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Fantasy Magik (a Steam-punk/ Magik Role-play)

You wake up to pain. Metal chains dig into your wrists and legs, and a collar similar to that of a dog's fastens about your neck, connecting you to a wall of a similar metal. You blink as your eyes adjust to the dull light occupying the room, making out familiar and unfamiliar forms, some being your classmates or just those you've seen on the streets. The red of your school's signature uniform skirt reminds you of the memories of the morning. There was a school assembly, discussing what your principal, Ms. Grubb stressed as "matters of great importance". After that, everything is blank, no memories of the day remain apart from metal and pain. But what had the principal discussed? Had it been... Oh yea, the possession of unissued and unregistered magic being a crime. At that revelation, your thoughts turn with dread towards what is one of your greatest secrets, the touch of magic you've possessed since birth. Could your current predicament have something to do with this? You can't ponder on this for to long. The first thing to do is to get out of these chains. You can see at the far edge of the room is a door, cracked open, and you can make out softly speaking voices behind it. Discussing your fate. But right above the door is vent on the ceiling, just large enough for you to squeeze through. Can you make it?



@Mr Brontosaurus @KittyChan
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Shallow breaths and intense sickness overwhelm Clarence as panic sets in. The chains hurt and grind again and again into his thin wrists, dully rubbing the bones and soft child-like skin. He tries to jerk against the chain while doing his best to not attract the people outside the door, he can't think about them right now. Weakly coughing and struggling, Clarence briefly takes in his surroundings of a few other people. They all look equally confused and in the same situation, but he sniffles a little as he fights the urge to cry in fear. Now is not the time for that. Clarence looks at the chain and even in his fearful state under his gaze it begins to wiggle slightly, following the tracking of his eyes. Clarence fixes his eyes on the fastening locks around his wrists and after a few moments of struggling, the chains folded in on themselves and clatter to the ground. It wasn't the neat, graceful opening he was trying to do, but it worked. Clarence fights off a cough from their environment and eventually frees himself, sighing graciously as the metal releases itself of him.

"Hold on, I'll get you out," Clarence directs the next person to him, a girl he recognizes from school named Raven Bennet. Working as fast as he can, he eventually breaks open the bindings on her skin and wipes up the sweat on his forehead. Clarence had been discouraged from using his magic, and he was a little rusty, no pun intended. He didn't feel like waiting as long as it took to open each lock one by one and slip out, instead he stared hard at the chain links of the next girl, Lily Monet, until they began to crumple and twist themselves until they just broke under the strain. He'd unchained the next girl and a boy, finally collapsing in a gasping mess on the floor. He cursed himself for being weak, hated himself for not being stronger. With the last ounce of strength he sat up and waited to hear what the plan was. "I-I'm done...can't do more," he panted.
Pain. That was the first thing Lily could feel. She tried to be strong, but the pain from the chain, digging into her skin, was too much for her. She took a shaky breath, then blinked away the tears that were threatened to fall. She saw a few people she knew, and a few that she don't. Her eyes landed on Clarence, a guy from her school, and she watched as he struggled to get the chains off. She continued to stare at him till the chains fell to the floor. She turned to the door to make sure that the people from the other side heard that. Luckily the voices continued talking. She tried to break her own chains, but failed completely. As Clarence stared at her chains, she could feel it starting to move. She bit her bottom lip to stop herself from crying out, then sighed when the chains broke off completely.

She smiled, thankful to Clarence then said to him quietly, "thank you." Lily looked around the room, observing the area and tried to figure a way to get out of this awful place. She prays that the people, whoever they are, on the other side of the door won't come into the room soon. She noticed a vent on the ceiling, then point to it. She knew that it was a great risk, because it was right above the door, but it was their only chance. It was big enough for one person, so if they went one at the time, then it won't be a problem. The only question left was: 'who's going to be the first and the who's going to be the last to go in?'
Stephanie stared weakly at the tight chains around her wrists. Her first thought come to mind, *What the hell?!* she thought, her body weak. It was straining her too much. She plunged her hands to the ground desperately and it come out covered in rocks and earth. With the last ounce of her strength, she yanked her chains apart easily. She caught her breath and grinned, taking in her surroundings. Many were in a windowless room with her, some are unconscious but three broke free. She yanked chains off for more of her cellmates and grinned at the three who already broke free. "Stephanie" she whispered to them before scanning the walls for any way of escape. She don't hate being confined but she wasn't too keen of it either. Her earth powers could only do so much.
Antony woke up to the pain.

Cold metal tightly dug into his wrists and legs, and the collar restricted his breathing. It was intensely painful, and Antony repressed the urge to cry out. After that, Antony assessed his situation. A room entirely made of metal, with other teenagers shackled to the wall as well. Antony remembered some of them from his school, although he didn't know their names, probably because he hadn't ever felt the need to learn them. Oh yeah, school... Antony remembered. There had been some sort of assembly, that Antony had listened to until their principal stated how unauthorized magic was a crime. Well, I guess he had to say exactly what the government wanted him to, anyways. Antony took another look around, and then panicked. Are we here for our... magic? Have they finally caught me, after I had taken such efforts to hide it? That would mean everyone else here was special in some way, as well. A door was cracked open in front of them, meaning they obviously weren't kept in a regular jail. What exactly is going on?

That was when Antony noticed that another kid had broken free from his shackles-a boy, around 16, with messy brown hair. How had he done that...? From Antony's view, it almost looked like the chains unwound themselves-

Oh yeah. These kids have magic too. The kid used telekinesis right in front of him, so that proved his theory. I wonder how everyone else in this room is special? The kid unshackled a couple of others before freeing Antony. He dropped to the ground, rubbing his swollen wrists and ankles, then reassessed the situation. Antony looked up this time, at a vent above them. It looked like the perfect escape route - Antony wasn't going to barge through that door into a fight without first knowing who his enemy was. Just then, the boy who had released him collapsed to the ground, panting.

