• When posting, please be aware that artistic nudity is still nudity and not allowed under RpNation rules. Please edit your pictures accordingly!

    Remember to credit artists when using work not your own.

Accepting Requests Lyrositor's Coding Repository

Character Sheet #4
Commission for wtfamidoinghere wtfamidoinghere , a character sheet for an antagonist in their roleplay. First time I tried repeating a background gradient to cover up the seams between repeating background images.

Time: ~5 hours

Sources: character-sheets/4.xml

The Antagonist
Atrux Vesanus
Kingdom of Origin:
Mercenary Captain
Chaotic Neutral
11' 8"
“Everyone has a price! Especially me!”
Atrux is a Minotaur that enjoys battle, and is always eager for the next fight. He puts Himself and his Crew before anything else, even money. Speaking of money, Atrux loves it. It can get him anything he wants and he believes that you can never have enough money. Atrux is adventurous and always wants to know what is on the other side of the hill, even if that could lead to his death.
Atrux doesn't follow any faith but understands if other people follow religion. He does have morals and will not accept all jobs that comes his way. He despises raping and doesn't allow anyone from his crew to even attempt to do so. Atrux can be stubborn at times but is not ignorant. In addition, people consider him racist based off of the things he says, but he has no prejudice against any race.
Racial Traits
Herculean Strength ~ Being an especially strong Minotaur comes with its perks. Atrux's main specialty is his strength. He is strong enough to go toe to toe with most royals from any kingdom.
Speed ~ Atrux is incredibly fast but definitely not nimble. In straight lines is where he excels the most. However, Atrux can also use his absurd strength for an extremely quick bunny hop in any direction.
Defense ~ Atrux's hide is hard to pierce. Only beings with identical strength or more, be it magical or physical, can effectively hurt him.
Healing Factor ~ Minotaur's have healing factors, a fatal wound wouldn't kill Atrux but he would have to leave the fight to rest for a couple of days to recover. Much faster than majority of other races.
Vesanus Family Horns ~ The Vesanus Family Horns are unbreakable.
Kinetic Vision ~ Can see the slightest of movements clearly. Even at night.
Known Abilities
Berserk ~ The longer Atrux stays in a fight the stronger he gets (3 hours is the cap and = Racial Traits twice as effective)
Vesanus Family Spirit Well ~ Having no magic available in the Vesanus Family sucks, but the bloodline has something else to offer. Atrux can draw on any positive Ether of any element in the area, just as the royals do in their kingdoms.
Potentia ~ A roar that stuns any character in the area and also nullifies any status ailments on Atrux.
Redistribution ~ Atrux can switch his strength, speed, and defense around at will. (Ex. Defense into Strength)
Enigmatic Brand ~ A seal has been branded into Atrux's flesh by an unknown being. This brand allows him to withstand the power of all the royal families.
Leadership ~ Being a Mercenary Captain for such a long time, Atrux has gathered experience from his losses and has learned how to push for his victories. He can keep his cool in any situation and gives orders with a clear mind, while also knowing its whats best for the group.
Born outside the Fire Kingdom, Atrux's family was kept hidden from the world. His parents believed that the family bloodline had to be kept hidden or every family member connected to them would be extinguished. However, that didn't stop them from teaching Atrux the ways of combat. Atrux's parents soon learned that he was born with a tremendous amount of talent. Atrux soon beat all of his family at the young age of 42. With no one to stop him from leaving, Atrux decided that living a life in fear isn't living at all. Atrux left for Da Goffs in the Fire Kingdom where he started his work as a mercenary.
Atrux blended in well with the "citizens" of Fire Kingdom and spent 25 years working for others as a sell-sword. He made several comrades all of which he treated like brothers. One day, a wealthy noble from the light kingdom sent word that a shadow drake needed to be slain. He offered a large amount of money to the people who would complete such a task. Although it was a daring task, Atrux decided that the amount of money was worth the risk and set off to go slay the beast. Of course, he didn't go alone. His allies decided to go along with him and split the money.
The journey was long and by the time they got to the Dark Kingdom, everyone had thought that to even trust a light kingdom noble was a mistake. But suddenly, a shadow blanketed the floor they stood on. Above the company was the Earth Elemental and it wasted no time to start removing the garbage from its territory. Everyone began to run in fear. Everyone except for Atrux. Atrux wasted no time and jumped on the creature and climbed his way to the head and before anyone else got hurt, Atrux elbowed the top of the head, immediately knocking the beast down to the floor and rallying all the mercenaries but before they could get to it Atrux did one more elbow for good measure.
The journey was long and by the time they got to the Dark Kingdom, everyone had thought that to even trust a light kingdom noble was a mistake. But suddenly, a shadow blanketed the floor they stood on. Above the company was the Earth Elemental and it wasted no time to start removing the garbage from its territory. Everyone began to run in fear. Everyone except for Atrux. Atrux wasted no time and jumped on the creature and climbed his way to the head and before anyone else got hurt, Atrux elbowed the top of the head, immediately knocking the beast down to the floor and rallying all the mercenaries but before they could get to it Atrux did one more elbow for good measure.
All of the friends that left Atrux came back and begged on their knees for forgiveness. Atrux gave it to them in exchange for their loyalty. Together as Atrux as the leader of this band of mercs, they began to do unbelievable tasks for 30 years. Stories were told of Atrux's bravery and courage and how he toppled gods.Throughout the years the small band of mercenaries grew into an army. An army that had no discrimination. Humans, Orcs, Trolls, Goblins, Kobolds, Elves, Demons, Women, Men... All were accepted as long as they were strong and could follow Atrux to till death. Now Atrux has found a job that would set him and all of his men, For life...
Weapons & Armor
Atrux's weapons are enchanted with powerful buffs to increase his abilities to Royal levels.
- Twin Axes (Longer Handle)
- Halberd
- Shoulder Pads
- Belt
- Bracers
- Greaves
- Boots
Relations to other player characters will go here.
Experiment #3
More experimentation with accordions. This creates a sort of gallery where you can move from slide to slide by clicking on the arrow button at the top. I initially wanted to be able to move back and forth instead of just forward, but that did not seem possible beyond two slides. Can you figure out where the accordion comes in?

Time: ~3 hours

Sources: experiments/3.xml

First Slide
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam egestas nulla a dui congue pretium. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam auctor imperdiet mi, eget faucibus urna ultricies ac. Aenean porttitor lobortis vulputate. Sed ac tellus tincidunt, vestibulum lacus quis, auctor magna. Maecenas tempus quis sapien et venenatis. Quisque eget blandit enim. Aliquam non mi quis magna cursus volutpat. Sed blandit at nulla non lacinia.
Second Slide
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam egestas nulla a dui congue pretium. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam auctor imperdiet mi, eget faucibus urna ultricies ac. Aenean porttitor lobortis vulputate. Sed ac tellus tincidunt, vestibulum lacus quis, auctor magna. Maecenas tempus quis sapien et venenatis. Quisque eget blandit enim. Aliquam non mi quis magna cursus volutpat. Sed blandit at nulla non lacinia.
Third Slide
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam egestas nulla a dui congue pretium. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam auctor imperdiet mi, eget faucibus urna ultricies ac. Aenean porttitor lobortis vulputate. Sed ac tellus tincidunt, vestibulum lacus quis, auctor magna. Maecenas tempus quis sapien et venenatis. Quisque eget blandit enim. Aliquam non mi quis magna cursus volutpat. Sed blandit at nulla non lacinia.
Quick experiment for fluticasone fluticasone , won't go in the repository. The challenge was to get rid of the tab lines in such a way that the background behind replaced them. This meant it wasn't possible to cover them up with some white, for example, since there's no guarantee the background would be white.

This is my convoluted answer to the challenge. No BBXML, I did this one in BBCode (and lived to regret that choice after a few minutes). The tab titles are floated to the right, but this could be rectified with additional code.

Not very mobile-friendly, but shouldn't be too terrible.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque tincidunt enim eget bibendum ullamcorper. Integer vestibulum eget tellus in viverra. Mauris risus ex, molestie in varius a, mollis in diam. Aliquam interdum massa velit, quis iaculis ex cursus et. Donec vehicula neque erat, in fringilla erat blandit et. Cras vitae sodales sapien, quis hendrerit sapien. Morbi volutpat condimentum nisi ac tempor. Suspendisse blandit sem ut nulla tempor, eu mollis diam placerat. Maecenas in ipsum risus. Nullam non metus a quam fermentum sollicitudin non sed lorem. Praesent et tincidunt ligula, dapibus laoreet magna. Etiam semper tortor non lacus suscipit, sit amet vestibulum tellus malesuada. Vestibulum volutpat diam erat, a tempor risus molestie in.

    Ut quis risus rhoncus, rutrum nibh ut, placerat risus. Phasellus tempor sollicitudin enim, vitae eleifend tortor cursus id. Vestibulum euismod neque turpis, non placerat ante pharetra ac. Duis rhoncus sem enim, ut ornare elit dapibus ut. Integer lacinia sapien sit amet nunc tristique laoreet. Duis lobortis lacus vitae enim gravida lobortis. In auctor, orci eu vehicula vulputate, ante ex imperdiet libero, nec faucibus dui ligula et metus.
Experiment #4
A challenge provided by Fable Fable , the objective being to try to recreate this gallery. It re-uses code from my previous experiment and attempts to improve on it. This would have been much easier with fixed image widths, but I wanted to stay as close as possible to the original version.

This can obviously be adapted for other situations, such as multiple horizontally sliding panels in a character sheet, but without fixed widths it requires a lot of manual calculation. BBXML helps alleviate some of this, and I hope to improve it even further in later versions to avoid these kinds of hard-coded values.

Note: this will not compile correctly with the current version of bbcoder, as of this writing. It is using a patch I will be releasing in an upcoming version.

Time: ~10 hours

Sources: experiments/4.xml

Update Post #2
Commission for Bowa Bowa . I used the palette and font selection they provided me with to create an update post for their character.

