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Realistic or Modern Mafia Boarding School RP Group [Interest Check / Open]


New Member
Hello! @Scavenger and I are looking to start a mafia roleplay that focuses on the children of various mafia families and other very high wealth groups such as royalty and oligarchs. The idea would be for them to live in dorms and attend classes at a very wealthy boarding school in Switzerland, whose campus operates as a neutral ground for the various families and groups involved. The current thought is for the school to be located in a fairly remote spot with a small closely-watched town nearby to give students an opportunity to visit a different environment every now and then. If players prefer a different region, we could probably even make a coastal setting along the Adriatic work. It just depends on what sort of places people would like to explore with their characters! (Or perhaps students could even go on occasional field trips. 🤔)"

✨ If you’re interested in joining and would like to brainstorm with us or share any additional ideas you may have for the RP, feel free to toss your thoughts into the thread! ✨


⚠️This RP will likely be slower-paced to accommodate any players who are busy with school and work, so it might not be a good match for those seeking RP sessions with quick back and forth replies.

⚠️Anyone is welcome to participate. However, because this roleplay centers around characters whose families are engaged in organized crime, please be aware of the extreme likeliness that darker topics -such as murder, drug abuse, assault, and exploitation- will be addressed or alluded to in character profiles and during the story itself. Foul language and cursing can also be expected.

⚠️Absolutely no smut or extreme gore. In general, players are expected to follow RPNation's Community Guidelines whenever creating content for this roleplay.


Additional Information:

:bishiesparklesr:The focus will be on student characters, but if somebody is more interested in creating a teacher character or two, that would also be perfectly okay!

:bishiesparklesr:The boarding school is aimed toward students who are 16-20 years old. In certain cases, younger students have also been admitted into the program.

:bishiesparklesl:English serves as the lingua franca between students and teachers at the boarding school.

:bishiesparklesr:The amount of involvement that a character has in their family's criminal activities is up to each player to decide. (Note: The Wikipedia article on organized crime provides a list of typical activities if anyone requires a spark of inspiration.)

:bishiesparklesr:Due to the premise of the school, the mafia families and groups involved are assumed to have the following types of relationships with one another: ally, neutral, undecided. This is because nobody wants to actively break the neutrality since doing so would cause them to miss out on the opportunities that it provides. Players are still welcome, however, to coordinate among themselves whether they would like to have a previously established rivalry with another player's mafia family in their clan backstory—just no vendetta-style conflicts unless the premise would allow for the two player characters to reasonably exist in the same space without killing each other. An example of such an accommodation might be two school friends who do not realize their fathers are mortal enemies.

:bishiesparklesr:Characters and their mafia families/groups may originate from whatever country the player wishes, though it is preferred that individual families/groups do not come from the same city, unless the creators of the families/groups are willing to collaborate to provide a reason for how this came to be and whether the families/groups are allies or rivals. If players are not interested in collaborating in such a manner, then priority will be given to the person who requests the location first.

Edit - Additional Clarification: Characters do not need to be from European countries to be enrolled in the school. They can come from any part of the world.

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Awesome! Can't wait to see what ideas you come up with! 😀

My character is Lidija, a 16-year-old from Belgrade, Serbia. She's already got a profile, so once we get a few more people on board, I'll go ahead and open up a thread for us to place our characters.

P.S. If anyone else wants to make a character from Belgrade, I'm totally cool with it. 😊
Casting my interest in, but tentatively so, hopefully work this week isn't too busy.
Name: tbd
Age: What ages are you looking at - 16-20 college ages or more high school ages, what ages is the school aimed towards?
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: tbd (leaning towards Indian or Israeli-Arab)
Nationality: Israeli-Arab or Indian
Languages Spoken: Hindi, Arabic, Nepalese, and of course English (heavy accent)

Affiliations: thinking maybe Oligarchy (secretly mafia maybe - idk yet)
Criminal Activities: Vigilantism, Art Theft (possibility), money laundering (possibly) - still thinking here

fc: Princess Ameerah Al Taweel or Naomi Scott (Can't decide)
Additional Notes:

Mafia Family/Group Description: tbd
What ages are you looking at - 16-20 college ages or more high school ages, what ages is the school aimed towards?

Oh shoot. My bad! I'll go ahead and add that information to the main post in case other people have the same question. Ages 16-20 is what we were originally thinking for the school, but if someone really wanted to go a bit younger with their character (say 14 or 15), I think it would be fine provided there is a blip somewhere on their profile explaining how or why this arrangement was made.
Oh shoot. My bad! I'll go ahead and add that information to the main post in case other people have the same question. Ages 16-20 is what we were originally thinking for the school, but if someone really wanted to go a bit younger with their character (say 14 or 15), I think it would be fine provided there is a blip somewhere on their profile explaining how or why this arrangement was made.
Lol - you are totally fine haha No worries, just wanted to make sure
Oh, maybe I should also write that the lingua franca for the students and teachers is assumed to be English. 🤔 Secondary characters (like associates or family members) and one-scene wonders (like random locals that students might encounter in the nearby town) don't necessarily have to speak English if we don't want them to haha. Lidija's father absolutely does not know English outside of some cursing, that's for sure. 😆
Excellent! Figured it would be more fun for people to have the freedom to decide that sort of thing as it can lead to some very interesting scenarios haha.

Lidija will have to translate for her father if he ever shows up. Unfortunately, she is NOT a reliable source for Serbian > English / English > Serbian translations because she likes to flat-out lie about what's being said just to enjoy the reactions she causes. 😅💀
Btw, did anyone have any suggestions for a school name? Gonna keep thinking about it, but nothing particularly inspiring has come to mind yet. 😩 (______ International School of Excellence? ______ Academy? ______ Institute? 🤔 Something else?) I figure the school name can then be used as the official title of the RP thread and OOC instead of just “Mafia Boarding School,” unless someone has a better idea. Coming up with cool sounding RP titles is one of my weaknesses. 😅 (Otherwise, can thread titles be edited later on?)
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Btw, did anyone have any suggestions for a school name? Gonna keep thinking about it, but nothing particularly inspiring has come to mind yet. 😩 (______ International School of Excellence? ______ Academy? ______ Institute? 🤔 Something else?) I figure the school name can then be used as the official title of the RP instead of just “Mafia Boarding School,” unless someone has a better idea. Coming up with cool sounding RP titles is one of my weaknesses. 😅
Hmmmm, maybe something such as Silver Valley Academy or Silver Valley Institute?? I honestly have no clue lol
Right? We'll figure out something, I'm sure! 🤣

You know what… It probably would make sense to start a private group conversation thread for anyone who is interested, so I'll go ahead and do that. From there, we can hash out some of the finer details, which I will update to the thread later. This way we can also talk out different ideas/concepts for our character(s) with one another! 😁 For anyone else reading this, just let me know if you'd like to be added to the conversation. 😄
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Hello! I'm decently interested!
However im still pretty new to everything here & might need some help & or explanation on how everything works, my apologies!
Oh no problem! No need to apologize! I honestly am still learning how to format threads on here haha. I'll add you to the conversation! Feel free to ask whatever questions you may have and we'll do our best to help you figure things out!. :)
Oh no problem! No need to apologize! I honestly am still learning how to format threads on here haha. I'll add you to the conversation! Feel free to ask whatever questions you may have and we'll do our best to help you figure things out!. :)
Thank you!

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