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Magic Fingers


made up of opposites
Hi guys. I'm looking for an active and literate roleplay partner to do a plot I've been thinking of for a while. It's a special plot, it means a lot to me. It's called Magic Fingers, and that is all I'll reveal for now c: I want to develop it with someone because I'd like to see what happens when I do it with another person, not on my own. Now, I know I sound pretty picky, but I just don't want someone who'll be like, 'Hey, I'm active!" And then disappear a week later, never to be heard from again. D: That's happened to me too many times. Now I understand that real life is a bajillion times more important than a roleplay, but at least give me some updates if you're say, going out of town? That'd be wonderful!

AWRIGHT. More requirements!

  • No one liners

We all know that sometimes one liners happen. It's fine, it happens to me too! But just don't do a one liner in every single post. How would I work with that?

  • Must be able to read and write well. Be literate.

It really irks me when s0me1 rites l1ke d1s. Plz don't.

  • I do 1-3 paragraphs per post, sometimes more.

I get intimidated easily when it comes to paragraphs. Go easy on me!


This is a big one. I'm very active, I go on each day, or at least I try too. I, of course, go on road trips, camps, etc. Sometimes I won't be here. But I'll tell you if I go poof, promise! To prove you've ready everything, but the word 'faux' in your post/pm if you reply too this. You've gotta be active, and if you need to go poof, tell me please!

Alright. I think I've bored you all enough, if you've actually read through this.

Any chance I could coax a general genre or setting from you? xD , Like say, fantasy-romance or historical-drama, etc. x3
In that case I'm very much iiiiiiiinterested. ;D, I'm just not sure if the site will allow me to send/receive PMs just yet. xD
LOL! I dislike spamming...but then it may be my only option, hm? xD , I might need to wait the rest of the 24-hour probationary period as well; not sure how this system works. *chuckles*
Well, spamming is quite terrible, but not when you're like, actually spamming because you're an idiot...? xD Yeah, i don't really know very well either, I was just.. able to message. Lol, I probably posted a lot when I first started or something.
The title got me curious, and I would love to rp with you. Why don't you send me a pm so we could discuss the details.

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