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Fantasy Magister


The Eater of Worlds
Welcome to Magister!
Magister is a unique world setting taken place on the floating islands of Arceia, each island held aloft from the void of the netherworld via large magical crystals. The world above the void is one of light, life, and prosperity. Life is run by magic, with its power imbued into almost every aspect of everyday life.

OOC: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/magister-ooc.334649/
Character Sheets: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/magister-characters.334647/
World Building: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/magister-world-building.334648/

The City of Academia

Lightbream Academy, founded on one of the largest floating islands of Arceia, is the most important - and sizable - magical academy within the realm. The city which surrounds it was cleverly named “Academia” by those who inhabit it. It is a flourishing town with shops and other such commodities for those who come to study their craft. Anything from magic supplies to humble grocery stores line the streets. Students either live within dorms or apartments within the city. With aqueducts and trolleys fuelled by smaller Arceia stones, simmering lights of magic, and the smiles of the citizens, it is without a doubt one of the best places to live in all the realm.

There are a few major districts within the city:

The merchant district, the living quarter, lower commons, aerial docks, festive district, and then the academy itself.

The merchant district holds the most businesses within the city. Magic shops, restaurants, and merchant stalls are just a few buildings that exist here, all a lively array of the citizens livelihood.

The living quarter is where the most homes are located. Apartments, houses, and a few outer lying student dorms are within this quarter of the city. It is a fairly quiet and laid back place, where people tend to value their peace.

In the lower commons there are many places such as offices, parks, museums, and more. This is also is where the city hall is located.

The aerial docks is where goods are brought in and exported out, or where people take passage to and from the city; whether they travel by short dragon flights, or larger and longer airship journeys.

The festive district is a place of music and laughter. It holds theatres, opera halls, and grand displays of magic meant to entertain the masses. Many musician and artizens make their living here within the city.

And finally, there is the academy itself.

Lightbream Academy

Lightbream Academy functions with several curriculums based at different levels of age, scores, and magical affinity. For teenagers and young adults entering the world of professional magisters, the eight year curriculum is the most popular offer. The students following this curriculum are ranked in three main groups, and then into three sub groups. This is listed as a letter, A-C, and then a number, 1-3. Respectively, an A-1 class would be held in the highest esteem whilst receiving the most challenging studies. In contrast, C-3 would be the worst possible class to submit on a job application with the most rudimentary work within the school. The B class is the largest class, as 60% of students fall into this category alone. This is where the average student spends their eight years with their family, or group of students, learning their craft.

The Grand Magus is the headmaster of sorts of the school. The current Grand Magus is Madric Mervle, a magister at the age of 49, with prestigious achievements supporting his time with arcane studies. He also acts as an mediator between the city and the school, as neither truly act in favor of the other.

Class C-3

Class C-3 is the smallest class, often dubbed the underdogs. Classes of problem pupils. These students have the worst grade, struggle to co-operate, and may even go out of their way to behave the worst in the entire academy. There are also students in the class that have a particular pattern of behavior in which other student families would not accept them. These students have a very negative reputation amongst the academy, considered by most to be badly-behaved misfits but this is rarely the case. By the nature of the class, C-3 exists to take those who have the hardest time in the academy and give them their best chance of becoming a magister.

Magisters are people, who normally work in teams called families, who use magic to make a living. They work to benefit society as doctors, artists, mechanics, military, police, teachers, researchers, or basically any field in which magic is able to be utilized. A magister is held in high esteem as a well lived and well learned member of society.
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Magic Affinity

Magical Affinity is explained as the level at which one is aware of and can perform magic. The highest recorded magical affinity was listed as an 11, however it is impossibly rare that any person ever exceeds the level of 9. A level 9 is commonly accepted at the highest level of affinity any person may achieve. These people are hailed as geniuses and masters of their crafts. On the opposite hand, there are those with absolutely no affinity for magic. A level 0 person is incapable of sensing magic being cast as well as using it. It is also impossible for a level 0 to improve beyond this point. Most people sit between a level 4 or 5, with the highly skilled resting at 6. However, it can be hard to discern the exact level of magic on possess through the form of magic they use alone.

Also, if one expends all of their magic they will perish. Most people pass out before this happens but ritualists can in fact expend too much magic.