Time: ~2 hours

Sources: update-post/2.xml

Hadley Gideon Trenworth
Dining Room
John, Jane, Jack
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a tincidunt mi. Praesent sed risus ac nisi porttitor viverra. Proin a aliquam nunc. Vestibulum pharetra dui ac lectus viverra ultricies. Cras vel vulputate ligula. Nulla vitae ligula vitae massa tincidunt mattis. Suspendisse vehicula fringilla eros. Sed faucibus tellus sed ex imperdiet consectetur vel eget nibh. Integer sed metus augue. Donec ac metus sed velit pulvinar imperdiet non non neque. Ut at lacus id felis tincidunt malesuada vestibulum et leo. Curabitur viverra varius hendrerit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam pellentesque enim sit amet eros ultrices ullamcorper.

Duis fringilla et leo in dignissim. Cras turpis metus, euismod in vulputate bibendum, sagittis et ipsum. Aliquam condimentum odio eros, in tempor urna elementum ut.
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.”
Duis accumsan risus ut euismod efficitur. Vivamus finibus, magna quis maximus tristique, nibh massa gravida ex, non tempus lectus nibh id justo. Maecenas venenatis tortor consectetur, feugiat lacus et, faucibus est. Suspendisse bibendum sed magna ut gravida. Fusce mi tortor, tempor a mollis a, facilisis ac mi. Sed eu imperdiet purus, pellentesque feugiat ex. Mauris quis posuere libero. Donec feugiat, augue non mattis porta, sem tortor pharetra felis, a aliquet urna est in ligula. Cras magna lectus, molestie vel justo a, malesuada scelerisque quam. Ut pulvinar sapien et libero vehicula, ac pellentesque eros sagittis.

Sed vitae elit eget odio ultricies egestas. Donec dictum risus vestibulum, gravida dui et, volutpat metus. Donec et mauris at metus condimentum sodales id sed sapien. Fusce id mollis enim. Proin in tempor mauris, vel viverra ante. Fusce pretium ornare metus gravida mattis. Curabitur finibus vitae magna sit amet volutpat. Vestibulum accumsan velit pretium eros lacinia pellentesque. Quisque eget purus id turpis tincidunt consequat.
Last edited:
Not repository worthy, but I re-used one of my earlier designs for an interest check, if anyone wants to check it out: Silent Stars

I still struggle to find a way to nicely inset a screen in something else, so that it really feels like it's a part of some computer monitor. I might give that another try at some point.
Hey Lyro! Appreciate everything you're doing with your talents! Thanks for giving it back to the Community! You're awesome, man!

Anyway, I got a request. Can you do a in character reply in the form of a scripture? Like with the burnt/worn edges you would see with ancient scrolls or maps. If you can add a space for a character portrait in one of the corners(Circular or Square), too, that'd be awesome! Hope I didn't give you too much to work on.
Hey Lyro! Appreciate everything you're doing with your talents! Thanks for giving it back to the Community! You're awesome, man!

Anyway, I got a request. Can you do a in character reply in the form of a scripture? Like with the burnt/worn edges you would see with ancient scrolls or maps. If you can add a space for a character portrait in one of the corners(Circular or Square), too, that'd be awesome! Hope I didn't give you too much to work on.
Hmm, the edges would be a bit complicated for me since I'm not an artist and I'm not sure I could find appropriate images. I could still try to make something, though - except not right now, as I'm going to be pretty busy this week. Is that alright?
Lyro Lyro Yeah, that's fine. Take your time. If you can't make the edges like that, no biggie. I just would like it to have the gritty, dark fantasy kind of vibe.

Not super picky since you'll be doing the hard work!
Some more non-repository material. This is part of a character sheet I made, where I experimented with trying to create a of bubble screen effect for the character portrait.

loNonce Revrin
“Quick, give me something to do!”
Interest Check: Riptide
This is a demonstration of what is possible with the new BBCode+ update, including animations, string manipulation and more. I am currently documenting these changes, but I figured I might as well share this as a teaser. It's an unfinished interest check for an upcoming RP I'm planning with C.DEX, and there may still be some changes coming up.

If there is some interest, I may livestream an explanation of this code, along with a presentation of the new features, after the documentation is out.

