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Fantasy Luxor Academy: Characters


Just a Rando
(anything marked with “*” is optional.)





Alignment (Good, Bad, neutral, etc ?):




* Habits?:




Powers and weapons: (Weapons are optional)



(Add occupation if you are a teacher)

To be accepted you need a like from either me, SidTheSkid SidTheSkid , or FTR FTR
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"Have you ever had a nightmare that just wouldn't go away, no matter the times you've wished for it to?"
~ Cicero ~
  • Name: Cicero (Doesn't have a true identity other than this.)

    Age: 31 (When in his Master's form, undetermined of Cicero's true age.)

    Gender: Unknown (Can be called He or She by anyone, it doesn't matter.)

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Alignment (Good, Bad, neutral, etc ?): Chaotic Neutral

    Species: Supernatural Entity

    Personality: Normally cats are often found to be playful but Cicero is the exact opposite, he/she can usually be found around Luxor Academy snoozin' up a storm. Park benches, Lamp-posts, and even on the desks of other teachers. You name it, he's probably slept there! Cicero has been normally shown to be always out of energy, complaining that he doesn't get enough sleep or is exhausted of having to deal with everyday life in general. Possibly because of the tragedies of the past that still haunt him/her. Nevertheless this doesn't stop him from being somewhat talkative in social situations and even acting as a tutoring figure to those still learning to control their powers.

    Other then that he's just your ordinary glowing cat that attends meetings and disciplines students for misbehaving.

    Occupation: Monster Hunting Assistant / Head of Security

    Bio: "Have you ever had a nightmare that just wouldn't go away, no matter the times you've wished for it to? Yeah... Me too."

    Cicero is an anomalous colorless creature that resembles a domesticated cat, excluding the addition of the lustrous bright eyes and extensive antlers growing atop of its head. However Cicero's sentience is far above any feline known to man, described as having extraterrestrial proficiency when it comes to cognitive thinking or overall intelligence, naturally being immensely clever as opposed to ordinary life-forms not to mention being blessed with abnormal traits such as creating hallucinations or levitating random objects from the environment around him. Howbeit, it wasn't always conventional for Cicero to use such abilities as they were enhanced over time after being 'infected' by a mind-numbing virus, one easily mistakable for radiation sickness but with far more devastating consequences, twisting strands of DNA of living creatures to create horrible abominations... Ones that spared no mercy to his master. This unidentifiable disease spread across his home planet, damaging the former way of life and creating a post-apocalyptic nightmare of epic proportions, one that Cicero soon succumbed to, willingly drinking from the root of the disease in a desperate attempt to end his/her own life but failing miserably. Harrowing pain coursed through Cicero's veins like liquid-fire, changing his very genetics into like those normally infected but having his sense of mortality unpolluted by corruption and in return gaining otherworldly sentience. It was from this very moment a unquenchable lust for vengeance took over Cicero causing him to seek out and eradicate those who had been infected with this plague, thus ending any form of actual life upon his planet and by the end of it Cicero only felt empty inside as he/she still lost the only person that gave him meaning.

    Knowing that a threat similar to this one might return in the future, Cicero enveloped himself in a strange energy before hurling himself through the space until reaching a void that consumed his meager form, spitting him out into a familiar galaxy similar to his own. Cicero swam through the confines of space with his new powers before reaching Earth and finding him/herself in a new home, one that Cicero swore to protect with his very life.

    Cicero wasn't going to let another tragedy fall on his plate.


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Had to put Lyssas in here because she's the Bus Driver, i'll post the other character sheets afterwards once people arrive.


"Good thing Luxor hasn't fired me yet, woohoo!"
~ Lyssa ~
  • Name: Lyssa.

    Age: Physically 25. (Real age is unknown.)

    Gender: Female.

    Sexuality: Bisexual (Already has a hubby though.)

    Alignment (Good, Bad, neutral, etc ?): Chaotic Good.

    Species: Goddess of Insanity

    Personality: "Y'know life is so much more amusing when ya just take a moment to un-wind, shutting out all those conflicting thoughts and just acting upon instinct and letting fate take the wheel for you! That's what I did and look at me, i'm perfectly F-I-N-E. Okay sure, maybe I do things a bit abnormally and yes sometimes innocent people wind up getting turned into pigeons just so I can make a pun or two, bird puns are so... Hawkward... Hehehe... But in all 'seriousness' I get along with faculty members and students all peachy-keen like despite the fact that some of them can be a bit intolerable like the buzzkill ones that put a metaphorical silencer over my harebrained schemes like that one librarian! Always telling me not to make a Lovecraftian horror blob creature that makes books dance around him/her while confessing their loves for books and saying weird things like schwabbledibbledabbleshabdab, what a lame-o."

    "I'm also a strong independent Goddess that likes extended periods of walking on the beach, playing pranks on unsuspecting people, and playing Candy Land with Marumatsu's character... I forgot his name, is that a bad thing since i'm kind of in a relationship with that dude? Oh well, i'm sure he doesn't mind! Sometimes I even forget my own name."

    "OoOo! I'm hoping that this reboot of Luxor Academy includes lots and lots of field trips!"

    Occupation: Luxor Academy Bus Driver / Field-trip Guardian.

    Bio: "You know what I dislike more than anything? Even more than party-pooping parties?! Creating biographies about myself, can't I just explain my background throughout the story? Like SheEeeEsh. Nevertheless i'll try to explain how I was born through a series of highly-exaggerated snippets of my life, concerning how the one person who is writing this biography is a bit of a dum-dum when it comes to story-telling i'll try to help him a bit! So uh, once upon a time there was space and I mean a lot of it, like there was so much space that even space had space in it, kinda cool right? But in the middle of that spacey-space was floating spec but not just any ol' ordinary spec as this drifting piece of space-dirt was me! At the time I barely had any kind of 'smartiness', I couldn't even tie my own shoes and I didn't even wear them at the time. Eventually I winded up soaring into an even bigger spec! One called Earth! KA-BOOM! After hitting a large section of the ground with my noggin', I awoke to see a bunch of green-looking monsters gnawing on my body like it was some sort of delicious pretzel, I think they were called 'dinosaurs'. In due time I made a couple of friends including a three-horned fella named Steve who winded up turning into an ice-block after things got really cold, Rest in peace Steve."

    "Did I mention that some idiot flung a meteor at us that killed all my buddies? That was pretty rude. Despite that, I actually came across people that looked just like me yet they were really hairy, smelt awful, and tried whacking me with clubs so I just decided to transform a few of them into dodo birds before drifting off into a seemingly endless slumber before being woken up by some less hairy people that threw spears at me! Sooo I had no choice but to run-away and swim all the way to another island where I discovered a great big brick-covered thingamajig called Luxor Academy!"

    "Best thing about it was that it had all sorts of people, ones who were just like me! At first I was a bit afraid they'd throw spears at me or something but to my surprise they treated me like their own..."

    "Didn't have much of a choice but to humbly accept the title of student and undergo this new life-style! Luckily for me, it's where I discovered this handsome fella who I claimed as my boy-toy! I'm pretty sure we adopted a kid or had one... The whole lore is a bit fuzzy to me now that I think about it. After a few years of being at this school I was granted the opportunity to become a teacher! Only to be demoted to a bus-driver after a classroom experiment had gone wrong.. Spoiler alert.. It involved lots and lots of croco-diddles."

(Sign in - Google Accounts) - I don't know why it say's Sign in- Google Accounts (I copied my site's link) but I guess you have to sign in to view it. I'll give the new link by tomorrow.

Here's my CS. I'm not exactly done, but everything should be updated by tomorrow.
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Name: Ryo Sentrale

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Alignment (Good, Bad, neutral, etc ?): Chaotic Neutral

Species: Deva Dragon (Half-God, Half-Dragon)

Appearance: (Human Form)

Trae god mode.png

Ryo Dragon KIng.jpg

The grandson of Shiva, Hindu God of Destruction, Son to a Elder Dragon and Demi-God. Ryo is what happens when you say, "Hey guys, let's throw a descendant of godly heritage and a Phantasmal Beast into a bed and see what happens!". SInce he was born, Ryo was a powerhouse, his energy already cascading all around him, and his parents wouldn't let him forget that, raising him to be a warrior that fights for the righteous and protects what he loves......Too bad his grandfather, Shiva, god of destruction, remember that guy, decided to help raise him and Ryo turned into a battle crazy, girl chasing, authority clashing, delinquent. However, even through all the idiocy, the teachings of his mother and father pulled through, as no matter where he went, Ryo would do what was right

As he grew older, Ryo was take from place to place by his grandfather, to learn of all the cultures, history, and magic that enveloped the world he lived in, plus he got to fight wicked enemies, so that was a plus. One day Ryo and his grandfather stopped in a land where Ryo met a old man that noticed Ryo's beastly ways and decided to teach him patience and virtue....And since that didn't work, he taught him a badass fighting style instead.

After years of traveling and fighting against beasts and gods alike, Ryo was finally taken home where his parents finally had enough of his idiocy and decided to send him to a place where he could learn true kindness and compassion, if not, well Luxor Academy has one additional delinquent now.


Ryo literally made everyone hate him, except for his brother, maybe A, and his boo thang Setsuna. He also has the nagging voice of Lucifer in his head, who sometimes takes over his body and makes him do bad (yet sexy) stuff. It was also found out that Ryo is some sort of space, alien, dimension travelling, cosmic dragon thing who travels through the cosmos and dimensional rifts in space and time, while also being the physical embodiment of the law of [Power]: A.k.a: All Shall Overcome., so yeah, there's that. All in all, there's a 50/50 chance that Ryo is actually a little bit more restrained now....maybe.


Yeah so remember the annoying voice of Lucifer inside Ryo's head? Well he got tired of him and decided to confront him within his soul. This lead to a battle of godly porportions raging within the young dragon as he faced off against the original angel of light. This left his physical body on auto pilot, which lead to it rampaging across the world until it encountered a wandering sage that calm the dragon god's body with his energy. While inside Ryo wasn't faring too well against the devil, he suddenly felt a surge of energy as the sage had unlocked some of the hidden strength Ryo had from his untapped Law of [Power].

With the newfound strength, Ryo defeated Lucifer, regaining complete control of his body and even gaining new abilities. Owing a debt of gratitude to the sage, Ryo offered untold riches to the sage, who denied it and simply wanted to teach Ryo the path of enlightenment, hoping to help the young warrior tame his bloodlust, rage, and maybe even teach him how to find inner peace. Surprisingly it worked, through arduous days of meditation, study, and training, Ryo found himself appreciating the lessons the sage taught him and finding a sense of inner peace he never knew he would find, especially with the teachings of his father and grandfather still hammered in his head.

With grateful words to the sage, Ryo parted ways from him and traveled a little more, fixing most of the wrongs he had done so far in his life. And while his temper and battle lust was still there, it was tempered with patience and wisdom, but also added a new facet to Ryo's repertoire, a silver tongue for wordplay, politics, and manipulation. So in the end, while Ryo now walks the path of the sage, Luxor Academy will find that their local delinquent and gang boss was still as violent as ever, only now it would take a while before he starts punching things.

Fighting strong opponents, Girls, Alcohol, Girls, Surprisingly protecting people, Girls, Manga, Sleeping, and did he mention Girls?

