Magical Pokemon Girls/Boys

We're probably gonna have to wait until more people are accepted before doing the actual RP. :/
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  • Marie, that's her name.

  • Cute Charm: If Marie is hit by a move that makes contact, there is a 30% chance the attacker will become infatuated. Though, it will not be able to infatuate Pokémon of the same gender, genderless Pokémon, nor those with the ability Oblivious. (Infatuated Pokémon have a 50% chance of being immobilized by love each turn and unable to attack.)

Got most information here. Hopefully you won't see her sas overpowered or perfect. Believe it or not, Marie is still pretty weak and has a lot to learn. (:


Name: Zach -- Last name unkown

Pokemon: Zangoose

Age: 19

Gender: male

Ability: Immunity Boost- When ever Zach is afflicted with a debuff, he is able to attack faster.


Hone Claws- - All basic attacks apply an attack speed buff.

Double Team- - Creates multiple images of Zach which disappear on contact of an outside force

Poison Jab- - All attacks apply poison, the poison only slows down reaction time of inflicted target

Disguised Wand Object: fur scarf

Wand Appearance:



Zach believes that he was changed into a human for a better reason, that Jirachi selected him specifically. For he is naturally stubborn and thinks that he deserves to be treated like royalty. He is stuck up and doesn't take orders from others. He is a show off and loves action at the same time, which makes him easy to go into a fight. Surprisingly he isn't much of a creep when it comes to females. He is very sweet and is one to protect them. Finally, he isn't a spotlight character by choice. He just gets the spotlight! It loves him, sure he has to work a bit to have the females to like him, but what ever is for someone hot. . . He will do it.

Other: Depending on how many people are around him, he will act differently. Naturally with a large group he shows off his stuff! But when it dwindles down to him, you can find him to be very bashful. He only hides behind his big ego and personality as a shield from reality.
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Question. How exactly did they take on their pokemon counterparts in appearance? Do they simply have clothing that resemble but completely human, or do they actually have physical traits that resemble what pokemon they were.

Name: Shen

Pokemon: Absol

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Ability: Pressure- When another Magic Human attacks Shen it takes more magic energy (PP) from there wand, even if it misses.


Sword Dance- A ring of red swords made of energy surrounds Shen, raising his attack.

Night Slash- Shen plunges the arena in darkness and slashes his opponent in the back.

Future Sight- Shen sees a few turns ahead and deals damage two turns later.

Double Team- Shen makes a copy of shadow to disorient his enemy.

Disguised Wand Object: A Book

Wand Appearance: A glowing spellbook that floats in front of Shen.


Personality: Shen is silent, much like the Pokemon he was made from, Absol. There are few that usually approach him but they can find he is helpful, if anything. If there's one thing anyone can be sure of about Shen, it's that he hates the man that transformed him into a Pokemon and searches for Jirachi in hopes of reversing the wish. His current residence is in the Sinnoh region where he is consulting with the professors to find anything on Jirachi. Shen avoids confrontation if it's possible.

Other: (Anything I missed.)
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(Hmmm . . . this looks interesting. Looks like I got here just in time before it started)


Name: Wrex

Pokemon: Metagross

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Ability: Clear Body. Wrex seems to shrug off the debilitating effects of other magical spells, such as reducing his capacity to take damage or his magic power. Physical damage and conditions still affect him though.

Spells: (Source: X&Y pokedex, Serebii)

-Meteor mash: Summons a massive cosmic bolt from the wand before being launched at an enemy. Impacts with the force of a comet.

-Light screen: Summons a shield of pure light around the wand. The strength of magical attacks are lessened, with lesser ones being deflected entirely

-Miracle Eye: Essentially grants Wrex "True sight". He can see through smoke, debris, very thin walls, and pinpoint enemies as glowing figures.

-Hyper beam: A massive ray of pure magical energy. Wrex is drained after using it and cannot use magical abilities for a few minutes after its power has been utilized

Disguised Wand Object:

Wand Appearance:

(Only a single one of these, but you get the picture)

Personality: Wrex is best described as a sentinel. He will put the safety of anyone close to him before himself, which doesn't make his life easy as he gets connected to people very easily. Maybe it's because he remembers very clearly when he was a massive walking tank, but he is especially protective of smaller creatures such as children. Where he gets out of hand is when those he cares about are injured, at which point he will be consumed by incredible anger. Whomever or whatever is responsible for the injury will find themselves broken before he calms down.

Other: Wrex is particularly fond of Moomoo milk. He also (perhaps due to his skeletal structure) weighs significantly more than one would expect from someone of his size. (about 5'9")

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