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Magistrates of Qeneas - OOC

I'm here! Hey, estelle estelle , if we are going to use the prices in that pdf you shared, magic items are going to be out of our financial reach for a long time. Is it possible to have us start out with one or two Uncommon items from the book to add to our sheets? That way we can show our characters having something to show for our adventuring time.
I'm here! Hey, estelle estelle , if we are going to use the prices in that pdf you shared, magic items are going to be out of our financial reach for a long time. Is it possible to have us start out with one or two Uncommon items from the book to add to our sheets? That way we can show our characters having something to show for our adventuring time.
Yeah, that's fine. I'll have a look at the document to see whether it's a certain number, or loot points (= spend 1-for-1 as gold, but only on magic items and cannot keep any).
Yeah, that's fine. I'll have a look at the document to see whether it's a certain number, or loot points (= spend 1-for-1 as gold, but only on magic items and cannot keep any).
Awesome. I would love to have a magic sword and Mithril armor if possible.
can we do multiple characters?
a YouTuber I watch has a random OC I want to play as
Magic items: 2000 gp to buy them, only at chargen, don't keep remainder. You guys were exremely lucky and found a rich cache of items at the end of your last magistrate job. It was simple searching for survivors, and it's really suspicious that a band of low merchants had so valuable things. The landslide that killed them and crashed their stuff was a very bad stroke of luck for them. Duchess Rowena awarded the stuff to you to use them as long as you are her magistrates. So far, after 4 months, no-one claimed to have those items.

Gears Gears So, you'd like to play two characters? Simultaneously, or switching between them? What's a 'random OC'?
I change mind- two may be to much.
Gears Gears I have a paid account in NightCafe, with lots of credits remaining. Would you like me to generate some images for your character? If yes, should it be male or female?
Gears Gears I have a paid account in NightCafe, with lots of credits remaining. Would you like me to generate some images for your character? If yes, should it be male or female?
Nah I got my image
RikuXIII RikuXIII , Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford I'd like to know our PC races to put together some culture and a little history stuff for the setting. Have you decided on the the race, yet?
I am so sorry, I thought I mentioned it before.
I would like to go with the Verdan race.

The idea is the character Fiz is part of this first generation of Verdan. Thrust into a new life, she surfaced in Qeneas, picking up cooking and brewing as she went along, but her being a goblinoid and an arcane magic user meant her attempt to open her own place ended in failure.
She's a magistrate many aren't sure about, but she has a silver tongue and the backing of her fellow magistrates to keep the unease from becoming something more dangerous.
Magic items: 2000 gp to buy them, only at chargen, don't keep remainder. You guys were exremely lucky and found a rich cache of items at the end of your last magistrate job. It was simple searching for survivors, and it's really suspicious that a band of low merchants had so valuable things. The landslide that killed them and crashed their stuff was a very bad stroke of luck for them. Duchess Rowena awarded the stuff to you to use them as long as you are her magistrates. So far, after 4 months, no-one claimed to have those items.
I am going with a +1 Longsword and a suit of Mithril Chain so I don't have Disadvantage with Stealth rolls.
I was wondering, instead of the money- could my character have paid for lessons under an Artificer- maybe get a Lock-picking tool and a level in Artificer?
Well, I'm putting together the setting, I suppose I'll have enough to start tomorrow or the day after.

We have an interesting combination of races.
Are you pant with my request?
Gears Gears
In my first post I of the original interest check I included the available classes, which says anything WotC except artificer. I always feel it's not in sync with my fantasy concept. So, no artificer, sorry.
I've had some dental problems and spent the majority of the day waiting and being treated :( , but here's what I have so far in coherent text: Lore.

Geography and NPCs coming soon.

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