His brother Seo(sometimes), his best bud A (although sometimes their friendship takes weird turns, considering the fact she MAY hate him), His frenemy Caesar (Cause they traded fists, so now they're friends in Ryo's book.) AND THE FUTURE MOTHER OF HIS CHILDREN....Aka: Setsuna, also known as, 'lady who gets all angry when Ryo does bad stuff.'

His gang: Behemoth. Fighting Typhon. Sitting under that one shady tree with Setsuna (Who knew just sitting and enjoying the breeze was nice and sh!t). His really cool swivel chair that let's him do super villain spins. Working on his rides. Meditation (I know right!? Freaks me out I like that 'inner peace' sh!t too!).

Authority figures in general, Pretty boys, Studying, ending a fight too early, and for some reason, the japanese pantheon.

Hundun (Dude needs to kick rocks, cause Ryo called dibs on that A booty.) Jin, Ryuujin, WHATEVER HIS NAME IS! (Yeesh, it's like the dude can't get over the fact Ryo killed his girlfriend, what a jerk right?) Lyssa (But only because she freaks Ryo out when she does the whole, 'insanity thing', otherwise he likes his brother's girl)

When his meditation is interrupted. Typhon wanting to fight when Ryo is having one of his business meetings (DAMMIT TYPHON! I SAID NO DEATH BATTLES WHEN I'M PLOTTING WITH MY CRONIES!). Setsuna giving him 'The Look' (What? WHAT!? Babe they kept pushing my buttons, and you know how I don't like MY BUTTONS PUSHED!). Seo f#cking him over when they fight someone, execute a plan, or generally spend time together (Seo I will really kill you this time, I mean it, DON'T YOU F#CKING WALK AWAY FROM ME YOU ASS CLOWN!)

Powers and weapons: (Weapons are optional)

Master Martial Artist:

  • Pro Wrestling: Ryo's go to when brawling, he enjoys incorporating suplexes, power bombs, and etc in his move set. Mostly because he saw it on TV once

  • Boxing: Nothing like a good ol' fashioned Dempsey Roll

  • Shotokan Karate: Enjoyed learning to pierce people with his hands.

  • Renewal Taekwondo: Worst comes to worse, kick them in the face

Sage Arts: One of his new styles. Ryo can now read the 'flow' of battle, being able to counter, redirect, and anticipate both physical and energy attacks. Incorporating palm strikes and counter while also using 'foresight' to predict opponents attacks.

Power of Gods, Dragons, and Sages

  • Draconic and Daeva Strength: You know Hulk? The WorldBreaker? Multiply that by a lot, and you got some serious power behind those muscles.

  • Partial Transformation: Ryo can transform parts of his body to either his daeva armor or dragon scale to increase his attack and defense.

  • Ki Channeling: Ryo has trained his inner energy to the point where it can boost his attacks and even be fired as energy beams, though he rarely uses those.

  • Destruction: Ryo's aura and energy destroys whatever it touches, I mean, it literally erases existences. It's to the point that it can even erase theoretical/imaginative/ and even universal concepts. Inherited from his grandfather, Shiva

  • [Power]: All Shall Overcome. Ryo is the Dragon of Power. The physical representation of the multiversal law that no matter what the situation or trial, a being can and will overcome and surpass it. Exceeding your limits and becoming better, Ryo is the literal embodiment of this concept. There is more to it, but Ryo is still discovering it.

  • Path of the Sage: Ryo is now in tune with the natural energy of nature and the cosmos. He can tap into that energy to further enhance his attacks or heal his injuries or others. It peak height of concentration, Ryo can even manipulate the energy within others, but only at absolute sense of peace. (A.k.a: Fist of the North Star, Sage Arts from Naruto, and the Spirit Bomb all got mixed into one thing and Ryo can kinda use it.)

Dragon slaying weapons, magics, or abilities
Uh...Being Killed?

Surprisingly good managing skills
Competent leader
Annoying Charisma (You hate Ryo, but kinda like him too)

*Extra: Due to the training by the sage, Ryo's once onyx draconic scales shifted to a golden hue, as if they were surging with energy. His leathery skin became more sharpened and armored and instead of a sense of dread while in his draconic state, people now feel a bolstering sense of awe and power, urging them to either fight on with pride or recognize the kingly presence before them...plus he looks cooler.

(If I give your post a 'like' then you are accpeted.)
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Freya Lashiec






Alignment (Good, Bad, neutral, etc ?):

Chaotic Good


Aesir Demi-Goddess/Half WItch




Freya is outgoing, proud, kind, and always up for a fight. She's willing to lend a hand to those in need, but will quickly forget it if delicious food is involved or if there is a brawl going on nearby. In which case, she'll rush to join the fight for fun. Freya is a bit of a smartass and it isn't uncommon for her to have something witty to say or an insult ready to be thrown. Sassy and boisterous are the two words that best describe her.

Although under her proud exterior is someone who gives people the benefit of the doubt and is always willing to give someone a chance. Of course once that line is crossed, expect violent repercussions to be swiftly brought upon you. Freya also has a sarcastic/flirty nature that makes it hard to tell when she's messing with you or being serious. Freya can always be seen with a smile on her face, now whether that's due to the amount of alcohol she drank or the fight she recently just go into, no one knows.


You hear about gods impregnating women all the time, but you never hear about one settling down with a witch and becoming a family man. The Norse Aesir god Baldur had no idea he was going to fall in love with a witch, but by Odin it happened. A few years later, Freya popped out, the girl being named after the Queen of the valkyries herself. Surprisingly Freya had what many would call the perfect family life. Baldur was a terrific father and husband, her mother was a loving wife who always took care of her family, and even Odin, Frigga, Thor, and the other gods would come visit like they were some Norse sitcom.

It was the picture perfect white picket fence family. Only the lessons taught to Freya by her father were how to strangle a giant, instead of fancy dresses, her mother taught her spells, and 'family vacations' would be to different realms where the whole family would fight fire giants, demons, and all sorts of monsters. Freya's family was perfect, they had sunday dinners and had family game night, although family game night consisted of seeing who could throw a dwarf the farthest.

Outings with her uncles and aunts consisted of Freya learning survival skills, how to hunt, wrestling down beasts, and fighting some of the biggest legends in the world. 18 years of journeys, battles, and 'family vacations' had hardened Freya into a warrior the Norse Pantheon was proud to call their family and she even made some friends from her family's vacations (Of course she met them cause her uncles would get into fights with her friend's parents, but they always made up afterwords.)

Now Freya was to be sent on her next journey to Luxor Academy, ready to represent the Aesir Gods, make her family proud, and make some new friends while meeting some old ones too. Let's just hope she doesn't start a brawl on her first day.

Her father Baldur: "Daddy is the best! He taught me how to properly suplex a dragon!"
Her mother Andrea: "Mom always said: If you have nothing nice to say to a person, put a curse on them."
Alcohol: "Grandpa Odin always says if you're old enough to behead a giant, you're old enough to drink"
Fighting Strong Opponents: "I'm Norse, a good fight is almost like an orgasm to me."
Ryo: "Hey Godzilla! Been a while! I guess we just don't CALL OUR FRIENDS ANYMORE HUH!?"

The Valkyries: "Geez, you punch a valkyrie into a coma one time and they never let it go, sheesh."
Being cut off from her booze: "What do you mean i've had enough!? I'LL TELL YOU WHEN I'VE HAD ENOUGH!"
Anyone insulting the Norse Pantheon: "You have five seconds to apologize for what you said before I rip your intestines out."
Her fights being interrupted: "Get in the way of my fight one more time and i'll ERASE YOUR ENTIRE LINEAGE"

Powers and weapons: (Weapons are optional)
Aesir Physiology: Freya's Norse blood grants her with supernatural strength, speed, and durability. In terms of strength, she is easily God-tier, while her speed is able to surpass the speed of sound.

Baldur's Blood: Baldur is well known for his invincibility, and while Freya is not invincible, she is quite durable. It's actually one of her key abilities next to her strength. It takes a LOT to take Freya down. Her skin is like armor and she can take hit from even the strongest beings.

Rune Magic: Though rarely used, Freya can use Runes to cast spells. Whether that's to buff herself or her allies, shoot a fireball, or to track someone, Freya's Runes have a wide variety of uses thanks to her mother.

Wrestling/Grappling Master: Freya's go to for combat is her wrestling skills. Lariats, Haymakers, suplexes, and many more are the foundation of her fighting style taught to her by her father and uncles. Don't be surprised to find yourself on the receiving end of a choke hold or a drop kick.​

Mistletoe: Like her father, Freya has a weakness to mistletoe. It doesn't kill her but it does weaken her. Her strength is halved and her durability is weakened to an extreme point.
Light Magic: Due to her mother, Freya has a slight weakness to light magic.
Berserker Trance: If Freya is really absorbed into a fight, she'll lose herself to it and will stop recognizing friend from foe.

Survival/Hunting Specialist: Freya is a master Hunter/Gatherer/Tracker.
Knowledge of Arcane/Foreign Language: Freya made it a habit to learn the tongue of every place her family would take her to, whether it was human or supernatural.


Freya has a history with Ryo due to their families getting into a fight, then swiftly resolving it with booze. They're childhood friends and there may be something more behind their story. Plus Freya has thrown him into several mountains and volcanoes before.
(If I give your post a 'like' then you are accpeted.)
Name: Samson Hearth

Age: appears to be in his mid to early twenties, actual age is said to be eterna

Gender: Depends on Host, Currently Male

Sexuality: Nonsexual, unless it has some use or purpose

Occupation: Survival Teacher (although it's usually surviving his savage onslaught)

Alignment (Good, Bad, neutral, etc ?): Chaotic Neutral

Species: Phoenix Deity


Personality: Samson seems like a nice enough guy. He's always smiling, and being charming and nice when he needs to. Although even when he's acting nice he can tend to be blunt with his remarks. When class starts, and the lesson begins. He lets loose his Sadistic side. He's a real scary guy. Even with that nice expression on his face he's still terrifying as he puts his students through hell (sometimes literally)

If you asked him why he does this. He'd probably say it's for the good of the students, so that they'll learn, and be prepared for such things. But in all honesty, he just enjoys tormenting others. He's kind of arrogant, and thinks little of others. So much so that unless you're useful to him in some way he'll probably ignore you if he can. He's a tricky man, always plotting something behind that calm, and friendly demeanor. He's kind of an evil bastard, and has been around so long that he's wiley, and wise enough to get away with lots.

He often makes the best of situations. Like his situation with his obsessed student Judy. She clearly has a thing for him, but he's not interested in anyone in that way. Be it man, woman, beast, or machine. But her infatuated with him lets him use her for whatever he needs. Which he's plenty grateful for, even if he'd probably dispose of her as soon as she lost her usefulness. Samson's often quite, and to himself when he's not teaching, and a good way to get on his bad side is disturbing his peace. He's merciless, and savage when he's angered, and tends to go overboard with things. So he has to remind himself to keep calm. Otherwise he'd probably vaporize the entire school. But so long as you're not on his bad side you should be safe enough.

Even with his villainous outlook, he still takes his work seriously. Even if he won't admit it, he often finds himself proud of his students. Usually the more clever, or destructive one, but still proud. So if someone tries to harm them he can always be there in the blink of an eye, ready to kill anyone who'd harm his prey/precious students.

Habits: Playing with his flames, laughing sinisterly to himself.

Bio: His origins are unknown. Some believe him to be a ancient god from some other world. Others believe he is a soul given power by creation as it's guardian. Hell some think he's the harbinger of destruction. Whether it's destoyer, or Guardian. He's been around since the beginning of creation.