Time: ~14 hours

Sources: Not available yet

[animation=star] [keyframe=0]transform: translateY(0px);[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]transform: translateY(-2000px);[/keyframe] [/animation] [animation=glow] [keyframe=0]text-shadow: 0 0 1em;[/keyframe] [keyframe=25]text-shadow: 0 0 1.2em;[/keyframe] [keyframe=50]text-shadow: 0 0 0.8em;[/keyframe] [keyframe=75]text-shadow: 0 0 0.9em;[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]text-shadow: 0 0 1.1em;[/keyframe] [/animation] [animation=backgroundScroll] [keyframe=0]background-position: 0% 0%;[/keyframe] [keyframe=25]background-position: 25% 25%;[/keyframe] [keyframe=50]background-position: 50% 50%;[/keyframe] [keyframe=75]background-position: 75% 75%;[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]background-position: 100% 100%;[/keyframe] [/animation] [class=wrapper] background-color: #2d1414; box-sizing: border-box; color: #FFFFFF; display: inline-block; font-family: 'Proza Libre', Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1em; overflow: hidden; position: relative; width: 100%; [/class] [class=stars] animation: {post_id}star 50s linear infinite; background: transparent; box-shadow: 458px 1794px #FFF, 800px 1963px #FFF, 97px 558px #FFF, 448px 417px #FFF, 799px 478px #FFF, 594px 1751px #FFF, 1957px 189px #FFF, 1725px 1559px #FFF, 371px 1236px #FFF, 1562px 597px #FFF, 693px 19px #FFF, 1070px 1717px #FFF, 1265px 876px #FFF, 865px 516px #FFF, 1194px 151px #FFF, 1872px 1499px #FFF, 1719px 1206px #FFF, 1841px 1258px #FFF, 1259px 1553px #FFF, 797px 914px #FFF, 1171px 920px #FFF, 1010px 185px #FFF, 1058px 578px #FFF, 1410px 1688px #FFF, 1911px 1590px #FFF, 314px 1872px #FFF, 1331px 1025px #FFF, 464px 36px #FFF, 175px 1926px #FFF, 183px 1510px #FFF, 56px 892px #FFF, 631px 835px #FFF, 252px 1918px #FFF, 520px 495px #FFF, 1958px 457px #FFF, 895px 101px #FFF, 340px 577px #FFF, 1337px 499px #FFF, 1512px 1671px #FFF, 487px 788px #FFF, 576px 56px #FFF, 1025px 1588px #FFF, 955px 226px #FFF, 1024px 421px #FFF, 599px 1363px #FFF, 1145px 304px #FFF, 581px 1580px #FFF, 479px 363px #FFF, 507px 487px #FFF, 245px 810px #FFF, 1339px 1729px #FFF, 312px 1251px #FFF, 1271px 1693px #FFF, 1130px 146px #FFF, 1183px 800px #FFF, 1318px 1485px #FFF, 490px 1699px #FFF, 1501px 1452px #FFF, 1416px 1734px #FFF, 1681px 1607px #FFF, 168px 1539px #FFF, 1719px 239px #FFF, 1812px 749px #FFF, 1164px 590px #FFF, 80px 151px #FFF, 1733px 1798px #FFF, 1341px 981px #FFF, 1536px 1778px #FFF, 1059px 379px #FFF, 763px 1273px #FFF, 330px 848px #FFF, 1198px 400px #FFF, 440px 1546px #FFF, 996px 1715px #FFF, 1300px 288px #FFF, 1594px 1137px #FFF, 943px 1753px #FFF, 1296px 1029px #FFF, 449px 440px #FFF, 1838px 1982px #FFF, 1710px 496px #FFF, 609px 5px #FFF, 538px 1688px #FFF, 1153px 126px #FFF, 1912px 1117px #FFF, 440px 149px #FFF, 46px 1598px #FFF, 964px 1489px #FFF, 84px 122px #FFF, 610px 1758px #FFF, 483px 1586px #FFF, 1434px 744px #FFF, 1155px 1050px #FFF, 1404px 842px #FFF, 339px 637px #FFF, 525px 300px #FFF, 1211px 405px #FFF, 1336px 1062px #FFF, 1426px 225px #FFF, 915px 1555px #FFF, 1456px 1738px #FFF, 784px 121px #FFF, 123px 863px #FFF, 1352px 1222px #FFF, 123px 1370px #FFF, 1912px 1281px #FFF, 1908px 1128px #FFF, 533px 746px #FFF, 1877px 1288px #FFF, 623px 1999px #FFF, 1320px 1971px #FFF, 1171px 1454px #FFF, 546px 1711px #FFF, 567px 1794px #FFF, 1550px 7px #FFF, 1147px 1386px #FFF, 177px 185px #FFF, 1601px 1878px #FFF, 410px 96px #FFF, 1457px 1897px #FFF, 1922px 207px #FFF, 1075px 844px #FFF, 185px 1672px #FFF, 496px 395px #FFF, 472px 143px #FFF, 1645px 1096px #FFF, 116px 1045px #FFF, 1082px 382px #FFF, 570px 90px #FFF, 1926px 380px #FFF, 1438px 1239px #FFF, 1103px 1791px #FFF, 253px 26px #FFF, 1829px 902px #FFF, 253px 698px #FFF, 1211px 205px #FFF, 1770px 1928px #FFF, 37px 1054px #FFF, 1136px 1371px #FFF, 1804px 1424px #FFF, 85px 1142px #FFF, 1781px 972px #FFF, 920px 1025px #FFF, 1433px 1634px #FFF, 1580px 164px #FFF, 1067px 1330px #FFF, 815px 742px #FFF, 1915px 1466px #FFF, 494px 935px #FFF, 1464px 211px #FFF, 524px 917px #FFF, 978px 974px #FFF, 1210px 726px #FFF, 377px 516px #FFF, 1802px 737px #FFF, 1686px 1553px #FFF, 731px 672px #FFF, 1796px 424px #FFF, 1814px 1306px #FFF, 1450px 1509px #FFF, 98px 1776px #FFF, 879px 677px #FFF, 626px 743px #FFF, 875px 1986px #FFF, 378px 385px #FFF, 289px 1926px #FFF, 1432px 1911px #FFF, 1441px 1246px #FFF, 1710px 1101px #FFF, 1693px 217px #FFF, 794px 1379px #FFF, 54px 1446px #FFF, 1957px 733px #FFF, 551px 1769px #FFF, 1324px 856px #FFF, 511px 784px #FFF, 785px 398px #FFF, 1262px 1048px #FFF, 1122px 1075px #FFF, 856px 219px #FFF, 1751px 1755px #FFF, 469px 1465px #FFF, 339px 547px #FFF, 755px 1603px #FFF, 1677px 179px #FFF, 541px 1971px #FFF, 726px 186px #FFF, 672px 220px #FFF, 1204px 1446px #FFF, 178px 1727px #FFF, 1079px 487px #FFF, 1491px 29px #FFF, 1888px 672px #FFF, 382px 1646px #FFF, 1486px 1438px #FFF, 847px 1037px #FFF, 1016px 727px #FFF, 1143px 669px #FFF, 1698px 1830px #FFF, 1172px 1887px #FFF, 984px 44px #FFF, 2000px 68px #FFF, 879px 1998px #FFF, 566px 1911px #FFF, 588px 667px #FFF, 385px 32px #FFF, 185px 1994px #FFF, 1163px 1834px #FFF, 1076px 1132px #FFF, 1255px 108px #FFF, 892px 692px #FFF, 1275px 868px #FFF, 559px 216px #FFF, 313px 1636px #FFF, 475px 706px #FFF, 298px 713px #FFF, 481px 505px #FFF, 939px 1941px #FFF, 506px 275px #FFF, 1746px 823px #FFF, 1449px 763px #FFF, 1926px 846px #FFF, 297px 1348px #FFF, 1719px 1198px #FFF, 1545px 767px #FFF, 246px 448px #FFF, 1463px 166px #FFF, 1451px 768px #FFF, 418px 564px #FFF, 867px 738px #FFF, 372px 411px #FFF, 1411px 813px #FFF, 1511px 1787px #FFF, 1205px 71px #FFF, 963px 1116px #FFF, 1150px 1231px #FFF, 1624px 768px #FFF, 1508px 1180px #FFF, 1469px 316px #FFF, 1798px 1947px #FFF, 138px 521px #FFF, 1660px 873px #FFF, 1148px 1682px #FFF, 1326px 1819px #FFF, 854px 719px #FFF, 1731px 1361px #FFF, 93px 742px #FFF, 449px 751px #FFF, 1078px 619px #FFF, 1926px 513px #FFF, 1445px 869px #FFF, 799px 1805px #FFF, 860px 1434px #FFF, 1936px 1910px #FFF, 533px 153px #FFF, 540px 1723px #FFF, 1757px 506px #FFF, 867px 72px #FFF, 677px 489px #FFF, 1423px 917px #FFF, 1566px 465px #FFF, 895px 503px #FFF, 1029px 1284px #FFF, 399px 366px #FFF, 552px 1281px #FFF, 924px 1069px #FFF, 1205px 1784px #FFF, 106px 1155px #FFF, 1598px 1477px #FFF, 1301px 1914px #FFF, 1474px 711px #FFF, 781px 897px #FFF, 418px 1810px #FFF, 1659px 869px #FFF, 156px 73px #FFF, 655px 1560px #FFF, 1451px 77px #FFF, 1855px 701px #FFF, 31px 1058px #FFF, 1456px 1127px #FFF, 1292px 413px #FFF, 537px 1671px #FFF, 1585px 829px #FFF, 102px 29px #FFF, 193px 817px #FFF, 1055px 880px #FFF, 1379px 886px #FFF, 324px 762px #FFF, 1213px 351px #FFF, 1558px 681px #FFF, 66px 1718px #FFF, 1234px 1461px #FFF, 1890px 203px #FFF, 639px 1734px #FFF, 991px 1829px #FFF, 1782px 202px #FFF, 195px 1334px #FFF, 1067px 1527px #FFF, 662px 252px #FFF, 1869px 113px #FFF, 1515px 321px #FFF, 1039px 1900px #FFF, 1341px 495px #FFF, 1176px 1679px #FFF, 733px 313px #FFF, 1104px 1765px #FFF, 530px 800px #FFF, 760px 1860px #FFF, 1716px 1609px #FFF, 1710px 1167px #FFF, 1986px 836px #FFF, 1535px 507px #FFF, 1442px 1350px #FFF, 607px 1995px #FFF, 1552px 1376px #FFF, 970px 1948px #FFF, 78px 1647px #FFF, 300px 1714px #FFF, 1340px 1196px #FFF, 465px 973px #FFF, 1187px 518px #FFF, 583px 37px #FFF, 915px 1690px #FFF, 1646px 1019px #FFF, 1284px 669px #FFF, 293px 569px #FFF, 1698px 908px #FFF, 627px 767px #FFF, 338px 1108px #FFF, 1899px 4px #FFF, 1433px 609px #FFF, 1831px 1878px #FFF, 1530px 1936px #FFF, 649px 1550px #FFF, 12px 1934px #FFF, 1478px 1750px #FFF, 1462px 1888px #FFF, 525px 424px #FFF, 524px 1183px #FFF, 1500px 845px #FFF, 277px 101px #FFF, 1054px 790px #FFF, 1553px 1476px #FFF, 794px 833px #FFF, 369px 1085px #FFF, 1369px 839px #FFF, 1518px 885px #FFF, 1106px 820px #FFF, 648px 1439px #FFF, 892px 650px #FFF, 1403px 1604px #FFF, 647px 1353px #FFF, 1826px 1693px #FFF, 396px 177px #FFF, 546px 739px #FFF, 388px 668px #FFF, 21px 309px #FFF, 1563px 1503px #FFF, 98px 1908px #FFF, 172px 488px #FFF, 434px 1516px #FFF, 1014px 573px #FFF, 509px 763px #FFF, 978px 1765px #FFF, 1578px 1240px #FFF, 1490px 132px #FFF, 445px 1370px #FFF, 987px 465px #FFF, 322px 32px #FFF, 982px 1284px #FFF, 1888px 1092px #FFF, 1330px 1686px #FFF, 124px 553px #FFF, 856px 106px #FFF, 1451px 507px #FFF, 1951px 1896px #FFF, 475px 1595px #FFF, 1079px 46px #FFF, 