• When posting, please be aware that artistic nudity is still nudity and not allowed under RpNation rules. Please edit your pictures accordingly!

    Remember to credit artists when using work not your own.

Accepting Requests Lyrositor's Coding Repository


Errant Chronicler
I'm open to requests for BBCode projects. I admittedly have little experience with RPNation's particular flavor of BBCode, but I have been working with CSS and HTML for the past 10 years or so. If you have an idea, feel free to run it by me.

License: All works are licensed under the CC0 1.0 Universal, meaning you do not need to provide attribution for them or require permission to use them; they are essentially released into the public domain.

Repository: lyrositor/rpn-bbcode (I will be uploading the codes I produce here for convenient access)

All of my new code will be made using bbcoder. Feel free to download it and use it for your own projects.

Character Sheet #1
This was an experiment with creating a centered circular portrait, surrounding boxes and a replacement for the default tab styling. It works best with the default RpN theme, but should be mostly compatible with others.

Time: ~2.5 hours

Source: character-sheets/1.bbc

“A very relevant quote.”

Basic Information
Gender: Unknown

Age: 20

Race: Bug-thing

Morality: Lawful Good

Languages: None

Sword Mastery: Hollow Knight be good with sword.

Jumping: Hollow Knight go up way high real good.
  • Hollow Knight is a bug of some kind.

    I think.
Additional Information

Character Sheet #2
More experimentation with accordions. Here I tried creating the effect of a folder that slides open. It's not as polished as I wanted (I think I could have picked better fonts, for one thing), but I was getting a bit tired with working on it towards the end. Consider it a proof-of-concept.

Time: ~3 hours

Sources: character-sheets/2.xml
Midallin Lysier
Species: Human Baseline
Age: 31 (subj.)
Height: 182 cm
Eyes: Green
Some reports indicate brown. Colored contact lenses? Genetic therapy?
Nationalities: Caraveelian, Tyndori (revoked), Atyanti (revoked)
Occupation: Library Curator, suspected Spy and Saboteur
Status: At Large. Armed and Dangerous.
Notes: Suspect has been fitted with multiple neural enhancers. Full ability set is currently unknown, but telepathic and heightened reflexes have been seen in action. Possible synthetic/organic co-processing abilities.

Character Sheet #3
Playing around with animations and text shadows to create the illusion of an old computer terminal system. This took surprisingly long to make, mostly because I kept discarding ideas and restarting. For best effect, watch it as it loads, to see the side panel slide in.

Time: ~8 hours

Sources: character-sheets/3.xml

Public Access Registry
Beenma Magra
Plasma Cutter (S)
Can change appearance through a slow, machine-assisted process.
Smooth-talker. Petty thief. Stowaway. Nerd. Do not trust.
> reg lookup 00781822401
Looking up #00781822401...
........................................ [100%]
Entry located: Beenma Magra
<----- | Visor Glasses |
| Scanner | ------------>
| Long-Fall Boots | ------>

Experiment #1
My attempt at creating a horizontal accordion.

Time: ~2 hours

Sources: experiments/1.xml

Tab 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin porta lorem purus, ut semper lorem mattis et. Phasellus ac ultricies nunc, nec dignissim sem. Suspendisse auctor molestie dolor. Sed dictum nulla a eros ornare, eget venenatis est placerat. Integer a vehicula elit.
Tab 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin porta lorem purus, ut semper lorem mattis et. Phasellus ac ultricies nunc, nec dignissim sem. Suspendisse auctor molestie dolor. Sed dictum nulla a eros ornare, eget venenatis est placerat. Integer a vehicula elit.
Tab 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin porta lorem purus, ut semper lorem mattis et. Phasellus ac ultricies nunc, nec dignissim sem. Suspendisse auctor molestie dolor. Sed dictum nulla a eros ornare, eget venenatis est placerat. Integer a vehicula elit.
Tab 4
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin porta lorem purus, ut semper lorem mattis et. Phasellus ac ultricies nunc, nec dignissim sem. Suspendisse auctor molestie dolor. Sed dictum nulla a eros ornare, eget venenatis est placerat. Integer a vehicula elit.

Experiment #2
An attempt to create a stylable tab system. It's not perfect, as evidenced by the shifting tab titles, but it was interesting to work on.

