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Fantasy Magister

When the knife was thrown, Maya was in an initial state of shock. She was initially just staring at the knife, her heart skipping beats every chance it could without actually shutting down. Though the young girl did not even know Callah's name, she absent-mindedly grabbed at her hand for support. Upon noticing she was - or at least attempted to - hold hands with the other girl, she shrunk back into her corner while apologising profusely. Taking both hands and pushing her hair out of her face, she wiped her forehead with her wrist and began some deep breathing exercises that helped her become calm again. She raised her head when the Animin boy approached, giving him a shy smile like she had with Callah earlier.

"N-Not hurt," Maya managed to mumble, still very shaken about the sudden change in her involvement. As one could easily guess, she was already uncomfortable, but the hostilities simply ruined her state of mind further. She gave a look of fear between Callah and the Animin before leaving forward to talk with him. "I'm Maya. And we're not hurt, thanks," she stated before asking, "what is your name?"
After the teacher introduction, Baldwin calmed down for a bit until the greatest and clearly the smartest human alive who apparently was called Kypher by Miss Walker....He meant Professor Walker who seemed as the kind of teacher who would leave you alone if you didn't do anything that piss her off otherwise to be man-handled like our precious hooligan. After he realises he was talking to himself this whole time he saw Justin next to him not caring seeing as he was to focused on his book and as nobody got to introduce themselves and he thought he would need to start....
He leaves a sigh and gets up picks up his brown cape trows over his shoulder in a luxurious manner as he was a noble and started walking to the the opposite table next to him and walks to the front of the desk in full frontal view and slides on the desk in a comical manner, in such a way that seemed to him that would be the coolest thing that scared girl will ever see much to his demise as he completely failed and fell down on his nose on the floor with a big what seemed comical "Dumpf" sound which to he got up so quickly and leaned on the desk like nothing ever happened and his slide went perfectly, to which after he picks up the knife and after he carefully examines it he deduces he doesn't know if its good or not so he just puts in his pocket and he says to the girl with a friendly smile
He won't be needing this anymore will he? Showing her the knife. If you find it its yours I always say, anyways sorry about resident homicidal maniac he does, but hey it brings personality right? Right as our gracious Miss Walker... Bah Professor Walker we should introduce ourselfs. Ill start to be courteous My name is Baldwin Tranquillitas. Mathematician, genius, one of the greatest magus to ever leave. And if i can indulge quite a decent liar, and you 3 are?

Meawinda Meawinda Lord of the Toast Lord of the Toast
Justinian looked around bemused at the series of events that followed the teacher's arrival. Cruel teachers? Knife throwing? Such anger and dislike. Admittedly he lived a sheltered life but he was sure this wasnt normal for schools or academies, strictness yes but this. He was unsure what to make of it or how to react. However concerned instantly faided as his mind went on back to magic and crystals, a thought of a more efficient way to produce crystals though it ended up being impractical.

When he came back to reality there were introductions given. "Justinian!" He blurted out feeling like he missed his cue and worried he would be in trouble. "Justinian of the great Illium house of Chrisostomos. Trained in crystalline magic of sages. Reader of books of magic, mysteries and legend. Anyone read Callion's Odressy? Disappointing ending, just suddenly found his way home. I took a journey once in the capital a while back, met a nice street singer who taught me too...."
Kypher Hawthorne

Without so much of a glance, Kypher merely responded to the staff girl with a, "Fuck you." before he was promptly dragged away by their incredibly annoying teacher who seemed like they wanted be as overbearing as possible. Kypher had gone through many teachers during his school years, less so in Punacia, and he was sure this one would be no different to the rest of those Victorium dogs.

When they reached the Grand Magus' quarters, Kypher pushed himself away from his new teacher and indignantly dusted himself off, but otherwise made no move to run away. It would be interesting to see what he was dealing with in terms of the big bad boss of this school. Kypher may be a trouble maker and an incredibly violent one at that, but he could recognise power when he saw it. He needed to see if this magus was going to be a problem and/or a potential challenge to him. The Punacian student cast an unimpressed look at Supergoat, arms folded and eyebrows raised, "Well? Let's see this 'Grand Magus' then. I bet he's weaker than that animal from earlier, most people in this country are puny."

Meawinda Meawinda
Lord of the Toast Lord of the Toast SilverNova SilverNova ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Grandmaster Baphomet Grandmaster Baphomet
The Animin give a quick, yet still formal bow. He smiles as he replies to Maya and gives his introduction. "Felix Za-adhi, Novice Incantation Witch, at your service." He says before he turns to the rest of the class with a voice loud enough to be heard. "And I intend to be at all your services - as your new family member of course." Leaving that note in the air for a moment to let the idea sink in, he lets out a relieved sigh as if he had been waiting to state this information for some time. His tail swishes and he looks down to the man-of-flame and the blonde girl with excitement.
"But, if you don't mind me asking, I would very much like to know more about you two. Your names are...?"
"Myra. Myra Bearer." Answers the Blonde girl with a smile. She reaches into her bag and pulls out some white chalk and some aged paper. "I'm a Ritualistic Elementalist. And this is my friend Nazeem!" She says motioning the the man-of-flame.
Nazeem's flames turn a shade of pink for a moment in response as he lets out an echoing sigh. When he speaks his deep voice echos as if it were down a tunnel, but it is still understandable. "Myra, For myself I can speak." He then turns his head towards the rest of the class. "Nazeem I am, as here my friend has said. Incantation Conjurer I aspire to be."

