Magical Escapees (Rose, Robin) [Inactive]

Robin man

Robin man submitted a new role play:

Magical Escapees - Two mages try to escape the tower. With their lives.

We are mages. And we have to go to this Mage school. Here we can learn any kind of magic there is.Conjuration, Illusion, Elemental, Healing, and Transmutation. Now this school is like a prison for us. So our characters try to escape. That's if we don't get caught. Cause if we get caught. That means death.
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Character sheets!





School of Magic (What type of magic you're learning)

Name: Spade Fortune

Age: 17

Gender: female

Personality: She's klutzy and cute. Always trying her best at everything. Her mother died and her mother sent her to a boarding school so she wouldn't see her anymore. Spade misses her father showing that she's a daddy's girl.

(I'm guessing by school you mean the class they were born with?)

Specialty: Illusion!

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/ygvyg.png.1b4446e6ca9f94078476101502c0e9ce.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20823" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/ygvyg.png.1b4446e6ca9f94078476101502c0e9ce.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Irinei Martin Vsevolod






He's quiet, shy, always want to study, but in his own way, and he always want to do his best,

School of Magic



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Irinie.jpg.053606639922e8ad3bfd40e5d5e0adad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20825" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Irinie.jpg.053606639922e8ad3bfd40e5d5e0adad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(@BloodyRose Now do you want to start on our first day? Or our characters have been there for a while?) 

A new day has dawned. It was a cool and damp summer morning. And today the school is getting new students today. From what the forms say they're getting close to three-hundred students. To a lot schools that's a huge number. But to the Mage tower that's average for each year. The only way that people can make it to the tower is through the lake.

Among those three-hundred was one young mage. His name was Irinei Martin Vsevolod. Irinei is one out of seventy students that will study the complicated school of magic. People that are born for that magic are always low. Considering it's one of the hardest schools of magic to control.

It requires so much focus, and concentration that most people can't handle it.

But Irinei was ready for it. Once the boat landed him and all three-hundred got off and headed straight for the dinning hall. Since the grand master wanted to see them when they first arrived.

Irenei was unfortunately was up front so that means. Go fast.




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The screws walked in. The lamest of the schools illusion. This magic type was easy to learn but difficult to completely master. The people born with this magic were teased being that they themselves had the lowest graduation rate. Mastering your school was a mandatory part of the curriculum. Apart of this group was a girl named Spade. She walked in fear of being teased with her head down. She quickly grabbed her seat by her roommate. She sat right across from him and smiled with her small but generous greeting. Most people were too nervous to make eye contact with anyone else.
Irinei saw the girl next to her. He gave a smile and wave. He was being polite to his roommate. A old man walked in and all of the conversations ended. The old mage spoke up. "Yes well let's get this started. I am headmaster Tamati Tane Anaru. Now since today is your first day we're gonna show you around. And then we'll show you your rooms. Now here's the commander Templar. Lewis Astor Jem." A younger man walked up. "Now all of you will be under the constant watch of the Templar's. We've learned through out the years that the constant watch is necessary Now we'll let get going now." After that everyone got and dispersed. Irinei stood up and held his hand for his roomate. "Hi my name is Irinei. A pleasure to meet you."

(The grandmaster. And the Templar commander.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf793f208_YoungKnight.jpg.ddddd564885e3c1697dca139da996bb0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20842" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf793f208_YoungKnight.jpg.ddddd564885e3c1697dca139da996bb0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf79425c2_YoungerZannandore.jpg.54df621925b80936d1694b26549ff5cb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20843" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf79425c2_YoungerZannandore.jpg.54df621925b80936d1694b26549ff5cb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Spade smiled puffing out her chest as a sign of excitement and bravery. She grabbed his hand firmly before somehow tripping onto him. Spade fell right through him,"woops.... shhhhhh"she said before standing up." my name is Spade" She said standing up before fading away. The real Spade was hiding behind a the chair nervously.
Irinei cracked smile and chuckled. "Hey there." He walked to her slowly. "The names Irinei Martin Vsevold. It's a pleasure to meet you Spade. And base on that trick. Your a illusionist." H e didn't much about illusion. But he has a basic idea on it.
Spade nervously looked at the boy as her approached her. She quickly stood up and smiled," um.... hi...." she said." yeah.... sorry" Spade said apologizing for her natural skill set. Se looked down hoping her wouldn't make fun of her.
Irinei stooped when he was a few feet away from her. "It's alright. I'll won't make fun of you. I find illusion actually kinda interesting." And really did find illusion interesting.
Spade slowly nodded and smiled," wow really...? Why?" she asked curious to his response. She then stood up nervously wondering why anyone would think her power was interesting.
Irinei looked at Spade. "Well if you master it. You'll be able to trick anyone. And I find that quite interesting. And I get the least common type of magic. Transmutation."
Spade blinked tilting her head confusedly as she pulled her cat hood down. She thought,"i don't understand that power..... you mind explaining what you could do...?" she asked. Spade then smiled excitedly," or show me?" she asked.
Irinei nodded. "I figured you would like to see what it is. Don't worry it's better if I show you." He pulled out a wooden spoon from his back pocket. He placed it on a chair and he focused in. After a minute it started to shake. Then it slowly shifted from a spoon to a mouse." The mouse scurried up arm. Irinie chuckled. "Well that's what Transmutation does." 
Spade's jaw dropped," that's awesome!" she said then looked about her," when does the tour start?" she asked. Someone passed her by and she turned into a husky man glaring at the person who stepped on her foot when they walked by. The person ran away and she changed back with a sigh.
Irinei walked over and put his hand on her shoulder. "It's alright. Illusion doesn't go with everybody." He looked around. "I believe they start now. And I believe that's were every's going." 
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