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Fandom [M4F] Fallout roleplay


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With the Fallout TV show coming out as of recent(which I haven’t watched just yet), and me getting Fallout 4 for the third time, I’m super invested in the world of Fallout and want to do a roleplay set it that universe!! I’m 16 years old and I’ve been roleplaying for six of those years, although I’ve never done a Fallout roleplay at all during those six years, so it’s going to be a new experience!

My literacy is semi-literate to literate, but I can also mirror my partner if needed. I primarily use irl faceclaims for my ocs and Google docs as well for their character sheets. Speaking of original characters, I normally only play as them because I suck at cannon ones. I would prefer the roleplay to be an OCxOC pairing, and MxF as well, with me being the male. I can normally respond once a day or multiple times a day depending on my schedule. My timezone is also EST!

Lastly, I have a rough idea for a Fallout roleplay: Maybe our characters are Vault Dwellers and an essential part of their vault breaks, causing them to be sent out into the wasteland to find other vaults in order to obtain a new part. So, basically Fallout 1 in a way, at least the beginning plot idea. But anyways I hope to see you in dms^^
Hey, I'm interested in this as well!

Lately, I've been absolutely craving either Halo or Fallout roleplays, and in FxM, I prefer to be female.

My time zone is in between EST and WST, 6 hours behind the United Kingdom's time zone.

I also have excellent grammar, but I have trouble with who/whom at times; I also generally have a very open schedule.

I'm homeschooled and am currently on summer break, being 14 later this year as well; I'm more than willing to do mature topics in spite of my age.

Hope to hear from you soon,

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