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Realistic or Modern Magical People Save the World, Again

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
No one should be surprised that this is the first topic I want to offer up to see if anyone is interested. It is based in the Magical Girl trope, but I'm opening it up for boys and nb people to become one of the Chosen!! So first the plot.

You have lived your life as you always have. Whether you've had a good life or a poor one so far, you live each day normally. Normal being the key word. That is until something strange happens. Cracks in the world appear leaking out a Darkness. A Darkness that is infecting people. It enters their minds and removes inhibitions, increasing anger and aggression. Those possessed become violent, attacking anyone and everyone at the slightest incursion. They are causing chaos, something which one feeds the Darkness. This cannot last or else the human race is doomed to destroy itself. 


That is where you come in. Where there is Darkness, there is Light. And the Light will not let the Darkness win this time. So the Light moves through it's own cracks, finding six people in which to imbue it's powers too. Light too imbues it's host with superhuman abilities, this time without the aggression and violence. Light bestows something else, an ability to remove the Darkness, remove the aggression deep within the person's heart. These chosen few are able to fight back against the invading Darkness.


You have been chosen out of everyone and given the chance to save the world, save the human race. You will not be forced to take up the mantle of a hero, but if you don't then will you just sit by and watch as the world falls apart? 


A voice calls to you regardless leading you on to a small town in the Midwest. It is here that you will meet with the other chosen ones. It is here where the story will begin. It is here where you will make your choice.

Will you fight? Will you win? 


Some rules as followed

  • This is casual so while you don't need to write a novel every reply I would ask that you write at least a paragraph. 
  • While there are only 6 Chosen people, you do not need to play one. If you'd prefer to play a normal human or someone possessed by the Darkness who is either infecting others or trying to fight it that's fine. BUT this will only start once all 6 Chosen are taken. So at least 5 other people need to want to play one.
  • Besides having enhanced abilities (strength, speed, flexibility, etc) each chosen will be assigned a specific element: Water, Wind/Air, Earth, Fire, Lightning, & Light. All possessed people will be able to use Darkness. I am willing to expand on the use of Light & Darkness (as well as how the elements are used). 
  • Your magical person can be anyone! Any race, age, gender, sexuality, etc. I would ask though that we keep the age to around 16-25, at least for the Chosen.
  • If you have any questions feel free to ask! I am sure I am missing something. I am open to going more into the plot and everything once I find people have interest in the RP.
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I am excited to see so many people interested!! I will have the RP up soon in that case!!

If anyone still has questions feel free to ask.
Hmmm while we're claiming elements, can I have Light?
I'd rather not anyone claim elements yet. This is because there are starting restrictions on the powers and I want everyone to see them before deciding which one they want. (Also anyone who takes Light I want to talk to because it has a unique ability later on for that Chosen)

Also I have added a new element Nature but that still won't be enough for everyone who is interested. So some of you may have to play possessed people or outsiders aiding the Chosen. I hope this is okay for everyone. I have the information 3/4 written out so I'll be posting that and the character sheets within the hour.
Nobody's impressed by your amazing skill at claiming to be interested and never actually showing up, guys.
This is casual so while you don't need to write a novel every reply I would ask that you write at least a paragraph. 

I'm pretty sure this wasn't here when I first got here, so now that I've noticed it's here I'm putting a disclaimer here. @magicalpride I can't guarantee I'll be able to meet the post minimum on a regular basis. If this isn't alright, let me know and I'll remove my CS app and get out of your hair.
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I'm pretty sure this wasn't here when I first got here, so now that I've noticed it's here I'm putting a disclaimer here. @magicalpride I can't guarantee I'll be able to meet the post minimum on a regular basis. If this isn't alright, let me know and I'll remove my CS app and get out of your hair.

As long as it's not just a one-liner all the time and whoever you're rping with can get something from it, then that's fine! Don't worry too much.

If this is still happening, I'd be interested in joining/rebooting. 0:

Yes it is!! There are still characters open. Here ar ethe links again: character sheetsinformation and OOC

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