Forms of Spells

There are countless forms and expressions of Magic. Each unique as the person performing it. However, most forms can be categorized forms, which can further be divided from casting type to the effect the magic will have. A magister usually is specified in one form, however, certain people have been known to use multiple forms. The forms are as follows:

Crystalline Magic: Crystalline Magic is magic performed using Arceia crystals as a focus. The crystals are inscribed or attuned to perform certain actions. The user then focuses their magic through the crystal to cast a spell. Higher level crystals take more magic to activate, but create more powerful and more precise effects. Lower level crystals take less magic to activate and have less powerful effects, however they can have a larger range of effects as the spell is less specific. Crystals drain magic before the spell is cast, meaning less chance of a spell being halted or interrupted.

Incantation Magic: Incantation Magic is a medium cast rate which involves stating a command or guidelines for what the magic is supposed to create or cause. The length of the incantation changes the effect of the magic as well as how powerful it will be. The longer the incantation, the more magic it will take. While it is a popular form of magic, it requires the use of magic while casting in order to form the guideline for the spell while most only drain before or after casting. Meaning, if you pause while casting it will continue to drain magic.

Ritualistic Magic: Being the longest of the forms to be cast, any spell could take from several minutes to several hours in extreme example. The time needed to perform a ritual is based on the complexity and the intensity of the spell. For example, someone may perform a ritual to summon a fire elemental to serve them for a certain time, or to cast a curse upon other for a time, etc. The largest scale magic is more often than not of a ritualistic manner. Rituals drain magic after being completed, meaning if you stop half way you will not loose magic. However, you will have to start the ritual over.

Classes of Magic

While forms are how the spell is cast, the form is the type of effect the spell will have on the world. A magister is often specialized in one or two forms of magic. The forms of magic are as follows:

Elemental (Elementalist): Perhaps one of the oldest and most primal of the forms of magic, Elemental magic manipulates and creates the most basic elements of nature. For example, someone could create a ball of flame or a gust of wind. Most lower level magisters are specialized in one element, while higher level elementalists are skilled in many. The elements that may be used in this roleplay are as follows:

Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Light, and Arcane. Arcane is the raw power of magic. It is also called force, or wild magic. Being raw, it mostly acts as a force on objects rather than a spell itself. It is also far more draining than other elements.

Conjuration (Conjurer): Conjuration is the creating of objects or creatures and placing them temporarily into the world that did not exist in the world in the first place. For example, one could create a thrall or a minion to defend them. Or they could create a weapon to arm themselves. The more magic used to created the conjured object or creature, to more complex or more commands may be issued to them. While conjuration is possible at lower affinities , it is far more successful for those at an affinity of 5 or higher.

Summoning (Summoner): Summoning is the creating or displacing of objects or creature that already exist within the world and placing/replacing them. For example, someone could summon a small dragon as a familiar or even teleport an object to them. However, to create something they must understand the way the object functions, it’s mass, and other things that make the object defined. To transport something the caster must know where it is, how it functions, it’s mass, etc. This is typically easier for those of lower affinity that conjuration because the object or creature already exists within the universe. Once again, the more powerful the spell, the more accurate the copy will be or how long the object remains displaced.

Modification (Modifier): Modification is the magic of change. It changes the position, state, size or other feature of an object that the cast can see or touch. For example, someone could unlock a door or move a desk across a room. While rather tame in nature, it is a class of skill most valued in the working class, thieves, and of course artists. Modification magic also cannot be used on living things, as the magic is intended on objects which are in one consistent state. The more magic used to cast a spell, the more complex the change can be. At higher levels, the object can be changed entirely so long as the new object uses the same materials.

Witchcraft (Witch): A witch in many ways is like a modifier. They change the way in which a creature of person that they can see or touch exists. Most of the time, this type of magic is practiced as healing magic. Curing ails and mending wounds. However, this magic can be used to much the opposite effect. It can also be used to change the strengths and weaknesses of a person or creature temporarily such as making them faster or stronger. Just as a modifier cannot affect living things, a witch cannot affect non living things with their magic.At higher levels of practice, witchcraft can even be used to change the form a living creature takes.

Hexes (Hexist): A language of curses and spirits of misfortune, a Hexist makes contact with the spirits of the void to bring misfortune upon their enemies. Hexes are most often valued in the military or in facilities that study the creatures of the void below the floating islands. Curses and spirits can be used to create a wide array of ill fates on the target of their spells. Curses can drain magic, damage crystals, and draw forth spirits to torment their victims. Spirits of Torment, unlike summoned or conjured creatures, are not necessarily bound to the caster. They can turn on a caster who does not have the power to control them. Creatures can be listed by levels 1-9. They can only stay as long as you determined they could when you summoned them. Think the less powered relatives of the Summoner and the Witch.

