: (Anything else you wish to add?)
Name: Lilly Ripple
Age: 10
Gender: Female
Appearance: Lilly is rather petite, even for her age, sizing up at just over 4ft. She has long, slightly messy, hair. Both her hair and her eyes are generally brown in colour.
Guild: Fairy Tail
Guild Mark: Lilly's Guild Mark is located on her left arm just above her shoulder, it's golden yellow in colour
Magic: Lilly really struggles with magic, she has successfully managed to cast some basic spells but she can't seem to manage anything beyond that at the moment, as a result of this, she hasn't developed an affinity for any specific type of magic as of yet.
Personality: In the guild hall and around the people she knows well, Lilly is generally a bubbly ball of energy. However, Lilly has severe social anxiety, so whenever she's around people she's not all that familiar with she becomes very quiet and subconsciously isolates herself from said people. When interacting with new people or people she doesn't know all that well Lilly becomes very nervous. Lilly is very sensitive to her emotions, small things can affect her much more than they should and Lilly can often be overwhelmed by her emotions, on top of this, Lilly is also acutely sensitive to the emotions of the people around her.
Bio: Lilly never knew either of her biological parents, her mother died giving birth and her father vanished without a trace, no one knows what happened to him or even who he was, but the most likely scenario is that he's dead. Lilly was accidentally discovered by a member of fairy tail, following a fight between two guildmates, things got slightly out of hand and as a result, a building was all but destroyed. Lilly had been rescued from the rubble but, as she was never reunited with her parents, Lilly was adopted into the Fairy Tail guild. Lilly was too young to remember the events that lead to her being taken into the guild, so Fairy Tail is the only Family she's ever known, Fairy Tail were even the ones who gave her a name. For as long as she can remember, Lilly has tried to master some form of magic but she never seems to have any luck and struggles to produce even the simplest of spells. Despite how hard she finds it, thanks to the encouragement of her family, Lilly refuses to give up. Lilly has never left Magnolia since joining the guild as she's not skilled enough in any area to help out with requests from the board and there's never really been any other reason for her to venture beyond the city.
  • Lilly's hair, though generally brown, changes colour in accordance with her mood. She can sometimes control what colour her hair is but usually, it's out of her control and just matches her mood.
    • Sometimes Lilly's eyes also change colour, though this is much rarer than how often her hair changes colour.
Theme Song:
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Name: Will Diamant

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: Will's stands at six foot even, height wise with a very...laid back appearance. His short messy brown hair is in a perpetually messy 'bedhead' state. Attire tends to consist of a leather jacket worn over a loose white button up shirt, or a simple t-shirt in it's place. Comfortable dark gray pants and brown boots finish this get up, along with a small satchel at his right side containing gems and coal. With fair skin and bright blue eyes...he doesn't really stick out much.

Guild: Fairy tail

Guild Mark: Located on his right forearm, in a diamond blue color.

Magic: Diamond dragon slayer magic. Will's go to is up close and personal combative styles, usually consisting of morphing a portion of his body into an appropriate weapon made entirely of diamond gem. While he is also capable of preforming 'diamond dragon scale' technique, the exertion of becoming nearly immune to damage takes a tax on his body to sustain the state, leaving him to prefer simple locational coating. While 'scaled', he's capable of taking much more damage, while delivering a stronger punch. His only known ranged techniques are diamond dragon roar, and diamond dragon shards (in which case he forms small gem shards and uses them as throwing weapons). He is capable of restoring expanded energy by consuming gem stones. Diamond is the preffered and most effective method, though any gem stone can stand in it's place for a modest recharge. In a pinch, high carbon stones (such as coal) can be consumed, though he claims it is absolutely awful and disgusting, with little recharge value.

Personality: Simply put...will is extremely lazy. With the innate ability to nap almost anywhere, at anytime, his laid back personality tends to be in a perpetual struggle against the fact he needs to work for a living and survive. The more jobs he takes, the more jewels he makes, the more gems he can buy to have on hand, and the less time he has to himself. An eternal struggle for him. Generally good natured, he's slow to anger or upset, and laughs most anything off. Though, troubling one of his friends is a sore spot for him, and is one of the few instances he'll break habit. The other instance is in the form of combat, in which he becomes extremely attentive and a worthy opponent.

Brief Bio: Will was raised by his adoptive mother Adamas, and learned his art from her. While he never learned what truly happened to his real parents, the way his mother tended to avoid the subject never seemed to bode well. At the age of seven, he was left with nothing but fond memories of her and the clothes on his back. Out of necessity for income and companionship he joined the guild of Fairy tail. It took some adjusting to get used to everything and be around people again, but after getting used to it, he fit right in. Due to the fact gems aren't cheap, he's had to take jobs one after the other in order to have a 'meal' on standby for combative purposes. And with every mission, came more usage of the gems...a viscous cycle, so he describes it.

Full Bio: Will had grown up under the loving, if strict, care of his adoptive mother, the diamond dragon Adamas. In that time, he learned his magic and how to handle life. As he had no recollection of his real parents, it had fallen to the dragon to teach him..just about everything a real parent would have taught him. Look out for others as you would yourself, don't be afraid to stand up for what's right, words can't hurt you if you don't let them, always look out for your family. And then, one fateful day...she was gone, leaving will alone in the world. He spent a few months just wandering around, getting by through doing odd jobs where he could in exchange for jewels or a meal. At one point, he arrived in magnolia, and after a terrible misunderstanding with an inn keeper he had been helping out, he was stuck wandering the streets with an empty stomach and a decent welt on his head.

