Magical Maze [Inactive]

Lilith Yandirx submitted a new role play:

Magical Maze - You have been selected to try your luck on surviving a magical, deadly maze. Will you?

Rose awoke to the sound of a songbird. Now, most people probably wouldn't notice that, or even care, but since Rose had grown up hearing nothing but pigeons and crows, a songbird was new to her. Of course, this wasn't the only thing new, but for a few seconds, Rose just focused on the bird. It was pale blue, sitting in the branches of a bush that looked too silvery-green to be natural. What am I doing near a pile of shrubbery? Rose thought, and sat up.

Her movement startled the bird, who flew away, but that poor creature wasn't the only one startled. Not only was she not in her dingy, one-person apartment, she had the feeling that she wasn't even close. There was absolutely nowhere in Seattle that had this big a... Garden? Maze? Rose thought either would fit this place perfectly. What with the nearly over-green grass, high hedges that reached seemingly endlessly into the sky, and songbirds flitting from branch to branch, and the too blue sky, Rose suddenly had a feeling she was a long way from home.

Of course, she was at least still in her clothes, and had, clutched in one hand, a bottle half-full of whiskey. She was tempted to take a drink, but instead stood up, looked around, and began to wander towards the one sole exit in this overabundantly bright clearing.

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Hope woke up with her head throbbing, groggy and dull.

As the sounds of nature gently filtered into her ears, she frowned slightly.

Must have fallen asleep stargazing again, she supposed.

With a yawn she opened her eyes blearily, which was odd considering how well she usually slept.

As she opened her eyes and her senses came flooding back to her clearing the fog from her brain, she realised whilst she was leaning upright against something face forward, her legs were flat against the ground; without broken boned she shouldnt of been able to bend that way at all.

Her body also seemed much longer than it should have and she had...four legs?

Panicking, she scrabbled against the floor, managing to right herself by instinct, jolting high into the air as she did.

Twisting round, she let out a loud yelp of suprise at what appeared to be a horse behind her; but wait, no...the horse was her?

Adreneline pumping, wild eyed, she span around to see the bushes towering high, the only opening a short distance infront of her.

Breathing deeply and sweating, not sure whether this was a dream or a delusion or what, she started awkwardly trotting along to the clearing to see what the hell was going on.
Avery shifted in her sleep, and snuggled against her pillow, or what she thought was her pillow. It wasn't that scratchy the last time she checked. She blinked drowsily, or green for that matter. It took her a moment to realize that she wasn't snuggling against a pillow, but a shrub. She reached out and ran her fingers along the leaves, confused. Where am I? She sat up and looked around, Sunlight streamed through the ends of the tall leafy walls that surrounded her, it looked like she was trapped in what seemed like a maze of sorts. Pushing herself up, a wave of dizziness rushed up her head and black spots danced around the edge of her vision. She cringed, and suddenly everything came rushing back, her memory of the previous night hit her like a cargo truck. She groaned, that's right, weird-as* creatures, getting knocked out, that pretty much summed it up.

Brushing the dust off her denim jacket, she slowly made her way towards the only opening in sight, hoping to find some answers, or at least another person.
Hope trotted along, her elevated height and unusual perspective making the whole experience slightly surreal.

She seemed to be talking apparently now being part horse rather well, but she reasoned she might still be slightly out of it.

Coming to a narrow turn, she awkwardly squeezed herself through it, her lengthened body making it awkward.

Coming to a small clearing with several exits, she saw a seemingly normal girl, her red hair shining in the sun, a denim jacket hanging on her frame.

Despite the strangeness of the situation, Hopes brain latched on to the more mundane as relief at another persons presence filled her.

"If you make a joke about 'riding me' in going to bead." She blurted.
When she walked through the opening, the first thing she saw was a really, really tall girl with pale skin and bright blue eyes. Or well, what she thought was a really tall girl. Doing a double-take, she realized that the girl was in fact, a centaur. " Woah..." she breathed, regarding the creature with dream-like awe and admiration.

"If you make a joke about 'riding me' I'm going to bead."

That snapped Avery out of her trance. Despite the situation, this girl could still crack a joke. She laughed and shook her head, " Don't worry, I won't." Her amusement soon faded into relief, she wasn't alone. " I'm Avery, by the way." She walked up to the horse-girl and held out her hand.
Hope smiled and reached down to take her hand, having to both bend over slightly and bow her legs just to reach her hand.