Sage Magic (Sage) A sage is person who much to the opposite effect of the Hexist. They can replenish magic, fix and inscribe crystals, and bring forth spirits of light to aid allies. They can use their power to bring a helping hand to any other mage, and normally work in the military to counter spell Hexists. And vise versa. The spirits of heaven are typically benevolent creatures, however don’t alway enjoy being summoned. Once again, they can turn on those who cast the spell if the caster isn’t strong enough control them. These spirits can also be listed by levels 1-9.

Nullification Magic (Null Mage): Nullification magic is the art of stopping other forms of magic. It exists to cease all others. A null mage’s goal is to stop incantations and magic as it is being cast. Once a spell is completed, the effect has already begun on the universe and cannot be undone. A null mage of lower levels may pick a single target to nullify for a few seconds. Meanwhile as they progress they can nullify a larger area for longer periods of time with less consequence. Null fields act in a sphere, anything caught inside is null including allies. Nullification fields can only be seen by people with affinity for magic, as it is the absence as magic. Same thing for single target nullification. Nullification magic also has no effect at all on a level 0 person.
For this Roleplay

In this roleplay, you will be playing a class C-3 student, on your way to hopefully becoming a full fledged magister. You may or may not be here by your own will. You will have an affinity of 3 or lower. No one will be allowed to play a person with level 0 affinity.

Rules of the Roleplay

Each person will have three strikes before I kick them out of the roleplay. Each offense will earn them a strike. After a while I will forgive strikes. Ignore the rules, and be banished.

  • I am the Game Master.

  • There will be no god modding.

  • You may only play humans.

  • You may only control your character.

  • Play RP in the third person.

  • You may only play the classes and forms listed in the FAQ at this time.

  • Please obey forum rules.

  • Please don’t derail the topic.

  • Please be willing to pace yourself with the others in the RP.

Character Sheet:

My name is: (First Name) (Last Name).

I am _ years old.

I am a: (Magic Form) (Magic Class).

My magical affinity is: (1-3)

I am in class C-3. (Yup, stuck here.)

I look like this: (appearance, written or otherwise. You do get metaphorically brownies points from having this in written or drawing your own picture.)

This is how I got here: (Type your background or put “Sent to Grand Magus” if you’d like to pm it to me.)

Here’s some stuff you should know about me:
(Put your personality, your favorite color, or whatever you feel should go here. Just put something that you want people to know about your character. Simple. This is required. Seriously, you could even put that you like the color blue.)
Start of Roleplay
Lord of the Toast Lord of the Toast Kloudy Kloudy Grandmaster Baphomet Grandmaster Baphomet SilverNova SilverNova ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki dragonsfire dragonsfire

Sometime early in the morning you pry yourself from bed to go to school. An entire hour earlier than normal classes to be precise. You are in class C-3, the worst of the worst, no going any lower from here. The layout of the school even reflects it. After going through main street and up the winding stair pathway to the school, you proceed down the out of the way path down the cliff side. A small separate building of grey and gold stone built out from the lower mass of the island. A hard wooden door and dusty windows being it's only other distinctive features. A training yard, small and fenced and made of cobblestones, holds an otherworldly view of both the sky above and the darkness of the void below. Either early or late. You walk to the heavy wooden door engraved with a mockingly polished sign reading "C-3".

The hinges let out a loud screech as you open the door and you are confronted with the smell of dust and old wood. The light streams into a seemingly colorless classroom of long aged unpolished wood desks, floors, and stone walls. Three columns of desks on different height levels, much like that of a university. The desks are long, meant to sit three or four students, with wooden benches. The windows are partially covered with faded red curtains that flow in the draft that comes through them. At the front of the room there is a messy chalk board and a podium. On either side of this there lie two doors, one leading to a teacher's office and the other to a storage room.

Sitting in the room are four figures. One sitting in the back of the class with leather boots propped firmly on her desk. She is short and shows muscle in her form, with long black hair pulled into messy pig tails. She wears copper goggles strapped to her forehead to act as a hair band. A leather coat resting loosely on her frame with a white blouse and heavy denim shorts underneath. Her face is round, looking almost babyish if her expression wasn't one of distaste. Beside her sits a strange copper staff proper against her chair. A gleaming pole with a cylinder shaped compartment in the mid top, and a white crystal at its' peak.