Out of either chance or destiny, he arrived on the doorstep of fairytail, lured in my the scent of food and the sound of good natured laughter. When he knocked at the door, he was met with an old man who was about as tall as a child. After a small conversation, and will requesting just something to eat, the old man (who revealed himself to be the guild master), invited him in with a smile, encouraging him to join them for dinner. After one meal, and the environment of happiness that one could only describe as coming from one big family, he felt...at home, for once since he'd lost his mother.

It took about a week of him hanging around the guild and just helping out before he requested to join them, and to his modest surprise, makarov had agreed. So from then on, he was part of a family unit he had never experienced, and helped out however he could. When he was finally old enough to take a job, he went out with a few different teams, mostly just trying to find a few people who worked alright with him. By chance, he ran a few missions with two girls close to his age range (Melody and Kiara), and they all seemed to get along fair enough. Since then, will has grown rather fond of the two and tends to try help them out if he can, even if it does cut into nap time.

Other: Despite his extremely lazy nature, he's able to maintain a great and fit figure, much to everyone (including his own) confusion. Like every other dragon slayer, he's also prone to motion sickness. His durability is great even when he's not covering himself in scales, with strength coming up close behind as a dominant attribute. Not exactly the fastest person, nor a mastermind, he somehow gets by all the same. Always seems to be short on jewels, likely because most of it is spent 'restocking'.
Likes: naps, his guild and friends, a good scuffle on occasion, the festival (one of his favorite times of the year)
Dislikes: the idea of losing anyone, getting up early, losing his satchel.

Combat theme:
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Name: Melody Sterling
Age: 19
Gender: Female

Appearance: Melody is very short and petite, standing at only 4' 11" tall and weighing 95.4 lbs. She has knee-length, light pastel purple hair and intense golden eyes. Her wardrobe typically consists of cute dresses with plenty of frills, ribbons, or lace, however, she has been known to dress more casually on occasion. While small in stature, she still posesses a very femine figure and is fairly well endowed.
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Guild: Fairy Tail
Guild Mark: Melody's guild tattoo is Lavender Blue and is located on the back of her right hand.

Magic: Celestial Spirit Magic
Melody's magic allows her to summon Celestial Spirits by opening their gates through the use of Celestial Spirit Gate Keys. Summoning spirits requires the consumption of magical energy; the more spirits she summons, the greater the amount of magical energy is required.​

  • Keys Acquired:
    • *Gold - Capricorn, Leo, Sagittarius, Virgo
    • Silver - Caelum, Crux, Polaris, Pyxis
  • Abilities:
    • Star Dress - A Celestial Spirit Magic spell in which the user incorporates the power and Magic of the Celestial Spirit they summon into their body, which manifests itself in the form of a dress and a tattoo of the Spirit's zodiac sign on their body.
      • Star Shot - A Celestial Spirit Magic spell in which the user while wearing the Sagittarius Star Dress, nocks multiple homing arrows that explode upon contact.
      • Star Dress - Capricorn.jpgStar Dress - Leo.jpgStar Dress - Sagittarius.jpgStar Dress - Virgo.jpg
    • Celestial Fireworks - By twirling any Gate Key, the user can make fireworks of a golden color.

Personality: Melody is generally a very warm, patient, and gentle person. She can come off as demure to those who don't know her, but those who do, know she is actually quite passionate and brave. Physically she may not be strong, but her mind is sharp and her determination is ironclad. She may not look it, given her small stature and soft-spoken nature, but she is a Fairy Tail mage through and through.
When it comes to conflict, she prefers to use diplomacy rather than violence. However, she can and will fight if she has to. The quickest way to drive her to anger would be to threaten Fairy Tail or its members, or anybody she cares about.
Melody cares very deeply for her guild and views everybody there as her family, she would give her life for them if need be. She loves adventure, taking on jobs and traveling with her friends. She also has a goal, and that is to collect all the keys of the Zodiac.
  • Likes: Singing, Stargazing, Reading, Sewing, Meeting New People
  • Dislikes: Bugs, Mushrooms, Cloudy Skies, Blood, Liars

Bio: Melody became a member of Fairy Tail when she was six years old. She has no memory of her life prior to the age of five. When she does attempt to remember something, her mind becomes foggy, she gets very dizzy, and she develops a severe headache resulting in her needing to sit or lie down for several minutes. Thus, she tries not to dwell on the topic of her past too much.

Her earliest memory begins with her waking up in a large, empty field located in Matza Valley. There were no others with her and the only clue as to how she had gotten there was the small crater in the ground around her. She was also barefoot and wearing nothing but her bloomers and a nightie. Being a child, she was at first very scared and confused, but after a while curiosity, as well as a growing hunger, drove her to begin exploring. After a time she happened upon a railroad leading North and decided to follow it. She walked for nearly a full day before she finally came upon a town, known as Dawn City. It was there that she would eventually meet a woman named Morrigan Gray, whom she would later come to find out was actually a mage, and who, after learning about the child's situation would offer to let her travel with her, as well as give her her name.

Melody would spend the next year of her life traveling with Morrigan and learning about magic. She learned that Morrigan was what was called a "Celestial" mage, and practiced a kind of magic known as "Celestial Spirit Magic". She did this through the use of special keys, which had the power to summon forth powerful spirits to aid her. As a demonstration, she summoned forth the spirit known as Leo the Lion, the leader of a particularly powerful circle of spirits called the Zodiac. Almost immediately the child formed a small crush on the handsome spirit, only managing a shy hello when the two were introduced. Morrigan also explained that Celestial Spirits were not simply tools to be used, but living beings, friends even, with whom a Celestial mage forms a binding contract; so it was very important to treat them with kindness and respect. Melody was totally enthralled and begged the woman to teach her how to use magic. Eventually, she agreed, and Melody began training to become a Celestial Mage so that one day when she obtained keys of her own, she would be able to summon spirits too.