In the start he would come to the realm of man in order to cause great events. Such as wars, catastrophes, the rise of empires, or fall of nations. Basically he messed around alot, and it helped form the whole of history. But after a while that got boring, and he decided he needed to figure something new out. So after searching far and wide, he found Luxor Academy, and decided to apply as a teacher. Now he enjoys his peace and quiet, tormenting his students with a smile on his face.

Likes: tormenting/teaching his class

His personal time

Making plans...for potential world domination


Pesky students




Being disturbed

Powers and weapons: Eyes of God: this ability gives Samson easy access to seeing just about anything he wants. Of course if someone has a strong enough barrier he can't peak in on them. But only a handful of people do. This ability when at its full power can even see into other worlds, and times.

Phoenix form: This is the ability Samson uses only if necessary. He can leave his host body in the form of a great blue bird of fire. While in this form his host body is lifeless, and if his body is damaged beyond repair. Then he'll be forced to find a new host. Which he does by entering the body of another in his Phoenix form, the battling for control. Until he's either forced out, or as it often happens, he burns up their soul.

Phoenix flames: these are the flames of rebirth. They can be used for healing, whether it be himself, or others. Or used for burning things to ashes. As the flames of creation they're not easily snuffed out. They can also heal near fatal wounds. So long as the injured party is still alive. He can also shape it into weapons if he wants.

Wings of the Phoenix: this is an ability that allows Samson to teleport anywhere he can see, so basically as long as he can use his god eyes. Although he also can't teleport to areas guarded by a strong enough barrier.

Blade forged in the flames of life: this is a katana that Samson carries around with him wherever he goes. It helps him to focus his abilities for more precise attacks, and he can also use it as a key to other realms.

Nectar of the gods: Samsons blade can do more than open portal to other realms. It's also excellent at slaying immortal beings such as gods. Even absorbing their godly essence, which Samson can temporarily use as his own power. Depending on the god the affect changes.

Weakness: having his host body destroyed, if he can't find a new host within a week or he'll be sent back to the realm he came from for a few eons.

Powerful magical barrier... they're always stopping him from seeing, or going where he wants.

Poor aim: you'd think being a firebird he'd have excellent aim. But that's not the case, his aim depends on the condition of his host. Currently his host doesn't have the best eyesight. Luckily large wide spread destructive attacks make up for that.

Untrustworthy, and dangerous: due to his personality he seems nice enough. But if you've ever taken one of his classes you'll know just how wicked he is. So most people refuse to work with him. Aside from his stalker that is. So unless forced, or something unforeseen happens, he'll usually be working alone.

Insufficient space: Once more, if his host body isn’t optimal it can affect his abilities. Usually it's not to much of an issue, as he doesn't switch host frequently. Even when he does he usually has them planned out beforehand, so they're perfect to suit his needs. But even the best host doesn't allow him to use his full power.

Strengths: burning things to ashes, he's really good at that, and he's got great destructive power.

Swordsmanship, he's been around plenty long enough to he one of the best with a blade.

Tricking people, he's gone toe to toe with some of the best tricksters in all of existence and given them a run for their money, if not out doing them.

Experience: ok, so there are plenty of people who've been around for a crazy amount of time. But Samson has been around since about the beginning of creation. He wasn't exactly doing much for the first part of that. But after he got the hang of things he took to going to the mortal realm to wage wars, and do battle in many different host. So he's definitely one of the more experienced people around. You could even says he's had a bit of an affect on the world.

Cleansing flames: as his flames are those of rebirth. They don't actually kill his enemies. They actually destroy the foes body, sending the soul to be reborn in a new form. His flames could also be considered holy magic. They're also affective against corruption, in basically any form.


Has a student he knows is obsessed with him. But doesn't really act on it unless he needs something from her.
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"Nice Pad Ryo! Although you should probably hire better guards! Jeeze, I had to kill at-least twenty five of them just to get into the kitchen to get these delicious jelly beans! Hey, ya want one?! Dibs on the red ones!"
~ Mercury S. Typhon - God of Monsters ~
  • Name: Mercury S. Typhon

    Age: 18 (Physically) (Real age undetermined.)

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Alignment (Good, Bad, neutral, etc ?): Chaotic Evil ~ Enjoys fucking things up if it manages to bring out a chuckle or two.

    Species: Monster God

    Personality: Loud, Obnoxious, and Ferocious. Three of these traits describe Typhon on a basic-level for those that know him personally, glorifying fans rarely tend to see this side of him as being publicized as a complete psychopath would most likely ruin his sales in the long-run and would upset the ‘big’ man in-charge of the talent agency. Even so he still accomplishes getting into the way of others including Ryo, speaking of which... Typhon has a bit of a weird inclination to be around him, always wanting to trade fists as if they were best-buds even when Ryo doesn't want to, for some odd reason he manages to show up at the most inconvenient moments but it's probably just to annoy him.

    • Being a complete nuisance for Ryo, attempting to be an obstacle for him almost every step of the way in his pursuit of absolute excellence. (Sometimes putting on a ludicrous display of craziness just to surprise Ryo.)
    • Often times getting into supernatural fist-fights with those who he deems worthy of a pummelin’.
    • Call it a ‘bad’ habit but if he’s hungry enough he’ll just take a chunk out of a living creature and start gnawing on it like some sort of feral creature.
    • Reveling in the amount of attention he receives because of his popular modeling career, mainly distracting the media away from his terrible nature.

    Bio: “Typhon, the greatest model in all of history! Not to mention fiendishly attractive in all traits! What’s to really say about me? I’m outright perfection to say the least although some people would disagree but y’know their opinion doesn’t matter. Anyway let’s not concern ourselves with haters and let’s talk about the most important subject in the world, yeah that’s right… Me! Otherwise known as being infamous among Greek legends for slapping Zeus around like a little bitch until he decided to throw a lightning bolt in my eye like a spastic, do a quick Wikipedia search and you’ll find out more about yours truly. Did I mention that i'm a celebrity? It's sometimes hard to deal with this much fame especially with all the women crowding around you asking you to marry them and the leagues of men idolizing you for strength, usually getting one who is like the women but it just goes to show that looks as good as these are rare, warping even the minds of those to want to taste such perfection, it's no surprise that Mercury Designs is doing so well... After all i'm the one running the show! However Luxor Academy stands in the way of my ambition as an eye-sore, one that needs to be removed and be replaced with a more stylish kind of fabrication like a superstore or somewhere we can relocate the headquarters. Unfortunately the land-owner doesn't seem to think that's such a 'good' idea, turning down my humble offer to make him filthy rich and instead teach a bunch of good for nothing idiots how to control their powers, ha! What a joke! If I can't convince this Luxor fellow to accept my offer than i'll just have to force him to."

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Last character sheet from me for a long while!


"Another batch of frail insects, I hope they'll manage to keep up with my teachings or show me something promising."
Hundun - Monster Hunting Professor
  • Name: Hundun (Simply put, Hundun.)

    Age: Unknown (Physically 34.)

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Pansexual

    Alignment (Good, Bad, neutral, etc ?): Lawful Evil

    Species: Entity of Chaos / Manifestation of Chaos

    Personality: Alike most 'villainous' individuals. Hundun has a very cold personality, one that is a bit hostile towards those he doesn't trust and sometimes is a bit aggressive towards disobedient students. Nevertheless this doesn't make him prone to other emotions such as having affections for a throne which actually causes a bit of a stir in Luxors plans (unbeknownst to him.) since thrones are corrupt figures, they can manipulate Hundun to make him go back to his old ways. Other characters may consider Hundun to be a very mean-spirited person, students have a tendency to avoid him as his punishments for disobedience are quite cruel but for the most part not inhumane.
    Hundun is said to be blood-thirsty in battle, rarely sparing mercy to his enemies unless told otherwise.

    Occupation: Monster Hunter Professor

    Bio: Hundun is an entity of Chaos that has restrictions to Luxor Academy (Because of Luxor Aurum, most likely.) Because of this he's pretty much subservient to Luxor and is subjective to Earthly human relations causing him to adapt a bit more to social-norms. Because of this he often experiences feelings such as love, anger, and so forth. Hundun was first born through a sacred monk named "Xian Qui", this monk was known to be disobedient to his elders, only wishing to acquire power instead of knowledge like his fellow brethren. Xian Qui was given several chances to redeem himself, even being taught secret meanings of life and techniques that few of the monks had privileges too, but none prevented him from seeking eternal strength. Unwilling to cooperate with elders and wanting to gain power instead of obtain peace and humility along with it. Xian Qui did what other monks were forbidden to do and entered a forbidden shrine within the monastery, one that contained methods of ritualistic summoning that was said to be the root of unspeakable devastation but also power. But these warnings only made him laugh, headstrong on obtaining this source of power and unlocking it for himself, Xian Qui opened an square-shaped artifact, one what felt to be Pandora's box as instead of granting his wish it cursed him and gave birth to an unspeakable entity of pure chaos that's sole purpose was do nothing but annihilate everything. (However he couldn't just simply blow everything up due to the fact he was awakened, It was too weak to do anything.) A being of bedlam only known as "Hundun" emerged from this box, a horrendous monstrosity which sprouted four wings from his back and four appendages from its torso, its very appearance sent shock-waves through the souls of many...

    The Monks knew they had to stop this being from kickstarting the end of the world so they put their fears aside and faced off against the beast only to be slaughtered in the end for their valiant effort. Hundun soon gained power through slaughtering innocent beings and devouring their souls, he attained so much power that Luxor was able to put a stop to him before he could get a foothold over him and possibly create a problem for Earth itself. Angels, Holy Mystics, and Supernatural entities! All of which tried to stop Hundun but failed until Luxor himself arrived. So the prodigious clash of good and evil begun, it almost seemed as if they were evenly matched, both the Angel and Chaos itself fought for generations before Luxor had came out victorious against Hundun, capturing him and making him submissive. Years upon years have passed and Hundun was forced to become subservient through the Angel's seal, eventually Hundun gained a bit more trust with Luxor over ages of servitude and became a teacher at his academy for Monster Hunting. Considering that Hundun looked like an absolute abomination and being in his true form would probably reveal most of his background, he's required at all times (unless it's an emergency) to remain in a human form. (severely dampening his powers)

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Name: Crow nightwalker

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Alignment (Good, Bad, neutral, etc ?): Chaotic neutral

Species: The deity of Fear and Nightmares

Occupation: Combat Teacher


Personality: crow is chaotic to everyone but he will not kill without a reason or motive. He will make everyone know their true fears even gods have fallen to his feet. But when it comes to kids he has a soft side and just annoyed them to no end. But when a one and trillion chance you will see him treat animals with care.

* Habits?: Causally smoke's

Bio: Born from the Fear of Human's and God's and even Demon's His true form was gross horrifying but he loved the warmth of love and acceptance. when he grew stronger and stronger he tried to befriend Human's they treated with disgust and shun him away. when he tried to befriend the God's they laughed at him and told him to return to a world of the Night. and he tried and tried to find someone to befriend but they either found him Disgusting or they laughed at him. So throughout the Millennium, He Learned that he was getting stronger with everyone's fear he then created Nightmares. First, he started with children then Adult's. soon with the stronger being's demi god's Elf's Dwarves and soon he started to feast on the Fear of the God's but he needed a weapon to hold them down since they could overpower him. or worse send him back to the beginning. Crow went to Svartalfheim, the realm of the dwarves. The dwarves, being the most skilled craftspeople in the cosmos, He made them create chains strong like Gleipnir. But his Version of them something dark and more sinister. They said it was impossible. But Crow did the Impossible and through a piece of Gleipnir and said "I could only get a piece of it. I can get things that don't exist " after a few days they made Him chain's of Darkness that were as Thin like a Ribbon But Crow could feel the Fear surged from them. he smiled and left to fight Angel's and Demons.

