Magic & Secrecy


New Member
Here is what I would like to know in free form about your character: What do they look like? How old are they? What are their personality like? What are their strengths? Their weaknesses? What do they like? Dislike? What do they fear most? What are their dream for the future? Anything else I should know?

Go wild, I like information about what I will work with!

Read more about this role play...
Name: Ella Nightheart

Appereance: Ella is small in stature, always has been. Her body is petite, frail, and pale and her face is a soft heartshape. Although her face is rarely seen beneath her waves of brown hair, hair so long her touches her hips. Too bad people can hardly see her face, its rather cute. Big green doe eyes are sheathes behind her wilderness of hair, and a few tan freckles dance under her eyes. She looks rather young for her age, although 17 she could still pass as a 12 year old child. Well she would be able to aside from the part that her breast developed rather well. She doesn't like to give a toothy grin because her bottom teeth are horribly crocked and she doesn't want people to see them, so instead she smiles with a lip-locked crocked smirk.

Personality/history: Because she was bullied at a younger age, Ella has a fear of strangers. Not the run-away-for-my-life fear but the please-don't-look-at-me fear. However she desperately wants a group of friends to replace the family she never really had. Her mother was killed a when Ellla was barely 3 due to an illness the doctors couldn't identify let alone begin to treat. She was an only child and her father was a well-off business man who was two busy working to deal with his daughter. Or more likely deal with the loss of his wife. One day, when Ella was 11 her father went on an overseas trip and never returned. They believe a storm had caught the captian off guard and destroyed the ship, leaving Ella an orphan. Even through her turmoil's Ella has been pretty optimistic about the future stating, "If it can't get much worse, then it can only get better"

Dreams/Goals: Ella's main dream is just to have people to love and who love her. She wants to gain close friends and maybe even a husband.

____Lists from here down_____



*The Dark

*Being on open water

*Being Alone Forever




*The thought of Friendship

*Things that are soft



*Crocked things

*Uncomfortable shoes

*Putting on Pants (Don't worry she will be clothed)
"My name? Er.. Well, not many people just ask me that. The name's Connor. Connor O'Doul, mind you. My friends just call me Con. At least, they would, if I had many friends. I tend to get along with people from a distance, you know what I mean? My profession isn't exactly Buckingham Palace, God Save the Queen an' all. But being a chimney sweep isn't all bad, the hours are nice and you can't beat the view from the rooftops at dawn, ya know? Here, take a peep at this: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.4a73596e74523967605bdd7d442fdcfd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15492" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.4a73596e74523967605bdd7d442fdcfd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Somehow, my kid sister got ahold of one of those new model photo cameras. Look, this one's even in colour, never seen something like that before. Oh, I've seen plenty of paintings and sketches, sure, but that's me there! Isn't that interesting?"

"Now, what was it you wanted again? Ah, an article on chimney sweeps, was it? Well, I grew up here, in jolly ol' London, me dad was a traveling salesman in his strapping young days, and that's how he met my mum abroad. They fell in love and moved back 'ere. He quit his wandering and took up the sweep business. London has lots of chimney pots that need washin' and scrubbin' and airing out and... Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself. Anyway, I came along soon after they settled down and have always admired me dad, and I could carry a 'pot brush about the same time as I could walk. It's not a bad job, just as 'portant as the constable who walks the streets, or even the firefighters. We sweeps, we don't like the firefighters so much, because when they turns up, it usually means one of us missed a house and the chimney caught flame. So, no, I don't really like the hoses, but they've got a job and a family too, I guess. What is it I do like? Hmmmm, well, like I said, I love the dawns from the rooftops. The birds are pretty too. I can't stand the pigeons, though. They always building their cozies in the chimney pots, I gotta shoo off a dozen of them a day. Let's see, what else? I like singing and whistling as I work, nothing carries a tune like a chimney flue. I make up tunes most often, and sometimes, the Mr. and the Mrs. and such in the house below will hear it and bellow at me to stop the racket. But, I've caught a few of them whistling my tune on their walks around the town."