155px 780px #FFF, 1661px 1964px #FFF, 1829px 954px #FFF, 720px 344px #FFF, 1189px 90px #FFF, 1529px 1529px #FFF, 589px 1553px #FFF, 738px 1221px #FFF, 1853px 1160px #FFF, 1780px 1095px #FFF, 958px 108px #FFF, 553px 1766px #FFF, 1169px 411px #FFF, 643px 1862px #FFF, 1127px 315px #FFF, 1260px 1102px #FFF, 1834px 1751px #FFF, 692px 1589px #FFF, 91px 139px #FFF, 220px 1006px #FFF, 1294px 1510px #FFF, 1411px 1253px #FFF, 1079px 142px #FFF, 853px 1921px #FFF, 1603px 588px #FFF, 1078px 705px #FFF, 1743px 1861px #FFF, 1206px 959px #FFF, 850px 884px #FFF, 1716px 1484px #FFF, 608px 584px #FFF, 226px 1487px #FFF, 906px 1942px #FFF, 1662px 332px #FFF, 1709px 1642px #FFF, 1037px 1494px #FFF, 1735px 1548px #FFF, 94px 372px #FFF, 945px 1064px #FFF, 1588px 357px #FFF, 687px 273px #FFF, 55px 630px #FFF, 158px 1898px #FFF, 1991px 1624px #FFF, 1154px 412px #FFF, 1120px 1779px #FFF, 1428px 659px #FFF, 784px 1223px #FFF, 1227px 747px #FFF, 189px 1493px #FFF, 205px 1173px #FFF, 311px 23px #FFF, 1067px 1145px #FFF, 87px 1009px #FFF, 1219px 189px #FFF, 1774px 917px #FFF, 1170px 1418px #FFF, 1807px 1443px #FFF, 281px 492px #FFF, 652px 1007px #FFF, 223px 383px #FFF, 174px 798px #FFF, 235px 1419px #FFF, 1442px 676px #FFF, 1638px 312px #FFF, 253px 1425px #FFF, 810px 19px #FFF, 1391px 686px #FFF, 1769px 108px #FFF, 231px 1088px #FFF, 1651px 1642px #FFF, 911px 1003px #FFF, 439px 1946px #FFF, 281px 574px #FFF, 1436px 1917px #FFF, 755px 369px #FFF, 1704px 1711px #FFF, 878px 873px #FFF, 308px 100px #FFF, 552px 324px #FFF, 543px 1146px #FFF, 146px 1841px #FFF, 494px 1412px #FFF, 242px 144px #FFF, 1865px 1433px #FFF, 117px 109px #FFF, 1371px 1531px #FFF, 191px 1571px #FFF, 1095px 518px #FFF, 33px 1524px #FFF, 632px 1679px #FFF, 1201px 1457px #FFF, 999px 70px #FFF, 96px 1646px #FFF, 1477px 1198px #FFF, 680px 1421px #FFF, 1812px 232px #FFF, 1870px 922px #FFF, 528px 1911px #FFF, 323px 1094px #FFF, 262px 1401px #FFF, 1199px 955px #FFF, 345px 1921px #FFF, 1300px 312px #FFF, 193px 1476px #FFF, 1738px 216px #FFF, 979px 107px #FFF, 1516px 57px #FFF, 408px 1084px #FFF, 539px 1838px #FFF, 659px 852px #FFF, 775px 1162px #FFF, 1902px 1816px #FFF, 1656px 1458px #FFF, 12px 1449px #FFF, 1362px 369px #FFF, 1995px 161px #FFF, 1234px 314px #FFF, 1183px 438px #FFF, 1826px 1163px #FFF, 1112px 670px #FFF, 1580px 866px #FFF, 1561px 1640px #FFF, 689px 153px #FFF, 1059px 1838px #FFF, 687px 1639px #FFF, 891px 705px #FFF, 1611px 1305px #FFF, 432px 620px #FFF, 770px 715px #FFF, 39px 1482px #FFF, 1934px 222px #FFF, 765px 887px #FFF, 1093px 278px #FFF, 62px 1674px #FFF, 1959px 1947px #FFF, 1975px 1980px #FFF, 1430px 239px #FFF, 1455px 1628px #FFF, 147px 1177px #FFF, 1052px 133px #FFF, 667px 1431px #FFF, 571px 1855px #FFF, 308px 472px #FFF, 564px 1681px #FFF, 1022px 1832px #FFF, 699px 868px #FFF, 1815px 1471px #FFF, 1982px 185px #FFF, 1287px 1689px #FFF, 584px 1500px #FFF, 51px 1560px #FFF, 1819px 184px #FFF, 1684px 1032px #FFF, 1654px 1259px #FFF, 1028px 1228px #FFF, 1031px 1067px #FFF, 757px 1194px #FFF, 194px 1097px #FFF, 185px 1533px #FFF, 439px 1785px #FFF, 190px 918px #FFF, 1004px 166px #FFF, 289px 633px #FFF, 603px 727px #FFF, 888px 1960px #FFF, 796px 737px #FFF, 1620px 143px #FFF, 1171px 472px #FFF, 388px 1173px #FFF, 621px 34px #FFF, 1162px 1761px #FFF, 1249px 1191px #FFF, 1830px 298px #FFF, 1093px 13px #FFF, 286px 1685px #FFF, 287px 1486px #FFF, 510px 818px #FFF, 551px 665px #FFF, 1778px 1237px #FFF, 1055px 1421px #FFF, 1109px 1549px #FFF, 335px 791px #FFF, 947px 1458px #FFF, 1472px 661px #FFF, 143px 1856px #FFF, 392px 45px #FFF, 1791px 1065px #FFF, 1981px 1798px #FFF, 434px 594px #FFF, 540px 1920px #FFF, 1086px 1458px #FFF, 829px 632px #FFF, 1697px 422px #FFF, 1481px 1968px #FFF, 764px 761px #FFF, 305px 1771px #FFF, 1698px 1998px #FFF, 312px 393px #FFF, 1772px 1336px #FFF, 1457px 962px #FFF, 376px 641px #FFF, 1418px 329px #FFF, 1610px 268px #FFF, 269px 1422px #FFF, 1242px 1177px #FFF, 568px 386px #FFF, 1532px 5px #FFF, 654px 121px #FFF, 1633px 2000px #FFF, 390px 1325px #FFF, 1104px 268px #FFF, 590px 495px #FFF, 651px 1183px #FFF, 1625px 861px #FFF, 558px 1675px #FFF, 1097px 1333px #FFF, 778px 541px #FFF, 680px 1749px #FFF, 1992px 169px #FFF, 1917px 360px #FFF, 351px 1339px #FFF, 1529px 1088px #FFF, 810px 540px #FFF, 1812px 1852px #FFF, 844px 1027px #FFF, 530px 1870px #FFF, 1266px 1069px #FFF, 1904px 1787px #FFF, 1222px 1881px #FFF, 1423px 270px #FFF, 299px 68px #FFF, 426px 861px #FFF, 68px 1618px #FFF, 1737px 1137px #FFF, 1855px 1103px #FFF, 763px 1734px #FFF, 493px 1335px #FFF, 1996px 1030px #FFF, 1759px 330px #FFF, 1198px 1078px #FFF, 11px 1244px #FFF, 1432px 496px #FFF, 334px 1002px #FFF, 1653px 1336px #FFF, 924px 1348px #FFF, 1976px 770px #FFF, 1377px 1168px #FFF, 228px 219px #FFF, 475px 595px #FFF, 1150px 96px #FFF, 54px 1277px #FFF, 954px 1552px #FFF, 1237px 634px #FFF, 875px 1880px #FFF, 1651px 1433px #FFF, 582px 288px #FFF, 948px 708px #FFF, 448px 869px #FFF, 867px 965px #FFF, 495px 822px #FFF, 1122px 636px #FFF, 1828px 1766px #FFF, 1556px 1215px #FFF, 1391px 1927px #FFF, 1891px 102px #FFF, 1978px 1050px #FFF, 1366px 1090px #FFF, 601px 1785px #FFF, 1886px 1898px #FFF, 905px 450px #FFF, 721px 203px #FFF, 747px 906px #FFF, 1736px 1280px #FFF, 1823px 740px #FFF, 707px 1522px #FFF, 220px 1951px #FFF, 511px 1051px #FFF, 198px 1456px #FFF, 1881px 1293px #FFF, 1975px 1708px #FFF, 1179px 837px #FFF, 987px 1324px #FFF, 1074px 1190px #FFF, 503px 1833px #FFF, 1061px 236px #FFF, 759px 1181px #FFF, 1462px 1750px #FFF, 1373px 1955px #FFF, 221px 1048px #FFF, 1315px 1856px #FFF, 246px 896px #FFF, 892px 1954px #FFF, 1227px 317px #FFF, 1049px 1427px #FFF, 1025px 664px #FFF, 1330px 1157px #FFF, 1272px 1577px #FFF, 1041px 326px #FFF, 153px 111px #FFF, 290px 104px #FFF, 1907px 1279px #FFF, 1329px 566px #FFF, 1471px 880px #FFF, 742px 1345px #FFF, 1907px 1920px #FFF, 12px 1707px #FFF, 1587px 1927px #FFF, 1px 74px #FFF, 687px 1738px #FFF, 1943px 742px #FFF, 379px 1042px #FFF, 1685px 1803px #FFF, 1476px 1871px #FFF, 497px 139px #FFF, 1800px 1603px #FFF, 252px 143px #FFF, 255px 1243px #FFF, 1092px 1862px #FFF, 1676px 806px #FFF, 1875px 1948px #FFF, 1757px 1946px #FFF; height: 1px; width: 1px; [/class] [class=stars2] animation: {post_id}star 100s linear infinite; background: transparent; box-shadow: 160px 503px #FFF, 163px 650px #FFF, 1843px 77px #FFF, 1103px 594px #FFF, 298px 426px #FFF, 254px 948px #FFF, 297px 63px #FFF, 1036px 133px #FFF, 252px 350px #FFF, 775px 65px #FFF, 846px 202px #FFF, 1562px 1520px #FFF, 1626px 1710px #FFF, 1478px 943px #FFF, 1904px 142px #FFF, 742px 1149px #FFF, 1412px 1763px #FFF, 1175px 578px #FFF, 1822px 1791px #FFF, 236px 784px #FFF, 1875px 259px #FFF, 867px 311px #FFF, 1810px 1332px #FFF, 1176px 1523px #FFF, 131px 230px #FFF, 1712px 667px #FFF, 1610px 324px #FFF, 92px 1175px #FFF, 468px 86px #FFF, 1439px 1304px #FFF, 483px 1422px #FFF, 326px 1094px #FFF, 1211px 1046px #FFF, 1999px 1282px #FFF, 1242px 897px #FFF, 331px 947px #FFF, 367px 1213px #FFF, 1445px 618px #FFF, 1694px 1536px #FFF, 846px 99px #FFF, 957px 329px #FFF, 1763px 319px #FFF, 1056px 650px #FFF, 693px 1252px #FFF, 317px 4px #FFF, 1495px 1288px #FFF, 1193px 1776px #FFF, 792px 109px #FFF, 1902px 342px #FFF, 1649px 852px #FFF, 1450px 456px #FFF, 1824px 1048px #FFF, 1405px 1755px #FFF, 948px 65px #FFF, 921px 1573px #FFF, 1671px 1035px #FFF, 123px 1007px #FFF, 873px 1837px #FFF, 1132px 985px #FFF, 1427px 593px #FFF, 1767px 1878px #FFF, 839px 134px #FFF, 1470px 1712px #FFF, 402px 620px #FFF, 57px 1887px #FFF, 1417px 855px #FFF, 1758px 1618px #FFF, 333px 1078px #FFF, 231px 1018px #FFF, 1503px 1865px #FFF, 893px 1026px #FFF, 20px 13px #FFF, 1433px 1646px #FFF, 145px 1757px #FFF, 121px 1935px #FFF, 1464px 161px #FFF, 1244px 1355px #FFF, 267px 390px #FFF, 1446px 1676px #FFF, 632px 1443px #FFF, 1640px 1423px #FFF, 466px 921px #FFF, 1399px 1957px #FFF, 1887px 1789px #FFF, 1014px 1403px #FFF, 302px 1632px #FFF, 1989px 188px #FFF, 856px 873px #FFF, 356px 458px #FFF, 492px 1272px #FFF, 403px 1597px #FFF, 425px 1904px #FFF, 69px 592px #FFF, 230px 1990px #FFF, 1588px 1902px #FFF, 477px 1228px #FFF, 1793px 791px #FFF, 795px 1240px #FFF, 1700px 1615px #FFF, 1577px 1570px #FFF, 607px 1385px #FFF, 761px 1142px #FFF, 15px 1383px #FFF, 493px 1620px #FFF, 807px 724px #FFF, 637px 553px #FFF, 406px 930px #FFF, 114px 1138px #FFF, 1685px 845px #FFF, 179px 515px #FFF, 1369px 1429px #FFF, 321px 41px #FFF, 1935px 487px #FFF, 1518px 1258px #FFF, 603px 1758px #FFF, 180px 1828px #FFF, 213px 1350px #FFF, 999px 1389px #FFF, 1798px 268px #FFF, 1965px 1832px #FFF, 790px 47px #FFF, 345px 405px #FFF, 822px 458px #FFF, 599px 338px #FFF, 872px 1376px #FFF, 1565px 75px #FFF, 1534px 1282px #FFF, 1236px 1313px #FFF, 32px 742px #FFF, 1830px 158px #FFF, 791px 1531px #FFF, 820px 1175px #FFF, 1010px 30px #FFF, 1015px 1801px #FFF, 1439px 1992px #FFF, 1572px 1739px #FFF, 727px 1764px #FFF, 681px 1231px #FFF, 508px 1340px #FFF, 1641px 1587px #FFF, 784px 1534px #FFF, 1908px 1239px #FFF, 1093px 98px #FFF, 1189px 1102px #FFF, 1904px 363px #FFF, 86px 257px #FFF, 640px 1826px #FFF, 221px 1980px #FFF, 1027px 358px #FFF, 1168px 1760px #FFF, 248px 737px #FFF, 97px 1534px #FFF, 980px 1892px #FFF, 812px 1843px #FFF, 101px 1841px #FFF, 1993px 193px #FFF, 961px 1099px #FFF, 196px 169px #FFF, 595px 1664px #FFF, 1955px 119px #FFF, 1046px 744px #FFF, 275px 1390px #FFF, 1620px 1490px #FFF, 1478px 249px #FFF, 270px 1007px #FFF, 754px 1502px #FFF, 1784px 970px #FFF, 327px 1727px #FFF, 663px 330px #FFF, 1949px 94px #FFF, 1316px 573px #FFF, 680px 652px #FFF, 981px 784px #FFF, 469px 1218px #FFF, 177px 1049px #FFF, 1731px 738px #FFF, 245px 1902px #FFF, 1247px 1300px #FFF, 1247px 1366px #FFF, 735px 543px #FFF, 1020px 83px #FFF, 672px 388px #FFF, 449px 438px #FFF, 199px 420px #FFF, 1677px 640px #FFF, 498px 1418px #FFF, 1783px 1766px #FFF, 176px 74px #FFF, 1442px 1529px #FFF, 498px 129px #FFF, 407px 672px #FFF, 832px 1742px #FFF, 1353px 1873px #FFF, 1582px 1812px #FFF, 1109px 1796px #FFF, 1604px 888px #FFF, 1734px 954px #FFF, 871px 1205px #FFF, 1463px 616px #FFF, 174px 1237px #FFF; height: 2px; width: 2px; [/class] [class=stars3] animation: {post_id}star 150s linear infinite; background: transparent; box-shadow: 1048px 526px #FFF, 1755px 1635px #FFF, 341px 508px #FFF, 513px 1340px #FFF, 846px 1885px #FFF, 1623px 740px #FFF, 937px 954px #FFF, 19px 1586px #FFF, 570px 953px #FFF, 466px 1286px #FFF, 1517px 1908px #FFF, 895px 349px #FFF, 230px 1389px #FFF, 1309px 566px #FFF, 1262px 294px #FFF, 1266px 754px #FFF, 1937px 142px #FFF, 781px 1374px #FFF, 471px 1154px #FFF, 555px 1403px #FFF, 1816px 1944px #FFF, 1974px 1791px #FFF, 1110px 1198px #FFF, 737px 1324px #FFF, 1607px 1840px #FFF, 1826px 40px #FFF, 690px 1865px #FFF, 1525px 157px #FFF, 704px 1843px #FFF, 1630px 640px #FFF, 884px 1088px #FFF, 1216px 943px #FFF, 902px 1545px #FFF, 943px 1461px #FFF, 1706px 1695px #FFF, 37px 1478px #FFF, 613px 52px #FFF, 1064px 1577px #FFF, 1554px 244px #FFF, 1209px 121px #FFF, 697px 488px #FFF, 1705px 401px #FFF, 688px 180px #FFF, 207px 1700px #FFF, 1162px 1989px #FFF, 1629px 1759px #FFF, 1975px 1299px #FFF, 377px 484px #FFF, 1685px 629px #FFF, 1214px 1635px #FFF, 1336px 390px #FFF, 1501px 143px #FFF, 1949px 425px #FFF, 1271px 1940px #FFF, 533px 1239px #FFF, 1367px 120px #FFF, 393px 478px #FFF, 853px 1056px #FFF, 1780px 100px #FFF, 1311px 1188px #FFF, 1737px 385px #FFF, 1479px 121px #FFF, 272px 476px #FFF, 1639px 699px #FFF, 1665px 1010px #FFF, 578px 1634px #FFF, 1049px 1310px #FFF, 806px 879px #FFF, 202px 639px #FFF, 1112px 1172px #FFF, 1273px 640px #FFF, 1452px 1595px #FFF, 591px 1211px #FFF, 1894px 1773px #FFF, 427px 826px #FFF, 1843px 616px #FFF, 940px 506px #FFF, 931px 1210px #FFF, 787px 1513px #FFF, 2px 1162px #FFF, 1656px 620px #FFF, 730px 1083px #FFF, 1739px 1458px #FFF, 212px 1521px #FFF, 398px 1725px #FFF, 533px 1117px #FFF, 1327px 1384px #FFF, 1739px 1488px #FFF, 989px 79px #FFF, 905px 1831px #FFF, 749px 1325px #FFF, 1607px 825px #FFF, 1593px 1125px #FFF, 891px 1150px #FFF, 1387px 262px #FFF, 1296px 847px #FFF, 1189px 392px #FFF, 1715px 348px #FFF, 996px 428px #FFF, 680px 1214px #FFF; height: 3px; width: 3px; [/class] [class=header] font-size: 5em; margin: 0.3em; [/class] [class=title] animation: {post_id}glow 1.5s linear infinite alternate; color: #f3c662; font-family: 'Uncial Antiqua', Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-style: italic; padding: 0; text-align: center; text-shadow: 0 0 1em; [/class] [class=sun] animation-duration: 3s; animation-iteration-count: infinite; box-shadow: 0 0 4vw #2d1414 inset, 0 0 4vw #2d1414; background-image: url('https://media.giphy.com/media/ctGFLebG1AqK4/giphy.gif'); background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100%; border-radius: 50%; filter: hue-rotate(25deg) sepia(0.5); height: 20vw; margin: 0 auto; min-height: 150px; min-width: 150px; max-height: 426px; max-width: 426px; width: 20vw; [/class] [class=box] margin: 2em 1em; padding: 2px 4px 0px; position: relative; [/class] [class=boxBg] box-sizing: content-box; height: 100%; pointer-events: none; position: absolute; width: 100%; [/class] [class=boxBgLarge] top: 0; left: -5px; padding: 0 4px; border: 1px solid rgba(255,255,255,.35); [/class] [class=boxBgTall] top: -8px; left: 3px; padding: 8px 0; width: calc(100% - 8px); height: 100%; border: 1px solid rgba(255,255,255,.25); [/class] [class=boxBgMedium] top: -4px; left: -1px; padding: 4px 0; border: 1px solid rgba(255,255,255,.4); [/class] [class=boxInner] background-color: #2d1414; overflow: hidden; margin: 0.5em; [/class] [class name=boxTitle minWidth=530px] cursor: pointer; font-family: 'Monoton', Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 2.5em; margin-top: 0.7em; text-align: center; transition: color 0.5s linear; [/class] [class name=boxTitle maxWidth=529px] cursor: pointer; font-family: 'Monoton', Verdana, 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url('https://www.rpnation.com/media/riptide-background.29307/full'); border-top-left-radius: 300px; border-top-right-radius: 300px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 1em #2d332d; box-sizing: border-box; flex: 1; margin: 1em; min-width: 300px; overflow: hidden; position: relative; [/class] [class=subpanel] height: 100%; padding: 1em; padding-top: 250px; [/class] [class=subpanelStream] background-color: rgba(255, 243, 169, 0.75); color: #000000; [/class] [class=subpanelVoid] background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); color: #d6d3ad; [/class] [class=subpanelOverlay] background-image: url('http://www.cadhatch.com/communities/4/004/013/003/604//images/4618103301.jpg'); background-size: 200px; bottom: 0px; left: 0px; opacity: 0.2; pointer-events: none; position: absolute; right: 0px; top: 0px; border-top-left-radius: 300px; border-top-right-radius: 300px; padding-top: 250px; [/class] [class=subtitle] border-bottom: solid 1px white; border-top: solid 1px white; font-family: 'Uncial Antiqua', Verdana, Arial, 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transition: filter 0.4s linear, box-shadow 0.2s linear; width: 150px; [/class] [class=raceText] display: inline-block; height: 0; line-height: 0; margin: 50% 0; [/class] [class name=race state=hover] filter: sepia(0.2); [/class] [class=raceSelected] box-shadow: 0 0 20px #addea0; filter: sepia(0.2); [/class] [class=raceDescription] background-color: #4f3737; box-shadow: 0 0 1em #4f3737; font-size: 0.8em; margin: 1em 0.5em; padding: 0.75em; text-align: justify; white-space: pre-wrap; [/class] [class=submit] cursor: pointer; font-family: 'Uncial Antiqua', Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 2em; margin: 0.5em 0; text-align: center; transition: color 0.2s linear; [/class] [class name=submit state=hover] color: #d6ca87; [/class] [class=bbcode] background-color: #433535; border: solid 1px #6b3e3e; font-family: 'Courier New', monospace; height: 20em; margin: 2em 0.5em; padding: 0.5em; overflow-y: scroll; white-space: pre-wrap; [/class] [script class=boxTransition version=2] (addClass 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[div class=wrapper] [div class=stars][/div] [div class=stars2][/div] [div class=stars3][/div] [div class=header] [div class=sun][/div] [div class=title]Riptide[/div] [/div] [div class=intro] It is a time of great unrest. On the planet Isyn, a god is being born. What form shall it take? What will its tenets be? Who shall name it? These are the questions each warring faction seeks to answer. For whomsoever is present at the moment of divine manifestation shall permanently etch their convictions into the deity's mind. Through their new god, the believers shall wield power unlike any others, altering the laws of the universe as they see fit.

