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Fantasy Luxor Academy (Always Accepting)

Name: Referred as Usagi (Jack Alistar)




Being:Usagimimi (bunny demon)

Classes:None for now (Teacher assistant)

Clubs:coming and detective

Apperance : <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/1484e7e44bf6b4e755ba250f82012722.jpg.1bc65305d10b76c9257de1beed10b7c2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="149325" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/1484e7e44bf6b4e755ba250f82012722.jpg.1bc65305d10b76c9257de1beed10b7c2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(The kimono is white and blue. Bunny mask is white also. Usagi has white messy hair and blue eyes)

Weapon: twin katanas

Bio:His real name is Jack Alistar. A prince from a far away land covered in snow. His soul is made up from dead individuals. This causes him to lose control of his body at certain times.

Other:He is not Jack for right now. This guy has alternative memories.



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about me





Uniorn centaur

sexual orientation:



Crystal was treated poorly by the elders and some adults in her herd when she was young, because of her unicorn appearance and that her father was a unknown outsider. She was accepted by the other kids in the herd, which help her stay positive during hard times. When she was ten she had a close incounter with a monster that was after her and the herd. After that day she stayed within a two mile radius of the herd to lower the chance of causing harm to the herd.


She rarely uses her sword but she will have it if needed



school stuff
Dorm or house:



- Math








Crystal is a bit smaller than other centaurs, which makes her a bit more agile. She also know a little healing magic.
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Accepted! :)

LinkyGirl said:


about me





Uniorn centaur

sexual orientation:



Crystal was treated poorly by the elders and some adults in her herd when she was young, because of her appearance and that her father was a unknown outsider. She was accepted by the other kids in the herd, which help her stay positive during hard times. When she was ten she had a close incounter with a monster that was after her and the herd. After that day she stayed within a two mile radius of the herd to lower the chance of causing harm to the herd.


She rarely uses her sword but she will have it if needed



school stuff
Dorm or house:



- Math








Crystal is a bit smaller than other centaurs, which makes her a bit more agile. She also know a little healing magic.
Name: Celestial Stardust

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Being? (What are you): Neko

sexual orientation: Pansexual

Dorm or house: Dorm

classes: English

Combat Class

Monster History

Magic class


Creative Writing


Library assistant

clubs: Art, Anime, Literature, astrology

Bio: She used to be a regular kitten that was left in a box with all her other brothers and sisters. She was the last little kitten to be in that box. She was caught in the rain one day and was crying for someone to take her home, anyone. Until a very nice man came by and picked her up. He was a wizard that has been trying to find the perfect familiar. He brought her home and set her down onto his couch and sat next to her. He gave her a name and used magic so she could become a human. He had taught her and took care of her for the whole time since he took her in. He decided that it would be beneficial for her if she went to the academy. He wanted her to meet new people and get a grasp of the world as she is(Since he made her human). She's soft spoken and quiet. She has polite conversations with people she doesn't know and acts passively until she gets comfortable with someone. She then shows who she really is which is teasing and likes saying strange things to bring out reactions of people. She could get irritable in certain instances where she wants to be alone in a quiet place (Will most likely spend most of her time in the library). She's originally a cat so she'll sometimes act like a cat.

This is what she looks like except her eyes are violet with Hazel flecks in her left eyes and blue fleck in the other. The second form is when she can turn into a cat.

Weapon:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/upload_2016-8-6_22-54-17.png.30a527c9bafdd31d8dcc386176b3d2b9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="149345" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/upload_2016-8-6_22-54-17.png.30a527c9bafdd31d8dcc386176b3d2b9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>She could also use her singing to calm any form of tension. I know it may not be considered a power, but it literally has a purpose of calming even wars and other tragedies.

this is the wizard and his name Archilles[Arch-el-ees] Stardust. He won't attend the academy so I won't add him but Celestial will mention him and speak with him on the phone sometimes. Idk, should I? He could have appearances sometimes but maybe he could be like an air of mystery or something? =w=

I wish I could draw my own characters x-x this would be ten times more enjoyable to roleplay if I could >.> Like draw them owo these images are from google =w=



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Accepted ;)