In the very front of the class, near the far right sits a tall slender boy. He has curly brown hair and sharper features. His nose is long and above it sit two vivid amber eyes. On his head sits an old cap made of tan cloth. Swishing behind him is a tabby cat tail. He wears dirty clothing, with mud on the bottom of his cloth trousers and dust clinging to his green shirt and faded red vest. He wears well worn brown shoes. He stares at the window with a far away look to his eyes.

And in the middle of the class, dead center, sit the strangest two. One of them, clearly the strangest in the room, is a man made of flame. A flickering being resembling a well figured man with black eyes that make it impossible to tell where he is looking. In the center of his chest is a red gemstone, gleaming whilst encased in flames. He has no other real facial structure that a vague impression where his mouth should be and a hint of a nose.

Next to him sits a radiant being. She has long, flowing blonde hair that seems to wave on its own that caresses slender cheeks. Her eyes are a slender frame for two endless orbs of blue that seem to flow as the sea. Her frame is thin and willowy, with skin that seems to shine in the darkness with a translucent glow. She wears a simple white dress with travelers shoes, her face set in a small and enchanting smile. She seeming to be having a conversation with the being beside her, with a voice that reminds you of a babbling brook.

And so, you have taken in all of class C-3. The rejects, the outcasts, those unskilled at magic, and of course the idiots. Welcome home.
Maya slunk into the classroom, a pit in her stomach emptying quickly as her eyes darted around for a free spot. Her eyes began at the farthest row from the front, turning left first. A girl, who Maya saw as rather punk as her first impressions, occupied the left and she quickly decided not to make conversation. Turning to the right, this time more in avoidance rather than scouting, resulted in her seeing a free spot at the right. Gripping her brown leather satchel tightly, her bangs falling to be swept left from the sudden jerking movements and the tilting of her head, she slid swiftly into the desk and shuffled to the far end. Delicately placing the satchel to her left, she took out the essentials; quill, ink, notebook, journal and of course her book on dragons. A quick sigh of relief escaped her lips as she flipped open the book once more, running her fingers along her father's calligraphy as she waited for her classmates to arrive.
"You can do this, Maya..." she assured herself under her breath.
Kypher Hawthorne

Another day. Another chance for a warrior to crush his opponents in glorious battle.

Well, it wouldn't quite be as glorious as the Punacia gladiator fights, but it would still be entertaining nonetheless. Kypher was to start his enrolment at class C-3, the bottom of the bottom. It was hardly a glorious position to be in society, but that didn't matter. He'd work his way up again and show them all of his destructive capability - then they would recognise him as a true Punacian to be feared. Right now he was just a problem child with a violent streak. He'd show them. He'd show them all.

Making his way down the rickety path, Kypher jauntily came to a stop outside the class door. Rolling his shoulder for a moment, Kypher stretched his neck for a moment before taking a step back. Seconds later, the door slammed open as he kicked it hard, a crazy grin plastered across his face as he walked in as if he owned the place. Glancing about at the other students, sizing them up in turn, Kypher decided to yell out happily, "YEEEEAAAAAHHH!!! Class C-3! Alright!" Happily making his way across the room whilst ignoring everyone, Kypher randomly launched another kick at the anthropomorphic guy sitting at the front, sending him tumbling out of the chair. Chuckling, he righted the chair and sat in it himself, leaning back and placing his own feet onto the table like the muscular girl at the back. Placing his hands behind his head, Kypher laughed again, "Ha! I like this seat." His job having been done, he awaited for the guy to retaliate or for someone to say something. He was hoping for a confrontation of some kind, something to get him fighting. It was in his blood after all.
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After waking to what he deemed quite a good weekend seeing as hes room was thrashed( More than usual) and his stash of his special grass he calls "Hashis" only if he could remember what he did, that would be great.
As he realizes he has literally two hours left to get to his class he puts a green tunic one, and a old leather cape and some brown leather cloth trousers that for a belt had a string and they barely reach his ankles he takes his good old grandpa's book and heads to his classroom.
After somehow managing to end up in the Aerial docks and finding a stray dog who led him to here Baldwin been thinking he had a pretty average morning. As he enters a room he sees a lot of people and he as the great non-biased person he started to give everyone a stereotype.