After a Few Milleniums of Fighting and Eating Fear. He met with Luxor he was one of the Angel's that would bring him enough strength to fight without fail. But at last, he found someone that easily found a way to defeat crow. He offered him a Hand where no one in the Multiverses would even think of doing and that gave him a chance to make friends and maybe family. But of course, Crow didn't believe him at first but over some years living in the Academy. and playing prank's on Luxor he became a teacher for Combat. who else but the person that learn how to fight to the death for fear. and with Chain's of Fear, he can do such thing.

*Likes: Fear and Nightmare's and ice cream

*Dislikes: Courage of other's and green tea

Powers and weapons:

Nightmare's of All: Crow can create Nightmare's from people's fear they have a physical form for a few hours to days depending on how much of his Energy he infuses to them some can even take full life's of human's

Blindsight: Even if left blind he can still sense where someone is located.

Mind's Eye: After years of fighting people stronger than him or as strong of supernatural beings to demi gods crow has developed minds eye that after a few minutes of fighting he can read their next move.

Chain's of Fear: Created from Svartalfheim, the realm of the dwarves. The dwarves, being the most skilled craftspeople in the cosmos, He made them create chains strong like Gleipnir. But his Version of them a dark and more sinister chain. They said it was impossible. But Crow did the Impossible and tossed piece of Gleipnir and said "I could only get a piece of it. I can get things that don't exist " after a few days they made Him chain's that emitted fear and dark purple flames and they would hide inside a weapon he design it was a pair of tongass. After luxor tested them he noticed that his darkest fears would rise from the bottom of his heart and the darkest corners of his mind. And to make them more sinister he could tell that the chains cant be broken by even him.

Link existence: he can connect to other version of himself across the multiverses. To prevent his defeated or a catastrophic problem like the school being blown up by the three thrones or Hudun or worse him dropping his ice cream.

Weakness: Sweet Dream's and Courage of others his abilities will be worthless if someone who understands his fear and faces it directly will leave crow with out a way of attacking them.

Fear and Terror: the more he feeds on the fear of others the stronger he gets.

Combat expert: after years of fighting he learned the dirtiest and best possible way to win a fight he is just knows a few martial arts he copied from others but not alot.

*Extra: his true interest is to find a way to I trap everything in true terror. And his true form is a child form but only luxor knows about it.
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Gawain Briar

►βasic ɨnformation
Name: Gawain Brair

Age: 18 (is actually 700 years old or so)

Gender: "Wanna check?" Male

Sexuality: "I like both sexes easily."

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral "I don't like being dragged down by rules."

Species: "I'm a dragon, plain and simple."


• HEIGHT • 5'9" and 1.75 meters.
• WEIGHT • 73 kg and 160.9 lbs.

Build: Lithe and lean, meant to hug the shadows

Eye color: Purple eyes

Hair color/style: Black hair but he changes the style of his hair at random.

Habits: "I have several habits but only a few that I can share. I like to...nude whenever possible."

"Goodness, little old me telling you people how my personality works. Well, first off, if I see a pair of legs and its good looking, it don't matter if your a teacher or a fellow student, I will flirt with you. Its only harmless flirting, nothing someone needs to be concerned about. I know my limits with flirting and trust me, I know when someone gets too protective when I get a little too 'close to their girl'. Hm....I don't know what else to say either than, I like being relaxed when not trying to be a klepto."

"Goody~! I get to show off my powers of shadows~!"
"I may have snatched a number of poisoned daggers, an enchanted short sword, and and a bow while....exploring a place."

Likes: "I like shiny things, jewels, and a nice breeze....no perv here, I just like being nude and having a nice breeze going. I'm no exhibitionist. Oh, I also love to dance~ and sometimes drink!"

Dislikes: "Oh gods, I have so many dislikes but I dislike people that take MY jewels or my treasure, pushy people, and people that hate dragons."

Weaknesses: "I'm squishy, meaning I'm not build for a up close and personal encounter with someone. If need be, I'll try to reason or seduce them. I can't use my shadows with a bunch of light around. Tried it before and it sucks ass. I also can't extend my shadow past a certain number of feet, how long I can hold my shadow, and how far I can travel in shadow."

Strengths: "Get me in a semi darkened place, and I am almost invisible. My shadow becomes a pseudo extension of me when in darkened places and I can make it do things that I normally couldn't humanly do."

"Oh shoot, why can't I tell people how I came to Luxor? My creator is such a damn...Nope, not going to say that since she could get angry at me for insulting her....YAY! I get to tells people~! Right so, I'm an orphan, big damn whoopee deedoo. I can give let's than a rat's ass about my upbringing. Raised by a thief and worked hard to be on my way to be guildmaster. I've hit a few snags when getting overzealous of showing off some treasure I gained from a heist some time ago, a damn idiot of the guild snitched on me for being the thief and I ended up coming to Luxor to sort of 'straighten' my 'behavior'. Not like anyone else here has a damn problem. Well, I think that sums up my past..."
Dragon form:

Code by @Starfish

Will tweak if told to
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Name:Cody Atusto




Alignment (Good, Bad, neutral, etc ?):Neutral

Species: Demon



Katashi is overall sweet and kind, he gets annoyed easily and when mad he can't control himself. As hes battling a demon inside. When hes happy he tends to stay kind and help others, when hes mad he hates everything and everyone. Sometimes everyone no matter who it is become a target. When hes sad he hides, and stays away from people, as he doesn't like to be seen as sad. Hes strong and brave in battle, but in the heat of some moments hes stupid and cocky.

* Habits?:

Katashi was born of a human and a demon, his mother worshiped an ancient dark religion and couldn't bare her own child. Katashi was born months after a visit from a demon, who "blessed" his mother with himself. Katashi tries to stay as human as possible everywhere he goes
Metal music(Death metal, heavy, deathcore etc)
video games
playing guitar

his demon side coming out
people who disrespect him(or his step sister)
the cold
Powers and weapons: Flames. He can summon and control fire. He carries around hot peppers. Any will do, but the stronger the spice, the stronger his powers get

The cold is a main thing. If hes cold, his powers weaken and he gets sick.
Temperature that can weaken him must get below 74

Heat environments. He strives on heat.

(Add occupation if you are a teacher)

I wanna post his theme but nobody will actually listen to it)

Akemi 8713
17(in appearance)
Alignment (Good, Bad, neutral, etc ?):

When happy Akemi smiles, and boy is it a bright smile, she cares for anyone who makes her smile, which might be rare.. When Akemi is mad she acts like her normal self, but colder.. If she is ever sad, go to her and comfort this poor soul, as she has been through alot, and might be unstable

Akemi was made back during -redacted-, she is an unknown being, human in appearance, though she doesn't need what humans need. She is simply, unknown . No mother, no father, nothing. Akemi was caught outside a military base next to a tomb. Said tomb is being investigated still. She has been taken to a research facility for... research, over time she has been stable enough to be let go. She has been granted leave, and is tracked from a beacon embedded in her spinal cord. Removing the chip could either kill her or paralyze her. She needs to leave every month for a check up. But she lived in an empty room alone, only interactions are from scientists checking to make sure she is still kicking. She says she is an old royal guard, waiting for her master to return and take her to heaven...

Powers and weapons:
She has a katana that cannot be broken, and emits a strange energy.
The sword, if it cuts someone, can over time begin to make the person feel paranoid, anxious, and if the persons soul is weak, scared. The effects last as long as the sword is drawn

The sword drains her energy, as she IS the source of it's abilities. The longer the person is under the swords effects, the more she weakens. Though she tells tales of when she never weakened

Strengths:Calm and composed. She is an expert in stealth and sword fighting.


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Brave Valefor.jpg

Brave Valefor

19 (Believe it or not)



Lawful Good


Deva (Hindu demi-god, direct son of Brahma)

Kind hearted and calm minded, a figure of peace and enlightenment within a body of a raging god, Brave is literally the nicest guy you know. Although silent, Brave's mere presence and kind aura inspires people to greet him with a smile and caring eyes. Brave is prone to sit down and bask in flowers and nature, a gentle giant who studies the teachings and lessons passed down through scriptures. Don't let his intimidating figure fool you, Brave is a caring and kind person, who will carry you when injured, gently pat you on the head, and Heal you when injured. The first to offer a shoulder to lean on and a chest to cry upon, Brave could be the kindest person in Luxor.

However, don't let his kindness be a sign for weakness. When crossed, Brave will stare you down with such a fierce glare, that you wont even be able to move. Brave would rather die then watch those he cares for suffer, and is loyal to almost a scary point. He is also sort of an innocent man, not really getting sexual jokes and advances mad towards him, an oblivious idiot, yet a stern correcter of social misconducts. Brave is a enlightened monk in a raging god's body, show him kindness, and you will have eternal gratitude and friendship, show him hatred, and not even the cosmos can protect you.

Brave is an oddity, yet also a sight to behold. Born of the Hindu God of Creation, Brahma, and a priestess of Kali, Brahma was an strange sight to behold. What was once human skin, gave over to armored metal and bursting energy as he grew older. The gods and mortals all feared that Brave would become a rampaging beast, destroying anything in his way as his power grew to unbelievable heights.

But to both the surprise and joy of his father and the pantheon, Brave walked the path of enlightenment, never wavering from his tasks. Brave journeyed with his teacher across the land, saving people in need and absorbing both the combat teachings and spiritual teachings of their path. Brave continued to grow, his immense strength and power being used to help the world of man and bask in the nature of the world.

But deep down, Brave felt lonely. His body that was once flesh, had fully took on the appearance of an armored deity, commonly associated with the gods. He could not revert back, his power too grand to sustain enough to maintain a human form. Brave felt fear as he walked the land, fear of the nervous glances and looks directed his way, even when he risked his being to help, there were still looks of resentment in their eyes towards the giant figure. Brave had almost lost all hope of acceptance, his father looking down in sadness at the sight. But then something amazing happened.

"Dude, you look pretty wicked! Wanna go on an adventure!" A boy around Brave's age, with the most idiotic grin had accepted Brave, a fist extended out to what Brave soon learned, was his cousin. Brave was shocked, but soon a happy aura surrounded him as Brave bumped knuckles and followed his new friend on many adventures. The sights they saw, the lessons they learned, and the opponents they fought, all of it brought happiness to Brave. More comrades joining along the way, some stubborn like his friend, others calm and collected, making Brave the 'mediator' of the group.

Brave swore loyalty to his friend, and that no matter where he went, and what decisions he made, Brave would always back him up, no matter how good or evil. And so, Brave comes to Luxor, to experience further learning, but also to make sure that his friend knows that Brave has his back.

His friend, his cousin: Ryo. Brave the Gentle God, had arrived at Luxor







Herbal Tea (Though no one knows how he drinks it)



Studying (Learning never stops!)

Protecting People

Being an overall good person

Random Violence (With the exception of Ryo, who he gives strong talkings to)

Loud Surroundings

Not a lot of things, sometimes he's too nice

Disturbing his Meditation

Brave's Weapon of choice is his calming aura before anything else, he prefers to solve problems without violence. However, when needed, Brave has:

Hand to hand/Martial Arts Master: Brave's giant fists can destroy mountains and even split the ocean and sky. Wide variety of techniques and skills were passed down to him, soaked up like a sponge.

