Magnificent Destruction


One Thousand Club
although the time that dragons first appeared in myths isn't known for sure, they can be traced back as far as approximately 4000 B.C. Dragons are said to have been able to live almost anywhere, depending on the type of dragon mentioned. Their habitats range from the center of the earth to the middle of the ocean. They could also be found in caves, fire, or anywhere dark and damp.

This is a time where there is every creature to roam the earth ranging from Humans, to Dragons. you chose what you are, and let the world
ignite around you, in either Icy Cold Snow, Raging Light Of Fire, or The Deep Darkness of the Shadows.

There is a great dragon who roams this earth, He controls every element known to man kind, and his is the strongest dragon, His name Is; Draco







Elements, (Only if you are a dragon.)


My Animals.

Name; Draco

187 Years Old


Species; Dragon



View attachment 12231

He had control of every element.

He is the Only dragon left of his kind that can control every element.

Name; King

Age; 189 Years Old

Gender; Male

Species; Dragon

Personality; N/A


View attachment 12232

Elements; Lightening


Name; Beast

Age; 5 years old

Gender; Male

Species; Saber Tooth Tiger

Personality; N/A


View attachment 12234


Name; Lupus

Age; 5 years

Gender; Male

Species; Saber Tooth Wolf

Personality; N/A


View attachment 12235


Name Mason

Age 18

Gender Male

Species Human

Personality ~Meet me~


View attachment 12239


Name Elizabeth

Age 19

Gender Female

Species Human

Personality ~Meet me~


View attachment 12240

Name: Harper


Gender: Female

Species: Human

Personality: Understanding and quiet. Harbors a murderous side.

Looks:View attachment 12236

Other: She is being hunted down by her village after being framed for killing the village chief. She was the only one in the village with medical knowledge other than the chiefs brother that could be applied to any beast or man.

(I hope it isn't godmoding)
(No your fine, you can have her see or interact with King, Draco, Beast, or Lupus, all of them will act aggressively though, since they are wild animals, and you can have a pet dragon.)
Nice. How about she runs into Lupus? She runs through the forest, tired and hungry. The villagers are close with their weapons and hounds, ready to kill the traitor that murdered the chief. Harper manages to find a hollowed out tree trunk and climbs in hiding. It isn't until the shouts of the villagers and the dogs are gone that she removes herself from her hiding place. What she sees is a giant wolf whose fur is ruffled and visible skin marked with scars drinking from a pond directly in front of her.

Like that?
I read your comment on my profile, so I came to look this through. It looks like a generally good idea, but I'm put off by the god modded character known as Draco. Mainly because it seems to be far more powerful than everything else around.

I'm just afraid to join, but characters like that usually give off the vibe of 'noobish' and tend to bully everyone else around. So, I would join, but I wont. Sorry. :/
(Can I join? ( :)

Name: Chihiro Kamazi

Age: 132 (is 19 in human years)

Gender: Female

Species: Elf

Personality: Smart but rude and blunt

Looks: Dark black almost blue hair, grey eyes (will post pic if accepted)

Elements, (Only if you are a dragon.)

Other: None

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