Ok we have a bimbo,a literal human torch, from what i can tell at the back we have a steampunk staff wielding " I don't give no shits about you" girl and another girl who surprisingly seems to be pretty average and obviously the Emo bully and the kid who with a animal tail... Yea pretty normal
He says as he goes to the kid with the tail and helps him get up which then he turns to Emo kid of the year and gives what he thought was a friendly smile but from the outside people would only see a guy slightly tilting his head and giving a smirk which he after he acted like it never happened and went to end of the classroom to the one table at the back which was unclaimed clearly because it was covered in some magical humus which he didn't mind so much he simply took his cape off placed on the bench and sat on it horizontally waiting for something or for the teacher to come in while he would be daydreaming.
Justinian entered the class soon after the other, desheviled and wearing a miss-mess of robes with the Illium colours and underclothes of varying sizes of fit. If he was embarrassed or care about what he saw he didn't show it looking around dreamily and with mild curiosity at the man of flame and the radiant. He carried several books more than the class required which he settle down to an empty table and sat down. He opened one of the books and his eyes darted quickly across the pages as he hymned a tune.

"Paoulis law of crystal dynamic...Interesting... "He began to mutter suddenly speaking to noone in particular. "If law one means that can I..."He switched books skimmed through it before switching to another. "Water incantation? Surely the crystalline method would....Hmm... I wonder what lunch will be today... Seafood? I hope not I had that the other..."He looked suddenly confused. "Seafood? Illium needs to see how much it export... Does it export..."He paused again. "What was I looking up?"He asked turning dreamily to the person next him.
(Open to anyone)
As he's peaceful sleep is disturbed he looks at the person next to him and gets up from the bench to look at the monster who was cruel enough to end the sleep, the necessity of Baldwin's existence, obviously after food and his hashis but that's not the point.
Anyways as he got up from laying down he turned towards the whiteboard at the bottom of the class and said to the mismatched magician:

If your excellence would allow it, I believe you were talking about the commerce in this lovely town, specifically on its seafood delicacies in terms of export but seeing as we are currently on a literal floating island i don't think that question would need to be addressed.
He says as he does a polite nod and then a smirk after he finishes his end of the conversation:
In any case my is Baldwin, and you connoisseur of the fine arts of fishing are?
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
"Oh...did I? Huh..." Justinian said mildly surprised and confused as if he too was just woken up to find he did something he couldn't remember. "Strange, marine life had never been an interest of m...Lecian... Slav...Excuse me working class.... Farmer?"He asked as he looked at Baldwin up and down mildly curious. He didn't wait for a reply. "Must say academy is great, never saw such a great library before. More books than home... Full access even for C3. Why they call the class c3?Class number 3? Too obvious. You got any books from the library?"He paused as if giving Baldwin a chance before blurting out. "Justinian."
Baldwin after being bombarded with questions that seem annoying but at the same time better than sleeping began to formulate answer to all of the questions as to at least try and make sense of the person who is currently talking to him at such a high speed:
One im a currently student and slavery has been abolished on Leicia, yes the library does have quite a amalgamation of books though i havent meet someone so interested in them. What do you mean more than at home. And from what logical sense i can make of it c-3 is The third class in the C tear so by that logic A-1 would be the best or that what i think it means. Hello justinian may i call you justin? Just simpler for me to remember and as for books no i have not borrowed the only book i have is this.
He shows Justinian his grandpa old book of rituals and modification magic that we also added his own research on the hallucinogenic type of grass only he is able to manufacture
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
Kloudy Kloudy
The boy with the cat tail hits the ground stunned for a moment as he takes the situation in. After a few seconds, he springs back to his feet and slams his hands on the table. "What's the big idea, huh?! I was clearly sitting there you-"
"That's enough!" Erupts a growl of a voice as the office door pulls open. Standing in the doorway is a fairly tall well built figure. With long white hair and red scaled skin, they have gold eyes with goat like irises. One either side of their head are two ram horns. They are wearing a black leather jacket and standard black cargo pants. The construct woman lets out a growl as she storms her way over the two students causing a ruckus. Her eyes cut to both in turn as she stands there with crossed arms. "Alright, break it up. I'm not going to tolerate any of this nonsense on the first day of class. And I'm sure as HELL not going to let it even be a thought you have in my class after this." She says with a face resembling a snarl.
"Both of you apologize and act nice, Hawthorne... Za-ahdi, or I'll find something for you to be angry about. Do I make myself clear?"
From the middle of the class the blonde raises her hand up and speaks in a flowing voice. "Excuse me, Miss, but the Animin was provoked." She says. The teacher narrows her eyes on Kypher at this statement. But she still waits for a response to her question.
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Justinian gave a look at Baldwin as if affronted either by the quick reply being considered as a parody of himself or at being called Justin. He than without a word looked past Baldwin to the window at the back something catching his eye. "Ritual magic is useful and supposedly powerful but never had the patience for it... Sorry about my crazy mind... Damn thing doesn't know when to... "he paused frowned. "Never liked magically modified herbs.. Makes a person as addled as I am. " he said seriously looking down at the book. "I recommend you don't partake in the sort.... Herbs specially made to treat disease though... Bought instead of heading magister healer... Would be expensive though... put magisters out of..." he paused as the teacher made quite the entrance drawing his attention.
A mixture of shock and fear startled Maya as the commotion reached an explosive climax, what with the teacher entering and all. Feeling rather frightened and not wanting to be seen or associated with what was happening, she nervously ducked down onto the desk. Lifting the book so she could read it upright and use it almost like a shelter from her front, she tilted her head left to look at the black-haired girl at the opposite end of the room, observing her reaction while awkwardly trying to not make eye contact.
Obviously again being irritated by the ditz who cannot hold a conversation longer than he can stay awake after two whole batches of hashis is over but then again Baldwin found the kid to be quite entertaining and for a good reason he turned his attention to the teacher which he deems a reason good enough to ignore his genius.
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
As he turns to the teacher he sees the construct women and he insistingly thanks himself mentally for choosing a sit at the back to next to what seemed as someone quite smart and after she hears the girl with the staff remark he adds his own bit to this
Madam if you would permit me, i think that when someone goes to someone sitting in a chair and procedes to quite literally kick them off the chair i would believe it would make most people even the great person of yourself
This is where he finishes his point and he smiles with his distinct " I want to be a nice person but in reality i don't realize i look like a smart ass"
Meawinda Meawinda
Callah Gaelt strode into the classroom, 'her new home', with a bemused look upon her face. She couldn't believe that her parents really thought sending her to this school would 'fix' her. Never mind the fact that she had been placed in the most ill-suited and freak class in the whole school, an education in magic could never truly 'fix' a personality. What a joke.

