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Fantasy Magirose Hybrid Academy [Main IC thread]

Chini was definitely not expecting the tackle, and let out a shriek in fright. However, her fear soon disappeared upon seeing who it was. "Luna! It's nice to see you again!" She exclaimed, hugging the girl back. They had met last year and quickly became friends. It was indeed nice to see her again, especially since they hadn't really contacted each other over break. Gale had taken to the floor and was pressed up against the bed, also having been taken by surprise. He seemed to be calming down now. Letting go of Luna, she stood back and looked her over. Damn. She doesn't look good. "Dormmates huh? That'd be pretty cool, seeing as we were last year. Let me check." With that, she pulled up the email she had received from the headmaster which informed Chini of who'd she'd be sharing a dorm with. All students had gotten one, at least she figured. Scrolling through, she chuckled and looked back down at her rambunctious friend. "I'm sorry to say Luna, but you're in the room next to mine. Room 2. I'm with... two girls named Wren and Klara it seems. Never met them." Chini was rather excited to meet some new people, and she wondered what kind of hybrids they were. If any were the same as Luna, she'd definitely be surprised. Not many here were like her, and Chini liked that. Luna was special. A good special. Slipping her phone back into her pocket, Chini got back to unpacking while she spoke to her old friend. "So how you been Luna? Been a while since I've heard from you. Have you been eating well? Taking good care of yourself? Have you checked yourself into treatment?" Chini knew all about Luna's story. Or at least what she had been willing to share. She also knew of her bad addiction. She had always worried about her friend and would constantly talk about her to mom and pop. They always promised to watch over her. Speaking of mom and dad... Chini looked away from her folding and stared at the door. A smilled appeared on her face, and she waved. "Hey guys. Thanks for looking over Luna... yes, I'm fine.... Gale is doing good.... Oh yeah! I'll get back to it. Love you guys!" This wasn't an abnormal thing. Chini constantly saw her parents and the rest of her family. Everyone had been right. They would always be with her.

Chini decided to take a break from folding clothes and stared at Luna for a few seconds before speaking. "We should go grocery shopping. Better to stock up now before we get busy with studies. Wanna head into town with me?" Chini started putting her jacket back on and grabbed her purse from the bag. Whether or not Luna agreed, Chini would be heading out anyways. She was like that. Always needing to do something and always doing it. Of course, she couldn't forget sweet ole Gale. Luckily enough, she always kept a spare collar and leash in her bag in case these instances happened [seeing as they did quite frequently]. With a quick hand, the collar was around Gale and he was hooked up to the leash, ready to be walked the good boy he way. And yes, he was a VERY good boy. Proudly trained by Chini herself. She waited for Luna, eager to step back outside and head into town. It always was so lovely.
AmethystRoze AmethystRoze
Luna's ears dropped when she heard the news and dropped back some her arms behind her. "Uh well i…. I've been getting a lot better." She lied, not wanting to make her only friend angry at her. When she offered to go into town it was all she could do to tackle her again. "Yeah! I would love to go with you" She jumped up and down where she was, her ears perking again and tail wagging. She then noticed that wren was still there. "Oh i'm sorry this is Chi! my best friend"

jaylen jaylen Limerick.Grimoire Limerick.Grimoire
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When Alden had given up on studying the math, he slammed the book shut, much to t he surprise of other students, then picked up the knife and twirled it before putting it in a sheath on his hip. whatever. I already know most of that. He thought grumpily. I'll head in to town to pick up a new sheath. This one is getting old. As he stepped into his form a minute later to put his math back, he glanced at a sweater hanging on a hook on the wall. Eh, probably won't need it. It'll be a short walk.
Kuroko.jpgMentioned: No one, interaction: Open
Kuroko had gotten tired of wandering around the campus, and needed a change. A walk around town would be nice, Maybe she could perk up the courage to buy something. She exited the school and started walking, She didn't know the area around the school so she'd probably get lost sometime soon but she didn't mind, she didn't believe she had lessons until later.
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(On yay, someone like me! Wanna rp?)
Halfway through his walk, Alden regretted not grabbing the sweater. His tail swisher as he walked, and his arms were tight against his chest as the chilly November (no one has mentioned date yet lol) air made him shiver.
Kuroko.jpgmentioned: none Interactions: Open
Kuroko was already lost, The surroundings had gotten unfamiliar and she couldn't see the entrance to the school. She shouldnt had gone into the shop, She had bolted it out when the shop attendant suddenly started talking to her, And had continued running right down the street. Now she has no idea what time it is and no idea where she is...

