Gaius Danius Griinia
Apparently Infamous
Izuru noticed Caramel falling on his ass and decided some support would be more than welcome. Luckily the dragonkin had just recently taken a one day course on Healing Magic. He was unable to use his elemental magic on account of how taxing it was to cast his binding spell at usual level of power. It certainly gave the party plenty of time to act but severely hampered Izuru's ability to stand out. Twirling his cane in his hand like some kind of enthusiastic ringmaster. A small orb of light would float out of it and towards Caramel. Admittedly it was barely enough to heal a simple ache or pain but it was better than nothing. Plus Caramel was one of their attack casters. Letting him get injured was just asking for a party wipe from this thing. Hopefully he wouldn't need to heal the guy again anytime soon. Izuru wanted to save any extra magical energy on either rebinding the armor or healing John since the warrior was acting as their tank. Taking another deep huff of his cigar. The dragonkin looked on as the others kept dishing out damage on this metal behemoth as best they could.
.Boo-Boo Go Bye on Caramel = Healing F + Control Environment F
.Energized on Magic D

Izuru noticed Caramel falling on his ass and decided some support would be more than welcome. Luckily the dragonkin had just recently taken a one day course on Healing Magic. He was unable to use his elemental magic on account of how taxing it was to cast his binding spell at usual level of power. It certainly gave the party plenty of time to act but severely hampered Izuru's ability to stand out. Twirling his cane in his hand like some kind of enthusiastic ringmaster. A small orb of light would float out of it and towards Caramel. Admittedly it was barely enough to heal a simple ache or pain but it was better than nothing. Plus Caramel was one of their attack casters. Letting him get injured was just asking for a party wipe from this thing. Hopefully he wouldn't need to heal the guy again anytime soon. Izuru wanted to save any extra magical energy on either rebinding the armor or healing John since the warrior was acting as their tank. Taking another deep huff of his cigar. The dragonkin looked on as the others kept dishing out damage on this metal behemoth as best they could.
.Boo-Boo Go Bye on Caramel = Healing F + Control Environment F
.Energized on Magic D