This thought was only cemented in further upon witnessing a rather boorish teen, Punacian in appearance, kick another to the floor. Unsuprisingly, only to be reprimanded a while later by a construct whom Callah presumed might be their teacher. She sighed lightly, this could end up being a long semester.

While the group in the front was busy squabbling over the public display of harassment, Callah glanced around, wondering absentmindedly how well the storage closet at the front was locked. If it wasn't someway magically protected, there was a good chance she would be able to sneak a peak later. Perhaps she'd even walk away with an expensive crystal or two. To make it even better she could blame it on the Punacian if the teacher ever noticed. Callah began to grin wickedly to herself, already formulating clever plans to act upon later when she got bored. Before too long, however, she realized how she might look standing at the doorway foolishly beaming to herself and went to take a seat. Sneaking in a comment to the Punacian as she passed by, she snickered, "It's not nice to steal from others".

Unabashedly, she grabbed the seat right beside what looked to be the youngest girl currently in the room, the one hiding beneath a book. Callah laughed lightly, finding the whole scene comical, "Are you okay?"
Lord of the Toast Lord of the Toast
Upon hearing the other girl's voice, Maya flinched a little bit, unintentionally lifting up her book and accidentally bashing the tail of the spine on her desk. Quickly dropping the book down flat as to hide the evidence that the bashing noice came from her resulted in yet another noise, although this time it was a dull thud. After making the situation a little bit more awkward than it should be, she disheartedly push the book to the side.

"Crap..." she mouthed silently, mentally hitting herself for making a fool of herself. Turning to the girl with auburn hair with a look of embarassment on her face, her cheeks a rosy shade of red that stood out against her pale skin. Maya noted the girl's sharp emerald eyes, thinking them quite beautiful and defining for her. While her half-smile and blushed face would suggest social reluctance, she honestly appreciated the kind sentiments given to her.

"I-I am fine thank you. Just nervous I guess," she mumbled, sub-consciously messing with her satchel's strap. "Uhm, are you okay?... I mean how are you? I'm Maya. Gosh damnit..."
SilverNova SilverNova
Kypher Hawthorne

Completely ignoring the protests of the animal guy and their apparent new teacher, Kypher leaned back further on his chair and lolled his head back so that he was staring at the blonde girl behind him, his face upside down. A dangerous smirk was carelessly aimed in her direction, one eyebrow raised in an almost incredulous expression of mock surprise, "That's a fine way of going about getting yourself killed. Why don't you have another nice talk with your pet candle there, I'm sure he can tell you how to mind your own damn business before you get your face kicked in."