Time: ~3 hours

Sources: experiments/2.xml

Tab 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In posuere nisi elit, vel molestie nisi hendrerit sit amet. Nunc facilisis augue in tortor volutpat tristique. Ut laoreet enim mauris, ut sagittis sapien convallis sit amet. Aenean pretium arcu ante, cursus gravida felis dignissim et. Duis dictum consequat lectus et ultricies. Phasellus ut scelerisque orci. Donec dignissim nunc magna, ac aliquet ante congue in. Sed tempus malesuada lacus, quis bibendum dolor elementum nec. Fusce euismod suscipit ante, ut accumsan nunc congue quis. Proin lorem tellus, auctor id turpis vitae, congue luctus magna.
Tab 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In posuere nisi elit, vel molestie nisi hendrerit sit amet. Nunc facilisis augue in tortor volutpat tristique. Ut laoreet enim mauris, ut sagittis sapien convallis sit amet. Aenean pretium arcu ante, cursus gravida felis dignissim et. Duis dictum consequat lectus et ultricies. Phasellus ut scelerisque orci. Donec dignissim nunc magna, ac aliquet ante congue in. Sed tempus malesuada lacus, quis bibendum dolor elementum nec. Fusce euismod suscipit ante, ut accumsan nunc congue quis. Proin lorem tellus, auctor id turpis vitae, congue luctus magna.
Tab 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In posuere nisi elit, vel molestie nisi hendrerit sit amet. Nunc facilisis augue in tortor volutpat tristique. Ut laoreet enim mauris, ut sagittis sapien convallis sit amet. Aenean pretium arcu ante, cursus gravida felis dignissim et. Duis dictum consequat lectus et ultricies. Phasellus ut scelerisque orci. Donec dignissim nunc magna, ac aliquet ante congue in. Sed tempus malesuada lacus, quis bibendum dolor elementum nec. Fusce euismod suscipit ante, ut accumsan nunc congue quis. Proin lorem tellus, auctor id turpis vitae, congue luctus magna.

Experiment #3
More experimentation with accordions. This creates a sort of gallery where you can move from slide to slide by clicking on the arrow button at the top. I initially wanted to be able to move back and forth instead of just forward, but that did not seem possible beyond two slides. Can you figure out where the accordion comes in?

Time: ~3 hours

Sources: experiments/3.xml

First Slide
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam egestas nulla a dui congue pretium. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam auctor imperdiet mi, eget faucibus urna ultricies ac. Aenean porttitor lobortis vulputate. Sed ac tellus tincidunt, vestibulum lacus quis, auctor magna. Maecenas tempus quis sapien et venenatis. Quisque eget blandit enim. Aliquam non mi quis magna cursus volutpat. Sed blandit at nulla non lacinia.
Second Slide
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam egestas nulla a dui congue pretium. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam auctor imperdiet mi, eget faucibus urna ultricies ac. Aenean porttitor lobortis vulputate. Sed ac tellus tincidunt, vestibulum lacus quis, auctor magna. Maecenas tempus quis sapien et venenatis. Quisque eget blandit enim. Aliquam non mi quis magna cursus volutpat. Sed blandit at nulla non lacinia.
Third Slide
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam egestas nulla a dui congue pretium. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam auctor imperdiet mi, eget faucibus urna ultricies ac. Aenean porttitor lobortis vulputate. Sed ac tellus tincidunt, vestibulum lacus quis, auctor magna. Maecenas tempus quis sapien et venenatis. Quisque eget blandit enim. Aliquam non mi quis magna cursus volutpat. Sed blandit at nulla non lacinia.

Experiment #4
A challenge provided by Fable Fable , the objective being to try to recreate this gallery. It re-uses code from my previous experiment and attempts to improve on it. This would have been much easier with fixed image widths, but I wanted to stay as close as possible to the original version.

This can obviously be adapted for other situations, such as multiple horizontally sliding panels in a character sheet, but without fixed widths it requires a lot of manual calculation. BBXML helps alleviate some of this, and I hope to improve it even further in later versions to avoid these kinds of hard-coded values.

Note: this will not compile correctly with the current version of bbcoder, as of this writing. It is using a patch I will be releasing in an upcoming version.

Time: ~10 hours

Sources: experiments/4.xml


Profile Box #1
Avar Pendergast
HP: 4
CCA: 5
SSE: 15
ATK: 5
DEF: 1
EVA: 2

Str lvl 3 | Arte lvl 1 | Spd lvl 2 | Jmp lvl 2
Location: Norhad Swords Guild
Commission for Tardy Grade Tardy Grade , profile box for his character.

Time: ~1 hour

Source: profile-boxes/1.bbc

Profile Box #2
A commission for taliaangeni taliaangeni . I tried to create an identification card in the style of a driver's license.

Time: ~3 hours

Sources: profile-boxes/2.xml

T10000001 01 01 1970
ID Card
Customer #
John Smith
123 Fake Street
Falseton, VA 10000

Date of Birth

Update Post #1
Commission for Tardy Grade Tardy Grade , loosely based on a Darkest Dungeon design. The right-most part is an accordion.

