Lyle Hill (horror Rp)

Lovable Dark-side

I might be a scarf. Who knows?
Appearance(picture: anime accepted):




Hair color/length:

Eye color:



Unusual marks:

Have you lost anyone:



Appearance(picture: anime accepted):

Name: Angela Cross

Age(): 18

Gender: Female

Hair color/length: Sandy brown/long

Eye color: Blue

Height: 5'5

Weight: 110

Unusual marks: Crescent shaped scar on the back of her right shoulder

Have you lost anyone: Lost her Grandmother when she was 14

Family/crushes/relationships: She lives with her mother, but never has met her father. She is an only child. She used to crush on the captain of the football team, but that all went down the drain when he was found on Lyle Hill her freshmen year.

personality: She doesn't really like getting close to people. Angela believes that if she tried getting close to someone either them or herself would end up on Lyle Hill and she is scared. She is withdrawn and keeps to herself but hears everything that goes on around her.

History: Angela used to be a talkative, chipper, and happy girl. Her mother and grandmother raised her to be that way; and also to be a good girl and to try to never get into any trouble. They sheltered her from the real world though; sheltered her from what went on at Lyle Hill - until Angela was 14 years old and her grandmother's mutilated body parts were found atop it. Angela's whole world was shattered and turned around completely; trust in her mother and people as a whole destroyed. When she entered high school, Angela decided to stay in the shadows. It didn't turn out exactly as she had planned however, as she soon began a friendship with the captain of her football team. Angela was hesitant, but after a while let herself open up to him. He opened up to her too, and on one fateful night, they shared a kiss. The next morning he was found on Lyle Hill. For the rest of high school, she kept to herself; never speaking to anyone unless spoken to and even then it was brief. She is a loner and an outcast.
Appearance(picture: anime accepted):

Name: Jayden Zayn Mason

Age(): 18

Gender: Male

Hair color/length: Brown hair with natural blonde at the ends.

Eye color: Blue Eyes

Height: 6'0

Weight: 182 LBS

Unusual marks: Star like shape on his side, possibly he scar. He doesn't recall how it wound up there, he just says it happened around 5th grade.

Have you lost anyone: He's lost his dad but everyone else is still alive and well. For now.

Family/crushes/relationships: Jayden has a mom and that's it. He had a girlfriend but he broke up because the loss of a loved one was too hard on him. He didn't want to feel the sadness if he would lose her.

Personality: Jayden is quiet and mostly a loner. He keeps to himself and doesn't like to talk much unless it's to his mom. He is very protective but isn't someone to count on because he can bail at moments in need. Jayden doesn't understand what friendship is like nor does he know the meaning. He hasn't talked after his dad last year...He can snap if you bother him too much and if he snaps, he already won't like you. Everyone knows it. He can be vicious. If you ever get to him he can be interesting and weird. Sometimes he is so awkward it can be funny, even to him.

History: Jayden grew up in the same house, same city, same state. He never moved and his mom and dad were much like the perfect family. Content, happy, smiley and most of all, supportive. Jayden was a basketball star, having many friends to back him up and be with him through anything. Jayden didn't have much although. He was given opportunities to move but he wanted to stay. Something about this place wanted him to stay and keep his eye open. He was a middle class kid and had the best coach for basketball. Best team. Best supportive mom. Best friends. Until he started to lose loved ones in the 8th grade. First it went his best friend, Jordan. Than his friend Michael. Then Dallas. Soon it was a girl he liked and only last year, it was his dad. He cried for days, keeping to himself and never saying a word about how he felt. Life became hard living with him. He couldn't even say what he wanted for dinner anymore. His mother just started to get stares from him like he was unhappy with his life and she's been annoyed ever since. She can't stop thinking about when he was active and outgoing and fun to be around. Now he's just lonely and quiet.
Appearance(picture: anime accepted):


Name: Rina Machin

Age(): 17

Gender: Female

Hair color/length: White, or very light blonde; medium length.

Eye color: light blue/grey

Height: 5'2

Weight: 102 pounds

Unusual marks: A long scar going down the front of her left arm. Also has a scar on her left hand in the form of a perfect X.

Have you lost anyone: She lost her whole entire family.