SoulGalaxyWolf said:
Name: Celestial Stardust
Age: 17

Gender: Female

Being? (What are you): Neko

sexual orientation: Pansexual

Dorm or house: Dorm

classes: English

Combat Class

Monster History

Magic class


Creative Writing


Library assistant

clubs: Art, Anime, Literature, astrology

Bio: She used to be a regular kitten that was left in a box with all her other brothers and sisters. She was the last little kitten to be in that box. She was caught in the rain one day and was crying for someone to take her home, anyone. Until a very nice man came by and picked her up. He was a wizard that has been trying to find the perfect familiar. He brought her home and set her down onto his couch and sat next to her. He gave her a name and used magic so she could become a human. He had taught her and took care of her for the whole time since he took her in. He decided that it would be beneficial for her if she went to the academy. He wanted her to meet new people and get a grasp of the world as she is(Since he made her human). She's soft spoken and quiet. She has polite conversations with people she doesn't know and acts passively until she gets comfortable with someone. She then shows who she really is which is teasing and likes saying strange things to bring out reactions of people. She could get irritable in certain instances where she wants to be alone in a quiet place (Will most likely spend most of her time in the library). She's originally a cat so she'll sometimes act like a cat.

This is what she looks like except her eyes are violet with Hazel flecks in her left eyes and blue fleck in the other. The second form is when she can turn into a cat.

Weapon:View attachment 329852She could also use her singing to calm any form of tension. I know it may not be considered a power, but it literally has a purpose of calming even wars and other tragedies.

this is the wizard and his name Archilles[Arch-el-ees] Stardust. He won't attend the academy so I won't add him but Celestial will mention him and speak with him on the phone sometimes. Idk, should I? He could have appearances sometimes but maybe he could be like an air of mystery or something? =w=

I wish I could draw my own characters x-x this would be ten times more enjoyable to roleplay if I could >.>
Name: Joey

Age: 17,00 (17 in human years)

Gender: Male

Being? (What are you): Hybrid dragon

sexual orientation: Bisexual

Dorm or house: house (lives in a cave)

classes: Math, combat, magic, potions, and history

clubs: None

Bio: Ever since his dragon parents died Joey lived in a cave that's close to a town. But he still lived in the forest with people being afraid of him and he didn't mind that he always thought that dragons were monsters with humans. Then up to now he has been training with his magic and he knows a spell to transform into a human with no dragon parts on his body so he blended in with humans pretty well and he Joined the school because he thought that he needed friends and maybe a lover and tell them about his secret being a dragon and hope they won't be afraid of him and try to kill him

Human form
dragon form

Weapon: he can create an sword bow an arrow daggers with his magic

Others: his magic is ice and he is a bookworm
Accepted :) (I'll be active tomorrow )

animefan374 said:
Name: Joey
Age: 17,00 (17 in human years)

Gender: Male

Being? (What are you): Hybrid dragon

sexual orientation: Bisexual

Dorm or house: house (lives in a cave)

classes: Math, combat, magic, potions, and history

clubs: None

Bio: Ever since his dragon parents died Joey lived in a cave that's close to a town. But he still lived in the forest with people being afraid of him and he didn't mind that he always thought that dragons were monsters with humans. Then up to now he has been training with his magic and he knows a spell to transform into a human with no dragon parts on his body so he blended in with humans pretty well and he Joined the school because he thought that he needed friends and maybe a lover and tell them about his secret being a dragon and hope they won't be afraid of him and try to kill him

Human form
dragon form

Weapon: he can create an sword bow an arrow daggers with his magic

Others: his magic is ice and he is a bookworm
Name: Slade Heart

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Being: Shape-Shifter

sexual orientation: Heterosexual

Dorm or house: Dorm

classes: History, Science, Monster History, Combat, Math

clubs: Cooking

Bio: Slade lived with his loving family of his mother, father and baby sister. They led a mostly normal life with they exception of Slade's abilities. His parents were zoological researchers and traveled semi-frequently but still were home enough. He still writes home every now and then. He also has some hopes that his sister will develop powers as well.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/upload_2016-8-7_1-57-29.png.f3a4d04fda2dd6b0648a4074cfe534a7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="149374" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/upload_2016-8-7_1-57-29.png.f3a4d04fda2dd6b0648a4074cfe534a7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon: He is capable of changing his size obviously to become larger or smaller. As well he can change into most animals with few stipulations. As far as weaponry he can use chains, rope and lasso's effectively.

Others: His personality may be effected by his animal form.



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Accepted :) I be more active tomorrow.