Time: ~5 hours

Sources: update-post/1.xml

Castle of Arrgh
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nisl enim, pellentesque in lorem at, efficitur posuere quam. Nam lectus erat, porttitor ut tempus mattis, fringilla vitae lectus. Integer id turpis leo. Etiam in euismod ipsum. Donec euismod rhoncus diam, quis rutrum tortor interdum aliquam. Pellentesque ut eleifend odio. Proin at diam eget purus eleifend vehicula. Fusce consectetur nibh vel ante iaculis, ac placerat nulla scelerisque. Praesent venenatis ac dui ornare laoreet. Nunc nec urna nec lorem suscipit vehicula quis hendrerit massa. Nunc pharetra congue sapien in interdum.
Ut neque sem, interdum in luctus vitae, condimentum dictum orci. Cras ultricies erat nec condimentum lacinia. Etiam sollicitudin, libero quis ornare blandit, quam ligula dignissim libero, nec tempus dui quam eu eros. Etiam tincidunt vulputate arcu, malesuada aliquet mauris varius eget. Mauris ipsum sapien, vestibulum in semper in, luctus eu orci. Morbi vehicula pretium elit, sed luctus orci tincidunt vel. Nam non dapibus quam. Mauris tempor blandit dui sed efficitur. In tempor ante ac aliquet facilisis. Morbi ullamcorper condimentum magna et tempus. Vivamus viverra urna egestas velit ultricies faucibus. Phasellus erat ante, tincidunt sit amet laoreet eget, luctus sed odio. Praesent eu risus pellentesque, tempus turpis vel, faucibus augue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras cursus dui quis dui accumsan, nec sollicitudin leo laoreet. Nulla at hendrerit ipsum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nisl enim, pellentesque in lorem at, efficitur posuere quam. Nam lectus erat, porttitor ut tempus mattis, fringilla vitae lectus. Integer id turpis leo. Etiam in euismod ipsum. Donec euismod rhoncus diam, quis rutrum tortor interdum aliquam. Pellentesque ut eleifend odio. Proin at diam eget purus eleifend vehicula. Fusce consectetur nibh vel ante iaculis, ac placerat nulla scelerisque. Praesent venenatis ac dui ornare laoreet. Nunc nec urna nec lorem suscipit vehicula quis hendrerit massa. Nunc pharetra congue sapien in interdum.
King Arthur
King Arthur is currently searching for the Holy Grail.
Sir Lancelot
Sir Lancelot is being hounded by the police for unprovoked aggression on a beloved historian.

Update Post #2
Commission for Bowa Bowa . I used the palette and font selection they provided me with to create an update post for their character.

Time: ~2 hours

Sources: update-post/2.xml

Hadley Gideon Trenworth
Dining Room
John, Jane, Jack
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a tincidunt mi. Praesent sed risus ac nisi porttitor viverra. Proin a aliquam nunc. Vestibulum pharetra dui ac lectus viverra ultricies. Cras vel vulputate ligula. Nulla vitae ligula vitae massa tincidunt mattis. Suspendisse vehicula fringilla eros. Sed faucibus tellus sed ex imperdiet consectetur vel eget nibh. Integer sed metus augue. Donec ac metus sed velit pulvinar imperdiet non non neque. Ut at lacus id felis tincidunt malesuada vestibulum et leo. Curabitur viverra varius hendrerit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam pellentesque enim sit amet eros ultrices ullamcorper.

Duis fringilla et leo in dignissim. Cras turpis metus, euismod in vulputate bibendum, sagittis et ipsum. Aliquam condimentum odio eros, in tempor urna elementum ut.
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.”
Duis accumsan risus ut euismod efficitur. Vivamus finibus, magna quis maximus tristique, nibh massa gravida ex, non tempus lectus nibh id justo. Maecenas venenatis tortor consectetur, feugiat lacus et, faucibus est. Suspendisse bibendum sed magna ut gravida. Fusce mi tortor, tempor a mollis a, facilisis ac mi. Sed eu imperdiet purus, pellentesque feugiat ex. Mauris quis posuere libero. Donec feugiat, augue non mattis porta, sem tortor pharetra felis, a aliquet urna est in ligula. Cras magna lectus, molestie vel justo a, malesuada scelerisque quam. Ut pulvinar sapien et libero vehicula, ac pellentesque eros sagittis.

Sed vitae elit eget odio ultricies egestas. Donec dictum risus vestibulum, gravida dui et, volutpat metus. Donec et mauris at metus condimentum sodales id sed sapien. Fusce id mollis enim. Proin in tempor mauris, vel viverra ante. Fusce pretium ornare metus gravida mattis. Curabitur finibus vitae magna sit amet volutpat. Vestibulum accumsan velit pretium eros lacinia pellentesque. Quisque eget purus id turpis tincidunt consequat.

Also, just a bit of trickery I tried before getting caught by an admin. Don't try this at home.
Last edited:
Lyro Lyro Commission for you! I'd like a profile box for Vaila using the attached image. Probably scaled down :-_-lines: Making it look like a fantasy promotional poster would be wonderful! As for text on it, I'd just like enough for space for her name, spells used, and current location. Thanks!


  • Vaila.jpg
    352.8 KB · Views: 7
Character Sheet #1
This was an experiment with creating a centered circular portrait, surrounding boxes and a replacement for the default tab styling. It works best with the default RpN theme, but should be mostly compatible with others.

Time: ~2.5 hours

Source: character-sheets/1.bbc

“A very relevant quote.”

Basic Information
Gender: Unknown

Age: 20

Race: Bug-thing

Morality: Lawful Good

Languages: None

Sword Mastery: Hollow Knight be good with sword.

Jumping: Hollow Knight go up way high real good.
  • Hollow Knight is a bug of some kind.

    I think.
Additional Information
Character Sheet #1
This was an experiment with creating a centered circular portrait, surrounding boxes and a replacement for the default tab styling. It works best with the default RpN theme, but should be mostly compatible with others.

Time: ~2.5 hours

Source: character-sheets/1.bbc

“A very relevant quote.”

Basic Information
Gender: Unknown

Age: 20

Race: Bug-thing

Morality: Lawful Good

Languages: None

Sword Mastery: Hollow Knight be good with sword.