Family/crushes/relationships: Currently she lives in the care of a sweet old lady, who doesn't really pay too much attention to her other than asking how her day was. Rina doesn't have any kind of strong relationship with the woman, so it's almost as if she live by herself. She's never actually had a crush on anybody, dismissing the thought of love from her mind.

personality: From the normal persons eye, she comes off being very shy and timid. However if you ever talk to the mysterious albino, she's likely to say a few too many words of wisdom... Rina is very intelligent, although she doesn't show this side of her to other people, unless she is talking seriously with them or if she's mad and in a tough situation. She would really like to not get noticed by the local people, though this is hard considering her abnormal looks. Because she is an albino she has been more susceptible to illness, this also is because of her weak immune system; which she is very angry about in her mind. She doesn't like to openly talk to people, however when she does she can come off a little bit cynical and "scary" per-say.

History: Being born in the nice month of spring, on May 15th, Rina was discovered to apparently have been born with albinism. Her form of albinism weakened her immune system, which caused a lot of near death experiences and trauma in her younger years. She isn't originally from Lyle, being born in Virginia beach VA. Before her birth, came the birth of her older siblings. She had 3 older brothers at ages 6, 9, and 1, and 3 older sisters at ages 2, 8 and 11. Needless to say Rina was born the 7th child in her large family. Her father was a famous doctor, and her mother being an opera singer from Germany, allowed them to be a wealthy family. Her parents had adopted 3 of the kids, 2 boys and 1 girl. Rina was born a miracle baby, as she was very small at the time of her birth, to where doctors; even her father, didn't think she would live. Because of being close to death so many times as a child, Rina set herself aside from other children often. She was a lonely child, despite having many siblings. In addition to such, because she stayed by herself, her parents often forgot or ignored her, paying more attention to the other children. Rina was a little messed up in her mental state of mind, enough so that her parents sought help for her. They discovered nothing immediately wrong with her, only the coming on of Rina transitioning into a psychopath/sociopath. After hearing this news her parents became scared of Rina, and instead of helping her overcome her mental state, they stayed away from her. This didn't help the young girl at all, as she felt neglected. This is what caused her to finally give up on feeling major emotions. On thanksgiving day when Rina was 15, the whole family gathered together in the dining room for dinner. The turkey was still cooking in the oven, however her mother was talking with everyone in the dining room. Rina excused herself from the table, saying she was going to use the restroom. In reality, Rina went into the kitchen to look at the roasting bird. She was not only going to throw her family into the flames, but herself as well, to avoid suspicion. She turned the ovens heat up all the way and returned back into the dining room, where loud chatter was heard above anything else. The oven caught fire and quickly spread into the dining room, walls were knocked down trapping the majority of the family. Rina was on the other side of one of the walls and watched the family burn with a stoic look on her face. Her eldest sister who was in her twenties, threw one of the walls burning hot rods at Rina, which is what caused her large scar. She made sure that everyone burned to the ground and then she fled into the comfort of the local police, where they gave her the new home with the old lady in Lyle. She transferred into the school system, being a new and uninvited member of their community... She learned of the murders on Lyle hill and simply dismissed it, not caring if people were dying. Her age now was 17 and she had somewhat managed to avoid the other people around her.

((Sorry its so abnormally long :3))
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Appearance(picture: anime accepted): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/anime_hooded_boy_by_raykorn-d5zs61f.png.e324b8dfc7ddc49a55569033a3263b35.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13481" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/anime_hooded_boy_by_raykorn-d5zs61f.png.e324b8dfc7ddc49a55569033a3263b35.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Maki Yoaki


Gender: Male

Hair color/length: Black

Eye color: Orange

Height: 6' 2"

Weight: 175 lbs

Unusual marks: N/A

Have you lost anyone: No Family

Family/crushes/relationships: Sayuri a girl he was close to at the orphanage he grew up in.

Personality: Keeps mostly to himself. He is very desensitized when it comes to emotions and feelings for others. Only person he had ever cared for was his friend Sayuri. He has a very sarcastic tone and can be quite arrogant at times. His general outlook on the world is that it is a dark place.

History: Separated from his family at birth he was raised in an orphanage in the next town over. During his childhood he was very close to a girl named Sayuri, who's company he quite enjoyed. they were friends for years but around the time he was 14 Sayuri went missing one day and was never seen again. Shortly after Maki moved to town to start highschool, then during his last year of school is when it started happening. When the bodies started showing up at the top of that old hill.



  • anime_hooded_boy_by_raykorn-d5zs61f.png
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Name: Rowan Deynair

Age: 16 1/2

Gender: Female

Hair color/length: Dark brown, curly hair that feel a few inches past her shoulders.