Satisfied with his clearly loaded threat, Kypher leaned forward slightly again and sent a scowl at the girl who walked past him, the one muttering about some crap about stealing. Finally sighing and stretching his arms upwards again, Kypher looked at the animal boy with an emotionless stare for a passing moment as he turned to face the teacher. It was for but a brief second, but it was enough to convey his message. There was a saying about Punacians: if looks could kill, then don't look at a Punacian. Most likely because they would definitely kill you as soon as they were given the chance. Kypher was usually no different, except for the fact that he was forbidden from killing people in Victorium. Once he had fully turned towards the teacher, Kypher's slack face grinned in response to his threat, a light sparking in his eyes, "Now that sounds like a challenge to me... Say, in Punacia we have the two offenders fight to the death and the survivor doesn't have to apologise. How about we do that?" Kypher didn't really expect much, but he also half hoped the teacher would angry enough to go with it. To think that he would get to legally fight another student in the first day! The thought did indeed excite him, giving him feverous thoughts of antagonising more of his peers for a hopefully similar effect. The Punacian glanced at the Animin with his carelessly confident smirk and raised his eyebrows pointedly, "What say you, animal boy? Shall we fight for the ownership of this chair? There's nothing more glorious than a good deathmatch to restore ones honour."

Meawinda Meawinda SilverNova SilverNova
The blonde girl's face contorts with a mixture of surprise and fear. She instinctively moves herself behind the man of flame, who also instinctively moves to protect her.
In a swift movement the teacher grabs hold of one of Kypher's arms, twists it back behind his back painfully, and then pins him to the ground. This narrowly misses the Animin who jumps back quickly. There are gasps from around the room as most of the other students express shock at the scene. The professor lets out a low growl before she speaks. "You will not make death threats in my class. Nor will you be fighting another student. I will not tell you again. Do I make myself clear?"
She cuts her eyes to Callah after she has passed. Without easing her grip on Kypher, she speaks in a low tone, "This class has rules and you all will follow them.
Kloudy Kloudy SilverNova SilverNova
In the back as clearly was not heard or he was even cared about, which from what he saw of the situation is not good.His previous thoughts about how he is going to have a easy school life and just return back home really became lesser and lesser as he saw the teacher that had been chosen to be his teacher and then just so he can at least settle the mood to some extent put his hand up as he wanted to ask a question.
Miss, I know that hurting your students on the first day of the class seems like a very mature and well thought out way to bond with the kids, and believe me I think the same.You know that good old discipline, stick and carrot only that the carrot is us not being killed and the stick is us having life threatening wounds. And as much as I love the thought of a Punacian being man-handled at which he looks at the punacian and smiles i think it would be better for you to introduce yourself more thoroughly... maybe a name?" after which he looks at teacher to see how she would respond

Meawinda Meawinda Kloudy Kloudy SilverNova SilverNova Lord of the Toast Lord of the Toast ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
Kypher Hawthorne

Kypher barely reacted as the teacher grabbed him and twisted his arm, his smile turning grim from the pain of having his arm wrenched back. Teeth bared as he tried to internally calm himself down, the Punacian shot a dark look at the odd kid at the back who loooed fairly high, "I'll flay your skin off if you repeat that! No one manhandles a Punacian!" And with that he quickly dragged his arm free and managed to wriggle out of his weird surprisingly strong teacher's grip, rolling away to his feet with his fists clenched. Kypher wasn't one to take on those extremely more powerful than him, the art of war taught not to engage in foolish battles, but with his name slandered, he was all but prepared to die in a fight against his teacher and the whole class of need be. It was the lengths he and his fellow countrymen would go to for the sake of their honour and dignity, something that Kypher took especially seriously. The Hawthorne family was a well respected name in Punacia and his parents would not want to hear that their son had been dishonouring it in front of those Victorium scumbags.

However, Kypher had promised the school that he wouldn't kill anyone or engage in any overly dangerous activities for the first day at least. Punacians were at least good for their word. To spite the animal boy, Kypher kicked the desk over, cracking the wood in the process, "Take your stupid desk then. It's weak anyways, just like you!" And with that, the headstrong student strode down to the back of the classroom, where he took up a seat next to the muscled female and sent deathly glares at his teacher from across the room. Every so often he would mutter something about pulling their spine from their throat and gouging out their eyes, often accompanied by the thud of a small pocket knife he had, which he would dig into the desk as some form of stress relief. If anyone across the room attempted to look back at him, he would stare them down with an angry expression, clear that he did not want to be looked at or they would regret the consequences.