Alden was heading towards the knife shop when he was a blur to past him. He turned around, .managing to catch a glimpse of her face as he called out, "Oi! Watch where you're going!" Angrily . He noted that she was probably from the school and look ed very confused. Shuddering as a chilly wind blew over him, Aldan decided to follow her. He took off at an alarming speed, as he was half wolf. His tail streamed behind him and his fluffy wolf ears were tilted back. He enjoyed running very much, yet his only interest at the moment was following the girl.
Kuroko.jpgMentioned: Teller of Stories Teller of Stories
Kuroko turned around wondering what the noise is, Suddenly she notices a wolfboy runnning after her. She panics and turns around to run only to trip over the curb, Guess her year of no social interacting ends here, She thought as the boy ran up to her, that was a impossible goal anyway...It probably wouldn't of worked out anyway...
As Alden stands let her, his tail flicking in half amusement, half pity, as she trips over the curb. After a moment, he says in his smooth, somewhat English accented voice, "You're from Magirose, correct?"
Kuroko.jpgMentioned: Teller of Stories Teller of Stories
Kuroko would nod, "Y-Yes i am..." she said, Visibly cluching her mini panda in her hand, "A-And what of it..." She would get up and look at the wolf-boy, She had lost her year of solitude and now she's talking to someone... She had mixed feelings about it...
He blinked, passing his shivering off as not a priority as he looked at her. "Are you lost? Or shall I go away, you seem uncomfortable..."
Kuroko.jpg Mentioned: Teller of Stories Teller of Stories
Kuroko thought about it for a second before giving an answer, "I-I'm lost..." She'd rather have a bit of social interaction and get to class rather than none and have to walk about town for ages...Especially with the suspicious glances coming from the store...
"I know the.way back. I c-can help you." The chatter in his teeth was unmistakable. Oh, how he longed to be back at the warm school.... His amber eye focused on the girl- no, wait, panda girl- as he waited for a response.
Interactions: Open!
Mention(s): T Tinytiger28
Korra couldn't help but to giggle. "Ah, so I see we're both clueless together!" she points out with a clap of her hands. "But of course you seem more capable of reading this thing than I do so that way it is!" she announced as she spun around on her hooves in the direction that Lori was pointing. She elbows the smaller girl with a chuckle. "Who knows, you could be completely wrong, but then again i don't think anybody'll fault us since it is our first day," she pointed out.
Kuroko.jpgMentioned: Teller of Stories Teller of Stories
"L-Lets go then," she says noticing the wolf boy's shivering, she quietly dusted herself off before waiting for a response or movement, basically anything that would indicate that they are heading back.
"Alright. Come on, then." He gestured in the direction of a dirt path heading up a hill, and they started walking. A little bit later, the large school came in to view. As the near-frozen wolf-boy and the quiet panda-girl headed up to the front door, Alden stopped. "I'm assuming you can find your way from here?"
she chuckled seeing chini and luna's reunitement "nice to meet you, im Wren" she introduced as once again her small fox phantom came bounding out jumoing aound and trying to snif and lick the new girl, always excited to meet new people "im so sorry, he doesn't bite, hes just excited to meet you, feel free to pet him, his name is phantom" she said aproaching and taking him in her arms to calm him and then offered him to the girls in case they wished to pet his coat
Kuroko.jpgMentioned: Teller of Stories Teller of Stories
Kuroko nodded and began walking back to the dorms, "Thank you!"" she said as she walks off, proud of herself for holding a conversation decently. Soon she arrived at the dorm and takes out a piece of paper, saying which is hers.

Soon she walks into dorm 3, Noting that no one is there currently, Whether that's a good or bad thing, time will tell. Nevertheless, she lays down on a bed and just stays there quietly staring at the ceiling...