Seraph said:
Name: Slade Heart
Age: 17

Gender: Male

Being: Shape-Shifter

sexual orientation: Heterosexual

Dorm or house: Dorm

classes: History, Science, Monster History, Combat, Math

clubs: Cooking

Bio: Slade lived with his loving family of his mother, father and baby sister. They led a mostly normal life with they exception of Slade's abilities. His parents were zoological researchers and traveled semi-frequently but still were home enough. He still writes home every now and then. He also has some hopes that his sister will develop powers as well.


View attachment 329938

Weapon: He is capable of changing his size obviously to become larger or smaller. As well he can change into most animals with few stipulations. As far as weaponry he can use chains, rope and lasso's effectively.

Others: His personality may be effected by his animal form.
Name- Astaroth, Astarte, Ashtoreth, Ishtar, Inanna, etc. (Body formally belonged to witch Corvina Romani) known also as Easy A, Entropy's Agent and the Humanizer.

Age- unimaginably ancient, body seems 19 or so

Gender- Body is female but A is gender-less

Being?- Demon/Fallen Angel/Pagan God/etc

Sexual orientation- Pan

Dorm or house- Dorm

Classes- doesn't know, doesn't care. Will probably just come to your class and hassle you.

Clubs- The Art of Mindless Self Indulgence



Batshit insane

An extremist advocate of free will, anarchy and social Darwinism, A wants nothing more than to take you to the edge and then give you a nudge. Fallen from grace for it's ideals, A roamed the Earth taking on various forms to promote and perpetuate war, sexuality and procreation, as well as other facets of uninhibited self-indulgence, as a God or Demon. A will actively instigate and is almost always completely impartial to the cause; A is only around as long as it's enjoyable.

Do what you want, when you want, how you want by any means necessary-kind of person and is thoroughly enjoying a newfound humanity and the pleasures of the flesh.

Normally, A won't actually fight anybody, just push their buttons till they break and then let them beat the tar out of her in hopes of getting them hooked on that feeling of power. She wants to tempt you not kill you. A is a self-preservationist, however, and will "fight or flight" when things get too hairy.


Pretty self-explanatory; A got ideas, ideas did not fly in stick-in-the-ass society, unable to be killed A was punished for ideas, was banished from Paradise for ideas, spread ideas as god, was rejected by monotheistic religions and labeled evil for ideas, did not care, still spreads ideas.

Corvina was a witch that made a bet with A and lost her soul and vessel to A as a result. A commandeered her body and began spreading its special brand of sin a new way.

Appearance- Enough of A's essence has been absorbed by the vessel to physically change and strengthen it, but not by much. The biggest gain was effective immortality.


Weapon- incredibly powerful magic

Others- Was accepted to Luxor claiming to be a Cambion.

Basic weaknesses: A's body is mostly human so it's not invincible just unnaturally durable and as a result can be hurt or destroyed. A itself can be repelled and temporarily trapped and incapacitated by a variety of seals and charms. In her current state of being essentially human and given her disposition, A can also be bribed or blackmailed with simple pleasures.
Accepted :)

[QUOTE="Olivia Acerbi]
Name- Astaroth, Astarte, Ashtoreth, Ishtar, Inanna, etc. (Body formally belonged to witch Corvina Romani) known also as Easy A, Entropy's Agent and the Humanizer.
Age- unimaginably ancient, body seems 19 or so

Gender- Body is female but A is gender-less

Being?- Demon/Fallen Angel/Pagan God/etc

Sexual orientation- Pan

Dorm or house- Dorm

Classes- doesn't know, doesn't care. Will probably just come to your class and hassle you.

Clubs- The Art of Mindless Self Indulgence



Batshit insane

An extremist advocate of free will, anarchy and social Darwinism, A wants nothing more than to take you to the edge and then give you a nudge. Fallen from grace for it's ideals, A roamed the Earth taking on various forms to promote and perpetuate war, sexuality and procreation, as well as other facets of uninhibited self-indulgence, as a God or Demon. A will actively instigate and is almost always completely impartial to the cause; A is only around as long as it's enjoyable.

Do what you want, when you want, how you want by any means necessary-kind of person and is thoroughly enjoying a newfound humanity and the pleasures of the flesh.

Normally, A won't actually fight anybody, just push their buttons till they break and then let them beat the tar out of her in hopes of getting them hooked on that feeling of power. She wants to tempt you not kill you. A is a self-preservationist, however, and will "fight or flight" when things get too hairy.


Pretty self-explanatory; A got ideas, ideas did not fly in stick-in-the-ass society, unable to be killed A was punished for ideas, was banished from Paradise for ideas, spread ideas as god, was rejected by monotheistic religions and labeled evil for ideas, did not care, still spreads ideas.