Jumping: Hollow Knight go up way high real good.
  • Hollow Knight is a bug of some kind.

    I think.
Additional Information
how dud you get the tabs colors to change?
how dud you get the tabs colors to change?
I didn't - I just overlayed my own "tabs" on top, making sure they were exactly the same width and height as the real tabs, then disabled all click events on the fake tabs.
I didn't - I just overlayed my own "tabs" on top, making sure they were exactly the same width and height as the real tabs, then disabled all click events on the fake tabs.

That's a really clever way of doing it. Could I steal that idea for my own thread?
Experiment #1
My attempt at creating a horizontal accordion.

Time: ~2 hours

Sources: experiments/1.xml

Tab 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin porta lorem purus, ut semper lorem mattis et. Phasellus ac ultricies nunc, nec dignissim sem. Suspendisse auctor molestie dolor. Sed dictum nulla a eros ornare, eget venenatis est placerat. Integer a vehicula elit.
Tab 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin porta lorem purus, ut semper lorem mattis et. Phasellus ac ultricies nunc, nec dignissim sem. Suspendisse auctor molestie dolor. Sed dictum nulla a eros ornare, eget venenatis est placerat. Integer a vehicula elit.
Tab 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin porta lorem purus, ut semper lorem mattis et. Phasellus ac ultricies nunc, nec dignissim sem. Suspendisse auctor molestie dolor. Sed dictum nulla a eros ornare, eget venenatis est placerat. Integer a vehicula elit.
Tab 4
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin porta lorem purus, ut semper lorem mattis et. Phasellus ac ultricies nunc, nec dignissim sem. Suspendisse auctor molestie dolor. Sed dictum nulla a eros ornare, eget venenatis est placerat. Integer a vehicula elit.
Experiment #2
An attempt to create a stylable tab system. It's not perfect, as evidenced by the shifting tab titles, but it was interesting to work on.

Time: ~3 hours

Sources: experiments/2.xml

Tab 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In posuere nisi elit, vel molestie nisi hendrerit sit amet. Nunc facilisis augue in tortor volutpat tristique. Ut laoreet enim mauris, ut sagittis sapien convallis sit amet. Aenean pretium arcu ante, cursus gravida felis dignissim et. Duis dictum consequat lectus et ultricies. Phasellus ut scelerisque orci. Donec dignissim nunc magna, ac aliquet ante congue in. Sed tempus malesuada lacus, quis bibendum dolor elementum nec. Fusce euismod suscipit ante, ut accumsan nunc congue quis. Proin lorem tellus, auctor id turpis vitae, congue luctus magna.
Tab 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In posuere nisi elit, vel molestie nisi hendrerit sit amet. Nunc facilisis augue in tortor volutpat tristique. Ut laoreet enim mauris, ut sagittis sapien convallis sit amet. Aenean pretium arcu ante, cursus gravida felis dignissim et. Duis dictum consequat lectus et ultricies. Phasellus ut scelerisque orci. Donec dignissim nunc magna, ac aliquet ante congue in. Sed tempus malesuada lacus, quis bibendum dolor elementum nec. Fusce euismod suscipit ante, ut accumsan nunc congue quis. Proin lorem tellus, auctor id turpis vitae, congue luctus magna.
Tab 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In posuere nisi elit, vel molestie nisi hendrerit sit amet. Nunc facilisis augue in tortor volutpat tristique. Ut laoreet enim mauris, ut sagittis sapien convallis sit amet. Aenean pretium arcu ante, cursus gravida felis dignissim et. Duis dictum consequat lectus et ultricies. Phasellus ut scelerisque orci. Donec dignissim nunc magna, ac aliquet ante congue in. Sed tempus malesuada lacus, quis bibendum dolor elementum nec. Fusce euismod suscipit ante, ut accumsan nunc congue quis. Proin lorem tellus, auctor id turpis vitae, congue luctus magna.

Note: All of my new code will be made using bbcoder. Feel free to download it and use it for your own projects.
Profile Box #2
A commission for taliaangeni taliaangeni . I tried to create an identification card in the style of a driver's license.

Time: ~3 hours

Sources: profile-boxes/2.xml

T10000001 01 01 1970
ID Card
Customer #
John Smith
123 Fake Street
Falseton, VA 10000

Date of Birth
Character Sheet #2
More experimentation with accordions. Here I tried creating the effect of a folder that slides open. It's not as polished as I wanted (I think I could have picked better fonts, for one thing), but I was getting a bit tired with working on it towards the end. Consider it a proof-of-concept.

Time: ~3 hours

Sources: character-sheets/2.xml
Midallin Lysier
Species: Human Baseline
Age: 31 (subj.)
Height: 182 cm
Eyes: Green
Some reports indicate brown. Colored contact lenses? Genetic therapy?
Nationalities: Caraveelian, Tyndori (revoked), Atyanti (revoked)
Occupation: Library Curator, suspected Spy and Saboteur
Status: At Large. Armed and Dangerous.
Notes: Suspect has been fitted with multiple neural enhancers. Full ability set is currently unknown, but telepathic and heightened reflexes have been seen in action. Possible synthetic/organic co-processing abilities.
Character Sheet #3
Playing around with animations and text shadows to create the illusion of an old computer terminal system. This took surprisingly long to make, mostly because I kept discarding ideas and restarting. For best effect, watch it as it loads, to see the side panel slide in.