Ki/Inner Energy channeling/creating: Brave is a literal Ki factory. Meaning he pumps out so much Raw energy, that his mere presence can cause people to faint. And when harnessed, his energy turns into deadly blasts and techniques. However, Brave mostly uses his energy as a means of meditation, healing, and calming of others. His aura has a soothing nature to it, due to his constant search of enlightenment.

Unmovable Object, Meet Unstoppable Force: Brave is strong and tough, takes a lot to take him down, so good luck with that.

Bodhisattva's Touch: Brave can repair, control, and even replace a person's soul. He can heal almost all injuries, cure diseases, and even boost peoples abilities. All this learned from his path.

God Speed: Don't let his big frame fool you, Brave will disappear in a flash and reappear in front of you, decking you with the hardest punch you've ever felt in your life.

Brave is a member of Behemoth, Ryo's gang. Actually, he could be considered Ryo's silent right hand man, keeping the jerk out of trouble, also happens to be his cousin. Brave is a mute, so don't be offended if you speak to him and he doesn't speak back, he'll either reply with his aura or have Ryo speak for him, since Ryo can read what Brave wants to say through his Ki. Brave is the 'dad' of Behemoth, cleaning up after people's messes, apologizing for their actions, and face palming when necessary.
  • tumblr_nqv27ybysq1sojsjno1_1280_by_necessity4fun-dbe5xjw.png
    Name: Judith Gniewek

    Age: Looks 25-ish, but has been around for at least 140 years

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Pansexual

    Alignment: Chaotic Evil

    Species: Rusalka

    Judith comes at first as a cheerful, slightly old-fashioned, dramatic person with a taste for theatric antics. She likes seeing the 'fireworks', making a big entrance and has a very peculiar input on the subject of love and courtship. She loves stirring up things, wreaking havoc just for the heck of it but prefers to keep it with a sense of organization, even if it's the most chaotic organization system in the universe. Judy can be more serious and reserved when needed, but the little teasings never really fade, just get toned down and more discreet.
    Get on her bad side and her personality drastically changes to a violent and bloody-thirsty individual with absolutely no regret or morality. It is hard to resist her will to pounce over the offending person in the spot and even harder to calm down. Judith enjoys that surge that comes from manipulating, controlling, and enraging others. Watching their reactions attentively, starving for the next psychological game. Boredom is terrible and will make her unusually irritated and grumpy. She's always on the move, always looking for something interesting to do.

    Judy is someone who can get ticked off pretty easily and by seemingly silly details other people don't actually care about. A display of poor manners or recklessness is an instant blacklist and the more she's mad at someone the worse it's going to be once her temper explodes for good. Judy doesn't forgive or forget and her only loyalty is to Samson, thus, even someone that was once considered a friend will be abandoned and forgotten without a second thought the moment they stop being useful. Her reaction to a partner or ex-partner dying is more along the lines of 'oh, that happened' and quickly moving on with no grudges, except for perhaps disgruntlement over the interruption of an ongoing, promising ploy.

    Near the Survival teacher, Judy's normally lacking emotions seem to spring up full-power. Everything comes about overwhelmingly, rendering her a confused, nervous mess of a person. The enamoured water spirit tries her best to remain calm and not give him too many hints of her true feelings, but on the inside, Judith is panicking like a high schooler, constantly filled with dilemmas on what her next phrase and action should be. Anything concerning the man instantly picks her interest and when talking about him she's able to go hours and hours over how wonderful and special of an individual he is. Her second life has no meaning without his existence in it and the end of their interactions brings about an existential despair on her very core. Samson could ask her to jump from a bridge and she'd probably oblige.
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Seo Sentrale


Alignment (Good, Bad, neutral, etc ?): Chaotic-Good?


Celestial Dragon (1/2 Dragon, 1/2 God(Chinese pantheon))

Heterosexual (Potatosexual)


Chang'e the Moon Goddess and Hou Yi the Sun God. Two lovers intertwined by fate and destiny. Their love was cursed, never to see each other as the sun rises and sets, the moon fades away from the light. But even though, the love the two shared and the power they held was legendary among the gods and goddess in the chinese pantheon. Cursed because of Hou Yi's shooting of the Suns, the Jade Emperor's sons. Out of retaliation, the Emperor banished Hou Yi to the earth and Chang'e to the moon, only able to see each other once a year, but even in the darkest of times, their love for each other never burned out. Truly a story of pure love.

......Too bad a cosmic dragon had to screw it up by sleeping with Chang'e on the moon and getting her pregnant. Man was that a doosey, all the other Gods rioted and raged, asking Chang'e how could this happen. She responded simply with the scariest mom glare in the world, silencing them and making sure no one told Hou Yi. And here comes to stupid part....Chang'e had Hou Yi convinced it was his, because she wasn't going to get rid of a child who had done no wrong. Hou Yi was ecstatic, looking forward to the arrival of his (Not) son.

Several months later, Seo popped out. Skin a light brown and hair ashen white. Once again, Chang'e convinced Hou Yi that their son must of been affected by elixir of immortality that she had drank to become divinity. And like an idiot, Hou Yi belived it. For eleven years, Hou Yi trained his (Not) son in archery and martial arts, teaching him the ways of the hunt, tactical maneuvers, and how to get away with pranking other gods. And like a sponge, Seo absorbed it all, his unnatural talent in archery surpassing his (Not) father, making his loving mother proud.

Let's not speak about the other gods, who don't approve of Seo, just remember the Chang'e mom glare of death. Anyway, eleven years of peace, quiet, and outright joy. Eleven Years......And on the Eleventh birthday, everything kinda just blew up. A wandering god and his grandson had been traveling the world, gaining knowledge and power. This god was friends with Chang'e and she offered him a place to stay. It just so happened that the day the god and his grandson came, was the day Hou Yi visited. He was there when the god revealed Seo's true heritage and that Seo and his Grandson are half-brothers.

Well, that also blew up quickly, Hou Yi immediately became enraged and Chang'e was like, "Meh, whatcha gonna do about it?" Long story short, Seo was taken along with the visiting god and his new brother to travel the world, also for his own safety, cause now that the truth was out, all of the chinese patheon was gunning for Seo. So Seo traveled across the world and divine realms, through underworlds and hells, learning all he could....And annoying his brother with multiple questions and getting himself into situations where his brother had to fight people WAY above his league. Seo inherited way to much of a personality from his adopted grandfather.

Archer, Martial Artist, Dragon, trickster, and tactical genius. Seo is pretty much and awkward teenager with unneccessary amount of skill and power thrown in. His actual father and his mother decided he should relax his mischevious ways at Luxor Academy with his brother.....Well, say goodbye to the school.​

* Habits?:
Likes Drawling in random places, Practicing Shooting arrows (not like he needs it, its just calming), Dancing under the moon, Bagels...Nuff said


Potatoes, Bagels(Just because) Archery, Instigating, the female gender(They're soft), Manga, Running, and handing out bagels to girls (Aw Yeah), Humans, protecting people...especially humans, doing as he pleases....and coloring/drawing of sorts. Ryo when he is not threatening to destroy his work. LYSSSSSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!


Unnecessary bloodshed from others,(But sometimes fuck it, people need to die) potato haters, girls that won't accept his bagel, Being tricked(I do the tricking here!) Authority figures (Remind you of someone?), Excessive work (Procrastinator's unite!) Random people challenging him to fights.

(Seo God Form. Ignore the sword and word)

(Seo Dragon Form)

(Seo's Bow)

Seo is unnaturally gifted with a bow and arrows. He doesn't miss...ever. Seo inherited his Not Father's legendary marksman abilities and powers, being able to shoot even things beyond the reach of space.

He is also a gifted hand to hand combatant, although he doesn't like to get up close very much. His skills inlude:

Chinese Lion Dance At a young age, Seo's mother taught Seo how to dance, hoping to keep him away from violence....Too bad that didn't work and Seo revised this into a fluid battle style that some would say is like an art form. Though he doesn't use it much because he dislikes being up close and personal. A style of flowing between blows and using precise movements with no wasted energy to defeat his opponenet.

Abilities and Powers:

Seo inherited so much from both his mother and father, using his abilities to help improve his fighting capabilities. Such as:

Ice Manipulation(Ice magic): Seo's Ice powers are so grand, he could freeze an entire continent in it's tracks. Or even freeze the blood in your body. His control over this ability is legendary, being both powerful and precise. Being able to create Ice out of thin air.

Wind Manipulation(Wind Magic): Control over wind itself. wind blades, lifting people into the sky, the air itself is his weapon.

Gravity Manipulation(Gravity Magic): Seo can crush foes with unnerving weight, create small black holes, use it to levitate and fly a bit. Can shift the gravity around objects and other people. The biggest he can shift is about a city size element, completely tired out afterwords. Uses it to control water.

Partial/Full transformation: The ability to shift parts of his body into his god and dragon forms. His god form providing a boost to his gravity and bow abilities, and his dragon form raising his hand to hand and ice/wind manipulation.

Ki channeling: Seo can channel his inner energy to improve his arrow power and reinforce his body parts. Can even be used to fire blasts of ki or ki arrows.


Seo is not a close combat fighter and it doesn't take a lot to take him down. That's why he keeps his distance, Seo is a glass cannon with a lot of power, but poor defense. Does not like long, drawn out fights, if it's not important, for amusement he will leave his companions in the middle of a fight, if he's confident that they'll survive. With all the energy he has, Seo's body can only use so much before it takes it's toll, leaving him tired and open. Can only use his gravitational powers and dragon form up to two days in cycle, if he does three days, he passes out for five days at least. Known to express his artistic capabilities on open canvases....AKA: school walls, bathroom stalls, the teacher lounge, and sometimes, peoples homes. Is LITERALLY the guy who would do anything stupid with no questions asked, piss off god? no problem, moon the principle? Sure! Cause a massive civil war between factions? I'm down for it. And just so happens to be the younger brother of a local school delinquent.​
[Main] Tobin Sheppard:
A slightly built figure with red eyes (eye contacts) and white hair (hair dye) with a predilection to use the drug MDMA (Commonly known as Molly or Ecstacy). In combat, he uses turrets, robotic constructs, and technological weapons to fight and actually has very little to no fighting skill.

[Main] Mikhail Robin:
A lighthearted boy with an innocent banter and a hobby of committing murder. He is playfully psychopathic and cheerful but also enjoys the screams of his victims. He has raven black hair, warm brown eyes, elvish ears, handcuffs on his wrists, and due to his handcuffs, he wears a shirt that has a zipper going down diagonally from left shoulder to right hip. He can manipulate elements to make them stronger and is immune to artificial elements, but does not have a weapon since they were confiscated.
Coyote Hart's RP Database - Mikhail Robin

[Substitute] Skyler Jones:
Mikhail's polar opposite, Skyler is a human half possessed by a demon that gives him cryokinetic powers. He has flame red hair, blue eyes, and chipmunk cheeks. Normally he is depressed, and quiet, though sometimes shows his wild side when he has the energy to
Coyote Hart's RP Database - Skyler Jones

[Substitute] Zac A. Rossman:
Evil teacher with a rapier. I still need to work the kinks out.
Adult Content Warning (Don't know why there's an Adult Content Warning, I assure you, there is nothing sexual)
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    • It was all me! Ciel just stood there and watched. Hmph.