"S'cool. Hi Avery. Im Hope." Shaking her hand with a firm grip from years as a farmhand, she shuffled back slightly and ran her hand through her hair absently, before pulling her flannel shirt down as it rid up where her normal body met her horsey one.

"So...I er, i wasn't this...equine, till I got here. You um...seem normal?"

While she spoke she looked around at the clearing, several passages fanning out around them, all composed of the same oddly coloured bushes.
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She retrieved her hand, smiling at Hope. She wondered briefly if anyone else was out there, but her thoughts were snapped back to reality when Hope spoke again. Avery blinked, " Huh? Oh. Well, if you meant normal as is common teenager species, which I'm pretty sure I'm not since I have no friends, well, it's not like I have no friends, it's just that-" She stopped suddenly and snapped her eyes towards Hope, " I was blabbering again wasn't I?" She sighed and chuckled sheepishly, " Sorry about that. I tend to go off without warning, kind of like faulty explosives."

" Anyway, least I don't think so. I feel perfectly normal...ah well, who knows, maybe I do," Avery grinned, and as a joke she extended her palm and swiped upwards, not really expecting anything to happen. Instead, shadows that pooled around the tall hedge shot upwards, forming an arc of dark spikes. She yelped and fell backwards, staring at the tall arc of shadowy spikes that looked like they could pierce through someone's skull , " Nope, not normal. Not normal at all."
Hope listened patiently as the girl chattered, stumbling over her words.

She was evidently not all that used to conversing in a structured manner, though it came off fairly endearing rather than as a flaw.

About to comment after she finished speaking, Hope yelped in suprise as the girls hand waving caused shadowy tendrils to snap out of the hedge like an angry monster.

Hope instinctively jumped backwards suprisingly gracefully on her new legs.

After a moment of wide eyed silence she commented.

"Oh, great. You get magic f***** powers, whilst I get turned into a bloody pony!? That's bull****!"

She moved forward and held her hand down to help her new friend up, while adding "I call do-overs."
"I call do-overs."

She grinned slightly and shook her head, " It's fine."

" But I'm pretty sure being half-horse must have its perks too," Avery laughed shakily, accepting her hand and pulling herself up. " At least you won't accidentally stake someone through the heart with a freaking shadow."

" I wonder if I can make it go away..." Avery trailed off, her eyes regarding the shadow spikes warily. She waved her hand around randomly. But instead of disappearing, they grew horizontally and expanded. At the same time, a wave of dizziness swept through her, making her stumble. " About that do-over? Yup, I second that."

She straightened herself and plastered her most tv-commercial smile on her face, " Hi! I'm Avery! I'm most definitely not normal and do try to stay at least 3 feet away lest I stake you through the heart with a shadow!" She furrowed her brows, " Hm, it sounds stupid even when I say it out loud."
Beylin woke-up slowly. Taking time to let her mind adjust before opening her eyes. She assumed she was outside by the breeze that lightly grazed the exposed parts of her flesh. She could also feels the sun lightly touching her skin. This made her think of home in Kansas, but why would she be there?

"Think" She ordered her self aloud

The last thing she remembered was being in John's home. What was she doing there? John didn't like Bey at his house-. Her eyes flew open as she remembered the thugs that stole her in the night. She sat up straight and looked around. Surrounding her were green hedges, each at least a foot taller than her. She looked down noticing she was in a long dress-like shirt with shorts underneath. Her shoes were her favorite, white tennis shoes. She had a Band-Aid in her left hand, and in her right a necklace. What kind of thugs would leave her with a 14K gold necklace?

Bey decided to stand up. She ran her hands through her hair and wrapped her arms around her self. Not because she was cold, but because she was scared.
LannaRae said:
"I call do-overs."
She grinned slightly and shook her head, " It's fine."

" But I'm pretty sure being half-horse must have its perks too," Avery laughed shakily, accepting her hand and pulling herself up. " At least you won't accidentally stake someone through the heart with a freaking shadow."

" I wonder if I can make it go away..." Avery trailed off, her eyes regarding the shadow spikes warily. She waved her hand around randomly. But instead of disappearing, they grew horizontally and expanded. At the same time, a wave of dizziness swept through her, making her stumble. " About that do-over? Yup, I second that."

She straightened herself and plastered her most tv-commercial smile on her face, " Hi! I'm Avery! I'm most definitely not normal and do try to stay at least 3 feet away lest I stake you through the heart with a shadow!" She furrowed her brows, " Hm, it sounds stupid even when I say it out loud."
Hope jumped back further as the spikes grew, then as Avery looked like she was about to fall, moved forward quickly so she could lean against her, rather than potentially falling to the floor.