"What are my dreams, you ask? Let's see.. I've always wanted to open up a street shop for me mum, so I'm saving up to rent out the old Greene's Grocer that just closed down. She wants to open a confectionary, she's always baked and cooked candies and sweets at home for the little ones. Twenty-three years old and my mum still makes then for me now and again. My favorite is the sugar canes, mum makes them so they melt in your mouth. Dad had to quit sweeping, he broke his leg when he fell off the roof of a house. Got into a fight with a thief that was up on the roofs, he did. He stays at home with the family now, doctors set his leg up fine, but he can't work anymore. So, I'm carrying the family budget now, and it's not such a bad life, I s'pose."

"Is that just about all you wanted? I look forward to reading your article in the Dailies, then. Care to shake hands? It's good luck, you know."



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Character Name- Peridot Lace Texier

Character Archetype:

Character Type- Hero

Archetype- Vigilante

Role- Thief Type

Gender- Female

Zodiac/Element- Leo/Fire

Powers- Magician Type

Notable Traits- Has lived in 6 different towns

Physical Traits:

Body Type- Well Defined/Toned

Height- Moderate/5ft

Skin Tone- Very Light/80%-90%

Face Type- Heart Type

Hair Color- Blond Variation

Hair Style- Curly Type

Hair Length- Long

Eyebrow Shape- Arched

Eye Shape- Prominent Eyes

Eye Color- Blue

Ear Shape- Moderate

Nose Shape- Greek Nose

Lip Shape- Full

Skin Variants- Freckles

Facial Hair- None



Clothing Era- Steam Punk Fashion/Clothing

Clothing Type- Short/Revealing Type


Hair- Fascinator

Head- Earcuffs

Neck- Necklace

Left Arm- Bangle

Right Arm- Tattoo

Left Hand- Rings

Right Hand- Hand Jewelry

Left Leg- None

Right Leg- Strap

Left Foot- Anklet

Right Foot- None


Weaponry- Piercing Type

Sorcery Skill- Moderate


Age- 21

Birthday- May 6th

Dayjob- Librarian

Job Satisfaction- Low

Financial Status- Comfortable

Nighttime Occupation- Thief

Relationship Status- Single, but quite ready to move on from that stage

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-2_18-55-37.png.14b307278ed11424ec8985fbdf3dadb1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15571" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-2_18-55-37.png.14b307278ed11424ec8985fbdf3dadb1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Psychology and perception- Practical and Intense

Self-discipline- Deliberate

Lifestyle- Lively, Spontaneous

Social attitude- Dislikes being alone. Charming. Lives for the moment.

Honesty and honor- Truthful, but unconcerned with honor

Emotional capacity- Extreme sensitivity to criticism and Sensitive

Current emotional state- Curious



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(Credit to Lelia of Deviantart).

At 20, Louise Polk comes off to the Aristocratic set she has managed to infiltrate as a sweet, demure, and wholly appropriate, if sad, widow. Though the ladies she lunches with every Thursday were at first wary of her red hair and youthful appearance they soon grew relaxed of her, assured that they had found just another polite and proper woman with which to gossip and eat and invite to parties.

Underneath her widow's garb, however, lives and breathes a very different person. A woman who was born to a poor fisherman and grew up determined to no longer live beneath the heels of the lords and ladies who seemed so much more like citizens than she. A woman who fought her way up the ladder and refuses to back down. Secretive, wily, and above all cunning she is determined to increase her stature in life... At perhaps any cost.

Louise might be seen as a bit aloof and its true that she's very quiet. The fact is, however, that the face she puts on for polite society is much different than her real one. In fact, her ability to act a certain way is probably among her greatest strengths, as well as a delightful recipe for cider that has gotten her in more doors than the Duke of Winsor.

But she's also a bit arrogant, and although she's gotten better at not committing foolish mistakes she sometimes is too confident for own good. She also does not suffer fools gladly, which is quite hard on her since she's surrounded by them.

Lastly, her greatest fear is that she is discovered. But there's absolutely no chance that that'll happen- She's confident of it.

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