      Name: Luciela 'Lu' Serona
      Age: 18
      Height: 4'7
      Weight: 78 lbs
      Race: Human
      Gender: Female
      Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
      Hair Color: White
      Eye Color: Blue

      Personality: Lu is a rather prideful person. Though in her case Lu is exceptionally so, viewing herself as one of the strongest human in existence. While it is true she is stronger than a lot, she isn't by far as strong as she makes herself out to be. If you try to call her out on it however she'll throw a tantrum like a child and attempt to prove it, followed by pouting afterwards, and usually losing. As far as she's concerned anything of significance that's done, either by an ally or Ciel himself, she was the one to do it or the person who contributed the most to the success at hand.

      She is also very childish, both in nature and in her actions, being shut off from the world most of her life. Now however she was able to experience and see everything for herself. Slowly she's growing a soft spot for the humans beyond her normal nice act to gain their trust, whether or not she fully realizes it.


      Luciela had a decently normal child-hood all things considered. Her parents lived alone, away from civilization. They kept to themselves, hunting, farming, and scavenging whatever they needed to survive save for trading goods into town here and there for funds when things got really tough. Often the elder members, her father and brother, would leave to scavenge nearby for supplies or go out to hunt. Her and her mother tended to the farm and her grandmother. Her grandmother could fend for herself well enough, but she was old and well into her long life so she did need help on occasion.

      Needless to say things were very peaceful and actually quite nice for the girl, being fourteen at the time. At times for the girl it was rather scary to think that a roving band of monsters could come and attack them, bandits, or any such things. Of course they were able to defend themselves for the most part, the rest of her family having decently powerful magic. Though that wouldn't exactly help them if they were attacked in their sleep. Though unfortunately for her what she was most paranoid about wouldn't be what would take her family from her, no something much worse and harder to bare would occur. One day her father and brother simply didn't return from their travels. The cause? They had been mauled in the dead of night by a pack of hungry wolves, not a single scrap of them remaining to be found other than a few pieces of bloody clothing. Of course Lu would never find that, simply believing they went missing or got lost.

      As for her mother and grandmother they were the unluckiest, the ones who suffered the most before their death. It was winter and without the help of the two men in the family life was much harder on the three of them, they were depending on them to hunt during winter and keep wood stocked. Lu was able to help with this, but not much, not really. Not enough to count. It wouldn't matter regardless, both females had been stricken with pneumonia and they had no way to cure it. No healers were nearby, they had no medicine...all that was left was for her mother and grandmother to suffer until they eventually died and for Luciela to watch.

      She tried everything she could but ultimately in the end it was in vain. They would pass before winter was over, leaving the girl all alone. While, essentially it was easier to sustain one person it was also harder due to it being one person in the dead of winter. Nonetheless life moved on for her, she buried her family and stayed in her home. It was the only home she'd ever been safe in and despite the sad memories the only place she felt she wished to stay. She did her best to provide for herself, being able to keep herself warm and at-least partly fed.

      About two months after the passing winter was finally coming to close, and upon rummaging around the old home she'd find the families Grimoire. An old dusty thing, but still of note and value nonetheless. Luciela didn't directly posses magic herself, though she could still make out the Grimoire. A certain page is what intrigued her, one speaking of forming a pact with a demon; an otherworldly and strong being. Loyal to her with this spell, a guardian...a friend. The ritual itself involved using her own blood both to draw a runic symbol and to bond the demon to her, but...what did she have to lose? She was alone in the world now, no one else to call friend nor family.

      Without hesitation she went forward with the spell. It was painful and hard, the act of summoning even more-so. She didn't stay conscious much after it, the details somewhat fuzzy...but she did see a man with white hair standing above her. She'd wake up the following day in her bed, a terrible headache but her wounds bandaged up. The second thing she'd notice..is she now had a spade tipped tail. Of course she freaked out a little at this, but Ciel soon appeared carrying a tray with a nice warm bowl of stew on it.

      She recognized him from the being she saw before passing out, so she sat there and calmly let him explain everything. He was now bound to her, and in turn the bond altered her. She had magic now, though he himself wasn't sure what it was. Her physical appearance and traits had also been altered, hence the tail and the likely newfound strength she felt within her. Above all what mattered to her was she had someone to speak to, talk to, and help her.

      The two would continue their peaceful life in her old home for quite some time, over the years Ciel teaching her about the outside world, things he knew, and helping her with her magic. She learned much, though still...it only made her want to learn more. It went against everything she had been taught and warned about, but she wished to leave her home. And so the girl set out with him at the age of 17 to roam and explore the land. She learned much, encountered many villages, though never stayed in any one place for longer than it took to get money to be on her way. She stayed out of the fighting as best as she could, she cared only for herself and Ciel. Nothing else mattered so long as they could live in relative peace.


      -Deserts, primarily tart
      -Anything sweet


      -Overly sour food
      -Spicy food
      -Most people in general
      -Dragons, no duh.

      Character Strengths:
      -She's a decent leader, and when she can be bothered, actually comes up with nice plans.
      -She's actually quite loyal to anyone she considers a friend.

      Character Flaws:
      -Luciela is not the most focused person, rather easily distracted. She is also quite childish.
      -She is prone to having tantrums if things are too hard or tend to not be going her way.
      -She is entirely reckless due to her pride, often leading to getting herself or those around her injured.
      -Incredibly lazy, thus is not really that dedicated to fighting most of the time.

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"Oh i'm famished, here... Come lend me a hand or a leg, Hell i’ll take it all!

~ Tarrare Tantalus ~

  • Name: Tarrare Tantalus (Famine)

    Age: Unknown

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Vore (Doesn't really have one but he's into food kind of stuff)

    Alignment (Good, Bad, neutral, etc ?): Chaotic neutral

    Species: Horseman of Apocalypse

    Personality: Famished would be one word I'd use to describe him. Considering he's the Horsemen famine. He's constantly hungry not matter how much he eats. As if he's got a pit in his stomach. He's constantly trying to fatten up students, so he can eat them. Sometimes even keeping them around to constantly feast on. He's always at least a little grumpy due to being constantly hungry. But enjoys the small group of friends he doesn't attempt to eat.

    He enjoys cooking for others, and just cooking in general. He finds it relaxing, and helps to take his mind off of other things. Like the hole burning in his gut oddly enough. He also tends to be rather strict about eating. He'll even go as far as force feeding someone if he needs to, and those that waste food will feel his ravenous wrath. He may care for his girlfriend more than he lets on. Often trying to act cool, even when her indulgence gets out of hand. Primarily getting annoyed by her indulgence of the flesh. But it's not like they're exclusive, so he can't really complain. Besides, he's more concerned if he does try and become exclusive she'll probably lose interest.


    - Grinding his teeth

    - Biting his nails, and other stuff

    - Staring at people, and drooling

    Bio: Not really much to say. He was sealed up for a while with the other horsemen. Now he's been released, and spends his time as a lunchman at Luxor Academy. Of course it seems the students have been disappearing more than usual since his arrival at Luxor. It also seems students, and staff are all gaining weight at a surprising rate. Probably just a coincidence though, no need to worry. He's your average super ancient embodiment of famine, who works as a chef at a school. Totally not suspicious! Oh, he's also in an unofficial relationship with gluttony. So that's a match made in hell.

    Although, he was annoyed by the rapture being stopped. He wanted everything to end so he wouldn't have to suffer this eternal hunger any longer. But after he got into a relationship with Gluttony he found a silver lining. So he focused more on his cooking, and relationship with Gluttony. Although, he doesn't care much for her companions. They tend to be really annoying. Always getting in the way of his plans with her. But it can't be helped. So he's just waiting for the world to end now. Enjoying his time with Gluttony while he does.

Name: Delora Melanthe

Age: 24

Gender: female

Sexuality: bisexual

Alignment: neutral

Species: Ulama


raven monster.jpg

She is often very quiet. She usually only speaks to people she trusts or respects. When she must speak to someone she doesn't know or like, she tends to give short responses and doesn't say more than needed. To most people she seems moody or downcast, but she just doesn't bother with being friendly to most people. She can be kind and compassionate with those she cares about, but she doesn't care about many people. She can be a bit of a perfectionist and an overachiever. She can be quite headstrong and often disregards her own safety and the safety of others to reach her goals.

Likes reading, she sometimes fiddles with the rings on her fingers when she is thinking or nervous.

She grew up with a powerful mother and two sisters, one older than her and one younger. Her mother was powerful in many senses, with her knowledge of the occult and a high position in society, even having gained the title, "The Morrigan". Her mother seems to be willing to sacrifice anything to maintain her reputation, even going as far as institutionalizing her daughters' father. Delora's older sister always tried to help her and steer her in the right direction, mainly to shield her from what her mother could do to her,and her younger sister was easy going and playful, often causing disruptions and bothering her sisters while playing innocent in front of their mother. As she got older, her mother sent her to Luxor Academy because she believed it would be a good opportunity for her, and possibly serve her well to meet other supernatural beings.

Shape shifting: She has the ability to transform into a large, raven-like creature with sharp talons that is strong enough to carry a human.
Avian communication: Her transformation power also allows her to communicate with birds in and out of her raven form.
Shadow/darkness manipulation: She has the power to control darkness, making her able to able to generate, shape, and solidify shadows.

She always carries a dagger crafted by her mother with her.
Morrigan Athame.jpg

She wears a key around her neck that gives her visions. These visions can vary from things currently happening or events that will occur in the near future (usually just moments away).
Vision key.jpg

Bright light, fire, lightning, being angry causes her to lose control of her powers.

being in darkness and the cold.
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Name: Faraday Barrow

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Sexuality: homosexual

Alignment: Good

Species: Keravnos


Lightning lizard.jpg

Faraday has been mistreated most of his life. People often cast him out due to his odd appearance, as well as other things. This causes him to be a bit reserved and shy, but he still tries to be a good person. He does his best to be kind to others, but can be a bit unfriendly when he's angry. He doesn't always voice his thoughts, because he feels like nobody would want to hear them. He often pretends that everything is fine whenever he's suffering inside. He is a bit protective and territorial, as is common with his kind.

He gets a bit fidgety when he's excited or nervous.

He grew up with people being unkind to him. He wasn't human, so they didn't feel the need to treat him like one. But through this all, his parents were supportive of him, and raised him as best they could. They told him that what other people said and did to bring him down didn't matter, because he was his own person. Although his parent's support kept him from changing greatly, he still became a bit drawn into himself. Later, hoping he would get the opportunity to learn and make some friends, his parents sent him to the prestigious Luxor Academy. Paying for it wasn't that big of a deal for them, as they had horded many gems, works of art, and gold over their years.

Electric Sense: He can sense electricity, almost like he can feel it, pulsing through wires and cables.
Electrokinesis: He has the power to manipulate and generate electricity. His power to sense electric currents makes him able to interfere with them, allowing him to cause electronics to malfunction.
Electromagnetism: This gives him the ability to make magnetic and anti-magnetic effects, granting him the power to create shockwaves and levitate metal objects.
Electric Drain: He is able to drain electricity, effectively "recharging" him and even healing damage inflicted upon him.

He cannot swim in large bodies of water, as his body naturally generates electricity, and doing this causes it to expel, harming him. He also cannot use firearms, as they explode when he holds them.

His scales make him more resilient to physical damage. Lightning is also a more powerful source of energy than normal electricity, so when it is storming, he is able to use it to his advantage and boost his powers.