Time: ~8 hours

Sources: character-sheets/3.xml

Public Access Registry
Beenma Magra
Plasma Cutter (S)
Can change appearance through a slow, machine-assisted process.
Smooth-talker. Petty thief. Stowaway. Nerd. Do not trust.
> reg lookup 00781822401
Looking up #00781822401...
........................................ [100%]
Entry located: Beenma Magra
<----- | Visor Glasses |
| Scanner | ------------>
| Long-Fall Boots | ------>
Last edited:
I'm running a bit dry on ideas right now. If anyone has suggestions, requests or commissions, I'd love to hear them.
honestly i don't know, i plan on doing another rp about giant monsters ans wanted to make a nice eye grabbing post.
Update Post #1
Commission for Tardy Grade Tardy Grade , loosely based on a Darkest Dungeon design. The right-most part is an accordion.

Time: ~5 hours

Sources: update-post/1.xml

Castle of Arrgh
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nisl enim, pellentesque in lorem at, efficitur posuere quam. Nam lectus erat, porttitor ut tempus mattis, fringilla vitae lectus. Integer id turpis leo. Etiam in euismod ipsum. Donec euismod rhoncus diam, quis rutrum tortor interdum aliquam. Pellentesque ut eleifend odio. Proin at diam eget purus eleifend vehicula. Fusce consectetur nibh vel ante iaculis, ac placerat nulla scelerisque. Praesent venenatis ac dui ornare laoreet. Nunc nec urna nec lorem suscipit vehicula quis hendrerit massa. Nunc pharetra congue sapien in interdum.
Ut neque sem, interdum in luctus vitae, condimentum dictum orci. Cras ultricies erat nec condimentum lacinia. Etiam sollicitudin, libero quis ornare blandit, quam ligula dignissim libero, nec tempus dui quam eu eros. Etiam tincidunt vulputate arcu, malesuada aliquet mauris varius eget. Mauris ipsum sapien, vestibulum in semper in, luctus eu orci. Morbi vehicula pretium elit, sed luctus orci tincidunt vel. Nam non dapibus quam. Mauris tempor blandit dui sed efficitur. In tempor ante ac aliquet facilisis. Morbi ullamcorper condimentum magna et tempus. Vivamus viverra urna egestas velit ultricies faucibus. Phasellus erat ante, tincidunt sit amet laoreet eget, luctus sed odio. Praesent eu risus pellentesque, tempus turpis vel, faucibus augue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras cursus dui quis dui accumsan, nec sollicitudin leo laoreet. Nulla at hendrerit ipsum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nisl enim, pellentesque in lorem at, efficitur posuere quam. Nam lectus erat, porttitor ut tempus mattis, fringilla vitae lectus. Integer id turpis leo. Etiam in euismod ipsum. Donec euismod rhoncus diam, quis rutrum tortor interdum aliquam. Pellentesque ut eleifend odio. Proin at diam eget purus eleifend vehicula. Fusce consectetur nibh vel ante iaculis, ac placerat nulla scelerisque. Praesent venenatis ac dui ornare laoreet. Nunc nec urna nec lorem suscipit vehicula quis hendrerit massa. Nunc pharetra congue sapien in interdum.
King Arthur
King Arthur is currently searching for the Holy Grail.
Sir Lancelot
Sir Lancelot is being hounded by the police for unprovoked aggression on a beloved historian.
A character sheet I made for an RP; won't be a part of my repository. I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to deal with the content of the boxes, because it looks a bit bland to me. General suggestions to make it look better are welcome too.

