LupinSprings sign up forms!!!!!!!!


New Member
The forest may seem sweet and loving but within you'll see the struggles of the two packs that live with in. One pack, the oldest, live deep inside, far away fro the hussle and bussle of the city nearby. This pack knows the forst and the dangers the Uprights(humans) cause with their death sticks(guns). But the other pack, a newly made group. Dosent know and didnt care...untill now.

The Patani pack had been sneaking into the upright dens, stealing their food and pets.So wolves have even token their dogs as mates and now have halfbreds,something the Janglo pack dislikes greatly. These wolves have to learn that the uprights are dangerous and them going into their dens will doom both packs lives.

The uprights have kill and injured many wolves from the younger pack.

The Janglo pack is safe for now but what will happen if the uprights venture farther in? Will the packs survive? or will they die? Who will live and carry on the story of the forest, the Janglo pack...or the Patani pack?

Or will there be a war between the them....? Will the uprights win or get killed by the wolves they hunt. Will there be an alliance of the three?


*) No killing others wolves without their permisson

*) No Mating with out permission

*) When talking out of character please use "()" or OOC:

*) Do NOT be rude or mean to other people,.... their wolves are fine though ;P

*) Please do NOT double post!

*)Some curseing is allowed but please dont use it EVERY fudging sentence!!!!! > :o

*) When mating or giving birth please time skip it! we dont wanna read abnout all that...we'll most of us dont!!!









LEad Hunter


Lead Warrior


Healer(max of 1 for Patani and 3 for Janglo)

~Herb Gatherers

Pup Sitters


Pup Mothers(nursing/expecting she-wolves)




~Janglo Pack only

* Patani Pack only






*Injuried?:8D:(Patani pack only)







*Former pack(if any)

*Do you believe its YOUR right to take uprights food?


*Do you or do you not Steal from them?

*If so how often?

*-NOT needed.

PS!!!!! when your are accepted ill tell you and what your rank does, if you dont already know :hello girls:

ie: Gatherers ffrom Patani pack go to the upright's dens and steal what they can. so on and so forth! :pedobear:

My Wolves!!!!!!

Name: Conall

Age: 2 1/2 years old

Rank Alpha Female

Pack Patani

*Injuried?:8D:(Patani pack only) Nope :D

Crush None

Mate None

Pups None

*Pregnant? NOPE!

History Used to be in Janlgo Pack. Daughter of the Alpha(if thats okay with them xD if not ill change it just ask :P ) but was getting tired of the old life and decided to start a pack of her won with younger wolves.

Personality- Shes strong but gets embrassased easly. She doesnt play to fall in love with another one. And its her hope to stay mateless for a good while so she focuses only on the pack.She ssmart and kind aswell but isnt the type to let things go if you cross her and she WILL use her pack against you if she has to. Loves pups but isnt ready to have some of her own.

*Former pack(if any) Janglo

*Do you believe its YOUR right to take uprights food? Not really but.....

*Why? i believe this was the WOLVES forest first and what ever is in their forest is theirs!!! so this uprights are stealing their food and we are just taking it back >:[

*Do you or do you not Steal from them? Only when needed!

*If so how often? When ever i think the pack needs extra food. and If the pups/yearlings need some trianing in Gatherings.


Name: Balto

Age: 7 1/4 (that's a lot in dog/wolf years)

Rank: Alpha male

Pack: Janglo

Pups: Conall and two step-pups: Rose and Shasta

History: You'll know sooner or later

Personality: kind, very protective


Name: Rose

Age: 1 month

Rank: pup


History: Was abandoned with her twin brother, Shasta by the uprights and adopted by Balto

Personality: sweet, adventurous


Name: Shasta

Age: 1 month

Rank: pup

Pack: Patani

(Patani pack only): Nope

History: Was abandoned with his twin sister, Rose by the uprights and Conell adopted him (if thats okay)

Personality: sweet, adventurous

*Do you believe its YOUR right to take uprights food?: I don't know

*Why?: Because I'm to young

*Do you or do you not Steal from them? No


Name: Aroura

Age: 3 years

Rank: Healer

Pack: Patani

(Patani pack only) Nope

Crush: None

Mate: None

Pups: None

*Pregnant? Nope

History: Aroura's parents were killed when she was just a pup. She managed to survive until members of the Patani pack found her and picked her up. She has been living with them ever since and even she doesn't know from which pack she is originally from. She showed great promise in healing and so was named healer.

Personality: Aroura is quiet and timid for the most part. She has a mean streak though, and if you mess with her when she's angry, you'll pay for it.

*Former pack(if any): She doesn't know.

*Do you believe its YOUR right to take uprights food?: She believes in this right, but rarely ever does.

*Why?: Because the uprights take from the wolves

*Do you or do you not Steal from them?: Yes

*If so how often?: Rarely

Looks: Aroura's fur is of a soft bluish-grey. She has warm brown eyes and a black nose specked with pink. Her chest fur is white and she has white fur at the end of her tail as well.

Accepted!! :D As a healer...well you know what do to xD

BUT unlike the Janglo pack you dont have Herb Gathers to help you out in finding and collecting the needed herbs and plants for healings. You'll have to do this on your own or find a pup or yearling to do it for ya! :3

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