Magical Maze

Hello, friend.

Don't worry about this bodiless voice- You're dreaming. Dreaming, I suppose, about the strange events that happened nearly a month before, which for the most part you had dismissed, and your capture just a few hours ago.

And what happened a month before? Well, you received a letter. A letter saying you were 'eligible' for something- some kind of magical maze or something. Of course, you dismissed it as a prank and went back to your normal, car-driving, modern-day, boring life.

Perhaps that was a mistake, for just a few hours ago, some thugs broke into your living space and captured you, knocking you senseless in the process. They didn't look normal, did they? Not even slightly human, even though you knew of the magic modern-day make-up can work. but those pointed ears weren't fake, and there was no way that those slitted eyes were contact lenses.

And no human would ever smell that bad.

Of course, now that you've thought about it for a bit, they were probably agents come to get you for that maze.

It wasn't a prank letter.

It was real, and yes, it's perfectly reasonable to be afraid at this point. After all, with what the letter said, your life is in danger, and you must kill or be killed- because that is the only way out.

And you're not the only one, the letter made that clear- but do you remember the other thing it said?

"You will be modified, given a certain power or look other than what you already have. It may help you or hamper you, but it will not be removed until you escape- or die."


No mary-sues, or the male equivalent, and no OP characters.

BE ACTIVE. Do not join this if you cannot post at least once daily, or give a legitimate reason as to why not.

If you've read all the rules, put 'Loverly' at the top of your post.

One-liners are not accepted. Two to three lines are the minimum.

No killing other characters without permission, and no fatally wounding them, either.

NO BUNNYING. That's a pet peeve of mine, and this is your one and only warning.

Cursing is just fine, but try to be inventive.

Sexul intercourse is not all and good with me. This is an RP, not porn. Use fade to black before anything gets intimate.

How this will start: Your character will wake up in a clearing, alone, with only what they had when they were captured. You can let them find others or stay alone- your choice. There are monsters, any and all, so go ahead and make up a few if you wish. This is giant maze, with seemingly no end, and it is made of bushes that are ten times tougher than they look.

EDIT: There will be chests of things within the maze, some with great treasure, others with deadly booby-traps. There is one chest, in the center of the maze, that holds the key to escape.

Ah... Well, that's about it. On to the character skellies!


Age: (Nobody under 9 yrs and nobody over 45 yrs)




History: (Up to when your character was captured)

Modification: (Helpful, harmful, or both. EXPLAIN EVERYTHING- how it works, what it does to your character, how it affects others)



My character?


Name: Rose Lawlington

Age: 23

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/upload_2013-11-30_17-6-20.png.fb31db047949dd391227b4c63784c05d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9928" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/upload_2013-11-30_17-6-20.png.fb31db047949dd391227b4c63784c05d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Rose is a very anti-social lady, preferring the company of her own thoughts and actions to that of others. She does not like to take orders, and when she has to- watch out. She will make sure to do everything literally, and piss you off to her heart's delight.

History: Rose lived a fairly normal life, with two hard-working parents and the usual bullies throughout her school life. Her parents did love her, and made an effort to show that they did, but they were not home very often, so Rose made do with what she had, turning more and more bitter towards her nearly nonexistent parents. When she turned eighteen she immediately started packing, and moved shortly afterwards to a small apartment in Seattle- across the country from where her parents lived-, working for gaming companies and the such while trying her best to avoid contact with her past life. She took up smoking after a while, and she had always liked a bit of alcohol. In fact, that was what she was doing the night she was captured- getting herself drunk in her apartment, merely because she had nothing better to do.

Modification: Her modification is a very interesting one- she can shoot fire from her fingertips. However, it isn't without its drawbacks. For one, she can only do it for a limited amount of time, and it singes her fingers the longer she does it. And, due to the fact that she just got this... 'power', she does not really have much control over it.

Just don't piss her off.