Or so the legends say.

It is a risk the People's Republic of Tiffrel are unwilling to take. Get past the front lines, descend into Isyn, and steal its needle before it punctures our world once more. The status quo must be preserved.

May you ride gentle currents. [/div] [div class=box] [div class="boxBg boxBgLarge"][/div] [div class="boxBg boxBgTall"][/div] [div class="boxBg boxBgMedium"][/div] [div class=boxInner] [div class="boxTransition boxLeft"]World[/div] [div class="boxTransition boxRight"]Rules[/div] [div class=boxTitle] Premise [/div] [div class=clear][/div] [div class=boxContent] [div class="panel panel1"] [div class=subtitle][div class=subtitleText]The Gods[/div][/div] [div class="right image"]
[/div] [div class=p]While the universe is indeed infinite, the Gods are not keen on sharing and their domains are clearly-delimited. The Milky Way happens to have eight major Gods and at least three hundred minor Gods, each in possession of their own area of the galaxy. As such, only the following major Gods will come into play throughout the roleplay, listed with their associated themes:[/div]
  • [div class=b]Mizen - God of Appearance:[/div] illusions, transformation, beauty, deceit
  • [div class=b]Sillis - God of Prediction:[/div] prophecy, foresight, calculation
  • [div class=b]Imer Dallis - God of Justice:[/div] law, control, retribution, balance
  • [div class=b]Tekket - God of Industry:[/div] technology, energy, willpower, efficiency
  • [div class=b]Levraxis - God of Destruction:[/div] death, medicine, transformation, fission
  • [div class=b]Loreh - God of Communication:[/div] speech, mediation, empathy, censorship
  • [div class=b]Friest - God of Stillness:[/div] concealment, control, sound, time
  • [div class=b]Alva - God of Bonding:[/div] combination, fusion, paralysis, chemistry
[div class=clear][/div] [div class=subtitle][div class=subtitleText]The Players[/div][/div] [div class=p]The planet Isyn is in the unusual position of being at the intersection of three Gods' domains, [div class=b]Loreh[/div], [div class=b]Mizen[/div] and [div class=b]Sillis[/div]. As such, it has frequently passed hands between the mortal nations in service of these Gods. There are currently seven nearby nations:[/div]
  • [div class=b]The Hierarchy of Onnedias:[/div] an ancient elven theocracy where the most powerful wizards are in power. Onnedias currently has ground control of Isyn and holds the best claim to ownership of the planet.
  • [div class=b]The Far Commonwealth:[/div] a mercantile association which gained independence a few centuries ago. Formed from descendants of the first humans to escape Earth's Barren zone. Known for forming and breaking alliances frequently. Currently in a weakened position; rumor has it they have begun resorting to more underhanded tactics.
  • [div class=b]The Tyranny of Fin Qillis:[/div] a totalitarian regime headed by the near-immortal fairy Qillis. One of the two biggest threats to Onnedias, being in control of one of Isyn's moons and a great part of the space armadas.
  • [div class=b]The Hegemony of Ko:[/div] a forced military union of a small group of neighboring states which were at risk of being swallowed up by Qillis many centuries in the past. Highly diverse ethnicities. Currently the other biggest threat to the Hierarchy, as they are the only other nation to have established permanent encampments on Isyn's surface. An uneasy alliance between them and the Tyranny is currently in place.
  • [div class=b]The Dominion of Prak and Corval:[/div] a colony of the far larger country of Myrn, located at the other end of the galaxy. A minor player in the war, fighting not for their victory but for Onnedias's defeat.
  • [div class=b]The People's Republic of Tiffrel:[/div] a small, poor country that has only avoided being swallowed up by making itself essential to all of its neighbors. Currently surrounded by the Dominion and the Hegemony. As such, they are not in a position to wage direct warfare.
  • [div class=b]The Informed Republic:[/div] a comparatively new player in international politics, the Informed Republic is a nation of gnomes led by computers hybridised with magic in order to create sentient software. They claim to be a neutral party in this conflict, being the farthest away from Isyn of all parties. Their outposts can be found throughout the systems, where they are often found selling Invariant technology.
[div class=clear][/div] [div class=subtitle][div class=subtitleText]The Planet[/div][/div] [div class=p][div class=b]Isyn[/div] is one of the Milky Way's four Scarred Planets. Extensive radiocarbon dating processes have demonstrated these planets to be far older than the current universe. Indeed, each of these planets is located in a weakened section of reality where the Stream filters through more often, which most believe explains how these planets were able to survive the previous universe's destruction. The scars themselves manifest as constantly shifting fractures in the sky from which the blinding light of the Stream filters through.[/div] [div class=p]Unlike the other Scarred Planets, however, Isyn is covered in ruins from an ancient alien civilization which is also believed to originate from before this universe. Seven years ago, deep underground, a Needle was uncovered by archaeologists, which precipitated the current political climate. Needles are rare artifacts, a few of them naturally occurring, but usually the products of long-gone civilizations which developed Invariant technology capable of puncturing the barrier between reality and the Stream. While the knowledge necessary to create such tools is currently lost to the known civilizations of the galaxy, some of the Needles which have been uncovered have been successfully made operational. Isyn's is one such Needle, and its location on a Scarred Planet means it can be used to usher in the birth of a new God.[/div] [div class=p]As the roleplay begins, players will be tasked to find a way past the front lines of the ongoing war to make landfall on Isyn. From thereon, they will have to navigate the labyrinthine underground complex of the ongoing archaeological expedition beneath Isyn's surface.[/div] [/div] [div class="panel panel2"] [div class=p]The laws of physics are never set in stone, but in clay, ready to be reshaped and remolded as seen fit by beings beyond our understanding. Such is the world of Riptide, a universe in which gods the size of stars can change the parameters of the universe as they see fit within their spheres of influence. The faithful are rewarded for their devotion with divine abilities no ordinary mortal could possess - in other words, magic. The stronger the belief, the greater the god's reward for such devotion. With enough faith, such powers are even accessible from within other gods' domains, though they will weaken over long distances.[/div] [div class=p]The gods are not eternal, however - at least, not in the mortal plane. They are physical, conscious manifestations of something much greater than any single one of them. They can fade, merge, split, grow, and even, when all the conditions are met, arise where there was nothing before. This roleplay is about one such event - the first of its kind in millennia, and players must prevent it from unfolding.[/div] [div class=p]The planet Isyn has always been hotly contested, being at the junction of several major interstellar nations, but only over the past decade has it become the scene of a perpetual war between the powers, as each seeks to control the new god's birthing place. It is home to an ancient artifact called a needle, a curious device created by civilizations which have long since vanished. Their true purpose remains unknown to this day, but one thing is clear: wherever they are active, the boundaries of the universe weaken.[/div] [div class=p]Given enough time, the boundary breaks, and the Stream comes rushing through.[/div] [div class=subpanels] [div class=subpanelWrapper][div class="subpanel subpanelStream"] [div class=subpanelOverlay][/div]
The Stream
[div class=p]The Stream is life itself, though that doesn't mean it is inherently good. The Stream is vented through the universe by means of the Gods, starlike beings whose very existence was a result of too much of the Stream leaking through the universe in one place. They are not inherently good, but neither are they inherently evil. They are individuals, each with their own opinions, temperaments and ideals. Individuals who are the embodiment of life, able to give themselves to create life and light to the domains in which they inhabit. Some exist with goals of only expansion, while others simply want to have a place and followers in small nooks of the universe.[/div] [div class=p]All of the mana in the universe originates from the Stream, where it is pure and uniform: raw power unburdened by the constraints of our universe. The lenses through which one filters it - the Gods, and their aspects - are the only things that differentiate one priest under one God from another. It is the only safe way for mortals to draw from the Stream, as their hubris has shown time and time again: when it comes to the Stream, it's easy to drown when you're out of your depth.[/div] [div class=p]Most civilizations in the known universe worship the Gods of the Stream in some way, more often than not to curry favor with them and be rewarded with access to the Stream. For though any single God's reach rarely extends beyond the galaxy, the Stream is omnipresent, and the Gods' collective influence can be felt everywhere.[/div] [div class=p]With some exceptions.[/div]
[/div][/div] [div class=subpanelWrapper style="animation-delay: -30s;"][div class="subpanel subpanelVoid"] [div class=subpanelOverlay][/div]
The Void
[div class=p]Space is cold, empty, unforgiving... but it is not dead. The space between the stars is the domain of the Void, an ancient, unknowable mind whose dominion extends across the entire universe. Wherever matter is scarce, the Void can be found, taking up space like gas filling a room. It cannot be seen, felt or heard, but it is always there, ever attentive to the tribulations of mortals. For a select few, however, its role extends beyond simple witness.[/div] [div class=p]The Void reaches out to its followers if they clear their minds of any and all thoughts, and only then do they feel its will. It is never specific; it simply asks for calmness and stillness. It never speaks to its followers directly - instead, its will is communicated by the emptiness of their minds and the space around them. How this is interpreted by others is up in the air; some extremists take it as their God wanting them to kill others and bring stillness to the universe, while others feel it's an Isolationist calling - to limit activity to a minimum, to stop chaos.[/div] [div class=p]Void mages have access to a set of abilities no Stream god can grant. Powerful mages are even capable of negating the Stream entirely, preventing Stream mages from accessing it. However, just as drawing too much from the Stream will drown its wielder, bringing too much of the Void into one's mind is a dangerous proposition; and yet, unlike Stream mages, Void users have no choice but to bring themselves within a hair's breadth of this limit in order to wield their deity's power. Only by remaining in a perpetual state of near death can they hope to master the Void's gifts.[/div]
[/div][/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="panel panel3"] [div class=p]This roleplay will be hosted by Lyro Lyro and Lyro Lyro . If you are interested in participating, you will have to obey the following rules:[/div]
  • You are expected to [div class=b]post once a week[/div]. If you, for some reason, cannot post during the week, let either Lyro Lyro or Lyro Lyro know. Additionally, it's encouraged to post more than once a week, especially if the flow of the roleplay asks it.
  • For now, players are limited to [div class=b]one character per player[/div]. If it happens in the future that you're seen as someone who posts often and can handle having another character, you may be allowed to.
  • [div class=b]No godmodding / metagaming.[/div] Godmodding is when a person creates an overtly powerful character in order to usurp others. Metagaming is using knowledge outside of what your character knows to gain an advantage in-game. For example, one character knowing that another character has 'evil' history and treating them as such before gaining this knowledge in character. One exception is when both users have established that the characters know each other.
  • [div class=b]Obey all site rules.[/div]