Private Security firm name
Umbrella corp
Unit name:
Luxor Student Recovery Team

Recover lost students after battles if the student(s) are not accounted for. OR Eliminate students gone mad and cannot be saved, and subdue the ones that can be saved

For Search and rescue


For subduing


Fires teargas grenades and nets. Also fires concussion rounds.

Hired by Luxor
Led by Elena Anderson(CS in the works, won't be up till tomorrow)


Capture and rescue

extradimensional students. Being able to faze into different realities or pockets of space

Designed to secure contain or destroy supernatural beings. If they're proven a threat... UC is hired by supernatural schools or holding facilities. They have an army to rival any known military. Why they were hired is strictly classified. But if you ask the locals... They might tell you...

Powers and weapons:
Electrical ammo, meant to stun people
Sprays foam that hardens overtime. It's very dense and heavy when it hardens. Like holding a boulder, and tough like a block of titanium. Only way to remove it is with sea water. And a beam weapon that can make a person feel like they are burning.
ships(think of normal air carriers and what not)
Holds up to fifteen agents each, and has sonic cannons that fire loud waves of sound that makes a person sick. And rockets that, when imbedded into the ground, open up as electrical rods that shock anyone within fifteen feet

Do not. Go mad students...
Permission given by Kisaki Kisaki
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Byakko Taro

“Effort is for talentless morons. I don't need it.”

“Dying sounds like a lot of work. I'd rather not.”
  • 455ecc8be6a8944db6160a939b8b1bcd.jpg
    Name: Byakko Taro

    Age: 19 (physically), real age undetermined

    Gender: Male

    Height: 5'9

    Weight: 130lbs

    Sexuality: “Eh who has time for that” (Bisexual)

    Species: Ssu-Ling Celestial Creature

    Alignment: Neutral
(I'm having trouble with this thing so I'll edit it once I have my Labtop. Also, mobile version is not done.)
display: none;

//this allows all the content I don't want to be
seen until clicked to be hidden,
or not on display until I code otherwise//


border:2px solid #000000;

//the border around the Image//

//pointer-evnets:none; is my favorite peice of//
//code because it removes the "click for full size" tool tip//
//on the image and I personally find that really annoying //
//and distracting//

margin:10px Auto;margin-right:5px;
font-family:Book Antiqua;

//The red buttons above the Images//


[class name=ImagButton state=hover]

//what the Imagebutton looks like//
// when a cursor hovers over it//


margin:10px Auto;

//what the image button looks like when clicked on//

[script class=ImagButton on=click]
removeClass ImagButtonClick ImagButton
addClass ImagButtonClick
//above allows the user to toggle between a clicked and non-clicked colored button//

set link (getText)
//above sets the link to what ever text I put on the button within a div//

if (eq "${link}" "Face") (show Head)
if (eq "${link}" "Face") (hide Body)
if (eq "${link}" "Face") (hide Form)
if (eq "${link}" "Clothes") (show Body)
if (eq "${link}" "Clothes") (hide Head)
if (eq "${link}" "Clothes") (hide Form)
if (eq "${link}" "Angel Form") (show Form)
if (eq "${link}" "Angel Form") (hide Head)
if (eq "${link}" "Angel Form") (hide Body)

//this says "if the class "ImageButton" is used and div says "Face" set that as a link,//
//and when it's clicked show the class named "Head". The next line says to hide the other classes or in this case images//

margin:10px Auto;margin-right:50px;
font-family:Book Antiqua;

//The Buttons for the extra CS information//

[class name=CSButton state=hover]

//How the extra info looks when a cursor hovers over it//

margin10px Auto;margin-right:50px;
font-family:Book Antiqua;

//How the extra info button looks when clicked//

margin:3px Auto;margin-right:5px;
font-family:Book Antiqua;

//The Button that switches between a mobile friendly design and desktop design//

margin:3px Auto;margin-right:5px;
font-family:Book Antiqua;

//The switching button when its clicked//

[class name=MobileButton state=hover]
margin:3px Auto;margin-right:5px;
font-family:Book Antiqua;

//the switch button when a cursor points over it//

[script class=MobileButton on=click]
removeClass MobileButtonClick MobileButton
addClass MobileButtonClick

//Above toggles the clicked and non-clicked coloring//

set link (getText)
//sets a link with the text inside the Divs using this class//
if (eq "${link}" "Mobile Users") (hide Desktop)
if (eq "${link}" "Mobile Users") (show MobileContent)
if (eq "${link}" "Mobile Users") (hide MobileButtonOne)
if (eq "${link}" "Desktop Users") (hide MobileContent)
if (eq "${link}" "Desktop Users") (show Desktop)
if (eq "${link}" "Desktop Users") (show MobileButtonOne)

// "If the class is used on a div saying 'Mobile Users' Show the mobile design and hide the desktop design"//

// The Difference between Mobile and Desktop designs are that the Buttons above the Third Column are IN the column and not in the First Row with the Image Buttons, this allows a phone to// //display it With the information and not at the Top of the design with the Image buttons, causing a user to scroll up and down continuously, also with my margins set how they are the buttons //
//will look scattered on the page. //

[script class=CSButton on=click]
removeClass CSButtonClick CSButton
addClass CSButtonClick
set link (getText)
if (eq "${link}" "History") (show ContentHistory)
if (eq "${link}" "History") (hide ContentPersonality)
if (eq "${link}" "Personality") (show ContentPersonality)
if (eq "${link}" "Personality") (hide ContentHistory)

//The same as the other scripts but with the extra info buttons, half of coding, for me at least, is copy, paste, change one little thing, repeat.//

//So below is where I actually put together the design and one thing to keep in mind is that within the//
//Divs you can name new classes inside it and that's what you use when using the show [new named class] //
//or hide [new named class] or any script function with the class. //
//Anything in the [div] [/div] tags with the button class are what the links are set to,//
// so if you change the name here you have to go back to the scripts and change the name to match. //

// You can style that Individual element with a: style="Regular div code" in a div tag after the class
//EX [div class=Classname style="Background-color:#000000;"]//
//style=" " adds to that specific Div and only with in that div //
//(but it may affect other elements depending on what you add,//
// like where I set a right margin pushes the other button as well)//
// Remember that long urls are Images //
//and # followed by letters and numbers are colors //
//and the only color that is named is white within the classes above//

[div class="MobileButtonOne MobileButton"]Mobile Users

[div class="Desktop base"]
[div class=ImagButton style="Margin-left:40px;"]Face[/div][div class=ImagButton]Clothes[/div][div class=ImagButton]Angel Form[/div]
[div class=CSButton style="margin-right:80px;"]History[/div][div class=CSButton]Personality[/div]

[div class="Img Head"]View attachment 439097[/div][div class="Img Body hidden"]View attachment 439095[/div][div class="Img Form hidden"]View attachment 439096[/div]
Age: " Why would I ever tell you?"
Gender: Female
Species: Archangel of Judgement
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Alignment: Good (kind of borderline)
Occupation: Head of Discipline Committee and Councilor
Extra: Own's a Bar. She only has two sets of wings.

Apperance: 9005c71ab368d9b44cedc1fa73420603e2b2ceb5_hq.jpg

Mei is often seen with her hair in a ponytail. She's a cloth enthusiast and always has a different outfit each day. On the back of her neck there's a tattoo of the eye of houris.

[div class="ContentPersonality"]
Powers: Earth manipulation, Wind manipulation, Flower blades, Regeneration (Slightly above average) , Lie detector, and has the ability to see the past

Personality: " Some may call me mean but I'm one the most honest people out there. I try to act nice and innocent but that gets tiring when someone is bothering you to the point you want to explode. I got to say I have really colorful vocabulary. I try no to use it around Luxy since he complains about it. I'm a little rowdy and I like to have fun. I don't mind relaxing time and to time but l like to have fun before I have to fix someones shit. If you mess with any of my crew I'll hunt you down and make your life miserable. I'll laugh and bask in the sun as I watch you write an 1000 page essay about ethics."

Likes: Gardening, fashion, motorcycles, crime shows, jabbing baddies, and drinking wine.

Dislikes:Someone messing up her garden, bratty teenagers, and fixing stuff.

[/div][div class="ContentHistory hidden"]
“ I am Mei Dascana. I'm a pretty girl with a great personality. I’m a cousin of Luxor. I pretty much his only family/friend while we were young. To the little shits reading this, If you get on my nerves you'll be sorry. Love you though. Carry on, I hanged out with Goldilocks when we were kids. I was taller than him..until her grew like he was on fertilizer. Uh.. some of my memories are hazy. I have been traveling across the world for sometime and never really settled down.”​

[/div][div class="MobileContent hidden"][class=base] background:white; width:90%; margin:10px auto; padding:10px; //Ok so if you want to keep the Mobile design you will do a lot of copy and pasting // //BUT do not name anything besides "base" and "MobileButton" the same as the classes and links above// //they HAVE TO BE SEPARATE IN ORDER TO WORK PROPERLY.// //as you can see I just put the letter B behind everything to separate it// //Numbers don't work in class names from what I can tell// //IF YOU DON"T WANT THE MOBILE FRIENDLY PART// // 1. delete from [div class="MobileContent hidden"]// //all the way to the last [/column][/row] in the design// //you may have to delete a [/div] or two after that , how you can tell is when you preview the code you'll see// // [/div] at the bottom of the design and you just need to delete it at the bottom f the code and you will be good// //2. Delete all the MobileButton classes and, the Mobile Button Script// // and the Div that uses the MobileButton class// [/class] [class=hiddenB] display: none; [/class] [class=ImgB] border:2px solid #000000; line-height:0px; margin-left:5px; pointer-events:none; [/class] [class=ImagButtonB] background:#AA0101; border-radius:5px; margin:10px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:23%; text-align:center; float:left; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:White; [/class] [class name=ImagButtonB state=hover] cursor:pointer; Background-color:#48107E; color:red; [/class] [class=ImagButtonClickB] background:#330B5A; border-radius:5px; margin:10px Auto; margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:23%; color:white; [/class] [class=contentB] box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 15px; text-align: justify; [/class] [script class=ImagButtonB on=click] removeClass ImagButtonClickB ImagButtonB addClass ImagButtonClickB set link (getText) if (eq "${link}" "Face") (show HeadB) if (eq "${link}" "Face") (hide BodyB) if (eq "${link}" "Face") (hide FormB) if (eq "${link}" "Clothes") (show BodyB) if (eq "${link}" "Clothes") (hide HeadB) if (eq "${link}" "Clothes") (hide FormB) if (eq "${link}" "Angel Form") (show FormB) if (eq "${link}" "Angel Form") (hide HeadB) if (eq "${link}" "Angel Form") (hide BodyB) [/script] [class=CSButtonB] background:#AA0101; border-radius:5px; margin:5px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:5px; Width:35%; float:right; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:White; text-align:center; [/class] [class name=CSButtonB state=hover] cursor:pointer; Background-color:#48107E; color:red; [/class] [class=CSButtonClickB] background:#330B5A; border-radius:5px; margin:5px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:5px; Width:35%; float:right; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:White; text-align:center; [/class] [script class=CSButtonB on=click] removeClass CSButtonClickB CSButtonB addClass CSButtonClickB set link (getText) if (eq "${link}" "History") (show ContentHistoryB) if (eq "${link}" "History") (hide ContentPersonalityB) if (eq "${link}" "Personality") (show ContentPersonalityB) if (eq "${link}" "Personality") (hide ContentHistoryB) [/script][div class=MobileButton]Desktop Users[/div]
[div class=base]
[div class=ImagButtonB style="Margin-left:30px;"]Face[/div][div class=ImagButtonB]Clothes[/div][div class=ImagButtonB]Dragon[/div]

[div class="Img HeadB"]
[/div][div class="Img BodyB hidden"]
[/div][div class="Img FormB hidden"]
Age: 16
Country of Origin:
Occupation: S


ON Mobile the size of the ammount of text doesn't matter since mobile stacks columns ontop of each other but I still like to make it match as much as I can cause it looks nice

[div class=CSButtonB style="margin-right:55px;"]History[/div][div class=CSButtonB]Personality[/div]
[div class="ContentPersonalityB"]


Personality: You need a paragraph to line up the sizes of the text to match (if your image is the same size as the one I used), or a bunch otf
or press enter a lot after to match your FIRST image

accumsan lacinia libero vitae aliquam. Vivamus quis purus a nunc consectetur rhoncus. Maecenas eget mauris augue. Nam rutrum egestas arcu, et mollis lectus aliquet vel. Mauris semper ante in vestibulum facilisis. Nulla pellentesque nibh dolor, vel posuere dui interdum eget.