One day while they were traveling, Morrigan decided to stop in a town called Magnolia. During their stay, she told Melody about a mage guild known as Fairy Tail that existed in the town. She told her that once upon a time she had considered joining the guild, but in the end decided that she preferred the nomadic lifestyle instead. However, if she were ever to decide to join one, it would be Fairy Tail. Around the time of their visit, an annual event known as the Harvest Festival was going on, creating an energetic buzz in the town's atmosphere. After a little convincing, Morrigan agreed that they could go. And it was wonderful. So much excitement and joy. Melody would never forget that night.

It was the very last happy memory she would ever have of her beloved teacher.

A week had passed since that visit to Magnolia, when tragedy suddenly struck. The two were passing through Mt. Hakobe when they encountered a Dark Guild known as Dire Wolf. They demanded the two hand over their valuables, including Morrigan's gate keys, and when she said no they attacked. Morrigan was strong, an excellent fighter, but she was outnumbered and the Dark Guild mages had powerful magic of their own. In the end, she fell, but not before she defeated enough of them to send the rest scurrying in retreat. As she lay dying, she gave Melody her keys and told her to be strong..and that she loved her very much. She took one last, shaky breath, and then she was gone. Alone and filled with great sadness, Melody did not know what to do. She had nowhere to go, and she couldn't continue traveling on her own. Then she remembered Magnolia Town, and Fairy Tail. She decided she would go back, and join them. After all, it was the guild her teacher had wanted to join, so they must be good people.

It took time, but almost a week later Melody once again arrived in Magnolia. After asking around a bit she was able to locate the guild hall. With her teacher's keys clutched in her hand, she passed through the doors and into what would become her new home and family. It has been thirteen years since that day, and although she still feels sadness whenever she thinks of her teacher, she has come to love her guild and her new family very much.

  • Outside of the guild, Melody enjoys many hobbies, including cooking, gardening, making clothes, reading, poetry, and taking long walks through town. Some of these are skills she picked up in order to live on her own, and over time she's become quite proficient.
  • She's one of Fairy Tail's frequent performers. She loves to sing and will often take requests (as long as they aren't too hard).
    • Voice Claim: TO BE DECIDED
  • Melody has been featured in several issues of Sorcerers Weekly. She's fairly popular.
  • Shortly after joining Fairy Tail, she made a request to have her teacher's body retrieved and brought to Magnolia for proper burial (since she doesn't know where Morrigan's hometown is). She visits her grave nearly every day.
Theme Song

*I am currently looking for others who might be willing to play as one or more of the Zodiac Spirits. If you are interested, please PM me on either RPN or Discord and we can discuss their relationship! If you would like to establish a preexisting relationship between Melody and another character, you can PM me about that as well.
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Name: Hayden Krozits

Age: 19

Gender: Male


Long, dark brown hair kept in a pony-tail. Stands at 5'11. Wears a basic grey long sleeve and a chain with the symbol of his homeland underneath.
Black cargo pants and black combat boots. Relatively simply dressed, since he never needs to wear a coat as his naturally cold body gives him a large dose of resistance to the cold.

Guild: Blue Pegasus

Guild Mark: Hayden's guild mark is located on the underside of his left wrist, and is a silver colour.

Magic: Hayden is a user of a variant of elemental snow magic, originating from his homeland in Isenberg. While snow sounds harmless, his attacks can pack a serious punch if they hit their mark and for that reason, Hayden is renowned as one of the strongest "non S-class" mages in his guild.

Personality: Hayden is a generally a very laid back, some would even say lazy. Although he is somewhat lazy his laid-back attitude also makes him hard to anger and he can keep a level head in a majority of situations. His well-known enjoyment of drink has prompted some of his guild mates to affectionately refer to him as the "guild's alcoholic." If you asked anyone who knew him where to find him, they'd almost definitely point you to the guild hall's bar. Similar to a lot of the other men in the Blue Pegasus guild, he can turn on his charm when necessary and excels in smooth speech and talking to people. He has a soft spot for things that he finds cute, (IE - Puppies, Kids, Love and the like.) He is quick to lose his normally strong composure when something along those lines is about.

He does not remember much of his childhood, but one of the few memories he retains is something his mother said to him on a quiet, frosty morning in his home town. "Remember little Hayden, a stranger is just a friend that you haven't made yet!" As such, Hayden prides himself on always giving his best attempt to be friendly and enjoy others' company, as if the philosophy was one of the last fragments of his home that he had left.

Bio: Born in the village of Kuttch in Isenberg, Hayden was a reasonably normal, if a bit quieter, kid. He lived with his mother and father, Kei and Hamon, until when he was seven. His village was raided by barbarian looters, common in the rural wastes of Isenberg. While he never saw them die, Hayden knows his parents are both probably dead. He was taken in by an old mage, named Heathel, the man who trained him in snow magic for 7 more years. Hayden, originally distraught after the burning of his village and the assumed murder of his family, eventually learned to feel at home with Heathel, as if the two were family. By the time he had turned 14, he finally felt at peace, trusting Heathel as if he was his father. That was until, the fateful day that Heathel was shot through the head with an arrow right in front of Hayden's eyes. Paralysed in fear and dismay, the young boy was knocked unconscious and taken as a slave by the bandits who killed his teacher. The bandits threw Hayden onto a ship, they would take him to Fiore to sell him to a dark guild as a slave.

When he awoke, Hayden, in a fit of rage and mourning, broke out of captivity and sunk the ship as it was docking on the coast of Fiore. Hayden fled the scene and eventually ended up as a member of Blue Pegasus, remaining a member for 5 years until the present day.