[/div] [div class=p]OOC communication will happen over the roleplay's Discord. You can also contact either GM by PM. If you are undecided, interested, or any combination of the two, you are invited to stop into the Discord to talk about the RP, ask questions, and hang out.[/div] [div class=p]Once you feel you are ready to submit an application, submit a character application in the [div class=link]Characters subforum[/div]. You do not need to be accepted to the HP to create a thread in the Characters subforum.[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=box] [div class="boxBg boxBgLarge"][/div] [div class="boxBg boxBgTall"][/div] [div class="boxBg boxBgMedium"][/div] [div class=boxInner] [div class=submitApp][div class=subtitle][div class="subtitleText submitAppText"]▼ Submit Your Application ▼[/div][/div][/div] [div class=csg style="display: none;"] [div class=p]Please fill in the form below to generate the required BBCode for your character application. Then, create a thread with your character's name in the [div class=link]Characters subforum[/div], paste the BBCode into your post (disabling the rich text editor for best compatibility).[/div] [div class=p][div class=b]Make sure you have read the roleplay rules before submitting an application.[/div] We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the setting.[/div] [div class="b label"]Name*[/div] [div class="labelDescription"]The full name of your character.[/div] [input class="input name" placeholder="Your character's full name"][/input] [div class="b label"]Quote[/div] [div class="labelDescription"]A quote that's representative of your character.[/div] [input class="input quote" placeholder="Your character's quote (optional)"][/input] [div class="b label"]Race*[/div] [div class="labelDescription"]The race your character belongs to. The races listed below are the dominant ones throughout the Milky Way, but there are other galaxies and other races. If you have a good reason why such a traveler would be in the Milky Way, feel free to describe your custom race.[/div] [div class=races] [div class=race style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/fd/bd/e5/fdbde5a0acdb81735f7b3879a35e9088.jpg');"] [div class=raceText]Dwarf[/div] [/div] [div class=race style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/17/be/70/17be705972bb1dcf6ed451c8297d2ad0.jpg');"] [div class=raceText]Elf[/div] [/div] [div class=race style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f0/b6/81/f0b6814d048cbf8ad011ab1e915fc44c.jpg');"] [div class=raceText]Fairy[/div] [/div] [div class=race style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/fc/08/52/fc0852c0923422f5c165539dc4fae36f.jpg');"] [div class=raceText]Gnome[/div] [/div] [div class=race style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/fd/50/84/fd508482d81ed808892b76ddd50340cf.jpg');"] [div class=raceText]Human[/div] [/div] [div class=race style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/9e/78/26/9e7826e8dd66e86ec1ded7fe01b66e63.jpg');"] [div class=raceText]Orc[/div] [/div] [div class=race style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e5/ca/ff/e5caff70e40c305d2e7433e3caadaa2b.jpg');"] [div class=raceText]Pixie[/div] [/div] [div class=race style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8b/d8/4d/8bd84d01a1ad14f1feab90fd15ad5f60.jpg'); background-position: center -10px;"] [div class=raceText]Tiefling[/div] [/div] [div class=race style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4a/c4/c3/4ac4c3545a937c6ed413b8e5f5be6224.jpg'); background-position: center -50px;"] [div class=raceText]Troll[/div] [/div] [div class=race style="background-color: #d3a7a5;"] [div class=raceText]Other[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=raceDescription style="display: none;"][/div] [input class="input raceOther" placeholder="A short description of your character's custom race"][/input] [div class="b label"]Gender*[/div] [div class="labelDescription"]The gender your character identifies as.[/div] [input class="input gender" placeholder="Your character's gender"][/input] [div class="b label"]Age*[/div] [div class="labelDescription"]The character's age in Earth years, as appropriate for their race. Generally speaking, no character should be older than 500 years, and should be at least 21 years old.[/div] [input class="input age" placeholder="Your character's age"][/input] [div class="b label"]Portrait[/div] [div class="labelDescription"]The URL of an image that gives an idea of your character's appearance.[/div] [input class="input portrait" placeholder="Your character's portrait (optional)"][/input] [div class="b label"]Appearance*[/div] [div class="labelDescription"]A brief description on your character's physical appearance.[/div] [input class="input textarea appearance" type=textarea placeholder="Your character's appearance"][/input] [div class="b label"]Personality*[/div] [div class="labelDescription"]An overview of the key components of your character's personality.[/div] [input class="input textarea personality" type=textarea placeholder="Your character's personality"][/input] [div class="b label"]Faction*[/div] [div class="labelDescription"]The faction(s) (nation, trade group, corporation...) your character owes their allegiance to.[/div] [input class="input faction" placeholder="Your character's faction(s)"][/input] [div class="b label"]Profession*[/div] [div class="labelDescription"]The current profession of your character, along with any relevant past professions.[/div] [input class="input profession" placeholder="Your character's profession"][/input] [div class="b label"]Equipment*[/div] [div class="labelDescription"]The equipment your character has access to, along with any eventual weaponry.[/div] [input class="input textarea equipment" type=textarea placeholder="Your character's equipment"][/input] [div class="b label"]Patron God*[/div] [div class="labelDescription"]The God your character worships, if any. You can either specify one of the listed main Gods, or a minor God of your creation (along with the major God to whose domain they belong), or none at all. If your character wields magic, however, they cannot worship the Void; this is reserved for the NPCs.[/div] [input class="input god" placeholder="Your character's patron God"][/input] [div class="b label"]Practiced Magic[/div] [div class="labelDescription"]Any eventual magic your character practices. You do not need to specifically list any spells, but you should list what kind of magic they use, what themes they fall under, how powerful they are, etc.[/div] [input class="input textarea magic" type=textarea placeholder="Your character's practiced magic (optional)"][/input] [div class="b label"]Skills*[/div] [div class="labelDescription"]A list of major, non-magical skills your character possesses.[/div] [input class="input textarea skills" type=textarea placeholder="Your character's skills"][/input] [div class="b label"]Flaws*[/div] [div class="labelDescription"]Any major flaws, whether mental or physical, your character is afflicted with. Your character can be powerful, but power should be offset in some way.[/div] [input class="input textarea flaws" type=textarea placeholder="Your character's flaws"][/input] [div class="b label"]History*[/div] [div class="labelDescription"]A quick summary of your character's history leading up to current events. At the start of the RP, they have already been recruited as mercenaries working on behalf of the People's Republic of Tiffrel. It is up to you to determine what path led them to this moment.[/div] [input class="input textarea history" type=textarea placeholder="Your character's history"][/input] [div class="b label"]Additional Notes[/div] [div class="labelDescription"]Any additional notes you want to include about your character that don't fit elsewhere.[/div] [input class="input textarea notes" type=textarea placeholder="Additional notes about your character (optional)"][/input] [div class=submit]Generate Your Application[/div] [div class=bbcode style="display: none;"][/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [script class=race version=2] (hide "raceOther") (= races ["Dwarf" "Elf" "Fairy" "Gnome" "Human" "Orc" "Pixie" "Tiefling" "Troll"]) (= raceDescriptions [ "Dwarves are a hardy, intuitive race. Whether by intentional means or not, Dwarves have often congregated throughout the galaxy in severely mana-rich areas. Taking it as fuel, the Dwarves streamlined the process of technology through mana, creating amazing structures, ships, weapons, and other intuitive design that are the pristine image of efficiency. Their machines are hardy and durable, though not Invariant, as they have found that throughout the Universe the greatest sources of great occur within Godly domains. Dwarves are varied and populous throughout the galaxy, using their intuition to survive the harsh environments that come with traveling throughout the domains of the universe. It isn’t particularly common to see a dwarf that relies solely on magic the way elves and fairies do, however, as their history denotes that they survived through the use of magical technology. Dwarves have been long since removed from the old, long-forgotten stereotype of drunken miners. Instead, they are professional and efficient, in general. The days of manual mining have also long since passed, instead drawing Dwarves away from a physically laborious life and into one of advancement. They are still squat and strong, however, genetics prevailing. They are a bit shorter than standard Humans." "Elves are among the more magically-inclined of the races, chosen as faithful followers to their Gods. From the beginning, they were rooted in the mana-rich areas of the universe, their ‘technology’ developing as such. While not as avid as fairies and pixies as sole magic users, the Elves are still highly in tune with the Stream. In some areas of the universe, it is said that the Elves pull mana and magic from the Stream directly, though this particular way of using magic is wildly dangerous. Elven magical tech falls more on the magical side, though Elves aren’t averse to adapting others’ technologies and using them for their own benefit. Elves produce a good portion of the more magically inclined devices in this galaxy, as well as those who understand magic and mana the most. Some end up as scholars, meteorologists and the like, while others display the same bloodthirstiness as other races, using their magical prowess to dominate, not teach. Elves, like humans, have a variable appearance. However, their adaptations are not only physiological; Elves have the tendency to shift over time in accordance with their God, the Stream having more of an effect on them in particular than other races. An Elven society under Loreh might adapt to having quicker bodies, for instance, with a lighter physique and hollow bones, whereas an Elven society under Levraxis may be larger, and built for strength." "Despite their diminutive stature, Fairies and Pixies are two races that are feared throughout the galaxy. Known for their ability to use raw mana in just about every aspect of their lives, Fairies and Pixies make for incredibly strong spellcasters, their societies often foregoing technology almost in its entirety. In fact, there exists ships piloted by fairies, brought into existence simply by means of magic and faith in itself, possessing no real corporeal substance to speak of, the possibility of simply disappearing and leaving its passengers stranded in space a very real thing. Fairies and Pixies are not the same race, and saying so is a good way to warrant retaliation. Instead, they were two races born of the same conditions, developing sentience alongside each other. For this reason, they warred. Now, Fairies and Pixies more often choose to live entirely separate from one another, but that isn’t to say that the old, ancestral hatred isn’t there anymore. Physiologically, the main difference between Fairies and Pixies is size. Pixies are considerably smaller than Fairies, maxing out at about the size of a palm, while fairies average around the size of a forearm. Pixies possess pointed teeth and darkened eyes, looking a fair bit meaner than their larger counterparts. Fairies and Pixies are the only races in this galaxy which are ‘born from the Stream’; they start as larval versions of themselves, swimming through the diluted pockets of Stream. They are guided to the universe through Fairy and Pixie birthing pools. Of course, not all Fairies and Pixies end up there. Lost Fairies and Pixies can come about other places; the Stream is everywhere, after all. Pixies end up surviving this far more often than Fairies; at birth, they are considerably more