(sorry for the wait )
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Lori giggled back. “If nothing else, if we got lost, at least we’re together!” She said cheerily, skipping towards the direction she had pointed in. She was then immiediately distracted by the spirit shop. “Wow! They have so much stuff!” She exclaimed as she stared at some of the clothing they had on display. “Ooh, is that a pink backpack!” She asked, blinking owlishly at a hot pink backpack, covered in hearts. Lori sighed, “Probably can’t afford it though...” she mumbled quietly.
DisasterBi DisasterBi
Klara was smiling as she sat down on her bed” I’m Klara” she say as she just smiled” what type of hybrids are you I’m a shark” she say as she was looking down” she’s my sister Wrenn” she say happily as she just was excited to meet new people
Chini noticed something off about Luna, but she knew better than to bring it up. When she wanted to talk, she would. Once again, she was tackled and once again, Chini patted her then stepped away. She was glad that she'd agreed to go out with her, though she had suspected her to have gone along anyways. Chini hadn't been aware of the fox girl who stood outside the bedroom door until Luna had spoken up about her. Not that it came as a surprise though. Chini wasn't exactly the best at noticing things. As her family said, "that girl has her head in the clouds". Not that she minded. The clouds were beautiful - who wouldn't want their head up there? Chini returned back to the present soon enough to catch the girls name. Oh! She's one of my roommates. As she was about to speak up and introduce herself when a rather small fox came bounding up to her. He was a cute fella, but she was worried about Gale. "I would hope so... I don't his fangs sinking into Gale anytime soon." Her tone had changed from its cheeriness to more of a worried mom. If she woke up one day to find Gale gone... well, she wouldn't exactly be happy about the situation. Though I better give them a chance. "I'm Chini, and this is Gale." She waved at her small goat friend who had now taken position in front of her legs. He was small, but he was a protector. She didn't refuse the offer however to pet the fox's coat. It was silky and felt nice. She didn't pet him long before Gale had gently kicked her leg and her hand dropped. Always the jealous one, aren't you?

Her attention was once again caught by a different person. This time a shark. It was certainly interesting for the school to place two predators with one prey. Though she didn't exactly expect them to lunge at her one day and try to take a piece from her. Not that it would matter much if it was only skin. It'd grow back soon enough. Chini watched as the shark girl, or Klara as she had introduced herself, took a seat on her bed. She didn't really understand why she stared at her shoes... maybe the girl was shy? "Ah, I'm a Chinchilla." It was a usual question for Chini to be asked. Most people assumed she was some type of squirrel, seeing as Chinchillas weren't exactly the most common hybrids. Chini glanced over again at Wren upon hearing Klara say they were sisters. Perhaps one was adopted, but they surely weren't blood-related. They had no similarities. Other than maybe some common interests and whatnot. Oh! Chini turned back to face Luna, a smile plastered on her face. "I'm happy to see you made some friends Luna. It's usually hard for you." She was nothing less than proud. What she had said was true. With how shy and otherwise nervous Luna was, making new friends wasn't exactly her forte. Not like Chini at least. That came with ease.
AmethystRoze AmethystRoze Texangamer Texangamer Limerick.Grimoire Limerick.Grimoire
Luna walked over to Gale and petted him. "Hi gale" she said seeing it wanted attention, she knew how that felt. She didn't know if she would count wren as a friend, but didn't wan't to disappoint Chini. "Told you I was getting better." She said confidently putting her hand on her hips. Then she saw the shark and immediately hid behind Chi. Her teeth were pointy and she saw sharp knives. She's so scary She thought still hiding behind the chinchilla

She just looked at them as she saw luna hidding behind her roommate she didn't like being the way luna was looking at her as she looked away a tear coming down her face she hated this feeling" i won't eat you okay" so you don't have to worry" she say as she sat on the bed she was very shy the only person she really trusted was her big sister wren" i'll ask the headmaster if i can change roommates i'm not a bad person she just got up and walked to the window all she wanted was cry getting judged for being a shark bring a toll for her she just looked outside at all the snow it was pretty all she wanted to do was swim but the water was too cold for her she was trying to be kind but she was a scary predator jaylen jaylen AmethystRoze AmethystRoze Limerick.Grimoire Limerick.Grimoire
Wren was having a good time then she saw the look on her face and and saw Klara leave in tears "Klara wait! she didn't mean it im sure!" she said, running after Klara, pulling the shark girl into a warm embrace "I won't lose you again" she said burying her face into klara, phantom climbing up and nuzzling Klaras cheek "im sure they were just scared, lets go talk to them" she suggested softly "ill be there the whole time, if you were as scary and dangerous as you seem you would have eaten me and phantom already" she said in an optimistic tone

She just looked at wren as she just sighed as she nodded" i'm sorry i just hard when i see people face scared of me i still remember that day you saved me since my parents abadoned me because of what i am i wouldn't hurt you or phantom you been kind to me ever since i was 9" she say as she smiledas she just looked at her sister as she walked inside the room as she looked at the other girls as she hid behind her sister" i'm a monster though" she say to her sister as she looked down she was being insecure about herself Limerick.Grimoire Limerick.Grimoire

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