Likes: Fighting, Whiskey, Computers, Solitude, Cats, Well-made Cigarettes

Dislikes: Crowds, Noise,



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Name: Ashton Jenkins

Age: 27

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.12ffabae1697c60d09059868fcdc8ea3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9946" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.12ffabae1697c60d09059868fcdc8ea3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Ashton considers himself as a mellowed out person. He doesn't care for much conflict and even when there is, he's out of it. He sometimes acts like he isn't even around in some cases, but in others, well, he's just a ghost. He acts like a shadow because he's a secluded person, and he will always stay that way.

History: When Ashton was born he was placed into immediate foster care for unknown reasons. Due to the death of his birth mother and the lack of support from his father, this came all from his imagination, he never really liked "adults". During his youth, Ashton was placed in some sort of housing program for whatever reason until he was 17. Though, after figuring that others just had no need of him, he started to feel invisible. Soon enough by the age of 20 he was a recluse, secluded in his humble abode. He completely kept himself locked away in his loft apartment mindlessly pretending what he did was normal. Everyone is a recluse, right? Everyone gets abandoned. People seemed to think nobody lived in his room anymore because nobody went in or out. He hardly even stepped towards the door. It seems like a terrible lifestyle, but to him it was some type of paradise. His life seemed pretty nice until some letter showed up. It scared the living daylights out of him that someone even bothered to notice him, let alone know him. He never even went out for groceries. He pretended the letter was never sent and lived on with his daily business which didn't consist of much. But some strange day, he felt a vibe that wasn't so... pleasant. It seemed almost weird even. That was when some weird things barged in on his afternoon meditation and completely ruined his life.

Modification: Ashton's modification seems to fit his personality quite well. The only "power" he has is to actually be invisible. And to him, that is the best feeling in the world since he has terrible people skills. Though, the kink of the situation is, he can't quite remember how to use the power.

Likes: Seclusion, Tranquility, Peace, Quiet, Books

Dislikes: Noise, People, Outdoors

Name: Scarlett Michelson

Age: 19

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.76c880565d401aee2167f79b35bf49cf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9947" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.76c880565d401aee2167f79b35bf49cf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Scarlett is a high class junkie. She steals everything from cash to cars and most of the time gets off clean. Though, sometimes her rebellious gets in her way of reality and it tends to pose some problems. Other than that, she doesn't really talk much unless you really interest her.

History: Scarlett was born in one of those towns you don't even want to look at. She was raised in the lifestyle of kill or be killed and it was probably the only way she could make her way through life. Her father was in prison for some stupid car jack issue and her mom was on the brink of going to the nut house. So, basically, growing up sucked. After her 6th birthday her final present was watching her mother go off to the asylum because of her major mental issues. Though, personally, Scarlett was happy. She was finally free from the one person that surprisingly still acted like an adult, even with her mental state. After that, Scarlett went off into the sunset, well, the sunset for criminals. She was only 6 and had to kill or be killed. Though there wasn't any type of child protective services to come and pick her up. So, for 5 years she became the girl in the dark alley. When she turned 11 she finally met a family that would take her in, but it was a living hell. They tried to "reform" her into a "proper" lady, and already from her past it wasn't going to happen. Although they did try for at least 7 years until Scarlett was finally able to leave the place and live her regular life, stealing and "borrowing". It became a wealthy lifestyle for her, the more she stole, the more people paid her for the amount or the worth of the items. When she turned 19 she finally upgraded to the art of high jacking cars when she heard that her father was set free. It had been too long since she even looked at him, actually, she had never even seen him before. It was one of those experiences that she had no control over and her some what realistic emotions kicked in to meet the load of garbage. The meet and greet didn't seem to go too bad until he started freaking out because her mother wasn't quite "sane". So Scarlett's last resolve was to just live her life on her own. During one of her major car jacking hist she was captured by some weird looking bunny things. Ok, well they weren't bunnies, but they sure looked like one.

