Magical Pokemon Girls/Boys

usagi froggy

Rhythm Heaven Enjoyer
On a dark night a masked man confronted the wish Pokemon Jirachi. He wished that he could have an entire army of Pokemon at his disposal. Jirachi had no choice, but to grant this wish. Soon all over the Pokemon world Pokemon started to... transform. They all became human, but they still had some Pokemon characteristics. They all had a magical wand that allowed them to use one attack. These Pokemon were all called to the masked man, but they didn't listen to him. They hated him and all escaped. Now, there was a few number of Pokemon who actually listened to this man. They became the generals and are now hidden in each of the six regions, plotting and waiting to take over. It is up to the new Magical Pokemon to defend the Pokemon world and save everyone!

Region Masters

The Region Masters are the head of the masked man's army. They have scattered amongst the regions and have many different Magical Pokemon as well as normal Pokemon to command and conquer with.

Kanto: Gengar. Gengar typically uses Ghost types to do his bidding for him. His hideout is the top of the Radio Tower in Lavender Town.

Johto: Tyranitar. Tyranitar typically uses Ground types to do his bidding for him. He is hiding in a small cave in Mt. Silver

Hoenn: Absol. Absol typically uses Dark types to do her bidding for her. She is hiding in the depths of the Petalburg Woods.

Sinnoh: Garchomp. Garchomp typically uses Dragon types to do his bidding for him. He is hiding deep in Snowpoint Temple

Unova: Scolipede. Scolipede uses both Poison and Dragon types to do his bidding for him. He is hiding far down in Chargestone Cave.

(Region Masters will be played by me. Small skellies will be up for them soon)


  • Literacy please! No, "pikchu lookd at Chrmndr "is da legndry" he sed"
  • I will require at least one paragraph of five lines per post.
  • No godmodding, bunnying, or metagaming
  • Be nice OOC
  • Try not to post too much so others don't get too overwhelmed
  • Try not to post too little either
  • If you have read everything please type your character's name in a color fitting to them
  • Have fun!

Character Sheet

Name: (Should be fairly normal sounding so they can at least try to blend in with the humans.)

Pokemon: (Which Pokemon are they?)

Age: (Or at least the age they appear to be)

Gender: (Are you a boy or a girl?)

Ability: (Should be an ability of your Pokemon)

Spells: (What spells you can cast from your wand? Should be based off of the moves from your Pokemon. Limit of four)

Disguised Wand Object: (What your wand looks like when it is not being used for fighting)

Wand Appearance: (It can range from anything provided it is not too heavy or flashy)

Personality: (Minimum of five lines)

Appearance: (Put this at the top of your skelly. Use a picture of a gijinka. They shouldn't be too hard to find)

Other: (Anything I missed.)

(This RP will be starting in the Pokemon region of Kanto in Viridian City) 

Name: Emma

Pokemon: Audino

Age: 13

Gender: Girl

Ability: Regenerator- When Emma is not fighting she slowly regains her strength.

Spells: Cure Beam: While in the midst of battle Emma can heal others with a beam.

Lovely Hearts: Two hearts fly out of her wand and hit the closest male. This causes diziness and extreme attraction to Emma.

Earth Power: Depending on the terrain this power has different effects. (Will be explained in RP)

Huge Fist: A huge fist pops out of the wand and flies quickly towards the enemy knocking them over.

Disguised Wand Object: Headphones


Wand Appearance:
(It is about the size of a plunger)

Personality: Emma is a very upbeat girl and likes to look on the brighter side of things, but she knows when to be sad or mad or any other emotion. Sometimes it's hard for her to contain her emotions and is very overly-dramatic. She tries to attempt to be motherly to those younger than her, but it's not very successful seeing how Emma is a total ditz and is very clumsy. People don't like this trait about her, and even though Emma thinks it appears cute it hurts others sometimes. She has a short fuse and doesn't like people calling her Shorty, because she will attack you. Some people fear her and some admire her, but they can all agree she is most definitely Emma.

Other: Emma is about 5'2" and weighs about 109 lbs

Name: Siage "Sirnight"

Pokemon: Gardevoir

Age: 27

Gender: boy

Ability: Trace: He can copy the ability of his opponent or ally (BTW, can we use dream world abilities?)


  • Moonblast: Shoots a ball of energy by the power of the moon (sorry. couldn't resist).
  • Psychic: Attacks with a strong telekinetic force.
  • Magical leaf: Shoots leaves that chase the target.
  • Misty terrain: Covers the ground with a healing mist that cures ailments such as poison, burning, paralysis, confusion, and induced sleep.