Corvina was a witch that made a bet with A and lost her soul and vessel to A as a result. A commandeered her body and began spreading its special brand of sin a new way.

Appearance- Enough of A's essence has been absorbed by the vessel to physically change and strengthen it, but not by much. The biggest gain was effective immortality.


Weapon- incredibly powerful magic

Others- Was accepted to Luxor claiming to be a Cambion.

Basic weaknesses: A's body is mostly human so it's not invincible just unnaturally durable and as a result can be hurt or destroyed. A itself can be repelled and temporarily trapped and incapacitated by a variety of seals and charms. In her current state of being essentially human and given her disposition, A can also be bribed or blackmailed with simple pleasures.

Name : Min Yoongi ( first name is Yoongi)

Age: 17


Being :

sexual orientation:
Bisexual ( leans more to men)

Dorm or house:




-Combat Class

-Monster History



clubs: swimming and soccer.

He was born and raised in South Korea. His parents owned a big business that made them travel around the world a lot. He did enjoy traveling , because of this he can speak 6 languages fluently. His parents brought him up well, he's polite and energetic but can sometimes break the rules. Despite how weak he looks he's quite strong and if anyone picks on his friends he's always up for a fight.





Others: ( His wolf form, without the wings)

Accepted ; )

JaCrispy said:
Name : Min Yoongi ( first name is Yoongi)
Age: 17


Being :

sexual orientation:
Bisexual ( leans more to men)

Dorm or house:




-Combat Class

-Monster History



clubs: swimming and soccer.

He was born and raised in South Korea. His parents owned a big business that made them travel around the world a lot. He did enjoy traveling , because of this he can speak 6 languages fluently. His parents brought him up well, he's polite and energetic but can sometimes break the rules. Despite how weak he looks he's quite strong and if anyone picks on his friends he's always up for a fight.





Others: ( His wolf form, without the wings)



Dara Wyght







Sexual orientation


Dorm or house

Girl's Dorm


Combat Class

Monster History



Magic class




Dara has bounced from foster home to foster home for most of her life. She had to keep it hidden that she was not completely human. Usually, when her foster parents stumbled upon her in one of her shifted forms, they wouldn't deal with her and she was shipped off to the next home. When Dara turned 13 though, she accidentally turned into a gryphon for the first time. Dara loved being in that form, even more than she liked to be in her fennec fox form or her house cat form, so she took a few more risks that she should have and ended up being sent off to another foster home. This one, though? This home was perfect for her. Her parents were also shapeshifters and they decided to adopt her. Fast forward 4 years and now Dara is going to Luxor Academy.



Gryphon form



See FC


Generally, Dara can be found in the library or somewhere in the Academy grounds either reading or catching some sunshine. She enjoys being in her shifted form, mainly her gryphon form but also her house cat form.

Dara does have her strengths and her weaknesses.


Very fast glider in her gryphon form

In her animal forms, she does gain the heightened senses that comes with that animal



Any injuries she sustains in any of her forms, they will move with her and be on the corresponding body part of her net shift

She does not have an accelerated healing rate

Accepted; )

Ellieroan said:


Dara Wyght







Sexual orientation


Dorm or house

Girl's Dorm


Combat Class

Monster History



Magic class




Dara has bounced from foster home to foster home for most of her life. She had to keep it hidden that she was not completely human. Usually, when her foster parents stumbled upon her in one of her shifted forms, they wouldn't deal with her and she was shipped off to the next home. When Dara turned 13 though, she accidentally turned into a gryphon for the first time. Dara loved being in that form, even more than she liked to be in her fennec fox form or her house cat form, so she took a few more risks that she should have and ended up being sent off to another foster home. This one, though? This home was perfect for her. Her parents were also shapeshifters and they decided to adopt her. Fast forward 4 years and now Dara is going to Luxor Academy.



Gryphon form



See FC


Generally, Dara can be found in the library or somewhere in the Academy grounds either reading or catching some sunshine. She enjoys being in her shifted form, mainly her gryphon form but also her house cat form.

Dara does have her strengths and her weaknesses.