Modification: Scarlett's modification is something a little... weird. To sum the problem up, she can move things with a glare. Though, the sad part is she can't really control it. Basically sometimes she might move someone or something without thinking about it and other times she wishes it and it doesn't happen.

Likes: "Borrowing", Cars, Music, Art

Dislikes: Goody-two-shoes, Rules

I hope everything is ok. ^_^



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OOOHH! I'm sorry, but both of your characters are just so interesting! They deserve an 'OOOHH!'... And possibly an Ahh, but that might get interpreted weirdly. I'm not sure which one I like more- Scarlett or Ashton... But they're both cool!

But yeah, everything's fine~

You are accepted, and as soon as I've created the actual RP, I'll link it. (I usually wait until at least one person replies before I do that~)
Name: Terra Eberwhyn

Age: 16

Gender: Female



Personality: Terra is crazy, not just the what-the-hell-are-you-doing-I-don't-know-you crazy, but "crazy" crazy. Well, she's more eccentric than mentally-ill, really. She mutters to herself, a lot, and sometimes the things she say don't really make sense either. When she's not careening around the room like a box of explosives, she has some sort of dreamy air about her. She enjoys the company of just about anyone, even strangers. At first glance, she may seem like a normal happy-go-lucky teenager, albeit a strange one, she actually blends in well with the shadows in the background when she wants to, usually to observe. Call it a hobby of hers or whatever but she's a very perceptive person, and isn't worried to put her skills to the test. Thus, she has an uncanny skill of uprooting people's thought and secrets.

History: She's just that girl in school, the one you usually just brush past in the hallway, sure, you know her, seen her at the parties and maybe even laughed at a few things she did or some jokes she made, but you never really know what she's thinking. Terra never knew how to fit in, she was always that fun, outgoing girl that everyone knew but was never really close with. That's why she learned to watch from the shadows, to observe. Growing up, she never really knew her mother. Her father passed away from lung cancer when she was a child, and her mother was a workaholic who left her alone the moment she learned how to cook and clean. Terra and her mother lived separately, her in an apartment her mother bought her, and her mother in a house closer to her workplace. So she came home to an empty apartment every day after school, sometimes with an envelope with a cheque lying on the carpet. She learned to sleep through the nights alone, the shadows were her only companions. When she had received that letter, she wasn't too freaked out, she just thought it was some harmless prank. Which turns out, it was anything but harmless, or normal for that matter. Unless you count being knocked out and dragged off by weird-a*s creatures an ordinary everyday event that is.

Modification: Her modification is a bit-well, unusual. She can control and manipulate shadows. Make them into weapons, walking figures, puppies, whatever. However, if she uses it for too long, she'll pass out. And sometimes it makes her hallucinate.

Likes: Art, secrets, dancing, partying, jokes, daydreaming

Dislikes: Hot weather, lightning, isolation
(So I know everyone else so far has a power modification, but you said modifications to looks are possible so Im gonna write up a physical mod; but if it doesnt fit with what you're going for, I'll happily change it.)

Name: Hope Martell

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: Tall and pale with red hair and freckles, bright blue eyes.

Personality: Has a generally peaceable temperment. Hard working but has a good time when she has spare hours. She gets along with people fairly well and opens up fairly quickly, but has a very short temper and gets easily wound up. If someones purposely trying to wind her up she tries to seem unbothered by it, but it rarely lasts.

History: Lives in a fairly rural area, on a small family farm in a small village. Whilst her parents loved her they wanted a boy to take over the farmwork after them, and she's spent the largest part of her life working to show she's just as capable as any son would have been.

Wants to move to a bigger city to study, but takes responsibilities far too seriously to leave her parents as their getting older and needing more help.

Modification: Her modification is a somewhat ironic one given her upbringing- She has been modified essentially into a centaur, with the rear end of a horse.

This comes with more or less the same advantages and disadvantages a horse has.

She is much faster, can walk or run for almost the full day without rest, and has heightened instincts for danger, as well as having stupendously strong hind legs. She can also survive off of an equine diet or a human one (though she still has the tastebuds of a human.)