Disguised Wand Object: A twisted spoon

Wand Appearance:


Personality: Siage is generally calm, elegant, and thinks before acting. Very few things make him angry, but nothing angers him more than to be confused with a girl. Should he lose his temper, which would require going beyond just calling him a girl, he attacks without hesitation or mercy even when his opponent is defeated. He also likes to sing and is proud of his vocal talent, but he doesn't become jealous if someone has a better voice. Naturally for a gardevoir, he is protective of his friends and can exert a powerful psychic force should they be in extreme danger.

Other: He is 6'3" and about 158 lbs.
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@Lunar-Eclipse Just one character for now

@Thesmashbro Accepted. 


Name: Gengar

Pokemon: Gengar

Age: 18

Gender: Boy

Ability: Levitate: Gengar floats so he can avoid some attacks

Spells: Hypnosis: Gengar's wand emits a pulse that makes people drowsy.

Dream Eater: When an opponent is asleep Gengar takes the dreams of them and uses it to restore his strength

Shadow Ball: A ball made of darkness and shadow is thrown at the opponent

Wand Appearance:

In regards to the Ability section, would something along the lines of Evolution be acceptable, provided it relates to the Pokémon?
For example, in the Pokémon Adventures manga, Eevee had the ability to shift into its evolutionary forms and revert back to its original state, but suffering damage. I was wondering if abilities like that would be allowed, since it's a part of the Pokémon storyline.

Name: Lavina

Pokemon: Lapras

Age: 21

Gender: Girl

Ability: Water Absorb: Gets healed if a Water attack is used on her.

Spells: Water Pulse: Attacks with blast of water on enemy

Ice Beam: Freezes enemy with ray of ice

Brine: Shoots mutiple fast shots of water at enemy

Mist: Makes it hard for others to see and keeps her hidden from enemies

Disguise wand appearance: A blue crystal necklaces


Wand Appearance:


Personality: Lavina is a gentle woman who thinks before she acts. She is a water nomad swimming from region to region in search of hidden bodies of water and treasure. She despises the dangerous generals of the six regions and is a bit of a pacifist, only resorting to violence when necessary. She’s very withdrawn, only talking to people she’s known since birth. Since her fear of the six generals, she’s very paranoid and often keeps herself hidden from danger by hiding in the water where she can breathe for long periods of time.

Other: She's about 5'6 and often migrates with other Lapras Pokémon.

(Edit: Changed disguise for wand)
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Name: Alex

Pokemon: Houndoom

Age: 16

Gender: Boy


Flash Fire: Is immune to fire attacks.


Shadow Ball: Shoots a blast of shadows at the opponent.

Flamethrower: Opponent is scorched with a intense blast of fire.

Will-o-wisp: Shoots a sinister, bluish white flame at the opponent.

Disguised Wand Object: The buttons on his vest.

Wand Appearance:



Alex has a laid back personality and a fiery demeanor. He is independent and acts like he doesn't need anyone's help. He is a bit of a hot head and tends to get angry easily. If he has to work as a group he tends to want to take charge. If a leader is already chosen he is most likely going to butt heads with them. He is loyal for the most part and dislikes evil despite some of his attacks being of the shadow nature.


Name: Aila

Pokemon: Eevee

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Ability: Adaptability- Normal-type moves are more powerful.


Swift: Fires star-shaped beams at the enemy. It never misses.

Tackle: ((Not used with wand.)) Aila does a full-body tackle on the enemy.

Double Edge: The wand becomes a double-sided axe. Deals a large amount of damage to an enemy. But Aila is hurt with 25% of whatever damage she did.

Last Resort: ((Not used with wand.)) Aila's most powerful attack. Can only be used after she has used the rest of her attacks at least once. She fills herself with energy before full-body tackling the enemy.

Disguised Wand Object: A Pokedex. ((Could it be a functioning one? If not, I'll just have her say that it's broken or something if someone asks in-RP.))

Wand Appearance:

Personality: Aila is a very childish and naive young woman. She is easily bored, constantly seeking entertainment. This can cause her to come across as annoying at times. But she also has the imagination and genuineness of a child as well. She will do her best to help a friend out when she can. Aila is also very playful, constantly trying to cheer those around her up. Although this tends to tie in a bit with her easily bored personality, which can, once again, which makse her a bit annoying. Overall she is a very friendly person, although she is known to be a bit on the dense side. While not stupid persay, she is prone to making mistakes that other's wouldn't. Or she'll put her foot in her mouth, saying something at the wrong time and offending or possibly hurting others on accident.

Other: She is 5'1", and she wears a black beanie to pull down and cover her ears. This causes her hearing to be somewhat inhibited.
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Name: Blaire

Pokemon: Banette

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Ability: Frisk: She can search the pockets or bags or whatever of a person without their knowledge.

Spells: Trick- If an opponent has something she wants, she uses her wand to swap it for a random object nearby.

Sucker Punch- This spell allows a fist of sorts to shoot out of her wand and hit her opponent before he/she can attack first.

Shadow Sneak- Using this spell allows her shadow to extend and attack her opponent from behind.