Eye color: Amber, it is a color that reminds people of golden honey.

Height: 5'0

Weight: 100 lbs.

Unusual marks: She has a white scare above her left eyebrow, that is about an inch long.

Have you lost anyone: No one, but she doesn't except it won't happen. She thinks she is next, but you can never be to sure.

Family/friends/crushes: She has three younger siblings, two of which are brothers. (if anyone wants to play one PM me.)

Personality: Rowan seems to be the only loud, colorful thing in this drab quiet town, refusing to give up on life. Even though death is always so close she can feel it breathing down her neck, its cold fingers gripping onto the color of her old hoodie ready to drag her away. For two reason this doesn't bother her like the others in her town. First she is tilted slightly off her axis and is kinda crazy and the other reason is she knows death will come when it wills. That doesn't mean she doesn't lock up her bedroom every when she sleeps. She just doesn't have any delusions that those locks will actually be useful in the end. So, this sense of freedom makes her more free willed than the others in this town, more likely to do crazy stuff, and dangerous. There are often times when this care free personality slips and something dark appears.

History: Rowan was born to Mathew and Jezebel on one rainy May day. Her mother being Wicca she grew up in a strange up environment, with the talk of spirits and and warding off evil. It always seemed strange to her, but she accepted her parents ways of life. But she didn't really believe the spells her mother did were any good, and converted to Christianity when she was 13 because it felt better to her. Even if she didn't agree in all the teachings the preacher taught. She grew up pretty normality besides that, but then the bodies started showing up on Lyle hill.

The Rp will start once I get my character finished.
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Appearance: (is it cool if I just use my avatar?)

Name: Michael Alan

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Hair color/length: Brown, medium length

Eye color: Green

Height: 5,'11

Weight: 169lbs

Unusual marks: Scar on arm and back

Have you lost anyone: Mother and Father

Family/crushes/relationships: No crushes or personal relationships. No other family.

Personality: Very quiet and reserved, although he can step up when needed to and isn't afraid to let others know his opinion. Mostly a robotic type of calmness and aloofness, keeping everybody at arms length and avoiding intimacy like the plague. Prone to error when emotions get heated, he often screws up his usual analytic thinking with pangs of despair and aggression, which leads to a constant inner struggle between doing what is right and what is instantly gratifying . He views the world through a jaded lens of despair and cynicism, seeing it as a desperate world where everybody is out for themselves.

History: The death of his Mother and Father left him broken and desperate to rekindle a feeling of warmth. He emerged from a long struggle with depression after 15 and focused on accepting the reality around him. His need for at least some sort of social outlet lead him to join the local high school as a cleaner. He mostly wanders around with no real purpose, other than to people watch and occasionally write in his journal. He has taken in keen interest in the sudden appearance of bodies and is attempting to get to the bottom of it.
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Appearance(picture: anime accepted):



Hair color/length: Auburn/Short

Eye color: Brown



Unusual marks:None

Have you lost anyone: Sister is missing, last known location Lyle Hill.

Family/crushes/relationships: Orphaned at a young age, only known family is Sophia.

personality: Patient, Tactical, Ruthless. Can be very stubborn, if its something he believes in. Is often very blunt, but means well. Prefers working alone, unless the group is very organized and coordinated. Will put his own motives before the goals of the group or party. Very decisive. Due to the lack of a family, he will often will take in people under his wing. Teaching them, guiding them, but because of his own abandonment, he subconsciously feels people need to become independent.


Was abandoned by his parents at a young age. He was forced to move from shelter to shelter scavenging for food and clothing to take care of himself, and his sister. Is tormented by the thoughts of losing things he holds dear. His sister was taken by a group of men due to him rejecting their invitation to join them. He now wanders from town to town following rumors about her whereabouts.
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Appearance: N/A( using mobile device )

Name: Nivlo Real(pronounced Ray-El) Hayazuki

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Hair color/length: Black/Near eyes

Eye color: Brown

Height: 5'8

Weight: 174 lbs.

Unusual marks: Burn scar on left arm

Have you lost anyone: Family

Family/crushes/relationships: Mother: Jenny Hayazuki, Father: David Hayazuki

personality: Outcasty(if thats a word), nice, respectful, spitfire, often lets rude words slide past him, quiet

History: Nivlo Real Hayazuki is a quiet person. He lost his parents in a house fire when he was 18. When he moved into this town, he loved it, but what he didn't know was that the towns secret might kill him...
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