"Easy there Avy. I'd rather you stayed concious. Im not sure I could pick you up like this." She said with a sympathetic smile.

"Guess we both have stuff to get used to, huh?"

Waiting briefly for Avery to get her wits back about her, Hope stepped forward to the centre of the clearing, looking down each of the passageways, gesturing to them with wide arms. "So...which one do we follow? You reckon theres more folk around?"
She listened to Hope for a moment and shrugged, " I don't see why not. It couldn't be just the two of us, right?" She shook her head slightly, hoping to shake of the dizziness. She studied each of the passages curiously, they all looked about the same. Arching a brow, she crossed her arm and stepped over to the one in the middle, " They all have to go somewhere eventually, I'd say we pick the one in the middle. Seems like the safest bet." She peered through the entrance and grumbled when she realized she couldn't see anything else except for the same tall silver-green hedges. This maze was beginning to make her feel claustrophobic.

" I hope we find another person soon, just to make sure that we're not alone."
"Dont see what they'd want just the two of us for, no." She started to follow along behind Avery, a clipping noise verberating softly through the air as her hoofed feet carried her along. "Not that I know why they'd want any of us at all, mind."

Pausing for a second, Hope stretched as tall as she could.

She was just high enough to be able to see over the hedge.

"Ohhhh boy..." She said, biting her lip. She wasnt high enough to be able to see the pathways or if anything was in them; but she could see the tops of hedges stretching on for as long as her limited perspective allowed her to see.

Apparently the maze they were in was a pretty large one.
(Sorry for the late reply! My electricity was weird and went out for a day...)

She entered the clearing just in time to see the tail of something vanish down a path, one of several that were in said clearing. Of course, the first thing she wanted to do was follow that tail, but the warning in the letter- which, for some reason, she could clearly remember- stopped her. "You must kill or be killed." If it were kill or be killed, then maybe that was another person- or a monster, she thought with a shudder- and odds are they weren't too friendly.

Then again, she reminded herself, neither am I. So, she followed the path that the tail had vanished into, expecting the worst and hoping for something slightly better.
Having fallen slightly behind Avery as she stopped to look over the hedge, Hope stopped stretching, back to her normal height; well, normal now she had a human torso ontop of an equine body.

About to set off after her new friend again, she narrowed her eyes slightly and froze, hearing a faint stepping sound coming up behind her.

The narrow passageway was too narrow for her to turn her elongated body, so after a moments hesitation she rushed forward at a pace so rapid it suprised her, hoping their was another clearing she could move a little better in coming up.

If whomever was nearby happened to be hostile, she didnt particularly want to face them with her metaphorical, or literal, rear.
" You know, I wonder-"

Just as Avery started to speak, the sound of galloping hooves caught her attention. She quickly spun around, just in time to see her new friend disappear through another narrow passageway. " Hey, wait up!" She called and rushed after her, surprised by Hope's sudden burst of speed. She froze suddenly, realizing that whoever or whatever Hope saw might have been dangerous. If it was, she couldn't take any chances. " I guess it'd be safer if I was armed..." She bit her lip, maybe she should try experimenting with her powers. Tentatively, she reached out and tried calling to the shadows in her mind. Slowly, two long vine-like shadows rose from the ground and snaked themselves around her fingers and wrists. She tried flicking them, and the ends flew out from the ground like two black whips, disappearing into the ground again when they touched it.

" This is nice," she mused, but stumbled again as a wave of nausea hit her again. " Damn."

Gritting her teeth, she rushed after Hope and into the passage.
Hope called out to Avery as she squeezed down the passage way to follow her.

After a short distance in, she came to another wide clearing with a small stream and some food growing inside. Their was however, no other exits. If whoever was falling them was hostile, they were going to have to face them.

"Sorry Avery!" she called apologetically as she caught up. "I swear my flight response didn't used to be that high...I just really didn't think staying somewhere I cant turn would be a good idea..." With that she faced the exit and waited.
" It's alright, my mind tends to wander off sometimes..." Avery huffed, she wasn't used to running after centaurs, who definitely had the upperhand with their powerful equine legs. She took a moment to catch her breath as she studied the clearing.

A small stream sparkled under the light, its source unknown, it seemed to just start and end right there, the ends disappearing into the tall grassy hedge. A few trees with odd-looking fruits lined the clearing, the fruits were oblong-shaped, it's skin was a bit translucent, and she could see light blue-colored flesh inside. She stared at them, wondering if they were even edible at all.