Other: Fun facts about Hayden:
-Hayden is extremely Entomophobic. He is terrified by any and all insects and you'll be hard pressed to even get him into the same room as one.
-Hayden, being a snow magic user and living in Isenberg for most of his life, gets hot extremely easily. As such, he is weak to those who use magic such as fire magic or other heat related spells and in hotter climates he will find it hard to focus on pretty much anything.
-One of Hayden's favourite pastimes (aside from getting ruined at the bar) is to form snowballs in his hands and throw them at the backs of his guild mates or even strangers in the streets.
-In the same way as a lot of the men at Blue Pegasus, Hayden is a massive flirt and under ordinary circumstances, will attempt to flirt with any woman (or man if they swing that way) that crosses his path.
-Hayden's body is coated in scars, from using an ancient training technique used by past generations of mages in Isenberg, taught to him by his old teacher Heathel. He cuts his skin all over before burying himself in the snow for hours at a time. The training increases your power and fluidity with snow magic drastically, but he hated it for how exhausting and painful the training is.
-It's a secret that he will take to the grave, but Hayden is secretly a huge fan of the Sky Sisters (that weird fan-service musical duet that Wendy and Chelia had in the Avatar Arc)
-Hayden is left handed and will definitely make a huge mess out of anything he does with his right hand.
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Akita Severa



Standing at a whopping 5”2 and weighing in at 117 lbs, Akita is possibly the smallest person in the guild. With an ectomorphic build, she is small and slender, but pear shaped. Her hair is dirty blonde, long and wavy, reaching to down to her hips.
Typically she can be found wearing fairly plain clothes, black pants, a white v-neck shirt of some kind, and her signature brown down coat with the fluffy faux fur trim.

Fairy Tail

Guild Mark:
Placed right on the right side of her collarbone, so it peeks out from under her shirt. It is a light orange-ish pink color, salmon pink, to be exact. #ff9999

Lightning Dragon Slayer

~Orange juice
~Rainy days
~Walks along the canals in Magnolia
~Pink is actually her favorite color, but she won’t ever admit to it.

-Being called short
-Being called “tiny”
-Literally any jokes about her stature
-Or jokes about her in general
-She hates being cold as well.

Akita fancies herself a big, scary dragon, but in reality she’s just a tiny woman with a big temper. Everybody knows that she’s just a big bag of hot air that won’t make good on any of her threats. She’s never actually lashed out at her fellow guild mates. If she really wanted to hurt someone, they’d know.
It’s become a bit of a game at the Guild. “Who can make Akita angry the fastest?”

She refuses to speak of her history. Though vaguely people have managed to piece together that she was raised by a dragoness named Klyatra who taught her to read, write and walk. And one day the dragon just mysteriously disappeared, like all the other dragons. Akita tried to find her, but to no avail. Eventually she just gave up and wandered to civilization as a young 10 year old. Almost immediately she ran facefirst- quite literally- into Fairy Tail. The Guildmaster took one look at her and accepted her into the Guild, and since then she melded into the society of Fairy Tail. You can normally find her sitting around the Guild drinking a giant glass of orange juice.
  • She doesn’t stick exclusively to her magic. She actually has two sickles she can fight with.
  • Theme song - Unstoppable by The Score


Millicent Yoton, World Serpent
Gender: Female
Race: Giant
Guild: Fairy Tail
Guild Mark: Collar Bone
Rank: Unranked
AppearanceHeight: 7' 2" Normal /58' 10" True (Varies) Weight: 260lbs Normal / 24,200lbs (Varies)
A towering young woman in her late teens with a well proportioned if extremely curved figure. Her frame is wrapped intoned muscle especially within her thick legs and an overall hourglass frame. Fine raven hair flows down past her lower back to just below her thigh, whipping around her fair-skinned body, their youthful features are on full display with deep palatinate eyes and beauty mark framed by raven bangs, concealing the left of her face. The most notable thing about her other than their beauty and size is the towering confidence in which they walk yet at the same time maintaining an odd gentleness and grace to her actions. Her guild Tattoo can normally be seen peaking from her right collarbone in a similar purple to her eyes.

Despite being almost completely covered her outfits come across no less provocative due to their tightness, complex ensembles that appear to be a mix of a jumpsuit and bodysuit interlaced with knee-high heeled boots adding another inch or two to her already towering size. Various buckles and belts secure the outfits looser sections, with a large purple long coat worn over the top, the sleeves short cut and secured with additional buckles. She is rarely seen without an equally large staff as tall as she is, seemingly carved from deep redwood with numerous runed studs along its length along with a long dagger attached to the side of her right boot.
MagicCommand T, a Caster Magic that allows the user to alter mass and proportions. Command T is a Magic that allows the user to alter mass, lest it be expansion or reduction; the user can direct the effects of their Magic towards virtually whatever they desire, allowing them to affect, for example, landmass in such a way that it becomes the size of a mountain or the size of a small boulder. Humans (and other living species and the user) are also susceptible to this particular form of Magic, and can either be expanded to titanic proportions or be shrunk to minuscule sizes, however, in the case of the latter, to onlookers not aware of this Magic's effects, the act of reduction can appear one of disintegration. The acts of expansion and reduction can also be isolated to specific body parts.
[/column][/row] The Magic's usefulness also extends to expanding the size of weaponry, turning a dagger into a fearsome sword, and even to first-aid, allowing the user to locate, once isolated, life-threatening internal masses and shrink them to negligent sizes. Physical, life-threatening injuries are also able to be tended to, and they can be reduced in size until they are a non-factor. Even other types of Magic can be reduced and compressed, and then fired back at the original caster as a magnified weapon. Lastly, this Magic can be used as a means of quick assassination, as the user can cause internal organs to swell until they rupture.
Abilities/SkillsEnhanced Physical capabilities: A Extremely durable individual with insane physical strength and endurance from her giant heritage, capable of withstanding and continuing on despite intense injuries.
Immense Magic Power: Millicent holds has an extremely large amount of Magic Power, to the point of being overwhelming when brought to bear even by giant standards. These effects have said to be suffocating in the pressure and damage resulted from its presence. To resolve these efforts have been taken to contain the magic which has had the byproduct in creating a barrier against external magics affecting her own such as with physical transformations of mental influences.
Martial combatant: Milicent has displayed a high aptitude for martial combat in a combination of both unarmed, grappling and staff based attacks, this combined with her physical capabilities creates a fearsome combination.
Experienced Craftsman: Despite her appearance, she is actually incredibly capable when it comes to manual labor, in particular, masonry and carpentry, capable of both a wide range of repairs to such items as well as constructing such from scratch ranging from furniture to full structures.
Wilderness Survival: Following several unfortunate shortcomings, Millicent put great effort in ensuring she would be capable of surviving in the wilderness providing what she would need to survive, a skill she has continued to refine allowing her to navigate and survive across vast areas without the aid of a map or other supplies.