Meawinda Meawinda Grandmaster Baphomet Grandmaster Baphomet
Kloudy Kloudy Grandmaster Baphomet Grandmaster Baphomet Lord of the Toast Lord of the Toast ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki SilverNova SilverNova
The muscular girl cuts her eyes over at Kypher and eyes him over for a solid minute as her eyebrows furrow slightly. She eventually just rolls her eyes and redirects them to the rest of the class as she continues to observe. The Amimin boy picks up the desk with a sigh. After a moment he sits back down.
"Hawthorne, This type of behavior would only bring dishonor to your family." The professor says as her eyes follow Kypher as he makes his way to the back of the class. She then sighs and turns to Baldwin "Yes, Tranquillitas, I guess introductions are in order..." She stands upright and makes her way to the podium in front of the classroom. After clearing her throat to grab the attention of the other students.
"Alright, class, listen up. I am your professor. You may call me Professor, Walkers, or Professor Walker. Don't. Call me anything else." She says pausing sharply at the word 'don't'. She motions roughly between Kypher and the Animin she called 'Za-adhi'.
"Class will not continue to be like this in the future. Expulsion will come before that. Like it or dislike it, this class is a Magister Family. Congratulations. As such, we will need some introductions at the very least. What you're good at, your hobbies, a general who you are and what defines you. It's an icebreaker, if you will. Now then... Who wants to go first?" As the professor poses this question her eyes sweep the room. It was likely if someone didn't speak up that she would choose someone herself.
Maya snapped her head to the front of the room, disregarding her socially self-destructive conversation with Callah. This distraction would have relieved her, if not for the fear for her life that swiftly followed. She winced and shrunk back into the corner as she watched the display, her heart beating like rolling thunder as the Punacian approached the back, luckily only to have a bead of sweat confirm that she was not about to have a panic attack. Relaxing a bit as her chest untightened, she sat back slightly alike how she had been, giving Callah a small grimace before listening to the teacher.

Her heart sank once again once the notion of introductions was brought up, and tried to make herself seem as least noticable as possible.
Kypher Hawthorne

A low growl came from the back as the Punacian's expression grew furiously stormy. The small knife he had drew a deep funnel in the desk as his fists shook, his clenched teeth visible, "You... You don't know a DAMN thing about my family, Supergoat." Kypher was beyond anger at this point, but he still didn't rise to violence again just yet. He vowed to himself though, he vowed he would kill that goat lady as soon as he got the chance. To have the gall to talk about HIS family! His family would have roared with laughter if they were told about his antics, they would have been proud! What did this, this, this creature know about his family?!

Attempting to calm himself down, Kypher swiftly lifted his knife and expertly threw it off to the side. It would land embedded deep into the desk of the quiet girl who couldn't seem to stop trembling at everything. The knife would resound with a daunting "thwack!" as it carved into the wood, merely inches away from the scared girl. A small smile rose to his lips again at her reaction, making him feel slightly better about himself. Returning his attention to the class and their insufferably dislikesble teacher, Kypher simply assumed a look of dismissal, not wanting to do anything the woman said as he just sat there, looking away. He hadn't noticed the large muscled girl looking at him, he had been too wrapped up in trying to keep his appearances and terrorise everyone else.

Meawinda Meawinda Lord of the Toast Lord of the Toast
The black-haired girl whistles at the knife being thrown, she turns her head to Kypher and raises an eyebrow. "Wow, anger issues much?" She says without moving from her seat.

Walker turns her head sharply to where the knife is stuck in the desk that Maya sat in. "Class, we're having a recess. Be back here in an hour." She said in a low tone. She walked swiftly up to the back of the classroom right to Hawthorne where she picked him up sharply out of his seat by the arm. After a burning glare at him she spoke again in a voice akin to a growl.
"You are coming with me to speak with the Grand Magus. Now." With a iron grip she marches Kypher to the door to the class. As she reaches for the door with her free hand she turns her head to the rest of the class.
"No one will be skipping class." With that final note Walker opens to door and proceeds to drag Kypher to the stairs up the cliff side that lead to the rest of the academy.

After Walker leaves the Animin boy gets up out of his seat and hurries his way up to where Maya and Callah are sitting. "Are you okay, are either of you hurt? I'm a witch, so I can patch you up if he hit anything." He explains, moving his hands as he speaks. His face shows worry as he slows down and scratches the back of his head. "I wasn't expecting a family member so... hostile... What are your names?"

Kloudy Kloudy Lord of the Toast Lord of the Toast Grandmaster Baphomet Grandmaster Baphomet ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki SilverNova SilverNova

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