[/div][div class="ContentHistoryB hidden"]

Character History
You need a bout two paragraphs here to line up the sizes of the text to match (if your image is the same size as the one I used), or a bunch otf
or press enter a lot after to match your FIRST image

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ac ipsum ut augue placerat pretium sed sed augue. Ut ipsum leo, tincidunt vitae dictum at, maximus et nulla. Donec accumsan lacinia libero vitae aliquam. Vivamus quis purus a nunc consectetur rhoncus. Maecenas eget mauris augue. Nam rutrum egestas arcu, et mollis lectus aliquet vel. Mauris semper ante in vestibulum facilisis. Nulla pellentesque nibh dolor, vel posuere dui interdum eget.

Code by AgWordSmith AgWordSmith
Elena Anderson
Alignment (Good, Bad, neutral, etc ?):
Super human

Though she is smiling now, she is usually stubborn and angry. Or just plain neutral. She either shows little emotion or enough for the situation. She can be happy, but it's rare for her.
* Habits?:
Walks around with a large coat on her back, not usually wearing it.
Elena Anderson grew up in a rich family. She never really knew her parents and never had friends. Elena, at age ten, took to shooting with one of her dads old war friends. She would go hunting and fishing. At twelve she lost her parents and inherited their wealth. She later bought a small security firm when she was seventeen. When she was eighteen she joined the military, marines. When she got out at age twenty five, she made the security firm stronger but using her connections from her military career to hire more people. Over the past four years she has bought the best equipment money can buy, along with developing her own.

Powers and weapons:
Enhanced with implants to make her faster and stronger, along with an enhanced ability to heal herself over time(small wounds take minutes or hours, and so on and so forth). two handguns that fire her specialty ammo(shock rounds) or normal ammo.
she can break bones lifting some things, ie boulders tanks cars etc.
sometimes reactions can pull or strain her muscles. Yes her ability to heal fixes it, but doesn't work when she has adrenaline in her system. So only out of fights can she heal.
She's quick on her feet and hits harder than what she looks like. She has an army at her finger tips...
Wouldn't say she's a teacher, but she isn't a student. Just on campus security. She is followed by two of her trusted soldiers. She refrains from being seen in public. She moves inbetween students classes, and not when they're switching

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Akari Sen

Chaotic neutral
Blessed human
[/div][div class=centerimage][/div][div class=contentwrap][div class=scrollbox][div class=title]Personality[/div]
[div class=title]Virtues[/div][div class=text] Independent, persistent, brave[/div]

[div class=title]Vices[/div][div class=text] Stubborn, tsundere (can't admit how she truly feels), arrogant[/div]

[div class=title]Likes[/div][div class=text] Exploring, adventures, treasure hunting, stealing, Sousuke (her adoptive father)[/div]

[div class=title]Dislikes[/div][div class=text] Admitting she' wrong, doing things halfway, bossy people, sitting still for too long[/div]

[div class=title]Habits[/div][div class=text] Cracks her knuckles, chews the inside of her cheeks, tapping her foot when restless.[/div]

[div class=title]Strengths[/div][div class=text] Doesn't give up attitude, magic sword, survival skills[/div]

[div class=title]Weakness[/div][div class=text] Money, being a host to Nai-no-kami for too long, anything academic[/div]

[div class=title]Bio[/div][div class=text] Akari was born in the streets of Kyoto, Japan. Her mother, deciding that she was too young to be, abandoned her child in the doorstep of an orphanage. The babe grew up unwanted, it was like some sort of curse. There was an aura or a feeling about her that made people feel uneasy. As ridiculous and paranoid that may sound, it made her distant with the world and thought her existence was a bloody joke. Her own parents didn't want her, but she won't be a sappy emo. This just means she can do whatever she wants! After turning 15, she ran away.

Surviving by stealing and lying, and always slipping from the cops. But stealing from a group of treasure hunters was a bad choice. She got caught soon after, but her never give up tenacity swayed the leader's, Sousuke Sen's, heart and he took her in. Akari continued stealing from him and tried to run away, but no matter what she tried, she couldn't find a way to lose the old man.

They grew a strange relationship, maybe a mutual respect was the closest you could call it. The old man wouldn't admit to anything more. Sousuke was the closest thing to family Akari got. They both couldn't admit to their feelings, similar in their stubborn ways. When Sousuke told Akari to take his family name as her own, she blushed and couldn't look him in the eye, and said "yes" in a grudging way. Only to get hit on her head lightly by rolled up paper held together with a pen. Just as she was about to shout at the old man, she saw that his ears were red and looked away too as he told her to sign the papers.

The group continued to hunt down historic treasures, myths and legends and sold what they found to museums and rich clients. Digging up god's tales and chasing folk tales with no solid evidence. They eventually found a lead about a legendary sword with 2 souls, locked in 'the heart of Japan' by a war god. After months and months of searching, many of the members gave up on the quest and started another. But not Akari.

The trail took her to Izumo province, where she encountered a self-claimed god who told her he was her father. Akari burst out laughing and called him crazy. The lunatic only smiled and told here where she can find 'the heart'. Without any other leads, she followed the lunatic's directions. Ending up in a deep cavern in the mountains. Hidden away was a weathered path with an avenue of old, broken lanterns. At the end of the path... was Muramasa the legendary sword.

As Akari unsheathed the blade, it released the thousand year old spirit. It immediately called her 'child of Okuninushi', and claimed her worthy to wield him; the powers of the god sealed within him was a different story.

[div class=title]Weapons[/div][div class=text] Black demon katana, Muramasa[/div]
[div class=text]Muramasa was forged in the depths of Yomi, granting a worthy master the power to manipulate hell-fire when the sword is drawn. The blade became infamous for its deadly sharp edge and powers. Whoever was engulfed in blue and black flames was feared. For the first few centuries since its creation, kamis of chaos, calamity and war fought over it. Maramuse adored the attention, and ended up in the hands of a righteous god of war after a fearsome battle. The god used the katana to seal the god of earthquakes, Nai-no-kami. And hid it deep in what he called, "the heart of Japan".[/div]
[div class=title]Muramasa[/div]


[div class=title]Summoning Nai-no-kami[/div]
[div class=text]"I, Akari Sen, shares my body with you, Nai-no-kami. Release your wrath upon my enemies!"[/div]

[div class=title]Powers/Abilities[/div]
[div class=title]Enhanced Swordsmanship[/div][div class=text] [/div]
[div class=title]Hell-fire Manipulation[/div][div class=text] [/div]
[div class=title]Gravitational Slash[/div][div class=text] [/div]
[/div][div class=loadpage][div class=greeting]Some say a katana has a soul...

Legend says the strongest has two
[/div][div class=enter]click me[/div][/div]
credits RI.a RI.a faceclaim 千夜QYS3

Name: Akari Sen
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Species: Blessed Human

Virtues: Independent, persistent, brave

Vices: Stubborn, tsundere (can't admit how she truly feels), arrogant

Habits: Cracks her knuckles, chews the inside of her cheeks, tapping her foot when restless.

Bio: Akari was born in the streets of Kyoto, Japan. Her mother, deciding that she was too young to be, abandoned her child in the doorstep of an orphanage. The babe grew up unwanted, it was like some sort of curse. There was an aura or a feeling about her that made people feel uneasy. As ridiculous and paranoid that may sound, it made her distant with the world and thought her existence was a bloody joke. Her own parents didn't want her, but she won't be a sappy emo. This just means she can do whatever she wants! After turning 15, she ran away.

Surviving by stealing and lying, and always slipping from the cops. But stealing from a group of treasure hunters was a bad choice. She got caught soon after, but her never give up tenacity swayed the leader's, Sousuke Sen's, heart and he took her in. Akari continued stealing from him and tried to run away, but no matter what she tried, she couldn't find a way to lose the old man.

They grew a strange relationship, maybe a mutual respect was the closest you could call it. The old man wouldn't admit to anything more. Sousuke was the closest thing to family Akari got. They both couldn't admit to their feelings, similar in their stubborn ways. When Sousuke told Akari to take his family name as her own, she blushed and couldn't look him in the eye, and said "yes" in a grudging way. Only to get hit on her head lightly by rolled up paper held together with a pen. Just as she was about to shout at the old man, she saw that his ears were red and looked away too as he told her to sign the papers.

The group continued to hunt down historic treasures, myths and legends and sold what they found to museums and rich clients. Digging up god's tales and chasing folk tales with no solid evidence. They eventually found a lead about a legendary sword with 2 souls, locked in 'the heart of Japan' by a war god. After months and months of searching, many of the members gave up on the quest and started another. But not Akari.

The trail took her to Izumo province, where she encountered a self-claimed god who told her he was her father. Akari burst out laughing and called him crazy. The lunatic only smiled and told here where she can find 'the heart'. Without any other leads, she followed the lunatic's directions. Ending up in a deep cavern in the mountains. Hidden away was a weathered path with an avenue of old, broken lanterns. At the end of the path... was Muramasa the legendary sword.

As Akari unsheathed the blade, it released the thousand year old spirit. It immediately called her 'child of Okuninushi', and claimed her worthy to wield him; the powers of the god sealed within him was a different story.

*Likes: Exploring, adventures, treasure hunting, stealing, Sousuke (her adoptive father)

*Dislikes: Admitting she' wrong, doing things halfway, bossy people, sitting still for too long

Weapons: Demon katana, Muramasa
Muramasa was forged in the depths of Yomi, granting a worthy master the power to manipulate hell-fire when the sword is drawn. The blade became infamous for its deadly sharp edge and powers. Whoever was engulfed in blue and black flames was feared. For the first few centuries since its creation, kamis of chaos, calamity and war fought over it. Maramuse adored the attention, and ended up in the hands of a righteous god of war after a fearsome battle. The god used the katana to seal the god of earthquakes, Nai-no-kami. And hid it deep in what he called, "the heart of Japan".


"I, Akari Sen, shares my body with you, Nai-no-kami. Release your wrath upon my enemies!"

Enhanced Swordsmanship
Hell-fire Manipulation
Gravitational Slash

Weakness: Money, being a host to Nai-no-kami for too long, anything academic

Strengths: Doesn't give up attitude, magic sword, survival skills

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