PersonalityThe guild member on the surface, they hold a deep genuine love for there family as well as the true friends she has managed to acquire. She can be genuinely friendly and kind if overly cheerful with a slightly immature side that rears its head from behind a restrained maturity in the form of a sly teasing wit and flirty guile, toying with those she has grown fond of as a self-assured free-spirit. When she does open up though, she can, in fact, be extremely caring and understanding, letting the masks fall and relating to the one on one and showing her thoughtful side. This also extends to those she comes into conflict with, sharp quips and teasing throwing them off the only for her to capitalize on it, defending her friends with everything she has available to a frightening degree when serious. Regardless she puts forward confidence and determination to whatever she sets her mind to, pushing aside the several stresses and insecurities that may exist just below the surface to do what needs to be done. She never the less still needs a release at times to maintain her sanity, indulging in her hobbies or soaking in the atmosphere of the guild. Millicent herself is still deeply affected by the events that led to her joining the guild initially, those feelings of loss and self-blame fueling much of her passion and drives, never far away as much as she has tried to bury those feelings over the years.

Likes: Alchohol, Animals, Barbeque, Carpentry, Exercise, Fashion, Novels
Cramped Spaces, Dense Crowds, Elitists, Pollution, Smoke.
BackstoryBorn within the moon village at the distant end of Ishagar, she would grow up happily for the first several years of her life until a calamity would claim much of the village in the form of an unidentified force decimating many of the buildings. Shielded by her mother's magic in her final moments she would be hidden away for an unknown amount of time until the effects would wear of and she would re-emerge amongst the still ruins of her former home. Most of the supplies appeared to have been vacant or spoiled beyond repair, leaving them no choice but to depart in search of food with the only belonging still remaining being her father's knife and mother's staff. Sadly however her survival skills left much to be desired, leading to several attacks whilst attempting to forage for food, only to be saved by one of the senior members of the fairy tail guild as she was discovered badly injured and malnourished. Upon awakening and being tended to, she would recount her story to the individual and much to her gratitude would offer her a new home and family within the guild. Fast forward 10 years and she has become a firm staple around the guild having been present since those days, though through a combination of her magic her actual heritage is not as well known as many would expect, most assuming her human albeit an exceptionally tall one.
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Kerberos 151.png
Kerberosa Keter, Devil Trigger
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Guild: Fairy Tail
Guild Mark: Right Hand
Rank: Undefined

Appearance: Height: 6' 1" Weight: 280lbs
A fairly tall girl bearing a head of pristine straight white hair that flows down nearly to her shoulders ending in several small spikes framing bright ruby eyes set into a somewhat sombre face. Her posture appears straight and reserved despite her demeanour and lack of symmetry, with a deceptive amount muscle scattered below her athletic frame, walking and moving with slow and quiet grace. The most notable feature of the girl is obviously the monstrous left arm of hers which descends almost to the floor, a blackened claw with numerous tendrils swaying from it along its bulky and distorted length. This has, of course, resulted in a large number of her outfits requiring custom alterations, though still normally clad within reserved girlish fashions with a fondness for frills and bows in addition to a large blue cloak worn over the top to attempt to conceal her disfigurement.

Magic: Take over (Devil Soul), an advanced Caster-Type that allows the user to take on the power of select beings.
An extremely versatile form of magic depending upon the form or soul channelled, the strength of the Entity combining with the Spiritual Strength of the Caster in a multiplicative effect with the comparative strength of spirit affecting the amount of personality bleed. This particular form of Magic allows the user to connect to, relinquish and, presumably like its kin Take Overs, absorb the Devil or Demon species, subsequently taking their capabilities and assets for themselves. These forms allow the user to completely change their appearances into that of the Devils themselves giving them control of their bodies and of their abilities. This also allows the user to form a connection with such creatures within their proximity with a mild form of influence and control over them, though risks influencing the user's personality and behaviour when applying this magic. Lost magic, even the study of such magic was heavily restricted due to those learning it often required the inhuman willpower needed to resist these effects and influences, resulting in the widespread disaster of powerful demon mages who lost themselves to the art. This knowledge, however, has mostly been lost due to time with only a select few possessing it.
Current Forms: Belphagor, Leviathan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Asmodeaus, Mammon, Satan

Other Abilities/Skills:
Occultism Expert: Dedicating much of her life to attempt to understand her own magic has led her to become deeply involved in the occult subjects, ranging from demons, rituals and even more.
Linguistic Apptotuide: She appears to have a unique understanding of several magical scripts and runes, even to the point of deciphering long forgotten tongues with uncanny ability, most notably those relating to both divine and profane natures.
Medical Knowledge: A Highly Skilled Doctor, combining several fields of Alchemy, Science, Medicine, Occult and Herbalism in order to develop unique treatments in combination with there Magics.