Dark Pulse- A pulse of darkness and shadows are sent flying towards her opponent.

Disguised Wand Object: A simple necklace with a purple gem that she wears along with another one.

Wand Appearance: (It can range from anything provided it is not too heavy or flashy)


Personality: Blaire is a mysterious girl. She can be angry one moment then at another she is perfectly happy. She seems overprotective of a bag she always has with her. She claims to be the trickiest trickster there ever was. And she just might be. She loves pulling pranks and playing tricks on others. She finds it amusing and it makes her happier than pick-pocketing others. She's a bit of a loner but will travel with others if they ask her to and if she feels she can trust them. She has a tiny bit of trust issues but that doesn't stop her from trying to make a couple friends. She doesn't enjoy pick-pocketing as much as pranks and tricks but she does it nonetheless. It's something she feels necessary in order for her survival.

Other: She wears two necklaces (one show below is not the one that turns into her wand.) One necklace has meaning to her but she doesn't remember why. She also has an attachment to her bag.

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Name: Ava

Pokemon: Mawile

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Ability: Sheer Force (It makes her spells more powerful)


Fire Fang: A set of red-hot fangs burst out from her wand and bite the enemy.

Crunch: She bites the opponent with her jaws

Sucker Punch: A fist flies out of her wand and hits the enemy,

Fairy Wind: A wind shoots out from her wand, buffeting the enemy and doing damage

Disguised Wand Object: a small amulet that she wears around her neck

Wand Appearance: This:
except made of metal.

Personality: Ava is a kind and gentle person, something that most people are surprised to learn because of her jaws. She's a bit shy around others and is a bit clumsy (She sometimes trips over her jaws, something that is quite painful). She's a bit sensitive about people touching her jaws as when she's not battling they can be sensitive. If someone were to touch them, even if accidentally, they would either get punched or bitten. She can be a bit blunt when talking to people, mostly just because before she was human, she lived in a desert cave, and Trapinches aren't the best conversation partners.

Appearance: (Put this at the top of your skelly. Use a picture of a gijinka. They shouldn't be too hard to find)
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(That is not my work.)

Name: Luna

Pokemon: Chikorita

Age: 16

Gender: Girl

Ability: Overgrow (Grass type moves are powered up in a pinch.)


Magical Leaf

Leaves are thrown in the air, and will chase the foe.


Aromatherapy cures the status effects (Paralysis, poisoning, burns) of allies nearby.

Poison Powder

A poisonous powder is sprayed into the air and when breathed in poisons the foe.

Solar Beam

A beam of solar energy is concentrated into a high power attack. It takes time to charge up, but in sunlight is can be cast at whim. However, after using the spell, user must rest.

Disguised Wand Object:

A pen she keeps in her pocket. It doesn't work.

Wand Appearance:

Personality: Very peppy normally, happy-go-lucky. She's a big goofball, but when things get rough, she becomes all business. She personally prefers more of a healer role in a fight. Often times she's the one who tries to cheer everybody up, sing a song, tell a few jokes. But she has a bad past, and is terrified of anything that reminds her of it. Often times, she'll freeze when she's thrown back into her memories, and then she'll be very vulnerable. She also has horrible nightmares she often wakes up from.

Appearance: (Put this at the top of your skelly. Use a picture of a gijinka. They shouldn't be too hard to find)

Other: N/A
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Alright, review time! Brace yourselves! Also, more guys would be nice since we only have two.

@Lunar-Eclipse Denied, her personality is much too perfect, add more flaws and then we'll talk.

@Nico Accepted!

@VampiricPotato Denied, these are spells, not attacks, please revise your spells so they have to do with the wand. Her personality is also too perfect. Add more flaws.

@PunkKat1 I don't understand what Trick does? Explain and you're accepted.

@ethericalAlchemist I cannot see your picture. Also, all spells must do with the wand. Please revise Fire Fang and you are accepted.

@L u n a Denied, she is too perfect and she is OP. Nerf her a little and add more flaws.

@explosiveKitten Denied, did you read what I said? You must add a description of each spell and there needs to be at least five lines for the personality.
((Alrighty, I'll fix her personality. Sorry about that. Any suggestion about her spells? I'm not sure how to handle them, because most of Eevee's attacks are physical ones from what I remember.))
Off we go~ I'll just remove a few offensive moves. Those three spells were all I got because the others needed physical force and the others may have seemed OP.

I have a question, is it possible that the characters discover more moves in the roleplay? Just like how pokemon do in the anime, manga, and games.

Another is; Is it okay to create a character that's part of the eeveelution? (ex. Espeon, Umbreon, Jolteon), because I lost the feel of my former character and deleted the Dragonite character I created and plan on creating a Sylveon. Of course, I'll take note of making it not perfect. I might post its character sheet soon.
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