        <template name="n">
            <d o="display: none;">.</d>

        <template name="body">
            <d o="margin: 0 10px;">
               <d c="sheet-container">
                    <d c="sheet">
                        <d c="overlay sheet-overlay"><in t="n" /></d>
                        <d c="portrait-container">
                            <d c="overlay portrait-container-overlay"><in t="n" /></d>
                            <d c="portrait"><img>{image}</img></d>
                        <d c="name">{name}</d><br />
                        <d c="realm">{realm}</d>
                        <d c="content">{content}</d>
                    <d c="portrait-container-bg">
                        <in t="n" />
                <d c="sheet-container" o="position: static; visibility: hidden;">
                    <d c="sheet" o="position: static;">
                        <d c="portrait-container">
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            <p name="image">http://i.imgur.com/cfxOQM1.jpg</p>
            <p name="name">Gniss Siv</p>
            <p name="realm">Glacion</p>
            <p name="content">
                <d c="box" o="background-color: transparent; border: none; font-size: 125%; text-align: center; width: 100%;">
                    <d c="info" o="border-right: solid 2px #1b425f;"><d c="label">Gender:</d><d c="value">Female</d></d>
                    <d c="info"><d c="label">Age:</d><d c="value">41</d></d>
                    <d c="info" o="border-left: solid 2px #1b425f;"><d c="label">Race:</d><d c="value">Pixie</d></d>
                <d c="box">
                    <d c="title">Personality</d>
                    <d c="box-content">
                        <d c="p">Gniss was once as playful and bold as can be, but the events of the past two decades have turned her into a husk of her former self. Dispassionate, cautious, devoid of ambition, she has come to accept the status quo of her situation, and while she is content, the dreariness of her day-to-day life weighs on her at times. A strong sense of duty keeps her going, but in life-or-death situations it is often at odds with her fears and self-preservation instincts.</d>
                        <d c="p">Once committed, however, she will not back down and goes all in. Her hesitation and reluctance are replaced by quick, assured actions - sometimes to her detriment, if she remains committed despite evidence that she is on the wrong path.</d>
                <d c="box">
                    <d c="title">Appearance</d>
                    <d c="box-content">
                        <d c="p">Like most of pixiekind, Gniss retains the youthful appearance of her early adulthood: a thin, graceful, human-like creature the size of an ordinary ale mug. The most distinctive differences from a normal human, height aside, are her pointed ears, her translucent blue-tinged wings, her jet-black, too-big eyes, and her unsettlingly small pointed teeth. The latter in particular, a source of many (not-entirely-unfounded) myths about pixies, are responsible for the various tiny scars around her mouth, scars which will never fully heal.</d>
                        <d c="p">In most other regards, she looks just like any ordinary human. Her pale, lightly-tanned skin is almost entirely covered by thick, warm, black clothes, leaving only her head unprotected. Her wispy, frequently unkempt brown hair falls to her shoulders, badly in need of a proper haircut.</d>
                <d c="box">
                    <d c="title">History</d>
                    <d c="box-content">
                        <d c="p">Born to itinerant pixie parents, most of Gniss's early life was spent travelling from village to village, where her parents, along with those of her siblings who were old enough to work, would assist the inhabitants in exchange for coin and lodging. These were formative years, allowing her to gain a deep, practical knowledge of the land, and what she learned then still comes in handy to this day.</d>
                        <d c="p">As it became apparent she was not as magically gifted as her peers, she was encouraged by her parents to seek employment in the guild as an adventurer, where her kind's natural abilities were very much in demand. She was quickly assigned the role of scout, using her quick reflexes and phenomenal strength to get in and out of dangerous situations by herself.</d>
                        <d c="p">Her skill and efficiency were appreciated by her superiors, and all believed she was destined for greatness. Three years after signing up, however, she fell in love with a fellow pixie adventurer, and a few months later they were married. The marriage was to be short-lived, as seven months later her husband perished in a foolhardy solo mission. The details of his death are known only to her and the guild officials implicated in the mission, and she refuses to talk about it.</d>
                        <d c="p">After a short grieving period, she attempted to resume her old job, but found she no longer had the nerves or the enthusiasm for it. After one particularly botched escape attempt, the once-fearsome scout requested to be transferred to vigil duty, a far less glamorous position.</d>
                        <d c="p">Since then she has spent her time in the various outposts set up throughout the land, standing guard over mostly uninhabited land, watching for threats. Her current outpost is shared with an elderly giant, her only companion during the long, eventless days. While his hearing is failing, his eyes and remain as sharp as ever; together they watch over nothing.</d>
                        <d c="p">Secretly, she wishes something would happen.</d>
                <d c="box">
                    <d c="title">Combat</d>
                    <d c="box-content">
                        <d c="p">Like all pixies, Gniss is gifted with superhuman strength and speed, easily capable of throwing creatures ten times her size across a room and moving faster than any normal human could. While she can lift a normal sword and swing it, she lacks the dexterity to control it well, and so will often rather fight with her bare hands or with equipment specifically tailored to her size.</d>
                        <d c="h" o="display: block; font-size: 130%; text-align: center;">Strengths</d>
                        <d c="p"><d c="h">Strength:</d> Gniss is phenomenally strong, even for her race. She can pick up any human with ease, deliver small but powerful blows which can pierce flesh, and tear doors off their hinges.</d>
                        <d c="p"><d c="h">Speed:</d> When weather conditions are optimal, Gniss can fly as fast as any bird. This is extremely energy-intensive however, and she prefers running. Even then, her quick reflexes allow her to dodge much larger enemies and to dart in and out of battle faster than their eyes can follow.</d>
                        <d c="h" o="display: block; font-size: 130%; text-align: center;">Weaknesses</d>
                        <d c="p"><d c="h">Confidence:</d> Her hesitant and indecisive nature makes Gniss only commit to fights she is almost sure she can win. One well-placed slap and she could die. As such, she will often hang around the outskirts of a fight, only moving in for finishing blows.</d>
                        <d c="p"><d c="h">Weak:</d> Pixies are not very resistant creatures, and it doesn't take much to kill them. Their speed is often their only defence.</d>
                        <d c="p"><d c="h">Expensive:</d> Combat consumes a lot of energy for small creatures such as Gniss, and she needs to eat big meals frequently. Extreme cold makes matters even worse, but wearing her warmest clothes is not an option if she wishes to remain agile.</d>
                        <d c="h" o="display: block; font-size: 130%; text-align: center;">Weapons</d>
                        <d c="p"><d c="h">Fists:</d> Her preferred method of fighting. Gniss likes to either grab heavy objects and throw them at enemies or, when feeling bold, dives into the fray and grabs them directly. Repeated punches to the head can also provoke severe trauma.</d>
                        <d c="p"><d c="h">Rapier:</d> When her bare hands aren't enough, Gniss takes out a rapier the size of a hairpin which she uses to puncture enemies with repeatedly. She is not a trained swordswoman, however, and would be bested quickly in a sword duel.</d>
                <d c="box" o="width: 100%;">
                    <d c="title">Miscellaneous</d>
                    <d c="box-content">
                        <d c="p">Gniss has taken to practicing frostfire as a hobby, but as with any kind of magic she is not very gifted with it. The best she can do for now is create a few ice cubes - perfect for a cold, cold drink after a cold, cold day.</d>
                        <d c="p"><d c="h">Likes:</d> Straightforwardness, order, taking things slow, and a cup of piping hot tea</d>
                        <d c="p"><d c="h">Dislikes:</d> Being dragged into things, people prying into her mind or emotions</d>