By her very nature Kerberos comes across as a nervous and timid girl, often showing doubt of both herself and her abilities, discounting what she achieves. She seemingly believes as such that she can not live up to the expectations or reputation of her father, granting her a deep inferiority complex regardless of her actual validity. She often prefers to avoid conflict and attempts to calm any overly hostile or chaotic situations, constantly self-conscious of others' views. Despite all of this she displays a fierce loyalty to those close to her and deep compassion for those around her. Through this, she is capable of rare but powerful outbursts - though these may quickly be followed by apologies and embarrassment. She also holds a great focus and perseverance when placing her mind on a subject, her sheer willpower and determination have allowed her to accomplish amazing feats, despite her claims that they are "nothing special" to others.

Kerberos was the designation given by the necromancer Balthasar Uzuhi to one of his most infamous experiments, or perhaps successes depending on your point of view.A man being hunted for several crimes such as actively practising necromancy, abducting innocents, grave robbing, theft of high-grade medical supplies and several other crimes. He would retreat to the remote island of Barche off the Caelum coast with a small group of prisoners from his final kidnapping before the nations knights closed in on his location. Among these was Illyasviel Keter, the Fiance of an established knight Izaya Krieger and the Mother of Kerberos. The exact nature of these and the process is unclear due to research notes being incomplete, whether Illyasviel was already pregnant or forcefully impregnated is unclear. Balthasar would implant a relic stolen within her womb and bond it to the developing fetus, “The Dark Shard” said to be a fragment direct from the (Powerful Demon/Creature), holding a sliver of its power. However, upon birth the manifested shard would take the form of a demonic arm upon the child and cause Illyasviel to wither as it touched her, screaming out curses to damn Balthasar and the monster she had given birth to, Imparting upon her Thanatos the Concept of Death.

Not an hour later, Izaya would arrive at the Island having finally tracked Balthasar down, fighting through the undead that now inhabited the island he would come to the main facility, Balthasar had however created a distraction to allow his escape by animating the body of Illyasviel with other parts to form a Necromantic Chimera. Once the battle was done Izaya would limp looking around the facility for any traces finding Kerberos in the process. His first thought was to slay the creature but once he saw its face he saw Illyasviels and discovered the true extent of what had been done. Freeing the prisoners still alive he would take the child with him, unknown to him if it was, in fact, his own he would steel himself that it didn't matter and was all that was left of his wife to be. Kerberos was registered as Kerberosa Keter, the Biological daughter of Izaya and Illyasviel, and though several demands came from her death Izaya managed to convince them that such a child still deserved life as was the way of his code. This, however, was the beginning of a very long trial for Kerberosa, her deformity would bring her much pain becoming a Pariah despite efforts to prevent this. The arm itself would grow and change over time. Tendrils, wicked claws, Armored Chitin, Pulsating Veins all added to its demonic appearance coming down to just above her ankle. All attempts she had made to conceal the arm were unsuccessful, even wrapping it in heavy cause would cause the slightest movement to tear it open, unable to be surgically removed. and even great magic could not touch such, this was her curse.

At the age of 6, she had even attempted to sever the arm itself, her Father would find her within her room with his blade seconds later, howling in pain and the arm writhing on the floor. However, as he went to seek medical attention he noticed the stump slowly reforming before the arm was once again full. Despite this, she maintained full mobility with both limbs, the tendrils functioning as minor arms and mastering delicate motions with the claws as not cause excessive damage, though she would still prefer most task to be performed one handed. Prior to joining the guild, Kerberosa would never have any true friends, unable to be accepted she would close herself away many a day despite her father's best efforts. Taking to Calligraphy as expressive arts at his advice, it allowed her some comfort. Though the response received from others would sadden her greatly, she was happy she at least had her father and looked up to him with the utmost devotion. By her nature she was a generous and kind person, having a natural affinity for both the occult and medicine, however it was uncertain if this was related to the Arm itself. Such a Limb would cause her intense Pain and mental trauma, often manifesting nightmares during her sleeping hours...combined with it whispering to her constantly. Unknown to others it would often make requests, imparting great pain or injury should such be refused which was regularly the case.

She would eventually be left in the care of a old friend of her father and the guild master of fairy tail following new orders requiring his deployment that would take him away from home for a considerable time, seeing this as a good opportunity however for her to open up more amoung others that may be more accepting towards her condition.


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Jax Cyrus

22 y/o


Jax is most prominently remembered for his unkempt raven hair that makes every neat freak squirm in their seat. With olive skin, he stands out more because of his lack for pasty white skin. Built lean but muscles in the right places, he doesn't bulge or ooze testosterone as heavyweight champions but he's attractive enough to make you look once more. His most notable feature is however, his rather slit eyes that comes with a fair share of teasing behind his back. WIth his overall appearance, he look more like a gangster or a thug. Born with dark born pupils, he's at least glad that his jawline is so sharp that it might cut through concrete. His usual choice of clothing consists of a t-shirt, be it long-sleeved or short and a pair of jeans.


Guild Mark:
A plain black mark on his right upper arm that is usually covered.

Lightning God Slayer Magic- Caster magic, Ancient spell & God Slayer magic.
Jax is able to incorporate the element of lightning into his body which in turn, produces black lightning that can come from various parts of his body. He mostly uses it for offensive purposes and its voltage is high enough to even vapourise solid matter (cited from Fandom Wikia). Having trained from a rather young age, his techniques of using his magic is rather extensive as his god slayer magic allows for him to have enhanced speed and immense magic power. Some of his favourite spells include Black Lightning Sphere and Black Lightning Vapourise.