Kloudy Kloudy
The Office is empty, it seems as though the Grand Magus has stepped out much to Walker's distaste. The room is a fairly small one, with a door leading off the right. The walls, save for a spot directly behind a rather large oak wood desk, are lined with bookshelves. These are labeled with the various classes of the school and one is labeled with 'personal reading'. The desk is cluttered with papers, crystals, and inkwells and there is a single large feather pen laying neatly on a stand for it. The wall behind the desk is littered with awards and degrees in magic. There is even one for high magic affinity, although it does not say exactly what rating.
As Kypher states that Walker begins to speak only to be cut off by an older male voice. "Ursula? What brings you to my office so early in the day?" From the door to the right stands a man who looks to be in his upper 40s to early 50s. There is already some grey in his black hair and beard. Both of which are a little long, but not overly so. He has a large round nose and small spectacles resting upon it. He wears a elaborate purple Magister's cloak, which has various pockets for crystals and compartments for scrolls. He gives both Walker and Kypher a warm smile as he walks over to the desk and sits down.
"Come now, tell me what troubles you."
"Grand Magus Mervle, I-"
"Now, now, I do believe I have told you many times to call me Madric, friend. but do go on." He says with a light chuckle.
Walker lets out an exasperated sigh before she speaks again.
"Madric... This student, Kypher Hawthorne, has threatened students and attacked two of them. One he kicked out of a chair - the other he threw a blade at." Professor walker says pointedly.
At this Grand Magus Mervle's smile fades as he turns to Kypher. He eyes him for a solid minute before he responds. "And what have you to say for yourself, Kypher? Why would you treat your own new family members like this?"
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Kypher Hawthorne
Kypher's distaste was evident in the unimpressed gaze he cast towards the supposed 'Grand Magus' of this school, his small and unseemly appearance doing nothing to inspire awe the Punacian student. Folding his arms defiantly, Kypher spat back, "They are not my family." He despised this man and the woman who worked for him for having forced a group of weaklings upon him, Kypher viewed it as a burden more than anything else. Just more wounded magic-missile fodder to carry back to the medics. If any of them had been worth his respect, they would have responded to his aggressive probes in earnest, fighting back with as much zealousness as those would in his real family. They very idea that Kypher was supposed to be linked in any way to the other students in C-3 repulsed him.

"I do not consider weaklings my kin. I can tolerate them perhaps, but do not expect me to need or want them in any way." His indignant state was turned down in a distasteful frown as he then glared at his new teacher pointedly, "You aren't as bad as I thought the teachers would be, but you're still..." The Punacian frowned again, this time thinking for the word, "You're still too... weak. Yes, I don't feel a great terrifying power from you." Of course, Kypher had noticed the commendations and accomplished awards that were dotted about the room they were in and guessed they were for this small man that stood before them. Kypher didn't really expect much from the way he looked and he failed to notice what was probably an impossibly incredible power that lay beneath the surface. Kypher was proficient in combat magic, but only that. All kinds of detection, day to day utility and other miscellaneous magic was lost on the war-driven Punacian. He knew basic healing magic, but only because that was required in the Battlefield.

So, after having basically insulted both his teacher and his entire class, Kypher then moved onto his headmaster. A judgemental eye was cast over the aged man as the student placed his hands on his hips and squinted at him, searching, "Hmm... You don't look like much either. You're supposedly the best magister in Victorium, right?" A few more moments of scrutinisation revealed a final statemate from the younger Mage, "I reckon I could take you." It was a stupid thing to say, given the various awards around the room and the incredible title the man held, not to mention the great tales people told of the Grand Magus. But Kypher never believed much of what he was told, preferring to believe in the truths told in battle: that was when a person truly spoke to another with complete honesty. Glorious combat was the best lie detector, Kypher could discern near-anything about a person just from fighting them. It wasn't a supernatural ability, of course, just his Punacian instincts. But nonetheless, Kypher only half-believed what he himself was saying. The old Mage didn't look like much, but Kypher wasn't dumb - there was probably some powerful magic brimming behind this wrinkles and the crazy Punacian warrior just wanted to see it work.