self-sufficient." "Gnomes found their origins in the Arid parts of the universe. With clever minds in spite of weaker bodies, they relied heavily on developing technology as a means of survival. Because they lived in Arid space, they were able to reach FTL travel by means of using mana unbound to any God. However, when they found themselves traveling throughout the domains, they found that the mana bound to their technology began to act in different ways. Some Gnome societies took to advancing their technology within the domains of Gods, furthering their distance away from Invariant technology simply due to the fact that it was easier. Gnome technology after moving to these domains flourished, often taking specialized routes depending on the aspects of their Gods. Many societies became host to incredible technomages. For instance, Gnomes under the God of Communication - Loreh - may very well have developed sentient AI. That said, Gnome technology often results in physical modifications as well. It is not uncommon to see a Gnome with integrated technology; pilots may have bionics that allow them to further integrate with their ship, soldiers may have offensive bionics, and so forth. However, Gnomes are still Gnomes. They have small bodies, usually falling at a little more than half the height of a standard human." "Humans are an adaptive, tricky race. Originally, they were rooted in the areas of the universe that were Barren; areas completely devoid of the influence of Gods and domains, lacking any true flow of mana at all. Therefore, they had to develop their technology the hard way. As a result of this, the technology that the humans created at the base level of universal physics works throughout the galaxy, failing only when faced with the most contorted, convoluted domains and laws. This technology is called Invariant technology. Humans populated the star-systems around them the slow way; without mana, they were unable to develop FTL technology, and thus unable to colonize the same way as other races had, and slowly colonized the areas around them by means of population. Now, humans have spread to the more magically-inclined parts of the universe, but without roots there, they have a lessened ability to use mana themselves. Human appearance is variable throughout the galaxy. Some humans choose to intermingle with other races, taking upon their features and abilities. Some, after reaching the other sections of the galaxy, have taken upon functional adaptations that have changed their appearance. At their core, however, they are simply humans." "Orcs and Trolls, like Fairies and Pixies, are separate races. Unlike Fairies and Pixies, however, they are dependent on one another. Their origins are on an ancient mega-planet, much larger than many of the other civilizations’ homesteads. It was harsh and unforgiving, turning the Orcs’ and Trolls’ evolution toward raw strength and cunning rather than straight intellectualism. They developed alongside one another, but instead of warring for the planet itself, they became dependent on one another. The Trolls were able to realize their capacity for strength, while the Orcs were able to use the protection the Trolls provided to become more intelligent and cunning. Through this, they were able to become a spacefaring, co-existing people. Due to the nature of their evolution - where strength, instinct, and primality were favored in order to survive - Orcs and especially Trolls are more inclined to partake in instinctual behaviors. They are seen as volatile by other races, often giving into emotions in the heat of the moment, or favoring violence as a solution to a problem. Physiologically, Trolls are much larger than Orcs. They have hardier bodies, they’re stronger, and faster. However, their ability to utilize magic is lessened, and they’re a bit less intellectually inclined. That isn’t to say that Orcs aren’t powerful; they are, just less so than their symbiotic counterparts." "Despite their diminutive stature, Fairies and Pixies are two races that are feared throughout the galaxy. Known for their ability to use raw mana in just about every aspect of their lives, Fairies and Pixies make for incredibly strong spellcasters, their societies often foregoing technology almost in its entirety. In fact, there exists ships piloted by fairies, brought into existence simply by means of magic and faith in itself, possessing no real corporeal substance to speak of, the possibility of simply disappearing and leaving its passengers stranded in space a very real thing. Fairies and Pixies are not the same race, and saying so is a good way to warrant retaliation. Instead, they were two races born of the same conditions, developing sentience alongside each other. For this reason, they warred. Now, Fairies and Pixies more often choose to live entirely separate from one another, but that isn’t to say that the old, ancestral hatred isn’t there anymore. Physiologically, the main difference between Fairies and Pixies is size. Pixies are considerably smaller than Fairies, maxing out at about the size of a palm, while fairies average around the size of a forearm. Pixies possess pointed teeth and darkened eyes, looking a fair bit meaner than their larger counterparts. Fairies and Pixies are the only races in this galaxy which are ‘born from the Stream’; they start as larval versions of themselves, swimming through the diluted pockets of Stream. They are guided to the universe through Fairy and Pixie birthing pools. Of course, not all Fairies and Pixies end up there. Lost Fairies and Pixies can come about other places; the Stream is everywhere, after all. Pixies end up surviving this far more often than Fairies; at birth, they are considerably more self-sufficient." "Tieflings originated on a planet's moon, the planet it orbited gaseous and unable to support life. They developed in an incredibly thin atmosphere, never having a blue sky to look up at. Instead, they looked to the stars, wanting nothing more than to get off of the harsh moons they had developed on. They did not originate in a Barren area, however, and as a highly intelligent species, they developed FTL travel quickly. There, they began to develop space colonies; moving civilizations in which to explore the galaxy in. This wasn’t taken too kindly by those whose domains they passed through, however, and the Tieflings were forced to become combative to support their wanderlust. Now, Tieflings are feared throughout the galaxy. They are an organized people, sometimes congregating with other races to form violent, moving organizations. They are a highly intelligent people, so summarizing their culture as ‘pirates’ isn’t exactly fair. They do take and pilfer, but are more than capable of organizing and creating their own technology. They are adaptive; how they create and traverse the galaxy depends on who exactly they had taken from, and which domain they are frequenting. In Barren and Arid areas of space, it’s not entirely uncommon to see Tieflings taking upon the Void. In fact, it’s a far less stigmatized thing to do. Tieflings are generally dark-skinned with horns, and any number of ‘infernal’ features. In general, they bear intimidating aesthetics, though varied. Some Tieflings will have grayed skin, with long horns to denote their age, while others prefer to file them down in order to be able to fit them into spacefaring gear. Because of the age of their people and inclination toward travel, their adaptations are many; some may even have digitigrade legs, adapted eyes, and so forth. Most Tieflings are able to store larger amounts of air in their lungs. They work well in low-pressure environments, but high-pressure environments can be dangerous or fatal to them. They are able to survive low temperatures, just as well, as a result of the climate shifts they endured as an early people." "Orcs and Trolls, like Fairies and Pixies, are separate races. Unlike Fairies and Pixies, however, they are dependent on one another. Their origins are on an ancient mega-planet, much larger than many of the other civilizations’ homesteads. It was harsh and unforgiving, turning the Orcs’ and Trolls’ evolution toward raw strength and cunning rather than straight intellectualism. They developed alongside one another, but instead of warring for the planet itself, they became dependent on one another. The Trolls were able to realize their capacity for strength, while the Orcs were able to use the protection the Trolls provided to become more intelligent and cunning. Through this, they were able to become a spacefaring, co-existing people. Due to the nature of their evolution - where strength, instinct, and primality were favored in order to survive - Orcs and especially Trolls are more inclined to partake in instinctual behaviors. They are seen as volatile by other races, often giving into emotions in the heat of the moment, or favoring violence as a solution to a problem. Physiologically, Trolls are much larger than Orcs. They have hardier bodies, they’re stronger, and faster. However, their ability to utilize magic is lessened, and they’re a bit less intellectually inclined. That isn’t to say that Orcs aren’t powerful; they are, just less so than their symbiotic counterparts." ] ) [/script] [script class=race on=click version=2] (removeClass "raceSelected" "race") (addClass "raceSelected") (= race (trim (getText))) (hide "raceDescription") (hide "raceOther") (if (== race "Other") (show "raceOther") (group (= i (find races race)) (setText (index raceDescriptions i) "raceDescription") (show "raceDescription") ) ) [/script] [script class=submit version=2] (= template "[div class=wrapper] [div class=title]{name}[/div] [div class=box][div class=\"boxBg boxBgLarge\"][/div][div class=\"boxBg boxBgTall\"][/div][div class=\"boxBg boxBgMedium\"][/div][div class=boxInner][div class=portrait]
[/div][div class=b]Quote:[/div] {quote} [div class=b]Race:[/div] {race} [div class=b]Gender:[/div] {gender} [div class=b]Age:[/div] {age} [div class=b]Appearance:[/div] {appearance} [div class=b]Personality:[/div] {personality} [div class=b]Faction:[/div] {faction} [div class=b]Profession:[/div] {profession} [div class=b]Equipment:[/div] {equipment} [div class=b]Patron God:[/div] {god} [div class=b]Practiced Magic:[/div] {magic} [div class=b]Skills:[/div] {skills} [div class=b]Flaws:[/div] {flaws} [div class=b]History:[/div] {history} [div class=b]Notes:[/div] {notes} [/div][/div][/div][animation=glow][keyframe=0]text-shadow:0 0 1em;[/keyframe][keyframe=25]text-shadow:0 0 1.2em;[/keyframe][keyframe=50]text-shadow:0 0 0.8em;[/keyframe][keyframe=75]text-shadow:0 0 0.9em;[/keyframe][keyframe=100]text-shadow:0 0 1.1em;[/keyframe][/animation][class=wrapper]background-color:#2d1414;box-sizing:border-box;color:#FFFFFF;display:inline-block;font-family:'Proza Libre', Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:1em;overflow:hidden;position:relative;width:100%;[/class][class=title]animation:{post_id}glow 1.5s linear infinite alternate;color:#f3c662;font-family:'Uncial Antiqua', Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:3em;font-style:italic;padding:0;text-align:center;text-shadow:0 0 1em;[/class][class=box]margin:2em 1em;padding:2px 4px 0px;position:relative;[/class][class=boxBg]box-sizing:content-box;height:100%;pointer-events:none;position:absolute;width:100%;[/class][class=boxBgLarge]top:0;left:-5px;padding:0 4px;border:1px solid rgba(255,255,255,.35);[/class][class=boxBgTall]top:-8px;left:3px;padding:8px 0;width:calc(100% - 8px);height:100%;border:1px solid rgba(255,255,255,.25);[/class][class=boxBgMedium]top:-4px;left:-1px;padding:4px 0;border:1px solid rgba(255,255,255,.4);[/class][class=boxInner]background-color:#2d1414;overflow:hidden;margin:0.5em;[/class][class=b]color:#deb169;display:inline;font-weight:bold;[/class][class=portrait]background-color:#6a3131;box-shadow:0 0 1em #6a3131;float:right;margin:1em;max-width:300px;width:calc(100% - 2em);[/class]
") [/script] [script class=submit on=click version=2] (= params [ "name" "portrait" "quote" "gender" "age" "appearance" "personality" "faction" "profession" "equipment" "god" "magic" "skills" "flaws" "history" "notes" ] ) (= bbcode template) (each params (= bbcode (replace bbcode (+ "{" _ "}") (trim (getVal _)) ) ) ) (= race (trim (getText "raceSelected"))) (if (== race "Other") (= race (trim (getVal "raceOther"))) ) (= bbcode (replace bbcode (+ "{race}") race ) ) (setText bbcode "bbcode") (hide "bbcode") (slideDown 300 "bbcode") [/script]
Oh mai- *is struck outcold by an AWESOME smack to the face*

I shall be the chief priest of the Cult of Lyro! All hail the One True King!

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