Lunar’s Clobber


No not that sort of clobber.

When Lunars shape shift, their items go into Elsewhere. But does regal outfit worn on my True Human form appear on my human shaped forms? Or does the outfit of each shape have its own items?

I am assuming when you go into Warbeast your clothes shred? Or do they go into Elsewhere?
I vote which ever is more cenematic. But generally they go else where. This is generally because I think White Wolf wanted to get rid of 'dedicating' things. Like in werewolf. Your clothes would shred unless they were dedicated, and if they were dedicated they would go elsewhere while you were in Crinos. Lunars just make it easy and say basically anything that was on your body that can't change with you goes elsewhere.
When you change into a shape that can't wear your clothes, they go Elsewhere. There's some confusion on how this applies to war forms; some say your clothes disappear, some that they get larger to match the new shape. Otherwise they stay on. But if you're in a shape that's not one of your own (your true forms), you can use the Changing Plumage Mastery knack to change your clothes, hair and colouration.
I'd say that:

1) When shifting to a human form, you keep all your clothing and accoutrements

2) When shifting to an animal form, everything goes Elsewhere unless specifically intended not to (a moonsilver collar, for example)

3) When shifting to DBT treat as #2, except in PG-rated campaigns simple clothing (like loincloths) may adjust to size. Moonsilver armor and artifacts always resize.

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