Meawinda Meawinda
Professor Walker begins to snarl and turns towards Kpyher and reaches towards him. However, Grand Magus Mervle raises a hand with a quiet noise of distaste. "Ursula, temper." He says sharply to the construct who shoots him a look of protest but doesn't say anything.
Mervle lets out a long sigh as he scratches his chin. "Well, you certainly have youth and enthusiasm on me! I'm sure if you tried your hardest you could truly make a dent! However, I don't think you truly understand the gravity of the situation you are in, young Kypher." The Grand Magus begins as he gives a grim look from over the top of his spectacles. He places his hands firmly on the desk in front of him.
"Kypher do you know why Magisters join families?" he asked. He did not however wait for a respond to that question. "Magisters are often limited to one form and class of magic. Much like most people are limited to their own talents and uniqueness. Every person is unique in their own regard, but limited. It is a family that completes them." The Grand Magus gives a small smile.
"And you yourself are not that strong yet. You have so much to learn, and so much to improve. You yourself are weak, as all men are, and that is why you must learn to rely on your family."
Walker watches the two of them, before she begins to speak. "Madric, are you going to address his behavior?"
"Yes, yes, of course. I was just teaching him an important lesson." He says to her before he returns his attention to Kypher.
"Young man, you are walking a dark path. One that will not only lead you to ruin, but also expulsion. If you threaten or harm another student I will expel you. And you will not become a trained Magister. Think well on that, won't you?"
Kloudy Kloudy
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Kypher Hawthorne

Kypher could barely manage to stifle his yawn at the lecture he was given, often sending smirks at his teacher when she/it got angry or upset. When the Grand Magus had finished, Kypher only held but a lazy smile in response, "I suppose I could restrain myself from harming them. However I make no promises should I be provoked, of course." He then took on a mock-pouty face in an attempt at pseudo-sadness, "But I do love to the scare those poor lambs. They are too entertaining to not watch squirm and squeal like pigs on a fire..." A light almost seemed to burn in the Punacian's eyes as his smile grew with a slight hint of excitement at the prospect of terrorising the other students again. He hadn't really seemed to take the old man's words into much consideration, completely ignoring the gravity of the consequences he might receive.

The problem with Kypher was that he didn't really fear anything. Spiders, heights, people, expulsion, death - they were all unimportant aspects of the grand scheme of life. Kypher's purpose in life was to fight, it was his job, his nature, his blood. However, this fearlessness coupled as a weakness. Unafraid of everything, Kypher will never learn how to keep himself alive in the face of an unstoppable opponent. Throwing himself into any danger, Kypher risks himself in the pursuit of glory. It is in situations like these where this trait of his really shines through... Suddenly frowning as he came back to reality from his daydreaming, Kypher shook his head robustly, "But I refuse to call those people my family. I do not need them. For that, I will accept any punishment." His eyes narrowed challenged at the older man as he matched the Grand Magus' ultimatum with one of his own. Kypher excelled at most forms of battle, most especially in ones of willpower. One would find it very difficult to find a person with a stronger mind than the troublesome Punacian psycho that now faced the two staff members.

Meawinda Meawinda
Meawinda Meawinda SilverNova SilverNova ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Grandmaster Baphomet Grandmaster Baphomet / Kloudy Kloudy [[revive this roleplay pls]]

When Baldwin gave his rather cartoonish slip, Maya almost managed to stifle a giggle as to not seem rude. Despite this, a light-hearted chuckle came out. "I suppose you're right, Baldwin, he won't need it." She turned her attention to address the whole group, but not in the way that would seem extroverted and confident, rather quite the opposite.

"It's... nice to meet you all! I summon things, but not very well..." Maya greeted softly, reclining backwards in her chair to reclude from the conversation. She observed all of her fellow students well, but tried not to take too much interest and remain in the backseat. She pulled her book onto her lap and watched the others, but made no effort herself to carry forward a conversation. She looked down at the book in her lap and gave a gentle if not oscillating smile, her long bangs falling to cover the top of her face from her peers unwantingly.
Kloudy Kloudy
The Grand Magus let out a noise of contemplation. His brows furrowed in thought for a moment. After a short time he smiles at Kypher and clasps his hands together. "Well, Kypher , I do believe I have something to try and better your attitude towards your family members."
Walker eyes the Grand Magus and Kypher but remains quiet to hear whatever Mervle had in mind for the trouble maker.
"As a Witch, it is your duty to be the class nurse. Your family member's well being is now something that you are responsible for." He states with a broad smile. "Perhaps you will find why a family is so important through such a duty."
Professor Walker lets out a sigh. "Madric, I assume that if he neglects this duty that there will be consequences."
"You assumed correctly. Is that all you need, Ursula?"
"That will be all. I will escort Hawthorn back to class."
Before Walker turns to leave she gives a salute to the Grand Magus. He does not seem surprised by, but he does seem somewhat annoyed by the gesture.

Felix smiles at Maya as his tail swishes behind him. "Maya, that's a good name." He says. He then turns around to the black haired girl with her feet propped up. "What about you? What is your name?"
The girl furrows her brows and lets out an annoyed sigh. "This whole icebreaker thing is pointless. Let's face it, none of us really care about who else is here. We just want to get out of the worst class." She says curtly.as she adjusts herself in her seat.
Felix frowns at this and speaks up again. "We're a family now. Can't you at least give me your name this one time?" he asks. The black haired girl rolls her eyes before she spits out her next statement. "Meredith, inventor and Crystalline Modifier."

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