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Fantasy Magika Chronicle (A Magical Girl/Boy RP)



The Archon of Madness
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Simply put, they are young girls and boys who gain power from something called "The Will of Gaea." Because of this, over the years different factions of Magical Girls/Boys have popped up. For the longest time, there was only one faction that had enough power to lord over the other factions. This faction had the most hands-off philosophy. That is, let humanity develop organically, only interfering when generic evil monsters popped up. How ever, slowly other factions started popping up, with varying degrees of ideas on how much these super-powered people should interfere with normal society. Eventually, a split took place in the management of that oldest most powerful faction, causing a civil war to start, which would last up to just before the start of the RP.

There was no clear winner of this RP, as both sides of the old faction would practically tear themselves apart, ending in a sort of Interregnum state of cold-war. This, of course, causes a power vacuum to happen, right around the time where rumors start popping up of a deep-web game beginning that supposedly would grant the winner God-like powers.


IC Goes here.
Cathline duMoige
Cathline let out a soft sigh, slowly shaking her head a bit in dissatisfaction as she looked over the notes that had overtaken the table she sat at in a small, slightly out of the way cafe in the city. The notes in question seemed to be overlaying both the recent up-flare of Crises in her region, something she took personal offense to. She was deep in thought as she looked over the notes, trying to find some pattern, her suspicions being that the Nightmare Circus, which had started popping up around the world once again, might have something to do with it, so she was trying to find some way to link them to it, so she could go after them. She let out an exasperated sigh, looking around a bit, lightly stretching after having sat in the same spot for the past few hours. She then moved, taking a small sip of the tea that she had ordered a bit ago.
Nolla Flinx
Ayama Ayama
Nolla was board out of their mind not being aware of any conflicts so far and they wanted a battle or something, things have been too peaceful lately and it was getting on their nervs. As of right now they were working with Frost Citidal and their was nothing to do so far, they thought a bit about messing with their leader that would be very fun and relieve them of a little bordem. And maybe they would actully have a fun little activity for them to do, Nolla then got up and went to see the ice queen skipping along the way with a devilish smile plastered on their face.
Adair reclined in his office chair, swiveling around in it absentmindedly. His twin sister had run off somewhere and he hadn't bother to track her down- yet. He flipped through the papers stacked up on the desk with mild annoyance, running an organization with his sister had always been more of chore than a position he enjoyed. However, he always made sure to portray his usual customer service smile to the members of the Frost Citadel and pretend he liked his job when they bothered asking him about his day. "What a pain," he muttered quietly under his breath as he threw the papers aside. He'd work on it later, the male convinced himself.

Adaire Aneira Niamh



The Glacial Princess

The Frost Citadel


When you get cornered in a dark alleyway, your body goes into fight-or-flight mode. Mason was accustomed to dark alleyways- he'd slept or passed out in more than one in his time, had been part of small groups that mugged people or shook them down, been in gangs that had face-offs in similar settings, hidden from the cops in them after getting caught shoplifting or picking someone's pocket... So he was no stranger to alleyways, whether he was the aggressor or the victim. This was one of those situations, however, where he was caught alone and unawares, and it made him regret the choices that had brought him to this point.

The two that accosted him clearly weren't small fries. The muscle was tall and vast and stoic, which was how you knew he was dangerous. His boss, who was small and silent and stayed in the shadows with their hood up, was somehow even more menacing. Mason started to sweat the second he was pinned against the wall, his breaths coming in fast and shallow.

"Wh-what do you want? he asked in a high-pitched voice.

"We want you to tell us everything you know about The Game," the hulk replied in a deep rumble, applying pressure for emphasis. Mason fought down his natural impulse to play dumb, because he knew there was no point with someone this dangerous.

"All I know is there's supposed to be a meeting tonight- people interested in banding together to get the prize. It's down at the Rainbow." The man turned his head to look at his mysterious employer. A long moment passed, and Mason's heartbeat ramped up in fear as he waited for his fate to be decided. Finally, the shadowy figure nodded, and the pressure relaxed. Heart still pounding, he took deep, gulping breaths of air as the colossus reached inside his pocket. For a second, Mason though he was grabbing a gun, but it turned out to just be a cellphone. He handed it over and Mason took it wordlessly.