Very fast glider in her gryphon form

In her animal forms, she does gain the heightened senses that comes with that animal



Any injuries she sustains in any of her forms, they will move with her and be on the corresponding body part of her net shift

She does not have an accelerated healing rate

Aurelion Sol

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/Gilgamesh.full.1531767.jpg.879a91891f24ca08b23767df96aaa20f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="149500" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/Gilgamesh.full.1531767.jpg.879a91891f24ca08b23767df96aaa20f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age :

Gender : Male

Being? : Demi Human - Demi Angel

Sexuality : Straight

Dorm or house : House

Classes : History,Maths,Science,Combats,Philosophy,Art

Clubs : Art Clubs

Bio : Aurelion Sol live a happily childhood discovering his nature after a humans and a angel made a baby : Aurelion Sol.But still,he did never say it to anyone.He is still living with his parents and have been send trough the Luxor Academy.

Weapon :


: Ea is neither a spear or a sword,it's a gift directly coming from the sky and can be draw at anytime by Aurelion.He use it only 3 times in his life after being attack by strong demons.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/2833290-ea.jpg.dbc9bb9faea5f9007ca3795f4da8bc2d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="149501" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/2833290-ea.jpg.dbc9bb9faea5f9007ca3795f4da8bc2d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Aurelion can project some weapons trough a golden gates,along with wines and golden and sharp objects.




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Accepted ; )

NickTonCutter said:
Aurelion Sol

View attachment 330223

Age :

Gender : Male

Being? : Demi Human - Demi Angel

Sexuality : Straight

Dorm or house : House

Classes : History,Maths,Science,Combats,Philosophy,Art

Clubs : Art Clubs

Bio : Aurelion Sol live a happily childhood discovering his nature after a humans and a angel made a baby : Aurelion Sol.But still,he did never say it to anyone.He is still living with his parents and have been send trough the Luxor Academy.

Weapon :


: Ea is neither a spear or a sword,it's a gift directly coming from the sky and can be draw at anytime by Aurelion.He use it only 3 times in his life after being attack by strong demons.

View attachment 330225



Aurelion can project some weapons trough a golden gates,along with wines and golden and sharp objects.

Name: Ryujin

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Being?: Oni

sexual orientation: Straight

Dorm or house: Dorm

classes: Magic

Monster Hunting

Monster History


clubs: N/A

Bio: Ryujin is the grandson of the Thunder god Rajin. When he was born his oni form was sealed away and he was put into the care of a human family. However he was always different from other kids and for that reason he never made any friends. Being the grandson of the god of thunder loud noises, vibrations and of course thunder became his happy place. At the age of 16 his oni form surfaced and he was welcomed by his grandfather into his realm. Once he learned to control his power he was sent to luxor academy to learn what it means to be an oni and then decided how he wanted to live.

Appearance: Ryujin Stands at 5'9 in human form and 7 feet tall in oni form.



Weapon: In his oni form he has four drums that follow him around and create lightning and thunder upon hitting them.

Others: He always wears a pair of headphones that act as a power dampener. If the headphones are removed he will lose control of his Oni form.
Accepted ; )

[QUOTE="Dante Verren]
Name: Ryujin
Age: 18

Gender: Male

Being?: Oni

sexual orientation: Straight

Dorm or house: Dorm

classes: Magic

Monster Hunting

Monster History


clubs: N/A

Bio: Ryujin is the grandson of the Thunder god Rajin. When he was born his oni form was sealed away and he was put into the care of a human family. However he was always different from other kids and for that reason he never made any friends. Being the grandson of the god of thunder loud noises, vibrations and of course thunder became his happy place. At the age of 16 his oni form surfaced and he was welcomed by his grandfather into his realm. Once he learned to control his power he was sent to luxor academy to learn what it means to be an oni and then decided how he wanted to live.

Appearance: Ryujin Stands at 5'9 in human form and 7 feet tall in oni form.



Weapon: In his oni form he has four drums that follow him around and create lightning and thunder upon hitting them.

Others: He always wears a pair of headphones that act as a power dampener. If the headphones are removed he will lose control of his Oni form.

Name:Raven aka Rev

Age:14 (first year student)

Gender: Female


Sexual orention: bi sexual is mostly attracted to females

Dorm or house: female dorm

Classe: math,magic,combat,art,arcane crafting,moster history,hunting tactics,magical tracking

Clubs: undecided

Bio: her past is shrouded in myst even to here she catches flashes when sh sleeps is it her past or just dreams her only link is the broken locket she wears it does not open she came to this school looking to start a life she can remember 


Other she carries the wepons of the assassins along with arcane magic and a light saber given to her by master skywalker she would rather talk then fight but will defend her self and others who she deams in need of it

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