Blunt, Jax comes off as a rather rude individual who seems rather inconsiderate of others' feelings. Somewhat of a potty-mouth, he's not afraid to tell even a child to shut the hell up. Though, he isn't all too bad as he does tend to indulge in dark-humoured jokes. When it comes to fights however, Jax can turn rather sadistic especially if his opponent is one to deserve the wrath of hell and pain that would be inflicted onto them. Loyal and having a high sense of justice, you can be rest-assured knowing that Jax would never talk behind your back because he'd probably shit on you in your face.

Born as a mistake, Jax Cyrus came into the world with a mother that worked at a brothel. Though it isn't confirmed to his knowledge, his mother became pregnant with him with one of her client. As such, he was resented by his mother for most of his life, even up until the day she passed away. Because she couldn't get a job elsewhere that would hire her, Jax spent most of his childhood in the brothel, aiding with cleaning, arranging and in general, worked as a free labour for him to live there with his mother.

At the age of eleven, he met his master one day who happened to drop by the brothel. His master had introduced and taught him God Slayer magic and he used it as something to focus on, forgetting his own version of Hell and the fact that he will never receive love from his mother.

When he was thirteen, his mother had passed away because of a disease and he was kicked out of the brothel. With nowhere else to go, he moved in with his master and begin training on a daily basis. At the age of eighteen, he ventured away from the home he had before having eventually joined Sabertooth.

- He absolutely dislikes people who boast about their abilities.
- He's intermediate as the usage of a pistol.
- At one point of time, Jax continuously dyed his hair black but gave up after realising it was too much work.

  • Name: Kiara Li
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Kiara has dark, fuchsia pink, borderline red hair and deep blue eyes. She has a pretty average build and stands at a near average height of 5'8. Both of Kiara's arms and both of her legs are advanced metal prosthetics, designed for her after she lost hers in a rather violent accident.
    IMG_1687 2.jpeg
    Guild: Fairy Tail
    Guild Mark: Kiara's guild mark was originally located on her right arm but after her accident, she requested that it be relocated. It is now located just below her left collarbone. Her guild mark is Dark red nearing brown in colour
    Magic: Requip - Holder Type Magic - Kiara primarily uses Requip or 'Ex-quip' magic. This magic allows the user to collect and store a variety of different weapons within a pocket dimension which they can then summon almost instantly in order to be able to use them in battle. In addition to her ability to Requip weapons, Kiara had also mastered the 'Knight' technique of Requip magic which allows the user to also store different outfits and armour within their pocket dimension and change between them almost instantly. However, since the accident that led to the loss of her limbs, Kiara hasn't been able to effectively use the Knight technique. She can still summon the armour that she's collected however she has to put them on manually which makes it almost impossible for her to switch between armour mid-battle.
    Physical Abilities: Kiara's prosthetic limbs are different from the usual, practically useless prosthetics found in Fiore. Not only do they allow for all the natural movement of normal limbs, but they're intricately connected to Kiara's nervous system and they're also connected to her magical power similarly to how an SE Plug can draw a wizard's magical power to power vehicles. Kiara still experiences the sense of tough and even pain through her prosthetic limbs and each of the prosthetics is equipped with a set of tools that Kiara can utilise. In the wrists of her arms are small, concealed canons of sorts that fire magic bullets, both her arms and legs are equipped with small boosters that allow her to increase her speed and even grant her the ability to fly for short periods of time. However, all of the extra functionalities of her prosthetics feed of her reserve of magical energy, so using them in tandem with her Requip magic can drain her of magic energy much faster than just using one or the other would. Her prosthetics are one of a kind, designed and crafted especially for her, so if they get damaged or destroyed, repairing them or getting replacements is a very lengthy and costly process.
    Personality: Kiara is generally quite calm. She almost always appears to be rather carefree and content. She's not one to anger quickly and tried her best to stay out of the day to day brawls that break out among other guild members, only getting involved when absolutely necessary. Kiara is highly protective over her fellow guildmates and will do whatever it takes to keep them safe. As she's slow to anger, most people never see Kiara's 'darker side' but, if she's pushed over the edge she becomes almost like an entirely different person.
    Bio: Kiara used to live in the small and secluded town of clover with her mother and father. Her life was rather mundane and nothing really exciting or out of the ordinary ever really happened, life was just nice. One year, when Kiara was 5, her parents decided to travel to Magnolia to experience the harvest festival. The experience was overwhelming for Kiara, going from somewhere as quiet as Clover to the controlled chaos of the Harvest Festival. After having experienced life away from home and seeing just how awesome wizards guilds were, Kiara decided that she wanted to grow up to be a wizard and to join a wizard guild, at the time she didn't really care which one. She started to practice magic. There wasn't anyone around to help her so she taught herself with only a few books on magic to help her. Kiara's training sessions often resulted in one accident or another as she didn't really know what she was doing and her methods of training were very unorthodox. When she was 7, she accidentally damaged the building in which the guild masters hold their annual conferences, unbeknownst to her, there was actually a conference taking place at the time and so the event caught the attention of the guild masters within the building. After realising what had happened, the guild masters decided to help Kiara. They taught her training techniques and gave her pointers on how to avoid causing accidents in the future. The next year, Kiara and her parents visited Magnolia for the Harvest Festival again, but during the festival, Kiara got separated from her parents and found herself completely lost and alone in a sea of people in a strange city. As she wandered around looking for her mother and father, Kiara bumped into Makarov. Recognising her from the previous year's conference he offered her shelter in Fairy Tail's guild hall until they were found. Days went by and nothing was heard of or from Kiara's parents. Eventually, after searching for weeks and coming to the conclusion that something had happened to her parents, Kiara joined Fairy Tail and became a prominent member of the guild. To this day, Kiara has no idea what happened to her parents but there's still a small part of her who hopes to see them again one day.
    • Kiara has been secretly very self-conscious about her physical appearance ever since her accident, she rarely lets it show but she's often reluctant to do anything that specifically draws attention to her appearance. She does, however, try her best not to let it show.
    • Kiara often wears long clothing that completely covers her prosthetic limbs such as long trousers, long-sleeved tops, boots and gloves. However, if she tries to utilise any of the prosthetics' functionalities it often ends in her clothing getting heavily damaged, so in situations where she knows that she's going to be fighting she will wear shorter clothing, like skirts and short sleeve tops, to allow her to be able to utilise them without too much difficulty and without tearing through yet another set of clothes.
    • Kiara is an S Class Wizard
    • Kiara spends much of her free time training, she's almost always trying to regain her ability to requip armour.