"You hear anything more about this, you contact us," the giant instructed. "You talk to someone else, and we make sure you never talk to anyone ever again- you got it?" Mason nodded, not trusting himself to speak. The man turned away to rejoin his employer. The shadowed figure stared at him for a long time, and Mason felt an icy chill run up his spine. Seemingly satisfied, the figure then turned away and walked out onto the street, followed by their henchman. When they were gone, Mason simply stood there, panting as if he'd just run a mile and trying to calm himself down, staring at the phone in his hand and hoping he'd never have to use it.


Sometime later, the leader of the Frost Citadel walked into her downtown office headquarters with her trademark, picture-perfect smile. Her glittering appearance always caused quite a stir, and the employees watched her pass with a mixture of admiration and nervousness. She took the elevator up to the very top, and a flurry of agitation spread outwards from the elevator door before her as she walked across the floor. She went down the executive hallway and stopped one door before her own, walking into the VP's office without bothering to knock. As usual, Adair was glaring at the papers on his desk as if they had caused him a personal offense.

"Brother," she said with a smile, "you really shouldn't scowl like that. It'll give you wrinkles, and then all those people enamored with your pretty face will be heartbroken." She sat herself down in the vacant chair, putting her feet casually up on the desk. "I have some news that should cheer you up," she continued, her eyes coming alight with the glitter of ambition that few besides Adair ever got to see. "The sitdown's happening tonight, and we know where they're going to be."

Adair's office

First post be long ._.


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Looking out the window over the city below, Adair watched people scurry around like rats, bringing him a small amount of satisfaction. The door to his office swung open and without looking, he knew who it was- after all, only one person in Frost Citadel dared to enter his office without knocking. Adair turned his chair to face his sibling and rolled his eyes at her, "If not here, in the privacy of my office, where else am I supposed to get some peace of mind from those commoners?" His tone started out slightly petulant but quickly softened to a more affectionate one, seeing the smile on Adaire's face brightened his mood. As she propped up her feet onto his desk, he patiently waited for her to tell him of the good news.

"The Game? Where is it?" He asked, eager for more details. His pet snake peeked its head out of his sleeves, seemingly curious about what had aroused its master's interest.
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Not far from the offices of the Frost Citadel, a young girl could be seen, with long flowing blonde hair. She smiled happily, almost joyfully, as she watched the building, almost as if she was eyeing it up. She stood there, almost frozen in space as she stood there, her arms on her hips. At the time, she wore a simple outfit, consisting of a long sleeved t-shirt, and shorts that ended just after her knees. A simple, almost unnoticeable girl, save for the piercing blue of her eyes as she stood there, for the better part of an hour, watching the building. Before vanishing into thin air before anyone took too much of a notice to her, as if she was never there.
Steve FreelingLeader of the Defense Brigade
Location: Office
Most would agree that 16-year-old Steve Freeling had a good deal of responsibility riding on him. The leader of the Defense Brigade sat at a desk in a simple wooden chair with four legs. His Nikon D3300 hung around his neck as it always did. He looked over the stack of recently completed paperwork in satisfaction. It's been a good week so far. No one died and I only had to use my camera the one time. Steve had a power of camera and photograph manipulation. With especially dangerous Crises, he would often take a picture of a safe area and teleport civilians to that area. The tall and slender teen thought along these lines before looking out a window. The sky sure is beautiful right now, huh? He walked to the window before carefully aiming the camera and snapping off a picture.

Leah Deavonford



The Incorrupt Incanter

The Defense Brigade


Leah Deavonford awoke that morning with a knot of anxiety in the pit of her stomach. Ever since she was little, she would have times like this when a sudden nameless feeling of foreboding would come upon her. These occurrences would invariably be followed by something unpleasant. There was the time her aunt had fallen down the stairs and broken her hip, the time her grandmother had been diagnosed with a serious illness, as well as the day she'd died. Since she'd become a magical girl, the feeling had preceded crises that occurred in her area, that affected her team or her friends, or that were particularly bad.

