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~*~LupinSprings~*~ Wolf Rp

Wolf Rp: Lupin Springs

The forest may seem sweet and loving but within you'll see the struggles of the two packs that live with in. One pack, the oldest, live deep inside, far away fro the hussle and bussle of the city nearby. This pack knows the forst and the dangers the Uprights(humans) cause with their death sticks(guns). But the other pack, a newly made group. Dosent know and didnt care...untill now.

The Patani pack had been sneaking into the upright dens, stealing their food and pets.So wolves have even token their dogs as mates and now have halfbreds,something the Janglo pack dislikes greatly. These wolves have to learn that the uprights are dangerous and them going into their dens will doom both packs lives.

The uprights have kill and injured many wolves from the younger pack.

The Janglo pack is safe for now but what will happen if the uprights venture farther in? Will the packs survive? or will they die? Who will live and carry on the story of the forest, the Janglo pack...or the Patani pack?

Or will there be a war between the them....? Will the uprights win or get killed by the wolves they hunt. Will there be an alliance of the three?


*) No killing others wolves without their permisson

*) No Mating with out permission

*) When talking out of character please use "()" or OOC:

*) Do NOT be rude or mean to other people,.... their wolves are fine though ;P

*) Please do NOT double post!

*)Some curseing is allowed but please dont use it EVERY fudging sentence!!!!! > :o

*) When mating or giving birth please time skip it! we dont wanna read about all that...we'll most of us dont!!!:pedobear:


Well it doesnt really have one. Janglo pack is trying to find a way to deal with their problems. The uprights invading there territory and the Patani pack stealing their youngsters. Patani pack it dealing with the uprights head on, attacking popel in there village,stealing their food and breeding with their pets. While taking in and fighting off members from Janglo pack all at the same time....and it doesnt help that a good number of Patani wolves were injuried by the uprights. Thats the story so far!

Janglo Alphas

~Alpha Balto(M)


Patani Alphas

~Alpha Conall (F)



http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/714-LupinSprings-sign-up-forms <<< please post forms here

http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/713-LupinSprings-Rules-Info-Wolfs-and-ranks?p=15912#post15912 <<<<<< Plot,Rules and ranks are here!
Conall yawned and stepped out her den. She looked around the camp and signed How many wolves will come? she wondered. After she left the stronghold of the Janglo pack she decided to make a pack of her own,the Patani pack. This pack was still pretty young, no wolf older than 3 years old. Conall howled,calling for her packmates attention.
Shasta heard the howl and woke up, he trotted over to Conall. "Yes mother?"

Rose whimpered while she dreamed of the night she had been abandoned, then she suddenly woke up. "Balto?" She asked. Balto looked down at her. "Yes?" He asked. Rose paused. "Nevermind." She said and moved onto a patch of moss.
Conall saw her little pup ans smiled,"Oh there you are Shasta!" she barked happly as she licked his head. "Do you want to go hunting?" she asked him. Shasta would have to learn all these things pretty young if he wanted to help lead this pack when he got older.
Aroura hummed happily as she gathered herbs. She was cleaned out with all of the injuries as of late. She trotted back and forth, bring the plants to the pack and heading back out again to get more. She could never have too many and enough never seemed to be enough. As she returned for the last time, she turned to see Conell and Shasta. She smiled and packed the herbs away, walking to them to see what was up.
"You'll need to know these....Oh Aroura you doing some final gatherings? Im so thankful of you being here" she said to the older wolf. She was glad they could have a wonderful wolf like her. And with those furless creatures attacking everyone the pack needed the Healer even more. She dowed her head in respect,"do you need something?" she asked kindly smiling at the she-wolf. Balto always told her to respect and listen to wolves older than her, but it could have just been and excuse to make her listen to him.
Conall smiled at the pup and stood up on all fours.Lately she hadnt had much time with him, with all the thunder stick accidents and all. She looked at the med wolf awaiting her reply. It would be rude to just leave when she was the one who called her over. ((What do you mean 'Up there'? im soo lost today :\))
Aroura smiled. "Yes." she answered, her tail swinging slowly from side to side. She bowed slightly. "And I'm happy to be here." she said with a smile. She looked at the younger wolf with warm eyes. "I don't need anything. I was just finishing up and wanted to say hello." She sat before her. "So, hello." She giggled. "I don't mean to keep you from your duties though. I'll be on my way." She smiled again and stood.
(Where the humans are... Its okay :)

Shasta looked to the ground. "Cona- I mean mother? Can you tell me something? And tell me the truth?"
Aurora walked into her den, stuffing the herbs and roots into the crevices in the wall. She dusted the ground with her tail before sitting down. Staring out through the mouth of the small cave, she began to reminisce. She remembered when the Patani pack wolves found her and took her in. Where was she from originally? How could she not know? She was too young to know, but that didn't stop her from getting upset over it. Her past was a mystery, even to her. Aurora doesn't like mysteries. She growled lowly to herself as she laid down, still staring out of her den.
Rose wondered, who am I? Do I really belong here? "Balto? You seem sad.... Is something wrong?" Balto sits upright. "Um... No." Rose cocks her head. "I know your not telling me something!" She growls. "Okay, okay." Balto sighs and pulls Rose next to him. "Long ago, before you were alive, I had a daughter named Conall." "So that's why your so good at raising me!" Rose interrupts. Balto ignores her. "Conall was very mischievous, like you. As she got older and older, she didn't care about my rules that much. Then, one day, she disobeyed me and traveled into the upright's territory, without even telling me." Balto pauses. "That night, we had a feast of bird with bananas." Balto's eyes tear up. " 'Conall' I asked her. 'Where did you get all this food?' Conall put her head down and told me that she went into the upright's territory and stole it. I got so angry with her, that I told her she was never allowed in this pack again. Her last words to me were, 'Fine! Be that way! I mine as well start a new clan and do whatever I want!' She ran out of the cave, tears streaming down her face. The last time I saw her was when, was when I adopted you. I have never seen her since." Tears slowly run down Balto's face, Rose's eyes are all watery. "I'm sorry I asked Balto." She says, ashamed.

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