[QUOTE="Mr Brontosaurus]"I-I'm done...can't do more," he panted.

Telekinesis was a powerful magic, Antony had read, and it did take a lot out of the body to use correctly. He'll make a powerful ally, Antony thought mischievously. I should help him, get him close to me. Antony knelt down by the kid, patting him on the shoulder. "Thanks for freeing me," Antony said softly, "But we've only begun this. We're going to need your help to escape this place." Antony stuck out a hand, to help him up. "What's your name?"
Clarence felt like throwing up, but at the same time he was very hungry. Fishing in his pockets, he found he didn't have his kerchief anymore. Damn, that was his favorite kerchief! Clarence felt a reassuring hand on his shoulder and looked up to see a boy his age group looking down at him, offering a hand. He took the assistance and clambered to his feet as quietly as he could. "I'm Clarence Atwater...I-I'll try my best to help..." Clarence hissed, looking around at the group and nodding. It was obvious they were all there for the exact same reason, as another girl had plunged her hands into the ground that then came up as earthy mittens. Clarence felt fearful to the pit of his stomach. If the boy beside him was afraid, he was better at hiding it. Clarence stiffened his upper lip and looked to where Lily was pointing at the vent, and it was perfect to fit them. But there was a problem. If any one of them tried to climb to the bottom of the gate, surely they'd be heard as the door was left open enough for their captors to hear something going on.

"D-Does anyone remember how we got here?" Clarence stammered, afraid for the answer 'no'. If nobody knew, there was no guarantee they'd be able to find their way out. Not to mention there was no secret about why they were there, and whoever stood on the opposite side of an open door with at least a telekenetic and a geokenetic was probably reasonably more powerful than they. Besides, said the snide little voice in his head, the same voice that always taunted him when he wasn't strong enough. How can a weak little worm like you protect anyone or anything? You can barely get out of some iron link! Clarence bitterly looked at his feet and his pale, sun deprived hands. But...he could try. Clarence stood up straighter and looked to the group. "We can either rush the door or we can try to escape through the vent, but we have to decide now," Clarence urged, looking between Stephanie, Lily, and the other boy.
Stephanie glanced at Clarence as he shot a question, "I only remembered being knocked out and dragged" she offered. When Clarence said the last part of his sentence, she grinned, "I go for the vent, there's too much people out the door" she said, waiting for the others to suppress their opinion.
Lily thought for a moment before deciding carefully. "We have the same chance of surviving either way," she said, "I'm not sure if everyone will be able to make it..." She looked down at her hands then up at everyone, "Maybe the vent is better. I can lift you all up, I'll go last." She took a deep breath to calm her nervousness then added, "someone has to go first though, and we don't know where it might lead us to." Lily looked around and face palmed herself for not noticing it before. Everyone in here possessed some kind of power. They might have a chance against whoever is on the other side of the door.

She shook her head, "fighting will be too risky. I vote for the vent."
Pain from cold rusty chain grinding over and over against his skin force Dominic to wake up, he slowly open his eyes and his vision is blurry, he can't recognize a thing but he heard a familiar voice talking to each other. The pain is horrifying but he doesn't even flinch when he try to remove the chain from his wrist and leg, he felt the pain but feel no need to scream and such because it will not make anything better. After a long struggle he manage to broke free but his body is weak, thirst and hunger weaken him, he take a seat on the ground for a while regaining his strength, the collar around his neck preventing him to get enough air for his lung and make him suffer more.
On the far corner of the room, a fair-haired boy of an undetermined number of years shook and shook from underneath his chains. Tears rolled down his pale face, covering his cheeks in salty, hopeless tears. "Where the hell am I?" he muttered to himself every once in a while, though every other word was an unintelligible mess of vowels and consonants. He could vaguely hear the voices about him, discussing their fears, escape. "I don't think we should..." his voice trembled with each spoken word. "I don't think we should do anything. I mean... I mean... We might get into more trouble then we are already. Did we break a law or something?" he rambled, every once in a while shaking his arms as if attempting to break the chains.
[QUOTE="Mr Brontosaurus]"I'm Clarence Atwater...I-I'll try my best to help..."

Antony smiled as he helped the boy to his feet. "Clarence, huh?" He said. "I'm Antony Hannon. Nice to meet you."

[QUOTE="Mr Brontosaurus]"D-Does anyone remember how we got here?" Clarence stammered.
"We can either rush the door or we can try to escape through the vent, but we have to decide now," Clarence urged.

Antony thought back. He really didn't remember how he arrived in this place, which definitely worried him. If he did, he might have some idea of how to escape. "No, I really don't know," Antony confessed, "But I'm sure we'll get out of this place just fine, anyways." It was a lie, but a comforting one. Even Antony wanted to believe it. "On the topic of escape, however, I say we go for the vent. We don't know who's on the other side of that door, and they could overwhelm us. If we try to sneak out of here, however, we'll be just fine." Antony noticed another person agreed with him, a girl with long hair, and looked much younger than Antony.

As Antony finished speaking, however, he noticed another kid in the back, still bound to his chains. Antony approached the kid. He was opposed to the idea of escaping. "Don't be ridiculous," Antony whispered to him. "Here, help me get him out of these chains," Antony said to the group already free, before turning back to the kid. "Hey, we're getting out of here, and you're going to help us. Staying here won't help our situation, okay?" Antony then started to work the chains, trying to get the kid out, but failing. His only power was fulgurkinesis, and that would just send a thousand volts through the kid's body, so he waited for someone else to come undo these chains.

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