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Fantasy Maelstrom: Fire & Blood (Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay)


Maelstrom: Age of Fire & Blood
A Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay



Maelstrom: Age of Fire & Blood, henceforth referred to as Maelstrom, is a character driven faction role play starting in the turn of the 22nd Century of the Warhammer World. Players will be character(s) leading their chosen faction to whatever ends await them. Players may play any variety of characters so long as no metagaming is allowed. However, players will be limited to one faction at a time, but may have multiple characters in different factions, and can pick entire nations such as Athel Loren. Yet, other players are able to play factions within these should one wish for a smaller scale. For example, Player A may pick to be one of the Three Empire contenders and possess Reikland, Westerland, and Nordland; while, Player B picks to be the Baron of Nordland. In this way teams of players may form or be antagonistic, the choice is yours. Players will also be free to create the histories of their characters, dynasties, and to a limited extent the factions themselves.

A Brief Overview of the World in 2100 Imperial Calendar

The Empire of Sigmar is a divided realm. An Age of Three Emperors as some have begun to call it. As three or even more pretenders claim the Imperial Title for themselves. Waging civil wars as often among each other as external threats to the Realm of their Man-God. As such up to three players may claim the Imperial Title by having control over more than one of the Imperial Provinces directly or feudally. Sylvania, the cursed abode of the Von Carstein vampires sits like a festering wound within the Imperial boundaries. The apparent demise of Count Vlad von Carstein at the Siege of Altdorf having done nothing to lessen the influence of his accursed bloodline. To the South the internecine conflicts of the Brettonians continues. Only temporary unity against threats from Moussilon and the Mountains serving as brief periods of peace among their lordlings. While the Tilean and Estalian city-states remain as divided as ever. Moving to the North the Realm of Kislev stands united if beset by threats from the North and East.

The Dwarfholds remain divided and are often beset by waves of Greenskins and invading armies seeking to plunder their riches. While the aforementioned Greenskins wage their endless Waaaghs across the Badlands and throughout the Old World. Moving further East, the Ogres fight and feast, with the Empire of Grand Cathay forming a bulwark of Humanity far from the borders and minds of their Western brethren.

To the Far South Araby is at crossroads of foreign crusades, trade routes, and the occasional undead incursion from the Sands of Nehekhara. While to the West the Great Island of Ulthuan sits in partial isolation. When not bickering among themselves they are busy with commerce and the endless vigilance of their Dark cousins of Naggarond. The Realm of the Witch-King ever preying on the lands of the World. While, in the jungles of Lustria, ancient cities laid with vast hexagrammic wards awaken to banish all who seek to despoil their ancient treasures.

But the greatest of all threats to any of the above, lay to the far North, beyond the Norscan tribes. Where the powers of Chaos wage endless conflict against each other and quite possibly, to the mortal realms to the South...

Roleplay Mechanics
The Role Play follows a few simple mechanics related to travel times and corruption. Travel times are primarily to prevent say, someone playing in Cathay from arriving right on time for a battle ongoing in The Empire. It takes approximately 6 weeks under optimal conditions to travel from Altdorf to Kislev. Averaging 8-10 weeks for the most part. While a ship traveling from the very tip of Southern Lustria to Tilea can take 2-3 months. Extrapolating further under optimal conditions it would take about half a year for someone to travel from Nan-Gau to The Empire's eastern frontier.

Corruption is measured by player action and choice. Players that outright dedicate themselves to the Chaos Gods will likely face mutations and influence of Chaos spreading among Court and territory. While those that do not dedicate but take part in activities which will no doubt draw the eye of said Gods, may begin to hear the Whispers of Chaos or face Chaos incursion on their lands. Vampiric Corruption is similar but primarily due to the presence of Vampires and their magick/activity than anything else. Finally, Skaven corruption will be loosely based on if the surface of one's territory is overrun by the Ratmen or not. As such players are encouraged to regularly deal with such threats as they appear lest they risk a bigger problem down the road.

Battles and Magic will be governed by an honor-based system mixed with fog of war. If you order a unit to advance, they will not just instantly be able to alter their position or situation to face a threat that one side couldn't see. Such a player writing about hiding skirmishers in a defile that ambush an advancing unit. This is to prevent battle-gridlock and Reverse-Uno see-sawing of fighting. If a player puts up a defensive position and writes about hiding stakes in the ground before your army arrives, and you order a charge, your cavalry will not magically know they're there without an agreement between the players having happened, the horsemen will just be in for a rough time.

Map of the Warhammer World
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