Her mother called it her intuition, saying it was a gift, but Leah did not like the feeling of anxiety that stemmed from it. The fact that she didn't know what it would be or when it would happen made it worse, and she spent her entire day at school jumpy and on edge, waiting to get a message that something had happened to a loved one, or hear a report that a monster had appeared and was threatening office workers downtown. The more time passed without an incident, the more worried she became. When school finished, instead of heading home, she transformed from her mundane appearance to her magical girl one in a discreet location and headed straight for her faction's downtown office.

When she got to their building, other members of the Defense Brigade were hard at work monitoring the city for activity and keeping track of their agents, as well as engaged in more mundane tasks such as publicity, PR, and marketing. She greeted everyone in a more rushed manner than usual, her agitation evident. She stopped for a while with the techies, enquiring about the chatter. "All quiet on the western front," they jokingly and smilingly reported. She tried weakly to return their expression, asking them to contact her directly if something came up. She then took the elevator up a few floors, heading to the faction leader's office and knocking lightly before stepping inside.

When she walked in, the Master Cameraman was standing by the window, iconic camera in hand, capturing the current state of the sky. For some reason, the sight of rapidly approaching dusk made Leah's apprehension ratchet up a few more notches, and she began without preamble

"Steve, something bad is going to happen- I can feel it."

She gazed at him earnestly, confident that he knew by now to take her hunches seriously, as they had always proven true in the past.

Steve's office

Uh-oh ;P


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Shalion took her dog home that morning feeling quite good. She'd just come back from walking it, and now the last of the darkness was slipping off into the distance. Shalion zipped her dog in its kennel and went to her room to get ready to leave. She carefully changed out of her suit, and into a black tuxedo. Shalion admired herself in the mirror for a few minutes, adoring how the perfectly tailored suit fit her. Once she was done, she grabbed her viola case and took the instrument out.

Today, she was going to do her usual rounds. She was going to give a performance as she did almost every other day. However, today's would be a bit different. Shalion played the Warped Waltz sheet music. Almost immediately, she appeared in her spot. The audience cheered and applauded. Shalion took a bow.

Usually, the stage at the park would be mostly empty. Nothing but her, her electric viola, and its amplifier. The crowd would often grow smaller and smaller as she talked on. However, today was different. She was out to recruit for her new faction. The week before, she'd not only printed and passed out flyers, she'd held a rally or two. Today, the stage not only had her on it, but her life. Her purpose.

"Greetings, Masters of the World!" she called out. "Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to be here!" Shalion went into her speech, finishing it with a bold statement. "However, the purpose of my faction is not to dictate the world to you. It is for you to dictate the world!" She declared. She then played her viola over the crowd. She ended her song with an elegant flourish, bowing once more.

"Now, all who are tired of having the world dictated to them..." She began. "You shall join my faction and liberate yourselves! If you truly wish to have such freedom, however. You must find me and request it. If you truly desire that liberation, you must ask me tommorow. Good luck to you all, and may at least a few find me and my great offer!" And with that, she vanished from the stage, leaving the crowd to ponder her words.
The next day, Shalion woke up feeling excited. She quickly dressed in her blue suit. She grabbed her dog's leash and put it on its harness. She went out the door and began her walk, watching the sunrise. Shalion knew that no one would find her. Or was foolish enough to come after her "offer". Really, she just wanted to lead something again. She knew that it didn't really matter, but still her heart desired it.
Steve FreelingLeader of the Defense Brigade
Location: Office
"Hm?" Steve wheeled around upon his lieutenant's entrance, lowering the camera before he listened thoroughly to what she had to say.
"Something bad?" Steve trusted Leah enough to know her precognition and foresight were always accurate. His countenance became grim. That means...
"Is it another Crisis? Or is it something else?" I can't believe even our own kind try to kill us sometimes. And yet it's true.
Cathline duMoige
Cathline frowned again as she looked at the pages of notes in front of her. Despite having been working on this for some time now, she still could not find the pattern. "They're involved, I just know it..." She mumbled to herself, once again as she took a sip of the drink she ordered, finishing it off. Letting out a sigh after she did, she slowly stood up, gathering the notes she had made over the day, before slowly sliding out of the diner. She shuffled a bit, looking around the city as she did, taking note of the features that were around her at the time, including the buildings used as hideouts for the major factions in the city. The closest one being the Defense Brigade.