    Theme Song:

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Name: Keanu Amari

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: She has tan skin and is of slightly above average height at 5’7. Her black, short hair frames her face and makes her yellow eyes seem brighter than they already are. There are a few small scars on her skin, a few freckles and moles, and she has a thinner build. You’ll mostly see her wearing darker colors as she prefers a darker color scheme.

Guild: ShadowHart

Guild Mark: Her guild mark is on her right eye and is a dark purple

Magic: Keanu’s magic is Water Caster magic. Although her magic is a bit different from Juvia’s since she can heat up the water to a boiling point. This makes for an effective attack as she can leave severe burns on an opponents skin. She is also studying and practicing shape-shifting magic, although she isn’t very good and is still QUITE a beginner, only being able to shape her face as of yet. Although, she prefers to fight using her body and saving her magic for only if she needs it or the battle is droning on too long.

Personality: She’s more on the laid-back, chill side. She doesn’t go bouncing around and will usually keep quiet until she feels like her voice needs to be heard or to chime in out of boredom. Mystery clouds her and she enjoys that, so she’ll often wear a cloak and some sort of facial mask to enhance the mystery around her. Most of what she eats has a lot of sugar in it as she has a pretty big sweet tooth. Although she is part of a dark guild, she usually won’t attack someone unless it’s for a mission, they attack first, or they are REALLY getting on her nerves. She’d prefer to sit back and watch the action to pick out which of her opponents is the strongest and will then go for them as when she does fight, she prefers not to waste her time fighting “someone beneath her abilities”.

Bio: Both her father and her mother were in ShadowHart so it was only natural that their children grow up in ShadowHart too. Her little brother and her often spend time together and get away from the others. She and Kasumi, her little brother who is 7, are orphans after her parents died while on a mission because of their recklessness and carelessness. Although she is 17, she doesn’t feel the need to leave her guild.

Other: She often sees the other guilds either around towns, or while on a mission and most of the time she laughs at their crazy antics and how Natsu can’t keep from destroying anything he touches.

Almost always, she’ll take her little brother out of missions, to keep him safe from the others, teach him, and just to spend time alone with him.
Zarana Lasch-Namiko

Guildless, but wants to join Fairy Tail!
Guild Mark:
None yet!
Requip, but she's not good at it. She seeks guidance for this type of magic.
Zarana is outgoing and friendly, but if you cross her it's hard to win her forgiveness. She's usually pretty calm and quiet during stressful situations, and you can read her emotions from her face. Gets along well with most people, and tries to stay out of conflict unless she feels strongly about it. She sometimes displays symptoms of psychotic behaviour, like hallucinations and delusions, as well as disorganized thoughts, but she tries her best to keep it under control. In arguments, she is quite submissive, and won't stand up for herself, but she will try to stand up for others if she believes they are being wronged.
Zarana has never known her parents, or any of her family for that matter. She grew up in an orphanage on the outskirts of a very small town where she learned everything she knows now. After befriending some of the older kids, she started learning magic; Requip Magic, to be exact. She also started drinking at a very young age and tried some drugs. This could be the reason for her schizophrenia symptoms. A lot of her childhood is a blur, but as she's sobered up and been clean, she realizes how important it is that she devotes herself to her future and magic. Eager to learn more about Requip Magic, she's travelled from her orphanage to Magnolia to join Fairy Tail as she knows there are powerful wizards there.
She basically has schizophrenia, and it trying to control it. Zara also wants to find some sort of magic that will help her keep her symptoms under control.
Name: Element
Age: Unknown (Presumed in the thousands)
Gender: N/A
Appearance: (REMEMBER. It's a sentient construct NOT a robot)
Guild: N/A

Guild Mark: N/A

Magic: While technically not magic it still has its core roots in the mystic arts; Particle Redirection has been around for as long as the history tomes suggest and maybe even longer. Particle redirection works by transferring atoms from one realm into the next via neural thought transfer links. These links take years to establish but when done correctly can allow the user to create virtually any weapon or tool he or she desires. However the power is limited by the user's body mass. Noone can cast particle redirection into an object that has more mass then they do.

Personality: Primary function... Protect the innocent. (Maybe...)

Bio: It is unknown where IT came from. However design traits point to a race of beings known as the Preclaimers. A race of extreme technological and magical knowhow. The species disappeared without much of a trace over 300,000 years ago. Many remnants of their culture and cities can still be found to this very day. Mysterious towers that are glassy smooth to the touch and ruins of once vast cities are long forgotten reminders of this once all powerful race. The constructs are a different story. Although few exist, those that do are usually highly intelligent and only aggressive when provoked.

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