However, she now has a wide turning circle, is a much larger target, and has trouble getting around tight corners, and cannot fit through human sized holes.

It also takes a sizable effort to get up from being knocked over, and sneaking is an impossibility.

There is also the psychological effects of such a notable transformation, and some of her heightened insincts can work badly for her, such as skittishness when entering enclosed spaces.

Likes: Company, animals, star gazing, nature.

Dislikes: Snobby people, laziness.
What a "loverly" day:)

Name: Beylin Smith

Age: 20

Gender: Female


Personality: Beylin or Bey is a sweet girl. She was raised with manners. It is not unusual for her to go out of her way to help people. She tries to be as kind as possible. Bey almost never gets mad, and when she does, she speaks in a very sweet voice and apologizes constantly. Bey loves all living things, including bugs.

History: Bey was born in Kansas to a woman named Maria and a man named Henry. Maria was a very kind lady, who loved her daughter very much. Henry was a different case. Henry was a loud, and cruel man, with violent tendencies. Luckily for them when Bey was 8, he left. Bey doesn't remember much about him, and likes it that way.

Ever since Bey was young she dreamed of moving away to a big city. She eventually did at the age of 19. Bey moved to New York, New York. Her and her mother almost talk daily, and they text when they're not talking.

Despite Bey's kind personality, she always seems to find her self in abusive relationships. whether it be family, friends, or boyfriends.When Bey was captured, she was in a relationship with a boy named John. He seemed nice at first, but the longer they were together the meaner he got. Bey didn't have the heart to end it with him, and he started hitting her. When the thugs entered her house, she assumed it was some of Johns friends.

Modification: Bey's modification matches her, but is a little pointless in the arena. She has the ability to heal, and put up small force fields. Her force fields are usually just enough to put up around a single person and she finds it difficult to put it around her self. Her healing ability can cure sickness, heal small to medium wounds and momentarily take away pain. She can not heal things like broken bones. When she heals someone it exhausts her. The bigger the ailment the longer it takes her to recover. Another thing about her healing is she has "lag" when it comes to her own pain. This can help her, but it also hinders her. She will not know if she breaks her leg for instance, until it is probably to late to self heal.

Likes: Sweets, Warm weather, Animals, Babies, Most people

Dislikes: Rude people, crying, screaming, violence
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Name:Lawrence Robinson




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.b6164e97cb2e5bf0c20330e528f40bbd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10594" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.b6164e97cb2e5bf0c20330e528f40bbd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:He is charming,smart,and very cunning

History:Lawrence doesn't remember much of his birth parents, Besides murdered when he was seven.And his father was a drunk and wasn't able to take care of him. When went to a adoption that same year.Then he was ten he got adopted to Charles The richest man in Russia. Charles was the best at real estate and construction. Charles had no children or a wife and he needed someone to take ownership after his retirement.

Lawrence was was thankful for Charles for adopting him.Ten years have gone by and Charles had died of a heart attack.And Lawrence had taken ownership of the two business.Another ten years later the business had expanded into ten countries.He was more successful then anyone had ever expected.One day Lawrence had received a letter saying "".Of course he thought it was nothing to worry about and through away.But a month later he now he regrets for ignoring the letter now that he is in this maze.

Modification:His modification is super strength.Heres the good thing now he can fight any thing in the maze with his bare hands.heres the downside he doesn't know how to control it.Heres what I mean,he doesn't know his limit and plus at one he can lift 100 pounds easily.And another time he can lift 1,000 pounds.And most of the time it never works for him.

Likes:Drinking,women,cigars(and not the cheap kind either),and money,and his business

Dislikes:Cheap cigars,and stupid people



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The history is a bit patchy, word-wise, and I think you're missing something at the top of your post.

i'm not asking you to change your history, though. It's interesting, and I like the character.

You're just missing something.

At the top.

One word.

In the rules.

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