Suddenly, she noticed Hope's change of stance, she looked like she was waiting for something. And she looked like she was waiting to fight. Avery decided to join her and face the exit, tightening her grip on the whips that extended far beyond into the shadows.
Whomever Rose had tried to follow, they were fast. So fast, in fact, that she almost lost track of where they went. However, the sound of voices led her down a narrow passageway, into a clearing with a small stream, a few fruits, and- Wait, what? Rose was ready for any normal challenge, even if it had been a few men with guns, but she had certainly never expected a centaur. And another person with something dark and whiplike in each hand.

She paused for a few vital seconds, in which she might have gained an advantage if she had wanted to fight. Instead, she just stood there, looking slightly stunned- although at least her mouth wasn't hanging open.
Hope eyed the passageway, tensed and ready incase something hostile came through.

She wasnt exactly sure why she was here; or of any particular reason to expect anything hostile; Well, other than the fact she'd apparently been kidnapped and dumped in a maze.

Oh, and at some point aquired the body of a thorough-bred.

Okay, so, maybe a few reasons she reckoned.

A red haired lady who seemed a little older than her, but within the same sort of range, came through the passage.

Watching her intently, Hope saw her face flicker from aweary studying, to a godsmacked silence.

From her reaction she evidently wasnt any more clued into their situation than Hope or Avery, so Hope spoke to her in a level voice, reasoning if she was hostile it was unlikely she'd have just stood there staring.

"Hey there, lady. Im Hope, and this heres Avery. We don't mean you no harm." She relaxed herself a little, fidgiting slightly under her uncomfortable gaze. "Lemme guess; you woke up in here with no clue where the frick you are or why?"
"I... Uh... Yeah. Hi." Evidently this person... centaur... thing... wasn't hostile. She wasn't so sure about the other person, but she figured she'd take her chances. She stepped forwards, trying to hide the half-full bottle of whiskey behind her back- with a limited measure of success. She still, slightly, smelled of the drink. "I just woke up... And here I was."

The bushes that surrounded the stream- conveniently enough, behind the centaur and the other lady- rustled slightly, and for a second, eyes peered out of it.

"Hey... did you see..."
Avery watched as a red-haired lady appeared from the passage, looking slightly surprised and confused. Avery glanced at Hope then back at herself, and raised a brow, I guess she would be. I mean, who wouldn't? If I woke up in some freaky maze and saw a centaur and some crazy girl with whips coming from the ground I'd be pretty freaked out to. Oh wait, I did. She shook her head, pulling herself away from her mental blabbering. Despite the fact that the woman was possibly drunk, she didn't seem to pose any potential threat, for now. Avery relaxed and released the shadows, letting them slink back into the corners.

" Are you normal? Or are you messed-up like we are?" Avery chirped nonchalantly, watching the woman.

" Hey...did you see..."

She quickly spun around and narrowed her eyes at the bushes.

" No I didn't, but I definitely heard that."
Hope relaxed as she replied peacably. A little shakily, but peacable nevertheless, and Avery seemed to accept her as well.

As the new girl hid something behind her back, Hope instinctivly leaned forward and started sniffing to determine if it was some form of food she was hiding from her.

Realising what she was doing, she coughed and shook her head to stop herself with a slight blush.

As Avery mentioned being messed up, she chirped in as well.

"Yeah, I mean, Avi's got some crazy shadow powers, and my butts gotten about 10 times larger than It used to be, so I reckon it stands to reason somethings happened to-" She cut off mid sentance as they mentioned seeing something, and turned to face the bush.

"D'you reckon we ought to check it out..?"
At Hope's question Rose snapped out of her semi-stunned state and back to her normal self. "Check it out? Hmm... Well, it's probably dangerous, but a known enemy is better than an unknown one. Yeah, I can go check it out." With that, Rose walked over to the bush, picking up a nearby stick on the way, and peered into the shrubbery carefully.

(I am SO sorry about the uber-late reply- my internet has been on the fritz, and there's been holiday prep going on, and a lot has been getting in the way... sorry...)
(Dont worry about it, its a busy time and dodgy internet never helps.)

Hope drew up along side Rose as she marched towards the bushes.

"Ah didn't mean by yourself. I reckon we'll be best sticking together while we're here."

She walked to her side, then turned so she was facing away from the bush.

She'd seen first hand on the farm how much damage a bucking horse could do.

"If it jumps out call, and I'll give 'er a boot."

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