Gniss Siv

Gniss was once as playful and bold as can be, but the events of the past two decades have turned her into a husk of her former self. Dispassionate, cautious, devoid of ambition, she has come to accept the status quo of her situation, and while she is content, the dreariness of her day-to-day life weighs on her at times. A strong sense of duty keeps her going, but in life-or-death situations it is often at odds with her fears and self-preservation instincts.
Once committed, however, she will not back down and goes all in. Her hesitation and reluctance are replaced by quick, assured actions - sometimes to her detriment, if she remains committed despite evidence that she is on the wrong path.
Like most of pixiekind, Gniss retains the youthful appearance of her early adulthood: a thin, graceful, human-like creature the size of an ordinary ale mug. The most distinctive differences from a normal human, height aside, are her pointed ears, her translucent blue-tinged wings, her jet-black, too-big eyes, and her unsettlingly small pointed teeth. The latter in particular, a source of many (not-entirely-unfounded) myths about pixies, are responsible for the various tiny scars around her mouth, scars which will never fully heal.
In most other regards, she looks just like any ordinary human. Her pale, lightly-tanned skin is almost entirely covered by thick, warm, black clothes, leaving only her head unprotected. Her wispy, frequently unkempt brown hair falls to her shoulders, badly in need of a proper haircut.
Born to itinerant pixie parents, most of Gniss's early life was spent travelling from village to village, where her parents, along with those of her siblings who were old enough to work, would assist the inhabitants in exchange for coin and lodging. These were formative years, allowing her to gain a deep, practical knowledge of the land, and what she learned then still comes in handy to this day.
As it became apparent she was not as magically gifted as her peers, she was encouraged by her parents to seek employment in the guild as an adventurer, where her kind's natural abilities were very much in demand. She was quickly assigned the role of scout, using her quick reflexes and phenomenal strength to get in and out of dangerous situations by herself.
Her skill and efficiency were appreciated by her superiors, and all believed she was destined for greatness. Three years after signing up, however, she fell in love with a fellow pixie adventurer, and a few months later they were married. The marriage was to be short-lived, as seven months later her husband perished in a foolhardy solo mission. The details of his death are known only to her and the guild officials implicated in the mission, and she refuses to talk about it.
After a short grieving period, she attempted to resume her old job, but found she no longer had the nerves or the enthusiasm for it. After one particularly botched escape attempt, the once-fearsome scout requested to be transferred to vigil duty, a far less glamorous position.
Since then she has spent her time in the various outposts set up throughout the land, standing guard over mostly uninhabited land, watching for threats. Her current outpost is shared with an elderly giant, her only companion during the long, eventless days. While his hearing is failing, his eyes and remain as sharp as ever; together they watch over nothing.
Secretly, she wishes something would happen.
Like all pixies, Gniss is gifted with superhuman strength and speed, easily capable of throwing creatures ten times her size across a room and moving faster than any normal human could. While she can lift a normal sword and swing it, she lacks the dexterity to control it well, and so will often rather fight with her bare hands or with equipment specifically tailored to her size.
Gniss is phenomenally strong, even for her race. She can pick up any human with ease, deliver small but powerful blows which can pierce flesh, and tear doors off their hinges.
When weather conditions are optimal, Gniss can fly as fast as any bird. This is extremely energy-intensive however, and she prefers running. Even then, her quick reflexes allow her to dodge much larger enemies and to dart in and out of battle faster than their eyes can follow.
Her hesitant and indecisive nature makes Gniss only commit to fights she is almost sure she can win. One well-placed slap and she could die. As such, she will often hang around the outskirts of a fight, only moving in for finishing blows.
Pixies are not very resistant creatures, and it doesn't take much to kill them. Their speed is often their only defence.
Combat consumes a lot of energy for small creatures such as Gniss, and she needs to eat big meals frequently. Extreme cold makes matters even worse, but wearing her warmest clothes is not an option if she wishes to remain agile.
Her preferred method of fighting. Gniss likes to either grab heavy objects and throw them at enemies or, when feeling bold, dives into the fray and grabs them directly. Repeated punches to the head can also provoke severe trauma.
When her bare hands aren't enough, Gniss takes out a rapier the size of a hairpin which she uses to puncture enemies with repeatedly. She is not a trained swordswoman, however, and would be bested quickly in a sword duel.
Gniss has taken to practicing frostfire as a hobby, but as with any kind of magic she is not very gifted with it. The best she can do for now is create a few ice cubes - perfect for a cold, cold drink after a cold, cold day.
Straightforwardness, order, taking things slow, and a cup of piping hot tea
Being dragged into things, people prying into her mind or emotions
Gniss Siv