"I just hope my assumptions are wrong..."
Cathline duMoige
"I just hope my assumptions are wrong..."

Shalion wound a corner. She had long since finished walking her dog, and now she was roaming the town. Shalion was dressed in her tuxedo again, her viola strapped to her back like a sword and shield. Shalion knew she lived in a strange world. Systems on systems on systems... She could walk right over a hideout underground every day, and never know. She could walk right beside another faction's meeting center, and never figure out.

Out of the silence, a girl who seemed to be looking for something glanced briefly about saying,
"I just hope my assumptions are wrong...".

"I hope so, too."
Shalion replied, looking directly at her. "Chances are, we're not right to make assumptions in the first place."
Cathline duMoige
Cathline blinked a bit softly as someone spoke up near her. "Ah..." was all she said as she slowly turned to look at the source of the voice, a momentary confused look on her face, before she softly smiled at Shalion, a soft look on her face as she did. "Ah, well.... I'm sure there are many out there who would disagree with that statement there, saying the first impressions and surface is all there is." She said softly, smiling as she spoke. The kind of smile that seemed kind at first, but showed nothing of the person's personality. "You never really know what's truly going on, do you?" She then said, before holding out her hand in greeting. "I suppose introductions are in order, the name is Cathline duMoige."

S ShifterOfShapes
Cathline duMoige
"I suppose introductions are in order, the name is Cathline duMoige."

S ShifterOfShapes

Shalion immediately read the situation...wrong. She automatically assumed that this girl was out looking for her. "Yes. That is excellent. And it is true that first impressions are everything, darling. You already know me, but I'm Symphony, Shalion Symphony." she said, tipping her hat and bowing with a most dramatic flourish. She rose again, grasping the strap that held her instrument and adjusting it. "Now darling, master of the world, tell me your reason for joining."
Cathline duMoige
Cathline blinked a bit softly, tilting her head in slight confusion as she listened to Shalion. "I'm sorry, but no I do not recognize your name. I'm new to the city, what do you mean join? Join what?" She said softly, still using the same subtle smile. She shuffled a bit, sliding the papers she was holding into her bag a bit, the top sheet showing maps with circled locations of where known Void Crisis' had happened the past ten years. Though Shalion would only have noticed if she glanced for longer that a second at the papers. "Is there some seminar that you're doing or something?" Cathline continued, continuing the facade of being some innocent bystander that she normally used.

S ShifterOfShapes
Cathline duMoige
"Is there some seminar that you're doing or something?" Cathline continued, continuing the facade of being some innocent bystander that she normally used.

S ShifterOfShapes

Shalion's head spun at the girl's answer. This girl really was not trying to join her faction, and was probably just going about her day. However, she never lost her composure. "My apologies Cathline, darling. I think we started off wrong here." Thankfully for Shalion, she was an excellent actor and could quickly change masks. "Yes, it is a seminar of sorts. Yes. Do you have in your possession anything that you'd say is...powerful? For example, do you play music well or write? Anything concerning the Arts?"
Cathline duMoige
Cathline smiled a bit softly at her, before slowly shrugging a bit softly. "Ah, I wouldn't say I was able to do any such things." She said softly, letting out a light chuckle as she spoke. "I took private lessons in playing the violin when I was a child, but I haven't really played it in ages." She continued, a forlorn look on her face as she spoke, as if remembering something unpleasant. "Why do you ask, Miss Shaolin?" she then asked, smiling a bit softly as she did, looking her up and down a bit, as she adjusted her bag a bit, making it slightly easier to hold as she shifted the shoulder-strap to better rest it upon her shoulder.

S ShifterOfShapes

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