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Fantasy Magical Guardian Girls OOC

Which is why a few cats later and Shiro is wiped out right beside Kurai, and Akio has to take care of both of them. Lol
Lol xD I love cats so it's kinda hilarious to hear: a few cats later xD I can picture a bunch of cats walking with head and tail in the air before seeing Shiro and swarming him like furry little missiles xD
Yeah it still kinda does a little (just happened when I went to throw out the trash), but I still like dogs =] but cats are better (im a crazy cat lady) xD
Just Me. Just Me.

Should be finished with my CS if you want to look it over again real quick. I do have a question, though, about the powers I gave her. I added that her weapons/attacks can't hurt people that don't have hate or lies living in their hearts. I figured that was a very magical girl kind of thing, but would her weapons even be able to hurt Negalites? If they don't have emotions then they don't hate. Do they even lie and deceive or are they brutally honest?
Just Me. Just Me.

Should be finished with my CS if you want to look it over again real quick. I do have a question, though, about the powers I gave her. I added that her weapons/attacks can't hurt people that don't have hate or lies living in their hearts. I figured that was a very magical girl kind of thing, but would her weapons even be able to hurt Negalites? If they don't have emotions then they don't hate. Do they even lie and deceive or are they brutally honest?
Well they do feel emotions just that they don't fall in love. Besides they are a whole different thing since they have a sort of negative energy in them, any being of light (magical girls and boys) can harm negalites. As for lying, it totally depends on the individual, some like some don't but most just use what will hurt someone more so if the truth will hurt you more they will say the truth and if not they will make up a lie.

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