Gniss was once as playful and bold as can be, but the events of the past two decades have turned her into a husk of her former self. Dispassionate, cautious, devoid of ambition, she has come to accept the status quo of her situation, and while she is content, the dreariness of her day-to-day life weighs on her at times. A strong sense of duty keeps her going, but in life-or-death situations it is often at odds with her fears and self-preservation instincts.
Once committed, however, she will not back down and goes all in. Her hesitation and reluctance are replaced by quick, assured actions - sometimes to her detriment, if she remains committed despite evidence that she is on the wrong path.
Like most of pixiekind, Gniss retains the youthful appearance of her early adulthood: a thin, graceful, human-like creature the size of an ordinary ale mug. The most distinctive differences from a normal human, height aside, are her pointed ears, her translucent blue-tinged wings, her jet-black, too-big eyes, and her unsettlingly small pointed teeth. The latter in particular, a source of many (not-entirely-unfounded) myths about pixies, are responsible for the various tiny scars around her mouth, scars which will never fully heal.
In most other regards, she looks just like any ordinary human. Her pale, lightly-tanned skin is almost entirely covered by thick, warm, black clothes, leaving only her head unprotected. Her wispy, frequently unkempt brown hair falls to her shoulders, badly in need of a proper haircut.
Born to itinerant pixie parents, most of Gniss's early life was spent travelling from village to village, where her parents, along with those of her siblings who were old enough to work, would assist the inhabitants in exchange for coin and lodging. These were formative years, allowing her to gain a deep, practical knowledge of the land, and what she learned then still comes in handy to this day.
As it became apparent she was not as magically gifted as her peers, she was encouraged by her parents to seek employment in the guild as an adventurer, where her kind's natural abilities were very much in demand. She was quickly assigned the role of scout, using her quick reflexes and phenomenal strength to get in and out of dangerous situations by herself.
Her skill and efficiency were appreciated by her superiors, and all believed she was destined for greatness. Three years after signing up, however, she fell in love with a fellow pixie adventurer, and a few months later they were married. The marriage was to be short-lived, as seven months later her husband perished in a foolhardy solo mission. The details of his death are known only to her and the guild officials implicated in the mission, and she refuses to talk about it.
After a short grieving period, she attempted to resume her old job, but found she no longer had the nerves or the enthusiasm for it. After one particularly botched escape attempt, the once-fearsome scout requested to be transferred to vigil duty, a far less glamorous position.
Since then she has spent her time in the various outposts set up throughout the land, standing guard over mostly uninhabited land, watching for threats. Her current outpost is shared with an elderly giant, her only companion during the long, eventless days. While his hearing is failing, his eyes and remain as sharp as ever; together they watch over nothing.
Secretly, she wishes something would happen.
Like all pixies, Gniss is gifted with superhuman strength and speed, easily capable of throwing creatures ten times her size across a room and moving faster than any normal human could. While she can lift a normal sword and swing it, she lacks the dexterity to control it well, and so will often rather fight with her bare hands or with equipment specifically tailored to her size.
Gniss is phenomenally strong, even for her race. She can pick up any human with ease, deliver small but powerful blows which can pierce flesh, and tear doors off their hinges.
When weather conditions are optimal, Gniss can fly as fast as any bird. This is extremely energy-intensive however, and she prefers running. Even then, her quick reflexes allow her to dodge much larger enemies and to dart in and out of battle faster than their eyes can follow.
Her hesitant and indecisive nature makes Gniss only commit to fights she is almost sure she can win. One well-placed slap and she could die. As such, she will often hang around the outskirts of a fight, only moving in for finishing blows.
Pixies are not very resistant creatures, and it doesn't take much to kill them. Their speed is often their only defence.
Combat consumes a lot of energy for small creatures such as Gniss, and she needs to eat big meals frequently. Extreme cold makes matters even worse, but wearing her warmest clothes is not an option if she wishes to remain agile.
Her preferred method of fighting. Gniss likes to either grab heavy objects and throw them at enemies or, when feeling bold, dives into the fray and grabs them directly. Repeated punches to the head can also provoke severe trauma.
When her bare hands aren't enough, Gniss takes out a rapier the size of a hairpin which she uses to puncture enemies with repeatedly. She is not a trained swordswoman, however, and would be bested quickly in a sword duel.
Gniss has taken to practicing frostfire as a hobby, but as with any kind of magic she is not very gifted with it. The best she can do for now is create a few ice cubes - perfect for a cold, cold drink after a cold, cold day.
Straightforwardness, order, taking things slow, and a cup of piping hot tea
Being dragged into things, people prying into her mind or emotions
Lyro Lyro Try variations in box-size so the boxes don't necessarily align perfectly. It creates a contrast that makes each box a bit more distinct.

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